Changeset - r26951:03c58e615b3d
[Not reviewed]
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translators - 18 months ago 2023-03-04 18:44:24
Update: Translations from eints
finnish: 2 changes by hpiirai
catalan: 2 changes by J0anJosep
64 files changed with 132 insertions and 0 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -4729,12 +4729,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED        
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Kan nie opdraglys deel nie...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Kan nie opdraglys ophou deel nie......
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Kan nie opdrag lys kopie nie...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... te ver van vorige bestemming
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... vliegtuig kan nie so ver vlieg nie

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Kan nie voertuig 'n rooster gee nie...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Voertuie kan slegs by stasies wag
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Die voertuig stop nie by hierdie stasie nie.

# Sign related errors
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@@ -4424,12 +4424,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}العربة المشتركة لا تستطيع الوصول للمحطة
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}لا يمكن مشاركة قائمة الأوامر
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}لايمكن ايقاف امر المشاركة بالاوامر ...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}لا يمكن نسخ قائمة الأوامر
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}بعيد جدا من محطة/علامة الوصول السابقة
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... الطائرات ليس لها مدى كاف

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}لا يمكن جدولة العربة ...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}يمكن للعربات الانتظار في المحطات فقط.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}هذه العربة لا تتوقف في هذه المحطة.

# Sign related errors
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@@ -4462,12 +4462,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED        
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Ezin da agindu zerrenda konpartitu...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Ezin da gelditu aginduen zerrenda konpartitzen...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Ezin da agindu zerrenda kopiatu...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... aurreko helmugatik urrutiegi
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... hegazkinaren irismen eremutik kanpo

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Ezin da ibilgailuren ordutegia egin...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Ibilgailuek bakarrik geltokietan itxaron dezakete
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Ibilgailua ez da geltoki honetan gelditzen ari

# Sign related errors
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@@ -5081,12 +5081,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... ТС з агульным заданьнем ня можа дасягнуць гэтай станцыі
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Немагчыма выкарыстоўваць агульны сьпіс заданьняў
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Немагчыма стварыць індывідуальны сьпіс заданьняў...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Немагчыма скапіяаваць сьпіс заданьняў
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... занадта далёка ад папярэдняй кропкі
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... Паветранаму судну не хапае далёкасьцi

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Не атрымалася скласьці расклад руху...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Транспарт можа чакаць толькі на станцыі.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Гэты транспарт не спыняецца на гэтай станцыі.

# Sign related errors
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@@ -5081,12 +5081,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... nem todos os veículos estão compartilhando ordens
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Impossível compartilhar a lista de ordens...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Impossível compartilhar lista de ordens...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Impossível copiar a lista de ordens...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... muito distante do destino anterior
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... aeronave não tem alcance o bastante

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Impossível programar veículo...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Veículos só podem aguardar em estações
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Esse veículo não pára nesta estação

# Sign related errors
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@@ -4548,12 +4548,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... превозното средство споделящо заявката не може да достигне тази станция
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Не може да се споделя списъка със задачи...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Не може да се спре споделянето на назначенията
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Не може да се копира списъка от задачи...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... прекалено далече от предходната цел
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... самолета няма достатъчен обхват

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Не може да добави разписание на превозно средство...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Превозни средства могат да чакат само на гари.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Това превозно средство не спира на тази гара.

# Sign related errors
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STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_CHAT_SPECTATOR_TOOLTIP                  :{BLACK}Envieu un missatge a tots els espectadors.
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_SPECTATORS                              :Espectadors
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_NEW_COMPANY                             :(Companyia nova)
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_NEW_COMPANY_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Crea una companyia nova i uniu-vos.
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_PLAYER_ICON_HOST_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}Aquest és l'hoste de la partida.
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_CLIENT_COMPANY_COUNT                    :{BLACK}{NUM} client{P "" s} - {NUM}/{NUM} companyi{P a es}
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_CLIENT_COMPANY_COUNT_TOOLTIP            :{BLACK}El nombre de clients connectats actualment, el nombre de companyies i el nombre màxim de companyies permeses per l'administrador del servidor.

