* DirectX 8.1 SDK (http://neuron.tuke.sk/~mizanin/eng/Dx81sdk-include-lib.rar) (or alternatively the latest DirectX SDK from Microsoft)
* The February 2003 Microsoft Platform SDK (http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/XPSP2FULLInstall.htm) (newer SDK's do not work with MSVC6)
* afxres.h (http://www-d0.fnal.gov/d0dist/dist/packages/d0ve/devel/windows/AFXRES.H) (maybe you not need this)
...and of course the newest source from svn://svn.openttd.com/trunk
(The alpha version of the new map array can be found at svn://svn.openttd.com/branch/map)
...and of course the newest source from svn://svn.openttd.org/trunk
You have to have and SVN-client to download the source:
* Command line version (http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91)
Put the newly downloaded files in the VC lib and include directories (Where C:\programfiles\ is your local location of VC)
Put the newly downloaded files in the VC lib and include directories (Where "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98" is your local location of VC)
(This should work with the latest DirectX SDK as well.) The installation with DirectX 7 was odd, so you'd better use the version available via the forum, see also the download link on top.
(This should work with the latest DirectX SDK as well.)
There are 2 folder in the compressed file: Include and Lib
@@ -62,16 +58,17 @@ C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
You can also make custom directories, for libraries (.lib) and includes/header files (.h) and add it to the VC paths via:
You can also make custom directories, which is recommended so you don't overwrite VS6 files, for libraries (.lib) and includes/header files (.h) and add it to the VC paths via:
Tools -> Options -> Directories -> show directories for:
a) include files (the include dir: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\DirectX 7 SDK\include )
a) include files (the include dir: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\DirectX 8.1 SDK\include )
b) library files (the lib dir, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\DirectX 8.1 SDK\lib )