Changeset - r28278:1fc682037ca2
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Tyler Trahan - 7 months ago 2023-11-26 16:12:02
Codechange: Use Ticks for BaseConsist timetable fields
7 files changed with 13 insertions and 12 deletions:
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 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file base_consist.h Properties for front vehicles/consists. */


#include "order_type.h"
#include "timer/timer_game_tick.h"

/** Various front vehicle properties that are preserved when autoreplacing, using order-backup or switching front engines within a consist. */
struct BaseConsist {
	std::string name;                   ///< Name of vehicle

	/* Used for timetabling. */
	uint32_t current_order_time;               ///< How many ticks have passed since this order started.
	int32_t lateness_counter;                  ///< How many ticks late (or early if negative) this vehicle is.
	TimerGameTick::Ticks current_order_time;    ///< How many ticks have passed since this order started.
	TimerGameTick::Ticks lateness_counter;      ///< How many ticks late (or early if negative) this vehicle is.
	TimerGameTick::TickCounter timetable_start; ///< At what tick of TimerGameTick::counter the vehicle should start its timetable.

	uint16_t service_interval;            ///< The interval for (automatic) servicing; either in days or %.

	VehicleOrderID cur_real_order_index;///< The index to the current real (non-implicit) order
	VehicleOrderID cur_implicit_order_index;///< The index to the current implicit order

	uint16_t vehicle_flags;               ///< Used for gradual loading and other miscellaneous things (@see VehicleFlags enum)

	virtual ~BaseConsist() = default;

	void CopyConsistPropertiesFrom(const BaseConsist *src);

#endif /* BASE_CONSIST_H */
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@@ -1851,49 +1851,49 @@ static void LoadUnloadVehicle(Vehicle *f
			TriggerStationAnimation(st, front->tile, SAT_TRAIN_LOADS);
		} else if (front->type == VEH_ROAD) {
			TriggerRoadStopRandomisation(st, front->tile, RSRT_VEH_LOADS);
			TriggerRoadStopAnimation(st, front->tile, SAT_TRAIN_LOADS);

	/* Only set completely_emptied, if we just unloaded all remaining cargo */
	completely_emptied &= anything_unloaded;

	if (!anything_unloaded) delete payment;

	ClrBit(front->vehicle_flags, VF_STOP_LOADING);
	if (anything_loaded || anything_unloaded) {
		if (_settings_game.order.gradual_loading) {
			/* The time it takes to load one 'slice' of cargo or passengers depends
			 * on the vehicle type - the values here are those found in TTDPatch */
			const uint gradual_loading_wait_time[] = { 40, 20, 10, 20 };

			new_load_unload_ticks = gradual_loading_wait_time[front->type];
		/* We loaded less cargo than possible for all cargo types and it's not full
		 * load and we're not supposed to wait any longer: stop loading. */
		if (!anything_unloaded && full_load_amount == 0 && reservation_left == 0 && !(front->current_order.GetLoadType() & OLFB_FULL_LOAD) &&
				front->current_order_time >= (uint)std::max(front->current_order.GetTimetabledWait() - front->lateness_counter, 0)) {
				front->current_order_time >= std::max(front->current_order.GetTimetabledWait() - front->lateness_counter, 0)) {
			SetBit(front->vehicle_flags, VF_STOP_LOADING);

		UpdateLoadUnloadTicks(front, st, new_load_unload_ticks);
	} else {
		UpdateLoadUnloadTicks(front, st, 20); // We need the ticks for link refreshing.
		bool finished_loading = true;
		if (front->current_order.GetLoadType() & OLFB_FULL_LOAD) {
			if (front->current_order.GetLoadType() == OLF_FULL_LOAD_ANY) {
				/* if the aircraft carries passengers and is NOT full, then
				 * continue loading, no matter how much mail is in */
				if ((front->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && IsCargoInClass(front->cargo_type, CC_PASSENGERS) && front->cargo_cap > front->cargo.StoredCount()) ||
						(cargo_not_full != 0 && (cargo_full & ~cargo_not_full) == 0)) { // There are still non-full cargoes
					finished_loading = false;
			} else if (cargo_not_full != 0) {
				finished_loading = false;