# Matches ConnectionType
###length 5
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_SERVER_CONNECTION_TYPE_ISOLATED         :{RED}Els jugadors remots no es poden connectar.
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}No es pot compartir la llista d'ordres...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}No es pot deixar de compartir la llista d'ordres...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}No es pot copiar la llista d'ordres...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... massa lluny del destí previ
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... l'avió no té prou autonomia

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Impossible establir l'horari del vehicle...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Els vehicles només poden esperar a les estacions
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Aquest vehicle no para en aquesta estació

# Sign related errors
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@@ -1705,12 +1705,14 @@ STR_ERROR_OBJECT_IN_THE_WAY                                     :{WHITE}Ҫул ҫинче чару



# Order related errors


# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors

# Sign related errors

# Translatable comment for OpenTTD's desktop shortcut
###external 1
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@@ -4917,12 +4917,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... vozilo koje dijeli ovu naredbu ne može doći do te postaje
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Nije moguće dijeliti popis naredbi...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Nemoguće prekinuti dijeljenje liste naredbi...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Nije moguće kopirati popis naredbi...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... predaleko od prethodnog odredišta
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... avion nema dovoljni domet

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Nije moguće zadati vozni red za vozilo...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Vozila mogu čekati samo na postajama.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Ovo vozilo se ne zaustavlja na ovoj postaji.

# Sign related errors
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@@ -5183,12 +5183,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... ne všechna vozidla sdílí příkazy
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Nelze sdílet seznam příkazů...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Nelze zastavit sdílení seznamu příkazů...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Nelze kopírovat seznam příkazů...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... příliš daleko od předcházejícího cíle
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... letadlo nemá dostatečný dolet

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Tomuto vozidlu nejde nastavit jízdní řád...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Vozidla mohou čekat jen ve stanicích
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Toto vozidlo v této stanici nestaví

# Sign related errors
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@@ -4989,12 +4989,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... et køretøj, der deler denne ordre, kan ikke køre til den station
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Kan ikke dele ordreliste...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Kan ikke ophøre med at dele ordrer-liste...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Kan ikke kopiere ordreliste...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... for langt fra forrige destination
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... fly har ikke nok rækkevidde

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Kan ikke lave køreplan for transportmiddel...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Transportmidler kan kun vente ved stationer.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Dette transportmiddel stopper ikke ved denne station.

# Sign related errors
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STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Kan orderlijst niet delen...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Kan niet stoppen met delen van orderlijst...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Kan orderlijst niet kopiëren...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... te ver van vorige bestemming
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... vliegtuig heeft niet genoeg bereik

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Kan geen dienstregeling opzetten voor dit voertuig...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Voertuigen kunnen alleen wachten op stations
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Dit voertuig stopt niet op dit station

# Sign related errors
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STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Can't share order list...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Can't stop sharing order list...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Can't copy order list...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... too far from previous destination
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... aircraft has not enough range

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Can't timetable vehicle...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Vehicles can only wait at stations
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}This vehicle is not stopping at this station

# Sign related errors
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STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Can't share order list...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Can't stop sharing order list...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Can't copy order list...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... too far from previous destination
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... aircraft has not enough range

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Can't timetable vehicle...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Vehicles can only wait at stations
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}This vehicle is not stopping at this station

# Sign related errors
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@@ -3967,12 +3967,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... veturilo kunhavanta ĉi tiun ordonon ne povas iri al tiu stacio
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Ne povas kunhavigi ordonliston...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Ne povas halti kunhavante ordonan registron...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Ne povas kopii ordonliston...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... tro for de la antaŭa destino
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... aviadilon ne havas sufiĉe da atingopovo

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Ne povas fari katalogon por veturilo...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Veturiloj povas atendi nur ĉe stacioj.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Ĉi tiu veturilo ne haltos ĉe tiu ĉi stacio.

