Changeset - r27438:22e72ba90974
[Not reviewed]
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PeterN - 16 months ago 2023-05-25 20:25:46
Change: Reorganise industry accept/produce arrays. (#10853)

Use a array of struct for each cargo instead of an array for each statistic.
This makes iterating for acceptance and production much simpler.
pct_transported is now calculated when needed.
16 files changed with 531 insertions and 359 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -1008,39 +1008,39 @@ static uint DeliverGoodsToIndustry(const
	 *  2) The industries in the catchment area temporarily reject the cargo, and the daily station loop has not yet updated station acceptance.
	 *  3) The results of callbacks CBID_INDUSTRY_REFUSE_CARGO and CBID_INDTILE_CARGO_ACCEPTANCE are inconsistent. (documented behaviour)

	uint accepted = 0;

	for (const auto &i : st->industries_near) {
		if (num_pieces == 0) break;

		Industry *ind = i.industry;
		if (ind->index == source) continue;

		int cargo_index = ind->GetCargoAcceptedIndex(cargo_type);
		auto it = ind->GetCargoAccepted(cargo_type);
		/* Check if matching cargo has been found */
		if (cargo_index < 0) continue;
		if (it == std::end(ind->accepted)) continue;

		/* Check if industry temporarily refuses acceptance */
		if (IndustryTemporarilyRefusesCargo(ind, cargo_type)) continue;

		if (ind->exclusive_supplier != INVALID_OWNER && ind->exclusive_supplier != st->owner) continue;

		/* Insert the industry into _cargo_delivery_destinations, if not yet contained */
		include(_cargo_delivery_destinations, ind);

		uint amount = std::min(num_pieces, 0xFFFFu - ind->incoming_cargo_waiting[cargo_index]);
		ind->incoming_cargo_waiting[cargo_index] += amount;
		ind->last_cargo_accepted_at[cargo_index] = TimerGameCalendar::date;
		uint amount = std::min(num_pieces, 0xFFFFu - it->waiting);
		it->waiting += amount;
		it->last_accepted = TimerGameCalendar::date;
		num_pieces -= amount;
		accepted += amount;

		/* Update the cargo monitor. */
		AddCargoDelivery(cargo_type, company, amount, SourceType::Industry, source, st, ind->index);

	return accepted;

 * Delivers goods to industries/towns and calculates the payment
@@ -1110,33 +1110,32 @@ static void TriggerIndustryProduction(In
	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(i->type);
	uint16 callback = indspec->callback_mask;

	i->was_cargo_delivered = true;

	if (HasBit(callback, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_CARGO_ARRIVAL) || HasBit(callback, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS)) {
			IndustryProductionCallback(i, 0);
		} else {
			SetWindowDirty(WC_INDUSTRY_VIEW, i->index);
	} else {
		for (uint ci_in = 0; ci_in < lengthof(i->incoming_cargo_waiting); ci_in++) {
			uint cargo_waiting = i->incoming_cargo_waiting[ci_in];
			if (cargo_waiting == 0) continue;
		for (auto ita = std::begin(i->accepted); ita != std::end(i->accepted); ++ita) {
			if (ita->waiting == 0) continue;

			for (uint ci_out = 0; ci_out < lengthof(i->produced_cargo_waiting); ci_out++) {
				i->produced_cargo_waiting[ci_out] = ClampTo<uint16_t>(i->produced_cargo_waiting[ci_out] + (cargo_waiting * indspec->input_cargo_multiplier[ci_in][ci_out] / 256));
			for (auto itp = std::begin(i->produced); itp != std::end(i->produced); ++itp) {
				itp->waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(itp->waiting + (ita->waiting * indspec->input_cargo_multiplier[ita - std::begin(i->accepted)][itp - std::begin(i->produced)] / 256));

			i->incoming_cargo_waiting[ci_in] = 0;
			ita->waiting = 0;

	StartStopIndustryTileAnimation(i, IAT_INDUSTRY_RECEIVED_CARGO);

 * Makes us a new cargo payment helper.
 * @param front The front of the train
CargoPayment::CargoPayment(Vehicle *front) :
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@@ -47,120 +47,137 @@ enum IndustryControlFlags : byte {
	/** When industry production change is evaluated, rolls to increase are ignored. */
	 * Industry can not close regardless of production level or time since last delivery.
	 * This does not prevent a closure already announced. */
	INDCTL_NO_CLOSURE             = 1 << 2,
	/** Mask of all flags set */

static const int THIS_MONTH = 0;
static const int LAST_MONTH = 1;

 * Defines the internal data of a functional industry.
struct Industry : IndustryPool::PoolItem<&_industry_pool> {
	struct ProducedHistory {
		uint16_t production; ///< Total produced
		uint16_t transported; ///< Total transported

		uint8_t PctTransported() const
			if (this->production == 0) return 0;
			return ClampTo<uint8_t>(this->transported * 256 / this->production);

	struct ProducedCargo {
		CargoID cargo; ///< Cargo type
		uint16_t waiting; ///< Amount of cargo produced
		uint8_t rate; ///< Production rate
		std::array<ProducedHistory, 2> history; ///< History of cargo produced and transported

	struct AcceptedCargo {
		CargoID cargo; ///< Cargo type
		uint16_t waiting; ///< Amount of cargo waiting to processed
		TimerGameCalendar::Date last_accepted; ///< Last day cargo was accepted by this industry

	using ProducedCargoArray = std::array<ProducedCargo, INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS>;
	using AcceptedCargoArray = std::array<AcceptedCargo, INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS>;

	TileArea location;                                     ///< Location of the industry
	Town *town;                                            ///< Nearest town
	Station *neutral_station;                              ///< Associated neutral station
	CargoID produced_cargo[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];          ///< 16 production cargo slots
	uint16 produced_cargo_waiting[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];   ///< amount of cargo produced per cargo
	uint16 incoming_cargo_waiting[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS];    ///< incoming cargo waiting to be processed
	byte production_rate[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];            ///< production rate for each cargo
	ProducedCargoArray produced; ///< INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS production cargo slots
	AcceptedCargoArray accepted; ///< INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS input cargo slots
	byte prod_level;                                       ///< general production level
	CargoID accepts_cargo[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS];            ///< 16 input cargo slots
	uint16 this_month_production[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];    ///< stats of this month's production per cargo
	uint16 this_month_transported[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];   ///< stats of this month's transport per cargo
	byte last_month_pct_transported[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS]; ///< percentage transported per cargo in the last full month
	uint16 last_month_production[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];    ///< total units produced per cargo in the last full month
	uint16 last_month_transported[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];   ///< total units transported per cargo in the last full month
	uint16 counter;                                        ///< used for animation and/or production (if available cargo)

	IndustryType type;             ///< type of industry.
	Owner owner;                   ///< owner of the industry.  Which SHOULD always be (imho) OWNER_NONE
	byte random_colour;            ///< randomized colour of the industry, for display purpose
	TimerGameCalendar::Year last_prod_year; ///< last year of production
	byte was_cargo_delivered;      ///< flag that indicate this has been the closest industry chosen for cargo delivery by a station. see DeliverGoodsToIndustry
	IndustryControlFlags ctlflags; ///< flags overriding standard behaviours

	PartOfSubsidy part_of_subsidy; ///< NOSAVE: is this industry a source/destination of a subsidy?
	StationList stations_near;     ///< NOSAVE: List of nearby stations.
	mutable std::string cached_name; ///< NOSAVE: Cache of the resolved name of the industry

	Owner founder;                 ///< Founder of the industry
	TimerGameCalendar::Date construction_date; ///< Date of the construction of the industry
	uint8 construction_type;       ///< Way the industry was constructed (@see IndustryConstructionType)
	TimerGameCalendar::Date last_cargo_accepted_at[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS]; ///< Last day each cargo type was accepted by this industry
	byte selected_layout;          ///< Which tile layout was used when creating the industry
	Owner exclusive_supplier;      ///< Which company has exclusive rights to deliver cargo (INVALID_OWNER = anyone)
	Owner exclusive_consumer;      ///< Which company has exclusive rights to take cargo (INVALID_OWNER = anyone)
	std::string text;              ///< General text with additional information.

	uint16 random;                 ///< Random value used for randomisation of all kinds of things

	PersistentStorage *psa;        ///< Persistent storage for NewGRF industries.

