Changeset - r5385:1c8ef6521bf2
[Not reviewed]
0 39 0
celestar - 18 years ago 2006-12-27 12:38:02
(svn r7573) -Merged the bridge branch. Allows to build bridges of arbitrary rail/road combinations (including signals)
39 files changed with 837 insertions and 1171 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@


- Clearing tiles which may not have a bridge above can cause random bridge pieces to appear, which leads to crash in the long run

electrified rails:
Normal and elrail depots look the same. Use 'X' (transparent buildings)
   to distinguish between them
Missing curors / icons for construction (currently using the conventional ones)

- Reallow the AI to build signals under bridges (about ai/default/default.c:1600) as
  r4911 manually disallows it (not via the command)
Show inline comments
@@ -2183,9 +2183,7 @@ static bool AiRemoveTileAndGoForward(Pla
				return false;
			p->ai.cur_tile_a = TILE_MASK(_build_tunnel_endtile - TileOffsByDiagDir(p->ai.cur_dir_a));
			return true;

		if (IsBridgeRamp(tile)) {
		} else {
			// Check if the bridge points in the right direction.
			// This is not really needed the first place AiRemoveTileAndGoForward is called.
			if (DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile)) != (p->ai.cur_dir_a & 1U)) return false;
@@ -3704,7 +3702,6 @@ pos_3:
	} else if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
		if (!IsTileOwner(tile, _current_player) ||
				!IsBridge(tile) ||
				!IsBridgeRamp(tile) ||
				GetBridgeTransportType(tile) != TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
Show inline comments
@@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ extern const Bridge orig_bridge[MAX_BRID
extern Bridge _bridge[MAX_BRIDGES];

uint GetBridgeFoundation(Slope tileh, Axis axis);
uint SetSpeedLimitOnBridge(Vehicle *);

#endif /* BRIDGE_H */
Show inline comments
@@ -3,22 +3,28 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "variables.h"


TileIndex GetBridgeEnd(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir)
	TileIndexDiff delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);

	assert(DiagDirToAxis(dir) == GetBridgeAxis(tile));

	dir = ReverseDiagDir(dir);
	do {
		tile += delta;
	} while (!IsBridgeRamp(tile));
	} while (!IsBridgeTile(tile) || GetBridgeRampDirection(tile) != dir);

	return tile;


TileIndex GetNorthernBridgeEnd(TileIndex t)
	return GetBridgeEnd(t, ReverseDiagDir(AxisToDiagDir(GetBridgeAxis(t))));


TileIndex GetSouthernBridgeEnd(TileIndex t)
	return GetBridgeEnd(t, AxisToDiagDir(GetBridgeAxis(t)));
@@ -27,11 +33,19 @@ TileIndex GetSouthernBridgeEnd(TileIndex

TileIndex GetOtherBridgeEnd(TileIndex tile)
	TileIndexDiff delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile));
	return GetBridgeEnd(tile, GetBridgeRampDirection(tile));

	do {
		tile += delta;
	} while (!IsBridgeRamp(tile));
uint GetBridgeHeight(TileIndex t)
	uint h;
	uint tileh = GetTileSlope(t, &h);
	uint f = GetBridgeFoundation(tileh, DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(t)));

	return tile;
	// one height level extra if the ramp is on a flat foundation
		(IS_INT_INSIDE(f, 1, 15) ? TILE_HEIGHT : 0) +
		(IsSteepSlope(tileh) ? TILE_HEIGHT : 0);
Show inline comments
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
#include "tile.h"


void DrawBridgeMiddle(const TileInfo* ti); // XXX


static inline bool IsBridge(TileIndex t)
	assert(IsTileType(t, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE));
@@ -23,28 +26,22 @@ static inline bool IsBridgeTile(TileInde


static inline bool IsBridgeRamp(TileIndex t)
static inline bool MayHaveBridgeAbove(TileIndex t)
	return !HASBIT(_m[t].m5, 6);

static inline bool IsBridgeMiddle(TileIndex t)
	return HASBIT(_m[t].m5, 6);
		IsTileType(t, MP_CLEAR) ||
		IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY) ||
		IsTileType(t, MP_STREET) ||
		IsTileType(t, MP_WATER) ||
		IsTileType(t, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) ||
		IsTileType(t, MP_UNMOVABLE);


 * Determines which piece of a bridge is contained in the current tile
 * @param tile The tile to analyze
 * @return the piece
static inline uint GetBridgePiece(TileIndex t)
static inline bool IsBridgeAbove(TileIndex t)
	return GB(_m[t].m2, 0, 4);
	return GB(_m[t].extra, 6, 2) != 0;


@@ -65,65 +62,22 @@ static inline uint GetBridgeType(TileInd
static inline DiagDirection GetBridgeRampDirection(TileIndex t)
	return ReverseDiagDir(XYNSToDiagDir((Axis)GB(_m[t].m5, 0, 1), GB(_m[t].m5, 5, 1)));
	return (DiagDirection)GB(_m[t].m5, 0, 2);


static inline Axis GetBridgeAxis(TileIndex t)
	return (Axis)GB(_m[t].m5, 0, 1);
	return (Axis)(GB(_m[t].extra, 6, 2) - 1);


static inline TransportType GetBridgeTransportType(TileIndex t)
	return (TransportType)GB(_m[t].m5, 1, 2);


static inline bool IsClearUnderBridge(TileIndex t)
	return GB(_m[t].m5, 3, 3) == 0;

static inline bool IsWaterUnderBridge(TileIndex t)
	return GB(_m[t].m5, 3, 3) == 1;


static inline bool IsTransportUnderBridge(TileIndex t)
	return HASBIT(_m[t].m5, 5);

static inline TransportType GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(TileIndex t)
	return (TransportType)GB(_m[t].m5, 3, 2);

static inline RoadBits GetRoadBitsUnderBridge(TileIndex t)
	assert(GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(t) == TRANSPORT_ROAD);
	return GetBridgeAxis(t) == AXIS_X ? ROAD_Y : ROAD_X;

static inline Track GetRailUnderBridge(TileIndex t)
	assert(GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(t) == TRANSPORT_RAIL);
	return AxisToTrack(OtherAxis(GetBridgeAxis(t)));

static inline TrackBits GetRailBitsUnderBridge(TileIndex t)
	return TrackToTrackBits(GetRailUnderBridge(t));
	return (TransportType)GB(_m[t].m5, 2, 2);


@@ -133,6 +87,11 @@ static inline TrackBits GetRailBitsUnder
TileIndex GetBridgeEnd(TileIndex, DiagDirection);

 * Finds the northern end of a bridge starting at a middle tile
TileIndex GetNorthernBridgeEnd(TileIndex t);

 * Finds the southern end of a bridge starting at a middle tile
TileIndex GetSouthernBridgeEnd(TileIndex t);
@@ -143,58 +102,36 @@ TileIndex GetSouthernBridgeEnd(TileIndex
TileIndex GetOtherBridgeEnd(TileIndex);

uint GetBridgeHeight(TileIndex t);
uint GetBridgeHeight(TileIndex tile);
uint GetBridgeFoundation(Slope tileh, Axis axis);

static inline void SetClearUnderBridge(TileIndex t)
static inline void ClearSingleBridgeMiddle(TileIndex t, Axis a)
	SetTileOwner(t, OWNER_NONE);
	SB(_m[t].m5, 3, 3, 0 << 2 | 0);
	SB(_m[t].m3, 0, 4, 0);

static inline void SetWaterUnderBridge(TileIndex t)
	SetTileOwner(t, OWNER_WATER);
	SB(_m[t].m5, 3, 3, 0 << 2 | 1);
	SB(_m[t].m3, 0, 4, 0);
	CLRBIT(_m[t].extra, 6 + a);

static inline void SetCanalUnderBridge(TileIndex t, Owner o)

static inline void ClearBridgeMiddle(TileIndex t)
	SetTileOwner(t, o);
	SB(_m[t].m5, 3, 3, 0 << 2 | 1);
	SB(_m[t].m3, 0, 4, 0);
	ClearSingleBridgeMiddle(t, AXIS_X);
	ClearSingleBridgeMiddle(t, AXIS_Y);

static inline void SetRailUnderBridge(TileIndex t, Owner o, RailType r)
static inline void SetBridgeMiddle(TileIndex t, Axis a)
	SetTileOwner(t, o);
	SB(_m[t].m5, 3, 3, 1 << 2 | TRANSPORT_RAIL);
	SB(_m[t].m3, 0, 4, r);

static inline void SetRoadUnderBridge(TileIndex t, Owner o)
	SetTileOwner(t, o);
	SB(_m[t].m5, 3, 3, 1 << 2 | TRANSPORT_ROAD);
	SB(_m[t].m3, 0, 4, 0);
	SETBIT(_m[t].extra, 6 + a);


static inline void MakeBridgeRamp(TileIndex t, Owner o, uint bridgetype, DiagDirection d, TransportType tt)
	uint northsouth = (d == DIAGDIR_NE || d == DIAGDIR_NW);

	SetTileOwner(t, o);
	_m[t].m2 = bridgetype << 4;
	_m[t].m4 = 0;
	_m[t].m5 = 1 << 7 | 0 << 6 | northsouth << 5 | tt << 1 | DiagDirToAxis(d);
	_m[t].m5 = 1 << 7 | tt << 2 | d;

static inline void MakeRoadBridgeRamp(TileIndex t, Owner o, uint bridgetype, DiagDirection d)
@@ -210,26 +147,4 @@ static inline void MakeRailBridgeRamp(Ti


static inline void MakeBridgeMiddle(TileIndex t, uint bridgetype, uint piece, Axis a, TransportType tt)
	SetTileOwner(t, OWNER_NONE);
	_m[t].m2 = bridgetype << 4 | piece;
	_m[t].m3 = 0;
	_m[t].m4 = 0;
	_m[t].m5 = 1 << 7 | 1 << 6 | 0 << 5 | 0 << 3 | tt << 1 | a;

static inline void MakeRoadBridgeMiddle(TileIndex t, uint bridgetype, uint piece, Axis a)
	MakeBridgeMiddle(t, bridgetype, piece, a, TRANSPORT_ROAD);

static inline void MakeRailBridgeMiddle(TileIndex t, uint bridgetype, uint piece, Axis a, RailType r)
	MakeBridgeMiddle(t, bridgetype, piece, a, TRANSPORT_RAIL);
	SB(_m[t].m3, 4, 4, r);


#endif /* BRIDGE_MAP_H */
Show inline comments
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "viewport.h"
#include "command.h"
#include "tunnel_map.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "unmovable_map.h"
@@ -276,25 +277,32 @@ int32 CmdTerraformLand(TileIndex tile, u

	if (direction == -1) {
		/* Check if tunnel would take damage */
		int count;
		TileIndex *ti = ts.tile_table;

		for (count = ts.tile_table_count; count != 0; count--, ti++) {
			uint z, t;
			TileIndex tile = *ti;

			z = TerraformGetHeightOfTile(&ts, tile + TileDiffXY(0, 0));
			t = TerraformGetHeightOfTile(&ts, tile + TileDiffXY(1, 0));
			if (t <= z) z = t;
			t = TerraformGetHeightOfTile(&ts, tile + TileDiffXY(1, 1));
			if (t <= z) z = t;
			t = TerraformGetHeightOfTile(&ts, tile + TileDiffXY(0, 1));
			if (t <= z) z = t;
			if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) {

			if (direction == -1) {
				uint z, t;

			if (IsTunnelInWay(tile, z * TILE_HEIGHT)) {
				z = TerraformGetHeightOfTile(&ts, tile + TileDiffXY(0, 0));
				t = TerraformGetHeightOfTile(&ts, tile + TileDiffXY(1, 0));
				if (t <= z) z = t;
				t = TerraformGetHeightOfTile(&ts, tile + TileDiffXY(1, 1));
				if (t <= z) z = t;
				t = TerraformGetHeightOfTile(&ts, tile + TileDiffXY(0, 1));
				if (t <= z) z = t;

				if (IsTunnelInWay(tile, z * TILE_HEIGHT)) {
@@ -534,6 +542,7 @@ static void DrawTile_Clear(TileInfo *ti)


static uint GetSlopeZ_Clear(TileIndex tile, uint x, uint y)
Show inline comments
@@ -20,11 +20,7 @@
	#define DEBUG(name, level, ...)
	#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3)
		#define DEBUG(name, level, args...) if ((level == 0) || ( _debug_ ## name ## _level >= level)) debug(#name, args)
		#define DEBUG(name, level, ...) if (level == 0 || _debug_ ## name ## _level >= level) debug(#name, __VA_ARGS__)
	#define DEBUG(name, level, ...) if (level == 0 || _debug_ ## name ## _level >= level) debug(#name, __VA_ARGS__)