# Sign related errors
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@@ -5138,12 +5138,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... mitte kõik sõidukid ei jaga korraldusi
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Sihtpunktide nimekirja ei saa jagada...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Korralduste jagamist ei saa peatada...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Sihtpunktide nimekirja ei saa kopeerida...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... liiga kaugel eelmisest sihtpunktist
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... ebapiisav õhusõiduki lennuulatus

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Sõidukile ei saa graafikut määrata...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Sõidukid saavad ainult peatustes oodata
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}See sõiduk ei peatu selles jaamas

# Sign related errors
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@@ -4111,12 +4111,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... eitt akfar ið deilur hesi boðini kann ikki fara til hasa støðina
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Kann ikki deila boðslista...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Kann ikki steðga við at deila boðslista...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Kann ikki avrita boðslista...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... ov langt frá fyrra staði
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... flogfarið røkkur ikki

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Kann ikki gera tíðarætlan fyri akfrar...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Akfør kunnu bara bíða við støðir
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Hetta akfar steðgar ikki á hesi støðini

# Sign related errors
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@@ -2355,12 +2355,14 @@ STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_CHAT_COMPANY_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Lähetä viesti kaikille tämän yhtiön pelaajille
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_CHAT_SPECTATOR_TOOLTIP                  :{BLACK}Lähetä viesti kaikille katsojille
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_SPECTATORS                              :Katsojat
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_NEW_COMPANY                             :(Uusi yhtiö)
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_NEW_COMPANY_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Perusta uusi yhtiö ja liity siihen
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_PLAYER_ICON_HOST_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}Tämä on pelin ylläpitäjä
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_CLIENT_COMPANY_COUNT                    :{BLACK}{NUM} pelaaja{P "" a} – {NUM}/{NUM} yhtiö{P "" tä}
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_CLIENT_COMPANY_COUNT_TOOLTIP            :{BLACK}Tällä hetkellä kytkeytyneiden asiakkaiden määrä, yhtiöiden määrä sekä palvelimen ylläpitäjän sallima yhtiöiden enimmäismäärä

# Matches ConnectionType
###length 5
STR_NETWORK_CLIENT_LIST_SERVER_CONNECTION_TYPE_ISOLATED         :{RED}Etäpelaajat eivät voi ottaa yhteyttä
@@ -5080,12 +5082,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}… kaikki kulkuneuvot eivät jaa käskyjä
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Käskyjä ei voida jakaa...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Käskyjen jakamista ei voida lopettaa...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Käskyjä ei voida kopioida...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... liian kaukana edellisestä määränpäästä
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... ilma-aluksen toimintasäde ei riitä

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Ei voi asettaa aikataulua.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Kulkuneuvo voi odottaa vain asemalla
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Tämä kulkuneuvo ei pysähdy tällä asemalla

# Sign related errors
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@@ -5081,12 +5081,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... les véhicules ne partagent pas tous les ordres
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Impossible de partager les ordres...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Impossible d'arrêter le partage des ordres...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Impossible de copier les ordres...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... trop loin de la destination précédente
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... l'aéronef n'a pas un rayon d'action suffisant

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Impossible d'affecter un horaire au véhicule...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Les véhicules ne peuvent attendre qu'aux stations
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Ce véhicule ne s'arrête pas à cette station

# Sign related errors
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@@ -4296,12 +4296,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED        
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Kin bestimmingen net diele
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Kin net stopje my dielde bestimmingen
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Kin bestimming net oernimme
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... te fier fan lêste bestimming
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... fleantúch hat in te lege aksjeradius

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Kin gjin tsjinst meitsje
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Auto's kinne allinech op stations wachtsje
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Disse auto kin net stoppe op dit stasjon

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -4864,12 +4864,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... chan urrainn dha charbad a cho-roinneas na h-òrduighean seo dol dhan stèisean ud
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Cha ghabh liosta nan òrduighean co-roinneadh...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Chan urrainn dhut sgur dhe liosta nan òrduighean seo a cho-roinneadh...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Cha ghabh lethbhreac dèanamh dhe liosta nan òrduighean...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... ro fhad air falbh on cheann-uidhe roimhe
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... chan eil rainse gu leòr aig a' charbad-adhair

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Cha ghabh clàr-ama toirt dhan charbad...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Chan urrainn dha charbad feitheamh ach aig stèisean
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Chan eil an carbad seo a' stad aig an stèisean seo

# Sign related errors
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@@ -5081,12 +5081,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... non todos os vehículos están compartindo ordes
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Non se pode comparti-la lista de ordes...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Non se pode parar de compartir a lista de ordes...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Non se pode copia-la lista de ordes...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... demasiado lonxe do destino anterior
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... o avión non ten autonomía suficiente

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Non se pode axusta-lo horario do vehículo...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Os vehículos só poden parar nas estacións
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Este vehículo non para nesta estación