	Industry(TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE) : location(tile, 0, 0) {}

	void RecomputeProductionMultipliers();

	 * Check if a given tile belongs to this industry.
	 * @param tile The tile to check.
	 * @return True if the tile is part of this industry.
	inline bool TileBelongsToIndustry(TileIndex tile) const
		return IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY) && GetIndustryIndex(tile) == this->index;

	inline int GetCargoProducedIndex(CargoID cargo) const
	inline ProducedCargoArray::iterator GetCargoProduced(CargoID cargo)
		if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo)) return -1;
		const CargoID *pos = std::find(this->produced_cargo, endof(this->produced_cargo), cargo);
		if (pos == endof(this->produced_cargo)) return -1;
		return pos - this->produced_cargo;
		if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo)) return std::end(this->produced);
		return std::find_if(std::begin(this->produced), std::end(this->produced), [&cargo](const auto &p) { return p.cargo == cargo; });

	inline int GetCargoAcceptedIndex(CargoID cargo) const
	inline AcceptedCargoArray::iterator GetCargoAccepted(CargoID cargo)
		if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo)) return -1;
		const CargoID *pos = std::find(this->accepts_cargo, endof(this->accepts_cargo), cargo);
		if (pos == endof(this->accepts_cargo)) return -1;
		return pos - this->accepts_cargo;
		if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo)) return std::end(this->accepted);
		return std::find_if(std::begin(this->accepted), std::end(this->accepted), [&cargo](const auto &a) { return a.cargo == cargo; });

	/** Test if this industry accepts any cargo.
	 * @return true iff the industry accepts any cargo.
	bool IsCargoAccepted() const { return std::any_of(std::begin(this->accepts_cargo), std::end(this->accepts_cargo), [](const auto &cargo) { return IsValidCargoID(cargo); }); }
	bool IsCargoAccepted() const { return std::any_of(std::begin(this->accepted), std::end(this->accepted), [](const auto &a) { return IsValidCargoID(a.cargo); }); }

	/** Test if this industry produces any cargo.
	 * @return true iff the industry produces any cargo.
	bool IsCargoProduced() const { return std::any_of(std::begin(this->produced_cargo), std::end(this->produced_cargo), [](const auto &cargo) { return IsValidCargoID(cargo); }); }
	bool IsCargoProduced() const { return std::any_of(std::begin(this->produced), std::end(this->produced), [](const auto &p) { return IsValidCargoID(p.cargo); }); }

	/** Test if this industry accepts a specific cargo.
	 * @param cargo Cargo type to test.
	 * @return true iff the industry accepts the given cargo type.
	bool IsCargoAccepted(CargoID cargo) const { return std::any_of(std::begin(this->accepts_cargo), std::end(this->accepts_cargo), [&cargo](const auto &cid) { return cid == cargo; }); }
	bool IsCargoAccepted(CargoID cargo) const { return std::any_of(std::begin(this->accepted), std::end(this->accepted), [&cargo](const auto &a) { return a.cargo == cargo; }); }

	/** Test if this industry produces a specific cargo.
	 * @param cargo Cargo type to test.
	 * @return true iff the industry produces the given cargo types.
	bool IsCargoProduced(CargoID cargo) const { return std::any_of(std::begin(this->produced_cargo), std::end(this->produced_cargo), [&cargo](const auto &cid) { return cid == cargo; }); }
	bool IsCargoProduced(CargoID cargo) const { return std::any_of(std::begin(this->produced), std::end(this->produced), [&cargo](const auto &p) { return p.cargo == cargo; }); }

	 * Get the industry of the given tile
	 * @param tile the tile to get the industry from
	 * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_INDUSTRY)
	 * @return the industry
	static inline Industry *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
		return Industry::Get(GetIndustryIndex(tile));

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@@ -411,31 +411,31 @@ static void AddAcceptedCargo_Industry(Ti
	IndustryGfx gfx = GetIndustryGfx(tile);
	const IndustryTileSpec *itspec = GetIndustryTileSpec(gfx);
	const Industry *ind = Industry::GetByTile(tile);

	/* Starting point for acceptance */
	CargoID accepts_cargo[lengthof(itspec->accepts_cargo)];
	int8 cargo_acceptance[lengthof(itspec->acceptance)];
	MemCpyT(accepts_cargo, itspec->accepts_cargo, lengthof(accepts_cargo));
	MemCpyT(cargo_acceptance, itspec->acceptance, lengthof(cargo_acceptance));

	if (itspec->special_flags & INDTILE_SPECIAL_ACCEPTS_ALL_CARGO) {
		/* Copy all accepted cargoes from industry itself */
		for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(ind->accepts_cargo); i++) {
			CargoID *pos = std::find(accepts_cargo, endof(accepts_cargo), ind->accepts_cargo[i]);
		for (const auto &a : ind->accepted) {
			CargoID *pos = std::find(accepts_cargo, endof(accepts_cargo), a.cargo);
			if (pos == endof(accepts_cargo)) {
				/* Not found, insert */
				pos = std::find(accepts_cargo, endof(accepts_cargo), CT_INVALID);
				if (pos == endof(accepts_cargo)) continue; // nowhere to place, give up on this one
				*pos = ind->accepts_cargo[i];
				*pos = a.cargo;
			cargo_acceptance[pos - accepts_cargo] += 8;

	if (HasBit(itspec->callback_mask, CBM_INDT_ACCEPT_CARGO)) {
		/* Try callback for accepts list, if success override all existing accepts */
		uint16 res = GetIndustryTileCallback(CBID_INDTILE_ACCEPT_CARGO, 0, 0, gfx, Industry::GetByTile(tile), tile);
		if (res != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
			MemSetT(accepts_cargo, CT_INVALID, lengthof(accepts_cargo));
			for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) accepts_cargo[i] = GetCargoTranslation(GB(res, i * 5, 5), itspec->grf_prop.grffile);
@@ -515,36 +515,36 @@ static CommandCost ClearTile_Industry(Ti

 * Move produced cargo from industry to nearby stations.
 * @param tile Industry tile
 * @return true if any cargo was moved.
static bool TransportIndustryGoods(TileIndex tile)
	Industry *i = Industry::GetByTile(tile);
	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(i->type);
	bool moved_cargo = false;

	for (uint j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo_waiting); j++) {
		uint cw = ClampTo<uint8_t>(i->produced_cargo_waiting[j]);
		if (cw > indspec->minimal_cargo && IsValidCargoID(i->produced_cargo[j])) {
			i->produced_cargo_waiting[j] -= cw;
	for (auto &p : i->produced) {
		uint cw = ClampTo<uint8_t>(p.waiting);
		if (cw > indspec->minimal_cargo && IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) {
			p.waiting -= cw;

			/* fluctuating economy? */
			if (EconomyIsInRecession()) cw = (cw + 1) / 2;

			i->this_month_production[j] += cw;

			uint am = MoveGoodsToStation(i->produced_cargo[j], cw, SourceType::Industry, i->index, &i->stations_near, i->exclusive_consumer);
			i->this_month_transported[j] += am;
			p.history[THIS_MONTH].production += cw;

			uint am = MoveGoodsToStation(p.cargo, cw, SourceType::Industry, i->index, &i->stations_near, i->exclusive_consumer);
			p.history[THIS_MONTH].transported += am;

			moved_cargo |= (am != 0);

	return moved_cargo;

static void AnimateSugarSieve(TileIndex tile)
	byte m = GetAnimationFrame(tile) + 1;

@@ -972,30 +972,25 @@ static void ChangeTileOwner_Industry(Til
bool IsTileForestIndustry(TileIndex tile)
	/* Check for industry tile */
	if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY)) return false;

	const Industry *ind = Industry::GetByTile(tile);

	/* Check for organic industry (i.e. not processing or extractive) */
	if ((GetIndustrySpec(ind->type)->life_type & INDUSTRYLIFE_ORGANIC) == 0) return false;

	/* Check for wood production */
	for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(ind->produced_cargo); i++) {
		/* The industry produces wood. */
		if (IsValidCargoID(ind->produced_cargo[i]) && CargoSpec::Get(ind->produced_cargo[i])->label == 'WOOD') return true;

	return false;
	return std::any_of(std::begin(ind->produced), std::end(ind->produced), [](const auto &p) { return IsValidCargoID(p.cargo) && CargoSpec::Get(p.cargo)->label == 'WOOD'; });

static const byte _plantfarmfield_type[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6};