			/* Refresh next hop stats if we're full loading to make the links
			 * known to the distribution algorithm and allow cargo to be sent
			 * along them. Otherwise the vehicle could wait for cargo
			 * indefinitely if it hasn't visited the other links yet, or if the
			 * links die while it's loading. */
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@@ -212,50 +212,49 @@ void LinkRefresher::RefreshStats(const O

			if (this->vehicle->GetDisplayMaxSpeed() == 0) continue;

			/* If not allowed to merge link graphs, make sure the stations are
			 * already in the same link graph. */
			if (!this->allow_merge && st->goods[c].link_graph != st_to->goods[c].link_graph) {

			/* A link is at least partly restricted if a vehicle can't load at its source. */
			EdgeUpdateMode restricted_mode = (cur->GetLoadType() & OLFB_NO_LOAD) == 0 ?
			/* This estimates the travel time of the link as the time needed
			 * to travel between the stations at half the max speed of the consist.
			 * The result is in tiles/tick (= 2048 km-ish/h). */
			uint32_t time_estimate = DistanceManhattan(st->xy, st_to->xy) * 4096U / this->vehicle->GetDisplayMaxSpeed();

			/* If the vehicle is currently full loading, increase the capacities at the station
			 * where it is loading by an estimate of what it would have transported if it wasn't
			 * loading. Don't do that if the vehicle has been waiting for longer than the entire
			 * order list is supposed to take, though. If that is the case the total duration is
			 * probably far off and we'd greatly overestimate the capacity by increasing.*/
			if (this->is_full_loading && this->vehicle->orders != nullptr &&
					st->index == vehicle->last_station_visited &&
					this->vehicle->orders->GetTotalDuration() >
					(TimerGameTick::Ticks)this->vehicle->current_order_time) {
					this->vehicle->orders->GetTotalDuration() > this->vehicle->current_order_time) {
				uint effective_capacity = cargo_quantity * this->vehicle->load_unload_ticks;
				if (effective_capacity > (uint)this->vehicle->orders->GetTotalDuration()) {
					IncreaseStats(st, c, next_station, effective_capacity /
							this->vehicle->orders->GetTotalDuration(), 0, 0,
							EUM_INCREASE | restricted_mode);
				} else if (RandomRange(this->vehicle->orders->GetTotalDuration()) < effective_capacity) {
					IncreaseStats(st, c, next_station, 1, 0, 0, EUM_INCREASE | restricted_mode);
				} else {
					IncreaseStats(st, c, next_station, cargo_quantity, 0, time_estimate, EUM_REFRESH | restricted_mode);
			} else {
				IncreaseStats(st, c, next_station, cargo_quantity, 0, time_estimate, EUM_REFRESH | restricted_mode);

 * Iterate over orders starting at \a cur and \a next and refresh links
 * associated with them. \a cur and \a next can be equal. If they're not they
 * must be "neighbours" in their order list, which means \a next must be directly
 * reachable from \a cur without passing any further OT_GOTO_STATION or
 * OT_IMPLICIT orders in between.
 * @param cur Current order being evaluated.
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@@ -344,48 +344,49 @@ enum SaveLoadVersion : uint16_t {
	SLV_NEWGRF_ROAD_STOPS,                  ///< 303  PR#10144 NewGRF road stops.
	SLV_LINKGRAPH_EDGES,                    ///< 304  PR#10314 Explicitly store link graph edges destination, PR#10471 int64_t instead of uint64_t league rating

	SLV_VELOCITY_NAUTICAL,                  ///< 305  PR#10594 Separation of land and nautical velocity (knots!)
	SLV_CONSISTENT_PARTIAL_Z,               ///< 306  PR#10570 Conversion from an inconsistent partial Z calculation for slopes, to one that is (more) consistent.
	SLV_MORE_CARGO_AGE,                     ///< 307  PR#10596 Track cargo age for a longer period.
	SLV_LINKGRAPH_SECONDS,                  ///< 308  PR#10610 Store linkgraph update intervals in seconds instead of days.
	SLV_AI_START_DATE,                      ///< 309  PR#10653 Removal of individual AI start dates and added a generic one.