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5071,12 +5071,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... es teilen sich nicht alle Fahrzeuge die Aufträge
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Fehler beim Erstellen eines gemeinsam genutzten Fahrplans ...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Gemeinsame Aufträge können nicht aufgehoben werden...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Fahrplan kann nicht kopiert werden ...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... zu weit vom vorherigen Bestimmungsort entfernt
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... Luftfahrzeug hat zu geringe Reichweite

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Fahrplan kann nicht erstellt werden ...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Fahrzeuge halten nur an Stationen
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Das Fahrzeug hält nicht an dieser Station

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5182,12 +5182,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... δε μοιράζουν διαταγές όλα τα οχήματα
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Αδύνατο να μοιραστεί η λίστα εντολών...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Δεν μπορεί να σταματήσει να μοιράζεται η λίστα εντολών...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Αδύνατο να αντιγραφεί η λίστα εντολών...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... πολύ μακριά από τον προηγούμενο προορισμό
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... δεν επαρκεί η εμβέλεια του αεροσκάφους

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Δεν μπορεί να δρομολογηθεί το όχημα...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Τα οχήματα μπορούν να περιμένουν μόνο στους σταθμούς
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Αυτό το όχημα δεν σταματάει σε αυτόν τον σταθμό

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -4775,12 +4775,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... כלי רכב בעל ההוראה הזו לא יכול להגיע לתחנה זו
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}לא ניתן לשתף יעדים...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}לא ניתן להפסיק לשתף רשימת פקודות...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}לא ניתן להעתיק רשימת יעדים...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... רחוק מידי מהיעד הקודם
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... למטוס אין טווח גדול מספיק

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}לא ניתן ליצור לוח זמנים עבור רכב זה...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}כלי רכב יכולים להמתין בתחנות בלבד
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}כלי הרכב אינו עוצר בתחנה זו

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -1381,12 +1381,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SELL_TRAIN                                      :{WHITE}रेल वाहन नहीं बेच सकते...


# Order related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_SHARE_ORDER                                :{WHITE}... वाहन सभी स्टेशनों तक नहीं जा सकता


# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors

# Sign related errors

# Translatable comment for OpenTTD's desktop shortcut
###external 1
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@@ -5134,12 +5134,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... nem minden jármű osztja meg az utasításlistáját
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Nem lehet megosztani a menetrendet...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Nem lehet befejezni a menetrend megosztását...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Nem lehet másolni a menetrendet...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... túl távol van az előző céltól
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... a repülőgépnek kicsi a hatótávolsága

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}A jármű nem időzíthető
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}A járművek csak az állomáson várakozhatnak
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Ez a jármű nem áll meg ezen az állomáson

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -4346,12 +4346,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... farartæki sem deilir þessum skipunum getur ekki farið á þessa stöð
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Get ekki deilt skipana lista...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Get ekki hætt að deila skipun...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Get ekki afritað skipana lista...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... of langt frá fyrri stað
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... flugvél hefur ekki næga drægni

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Get ekki gert áætlun farartækis...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Farartæki getur aðeins beðið við stöð
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Þetta farartæki mun ekki stoppa við þessa stöð

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -1579,12 +1579,14 @@ STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_VEHICLES_IN_GAME     



# Order related errors


# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors

# Sign related errors

# Translatable comment for OpenTTD's desktop shortcut
###external 1
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STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Tidak dapat berbagi perintah...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Tidak dapat menghentikan pembagian daftar perintah...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Tidak dapat meniru perintah...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... terlalu jauh dari tujuan sebelumnya
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... pesawat tidak dapat menjangkau

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Tidak dapat membuat jadwal keberangkatan kendaraan...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Kendaran hanya dapat menunggu di stasiun
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Kendaraan tidak berhenti pada stasiun ini

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -4979,12 +4979,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... ní féidir le feithicil a bhfuil an t-ordú seo á chomhroinnt aige dul chuig an stáisiún sin
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Ní féidir liosta orduithe a chomhroinnt...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Ní féidir comhroinnt liosta na n-orduithe a stopadh...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Ní féidir liosta orduithe a chóipeáil...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... rófhada ón gceann scríbe roimhe seo
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... níl raon fada go leor ag an aerárthach

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Ní féidir amchlár a thabhairt d'fheithicil...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Ní féidir le feithiclí fanacht ach ag stáisiúin.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Níl an fheithicil seo ag stopadh ag an stáisiún seo.