	extern int _debug_ai_level;
	extern int _debug_driver_level;
Show inline comments
@@ -554,31 +554,12 @@ m5 bits 7..4 clear: tunnel entrance/exit
<li>m3 bits 3..0 = <a href="#TrackType">track type</a> for railway tunnel, must be 0 for road tunnel</li>
<li>m4 bit 7 set = on snow or desert</li>
m5 bit 7 set: bridge
m5 bit 6 clear: bridge ending
<li>m5 bit 5: clear - northern, set - southern ending</li>
<li>m3 bits 3..0 = <a href="#TrackType">type of track</a> on the bridge, must be 0 for road bridge</li>
<li>m1: <a href="#OwnershipInfo">owner</a> of the bridge</li>
m5 bit 6 set: bridge middle part
<li>m5 bit 5 clear:
m5 bit 7 set: bridge ramp
<li>m5 bits 4..3: land under bridge: <tt>0</tt> - grass, snow or desert, <tt>1</tt> - water</li>
m5 bit 5 set:
<li>m5 bits 4..3: transport route under bridge: <tt>0</tt> - railway, <tt>1</tt> - road</li>
<li>m3 bits 7..4 = <a href="#TrackType">type of track</a> on the bridge, must be 0 for road bridge</li>
<li>m3 bits 3..0 = <a href="#TrackType">type of track</a> under the bridge, if any</li>
<li>m2 bits 3..0: bridge piece (<tt>0</tt>..<tt>5</tt>)
<li>m1: <a href="#OwnershipInfo">owner</a> of the land under bridge</li>
<li>m5 bits 2..1: <tt>0</tt> - railway bridge, <tt>1</tt> - road bridge</li>
<li>m5 bit 0: clear - bridge in the X direction, set - bridge in the Y direction</li>
<li>m1: <a href="#OwnershipInfo">owner</a> of the bridge</li>
<li>m3 bits 3..0 = <a href="#TrackType">type of track</a> on the bridge, must be 0 for road bridge</li>
<li>m5 bits 3..2: <tt>0</tt> - railway bridge, <tt>1</tt> - road bridge</li>
<li>m5 bit 0..1: DiagDirection onto the bridge</li>
<li>m2 bits 7..4: <a name="BridgeType">bridge type</a>:
<tr><th align=left>Type&nbsp;</th><th align=left>Max. speed (mph)&nbsp;</th><th align=left>Description</th></tr>
Show inline comments
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ the array so you can quickly see what is
      <td class="bits">-inherit-</td>
      <td rowspan=3>9</td>
      <td rowspan=2>9</td>
      <td class="caption">tunnel</td>
      <td class="bits">XXXX XXXX</td>
      <td class="bits"><span class="free">OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO</span></td>
@@ -241,16 +241,7 @@ the array so you can quickly see what is
      <td class="bits"><span class="free">OOOO</span> XXXX</td>
      <td class="bits">X<span class="free">OOO OOOO</span></td>
      <td class="bits">XXXX XXXX</td>
      <td class="bits">XXX<span class="free">O O</span>XXX</td>
      <td>bridge middle part</td>
      <td class="bits">XXXX XXXX</td>
      <td class="bits"><span class="free">OOOO OOOO</span> <span class="abuse">XXXX XXXX</span></td>
      <td class="bits">XXXX XXXX</td>
      <td class="bits">X<span class="free">OOO OOOO</span></td>
      <td class="bits">XXXX XXXX</td>
      <td class="bits">XXXX XXXX</td>
      <td class="bits">X<span class="free">OOO</span> XXXX</td>
Show inline comments
@@ -95,18 +95,10 @@ static TrackBits GetRailTrackBitsUnivers
				return AxisToTrackBits(DiagDirToAxis(GetTunnelDirection(t)));
			} else {
				if (GetRailType(t) != RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) return 0;
				if (IsBridgeMiddle(t)) {
					if (IsTransportUnderBridge(t) &&
						GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(t) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
						return GetRailBitsUnderBridge(t);
					} else {
						return 0;
				} else {
					if (override != NULL && DistanceMax(t, GetOtherBridgeEnd(t)) > 1) *override = 1 << GetBridgeRampDirection(t);

					return AxisToTrackBits(DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(t)));
				if (override != NULL && DistanceMax(t, GetOtherBridgeEnd(t)) > 1) {
					*override = 1 << GetBridgeRampDirection(t);
				return AxisToTrackBits(DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(t)));

		case MP_STREET:
@@ -135,17 +127,15 @@ static void AdjustTileh(TileIndex tile, 
		if (IsTunnel(tile)) {
			*tileh = SLOPE_FLAT;
		} else {
			if (IsBridgeRamp(tile)) {
				if (*tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) {
					*tileh = SLOPE_FLAT;
				} else {
					switch (GetBridgeRampDirection(tile)) {
						case DIAGDIR_NE: *tileh = SLOPE_NE; break;
						case DIAGDIR_SE: *tileh = SLOPE_SE; break;
						case DIAGDIR_SW: *tileh = SLOPE_SW; break;
						case DIAGDIR_NW: *tileh = SLOPE_NW; break;
						default: break;
			if (*tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) {
				*tileh = SLOPE_FLAT;
			} else {
				switch (GetBridgeRampDirection(tile)) {
					case DIAGDIR_NE: *tileh = SLOPE_NE; break;
					case DIAGDIR_SE: *tileh = SLOPE_SE; break;
					case DIAGDIR_SW: *tileh = SLOPE_SW; break;
					case DIAGDIR_NW: *tileh = SLOPE_NW; break;
					default: NOT_REACHED();
@@ -205,7 +195,7 @@ static void DrawCatenaryRailway(const Ti
		for (k = 0; k < NUM_TRACKS_AT_PCP; k++) {
			/* Next to us, we have a bridge head, don't worry about that one, if it shows away from us */
			if (TrackSourceTile[i][k] == TS_NEIGHBOUR &&
			    IsBridgeTile(neighbour) && IsBridgeRamp(neighbour) &&
			    IsBridgeTile(neighbour) &&
			    GetBridgeRampDirection(neighbour) == ReverseDiagDir(i)) {
@@ -232,7 +222,7 @@ static void DrawCatenaryRailway(const Ti

		/* Read the foundataions if they are present, and adjust the tileh */
		if (IsTileType(neighbour, MP_RAILWAY) && GetRailType(neighbour) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) foundation = GetRailFoundation(tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR], trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR]);
		if (IsBridgeTile(neighbour) && IsBridgeRamp(neighbour)) {
		if (IsBridgeTile(neighbour)) {
			foundation = GetBridgeFoundation(tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR], DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(neighbour)));

@@ -260,6 +250,14 @@ static void DrawCatenaryRailway(const Ti
		 * Remove those (simply by ANDing with allowed, since these markers are never allowed) */
		if ((PPPallowed[i] & PPPpreferred[i]) != 0) PPPallowed[i] &= PPPpreferred[i];

		if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(ti->tile) && IsBridgeAbove(ti->tile)) {
			Track bridgetrack = GetBridgeAxis(ti->tile) == AXIS_X ? TRACK_X : TRACK_Y;
			uint height = GetBridgeHeight(GetNorthernBridgeEnd(ti->tile));

			if ((height <= TilePixelHeight(ti->tile) + TILE_HEIGHT) &&
			(i == PCPpositions[bridgetrack][0] || i == PCPpositions[bridgetrack][1])) SETBIT(OverridePCP, i);

		if (PPPallowed[i] != 0 && HASBIT(PCPstatus, i) && !HASBIT(OverridePCP, i)) {
			for (k = 0; k < DIR_END; k++) {
				byte temp = PPPorder[i][GetTLG(ti->tile)][k];
@@ -284,11 +282,10 @@ static void DrawCatenaryRailway(const Ti

	/* Don't draw a wire under a low bridge */
	if (IsBridgeTile(ti->tile) &&
			IsBridgeMiddle(ti->tile) &&
			!(_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) &&
			GetBridgeHeight(ti->tile) <= TilePixelHeight(ti->tile) + TILE_HEIGHT) {
	if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(ti->tile) && IsBridgeAbove(ti->tile) && !(_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS)) {
		uint height = GetBridgeHeight(GetNorthernBridgeEnd(ti->tile));

		if (height <= TilePixelHeight(ti->tile) + TILE_HEIGHT) return;

	/* Drawing of pylons is finished, now draw the wires */
@@ -335,7 +332,7 @@ static void DrawCatenaryOnBridge(const T
		sss = &CatenarySpriteData[WIRE_X_FLAT_SW + (num % 2) + offset];

	height = GetBridgeHeight(ti->tile);
	height = GetBridgeHeight(end);

	AddSortableSpriteToDraw( sss->image, ti->x + sss->x_offset, ti->y + sss->y_offset,
		sss->x_size, sss->y_size, sss->z_size, height + sss->z_offset
@@ -363,6 +360,13 @@ static void DrawCatenaryOnBridge(const T

void DrawCatenary(const TileInfo *ti)
	if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(ti->tile) && IsBridgeAbove(ti->tile)) {
		TileIndex head = GetNorthernBridgeEnd(ti->tile);

		if (GetBridgeTransportType(head) == TRANSPORT_RAIL && GetRailType(head) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) {
	if (_patches.disable_elrails) return;

	switch (GetTileType(ti->tile)) {
@@ -380,12 +384,10 @@ void DrawCatenary(const TileInfo *ti)

			if (IsBridge(ti->tile) && IsBridgeMiddle(ti->tile) && GetRailTypeOnBridge(ti->tile) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) DrawCatenaryOnBridge(ti);
		case MP_STREET:
		case MP_STATION:

		case MP_STREET:  break;
		case MP_STATION: break;

		default: return;
Show inline comments
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "heightmap.h"
#include "clear_map.h"
#include "functions.h"
@@ -414,6 +415,8 @@ void InitializeLandscape(void)
		for (x = 0; x < maxx; x++) {
			MakeClear(sizex * y + x, CLEAR_GRASS, 3);
			SetTileHeight(sizex * y + x, 0);
			_m[sizex * y + x].extra = 0;
			ClearBridgeMiddle(sizex * y + x);
		MakeVoid(sizex * y + x);
Show inline comments
@@ -551,16 +551,26 @@ static void Load_MAPE(void)
	uint size = MapSize();
	uint i;

	for (i = 0; i != size;) {
		uint8 buf[1024];
		uint j;
	if (CheckSavegameVersion(42)) {
		for (i = 0; i != size;) {
			uint8 buf[1024];
			uint j;

		SlArray(buf, lengthof(buf), SLE_UINT8);
		for (j = 0; j != lengthof(buf); j++) {
			_m[i++].extra = GB(buf[j], 0, 2);
			_m[i++].extra = GB(buf[j], 2, 2);
			_m[i++].extra = GB(buf[j], 4, 2);
			_m[i++].extra = GB(buf[j], 6, 2);
			SlArray(buf, lengthof(buf), SLE_UINT8);
			for (j = 0; j != lengthof(buf); j++) {
				_m[i++].extra = GB(buf[j], 0, 2);
				_m[i++].extra = GB(buf[j], 2, 2);
				_m[i++].extra = GB(buf[j], 4, 2);
				_m[i++].extra = GB(buf[j], 6, 2);
	} else {
		for (i = 0; i != size;) {
			byte buf[4096];
			uint j;

			SlArray(buf, lengthof(buf), SLE_UINT8);
			for (j = 0; j != lengthof(buf); j++) _m[i++].extra = buf[j];
@@ -570,17 +580,12 @@ static void Save_MAPE(void)
	uint size = MapSize();
	uint i;

	SlSetLength(size / 4);
	for (i = 0; i != size;) {
		uint8 buf[1024];
		uint8 buf[4096];
		uint j;

		for (j = 0; j != lengthof(buf); j++) {
			buf[j]  = _m[i++].extra << 0;
			buf[j] |= _m[i++].extra << 2;
			buf[j] |= _m[i++].extra << 4;
			buf[j] |= _m[i++].extra << 6;
		for (j = 0; j != lengthof(buf); j++) buf[j] = _m[i++].extra;
		SlArray(buf, lengthof(buf), SLE_UINT8);
Show inline comments
@@ -181,6 +181,11 @@ static uint NPFTunnelCost(AyStarNode* cu

static inline uint NPFBridgeCost(AyStarNode *current)
	return NPF_TILE_LENGTH * GetBridgeLength(current->tile, GetOtherBridgeEnd(current->tile));

static uint NPFSlopeCost(AyStarNode* current)
	TileIndex next = current->tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(current->direction));
@@ -265,11 +270,7 @@ static int32 NPFRoadPathCost(AyStar* as,
	/* Determine base length */
	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
			if (IsTunnel(tile)) {
				cost = NPFTunnelCost(current);
			} else {
				cost = NPF_TILE_LENGTH;
			cost = IsTunnel(tile) ? NPFTunnelCost(current) : NPFBridgeCost(current);

		case MP_STREET:
@@ -310,12 +311,8 @@ static int32 NPFRailPathCost(AyStar* as,
	/* Determine base length */
	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
			if (IsTunnel(tile)) {
				cost = NPFTunnelCost(current);
			/* Fall through if above if is false, it is a bridge
			 * then. We treat that as ordinary rail */
			cost = IsTunnel(tile) ? NPFTunnelCost(current) : NPFBridgeCost(current);

		case MP_RAILWAY:
			cost = _trackdir_length[trackdir]; /* Should be different for diagonal tracks */
@@ -472,17 +469,7 @@ static bool VehicleMayEnterTile(Owner ow

			if ((IsTunnel(tile) && GetTunnelTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) ||
					(IsBridge(tile) && (
							IsBridgeRamp(tile) &&
							GetBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL
						) || (
							IsBridgeMiddle(tile) &&
							IsTransportUnderBridge(tile) &&
							GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL &&
							GetBridgeAxis(tile) != DiagDirToAxis(enterdir)
					))) {
					(IsBridge(tile) && GetBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL)) {
				return IsTileOwner(tile, owner);
@@ -526,6 +513,7 @@ static void NPFFollowTrack(AyStar* aysta
	int i;
	TrackdirBits trackdirbits, ts;
	TransportType type = aystar->user_data[NPF_TYPE];
	bool override_dst_check = false;
	/* Initialize to 0, so we can jump out (return) somewhere an have no neighbours */
	aystar->num_neighbours = 0;
	DEBUG(npf, 4, "Expanding: (%d, %d, %d) [%d]", TileX(src_tile), TileY(src_tile), src_trackdir, src_tile);
@@ -536,6 +524,10 @@ static void NPFFollowTrack(AyStar* aysta
		 * otherwise we wouldn't have got here. It is also facing us,
		 * so we should skip it's body */
		dst_tile = GetOtherTunnelEnd(src_tile);
		override_dst_check = true;
	} else if (IsBridgeTile(src_tile) && GetBridgeRampDirection(src_tile) == src_exitdir) {
		dst_tile = GetOtherBridgeEnd(src_tile);
		override_dst_check = true;
	} else if (type != TRANSPORT_WATER && (IsRoadStopTile(src_tile) || IsTileDepotType(src_tile, type))) {
		/* This is a road station or a train or road depot. We can enter and exit
		 * those from one side only. Trackdirs don't support that (yet), so we'll
@@ -583,8 +575,14 @@ static void NPFFollowTrack(AyStar* aysta
	/* I can't enter a tunnel entry/exit tile from a tile above the tunnel. Note
	 * that I can enter the tunnel from a tile below the tunnel entrance. This
	 * solves the problem of vehicles wanting to drive off a tunnel entrance */
	if (IsTunnelTile(dst_tile) && GetTileZ(dst_tile) < GetTileZ(src_tile)) {
	if (!override_dst_check) {
		if (IsTileType(dst_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
			if (IsTunnel(dst_tile)) {
				if (GetTunnelDirection(dst_tile) != src_exitdir) return;
			} else {
				if (GetBridgeRampDirection(dst_tile) != src_exitdir) return;