	SLV_EXTEND_VEHICLE_RANDOM,              ///< 310  PR#10701 Extend vehicle random bits.
	SLV_EXTEND_ENTITY_MAPPING,              ///< 311  PR#10672 Extend entity mapping range.
	SLV_DISASTER_VEH_STATE,                 ///< 312  PR#10798 Explicit storage of disaster vehicle state.
	SLV_SAVEGAME_ID,                        ///< 313  PR#10719 Add an unique ID to every savegame (used to deduplicate surveys).
	SLV_STRING_GAMELOG,                     ///< 314  PR#10801 Use std::string in gamelog.

	SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE,          ///< 315  PR#10853 Industry accepts/produced data reorganised.
	SLV_PERIODS_IN_TRANSIT_RENAME,          ///< 316  PR#11112 Rename days in transit to (cargo) periods in transit.
	SLV_NEWGRF_LAST_SERVICE,                ///< 317  PR#11124 Added stable date_of_last_service to avoid NewGRF trouble.
	SLV_REMOVE_LOADED_AT_XY,                ///< 318  PR#11276 Remove loaded_at_xy variable from CargoPacket.
	SLV_CARGO_TRAVELLED,                    ///< 319  PR#11283 CargoPacket now tracks how far it travelled inside a vehicle.

	SLV_STATION_RATING_CHEAT,               ///< 320  PR#11346 Add cheat to fix station ratings at 100%.
	SLV_TIMETABLE_START_TICKS,              ///< 321  PR#11468 Convert timetable start from a date to ticks.
	SLV_TIMETABLE_START_TICKS_FIX,          ///< 322  PR#11557 Fix for missing convert timetable start from a date to ticks.
	SLV_TIMETABLE_TICKS_TYPE,               ///< 323  PR#11435 Convert timetable current order time to ticks.

	SL_MAX_VERSION,                         ///< Highest possible saveload version

/** Save or load result codes. */
enum SaveOrLoadResult {
	SL_OK     = 0, ///< completed successfully
	SL_ERROR  = 1, ///< error that was caught before internal structures were modified
	SL_REINIT = 2, ///< error that was caught in the middle of updating game state, need to clear it. (can only happen during load)

/** Deals with the type of the savegame, independent of extension */
struct FileToSaveLoad {
	SaveLoadOperation file_op;       ///< File operation to perform.
	DetailedFileType detail_ftype;   ///< Concrete file type (PNG, BMP, old save, etc).
	AbstractFileType abstract_ftype; ///< Abstract type of file (scenario, heightmap, etc).
	std::string name;                ///< Name of the file.
	std::string title;               ///< Internal name of the game.

	void SetMode(FiosType ft);
	void SetMode(SaveLoadOperation fop, AbstractFileType aft, DetailedFileType dft);
	void Set(const FiosItem &item);

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@@ -699,49 +699,50 @@ public:
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, build_year,            SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_I32,    SL_MIN_VERSION,  SLV_31),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, build_year,            SLE_INT32,                   SLV_31, SL_MAX_VERSION),

		    SLE_VAR(Vehicle, load_unload_ticks,     SLE_UINT16),
		SLEG_CONDVAR("cargo_paid_for", _cargo_paid_for, SLE_UINT16,              SLV_45, SL_MAX_VERSION),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, vehicle_flags,         SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_U16,   SLV_40, SLV_180),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, vehicle_flags,         SLE_UINT16,                 SLV_180, SL_MAX_VERSION),