# Sign related errors
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STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Impossibile condividere la lista degli ordini...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Impossibile terminare la condivisione degli ordini...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Impossibile copiare la lista degli ordini...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... troppo lontano dalla destinazione precedente
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... l'aeromobile non ha sufficiente autonomia

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Impossibile dare un orario al veicolo...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}I veicoli possono attendere solo alle stazioni
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Il veicolo non ferma a questa stazione

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5032,12 +5032,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... すべての車両の指令が共有されていません
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}指令リストを共有できません
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}指令リストの共有を解除できません
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}指令リストをコピーできません
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}前の目的地から遠すぎます
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}航続距離が足りません

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}この輸送機器にダイヤを設定できません
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}輸送機器は停留施設でのみ待機できます
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}この輸送機器はこの停留施設には停まれません

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5081,12 +5081,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... 경로를 공유하지 않은 차량이 하나 이상 있습니다
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}경로를 공유할 수 없습니다...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}경로 공유를 중단할 수 없습니다...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}경로를 복사할 수 없습니다...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... 이전 목적지에서 너무 멀리 떨어져 있습니다
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... 항공기의 항속거리가 충분하지 않습니다.

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}차량의 시간표를 정할 수 없습니다...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}차량은 정거장에서만 기다릴 수 있습니다
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}이 차량은 이 정거장에 서지 않습니다

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -4857,12 +4857,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED        
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Non licet iussa communicare...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Non licet desinere communicationem iussorum...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Non licet iussa transcribere...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... nimis procul a destinato priore
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... aeroplano non est satis distantia volatus

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Non licet vehiculo dare horarium...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Vehicula modo in stationibus possunt manere
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Vehiculum non consistit huic stationi

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5087,12 +5087,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... ne visi transportlīdzekļi koplieto pasūtījumus
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Nevar koplietot rīkojumu sarakstu...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Nevar pārtraukt koplietot rīkojumus...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Nevar kopēt rīkojumu sarakstu...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... pārāk tālu no iepriekšējā galamērķa
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... lidaparātam ir nepietiekams apgabals

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Nevar panākt transportalīdzekļa iekļaušanos sarakstā
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Transportlīdzekļus var gaidīt tikai stacijās
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Šis transportlīdzeklis šajā stacijā nepieturēs

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5279,12 +5279,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... ne visos transporto priemonės dalijasi užsakymais
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Užduočių sąrašu dalintis negalima...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Negalima nebesidalinti užduotimis...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Užduočių sąrašo kopijuoti negalima...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... per toli buvusio kelionės tikslo
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... lėktuvui paskirties vieta yra per toli

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Neįmanoma sudaryti grafiko...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Transporto priemonė gali laukti tik stotelėse.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Ši transporto priemonė nestoja šioje stotyje.

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5080,12 +5080,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... net all Gefierer deelen Opträg
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Kann d'Optragslëscht net deelen...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Kann d'Deelen vun der Optragslëscht net stoppen...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Kann d'Optragslëscht net kopéieren...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... ze wäit ewech vu leschter Destinatioun
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... Fliger huet net genuch Distanz

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Kann dem Gefier keen Zäitplang ginn...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Gefierer kënnen nëmmen op Statiounen halen.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Dëst Gefier bleift net op dëser Statioun stoën.

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -2126,12 +2126,14 @@ STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_IS_IN_FLIGHT                                 :{WHITE}Авионот е во лет

# Order related errors

STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... премногу далеку од претходните дестинација
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... воздухопловот не е доволно опсег

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors

# Sign related errors

# Translatable comment for OpenTTD's desktop shortcut
###external 1
Show inline comments
@@ -4252,12 +4252,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED        
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Senarai arahan tidak boleh dikongsi...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Tidak dapat dihentikan senarai arahan perkongsian
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Senarai arahan tidak boleh disalin...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... terlalu jauh dari destinasi sebelumnya
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... pesawat tidak memiliki jarak mencukupi

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Kenderaan tidak boleh dijadualkan...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Kenderaan hanya boleh menunggu di stesen
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Kenderaan ini tidak akan berhenti di stesen berikut

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -1455,12 +1455,14 @@ STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ORDERS               
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_DELETE_THIS_ORDER                               :{WHITE}Ma tistax tneħħi din l-ordni...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_MODIFY_THIS_ORDER                               :{WHITE}Ma tistax tbiddel din l-ordni...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_MOVE_THIS_ORDER                                 :{WHITE}Ma tistax iċċaqlaq din l-ordni...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SKIP_ORDER                                      :{WHITE}Ma tistax taqbeż din l-ordni...


# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors

# Sign related errors

# Translatable comment for OpenTTD's desktop shortcut
###external 1
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@@ -1871,12 +1871,14 @@ STR_ERROR_BRIDGE_THROUGH_MAP_BORDER                             :{WHITE}पूल नकाशाबाहेर जाईल.



# Order related errors


# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors

# Sign related errors

# Translatable comment for OpenTTD's desktop shortcut
###external 1
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@@ -5001,12 +5001,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... et kjøretøy som deler denne ordren kan ikke gå til den stasjonen
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Kan ikke dele ordreliste...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Kan ikke stoppe deling av ordreliste...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Kan ikke kopiere ordreliste...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}...{NBSP}for langt i fra forrige destinasjon
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... luftfartøy har ikke stor nok rekkevidde

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Kan ikke gi kjøretøyet rutetabell...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Kjøretøy kan bare vente på stasjoner
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Dette kjøretøyet stopper ikke på denne stasjonen.

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -4488,12 +4488,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... eit køyretøy som delar denne ordra kan ikkje gå til den stasjonen
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Kan ikkje dele ordreliste...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Kan ikkje stoppe deling av ordrar...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Kan ikkje kopiere ordreliste...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... for langt borte frå førre destinasjon
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... luftfartyg har ikkje nok rekkevidde

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Kan ikkje lage rutetabell for køyretøyet...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Køyretøy kan kun venta på stasjonar
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Dette køyretøyet stoppar ikkje på denne stasjonen

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -3788,12 +3788,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... وسیله ای که این سفارش را به اشتراک گذاشته نمی تواند به ایستگاه مورد نظر برود
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}نمی شود لیست سفارشات را به اشتراک گذاشت...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}نمی شود لیست سفارشات را از اشتراک خارج کرد...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}نمی توان برنامه حرکت را کپی کرد...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}از هدف قبلی بسیار دور است...
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... هواپیما برد کافی ندارد

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}نمی شود مدیریت زمانی وسیله را تغییر داد...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}وسایل نقلیه فقط در ایستگاه می توانند منتظر بمانند
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}این وسیله نقلیه در این ایستگاه توقف نمی کند

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5468,12 +5468,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... nie wszystkie pojazdy współdzielą polecenia
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Nie można współdzielić listy poleceń...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Nie można zaprzestać współdzielenia listy poleceń...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Nie można skopiować listy poleceń...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... zbyt daleko od poprzedniego celu
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... samolot nie ma wystarczającego zasięgu

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Nie można wyznaczyć rozkładu jazdy pojazdu...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Pojazdy mogą czekać tylko na stacjach
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Ten pojazd nie zatrzymuje się na tej stacji.

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5083,12 +5083,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... nem todos os veículos estão a partilhar ordens
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Não é possível partilhar a lista de ordens...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Impossível parar de partilhar a lista de ordens...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Não é possível copiar a lista de ordens...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... muito distante do destino anterior
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... o avião não tem alcance suficiente

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Impossível programar veículo...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Veículos apenas podem esperar em estações.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Este veículo não pára nesta estação.