	/* check correct rail type (mono, maglev, etc) */
Show inline comments
@@ -55,6 +55,12 @@
#include "fontcache.h"
#include "newgrf_config.h"

#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "clear_map.h"
#include "rail_map.h"
#include "road_map.h"
#include "water_map.h"

#include <stdarg.h>

void CallLandscapeTick(void);
@@ -1294,6 +1300,80 @@ bool AfterLoadGame(void)

	if (CheckSavegameVersion(42)) {
		TileIndex map_end = MapSize();
		TileIndex tile;
		Vehicle* v;

		for (tile = 0; tile != map_end; tile++) {
			if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile)) ClearBridgeMiddle(tile);
			if (IsBridgeTile(tile)) {
				if (HASBIT(_m[tile].m5, 6)) { // middle part
					Axis axis = (Axis)GB(_m[tile].m5, 0, 1);

					if (HASBIT(_m[tile].m5, 5)) { // transport route under bridge?
						if (GB(_m[tile].m5, 3, 2) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
								axis == AXIS_X ? TRACK_BIT_Y : TRACK_BIT_X,
						} else {
							TownID town = IsTileOwner(tile, OWNER_TOWN) ? ClosestTownFromTile(tile, (uint)-1)->index : 0;

								axis == AXIS_X ? ROAD_Y : ROAD_X,
					} else {
						if (GB(_m[tile].m5, 3, 2) == 0) {
							MakeClear(tile, CLEAR_GRASS, 3);
						} else {
							MakeCanal(tile, GetTileOwner(tile));
					SetBridgeMiddle(tile, axis);
				} else { // ramp
					Axis axis = (Axis)GB(_m[tile].m5, 0, 1);
					uint north_south = GB(_m[tile].m5, 5, 1);
					DiagDirection dir = ReverseDiagDir(XYNSToDiagDir(axis, north_south));
					TransportType type = (TransportType)GB(_m[tile].m5, 1, 2);

					_m[tile].m5 = 1 << 7 | type << 2 | dir;

			if (v->type != VEH_Train && v->type != VEH_Road) continue;
			if (IsBridgeTile(v->tile)) {
				DiagDirection dir = GetBridgeRampDirection(v->tile);

				if (dir != DirToDiagDir(v->direction)) continue;
				switch (dir) {
					default: NOT_REACHED();
					case DIAGDIR_NE: if ((v->x_pos & 0xF) !=  0)            continue; break;
					case DIAGDIR_SE: if ((v->y_pos & 0xF) != TILE_SIZE - 1) continue; break;
					case DIAGDIR_SW: if ((v->x_pos & 0xF) != TILE_SIZE - 1) continue; break;
					case DIAGDIR_NW: if ((v->y_pos & 0xF) !=  0)            continue; break;
			} else if (v->z_pos > GetSlopeZ(v->x_pos, v->y_pos)) {
				v->tile = GetNorthernBridgeEnd(v->tile);
			} else {
			if (v->type == VEH_Train) {
				v->u.rail.track = 0x40;
			} else {
				v->u.road.state = 0xFF;

	/* Elrails got added in rev 24 */
	if (CheckSavegameVersion(24)) {
		Vehicle *v;
@@ -1344,15 +1424,6 @@ bool AfterLoadGame(void)
					} else {
						if (GetBridgeTransportType(t) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
							if (IsBridgeRamp(t)) {
								SetRailType(t, UpdateRailType(GetRailType(t), min_rail));
							} else {
								SetRailTypeOnBridge(t, UpdateRailType(GetRailTypeOnBridge(t), min_rail));
						if (IsBridgeMiddle(t) &&
								IsTransportUnderBridge(t) &&
								GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(t) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
							SetRailType(t, UpdateRailType(GetRailType(t), min_rail));
Show inline comments
@@ -258,21 +258,27 @@ static void TPFMode1(TrackPathFinder* tp
	RememberData rd;
	TileIndex tile_org = tile;

	// check if the old tile can be left at that direction
	if (tpf->tracktype == TRANSPORT_ROAD) {
		// road stops and depots now have a track (r4419)
		// don't enter road stop from the back
		if (IsRoadStopTile(tile) && GetRoadStopDir(tile) != direction) return;
		// don't enter road depot from the back
		if (IsTileDepotType(tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD) && GetRoadDepotDirection(tile) != direction) return;

	if (IsTunnelTile(tile)) {
		if (GetTunnelDirection(tile) != direction ||
				GetTunnelTransportType(tile) != tpf->tracktype) {
	if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
		if (IsTunnel(tile)) {
			if (GetTunnelDirection(tile) != direction ||
					GetTunnelTransportType(tile) != tpf->tracktype) {
			tile = SkipToEndOfTunnel(tpf, tile, direction);
		} else {
			TileIndex tile_end;
			if (GetBridgeRampDirection(tile) != direction ||
					GetBridgeTransportType(tile) != tpf->tracktype) {
			//fprintf(stderr, "%s: Planning over bridge\n", __func__);
			// TODO doesn't work - WHAT doesn't work?
			TPFSetTileBit(tpf, tile, 14);
			tile_end = GetOtherBridgeEnd(tile);
			tpf->rd.cur_length += DistanceManhattan(tile, tile_end);
			tile = tile_end;
			TPFSetTileBit(tpf, tile, 14);
		tile = SkipToEndOfTunnel(tpf, tile, direction);
	tile += TileOffsByDiagDir(direction);

@@ -283,11 +289,7 @@ static void TPFMode1(TrackPathFinder* tp

		if (IsTileType(tile_org, MP_RAILWAY) || IsTileType(tile_org, MP_STATION) || IsTileType(tile_org, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE))
			if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) || IsTileType(tile, MP_STATION) || IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE))
				/* Check if we are on a bridge (middle parts don't have an owner */
				if (!IsBridgeTile(tile) || !IsBridgeMiddle(tile))
					if (!IsBridgeTile(tile_org) || !IsBridgeMiddle(tile_org))
						if (GetTileOwner(tile_org) != GetTileOwner(tile))
				if (GetTileOwner(tile_org) != GetTileOwner(tile)) return;

	// check if the new tile can be entered from that direction
@@ -670,7 +672,6 @@ static void NTPEnum(NewTrackPathFinder* 
	uint track;
	TileIndex tile_org;
	StackedItem si;
	FindLengthOfTunnelResult flotr;
	int estimation;


@@ -708,22 +709,40 @@ callback_and_continue:
		// If the tile is the entry tile of a tunnel, and we're not going out of the tunnel,
		//   need to find the exit of the tunnel.
		if (IsTunnelTile(tile) &&
				GetTunnelDirection(tile) != ReverseDiagDir(direction)) {
			/* We are not just driving out of the tunnel */
			if (GetTunnelDirection(tile) != direction ||
					GetTunnelTransportType(tile) != tpf->tracktype) {
				// We are not driving into the tunnel, or it is an invalid tunnel
		if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
			if (IsTunnel(tile)) {
				if (GetTunnelDirection(tile) != ReverseDiagDir(direction)) {
					FindLengthOfTunnelResult flotr;

					/* We are not just driving out of the tunnel */
					if (GetTunnelDirection(tile) != direction ||
							GetTunnelTransportType(tile) != tpf->tracktype) {
						// We are not driving into the tunnel, or it is an invalid tunnel
					if (!HASBIT(tpf->railtypes, GetRailType(tile))) {
						bits = 0;
					flotr = FindLengthOfTunnel(tile, direction);
					si.cur_length += flotr.length * DIAG_FACTOR;
					tile = flotr.tile;
					// tile now points to the exit tile of the tunnel
			} else {
				TileIndex tile_end;
				if (GetBridgeRampDirection(tile) != ReverseDiagDir(direction)) {
					// We are not just leaving the bridge
					if (GetBridgeRampDirection(tile) != direction ||
							GetBridgeTransportType(tile) != tpf->tracktype) {
						// Not entering the bridge or not compatible
				tile_end = GetOtherBridgeEnd(tile);
				si.cur_length += DistanceManhattan(tile, tile_end) * DIAG_FACTOR;
				tile = tile_end;
			if (!HASBIT(tpf->railtypes, GetRailType(tile))) {
				bits = 0;
			flotr = FindLengthOfTunnel(tile, direction);
			si.cur_length += flotr.length * DIAG_FACTOR;
			tile = flotr.tile;
			// tile now points to the exit tile of the tunnel

		// This is a special loop used to go through
@@ -751,12 +770,9 @@ start_at:
				// Check that the tile contains exactly one track
				if (bits == 0 || KILL_FIRST_BIT(bits) != 0) break;

				/* Check the rail type only if the train is *NOT* on top of a bridge. */
				if (!(IsBridgeTile(tile) && IsBridgeMiddle(tile) && GetBridgeAxis(tile) == DiagDirToAxis(direction))) {
					if (!HASBIT(tpf->railtypes, IsTileType(tile, MP_STREET) ? GetRailTypeCrossing(tile) : GetRailType(tile))) {
						bits = 0;
				if (!HASBIT(tpf->railtypes, IsTileType(tile, MP_STREET) ? GetRailTypeCrossing(tile) : GetRailType(tile))) {
					bits = 0;

Show inline comments
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ const Trackdir _dir_to_diag_trackdir[] =

RailType GetTileRailType(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
	DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(trackdir);
	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
		case MP_RAILWAY:
			return GetRailType(tile);
@@ -120,26 +119,9 @@ RailType GetTileRailType(TileIndex tile,

			if (IsTunnel(tile)) {
				if (GetTunnelTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
					return GetRailType(tile);
				if (GetTunnelTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) return GetRailType(tile);
			} else {
				if (IsBridgeRamp(tile)) {
					if (GetBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
						return GetRailType(tile);
				} else {
					if (GetBridgeAxis(tile) == DiagDirToAxis(exitdir)) {
						if (GetBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
							return GetRailTypeOnBridge(tile);
					} else {
						if (IsTransportUnderBridge(tile) &&
								GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
							return GetRailType(tile);
				if (GetBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) return GetRailType(tile);

Show inline comments
@@ -247,36 +247,13 @@ int32 CmdBuildSingleRail(TileIndex tile,

	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
			if (!IsBridge(tile) ||
					!IsBridgeMiddle(tile) ||
					AxisToTrackBits(OtherAxis(GetBridgeAxis(tile))) != trackbit) {
				// Get detailed error message
				return DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);

			if (IsClearUnderBridge(tile)) {
				ret = CheckRailSlope(tileh, trackbit, 0, tile);
				if (CmdFailed(ret)) return ret;
				cost += ret;

				if (flags & DC_EXEC) SetRailUnderBridge(tile, _current_player, railtype);
			} else if (IsTransportUnderBridge(tile) &&
					GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
			} else {
				// Get detailed error message
				return DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);

		case MP_RAILWAY:
			if (!CheckTrackCombination(tile, trackbit, flags) ||
					!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) {
				return CMD_ERROR;
			if (!IsTileOwner(tile, _current_player) ||
					!IsCompatibleRail(GetRailType(tile), railtype)) {
					GetRailType(tile) != railtype) {
				// Get detailed error message
				return DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
@@ -366,20 +343,6 @@ int32 CmdRemoveSingleRail(TileIndex tile

	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
			if (!IsBridge(tile) ||
					!IsBridgeMiddle(tile) ||
					!IsTransportUnderBridge(tile) ||
					GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile) != TRANSPORT_RAIL ||
					GetRailBitsUnderBridge(tile) != trackbit ||
					(_current_player != OWNER_WATER && !CheckTileOwnership(tile)) ||
					!EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile)) {
				return CMD_ERROR;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) SetClearUnderBridge(tile);

		case MP_STREET: {
			if (!IsLevelCrossing(tile) ||
					GetCrossingRailBits(tile) != trackbit ||
@@ -617,6 +580,8 @@ int32 CmdBuildTrainDepot(TileIndex tile,
	if (CmdFailed(ret)) return CMD_ERROR;
	cost = ret;

	if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_5007_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);

	d = AllocateDepot();
	if (d == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;

@@ -1414,6 +1379,7 @@ default_waypoint:


@@ -1513,19 +1479,11 @@ typedef struct SignalVehicleCheckStruct 
static void *SignalVehicleCheckProc(Vehicle *v, void *data)
	const SignalVehicleCheckStruct* dest = data;
	TileIndex tile;

	if (v->type != VEH_Train) return NULL;

	/* Find the tile outside the tunnel, for signalling */
	if (v->u.rail.track == 0x40) {
		tile = GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(v);
	} else {
		tile = v->tile;

	/* Wrong tile, or no train? Not a match */
	if (tile != dest->tile) return NULL;
	if (v->tile != dest->tile) return NULL;

	/* Are we on the same piece of track? */
	if (dest->track & v->u.rail.track * 0x101) return v;
@@ -1541,15 +1499,18 @@ static bool SignalVehicleCheck(TileIndex
	dest.tile = tile;
	dest.track = track;

	/** @todo "Hackish" fix for the tunnel problems. This is needed because a tunnel
	 * is some kind of invisible black hole, and there is some special magic going
	 * on in there. This 'workaround' can be removed once the maprewrite is done.
	if (IsTunnelTile(tile)) {
		// It is a tunnel we're checking, we need to do some special stuff
		// because VehicleFromPos will not find the vihicle otherwise
		TileIndex end = GetOtherTunnelEnd(tile);
		DiagDirection direction = GetTunnelDirection(tile);
	/* Locate vehicles in tunnels or on bridges */
	if (IsTunnelTile(tile) || IsBridgeTile(tile)) {
		TileIndex end;
		DiagDirection direction;

		if (IsTunnelTile(tile)) {
			end = GetOtherTunnelEnd(tile);
			direction = GetTunnelDirection(tile);
		} else {
			end = GetOtherBridgeEnd(tile);
			direction = GetBridgeRampDirection(tile);

		dest.track = 1 << (direction & 1); // get the trackbit the vehicle would have if it has not entered the tunnel yet (ie is still visible)

@@ -1559,9 +1520,9 @@ static bool SignalVehicleCheck(TileIndex
		// check for a vehicle with that trackdir on the end tile of the tunnel
		if (VehicleFromPos(end, &dest, SignalVehicleCheckProc) != NULL) return true;