		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, profit_this_year,      SLE_FILE_I32 | SLE_VAR_I64,   SL_MIN_VERSION,  SLV_65),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, profit_this_year,      SLE_INT64,                   SLV_65, SL_MAX_VERSION),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, profit_last_year,      SLE_FILE_I32 | SLE_VAR_I64,   SL_MIN_VERSION,  SLV_65),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, profit_last_year,      SLE_INT64,                   SLV_65, SL_MAX_VERSION),
		SLEG_CONDVAR("cargo_feeder_share", _cargo_feeder_share, SLE_FILE_I32 | SLE_VAR_I64,  SLV_51,  SLV_65),
		SLEG_CONDVAR("cargo_feeder_share", _cargo_feeder_share, SLE_INT64,                   SLV_65,  SLV_68),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, value,                 SLE_FILE_I32 | SLE_VAR_I64,   SL_MIN_VERSION,  SLV_65),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, value,                 SLE_INT64,                   SLV_65, SL_MAX_VERSION),

		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, random_bits,           SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_U16,    SLV_2, SLV_EXTEND_VEHICLE_RANDOM),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, random_bits,           SLE_UINT16,                   SLV_EXTEND_VEHICLE_RANDOM, SL_MAX_VERSION),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, waiting_triggers,      SLE_UINT8,                    SLV_2, SL_MAX_VERSION),

		SLE_CONDREF(Vehicle, next_shared,           REF_VEHICLE,                  SLV_2, SL_MAX_VERSION),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, group_id,              SLE_UINT16,                  SLV_60, SL_MAX_VERSION),

		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, current_order_time,    SLE_UINT32,                  SLV_67, SL_MAX_VERSION),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, current_order_time,    SLE_FILE_U32 | SLE_VAR_I32,  SLV_67, SLV_TIMETABLE_TICKS_TYPE),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, current_order_time,    SLE_INT32,                   SLV_TIMETABLE_TICKS_TYPE, SL_MAX_VERSION),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, last_loading_tick,     SLE_UINT64,                   SLV_LAST_LOADING_TICK, SL_MAX_VERSION),
		SLE_CONDVAR(Vehicle, lateness_counter,      SLE_INT32,                   SLV_67, SL_MAX_VERSION),
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER == 1915 || _MSC_VER == 1916)
		return description;
	inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _vehicle_common_sl_compat;

	void Save(Vehicle *v) const override
		SlObject(v, this->GetDescription());

	void Load(Vehicle *v) const override
		SlObject(v, this->GetLoadDescription());

	void FixPointers(Vehicle *v) const override
		SlObject(v, this->GetDescription());
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@@ -243,49 +243,49 @@ CommandCost CmdBulkChangeTimetable(DoCom
	return CommandCost();

 * Clear the lateness counter to make the vehicle on time.
 * @param flags Operation to perform.
 * @param veh Vehicle with the orders to change.
 * @param apply_to_group Set to reset the late counter for all vehicles sharing the orders.
 * @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdSetVehicleOnTime(DoCommandFlag flags, VehicleID veh, bool apply_to_group)
	Vehicle *v = Vehicle::GetIfValid(veh);
	if (v == nullptr || !v->IsPrimaryVehicle() || v->orders == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;

	/* A vehicle can't be late if its timetable hasn't started.
	 * If we're setting all vehicles in the group, we handle that below. */
	if (!apply_to_group && !HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_TIMETABLE_STARTED)) return CommandCost(STR_ERROR_TIMETABLE_NOT_STARTED);

	CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(v->owner);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		if (apply_to_group) {
			int32_t most_late = 0;
			TimerGameTick::Ticks most_late = 0;
			for (Vehicle *u = v->FirstShared(); u != nullptr; u = u->NextShared()) {
				/* A vehicle can't be late if its timetable hasn't started. */
				if (!HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_TIMETABLE_STARTED)) continue;

				if (u->lateness_counter > most_late) {
					most_late = u->lateness_counter;
			if (most_late > 0) {
				for (Vehicle *u = v->FirstShared(); u != nullptr; u = u->NextShared()) {
					/* A vehicle can't be late if its timetable hasn't started. */
					if (!HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_TIMETABLE_STARTED)) continue;

					u->lateness_counter -= most_late;
					SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_TIMETABLE, u->index);
		} else {
			v->lateness_counter = 0;
			SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_TIMETABLE, v->index);

	return CommandCost();
@@ -433,49 +433,49 @@ CommandCost CmdAutofillTimetable(DoComma
			ClrBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_AUTOFILL_TIMETABLE);
			ClrBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_AUTOFILL_PRES_WAIT_TIME);

		for (Vehicle *v2 = v->FirstShared(); v2 != nullptr; v2 = v2->NextShared()) {
			if (v2 != v) {
				/* Stop autofilling; only one vehicle at a time can perform autofill */
				ClrBit(v2->vehicle_flags, VF_AUTOFILL_TIMETABLE);
				ClrBit(v2->vehicle_flags, VF_AUTOFILL_PRES_WAIT_TIME);
			SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_TIMETABLE, v2->index);

	return CommandCost();

 * Update the timetable for the vehicle.
 * @param v The vehicle to update the timetable for.
 * @param travelling Whether we just travelled or waited at a station.
void UpdateVehicleTimetable(Vehicle *v, bool travelling)
	uint time_taken = v->current_order_time;
	TimerGameTick::Ticks time_taken = v->current_order_time;

	v->current_order_time = 0;

	if (v->current_order.IsType(OT_IMPLICIT)) return; // no timetabling of auto orders

	if (v->cur_real_order_index >= v->GetNumOrders()) return;
	Order *real_current_order = v->GetOrder(v->cur_real_order_index);
	assert(real_current_order != nullptr);

	VehicleOrderID first_manual_order = 0;
	for (Order *o = v->GetFirstOrder(); o != nullptr && o->IsType(OT_IMPLICIT); o = o->next) {

	bool just_started = false;

	/* This vehicle is arriving at the first destination in the timetable. */
	if (v->cur_real_order_index == first_manual_order && travelling) {
		/* If the start date hasn't been set, or it was set automatically when
		 * the vehicle last arrived at the first destination, update it to the
		 * current time. Otherwise set the late counter appropriately to when
		 * the vehicle should have arrived. */
		just_started = !HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_TIMETABLE_STARTED);

@@ -493,69 +493,69 @@ void UpdateVehicleTimetable(Vehicle *v, 
	bool autofilling = HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_AUTOFILL_TIMETABLE);
	bool remeasure_wait_time = !real_current_order->IsWaitTimetabled() ||
			(autofilling && !HasBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_AUTOFILL_PRES_WAIT_TIME));

	if (travelling && remeasure_wait_time) {
		/* We just finished travelling and want to remeasure the loading time,
		 * so do not apply any restrictions for the loading to finish. */

	if (just_started) return;

	/* Before modifying waiting times, check whether we want to preserve bigger ones. */
	if (!real_current_order->IsType(OT_CONDITIONAL) &&
			(travelling || time_taken > real_current_order->GetWaitTime() || remeasure_wait_time)) {
		/* Round the time taken up to the nearest day, as this will avoid
		 * confusion for people who are timetabling in days, and can be
		 * adjusted later by people who aren't.
		 * For trains/aircraft multiple movement cycles are done in one
		 * tick. This makes it possible to leave the station and process
		 * e.g. a depot order in the same tick, causing it to not fill
		 * the timetable entry like is done for road vehicles/ships.
		 * Thus always make sure at least one tick is used between the
		 * processing of different orders when filling the timetable. */
		uint time_to_set = CeilDiv(std::max(time_taken, 1U), Ticks::DAY_TICKS) * Ticks::DAY_TICKS;
		uint time_to_set = CeilDiv(std::max(time_taken, 1), Ticks::DAY_TICKS) * Ticks::DAY_TICKS;