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5080,12 +5080,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... nu toate vehiculele împart comenzi
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Nu se poate trece la comenzi sincronizate...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Nu pot opri sincronizarea listei de comenzi...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Nu pot copia lista de comenzi...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... prea departe de destinaţia precedentă
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... avionul nu are o rază de acțiune suficientă

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Nu pot programa vehiculul...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Vehiculele pot aştepta numai în staţii
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Acest vehicul nu are oprire în această staţie

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5269,12 +5269,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... не у всех ТС одинаковый общий маршрут
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Невозможно использовать общий маршрут...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Невозможно создать индивидуальный маршрут...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Невозможно скопировать маршрут...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... слишком далеко от предыдущей точки
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... дальность полёта воздушного судна недостаточна

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Не удалось составить график движения для этого транспорта...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Транспорт может ждать только на станции
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Это транспортное средство не останавливается на этой станции

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Lista naredbi se ne može deliti...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Deljenje naredbi se ne može prekinuti...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Lista naredbi se ne može kopirati...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... previše udaljeno od prethodne destinacije
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... letelica nema dovoljan domet

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Raspored se ne može dodeliti vozilu...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Vozila mogu čekati samo na stanicama
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Ovo vozilo ne staje na tu stanicu

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5078,12 +5078,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}...并不是所有的车辆都有相同的指令
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}不能共享调度计划……
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}不能停止共享调度计划……
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}不能复制调度计划……
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... 飞机航行距离不足

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}不能给车辆编制时间表…
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}车辆只能在站内等候。
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}此车辆将不停靠本站。

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5148,12 +5148,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... nie všetky vozidlá zdieľajú príkazy
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Nemožno zdieľať zoznam príkazov ...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Nie je možné prestať zdieľať zoznam príkazov...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Nemožno kopírovať zoznam príkazov ...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... príliš ďaleko z predchádzajúceho cieľa
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... lietadlo nemá dostatočný dosah

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Vozidlu nie je možné zadať cestovný poriadok ...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Vozidlá možu cakat len v staniciach.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Toto vozidlo nezastavuje v tejto stanici.

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -4746,12 +4746,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED        
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Ni mogoče deliti navodil...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Ni mogoče prenehati deljenja ukazov...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Ni mogoče skopirati urnika...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... predaleč od prejšnjega cilja
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... letalo nima dovolj dometa

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Ni mogoče določiti časa vozilu...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Vozila lahko čakajo le na postajah
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}To vozilo se ne ustavlja na tej postaji

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5077,12 +5077,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... no todos los vehículos comparten las órdenes
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}No se puede compartir lista de órdenes...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}No se puede dejar de compartir lista de órdenes...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}No se puede copiar lista de órdenes...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... demasiado lejos del destino anterior
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... la aeronave no tiene suficiente alcance

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}No se puede asignar horario al vehículo...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Los vehículos sólo pueden esperar en estaciones
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Este vehículo no se detendrá en esta estación

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5078,12 +5078,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... no todos los vehículos comparten los recorridos
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}No se puede compartir la lista de recorridos...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}No se puede dejar de compartir la lista de recorridos...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}No se puede copiar la lista de recorridos...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... demasiado lejos del destino anterior
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... la aeronave no tiene suficiente alcance

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}No se pueden asignar itinerarios al vehículo...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Los vehículos solo pueden esperar en estaciones
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Este vehículo no se detendrá en esta estación

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Kan inte dela orderlistan...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Kan inte sluta dela orderlistan...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Kan inte kopiera orderlistan...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... för långt från föregående destination
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... flygplanet har inte tillräcklig räckvidd

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Kan inte lägga till fordonet i en tidtabell...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Fordon kan enbart vänta vid stationer
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Detta fordon stannar inte vid denna station

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -4563,12 +4563,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... இந்த கட்டளையை பகிர்ந்துகொள்ளும் வாகனம் அந்த நிறுத்தத்திற்கு செல்ல இயலாது
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}இந்த கட்டளைப் பட்டியலை பகிர முடியாது...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}கட்டளைப் பட்டியலினை பகிர்வதை நிறுத்த இயலாது...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}கட்டளைப் பட்டியலை பிரதி செய்ய இயலாது...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... முந்தைய இடத்திலிருந்து நெடுந்தூரம் உள்ளது
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... விமானத்தால் அதிக தூரம் பறக்க இயலாது

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}வாகனத்தை கால அட்டவணை செய்ய இயலாது...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}வாகனங்கள் நிலையங்களில் மட்டுமே காத்திருக்க முடியும்
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}இந்த வாகனம் இந்த இரயில் நிலையத்தில் நிற்கவில்லை