		// now check all tiles from start to end for a "hidden" vehicle
		// now check all tiles from start to end for a warping vehicle
		// NOTE: the hashes for tiles may overlap, so this could maybe be optimised a bit by not checking every tile?
		dest.track = 0x40; // trackbit for vehicles "hidden" inside a tunnel
		dest.track = 0x40;   //Vehicle inside a tunnel or on a bridge
		for (; tile != end; tile += TileOffsByDiagDir(direction)) {
			if (VehicleFromPos(tile, &dest, SignalVehicleCheckProc) != NULL)
				return true;
Show inline comments
@@ -87,11 +87,6 @@ static inline RailType GetRailTypeCrossi
	return (RailType)GB(_m[t].m4, 0, 4);

static inline RailType GetRailTypeOnBridge(TileIndex t)
	return (RailType)GB(_m[t].m3, 4, 4);

static inline void SetRailType(TileIndex t, RailType r)
	SB(_m[t].m3, 0, 4, r);
@@ -103,11 +98,6 @@ static inline void SetRailTypeCrossing(T
	SB(_m[t].m4, 0, 4, r);

static inline void SetRailTypeOnBridge(TileIndex t, RailType r)
	SB(_m[t].m3, 4, 4, r);


static inline TrackBits GetTrackBits(TileIndex tile)
Show inline comments
@@ -105,103 +105,73 @@ int32 CmdRemoveRoad(TileIndex tile, uint
	if (p1 >> 4) return CMD_ERROR;
	pieces = p1;

	if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_STREET) && !IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) return CMD_ERROR;
	if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_STREET)) return CMD_ERROR;

	owner = IsLevelCrossingTile(tile) ? GetCrossingRoadOwner(tile) : GetTileOwner(tile);

	if (owner == OWNER_TOWN && _game_mode != GM_EDITOR) {
		/* Are we removing a piece of road below a bridge, or not. If below
		 * a bridge we need to calculate the town's index as it is not saved
		 * in the map array (no space) */
		if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
			t = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, _patches.dist_local_authority);
		} else {
			t = GetTownByTile(tile);
		t = GetTownByTile(tile);
	} else {
		t = NULL;

	if (!CheckAllowRemoveRoad(tile, pieces, &edge_road)) return CMD_ERROR;

	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
			if (!EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;
	if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;

	// check if you're allowed to remove the street owned by a town
	// removal allowance depends on difficulty setting
	if (!CheckforTownRating(flags, t, ROAD_REMOVE)) return CMD_ERROR;

	switch (GetRoadTileType(tile)) {
			RoadBits present = GetRoadBits(tile);
			RoadBits c = pieces;

			if (HasRoadWorks(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_ROAD_WORKS_IN_PROGRESS);

			if (GetTileSlope(tile, NULL) != SLOPE_FLAT  &&
					(present == ROAD_Y || present == ROAD_X)) {
				c |= (c & 0xC) >> 2;
				c |= (c & 0x3) << 2;

			if (!IsBridge(tile) ||
					!IsBridgeMiddle(tile) ||
					!IsTransportUnderBridge(tile) ||
					GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile) != TRANSPORT_ROAD ||
					(pieces & ComplementRoadBits(GetRoadBitsUnderBridge(tile))) != 0) {
			// limit the bits to delete to the existing bits.
			c &= present;
			if (c == 0) return CMD_ERROR;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				ChangeTownRating(t, -road_remove_cost[(byte)edge_road], RATING_ROAD_MINIMUM);

				present ^= c;
				if (present == 0) {
				} else {
					SetRoadBits(tile, present);
			return CountRoadBits(c) * _price.remove_road;

			if (pieces & ComplementRoadBits(GetCrossingRoadBits(tile))) {
				return CMD_ERROR;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				ChangeTownRating(t, -road_remove_cost[(byte)edge_road], RATING_ROAD_MINIMUM);

				MakeRailNormal(tile, GetTileOwner(tile), GetCrossingRailBits(tile), GetRailTypeCrossing(tile));
				YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, FIND_FIRST_BIT(GetTrackBits(tile)));
			return _price.remove_road * 2;

		case MP_STREET:
			if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;

			// check if you're allowed to remove the street owned by a town
			// removal allowance depends on difficulty setting
			if (!CheckforTownRating(flags, t, ROAD_REMOVE)) return CMD_ERROR;

			switch (GetRoadTileType(tile)) {
				case ROAD_TILE_NORMAL: {
					RoadBits present = GetRoadBits(tile);
					RoadBits c = pieces;

					if (HasRoadWorks(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_ROAD_WORKS_IN_PROGRESS);

					if (GetTileSlope(tile, NULL) != SLOPE_FLAT &&
							(present == ROAD_Y || present == ROAD_X)) {
						c |= (c & 0xC) >> 2;
						c |= (c & 0x3) << 2;

					// limit the bits to delete to the existing bits.
					c &= present;
					if (c == 0) return CMD_ERROR;

					if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
						ChangeTownRating(t, -road_remove_cost[(byte)edge_road], RATING_ROAD_MINIMUM);

						present ^= c;
						if (present == 0) {
						} else {
							SetRoadBits(tile, present);
					return CountRoadBits(c) * _price.remove_road;

					if (pieces & ComplementRoadBits(GetCrossingRoadBits(tile))) {
						return CMD_ERROR;

					if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
						ChangeTownRating(t, -road_remove_cost[(byte)edge_road], RATING_ROAD_MINIMUM);

						MakeRailNormal(tile, GetTileOwner(tile), GetCrossingRailBits(tile), GetRailTypeCrossing(tile));
						YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, FIND_FIRST_BIT(GetTrackBits(tile)));
					return _price.remove_road * 2;

					return CMD_ERROR;

		default: return CMD_ERROR;
			return CMD_ERROR;

@@ -362,32 +332,6 @@ int32 CmdBuildRoad(TileIndex tile, uint3
			return _price.build_road * 2;

			if (!IsBridge(tile) || !IsBridgeMiddle(tile)) goto do_clear;

			/* only allow roads pertendicular to bridge */
			if ((pieces & (GetBridgeAxis(tile) == AXIS_X ? ROAD_X : ROAD_Y)) != 0) {
				goto do_clear;

			/* check if clear land under bridge */
			if (IsTransportUnderBridge(tile)) {
				switch (GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile)) {
					case TRANSPORT_ROAD: return_cmd_error(STR_1007_ALREADY_BUILT);
					default: return_cmd_error(STR_1008_MUST_REMOVE_RAILROAD_TRACK);
			} else {
				if (IsWaterUnderBridge(tile)) {

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				SetRoadUnderBridge(tile, _current_player);
			return _price.build_road * 2;

			ret = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
@@ -587,6 +531,8 @@ int32 CmdBuildRoadDepot(TileIndex tile, 
	cost = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
	if (CmdFailed(cost)) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_5007_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);

	dep = AllocateDepot();
	if (dep == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;

@@ -820,6 +766,7 @@ static void DrawTile_Road(TileInfo *ti)

void DrawRoadDepotSprite(int x, int y, DiagDirection dir)
Show inline comments
@@ -27,22 +27,12 @@ RoadBits GetAnyRoadBits(TileIndex tile)
			return DiagDirToRoadBits(GetRoadStopDir(tile));

			if (IsBridge(tile)) {
				if (IsBridgeMiddle(tile)) {
					if (!IsTransportUnderBridge(tile) ||
							GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile) != TRANSPORT_ROAD) {
						return 0;
					return GetRoadBitsUnderBridge(tile);
				} else {
					// ending
					if (GetBridgeTransportType(tile) != TRANSPORT_ROAD) return 0;
					return DiagDirToRoadBits(ReverseDiagDir(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile)));
			} else {
				// tunnel
			if (IsTunnel(tile)) {
				if (GetTunnelTransportType(tile) != TRANSPORT_ROAD) return 0;
				return DiagDirToRoadBits(ReverseDiagDir(GetTunnelDirection(tile)));
			} else {
				if (GetBridgeTransportType(tile) != TRANSPORT_ROAD) return 0;
				return DiagDirToRoadBits(ReverseDiagDir(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile)));

		default: return 0;
Show inline comments
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
#include "player.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "depot.h"
#include "bridge.h"
#include "tunnel_map.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "vehicle_gui.h"
#include "newgrf_callbacks.h"
#include "newgrf_engine.h"
@@ -322,8 +324,6 @@ static const Depot* FindClosestRoadDepot
	TileIndex tile = v->tile;

	if (v->u.road.state == 255) tile = GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(v);

	if (_patches.yapf.road_use_yapf) {
		Depot* ret = YapfFindNearestRoadDepot(v);
		return ret;
@@ -444,14 +444,19 @@ int32 CmdTurnRoadVeh(TileIndex tile, uin

	if (v->type != VEH_Road || !CheckOwnership(v->owner)) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (v->vehstatus & (VS_HIDDEN | VS_STOPPED) ||
	if (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED ||
			v->u.road.crashed_ctr != 0 ||
			v->breakdown_ctr != 0 ||
			v->u.road.overtaking != 0 ||
			v->u.road.state == 255 ||
			IsRoadVehInDepot(v) ||
			v->cur_speed < 5) {
		return CMD_ERROR;

	if (IsTunnelTile(v->tile) && DirToDiagDir(v->direction) == GetTunnelDirection(v->tile)) return CMD_ERROR;
	if (IsBridgeTile(v->tile) && DirToDiagDir(v->direction) == GetBridgeRampDirection(v->tile)) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) v->u.road.reverse_ctr = 180;

	return 0;
@@ -518,11 +523,9 @@ static byte SetRoadVehPosition(Vehicle *
	byte new_z, old_z;

	// need this hint so it returns the right z coordinate on bridges.
	_get_z_hint = v->z_pos;
	v->x_pos = x;
	v->y_pos = y;
	new_z = GetSlopeZ(x, y);
	_get_z_hint = 0;

	old_z = v->z_pos;
	v->z_pos = new_z;
@@ -872,6 +875,7 @@ static bool RoadVehAccelerate(Vehicle *v

	// Clamp
	spd = min(spd, v->max_speed);
	if (v->u.road.state == 255) spd = min(spd, SetSpeedLimitOnBridge(v));

	//updates statusbar only if speed have changed to save CPU time
	if (spd != v->cur_speed) {
@@ -1339,8 +1343,7 @@ static void RoadVehController(Vehicle *v

		if (IsTunnelTile(gp.new_tile) &&
				VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y) & 4) {
		if ((IsTunnelTile(gp.new_tile) || IsBridgeTile(gp.new_tile)) && VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y) & 4) {
			//new_dir = RoadGetNewDirection(v, gp.x, gp.y)
			v->cur_image = GetRoadVehImage(v, v->direction);
@@ -1351,6 +1354,7 @@ static void RoadVehController(Vehicle *v
		v->x_pos = gp.x;
		v->y_pos = gp.y;
		if (!(v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN)) EndVehicleMove(v);

Show inline comments
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#include "variables.h"
#include <setjmp.h>

const uint16 SAVEGAME_VERSION = 41;
const uint16 SAVEGAME_VERSION = 42;
uint16 _sl_version;       /// the major savegame version identifier
byte   _sl_minor_version; /// the minor savegame version, DO NOT USE!

Show inline comments
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "station_map.h"
@@ -795,6 +796,10 @@ int32 CheckFlatLandBelow(TileIndex tile,
	int flat_z;

	BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(tile_cur, w, h, tile)
		if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile_cur) && IsBridgeAbove(tile_cur)) {

		if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile_cur)) return CMD_ERROR;

		tileh = GetTileSlope(tile_cur, &z);
Show inline comments
@@ -745,6 +745,27 @@ enum Sprites {


	/* ramps (for all bridges except wood and tubular?)*/
Show inline comments
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "clear_map.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
@@ -73,11 +74,20 @@ static void GenerateRockyArea(TileIndex 
	size_y = (ey - sy) + 1;

	BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(tile, size_x, size_y, TileXY(sx, sy)) {
		if (IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) || IsTileType(tile, MP_TREES)) {
			MakeClear(tile, CLEAR_ROCKS, 3);
			success = true;
		switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
			case MP_CLEAR:
				MakeClear(tile, CLEAR_ROCKS, 3);

			case MP_TREES:
				MakeClear(tile, CLEAR_ROCKS, 3);

			default: continue;
		success = true;
	} END_TILE_LOOP(tile, size_x, size_y, 0);

	if (success) SndPlayTileFx(SND_1F_SPLAT, end);
Show inline comments
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "water_map.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include "bridge.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "date.h"
#include "table/town_land.h"
#include "genworld.h"
@@ -1118,6 +1119,8 @@ static bool CheckBuildHouseMode(TileInde
	slope = GetTileSlope(tile, NULL);
	if (IsSteepSlope(slope)) return false;

	if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return false;

	b = 0;
	if ((slope != SLOPE_FLAT && ~slope & _masks[mode])) b = ~b;
	if ((tileh != SLOPE_FLAT && ~tileh & _masks[mode+4])) b = ~b;
@@ -1160,6 +1163,8 @@ static bool CheckFree2x2Area(TileIndex t

		if (GetTileSlope(tile, NULL) != SLOPE_FLAT) return false;

		if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return false;

		if (CmdFailed(DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER | DC_FORCETEST, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR)))
			return false;
@@ -1291,6 +1296,7 @@ static bool BuildTownHouse(Town *t, Tile
	// make sure it's possible
	if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) return false;
	if (IsSteepSlope(GetTileSlope(tile, NULL))) return false;
	if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return false;

	r = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_EXEC | DC_AUTO | DC_NO_WATER, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
	if (CmdFailed(r)) return false;
Show inline comments
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "waypoint.h"
#include "vehicle_gui.h"
#include "train.h"
#include "bridge.h"
#include "newgrf_callbacks.h"
#include "newgrf_engine.h"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"
@@ -105,10 +106,7 @@ void TrainPowerChanged(Vehicle* v)
		/* Power is not added for articulated parts */
		if (IsArticulatedPart(u)) continue;

		if (IsBridgeTile(u->tile) && IsBridgeMiddle(u->tile) && DiagDirToAxis(DirToDiagDir(u->direction)) == GetBridgeAxis(u->tile)) {
			if (!HasPowerOnRail(u->u.rail.railtype, GetRailTypeOnBridge(u->tile))) engine_has_power = false;
			if (!HasPowerOnRail(v->u.rail.railtype, GetRailTypeOnBridge(u->tile))) wagon_has_power = false;
		} else if (IsLevelCrossingTile(u->tile)) {
		if (IsLevelCrossingTile(u->tile)) {
			if (!HasPowerOnRail(u->u.rail.railtype, GetRailTypeCrossing(u->tile))) engine_has_power = false;
			if (!HasPowerOnRail(v->u.rail.railtype, GetRailTypeCrossing(u->tile))) wagon_has_power = false;
		} else {
@@ -1601,13 +1599,14 @@ static void ReverseTrainSwapVeh(Vehicle 