		if (travelling && (autofilling || !real_current_order->IsTravelTimetabled())) {
			ChangeTimetable(v, v->cur_real_order_index, time_to_set, MTF_TRAVEL_TIME, autofilling);
		} else if (!travelling && (autofilling || !real_current_order->IsWaitTimetabled())) {
			ChangeTimetable(v, v->cur_real_order_index, time_to_set, MTF_WAIT_TIME, autofilling);

	if (v->cur_real_order_index == first_manual_order && travelling) {
		/* If we just started we would have returned earlier and have not reached
		 * this code. So obviously, we have completed our round: So turn autofill
		 * off again. */
		ClrBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_AUTOFILL_TIMETABLE);
		ClrBit(v->vehicle_flags, VF_AUTOFILL_PRES_WAIT_TIME);

	if (autofilling) return;

	uint timetabled = travelling ? real_current_order->GetTimetabledTravel() :
	TimerGameTick::Ticks timetabled = travelling ? real_current_order->GetTimetabledTravel() :

	/* Vehicles will wait at stations if they arrive early even if they are not
	 * timetabled to wait there, so make sure the lateness counter is updated
	 * when this happens. */
	if (timetabled == 0 && (travelling || v->lateness_counter >= 0)) return;

	v->lateness_counter -= (timetabled - time_taken);

	/* When we are more late than this timetabled bit takes we (somewhat expensively)
	 * check how many ticks the (fully filled) timetable has. If a timetable cycle is
	 * shorter than the amount of ticks we are late we reduce the lateness by the
	 * length of a full cycle till lateness is less than the length of a timetable
	 * cycle. When the timetable isn't fully filled the cycle will be Ticks::INVALID_TICKS. */
	if (v->lateness_counter > (int)timetabled) {
	if (v->lateness_counter > timetabled) {
		TimerGameTick::Ticks cycle = v->orders->GetTimetableTotalDuration();
		if (cycle != Ticks::INVALID_TICKS && v->lateness_counter > cycle) {
			v->lateness_counter %= cycle;

	for (v = v->FirstShared(); v != nullptr; v = v->NextShared()) {
		SetWindowDirty(WC_VEHICLE_TIMETABLE, v->index);
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@@ -2312,49 +2312,49 @@ void Vehicle::LeaveStation()



 * Reset all refit_cap in the consist to cargo_cap.
void Vehicle::ResetRefitCaps()
	for (Vehicle *v = this; v != nullptr; v = v->Next()) v->refit_cap = v->cargo_cap;

 * Handle the loading of the vehicle; when not it skips through dummy
 * orders and does nothing in all other cases.
 * @param mode is the non-first call for this vehicle in this tick?
void Vehicle::HandleLoading(bool mode)
	switch (this->current_order.GetType()) {
		case OT_LOADING: {
			uint wait_time = std::max(this->current_order.GetTimetabledWait() - this->lateness_counter, 0);
			TimerGameTick::Ticks wait_time = std::max(this->current_order.GetTimetabledWait() - this->lateness_counter, 0);

			/* Not the first call for this tick, or still loading */
			if (mode || !HasBit(this->vehicle_flags, VF_LOADING_FINISHED) || this->current_order_time < wait_time) return;



			/* Only advance to next order if we just loaded at the current one */
			const Order *order = this->GetOrder(this->cur_implicit_order_index);
			if (order == nullptr ||
					(!order->IsType(OT_IMPLICIT) && !order->IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION)) ||
					order->GetDestination() != this->last_station_visited) {

		case OT_DUMMY: break;

		default: return;

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