 * Check whether the tile can be replaced by a farm field.
 * @param tile the tile to investigate.
 * @param allow_fields if true, the method will return true even if
 * the tile is a farm tile, otherwise the tile may not be a farm tile
 * @return true if the tile can become a farm field
static bool IsSuitableForFarmField(TileIndex tile, bool allow_fields)
@@ -1125,57 +1120,54 @@ static bool SearchLumberMillTrees(TileIn
static void ChopLumberMillTrees(Industry *i)
	/* We only want to cut trees if all tiles are completed. */
	for (TileIndex tile_cur : i->location) {
		if (i->TileBelongsToIndustry(tile_cur)) {
			if (!IsIndustryCompleted(tile_cur)) return;

	TileIndex tile = i->location.tile;
	if (CircularTileSearch(&tile, 40, SearchLumberMillTrees, nullptr)) { // 40x40 tiles  to search.
		i->produced_cargo_waiting[0] = ClampTo<uint16_t>(i->produced_cargo_waiting[0] + 45); // Found a tree, add according value to waiting cargo.
		i->produced[0].waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(i->produced[0].waiting + 45); // Found a tree, add according value to waiting cargo.

static void ProduceIndustryGoods(Industry *i)
	const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(i->type);

	/* play a sound? */
	if ((i->counter & 0x3F) == 0) {
		uint32 r;
		if (Chance16R(1, 14, r) && indsp->number_of_sounds != 0 && _settings_client.sound.ambient) {
			for (size_t j = 0; j < lengthof(i->last_month_production); j++) {
				if (i->last_month_production[j] > 0) {
					/* Play sound since last month had production */
						(SoundFx)(indsp->random_sounds[((r >> 16) * indsp->number_of_sounds) >> 16]),
			if (std::any_of(std::begin(i->produced), std::end(i->produced), [](const auto &p) { return p.history[LAST_MONTH].production > 0; })) {
				/* Play sound since last month had production */
					(SoundFx)(indsp->random_sounds[((r >> 16) * indsp->number_of_sounds) >> 16]),


	/* produce some cargo */
	if ((i->counter % INDUSTRY_PRODUCE_TICKS) == 0) {
		if (HasBit(indsp->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS)) IndustryProductionCallback(i, 1);

		IndustryBehaviour indbehav = indsp->behaviour;
		for (size_t j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo_waiting); j++) {
			i->produced_cargo_waiting[j] = ClampTo<uint16_t>(i->produced_cargo_waiting[j] + i->production_rate[j]);
		for (auto &p : i->produced) {
			p.waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(p.waiting + p.rate);

		if ((indbehav & INDUSTRYBEH_PLANT_FIELDS) != 0) {
			uint16 cb_res = CALLBACK_FAILED;
			if (HasBit(indsp->callback_mask, CBM_IND_SPECIAL_EFFECT)) {
				cb_res = GetIndustryCallback(CBID_INDUSTRY_SPECIAL_EFFECT, Random(), 0, i, i->type, i->location.tile);

			bool plant;
			if (cb_res != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
				plant = ConvertBooleanCallback(indsp->grf_prop.grffile, CBID_INDUSTRY_SPECIAL_EFFECT, cb_res);
			} else {
@@ -1753,40 +1745,39 @@ static void PopulateStationsNearby(Indus
 * @param t                   Nearest town.
 * @param founder             Founder of the industry; OWNER_NONE in case of random construction.
 * @param initial_random_bits Random bits for the industry.
static void DoCreateNewIndustry(Industry *i, TileIndex tile, IndustryType type, const IndustryTileLayout &layout, size_t layout_index, Town *t, Owner founder, uint16 initial_random_bits)
	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(type);

	i->location = TileArea(tile, 1, 1);
	i->type = type;

	MemCpyT(i->produced_cargo,  indspec->produced_cargo,  lengthof(i->produced_cargo));
	MemCpyT(i->production_rate, indspec->production_rate, lengthof(i->production_rate));
	MemCpyT(i->accepts_cargo,   indspec->accepts_cargo,   lengthof(i->accepts_cargo));

	MemSetT(i->produced_cargo_waiting,     0, lengthof(i->produced_cargo_waiting));
	MemSetT(i->this_month_production,      0, lengthof(i->this_month_production));
	MemSetT(i->this_month_transported,     0, lengthof(i->this_month_transported));
	MemSetT(i->last_month_pct_transported, 0, lengthof(i->last_month_pct_transported));
	MemSetT(i->last_month_transported,     0, lengthof(i->last_month_transported));
	MemSetT(i->incoming_cargo_waiting,     0, lengthof(i->incoming_cargo_waiting));
	MemSetT(i->last_cargo_accepted_at,     0, lengthof(i->last_cargo_accepted_at));
	for (auto it = std::begin(i->produced); it != std::end(i->produced); ++it) {
		size_t index = it - std::begin(i->produced);
		it->cargo = indspec->produced_cargo[index];
		it->rate = indspec->production_rate[index];

	for (auto it = std::begin(i->accepted); it != std::end(i->accepted); ++it) {
		size_t index = it - std::begin(i->accepted);
		it->cargo = indspec->accepts_cargo[index];

	/* Randomize inital production if non-original economy is used and there are no production related callbacks. */
	if (!indspec->UsesOriginalEconomy()) {
		for (size_t ci = 0; ci < lengthof(i->production_rate); ci++) {
			i->production_rate[ci] = ClampTo<byte>((RandomRange(256) + 128) * i->production_rate[ci] >> 8);
		for (auto &p : i->produced) {
			p.rate = ClampTo<byte>((RandomRange(256) + 128) * p.rate >> 8);

	i->town = t;
	i->owner = OWNER_NONE;

	uint16 r = Random();
	i->random_colour = GB(r, 0, 4);
	i->counter = GB(r, 4, 12);
	i->random = initial_random_bits;
	i->was_cargo_delivered = false;
	i->last_prod_year = TimerGameCalendar::year;
@@ -1815,102 +1806,102 @@ static void DoCreateNewIndustry(Industry
				ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_PROD_CHANGE_BUILD, res);
			} else {
				i->prod_level = res;

	if (_generating_world) {
		if (HasBit(indspec->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS)) {
			IndustryProductionCallback(i, 1);
			for (size_t ci = 0; ci < lengthof(i->last_month_production); ci++) {
				i->last_month_production[ci] = i->produced_cargo_waiting[ci] * 8;
				i->produced_cargo_waiting[ci] = 0;
			for (auto &p : i->produced) {
				p.history[LAST_MONTH].production = p.waiting * 8;
				p.waiting = 0;

		for (size_t ci = 0; ci < lengthof(i->last_month_production); ci++) {
			i->last_month_production[ci] += i->production_rate[ci] * 8;
		for (auto &p : i->produced) {
			p.history[LAST_MONTH].production += p.rate * 8;

	if (HasBit(indspec->callback_mask, CBM_IND_DECIDE_COLOUR)) {
		uint16 res = GetIndustryCallback(CBID_INDUSTRY_DECIDE_COLOUR, 0, 0, i, type, INVALID_TILE);
		if (res != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
			if (GB(res, 4, 11) != 0) ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_DECIDE_COLOUR, res);
			i->random_colour = GB(res, 0, 4);