		VehicleEnterTile(a, a->tile, a->x_pos, a->y_pos);
		VehicleEnterTile(b, b->tile, b->x_pos, b->y_pos);
		/* call the proper EnterTile function unless we are in a wormhole */
		if (!(a->u.rail.track & 0x40)) VehicleEnterTile(a, a->tile, a->x_pos, a->y_pos);
		if (!(b->u.rail.track & 0x40)) VehicleEnterTile(b, b->tile, b->x_pos, b->y_pos);
	} else {
		if (!(a->u.rail.track & 0x80)) a->direction = ReverseDir(a->direction);

		VehicleEnterTile(a, a->tile, a->x_pos, a->y_pos);
		if (!(a->u.rail.track & 0x40)) VehicleEnterTile(a, a->tile, a->x_pos, a->y_pos);

	/* Update train's power incase tiles were different rail type */
@@ -1940,8 +1939,6 @@ static TrainFindDepotData FindClosestTra
		return tfdd;

	if (v->u.rail.track == 0x40) tile = GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(v);

	if (_patches.yapf.rail_use_yapf) {
		bool found = YapfFindNearestRailDepotTwoWay(v, max_distance, NPF_INFINITE_PENALTY, &tfdd.tile, &tfdd.reverse);
		tfdd.best_length = found ? max_distance / 2 : -1; // some fake distance or NOT_FOUND
@@ -2733,9 +2730,7 @@ static byte AfterSetTrainPos(Vehicle *v,
	byte new_z, old_z;

	// need this hint so it returns the right z coordinate on bridges.
	_get_z_hint = v->z_pos;
	new_z = GetSlopeZ(v->x_pos, v->y_pos);
	_get_z_hint = 0;

	old_z = v->z_pos;
	v->z_pos = new_z;
@@ -2811,13 +2806,6 @@ static bool CheckCompatibleRail(const Ve
			// normal tracks, jump to owner check

			if (IsBridge(tile) && IsBridgeMiddle(tile)) {
				// is train going over the bridge?
				if (v->z_pos > GetTileMaxZ(tile)) return true;

		case MP_STREET:
			// tracks over roads, do owner check of tracks
@@ -3158,15 +3146,16 @@ static void TrainController(Vehicle *v, 
				v->direction = chosen_dir;
		} else {
			/* in tunnel */
			/* in tunnel on on a bridge */
			GetNewVehiclePos(v, &gp);

			// Check if to exit the tunnel...
			if (!IsTunnelTile(gp.new_tile) ||
					!(VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y)&0x4) ) {

			if (!(IsTunnelTile(gp.new_tile) || IsBridgeTile(gp.new_tile)) || !(VehicleEnterTile(v, gp.new_tile, gp.x, gp.y) & 0x4)) {
				v->x_pos = gp.x;
				v->y_pos = gp.y;
				if (!(v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN)) EndVehicleMove(v);
@@ -3263,7 +3252,7 @@ static void DeleteLastWagon(Vehicle *v)
	 * others are on it */

	if (v->u.rail.track == 0x40) { // inside a tunnel
	if ( (v->u.rail.track == 0x40 && v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN) ) { // inside a tunnel
		TileIndex endtile = CheckTunnelBusy(v->tile, NULL);

		if (endtile == INVALID_TILE) return; // tunnel is busy (error returned)
@@ -3294,15 +3283,16 @@ static void ChangeTrainDirRandomly(Vehic

	do {
		//I need to buffer the train direction
		if (!(v->u.rail.track & 0x40)) {
		/* We don't need to twist around vehicles if they're not visible */
		if (!(v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN)) {
			v->direction = ChangeDir(v->direction, delta[GB(Random(), 0, 2)]);
		if (!(v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN)) {
			UpdateTrainDeltaXY(v, v->direction);
			v->cur_image = GetTrainImage(v, v->direction);
			AfterSetTrainPos(v, false);
			/* Refrain from updating the z position of the vehicle when on
			   a bridge, because AfterSetTrainPos will put the vehicle under
			   the bridge in that case */
			if (!(v->u.rail.track & 0x40)) AfterSetTrainPos(v, false);
	} while ((v = v->next) != NULL);
@@ -3313,7 +3303,7 @@ static void HandleCrashedTrain(Vehicle *
	uint32 r;
	Vehicle *u;

	if (state == 4 && v->u.rail.track != 0x40) {
	if (state == 4 && !(v->u.rail.track & VS_HIDDEN)) {
		CreateEffectVehicleRel(v, 4, 4, 8, EV_EXPLOSION_LARGE);

@@ -3402,10 +3392,11 @@ static bool TrainCheckIfLineEnds(Vehicle

	tile = v->tile;

	// tunnel entrance?
	if (IsTunnelTile(tile) &&
			DiagDirToDir(GetTunnelDirection(tile)) == v->direction) {
		return true;
	if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
		DiagDirection dir;

		dir = IsTunnel(tile) ? GetTunnelDirection(tile) : GetBridgeRampDirection(tile);
		if (DiagDirToDir(dir) == v->direction) return true;

	// depot?
Show inline comments
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "clear_map.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ static void DoPlaceMoreTrees(TileIndex t

		if (dist <= 13 &&
				IsTileType(cur_tile, MP_CLEAR) &&
				!IsBridgeAbove(cur_tile) &&
				!IsClearGround(cur_tile, CLEAR_FIELDS) &&
				!IsClearGround(cur_tile, CLEAR_ROCKS)) {
			PlaceTree(cur_tile, r);
@@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ void PlaceTreesRandomly(void)

		if (IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) &&
				!IsBridgeAbove(tile) &&
				!IsClearGround(tile, CLEAR_FIELDS) &&
				!IsClearGround(tile, CLEAR_ROCKS)) {
			PlaceTree(tile, r);
@@ -167,7 +170,10 @@ void PlaceTreesRandomly(void)


			if (IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) && !IsClearGround(tile, CLEAR_FIELDS) && GetTropicZone(tile) == TROPICZONE_RAINFOREST) {
			if (IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) &&
					!IsBridgeAbove(tile) &&
					!IsClearGround(tile, CLEAR_FIELDS) &&
					GetTropicZone(tile) == TROPICZONE_RAINFOREST) {
				PlaceTree(tile, r);
		} while (--i);
@@ -250,7 +256,8 @@ int32 CmdPlantTree(TileIndex tile, uint3

				case MP_CLEAR:
					if (!IsTileOwner(tile, OWNER_NONE)) {
					if (!IsTileOwner(tile, OWNER_NONE) ||
							IsBridgeAbove(tile)) {
						msg = STR_2804_SITE_UNSUITABLE;
@@ -547,7 +554,7 @@ static void TileLoop_Trees(TileIndex til

						tile += TileOffsByDir(Random() & 7);

						if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR)) return;
						if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) || IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return;

						switch (GetClearGround(tile)) {
							case CLEAR_GRASS:
@@ -580,6 +587,7 @@ static void TileLoop_Trees(TileIndex til
					case TREE_GROUND_ROUGH: MakeClear(tile, CLEAR_ROUGH, 3); break;
					default: MakeClear(tile, CLEAR_SNOW, GetTreeDensity(tile)); break;

@@ -602,6 +610,7 @@ void OnTick_Trees(void)
	if (_opt.landscape == LT_DESERT &&
			(r = Random(), tile = RandomTileSeed(r), GetTropicZone(tile) == TROPICZONE_RAINFOREST) &&
			IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) &&
			!IsBridgeAbove(tile) &&
			(ct = GetClearGround(tile), ct == CLEAR_GRASS || ct == CLEAR_ROUGH) &&
			(tree = GetRandomTreeType(tile, GB(r, 24, 8))) != TREE_INVALID) {
		MakeTree(tile, tree, 0, 0, ct == CLEAR_ROUGH ? TREE_GROUND_ROUGH : TREE_GROUND_GRASS, 0);
@@ -614,6 +623,7 @@ void OnTick_Trees(void)
	r = Random();
	tile = TILE_MASK(r);
	if (IsTileType(tile, MP_CLEAR) &&
			!IsBridgeAbove(tile) &&
			(ct = GetClearGround(tile), ct == CLEAR_GRASS || ct == CLEAR_ROUGH || ct == CLEAR_SNOW) &&
			(tree = GetRandomTreeType(tile, GB(r, 24, 8))) != TREE_INVALID) {
		switch (ct) {
Show inline comments
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "map.h"
#include "tile.h"
#include "tunnel_map.h"
#include "unmovable_map.h"
#include "vehicle.h"
#include "viewport.h"
#include "command.h"
@@ -32,11 +33,6 @@

#include "table/bridge_land.h"

extern const byte _track_sloped_sprites[14];
extern const SpriteID _water_shore_sprites[15];

extern void DrawCanalWater(TileIndex tile);

const Bridge orig_bridge[] = {
	     year of availablity
@@ -193,9 +189,7 @@ int32 CmdBuildBridge(TileIndex end_tile,
	TileIndex tile;
	TileIndexDiff delta;
	uint bridge_len;
	uint odd_middle_part;
	Axis direction;
	uint i;
	int32 cost, terraformcost, ret;
	bool allow_on_slopes;

@@ -288,6 +282,24 @@ int32 CmdBuildBridge(TileIndex end_tile,
	cost += terraformcost;

		TileIndex Heads[] = {tile_start, tile_end};
		int i;

		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
			if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(Heads[i])) {
				if (IsBridgeAbove(Heads[i])) {
					TileIndex north_head = GetNorthernBridgeEnd(Heads[i]);

					if (direction == GetBridgeAxis(Heads[i])) return_cmd_error(STR_5007_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);

					if (z_start + TILE_HEIGHT == GetBridgeHeight(north_head)) {

	/* do the drill? */
	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
@@ -304,49 +316,43 @@ int32 CmdBuildBridge(TileIndex end_tile,

	// position of middle part of the odd bridge (larger than MAX(i) otherwise)
	odd_middle_part = (bridge_len % 2) ? (bridge_len / 2) : bridge_len;

	tile = tile_start;
	delta = (direction == AXIS_X ? TileDiffXY(1, 0) : TileDiffXY(0, 1));
	for (i = 0; i != bridge_len; i++) {
		TransportType transport_under;
		Owner owner_under = OWNER_NONE;
		RailType rail_under = INVALID_RAILTYPE;
	for (tile = tile_start + delta; tile != tile_end; tile += delta) {
		uint z;

		tile += delta;
		if (GetTileSlope(tile, &z) != SLOPE_FLAT && z >= z_start) return_cmd_error(STR_5009_LEVEL_LAND_OR_WATER_REQUIRED);

		if (GetTileSlope(tile, &z) != SLOPE_FLAT && z >= z_start) {
		if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) {
			/* Disallow crossing bridges for the time being */

		switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
			case MP_WATER:
				if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_980E_SHIP_IN_THE_WAY);
				if (!IsWater(tile) && !IsCoast(tile)) goto not_valid_below;
				transport_under = TRANSPORT_WATER;
				owner_under = GetTileOwner(tile);

			case MP_RAILWAY:
				if (GetRailTileType(tile) != RAIL_TILE_NORMAL ||
						GetTrackBits(tile) != AxisToTrackBits(OtherAxis(direction))) {
					goto not_valid_below;
				transport_under = TRANSPORT_RAIL;
				owner_under = GetTileOwner(tile);
				rail_under = GetRailType(tile);
				if (!IsPlainRailTile(tile)) goto not_valid_below;

			case MP_STREET:
				if (GetRoadTileType(tile) != ROAD_TILE_NORMAL) goto not_valid_below;
				if (HasRoadWorks(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_ROAD_WORKS_IN_PROGRESS);
				if (GetRoadBits(tile) != (direction == AXIS_X ? ROAD_Y : ROAD_X)) {
					goto not_valid_below;
				transport_under = TRANSPORT_ROAD;
				owner_under = GetTileOwner(tile);
				if (GetRoadTileType(tile) == ROAD_TILE_DEPOT) goto not_valid_below;

				if (IsTunnel(tile)) break;
				if (direction == DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile))) goto not_valid_below;
				if (z_start < GetBridgeHeight(tile)) goto not_valid_below;

				if (!IsOwnedLand(tile)) goto not_valid_below;

			case MP_CLEAR:
				if (IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_5007_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);

@@ -355,58 +361,11 @@ not_valid_below:;
				ret = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
				if (CmdFailed(ret)) return ret;
				cost += ret;
				transport_under = INVALID_TRANSPORT;

		if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
			uint piece;

			//bridges pieces sequence (middle parts)
			// bridge len 1: 0
			// bridge len 2: 0 1
			// bridge len 3: 0 4 1
			// bridge len 4: 0 2 3 1
			// bridge len 5: 0 2 5 3 1
			// bridge len 6: 0 2 3 2 3 1
			// bridge len 7: 0 2 3 4 2 3 1
			// #0 - always as first, #1 - always as last (if len>1)
			// #2,#3 are to pair in order
			// for odd bridges: #5 is going in the bridge middle if on even position, #4 on odd (counting from 0)

			if (i == 0) { // first tile
				piece = 0;
			} else if (i == bridge_len - 1) { // last tile
				piece = 1;
			} else if (i == odd_middle_part) { // we are on the middle of odd bridge: #5 on even pos, #4 on odd
				piece = 5 - (i % 2);
			} else {
					// generate #2 and #3 in turns [i%2==0], after the middle of odd bridge
					// this sequence swaps [... XOR (i>odd_middle_part)],
					// for even bridges XOR does not apply as odd_middle_part==bridge_len
					piece = 2 + ((i % 2 == 0) ^ (i > odd_middle_part));

			if (transport == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
				MakeRailBridgeMiddle(tile, bridge_type, piece, direction, railtype);
			} else {
				MakeRoadBridgeMiddle(tile, bridge_type, piece, direction);
			switch (transport_under) {
				case TRANSPORT_RAIL: SetRailUnderBridge(tile, owner_under, rail_under); break;
				case TRANSPORT_ROAD: SetRoadUnderBridge(tile, owner_under); break;

					if (owner_under == OWNER_WATER) {
					} else {
						SetCanalUnderBridge(tile, owner_under);

				default: SetClearUnderBridge(tile); break;