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -4706,12 +4706,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED                                :{WHITE}... ยานพาหนะใช้คำสั่งเหมือนกับยานพาหานะนี้ไม่สามารถไปยังสถานีบางสถานีได้
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}ไม่สามารถใช้รายการสถานที่ร่วมกันได้
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}ไม่สามารถหยุดการ Share คำสั่งในรายการ
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}ไม่สามารถคัดลอกรายการสถานที่ได้
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... ไกลจากจุดก่อนหน้านี้มากเกินไป
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... อากาศยานมีพิสัยการบินไม่พอ

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}ไม่สามารถจัดตารางเวลาให้ยานพาหนะนี้ได้...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}พาหนะสามารถหยุดรอได้เฉพาะที่สถานี
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}พาหนะนี้ไม่สามารถหยุดที่่่่สถานีนี้ได้

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5080,12 +5080,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}...車輛並非全部使用同一共享指令
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}無法共享指令清單...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}無法停止共享指令清單...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}無法複製指令清單...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... 與上個目的地相距太遠
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... 飛機的飛行範圍不足

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}無法為車輛加入時刻表...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}車輛只能在車站停靠等候
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}此車輛不會停靠此站

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5083,12 +5083,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... tüm araçlar aynı talimatları paylaşmıyor
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Talimat listesi paylasilamiyor...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Paylaşılan talimat listesini durduramazsınız...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Talimat listesi kopyalanamiyor...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... önceki hedeften çok uzak
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... uçağın menzili yeterli değil

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Aracın zaman çizelgesi oluşturulamıyor...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Araçlar sadece istasyonlarda bekleyebilir
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Araç bu istasyonda durmuyor

# Sign related errors
Show inline comments
@@ -5203,12 +5203,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :WHITE}... не увесь транспорт має спільні завдання
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Неможливо розділити список завдань...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Неможливо відмінити спільні накази...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Неможливо скопіювати список завдань...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... занадто далеко від попереднього пункту призначення
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... літак не може летіти так далеко

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Не можна встановити розклад для транспорту...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Транспорт може чекати тільки на станціях
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Цей транспорт не зупиняється на цій станції.

# Sign related errors
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@@ -2908,12 +2908,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_CHANGE_SERVICING                                :{WHITE}مرمت کا دورانیہ تبدیل نہین کرسکتے


# Order related errors

STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE} ۔ ۔ ۔ ہوائی جہاز کی اتنی پہنچ نہیں ہے

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors

# Sign related errors

# Translatable comment for OpenTTD's desktop shortcut
###external 1
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@@ -5082,12 +5082,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_VEHICLE_LIST                        :{WHITE}... không phải tất cả phương tiện đang chia sẻ lộ trình
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Không thể chia sẻ lộ trình...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Không thể dừng chia sẻ danh sách lịch trình...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Không thể copy lộ trình...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... quá xa điểm lộ trình kế trước
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... máy bay không đủ tầm xa

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Không thể lập lịch trình cho phương tiện...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Phương tiện chỉ có thể chờ ở nhà ga, bến, cảng.
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Phương tiện này không dừng lại tại ga, bến này theo lộ trình.

# Sign related errors
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@@ -4614,12 +4614,14 @@ STR_ERROR_CAN_T_ADD_ORDER_SHARED        
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_SHARE_ORDER_LIST                                :{WHITE}Does dim modd rhannu'r rhestr gorchmynion...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_STOP_SHARING_ORDER_LIST                         :{WHITE}Methu rhoi'r gorau i rannu rhestr gorchmynion...
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_COPY_ORDER_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Does dim modd copïo'r rhestr gorchmynion...
STR_ERROR_TOO_FAR_FROM_PREVIOUS_DESTINATION                     :{WHITE}... rhy bell o'r gyrchfan flaenorol
STR_ERROR_AIRCRAFT_NOT_ENOUGH_RANGE                             :{WHITE}... nid yw o fewn cyrraedd yr awyren

# Extra messages which go on the third line of errors, explaining why orders failed

# Timetable related errors
STR_ERROR_CAN_T_TIMETABLE_VEHICLE                               :{WHITE}Methu amserlennu cerbyd...
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_ONLY_WAIT_AT_STATIONS                       :{WHITE}Dim ond mewn gorsafoedd y gall cerbydau aros
STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STOPPING_HERE                           :{WHITE}Nid yw'r cerbyd hwn yn galw yn yr orsaf hon

# Sign related errors
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