	if (HasBit(indspec->callback_mask, CBM_IND_INPUT_CARGO_TYPES)) {
		/* Clear all input cargo types */
		for (uint j = 0; j < lengthof(i->accepts_cargo); j++) i->accepts_cargo[j] = CT_INVALID;
		for (auto &a : i->accepted) a.cargo = CT_INVALID;
		/* Query actual types */
		uint maxcargoes = (indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_CARGOTYPES_UNLIMITED) ? lengthof(i->accepts_cargo) : 3;
		uint maxcargoes = (indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_CARGOTYPES_UNLIMITED) ? static_cast<uint>(i->accepted.size()) : 3;
		for (uint j = 0; j < maxcargoes; j++) {
			uint16 res = GetIndustryCallback(CBID_INDUSTRY_INPUT_CARGO_TYPES, j, 0, i, type, INVALID_TILE);
			if (res == CALLBACK_FAILED || GB(res, 0, 8) == CT_INVALID) break;
			if (indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grf_version >= 8 && res >= 0x100) {
				ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_INPUT_CARGO_TYPES, res);
			CargoID cargo = GetCargoTranslation(GB(res, 0, 8), indspec->grf_prop.grffile);
			/* Industries without "unlimited" cargo types support depend on the specific order/slots of cargo types.
			 * They need to be able to blank out specific slots without aborting the callback sequence,
			 * and solve this by returning undefined cargo indexes. Skip these. */
			if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo) && !(indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_CARGOTYPES_UNLIMITED)) continue;
			/* Verify valid cargo */
			if (std::find(indspec->accepts_cargo, endof(indspec->accepts_cargo), cargo) == endof(indspec->accepts_cargo)) {
				/* Cargo not in spec, error in NewGRF */
				ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_INPUT_CARGO_TYPES, res);
			if (std::find(i->accepts_cargo, i->accepts_cargo + j, cargo) != i->accepts_cargo + j) {
			if (std::any_of(std::begin(i->accepted), std::begin(i->accepted) + j, [&cargo](const auto &a) { return a.cargo == cargo; })) {
				/* Duplicate cargo */
				ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_INPUT_CARGO_TYPES, res);
			i->accepts_cargo[j] = cargo;
			i->accepted[j].cargo = cargo;

	if (HasBit(indspec->callback_mask, CBM_IND_OUTPUT_CARGO_TYPES)) {
		/* Clear all output cargo types */
		for (uint j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) i->produced_cargo[j] = CT_INVALID;
		for (auto &p : i->produced) p.cargo = CT_INVALID;
		/* Query actual types */
		uint maxcargoes = (indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_CARGOTYPES_UNLIMITED) ? lengthof(i->produced_cargo) : 2;
		uint maxcargoes = (indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_CARGOTYPES_UNLIMITED) ? static_cast<uint>(i->produced.size()) : 2;
		for (uint j = 0; j < maxcargoes; j++) {
			uint16 res = GetIndustryCallback(CBID_INDUSTRY_OUTPUT_CARGO_TYPES, j, 0, i, type, INVALID_TILE);
			if (res == CALLBACK_FAILED || GB(res, 0, 8) == CT_INVALID) break;
			if (indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grf_version >= 8 && res >= 0x100) {
				ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_OUTPUT_CARGO_TYPES, res);
			CargoID cargo = GetCargoTranslation(GB(res, 0, 8), indspec->grf_prop.grffile);
			/* Allow older GRFs to skip slots. */
			if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo) && !(indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_CARGOTYPES_UNLIMITED)) continue;
			/* Verify valid cargo */
			if (std::find(indspec->produced_cargo, endof(indspec->produced_cargo), cargo) == endof(indspec->produced_cargo)) {
				/* Cargo not in spec, error in NewGRF */
				ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_OUTPUT_CARGO_TYPES, res);
			if (std::find(i->produced_cargo, i->produced_cargo + j, cargo) != i->produced_cargo + j) {
			if (std::any_of(std::begin(i->produced), std::begin(i->produced) + j, [&cargo](const auto &p) { return p.cargo == cargo; })) {
				/* Duplicate cargo */
				ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, CBID_INDUSTRY_OUTPUT_CARGO_TYPES, res);
			i->produced_cargo[j] = cargo;
			i->produced[j].cargo = cargo;

	/* Plant the tiles */

	for (const IndustryTileLayoutTile &it : layout) {
		TileIndex cur_tile = tile + ToTileIndexDiff(it.ti);


			WaterClass wc = (IsWaterTile(cur_tile) ? GetWaterClass(cur_tile) : WATER_CLASS_INVALID);
@@ -2402,54 +2393,48 @@ void GenerateIndustries()
		assert(industry_probs[it] > 0);
		PlaceInitialIndustry(it, false);

 * Monthly update of industry statistics.
 * @param i Industry to update.
static void UpdateIndustryStatistics(Industry *i)
	for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) {
		if (IsValidCargoID(i->produced_cargo[j])) {
			byte pct = 0;
			if (i->this_month_production[j] != 0) {
				i->last_prod_year = TimerGameCalendar::year;
				pct = ClampTo<byte>(i->this_month_transported[j] * 256 / i->this_month_production[j]);
			i->last_month_pct_transported[j] = pct;

			i->last_month_production[j] = i->this_month_production[j];
			i->this_month_production[j] = 0;

			i->last_month_transported[j] = i->this_month_transported[j];
			i->this_month_transported[j] = 0;
	for (auto &p : i->produced) {
		if (IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) {
			if (p.history[THIS_MONTH].production != 0) i->last_prod_year = TimerGameCalendar::year;

			/* Move history from this month to last month. */
			std::rotate(std::rbegin(p.history), std::rbegin(p.history) + 1, std::rend(p.history));
			p.history[THIS_MONTH].production = 0;
			p.history[THIS_MONTH].transported = 0;

 * Recompute #production_rate for current #prod_level.
 * This function is only valid when not using smooth economy.
void Industry::RecomputeProductionMultipliers()
	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(this->type);

	/* Rates are rounded up, so e.g. oilrig always produces some passengers */
	for (size_t i = 0; i < lengthof(this->production_rate); i++) {
		this->production_rate[i] = ClampTo<byte>(CeilDiv(indspec->production_rate[i] * this->prod_level, PRODLEVEL_DEFAULT));
	for (auto &p : this->produced) {
		p.rate = ClampTo<uint8_t>(CeilDiv(indspec->production_rate[&p - this->] * this->prod_level, PRODLEVEL_DEFAULT));

void Industry::FillCachedName() const
	char buf[256];
	int64 args_array[] = { this->index };
	StringParameters tmp_params(args_array);
	char *end = GetStringWithArgs(buf, STR_INDUSTRY_NAME, &tmp_params, lastof(buf));
	this->cached_name.assign(buf, end);

@@ -2764,81 +2749,81 @@ static void ChangeIndustryProduction(Ind
		if (monthly == original_economy) return;
		if (!original_economy && _settings_game.economy.type == ET_FROZEN) return;
		if (indspec->life_type == INDUSTRYLIFE_BLACK_HOLE) return;

	if (standard || (!callback_enabled && (indspec->life_type & (INDUSTRYLIFE_ORGANIC | INDUSTRYLIFE_EXTRACTIVE)) != 0)) {
		/* decrease or increase */
		bool only_decrease = (indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_DONT_INCR_PROD) && _settings_game.game_creation.landscape == LT_TEMPERATE;

		if (original_economy) {
			if (only_decrease || Chance16(1, 3)) {
				/* If more than 60% transported, 66% chance of increase, else 33% chance of increase */
				if (!only_decrease && (i->last_month_pct_transported[0] > PERCENT_TRANSPORTED_60) != Chance16(1, 3)) {
				if (!only_decrease && (i->produced[0].history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported() > PERCENT_TRANSPORTED_60) != Chance16(1, 3)) {
					mul = 1; // Increase production
				} else {
					div = 1; // Decrease production
		} else if (_settings_game.economy.type == ET_SMOOTH) {
			closeit = !(i->ctlflags & (INDCTL_NO_CLOSURE | INDCTL_NO_PRODUCTION_DECREASE));
			for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) {
				if (!IsValidCargoID(i->produced_cargo[j])) continue;
			for (auto &p : i->produced) {
				if (!IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) continue;
				uint32 r = Random();
				int old_prod, new_prod, percent;
				/* If over 60% is transported, mult is 1, else mult is -1. */
				int mult = (i->last_month_pct_transported[j] > PERCENT_TRANSPORTED_60) ? 1 : -1;

				new_prod = old_prod = i->production_rate[j];
				int mult = (p.history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported() > PERCENT_TRANSPORTED_60) ? 1 : -1;

				new_prod = old_prod = p.rate;

				/* For industries with only_decrease flags (temperate terrain Oil Wells),
				 * the multiplier will always be -1 so they will only decrease. */
				if (only_decrease) {
					mult = -1;
				/* For normal industries, if over 60% is transported, 33% chance for decrease.
				 * Bonus for very high station ratings (over 80%): 16% chance for decrease. */
				} else if (Chance16I(1, ((i->last_month_pct_transported[j] > PERCENT_TRANSPORTED_80) ? 6 : 3), r)) {
				} else if (Chance16I(1, ((p.history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported() > PERCENT_TRANSPORTED_80) ? 6 : 3), r)) {
					mult *= -1;