			SetBridgeMiddle(tile, direction);
@@ -608,87 +567,40 @@ static int32 DoClearTunnel(TileIndex til


static uint GetBridgeHeightRamp(TileIndex t)
static bool IsVehicleOnBridge(TileIndex starttile, TileIndex endtile, uint z)
	uint h;
	uint tileh = GetTileSlope(t, &h);
	uint f = GetBridgeFoundation(tileh, DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(t)));

	// one height level extra if the ramp is on a flat foundation
		(IS_INT_INSIDE(f, 1, 15) ? TILE_HEIGHT : 0) +
		(IsSteepSlope(tileh) ? TILE_HEIGHT : 0);
	const Vehicle *v;
		if ((v->tile == starttile || v->tile == endtile) && v->z_pos == z) {
			_error_message = VehicleInTheWayErrMsg(v);
			return true;
	return false;


static int32 DoClearBridge(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags)
	DiagDirection direction;
	TileIndexDiff delta;
	TileIndex endtile;
	Vehicle *v;
	Town *t = NULL;


	if (IsBridgeMiddle(tile)) {
		if (IsTransportUnderBridge(tile)) {
			/* delete transport route under the bridge */
			int32 cost;

			// check if we own the tile below the bridge..
			if (_current_player != OWNER_WATER && (!CheckTileOwnership(tile) || !EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile)))
				return CMD_ERROR;

			if (GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
				cost = _price.remove_rail;
			} else {
				cost = _price.remove_road * 2;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
			return cost;
		} else if (IsWaterUnderBridge(tile) && !IsTileOwner(tile, OWNER_WATER)) {
			/* delete canal under bridge */

			// check for vehicles under bridge
			if (!EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
			return _price.clear_water;

		tile = GetSouthernBridgeEnd(tile);

	if (!CheckAllowRemoveTunnelBridge(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;

	endtile = GetOtherBridgeEnd(tile);

	if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile) || !EnsureNoVehicle(endtile)) return CMD_ERROR;
	if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile) ||
			!EnsureNoVehicle(endtile) ||
			IsVehicleOnBridge(tile, endtile, GetBridgeHeight(tile))) {
		return CMD_ERROR;

	direction = GetBridgeRampDirection(tile);
	delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(direction);

	/* Make sure there's no vehicle on the bridge
	 * Omit tile and endtile, since these are already checked, thus solving the
	 * problem of bridges over water, or higher bridges, where z is not increased,
	 * eg level bridge
	v = FindVehicleBetween(
		tile    + delta,
		endtile - delta,
	if (v != NULL) return_cmd_error(VehicleInTheWayErrMsg(v));

	if (IsTileOwner(tile, OWNER_TOWN) && _game_mode != GM_EDITOR) {
		t = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, (uint)-1); // town penalty rating

@@ -712,30 +624,8 @@ static int32 DoClearBridge(TileIndex til
		for (c = tile + delta; c != endtile; c += delta) {
			if (IsTransportUnderBridge(c)) {
				if (GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(c) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
					MakeRailNormal(c, GetTileOwner(c), GetRailBitsUnderBridge(c), GetRailType(c));
				} else {
					TownID town = IsTileOwner(c, OWNER_TOWN) ? ClosestTownFromTile(c, (uint)-1)->index : 0;
					MakeRoadNormal(c, GetTileOwner(c), GetRoadBitsUnderBridge(c), town);
			} else {
				if (IsClearUnderBridge(c)) {
				} else {
					if (GetTileSlope(c, NULL) == SLOPE_FLAT) {
						if (IsTileOwner(c, OWNER_WATER)) {
						} else {
							MakeCanal(c, GetTileOwner(c));
					} else {

		UpdateSignalsOnSegment(tile, ReverseDiagDir(direction));
@@ -790,26 +680,7 @@ int32 DoConvertTunnelBridgeRail(TileInde
			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(endtile, track);
		return (length + 1) * (_price.build_rail >> 1);
	} else if (IsBridge(tile) &&
			IsBridgeMiddle(tile) &&
			IsTransportUnderBridge(tile) &&
			GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
		// only check for train under bridge
		if (!CheckTileOwnership(tile) || !EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile))
			return CMD_ERROR;

		if (GetRailType(tile) == totype) return CMD_ERROR;

		if (exec) {
			SetRailType(tile, totype);

			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, GetRailUnderBridge(tile));
		return _price.build_rail >> 1;
	} else if (IsBridge(tile) && IsBridgeRamp(tile) && GetBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
		TileIndexDiff delta;
		int32 cost;
	} else if (IsBridge(tile) && GetBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {

		if (!CheckTileOwnership(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;

@@ -817,14 +688,16 @@ int32 DoConvertTunnelBridgeRail(TileInde

		if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile) ||
				!EnsureNoVehicle(endtile) ||
				FindVehicleBetween(tile, endtile, GetBridgeHeightRamp(tile)) != NULL) {
				IsVehicleOnBridge(tile, endtile, GetBridgeHeight(tile))) {
			return CMD_ERROR;

		if (GetRailType(tile) == totype) return CMD_ERROR;

		if (exec) {
			TileIndexDiff delta;
			Track track;

			SetRailType(tile, totype);
			SetRailType(endtile, totype);
@@ -833,43 +706,24 @@ int32 DoConvertTunnelBridgeRail(TileInde
			track = AxisToTrack(DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile)));
			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, track);
			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(endtile, track);
		cost = 2 * (_price.build_rail >> 1);
		delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile));
		for (tile += delta; tile != endtile; tile += delta) {
			if (exec) {
				SetRailTypeOnBridge(tile, totype);

			delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile));
			for (tile += delta; tile != endtile; tile += delta) {
				MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile); // TODO encapsulate this into a function
			cost += _price.build_rail >> 1;

		return cost;
		return (DistanceManhattan(tile, endtile) + 1) * (_price.build_rail >> 1);
	} else {
		return CMD_ERROR;


// fast routine for getting the height of a middle bridge tile. 'tile' MUST be a middle bridge tile.
uint GetBridgeHeight(TileIndex t)
	return GetBridgeHeightRamp(GetSouthernBridgeEnd(t));

static const byte _bridge_foundations[][31] = {
	// 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15                              _S              _W      _N  _E
	{  0, 16, 18,  3, 20,  5,  0,  7, 22,  0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 18,  0,  0,  0, 16,  0, 22, 20 },
	{  0, 15, 17,  0, 19,  5,  6,  7, 21,  9, 10, 11,  0, 13, 14,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 17,  0,  0,  0, 15,  0, 21, 19 }

extern const byte _road_sloped_sprites[14];

static void DrawBridgePillars(PalSpriteID image, const TileInfo *ti, int x, int y, int z)
static void DrawBridgePillars(PalSpriteID image, const TileInfo* ti, Axis axis, uint type, int x, int y, int z)
	if (image != 0) {
		Axis axis = GetBridgeAxis(ti->tile);
		bool drawfarpillar = !HASBIT(GetBridgeFlags(GetBridgeType(ti->tile)), 0);
		bool drawfarpillar = !HASBIT(GetBridgeFlags(type), 0);
		int back_height, front_height;
		int i = z;
		const byte *p;
@@ -939,17 +793,11 @@ uint GetBridgeFoundation(Slope tileh, Ax
 * <li>Bit 2: Set if the bridge head is sloped</li>
 * <li>Bit 3 and more: Railtype Specific subset</li>
 * </ul>
 * For middle parts:
 * <ul><li>Bits 0-1: need to be 0</li>
 * <li>Bit 2: direction</li>
 * <li>Bit 3 and above: Railtype Specific subset</li>
 * </ul>
 * Please note that in this code, "roads" are treated as railtype 1, whilst the real railtypes are 0, 2 and 3
static void DrawTile_TunnelBridge(TileInfo *ti)
	uint32 image;
	const PalSpriteID *b;
	bool ice = _m[ti->tile].m4 & 0x80;

	if (IsTunnel(ti->tile)) {
@@ -966,19 +814,12 @@ static void DrawTile_TunnelBridge(TileIn
		if (GetRailType(ti->tile) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) DrawCatenary(ti);

		AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image+1, ti->x + TILE_SIZE - 1, ti->y + TILE_SIZE - 1, 1, 1, 8, (byte)ti->z);
	} else if (IsBridge(ti->tile)) { // XXX is this necessary?
		int base_offset;

		if (GetBridgeTransportType(ti->tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
			RailType rt;

			if (IsBridgeRamp(ti->tile)) {
				rt = GetRailType(ti->tile);
			} else {
				rt = GetRailTypeOnBridge(ti->tile);

			base_offset = GetRailTypeInfo(rt)->bridge_offset;
			base_offset = GetRailTypeInfo(GetRailType(ti->tile))->bridge_offset;
			assert(base_offset != 8); /* This one is used for roads */
		} else {
			base_offset = 8;
@@ -987,129 +828,163 @@ static void DrawTile_TunnelBridge(TileIn
		/* as the lower 3 bits are used for other stuff, make sure they are clear */
		assert( (base_offset & 0x07) == 0x00);

		if (IsBridgeRamp(ti->tile)) {
			if (!HASBIT(BRIDGE_NO_FOUNDATION, ti->tileh)) {
				int f = GetBridgeFoundation(ti->tileh, DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(ti->tile)));
				if (f) DrawFoundation(ti, f);

			// HACK Wizardry to convert the bridge ramp direction into a sprite offset
			base_offset += (6 - GetBridgeRampDirection(ti->tile)) % 4;

			if (ti->tileh == SLOPE_FLAT) base_offset += 4; // sloped bridge head
		if (!HASBIT(BRIDGE_NO_FOUNDATION, ti->tileh)) {
			int f = GetBridgeFoundation(ti->tileh, DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(ti->tile)));
			if (f != 0) DrawFoundation(ti, f);

			/* Table number 6 always refers to the bridge heads for any bridge type */
			image = GetBridgeSpriteTable(GetBridgeType(ti->tile), 6)[base_offset];
		// HACK Wizardry to convert the bridge ramp direction into a sprite offset
		base_offset += (6 - GetBridgeRampDirection(ti->tile)) % 4;

			if (!ice) {
				DrawClearLandTile(ti, 3);
			} else {
				DrawGroundSprite(SPR_FLAT_SNOWY_TILE + _tileh_to_sprite[ti->tileh]);
		if (ti->tileh == SLOPE_FLAT) base_offset += 4; // sloped bridge head

			if (GetRailType(ti->tile) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) DrawCatenary(ti);
		/* Table number 6 always refers to the bridge heads for any bridge type */
		image = GetBridgeSpriteTable(GetBridgeType(ti->tile), 6)[base_offset];

			// draw ramp
			if (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) MAKE_TRANSPARENT(image);
			/* HACK set the height of the BB of a sloped ramp to 1 so a vehicle on
			 * it doesn't disappear behind it
				image, ti->x, ti->y, 16, 16, ti->tileh == SLOPE_FLAT ? 1 : 8, ti->z
		if (!ice) {
			DrawClearLandTile(ti, 3);
		} else {
			// bridge middle part.
			Axis axis = GetBridgeAxis(ti->tile);
			uint z;
			int x,y;
			DrawGroundSprite(SPR_FLAT_SNOWY_TILE + _tileh_to_sprite[ti->tileh]);

		if (GetRailType(ti->tile) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) DrawCatenary(ti);

			if (IsTransportUnderBridge(ti->tile)) {
				uint f = _bridge_foundations[axis][ti->tileh];

				if (f != 0) DrawFoundation(ti, f);

				if (GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(ti->tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
					const RailtypeInfo* rti = GetRailTypeInfo(GetRailType(ti->tile));
		// draw ramp
		if (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) MAKE_TRANSPARENT(image);
		/* HACK set the height of the BB of a sloped ramp to 1 so a vehicle on
		 * it doesn't disappear behind it
			image, ti->x, ti->y, 16, 16, ti->tileh == SLOPE_FLAT ? 1 : 8, ti->z

					if (ti->tileh == SLOPE_FLAT) {
						image = (axis == AXIS_X ? SPR_RAIL_TRACK_Y : SPR_RAIL_TRACK_X);
					} else {
						image = SPR_RAIL_TRACK_Y + _track_sloped_sprites[ti->tileh - 1];
					image += rti->total_offset;
					if (ice) image += rti->snow_offset;
				} else {
					if (ti->tileh == SLOPE_FLAT) {
						image = (axis == AXIS_X ? SPR_ROAD_Y : SPR_ROAD_X);
					} else {
						image = _road_sloped_sprites[ti->tileh - 1] + 0x53F;
					if (ice) image += 19;
			} else {
				if (IsClearUnderBridge(ti->tile)) {
					DrawGroundSprite(image + _tileh_to_sprite[ti->tileh]);
				} else {
					if (ti->tileh == SLOPE_FLAT) {
						if (ti->z != 0 || !IsTileOwner(ti->tile, OWNER_WATER)) DrawCanalWater(ti->tile);
					} else {

			if (axis != AXIS_X) base_offset += 4;

			/*  base_offset needs to be 0 due to the structure of the sprite table see table/bridge_land.h */
			assert( (base_offset & 0x03) == 0x00);
			// get bridge sprites
			b = GetBridgeSpriteTable(GetBridgeType(ti->tile), GetBridgePiece(ti->tile)) + base_offset;

			z = GetBridgeHeight(ti->tile) - 3;

