Changeset - r25483:15f7a4f91c03
[Not reviewed]
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rubidium42 - 3 years ago 2021-05-11 17:36:21
Fix: empty undocumented branches
3 files changed with 3 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -146,24 +146,25 @@ bmno_alpha_blend:
					srcABCD = AlphaBlendTwoPixels(srcABCD, dstABCD, a_cm, pack_low_cm);
					_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *) dst, srcABCD);
					src_mv += 2;
					src += 2;
					anim += 2;
					dst += 2;

				if ((bt_last == BT_NONE && effective_width & 1) || bt_last == BT_ODD) {
					if (src->a == 0) {
						/* Complete transparency. */
					} else if (src->a == 255) {
						*anim = *(const uint16*) src_mv;
						*dst = (src_mv->m >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) ? AdjustBrightneSSE(LookupColourInPalette(src_mv->m), src_mv->v) : *src;
					} else {
						*anim = 0;
						__m128i srcABCD;
						__m128i dstABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst->data);
						if (src_mv->m >= PALETTE_ANIM_START) {
							Colour colour = AdjustBrightneSSE(LookupColourInPalette(src_mv->m), src_mv->v);
							colour.a = src->a;
							srcABCD = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(;
						} else {
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@@ -61,26 +61,25 @@ static void Load_GSDT()
	if ((CompanyID)SlIterateArray() == (CompanyID)-1) return;

	_game_saveload_version = -1;
	SlObject(nullptr, _game_script);

	if (_networking && !_network_server) {
		if ((CompanyID)SlIterateArray() != (CompanyID)-1) SlErrorCorrupt("Too many GameScript configs");

	GameConfig *config = GameConfig::GetConfig(GameConfig::SSS_FORCE_GAME);
	if (_game_saveload_name.empty()) {
	} else {
	if (!_game_saveload_name.empty()) {
		config->Change(_game_saveload_name.c_str(), _game_saveload_version, false, _game_saveload_is_random);
		if (!config->HasScript()) {
			/* No version of the GameScript available that can load the data. Try to load the
			 * latest version of the GameScript instead. */
			config->Change(_game_saveload_name.c_str(), -1, false, _game_saveload_is_random);
			if (!config->HasScript()) {
				if ("%_dummy") != 0) {
					DEBUG(script, 0, "The savegame has an GameScript by the name '%s', version %d which is no longer available.", _game_saveload_name.c_str(), _game_saveload_version);
					DEBUG(script, 0, "This game will continue to run without GameScript.");
				} else {
					DEBUG(script, 0, "The savegame had no GameScript available at the time of saving.");
					DEBUG(script, 0, "This game will continue to run without GameScript.");
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@@ -448,25 +448,25 @@ void EmitGender(Buffer *buffer, char *bu
		/* This is a {G=DER} command */
		nw = _lang.GetGenderIndex(buf);
		if (nw >= MAX_NUM_GENDERS) strgen_fatal("G argument '%s' invalid", buf);

		/* now nw contains the gender index */
	} else {
		const char *words[MAX_NUM_GENDERS];

		/* This is a {G 0 foo bar two} command.
		 * If no relative number exists, default to +0 */
		if (!ParseRelNum(&buf, &argidx, &offset)) {}
		ParseRelNum(&buf, &argidx, &offset);

		const CmdStruct *cmd = _cur_pcs.cmd[argidx];
		if (cmd == nullptr || (cmd->flags & C_GENDER) == 0) {
			strgen_fatal("Command '%s' can't have a gender", cmd == nullptr ? "<empty>" : cmd->cmd);

		for (nw = 0; nw < MAX_NUM_GENDERS; nw++) {
			words[nw] = ParseWord(&buf);
			if (words[nw] == nullptr) break;
		if (nw != _lang.num_genders) strgen_fatal("Bad # of arguments for gender command");

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