				/* 4.5% chance for 3-23% (or 1 unit for very low productions) production change,
				 * determined by mult value. If mult = 1 prod. increases, else (-1) it decreases. */
				if (Chance16I(1, 22, r >> 16)) {
					new_prod += mult * (std::max(((RandomRange(50) + 10) * old_prod) >> 8, 1U));

				/* Prevent production to overflow or Oil Rig passengers to be over-"produced" */
				new_prod = Clamp(new_prod, 1, 255);
				if (i->produced_cargo[j] == CT_PASSENGERS && !(indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_NO_PAX_PROD_CLAMP)) {
				if (p.cargo == CT_PASSENGERS && !(indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_NO_PAX_PROD_CLAMP)) {
					new_prod = Clamp(new_prod, 0, 16);

				/* If override flags are set, prevent actually changing production if any was decided on */
				if ((i->ctlflags & INDCTL_NO_PRODUCTION_DECREASE) && new_prod < old_prod) continue;
				if ((i->ctlflags & INDCTL_NO_PRODUCTION_INCREASE) && new_prod > old_prod) continue;

				/* Do not stop closing the industry when it has the lowest possible production rate */
				if (new_prod == old_prod && old_prod > 1) {
					closeit = false;

				percent = (old_prod == 0) ? 100 : (new_prod * 100 / old_prod - 100);
				i->production_rate[j] = new_prod;
				p.rate = new_prod;

				/* Close the industry when it has the lowest possible production rate */
				if (new_prod > 1) closeit = false;

				if (abs(percent) >= 10) {
					ReportNewsProductionChangeIndustry(i, i->produced_cargo[j], percent);
					ReportNewsProductionChangeIndustry(i, p.cargo, percent);

	/* If override flags are set, prevent actually changing production if any was decided on */
	if ((i->ctlflags & INDCTL_NO_PRODUCTION_DECREASE) && (div > 0 || increment < 0)) return;
	if ((i->ctlflags & INDCTL_NO_PRODUCTION_INCREASE) && (mul > 0 || increment > 0)) return;

	if (!callback_enabled && (indspec->life_type & INDUSTRYLIFE_PROCESSING)) {
		if (TimerGameCalendar::year - i->last_prod_year >= PROCESSING_INDUSTRY_ABANDONMENT_YEARS && Chance16(1, original_economy ? 2 : 180)) {
			closeit = true;
Show inline comments
@@ -180,24 +180,51 @@ static inline void GetAllCargoSuffixes(C
				if (IsValidCargoID(cargoes[0])) GetCargoSuffix(0, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffixes[0]);
				if (IsValidCargoID(cargoes[1])) GetCargoSuffix(1, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffixes[1]);
				if (IsValidCargoID(cargoes[2])) GetCargoSuffix(2, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffixes[2]);

 * Gets the strings to display after the cargo of industries (using callback 37)
 * @param use_input get suffixes for output cargo or input cargo?
 * @param cst the cargo suffix type (for which window is it requested). @see CargoSuffixType
 * @param ind the industry (nullptr if in fund window)
 * @param ind_type the industry type
 * @param indspec the industry spec
 * @param cargo cargotype. for CT_INVALID no suffix will be determined
 * @param slot accepts/produced slot number, used for old-style 3-in/2-out industries.
 * @param suffix is filled with the suffix
void GetCargoSuffix(CargoSuffixInOut use_input, CargoSuffixType cst, const Industry *ind, IndustryType ind_type, const IndustrySpec *indspec, CargoID cargo, uint8_t slot, CargoSuffix &suffix)
	suffix.text[0] = '\0';
	suffix.display = CSD_CARGO;
	if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo)) return;
	if (indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_CARGOTYPES_UNLIMITED) {
		byte local_id = indspec->grf_prop.grffile->cargo_map[cargo]; // should we check the value for valid?
		uint cargotype = local_id << 16 | use_input;
		GetCargoSuffix(cargotype, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffix);
	} else if (use_input == CARGOSUFFIX_IN) {
		if (slot < 3) GetCargoSuffix(slot, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffix);
	} else if (use_input == CARGOSUFFIX_OUT) {
		if (slot < 2) GetCargoSuffix(slot + 3, cst, ind, ind_type, indspec, suffix);

std::array<IndustryType, NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES> _sorted_industry_types; ///< Industry types sorted by name.

/** Sort industry types by their name. */
static bool IndustryTypeNameSorter(const IndustryType &a, const IndustryType &b)
	int r = StrNaturalCompare(GetString(GetIndustrySpec(a)->name), GetString(GetIndustrySpec(b)->name)); // Sort by name (natural sorting).

	/* If the names are equal, sort by industry type. */
	return (r != 0) ? r < 0 : (a < b);

@@ -831,87 +858,91 @@ public:
		bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
		Industry *i = Industry::Get(this->window_number);
		const IndustrySpec *ind = GetIndustrySpec(i->type);
		Rect ir = r.Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect);
		bool first = true;
		bool has_accept = false;

		if (i->prod_level == PRODLEVEL_CLOSURE) {
			DrawString(ir, STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_INDUSTRY_ANNOUNCED_CLOSURE); += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL + WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide;

		CargoSuffix cargo_suffix[lengthof(i->accepts_cargo)];
		GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_IN, CST_VIEW, i, i->type, ind, i->accepts_cargo, cargo_suffix);
		bool stockpiling = HasBit(ind->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_CARGO_ARRIVAL) || HasBit(ind->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS);

		for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->accepts_cargo); j++) {
			if (!IsValidCargoID(i->accepts_cargo[j])) continue;
		for (const auto &a : i->accepted) {
			if (!IsValidCargoID(a.cargo)) continue;
			has_accept = true;
			if (first) {
				first = false;
			SetDParam(0, CargoSpec::Get(i->accepts_cargo[j])->name);
			SetDParam(1, i->accepts_cargo[j]);
			SetDParam(2, i->incoming_cargo_waiting[j]);

			CargoSuffix suffix;
			GetCargoSuffix(CARGOSUFFIX_IN, CST_VIEW, i, i->type, ind, a.cargo, &a - i->, suffix);

			SetDParam(0, CargoSpec::Get(a.cargo)->name);
			SetDParam(1, a.cargo);
			SetDParam(2, a.waiting);
			SetDParamStr(3, "");
			StringID str = STR_NULL;
			switch (cargo_suffix[j].display) {
			switch (suffix.display) {
					SetDParamStr(3, cargo_suffix[j].text);
					SetDParamStr(3, suffix.text);

				case CSD_CARGO_TEXT:
					SetDParamStr(3, cargo_suffix[j].text);
					SetDParamStr(3, suffix.text);
				case CSD_CARGO:

			DrawString(ir.Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent, rtl), str); += FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL;

		GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_OUT, CST_VIEW, i, i->type, ind, i->produced_cargo, cargo_suffix);
		int line_height = this->editable == EA_RATE ? this->cheat_line_height : FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL;
		int text_y_offset = (line_height - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) / 2;
		int button_y_offset = (line_height - SETTING_BUTTON_HEIGHT) / 2;
		first = true;
		for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) {
			if (!IsValidCargoID(i->produced_cargo[j])) continue;
		for (const auto &p : i->produced) {
			if (!IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) continue;
			if (first) {
				if (has_accept) += WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide;
				if (this->editable == EA_RATE) this->production_offset_y =;
				first = false;

			SetDParam(0, i->produced_cargo[j]);
			SetDParam(1, i->last_month_production[j]);
			SetDParamStr(2, cargo_suffix[j].text);
			SetDParam(3, ToPercent8(i->last_month_pct_transported[j]));
			CargoSuffix suffix;
			GetCargoSuffix(CARGOSUFFIX_OUT, CST_VIEW, i, i->type, ind, p.cargo, &p - i->, suffix);