			// draw rail or road component
			image = b[0];
			if (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) MAKE_TRANSPARENT(image);
			if (axis == AXIS_X) {
				AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, ti->x, ti->y, 16, 11, 1, z);
			} else {
				AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, ti->x, ti->y, 11, 16, 1, z);

			x = ti->x;
			y = ti->y;
			image = b[1];
			if (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) MAKE_TRANSPARENT(image);

			// draw roof, the component of the bridge which is logically between the vehicle and the camera
			if (axis == AXIS_X) {
				y += 12;
				if (image & SPRITE_MASK) AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, x, y, 16, 1, 0x28, z);
			} else {
				x += 12;
				if (image & SPRITE_MASK) AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, x, y, 1, 16, 0x28, z);

			if (GetRailType(ti->tile) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC || GetRailTypeOnBridge(ti->tile) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) DrawCatenary(ti);

			if (ti->z + 5 == z) {
				// draw poles below for small bridges
				image = b[2];
				if (image != 0) {
					if (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) MAKE_TRANSPARENT(image);
					DrawGroundSpriteAt(image, x, y, z);
			} else if (_patches.bridge_pillars) {
				// draw pillars below for high bridges
				DrawBridgePillars(b[2], ti, x, y, z);
/** Compute bridge piece. Computes the bridge piece to display depending on the position inside the bridge.
 * bridges pieces sequence (middle parts)
 * bridge len 1: 0
 * bridge len 2: 0 1
 * bridge len 3: 0 4 1
 * bridge len 4: 0 2 3 1
 * bridge len 5: 0 2 5 3 1
 * bridge len 6: 0 2 3 2 3 1
 * bridge len 7: 0 2 3 4 2 3 1
 * #0 - always as first, #1 - always as last (if len>1)
 * #2,#3 are to pair in order
 * for odd bridges: #5 is going in the bridge middle if on even position, #4 on odd (counting from 0)
 * @param north Northernmost tile of bridge
 * @param south Southernmost tile of bridge
 * @return Index of bridge piece
static uint CalcBridgePiece(uint north, uint south)
	if (north == 1) {
		return 0;
	} else if (south == 1) {
		return 1;
	} else if (north < south) {
		return north & 1 ? 3 : 2;
	} else if (north > south) {
		return south & 1 ? 2 : 3;
	} else {
		return north & 1 ? 5 : 4;


void DrawBridgeMiddle(const TileInfo* ti)
	const PalSpriteID* b;
	PalSpriteID image;
	uint base_offset;
	TileIndex rampnorth;
	TileIndex rampsouth;
	Axis axis;
	uint piece;
	uint type;
	int x;
	int y;
	uint z;

	if (!IsBridgeAbove(ti->tile)) return;

	rampnorth = GetNorthernBridgeEnd(ti->tile);
	rampsouth = GetSouthernBridgeEnd(ti->tile);

	axis = GetBridgeAxis(ti->tile);
	piece = CalcBridgePiece(
		DistanceManhattan(ti->tile, rampnorth),
		DistanceManhattan(ti->tile, rampsouth)
	type = GetBridgeType(rampsouth);

	if (GetBridgeTransportType(rampsouth) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
		base_offset = GetRailTypeInfo(GetRailType(rampsouth))->bridge_offset;
	} else {
		base_offset = 8;

	b = base_offset + GetBridgeSpriteTable(type, piece);
	if (axis != AXIS_X) b += 4;

	x = ti->x;
	y = ti->y;
	z = GetBridgeHeight(rampsouth) - 3;

	image = b[0];
	if (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) MAKE_TRANSPARENT(image);
	if (axis == AXIS_X) {
		AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, x, y, 16, 11, 1, z);
	} else {
		AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, x, y, 11, 16, 1, z);

	image = b[1];
	if (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) MAKE_TRANSPARENT(image);

	// draw roof, the component of the bridge which is logically between the vehicle and the camera
	if (axis == AXIS_X) {
		y += 12;
		if (image & SPRITE_MASK) AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, x, y, 16, 1, 0x28, z);
	} else {
		x += 12;
		if (image & SPRITE_MASK) AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, x, y, 1, 16, 0x28, z);

	if (GetRailType(rampsouth) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) DrawCatenary(ti);

	if (ti->z + 5 == z) {
		// draw poles below for small bridges
		image = b[2];
		if (image != 0) {
			if (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) MAKE_TRANSPARENT(image);
			DrawGroundSpriteAt(image, x, y, z);
	} else if (_patches.bridge_pillars) {
		// draw pillars below for high bridges
		DrawBridgePillars(b[2], ti, axis, type, x, y, z);


uint SetSpeedLimitOnBridge(Vehicle *v)
	uint bridge_speed;
	if (v->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN) return v->max_speed; /* in tunnel */

	bridge_speed = _bridge[GetBridgeType(v->tile)].speed;

	if (v->type == VEH_Road) bridge_speed *= 2; /* XXX give vehicles proper speeds */

	if (v->cur_speed > bridge_speed) v->cur_speed = bridge_speed;
	return bridge_speed;



static uint GetSlopeZ_TunnelBridge(TileIndex tile, uint x, uint y)
	uint z;
@@ -1124,58 +999,35 @@ static uint GetSlopeZ_TunnelBridge(TileI
		// In the tunnel entrance?
		if (5 <= pos && pos <= 10) return z;
	} else {
		if (IsBridgeRamp(tile)) {
			DiagDirection dir = GetBridgeRampDirection(tile);
			uint pos = (DiagDirToAxis(dir) == AXIS_X ? y : x);

			// On the bridge ramp?
			if (5 <= pos && pos <= 10) {
				uint delta;

				if (IsSteepSlope(tileh)) return z + TILE_HEIGHT * 2;
				if (HASBIT(BRIDGE_HORZ_RAMP, tileh)) return z + TILE_HEIGHT;
		DiagDirection dir = GetBridgeRampDirection(tile);
		uint pos = (DiagDirToAxis(dir) == AXIS_X ? y : x);

				switch (dir) {
					case DIAGDIR_NE: delta = (TILE_SIZE - 1 - x) / 2; break;
					case DIAGDIR_SE: delta = y / 2; break;
					case DIAGDIR_SW: delta = x / 2; break;
					case DIAGDIR_NW: delta = (TILE_SIZE - 1 - y) / 2; break;
				return z + 1 + delta;
			} else {
				uint f = GetBridgeFoundation(tileh, DiagDirToAxis(dir));
		// On the bridge ramp?
		if (5 <= pos && pos <= 10) {
			uint delta;

			if (IsSteepSlope(tileh)) return z + TILE_HEIGHT * 2;
			if (HASBIT(BRIDGE_HORZ_RAMP, tileh)) return z + TILE_HEIGHT;

				if (f != 0) {
					if (IsSteepSlope(tileh)) {
						z += TILE_HEIGHT;
					} else if (f < 15) {
						return z + TILE_HEIGHT;
					tileh = _inclined_tileh[f - 15];
			switch (dir) {
				default: NOT_REACHED();
				case DIAGDIR_NE: delta = (TILE_SIZE - 1 - x) / 2; break;
				case DIAGDIR_SE: delta = y / 2; break;
				case DIAGDIR_SW: delta = x / 2; break;
				case DIAGDIR_NW: delta = (TILE_SIZE - 1 - y) / 2; break;
			return z + 1 + delta;
		} else {
			uint ground_z;
			uint f = GetBridgeFoundation(tileh, DiagDirToAxis(dir));

			// HACK on the bridge?
			ground_z = z + TILE_HEIGHT;
			if (tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) ground_z += TILE_HEIGHT;
			if (IsSteepSlope(tileh)) ground_z += TILE_HEIGHT;
			if (_get_z_hint >= ground_z) return _get_z_hint;

			if (IsTransportUnderBridge(tile)) {
				uint f = _bridge_foundations[GetBridgeAxis(tile)][tileh];

				if (f != 0) {
					if (IsSteepSlope(tileh)) {
						z += TILE_HEIGHT;
					} else if (f < 15) {
						return z + TILE_HEIGHT;
					tileh = _inclined_tileh[f - 15];
			if (f != 0) {
				if (IsSteepSlope(tileh)) {
					z += TILE_HEIGHT;
				} else if (f < 15) {
					return z + TILE_HEIGHT;
				tileh = _inclined_tileh[f - 15];
@@ -1185,29 +1037,19 @@ static uint GetSlopeZ_TunnelBridge(TileI

static Slope GetSlopeTileh_TunnelBridge(TileIndex tile, Slope tileh)
	uint f;

	if (IsTunnel(tile)) {
		return tileh;
	} else {
		if (IsBridgeRamp(tile)) {
				return tileh;
			} else {
				f = GetBridgeFoundation(tileh, DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile)));
			return tileh;
		} else {
			if (IsTransportUnderBridge(tile)) {
				f = _bridge_foundations[GetBridgeAxis(tile)][tileh];
			} else {
				return tileh;
			uint f = GetBridgeFoundation(tileh, DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile)));

			if (f == 0) return tileh;
			if (f < 15) return SLOPE_FLAT;
			return _inclined_tileh[f - 15];

	if (f == 0) return tileh;
	if (f < 15) return SLOPE_FLAT;
	return _inclined_tileh[f - 15];


@@ -1255,9 +1097,6 @@ static void GetTileDesc_TunnelBridge(Til
	} else {
		td->str = _bridge_tile_str[GetBridgeTransportType(tile) << 4 | GetBridgeType(tile)];

		// the owner is stored at the end of the bridge
		if (IsBridgeMiddle(tile)) tile = GetSouthernBridgeEnd(tile);
	td->owner = GetTileOwner(tile);
@@ -1285,10 +1124,6 @@ static void TileLoop_TunnelBridge(TileIn

	if (IsBridge(tile) && IsBridgeMiddle(tile) && IsWaterUnderBridge(tile)) {

static void ClickTile_TunnelBridge(TileIndex tile)
@@ -1303,21 +1138,8 @@ static uint32 GetTileTrackStatus_TunnelB
		if (GetTunnelTransportType(tile) != mode) return 0;
		return AxisToTrackBits(DiagDirToAxis(GetTunnelDirection(tile))) * 0x101;
	} else {
		if (IsBridgeRamp(tile)) {
			if (GetBridgeTransportType(tile) != mode) return 0;
			return AxisToTrackBits(DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile))) * 0x101;
		} else {
			uint32 result = 0;

			if (GetBridgeTransportType(tile) == mode) {
				result = AxisToTrackBits(GetBridgeAxis(tile)) * 0x101;
			if ((IsTransportUnderBridge(tile) && mode == GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile)) ||
					(IsWaterUnderBridge(tile)     && mode == TRANSPORT_WATER && GetTileSlope(tile, NULL) == SLOPE_FLAT)) {
				result |= AxisToTrackBits(OtherAxis(GetBridgeAxis(tile))) * 0x101;
			return result;
		if (GetBridgeTransportType(tile) != mode) return 0;
		return AxisToTrackBits(DiagDirToAxis(GetBridgeRampDirection(tile))) * 0x101;

@@ -1328,16 +1150,7 @@ static void ChangeTileOwner_TunnelBridge
	if (new_player != PLAYER_SPECTATOR) {
		SetTileOwner(tile, new_player);
	} else {
		if (IsBridge(tile) && IsBridgeMiddle(tile) && IsTransportUnderBridge(tile)) {
			// the stuff BELOW the middle part is owned by the deleted player.
			if (GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
			} else {
				SetTileOwner(tile, OWNER_NONE);
		} else {
			DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_EXEC, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
		DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_EXEC, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);

@@ -1357,14 +1170,15 @@ static const byte _tunnel_fractcoord_7[4

static uint32 VehicleEnter_TunnelBridge(Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, int x, int y)
	int z = GetSlopeZ(x, y) - v->z_pos;

	if (myabs(z) > 2) return 8;

	if (IsTunnel(tile)) {
		int z = GetSlopeZ(x, y) - v->z_pos;
		byte fc;
		DiagDirection dir;
		DiagDirection vdir;

		if (myabs(z) > 2) return 8;

		if (v->type == VEH_Train) {
			fc = (x & 0xF) + (y << 4);

@@ -1426,46 +1240,53 @@ static uint32 VehicleEnter_TunnelBridge(
	} else if (IsBridge(tile)) { // XXX is this necessary?
		DiagDirection dir;

		if (v->type == VEH_Road || (v->type == VEH_Train && IsFrontEngine(v))) {
			if (IsBridgeRamp(tile) || v->z_pos > GetTileMaxZ(tile)) {
				/* modify speed of vehicle */
				uint16 spd = _bridge[GetBridgeType(tile)].speed;
				if (v->type == VEH_Road) spd *= 2;
				if (v->cur_speed > spd) v->cur_speed = spd;
			/* modify speed of vehicle */
			uint16 spd = _bridge[GetBridgeType(tile)].speed;

			if (v->type == VEH_Road) spd *= 2;
			if (v->cur_speed > spd) v->cur_speed = spd;

		dir = GetBridgeRampDirection(tile);
		if (DirToDiagDir(v->direction) == dir) {
			switch (dir) {
				default: NOT_REACHED();
				case DIAGDIR_NE: if ((x & 0xF) != 0)             return 0; break;
				case DIAGDIR_SE: if ((y & 0xF) != TILE_SIZE - 1) return 0; break;
				case DIAGDIR_SW: if ((x & 0xF) != TILE_SIZE - 1) return 0; break;
				case DIAGDIR_NW: if ((y & 0xF) != 0)             return 0; break;
			if (v->type == VEH_Train) {
				v->u.rail.track = 0x40;
				CLRBIT(v->u.rail.flags, VRF_GOINGUP);
				CLRBIT(v->u.rail.flags, VRF_GOINGDOWN);
			} else {
				v->u.road.state = 0xFF;
			return 4;
		} else if (DirToDiagDir(v->direction) == ReverseDiagDir(dir)) {
			v->tile = tile;
			if (v->type == VEH_Train) {
				if (v->u.rail.track == 0x40) {
					v->u.rail.track = (DiagDirToAxis(dir) == AXIS_X ? 1 : 2);
					return 4;
			} else {
				if (v->u.road.state == 0xFF) {
					v->u.road.state = _road_exit_tunnel_state[dir];
					v->u.road.frame = 0;
					return 4;
			return 0;
	return 0;

/** Retrieve the exit-tile of the vehicle from inside a tunnel
 * Very similar to GetOtherTunnelEnd(), but we use the vehicle's
 * direction for determining which end of the tunnel to find
 * @param v the vehicle which is inside the tunnel and needs an exit
 * @return the exit-tile of the tunnel based on the vehicle's direction */
TileIndex GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(const Vehicle *v)
#if 1
	return v->tile;
	TileIndex tile = v->tile;
	DiagDirection dir = DirToDiagDir(v->direction);
	TileIndexDiff delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);
	byte z = v->z_pos;

	dir = ReverseDiagDir(dir);
	while (
		!IsTunnelTile(tile) ||
		GetTunnelDirection(tile) != dir ||
		GetTileZ(tile) != z
	) {
		tile += delta;

	return tile;

const TileTypeProcs _tile_type_tunnelbridge_procs = {
	DrawTile_TunnelBridge,           /* draw_tile_proc */
	GetSlopeZ_TunnelBridge,          /* get_slope_z_proc */
Show inline comments
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "functions.h"
@@ -144,6 +145,7 @@ static void DrawTile_Unmovable(TileInfo 
				ti->x + TILE_SIZE / 2, ti->y + TILE_SIZE / 2, 1, 1, 10, GetSlopeZ(ti->x + TILE_SIZE / 2, ti->y + TILE_SIZE / 2)

		default: {
Show inline comments
@@ -314,7 +314,6 @@ VARDEF StringID _switch_mode_errorstr;
VARDEF bool _exit_game;
VARDEF SmallFiosItem _file_to_saveload;

VARDEF byte _get_z_hint; // used as a hint to getslopez to return the right height at a bridge.


VARDEF Vehicle *_place_clicked_vehicle;
Show inline comments
@@ -300,7 +300,6 @@ uint32 VehicleEnterTile(Vehicle *v, Tile

StringID VehicleInTheWayErrMsg(const Vehicle* v);
Vehicle *FindVehicleBetween(TileIndex from, TileIndex to, byte z);
TileIndex GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(const Vehicle *v);

bool UpdateSignalsOnSegment(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection direction);
void SetSignalsOnBothDir(TileIndex tile, byte track);
Show inline comments
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#include "water_map.h"
#include "newgrf.h"

const SpriteID _water_shore_sprites[15] = {
static const SpriteID _water_shore_sprites[] = {
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ int32 CmdBuildShipDepot(TileIndex tile, 
	if (!IsClearWaterTile(tile) || !IsClearWaterTile(tile2))

	if (IsBridgeAbove(tile) || IsBridgeAbove(tile2)) return_cmd_error(STR_5007_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);

	ret = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
	if (CmdFailed(ret)) return CMD_ERROR;
	ret = DoCommand(tile2, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
@@ -140,6 +142,12 @@ static int32 DoBuildShiplift(TileIndex t

	if ((MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) ||
	    (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile - delta) && IsBridgeAbove(tile - delta)) ||
	    (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile + delta) && IsBridgeAbove(tile + delta))) {

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		MakeLock(tile, _current_player, dir);
@@ -230,6 +238,8 @@ int32 CmdBuildCanal(TileIndex tile, uint

	cost = 0;
	BEGIN_TILE_LOOP(tile, size_x, size_y, TileXY(sx, sy)) {
		int32 ret;

		if (GetTileSlope(tile, NULL) != SLOPE_FLAT) {
@@ -237,38 +247,16 @@ int32 CmdBuildCanal(TileIndex tile, uint
		// can't make water of water!
		if (IsTileType(tile, MP_WATER) && (!IsTileOwner(tile, OWNER_WATER) || HASBIT(p2, 0))) continue;

		/* is middle piece of a bridge? */
		if (IsBridgeTile(tile) && IsBridgeMiddle(tile)) {
			if (IsTransportUnderBridge(tile)) {

			if (IsWaterUnderBridge(tile) && (!IsTileOwner(tile, OWNER_WATER) || HASBIT(p2, 0))) return_cmd_error(STR_1007_ALREADY_BUILT);

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				if (TileHeight(tile) == 0 && HASBIT(p2, 0)) {
				} else {
					SetCanalUnderBridge(tile, _current_player);
		} else {
			/* no bridge, try to clear it. */
			int32 ret = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);

			if (CmdFailed(ret)) return ret;
			cost += ret;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				if (TileHeight(tile) == 0 && HASBIT(p2, 0)) {
				} else {
					MakeCanal(tile, _current_player);
		ret = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
		if (CmdFailed(ret)) return ret;
		cost += ret;

		if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
			if (TileHeight(tile) == 0) {
			} else {
				MakeCanal(tile, _current_player);
@@ -366,14 +354,8 @@ static bool IsWateredTile(TileIndex tile
					return false;

		case MP_STATION:
			return IsOilRig(tile) || IsDock(tile) || IsBuoy_(tile);

			return IsBridge(tile) && IsBridgeMiddle(tile) && IsWaterUnderBridge(tile);

			return false;
		case MP_STATION: return IsOilRig(tile) || IsDock(tile) || IsBuoy_(tile);
		default:         return false;

@@ -449,6 +431,7 @@ static void DrawTile_Water(TileInfo *ti)
			if (ti->z != 0 || !IsTileOwner(ti->tile, OWNER_WATER)) DrawCanalWater(ti->tile);

@@ -458,6 +441,7 @@ static void DrawTile_Water(TileInfo *ti)
			} else {

		case WATER_LOCK: {
@@ -570,27 +554,10 @@ static void TileLoopWaterHelper(TileInde

				if (IsBridge(target) && IsBridgeMiddle(target) && IsClearUnderBridge(target)) {

	} else {
		if (IsBridgeTile(target) && IsBridgeMiddle(target)) {
			if (IsWaterUnderBridge(target) ||
					(IsTransportUnderBridge(target) && GetTransportTypeUnderBridge(target) == TRANSPORT_WATER)) { // XXX does this happen at all?

		_current_player = OWNER_WATER;
			Vehicle *v = FindVehicleOnTileZ(target, 0);
Show inline comments
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "map.h"
#include "order.h"
#include "rail_map.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "saveload.h"
#include "station.h"
#include "tile.h"
@@ -206,6 +207,8 @@ int32 CmdBuildTrainWaypoint(TileIndex ti

	if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_5007_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);

	/* Check if there is an already existing, deleted, waypoint close to us that we can reuse. */
	wp = FindDeletedWaypointCloseTo(tile);
	if (wp == NULL) {
Show inline comments
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ struct CFollowTrackT : public FollowTrac
		m_new_tile = INVALID_TILE;
		m_new_td_bits = TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE;
		m_exitdir = INVALID_DIAGDIR;
		m_is_station = m_is_tunnel = false;
		m_is_station = m_is_bridge = m_is_tunnel = false;
		m_tiles_skipped = 0;

@@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ protected:
	/** Follow the m_exitdir from m_old_tile and fill m_new_tile and m_tiles_skipped */
	FORCEINLINE void FollowTileExit()
		m_is_station = m_is_bridge = m_is_tunnel = false;
		m_tiles_skipped = 0;

		// extra handling for tunnels in our direction
		if (IsTunnelTile(m_old_tile)) {
			DiagDirection tunnel_enterdir = GetTunnelDirection(m_old_tile);
@@ -73,11 +76,22 @@ protected:
			assert(ReverseDiagDir(tunnel_enterdir) == m_exitdir);
		// not a tunnel or station
		m_is_tunnel = false;
		m_tiles_skipped = 0;

		// normal or station tile
		// extra handling for bridge ramp in our direction
		if (IsBridgeTile(m_old_tile)) {
			DiagDirection bridge_enterdir = GetBridgeRampDirection(m_old_tile);
			if (bridge_enterdir == m_exitdir) {
				// we are entering the bridge ramp
				m_new_tile = GetOtherBridgeEnd(m_old_tile);
				uint32 bridge_length = GetBridgeLength(m_old_tile, m_new_tile);
				m_tiles_skipped = bridge_length;
				m_is_bridge = true;
			assert(ReverseDiagDir(bridge_enterdir) == m_exitdir);

		// normal or station tile, do one step
		TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(m_exitdir);
		m_new_tile = TILE_ADD(m_old_tile, diff);

@@ -152,22 +166,7 @@ protected:
		// rail transport is possible only on tiles with the same owner as vehicle
		if (IsRailTT() && GetTileOwner(m_new_tile) != m_veh->owner) {
			// different owner
			if (IsBridgeTile(m_new_tile)) {
				if (IsBridgeMiddle(m_new_tile)) {
						// bridge middle has no owner - tile is owned by the owner of the under-bridge track
					if (GetBridgeAxis(m_new_tile) != DiagDirToAxis(m_exitdir)) {
						// so it must be under bridge track (and wrong owner)
						return false;
					// in the middle of the bridge - when we came here, it should be ok
				} else {
					// different owner, on the bridge ramp
					return false;
			} else {
				// different owner, not a bridge
				return false;
			return false;

		// rail transport is possible only on compatible rail types
@@ -215,7 +214,7 @@ protected:
				m_new_td_bits = TrackdirToTrackdirBits(ReverseTrackdir(m_old_td));
				m_exitdir = exitdir;
				m_tiles_skipped = 0;
				m_is_tunnel = m_is_station = false;
				m_is_tunnel = m_is_bridge = m_is_station = false;
				return true;
@@ -249,20 +248,10 @@ public:
		int max_speed = INT_MAX; // no limit

		// for now we handle only on-bridge speed limit
		if (IsBridgeTile(m_old_tile) && !IsWaterTT() && IsDiagonalTrackdir(m_old_td)) {
			bool is_on_bridge = true;
			if (IsBridgeMiddle(m_old_tile)) {
				// get track axis
				Axis track_axis = DiagDirToAxis(TrackdirToExitdir(m_old_td));
				// get under-bridge axis
				Axis bridge_axis =  GetBridgeAxis(m_old_tile);
				if (track_axis != bridge_axis) is_on_bridge = false;
			if (is_on_bridge) {
				int spd = _bridge[GetBridgeType(m_old_tile)].speed;
				if (IsRoadTT()) spd *= 2;
				if (max_speed > spd) max_speed = spd;
		if (!IsWaterTT() && IsBridgeTile(m_old_tile)) {
			int spd = _bridge[GetBridgeType(m_old_tile)].speed;
			if (IsRoadTT()) spd *= 2;
			if (max_speed > spd) max_speed = spd;

		// if min speed was requested, return it
Show inline comments
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ typedef struct FollowTrack_t
	TrackdirBits        m_new_td_bits;   ///< the new set of available trackdirs
	DiagDirection       m_exitdir;       ///< exit direction (leaving the old tile)
	bool                m_is_tunnel;     ///< last turn passed tunnel
	bool                m_is_bridge;     ///< last turn passed bridge ramp
	bool                m_is_station;    ///< last turn passed station
	int                 m_tiles_skipped; ///< number of skipped tunnel or station tiles
} FollowTrack_t;
Show inline comments
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ struct CYapfCostBase {
	FORCEINLINE static bool stSlopeCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		if (IsDiagonalTrackdir(td)) {
			if (IsBridgeTile(tile) && IsBridgeRamp(tile)) {
			if (IsBridgeTile(tile)) {
				// it is bridge ramp, check if we are entering the bridge
				if (GetBridgeRampDirection(tile) != TrackdirToExitdir(td)) return false; // no, we are living it, no penalty
				// we are entering the bridge
Show inline comments
@@ -243,8 +243,6 @@ bool YapfCheckReverseTrain(Vehicle* v)
	return reverse;

static TileIndex YapfGetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(const Vehicle *v, bool bReverse);

bool YapfFindNearestRailDepotTwoWay(Vehicle *v, int max_distance, int reverse_penalty, TileIndex* depot_tile, bool* reversed)
	*depot_tile = INVALID_TILE;
@@ -252,12 +250,8 @@ bool YapfFindNearestRailDepotTwoWay(Vehi

	Vehicle* last_veh = GetLastVehicleInChain(v);

	bool first_in_tunnel = v->u.rail.track == 0x40;
	bool last_in_tunnel = last_veh->u.rail.track == 0x40;

	// tile where the engine and last wagon are
	TileIndex tile = first_in_tunnel ? YapfGetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(v, false) : v->tile;
	TileIndex last_tile = last_in_tunnel ? YapfGetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(last_veh, true) : last_veh->tile;
	TileIndex tile = v->tile;
	TileIndex last_tile = last_veh->tile;

	// their trackdirs
	Trackdir td = GetVehicleTrackdir(v);
@@ -276,38 +270,6 @@ bool YapfFindNearestRailDepotTwoWay(Vehi
	return ret;

/** Retrieve the exit-tile of the vehicle from inside a tunnel
* Very similar to GetOtherTunnelEnd(), but we use the vehicle's
* direction for determining which end of the tunnel to find
* @param v the vehicle which is inside the tunnel and needs an exit
* @param bReverse should we search for the tunnel exit in the opposite direction?
* @return the exit-tile of the tunnel based on the vehicle's direction
* taken from tunnelbridge_cmd.c where the function body was disabled by
* #if 1 #else #endif (at r5951). Added bReverse argument to allow two-way
* operation (YapfFindNearestRailDepotTwoWay).                              */
static TileIndex YapfGetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(const Vehicle *v, bool bReverse)
	TileIndex tile = v->tile;
	DiagDirection dir = DirToDiagDir((Direction)v->direction);
	TileIndexDiff delta = TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);
	byte z = v->z_pos;

	if (bReverse) {
		delta = -delta;
	} else {
		dir = ReverseDiagDir(dir);
	while (
		!IsTunnelTile(tile) ||
		GetTunnelDirection(tile) != dir ||
		GetTileZ(tile) != z
		) {
			tile += delta;
	return tile;


/** if any track changes, this counter is incremented - that will invalidate segment cost cache */
int CSegmentCostCacheBase::s_rail_change_counter = 0;

Show inline comments
@@ -428,7 +428,6 @@ uint YapfRoadVehDistanceToTile(const Veh
Depot* YapfFindNearestRoadDepot(const Vehicle *v)
	TileIndex tile = v->tile;
	if (v->u.road.state == 255) tile = GetVehicleOutOfTunnelTile(v);
	Trackdir trackdir = GetVehicleTrackdir(v);
	if ((GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD) & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(trackdir)) == 0)
		return NULL;
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)