			SetDParam(0, p.cargo);
			SetDParam(1, p.history[LAST_MONTH].production);
			SetDParamStr(2, suffix.text);
			SetDParam(3, ToPercent8(p.history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported()));
			DrawString(ir.Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent + (this->editable == EA_RATE ? SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal : 0), rtl).Translate(0, text_y_offset), STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_TRANSPORTED);
			/* Let's put out those buttons.. */
			if (this->editable == EA_RATE) {
				DrawArrowButtons(ir.Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent, rtl).WithWidth(SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH, rtl).left, + button_y_offset, COLOUR_YELLOW, (this->clicked_line == IL_RATE1 + j) ? this->clicked_button : 0,
						i->production_rate[j] > 0, i->production_rate[j] < 255);
				DrawArrowButtons(ir.Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent, rtl).WithWidth(SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH, rtl).left, + button_y_offset, COLOUR_YELLOW, (this->clicked_line == IL_RATE1 + (&p - i-> ? this->clicked_button : 0,
						p.rate > 0, p.rate < 255);
			} += line_height;

		/* Display production multiplier if editable */
		if (this->editable == EA_MULTIPLIER) {
			line_height = this->cheat_line_height;
			text_y_offset = (line_height - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) / 2;
			button_y_offset = (line_height - SETTING_BUTTON_HEIGHT) / 2; += WidgetDimensions::scaled.vsep_wide;
			this->production_offset_y =;
			SetDParam(0, RoundDivSU(i->prod_level * 100, PRODLEVEL_DEFAULT));
@@ -971,29 +1002,29 @@ public:
				InfoLine line = IL_NONE;

				switch (this->editable) {
					case EA_NONE: break;

					case EA_MULTIPLIER:
						if (IsInsideBS(pt.y, this->production_offset_y, this->cheat_line_height)) line = IL_MULTIPLIER;

					case EA_RATE:
						if (pt.y >= this->production_offset_y) {
							int row = (pt.y - this->production_offset_y) / this->cheat_line_height;
							for (uint j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) {
								if (!IsValidCargoID(i->produced_cargo[j])) continue;
							for (auto itp = std::begin(i->produced); itp != std::end(i->produced); ++itp) {
								if (!IsValidCargoID(itp->cargo)) continue;
								if (row < 0) {
									line = (InfoLine)(IL_RATE1 + j);
									line = (InfoLine)(IL_RATE1 + (itp - std::begin(i->produced)));
				if (line == IL_NONE) return;

				bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
				Rect r = this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(widget)->GetCurrentRect().Shrink(WidgetDimensions::scaled.framerect).Indent(WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_indent, rtl);

				if (r.WithWidth(SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH, rtl).Contains(pt)) {
@@ -1003,53 +1034,53 @@ public:
						case EA_MULTIPLIER:
							if (decrease) {
								if (i->prod_level <= PRODLEVEL_MINIMUM) return;
								i->prod_level = static_cast<byte>(std::max<uint>(i->prod_level / 2, PRODLEVEL_MINIMUM));
							} else {
								if (i->prod_level >= PRODLEVEL_MAXIMUM) return;
								i->prod_level = static_cast<byte>(std::min<uint>(i->prod_level * 2, PRODLEVEL_MAXIMUM));

						case EA_RATE:
							if (decrease) {
								if (i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] <= 0) return;
								i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] = std::max(i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] / 2, 0);
								if (i->produced[line - IL_RATE1].rate <= 0) return;
								i->produced[line - IL_RATE1].rate = std::max(i->produced[line - IL_RATE1].rate / 2, 0);
							} else {
								if (i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] >= 255) return;
								if (i->produced[line - IL_RATE1].rate >= 255) return;
								/* a zero production industry is unlikely to give anything but zero, so push it a little bit */
								int new_prod = i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] == 0 ? 1 : i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] * 2;
								i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] = ClampTo<byte>(new_prod);
								int new_prod = i->produced[line - IL_RATE1].rate == 0 ? 1 : i->produced[line - IL_RATE1].rate * 2;
								i->produced[line - IL_RATE1].rate = ClampTo<byte>(new_prod);

						default: NOT_REACHED();

					this->clicked_line = line;
					this->clicked_button = (decrease ^ rtl) ? 1 : 2;
				} else if (r.Indent(SETTING_BUTTON_WIDTH + WidgetDimensions::scaled.hsep_normal, rtl).Contains(pt)) {
					/* clicked the text */
					this->editbox_line = line;
					switch (this->editable) {
						case EA_MULTIPLIER:
							SetDParam(0, RoundDivSU(i->prod_level * 100, PRODLEVEL_DEFAULT));

						case EA_RATE:
							SetDParam(0, i->production_rate[line - IL_RATE1] * 8);
							SetDParam(0, i->produced[line - IL_RATE1].rate * 8);

						default: NOT_REACHED();

			case WID_IV_GOTO: {
				Industry *i = Industry::Get(this->window_number);
				if (_ctrl_pressed) {
@@ -1090,25 +1121,25 @@ public:
		if (StrEmpty(str)) return;

		Industry *i = Industry::Get(this->window_number);
		uint value = atoi(str);
		switch (this->editbox_line) {

				i->prod_level = ClampU(RoundDivSU(value * PRODLEVEL_DEFAULT, 100), PRODLEVEL_MINIMUM, PRODLEVEL_MAXIMUM);

				i->production_rate[this->editbox_line - IL_RATE1] = ClampU(RoundDivSU(value, 8), 0, 255);
				i->produced[this->editbox_line - IL_RATE1].rate = ClampU(RoundDivSU(value, 8), 0, 255);

	 * Some data on this window has become invalid.
	 * @param data Information about the changed data.
	 * @param gui_scope Whether the call is done from GUI scope. You may not do everything when not in GUI scope. See #InvalidateWindowData() for details.
	void OnInvalidateData(int data = 0, bool gui_scope = true) override
@@ -1130,27 +1161,27 @@ public:

	void ShowNewGRFInspectWindow() const override
		::ShowNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_INDUSTRIES, this->window_number);

static void UpdateIndustryProduction(Industry *i)
	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(i->type);
	if (indspec->UsesOriginalEconomy()) i->RecomputeProductionMultipliers();

	for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) {
		if (IsValidCargoID(i->produced_cargo[j])) {
			i->last_month_production[j] = 8 * i->production_rate[j];
	for (auto &p : i->produced) {
		if (IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) {
			p.history[LAST_MONTH].production = 8 * p.rate;

/** Widget definition of the view industry gui */
static const NWidgetPart _nested_industry_view_widgets[] = {
@@ -1406,57 +1437,55 @@ protected:
		this->vscroll->SetCount(this->industries.size()); // Update scrollbar as well.


	 * Returns percents of cargo transported if industry produces this cargo, else -1
	 * @param i industry to check
	 * @param id cargo slot
	 * @return percents of cargo transported, or -1 if industry doesn't use this cargo slot
	static inline int GetCargoTransportedPercentsIfValid(const Industry *i, uint id)
	static inline int GetCargoTransportedPercentsIfValid(const Industry::ProducedCargo &p)
		assert(id < lengthof(i->produced_cargo));

		if (!IsValidCargoID(i->produced_cargo[id])) return -1;
		return ToPercent8(i->last_month_pct_transported[id]);
		if (!IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) return -1;
		return ToPercent8(p.history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported());

	 * Returns value representing industry's transported cargo
	 *  percentage for industry sorting
	 * @param i industry to check
	 * @return value used for sorting
	static int GetCargoTransportedSortValue(const Industry *i)
		CargoID filter = IndustryDirectoryWindow::produced_cargo_filter;
		if (filter == CF_NONE) return 0;

		int percentage = 0, produced_cargo_count = 0;
		for (uint id = 0; id < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); id++) {
		for (const auto &p : i->produced) {
			if (filter == CF_ANY) {
				int transported = GetCargoTransportedPercentsIfValid(i, id);
				int transported = GetCargoTransportedPercentsIfValid(p);
				if (transported != -1) {
					percentage += transported;
				if (produced_cargo_count == 0 && id == lengthof(i->produced_cargo) - 1 && percentage == 0) {
				if (produced_cargo_count == 0 && &p == &i->produced.back() && percentage == 0) {
					return transported;
			} else if (filter == i->produced_cargo[id]) {
				return GetCargoTransportedPercentsIfValid(i, id);
			} else if (filter == p.cargo) {
				return GetCargoTransportedPercentsIfValid(p);

		if (produced_cargo_count == 0) return percentage;
		return percentage / produced_cargo_count;

	/** Sort industries by name */
	static bool IndustryNameSorter(const Industry * const &a, const Industry * const &b)
		int r = StrNaturalCompare(a->GetCachedName(), b->GetCachedName()); // Sort by name (natural sorting).
		if (r == 0) return a->index < b->index;
@@ -1472,31 +1501,31 @@ protected:
		while (it_b != NUM_INDUSTRYTYPES && b->type != _sorted_industry_types[it_b]) it_b++;
		int r = it_a - it_b;
		return (r == 0) ? IndustryNameSorter(a, b) : r < 0;

	/** Sort industries by production and name */
	static bool IndustryProductionSorter(const Industry * const &a, const Industry * const &b)
		CargoID filter = IndustryDirectoryWindow::produced_cargo_filter;
		if (filter == CF_NONE) return IndustryTypeSorter(a, b);

		uint prod_a = 0, prod_b = 0;
		for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(a->produced_cargo); i++) {
		for (auto ita = std::begin(a->produced), itb = std::begin(b->produced); ita != std::end(a->produced) && itb != std::end(b->produced); ++ita, ++itb) {
			if (filter == CF_ANY) {
				if (IsValidCargoID(a->produced_cargo[i])) prod_a += a->last_month_production[i];
				if (IsValidCargoID(b->produced_cargo[i])) prod_b += b->last_month_production[i];
				if (IsValidCargoID(ita->cargo)) prod_a += ita->history[LAST_MONTH].production;
				if (IsValidCargoID(itb->cargo)) prod_b += ita->history[LAST_MONTH].production;
			} else {
				if (a->produced_cargo[i] == filter) prod_a += a->last_month_production[i];
				if (b->produced_cargo[i] == filter) prod_b += b->last_month_production[i];
				if (ita->cargo == filter) prod_a += ita->history[LAST_MONTH].production;
				if (itb->cargo == filter) prod_b += itb->history[LAST_MONTH].production;
		int r = prod_a - prod_b;

		return (r == 0) ? IndustryTypeSorter(a, b) : r < 0;

	/** Sort industries by transported cargo and name */
	static bool IndustryTransportedCargoSorter(const Industry * const &a, const Industry * const &b)
		int r = GetCargoTransportedSortValue(a) - GetCargoTransportedSortValue(b);
		return (r == 0) ? IndustryNameSorter(a, b) : r < 0;
@@ -1506,39 +1535,39 @@ protected:
	 * Get the StringID to draw and set the appropriate DParams.
	 * @param i the industry to get the StringID of.
	 * @return the StringID.
	StringID GetIndustryString(const Industry *i) const
		const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(i->type);
		byte p = 0;

		/* Industry name */
		SetDParam(p++, i->index);

		static CargoSuffix cargo_suffix[lengthof(i->produced_cargo)];
		GetAllCargoSuffixes(CARGOSUFFIX_OUT, CST_DIR, i, i->type, indsp, i->produced_cargo, cargo_suffix);
		static CargoSuffix cargo_suffix[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];

		/* Get industry productions (CargoID, production, suffix, transported) */
		struct CargoInfo {
			CargoID cargo_id;
			uint16 production;
			const char *suffix;
			uint transported;
		std::vector<CargoInfo> cargos;

		for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) {
			if (!IsValidCargoID(i->produced_cargo[j])) continue;
			cargos.push_back({ i->produced_cargo[j], i->last_month_production[j], cargo_suffix[j].text.c_str(), ToPercent8(i->last_month_pct_transported[j]) });
		for (auto itp = std::begin(i->produced); itp != std::end(i->produced); ++itp) {
			if (!IsValidCargoID(itp->cargo)) continue;
			GetCargoSuffix(CARGOSUFFIX_OUT, CST_DIR, i, i->type, indsp, itp->cargo, itp - std::begin(i->produced), cargo_suffix[itp - std::begin(i->produced)]);
			cargos.push_back({ itp->cargo, itp->history[LAST_MONTH].production, cargo_suffix[itp - std::begin(i->produced)].text.c_str(), ToPercent8(itp->history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported()) });

		switch (static_cast<IndustryDirectoryWindow::SorterType>(this->industries.SortType())) {
			case IndustryDirectoryWindow::SorterType::ByName:
			case IndustryDirectoryWindow::SorterType::ByType:
			case IndustryDirectoryWindow::SorterType::ByProduction:
				/* Sort by descending production, then descending transported */
				std::sort(cargos.begin(), cargos.end(), [](const CargoInfo &a, const CargoInfo &b) {
					if (a.production != b.production) return a.production > b.production;
					return a.transported > b.transported;
Show inline comments
@@ -205,27 +205,27 @@ static uint32 GetCountAndDistanceOfClose
		*available = false;
		return UINT_MAX;

	switch (variable) {
		case 0x40:
		case 0x41:
		case 0x42: { // waiting cargo, but only if those two callback flags are set
			uint16 callback = indspec->callback_mask;
			if (HasBit(callback, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_CARGO_ARRIVAL) || HasBit(callback, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS)) {
				if ((indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_PROD_MULTI_HNDLING) != 0) {
					if (this->industry->prod_level == 0) return 0;
					return ClampTo<uint16>(this->industry->incoming_cargo_waiting[variable - 0x40] / this->industry->prod_level);
					return ClampTo<uint16>(this->industry->accepted[variable - 0x40].waiting / this->industry->prod_level);
				} else {
					return ClampTo<uint16>(this->industry->incoming_cargo_waiting[variable - 0x40]);
					return ClampTo<uint16>(this->industry->accepted[variable - 0x40].waiting);
			} else {
				return 0;

		/* Manhattan distance of closes dry/water tile */
		case 0x43:
			if (this->tile == INVALID_TILE) break;
			return GetClosestWaterDistance(this->tile, (indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_BUILT_ONWATER) == 0);

		/* Layout number */
@@ -308,113 +308,113 @@ static uint32 GetCountAndDistanceOfClose
			return GetCountAndDistanceOfClosestInstance(parameter, layout_filter, town_filter, this->industry);

		case 0x69:
		case 0x6A:
		case 0x6B:
		case 0x6C:
		case 0x6D:
		case 0x70:
		case 0x71: {
			CargoID cargo = GetCargoTranslation(parameter, this->ro.grffile);
			if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo)) return 0;
			int index = this->industry->GetCargoProducedIndex(cargo);
			if (index < 0) return 0; // invalid cargo
			auto it = this->industry->GetCargoProduced(cargo);
			if (it == std::end(this->industry->produced)) return 0; // invalid cargo
			switch (variable) {
				case 0x69: return this->industry->produced_cargo_waiting[index];
				case 0x6A: return this->industry->this_month_production[index];
				case 0x6B: return this->industry->this_month_transported[index];
				case 0x6C: return this->industry->last_month_production[index];
				case 0x6D: return this->industry->last_month_transported[index];
				case 0x70: return this->industry->production_rate[index];
				case 0x71: return this->industry->last_month_pct_transported[index];
				case 0x69: return it->waiting;
				case 0x6A: return it->history[THIS_MONTH].production;
				case 0x6B: return it->history[THIS_MONTH].transported;
				case 0x6C: return it->history[LAST_MONTH].production;
				case 0x6D: return it->history[LAST_MONTH].transported;
				case 0x70: return it->rate;
				case 0x71: return it->history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported();
				default: NOT_REACHED();


		case 0x6E:
		case 0x6F: {
			CargoID cargo = GetCargoTranslation(parameter, this->ro.grffile);
			if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo)) return 0;
			int index = this->industry->GetCargoAcceptedIndex(cargo);
			if (index < 0) return 0; // invalid cargo
			if (variable == 0x6E) return this->industry->last_cargo_accepted_at[index];
			if (variable == 0x6F) return this->industry->incoming_cargo_waiting[index];
			auto it = this->industry->GetCargoAccepted(cargo);
			if (it == std::end(this->industry->accepted)) return 0; // invalid cargo
			if (variable == 0x6E) return it->last_accepted;
			if (variable == 0x6F) return it->waiting;

		/* Get a variable from the persistent storage */
		case 0x7C: return (this->industry->psa != nullptr) ? this->industry->psa->GetValue(parameter) : 0;

		/* Industry structure access*/
		case 0x80: return this->industry->location.tile;
		case 0x81: return GB(this->industry->location.tile, 8, 8);
		/* Pointer to the town the industry is associated with */
		case 0x82: return this->industry->town->index;
		case 0x83:
		case 0x84:
		case 0x85: Debug(grf, 0, "NewGRFs shouldn't be doing pointer magic"); break; // not supported
		case 0x86: return this->industry->location.w;
		case 0x87: return this->industry->location.h;// xy dimensions

		case 0x88:
		case 0x89: return this->industry->produced_cargo[variable - 0x88];
		case 0x8A: return this->industry->produced_cargo_waiting[0];
		case 0x8B: return GB(this->industry->produced_cargo_waiting[0], 8, 8);
		case 0x8C: return this->industry->produced_cargo_waiting[1];
		case 0x8D: return GB(this->industry->produced_cargo_waiting[1], 8, 8);
		case 0x89: return this->industry->produced[variable - 0x88].cargo;
		case 0x8A: return this->industry->produced[0].waiting;
		case 0x8B: return GB(this->industry->produced[0].waiting, 8, 8);
		case 0x8C: return this->industry->produced[1].waiting;
		case 0x8D: return GB(this->industry->produced[1].waiting, 8, 8);
		case 0x8E:
		case 0x8F: return this->industry->production_rate[variable - 0x8E];
		case 0x8F: return this->industry->produced[variable - 0x8E].rate;
		case 0x90:
		case 0x91:
		case 0x92: return this->industry->accepts_cargo[variable - 0x90];
		case 0x92: return this->industry->accepted[variable - 0x90].cargo;
		case 0x93: return this->industry->prod_level;
		/* amount of cargo produced so far THIS month. */
		case 0x94: return this->industry->this_month_production[0];
		case 0x95: return GB(this->industry->this_month_production[0], 8, 8);
		case 0x96: return this->industry->this_month_production[1];
		case 0x97: return GB(this->industry->this_month_production[1], 8, 8);
		case 0x94: return this->industry->produced[0].history[THIS_MONTH].production;
		case 0x95: return GB(this->industry->produced[0].history[THIS_MONTH].production, 8, 8);
		case 0x96: return this->industry->produced[1].history[THIS_MONTH].production;
		case 0x97: return GB(this->industry->produced[1].history[THIS_MONTH].production, 8, 8);
		/* amount of cargo transported so far THIS month. */
		case 0x98: return this->industry->this_month_transported[0];
		case 0x99: return GB(this->industry->this_month_transported[0], 8, 8);
		case 0x9A: return this->industry->this_month_transported[1];
		case 0x9B: return GB(this->industry->this_month_transported[1], 8, 8);
		case 0x98: return this->industry->produced[0].history[THIS_MONTH].transported;
		case 0x99: return GB(this->industry->produced[0].history[THIS_MONTH].transported, 8, 8);
		case 0x9A: return this->industry->produced[1].history[THIS_MONTH].transported;
		case 0x9B: return GB(this->industry->produced[1].history[THIS_MONTH].transported, 8, 8);
		/* fraction of cargo transported LAST month. */
		case 0x9C:
		case 0x9D: return this->industry->last_month_pct_transported[variable - 0x9C];
		case 0x9D: return this->industry->produced[variable - 0x9C].history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported();
		/* amount of cargo produced LAST month. */
		case 0x9E: return this->industry->last_month_production[0];
		case 0x9F: return GB(this->industry->last_month_production[0], 8, 8);
		case 0xA0: return this->industry->last_month_production[1];
		case 0xA1: return GB(this->industry->last_month_production[1], 8, 8);
		case 0x9E: return this->industry->produced[0].history[LAST_MONTH].production;
		case 0x9F: return GB(this->industry->produced[0].history[LAST_MONTH].production, 8, 8);
		case 0xA0: return this->industry->produced[1].history[LAST_MONTH].production;
		case 0xA1: return GB(this->industry->produced[1].history[LAST_MONTH].production, 8, 8);
		/* amount of cargo transported last month. */
		case 0xA2: return this->industry->last_month_transported[0];
		case 0xA3: return GB(this->industry->last_month_transported[0], 8, 8);
		case 0xA4: return this->industry->last_month_transported[1];
		case 0xA5: return GB(this->industry->last_month_transported[1], 8, 8);
		case 0xA2: return this->industry->produced[0].history[LAST_MONTH].transported;
		case 0xA3: return GB(this->industry->produced[0].history[LAST_MONTH].transported, 8, 8);
		case 0xA4: return this->industry->produced[1].history[LAST_MONTH].transported;
		case 0xA5: return GB(this->industry->produced[1].history[LAST_MONTH].transported, 8, 8);

		case 0xA6: return indspec->grf_prop.local_id;
		case 0xA7: return this->industry->founder;
		case 0xA8: return this->industry->random_colour;
		case 0xA9: return ClampTo<uint8_t>(this->industry->last_prod_year - ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR);
		case 0xAA: return this->industry->counter;
		case 0xAB: return GB(this->industry->counter, 8, 8);
		case 0xAC: return this->industry->was_cargo_delivered;

		case 0xB0: return ClampTo<uint16_t>(this->industry->construction_date - DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR); // Date when built since 1920 (in days)
		case 0xB3: return this->industry->construction_type; // Construction type
		case 0xB4: {
			TimerGameCalendar::Date *latest = std::max_element(this->industry->last_cargo_accepted_at, endof(this->industry->last_cargo_accepted_at));
			return ClampTo<uint16_t>((*latest) - DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR); // Date last cargo accepted since 1920 (in days)
			auto it = std::max_element(std::begin(this->industry->accepted), std::end(this->industry->accepted), [](const auto &a, const auto &b) { return a.last_accepted < b.last_accepted; });
			return ClampTo<uint16_t>(it->last_accepted - DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR); // Date last cargo accepted since 1920 (in days)

	Debug(grf, 1, "Unhandled industry variable 0x{:X}", variable);

	*available = false;
	return UINT_MAX;

/* virtual */ uint32 IndustriesScopeResolver::GetRandomBits() const
	return this->industry != nullptr ? this->industry->random : 0;
@@ -634,40 +634,40 @@ void IndustryProductionCallback(Industry
			SetDParam(2, ind->location.tile);

			/* abort the function early, this error isn't critical and will allow the game to continue to run */

		bool deref = (group->version >= 1);

		if (group->version < 2) {
			/* Callback parameters map directly to industry cargo slot indices */
			for (uint i = 0; i < group->num_input; i++) {
				ind->incoming_cargo_waiting[i] = ClampTo<uint16_t>(ind->incoming_cargo_waiting[i] - DerefIndProd(group->subtract_input[i], deref) * multiplier);
				ind->accepted[i].waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(ind->accepted[i].waiting - DerefIndProd(group->subtract_input[i], deref) * multiplier);
			for (uint i = 0; i < group->num_output; i++) {
				ind->produced_cargo_waiting[i] = ClampTo<uint16_t>(ind->produced_cargo_waiting[i] + std::max(DerefIndProd(group->add_output[i], deref), 0) * multiplier);
				ind->produced[i].waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(ind->produced[i].waiting + std::max(DerefIndProd(group->add_output[i], deref), 0) * multiplier);
		} else {
			/* Callback receives list of cargos to apply for, which need to have their cargo slots in industry looked up */
			for (uint i = 0; i < group->num_input; i++) {
				int cargo_index = ind->GetCargoAcceptedIndex(group->cargo_input[i]);
				if (cargo_index < 0) continue;
				ind->incoming_cargo_waiting[cargo_index] = ClampTo<uint16_t>(ind->incoming_cargo_waiting[cargo_index] - DerefIndProd(group->subtract_input[i], deref) * multiplier);
				auto it = ind->GetCargoAccepted(group->cargo_input[i]);
				if (it == std::end(ind->accepted)) continue;
				it->waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(it->waiting - DerefIndProd(group->subtract_input[i], deref) * multiplier);
			for (uint i = 0; i < group->num_output; i++) {
				int cargo_index = ind->GetCargoProducedIndex(group->cargo_output[i]);
				if (cargo_index < 0) continue;
				ind->produced_cargo_waiting[cargo_index] = ClampTo<uint16_t>(ind->produced_cargo_waiting[cargo_index] + std::max(DerefIndProd(group->add_output[i], deref), 0) * multiplier);
				auto it = ind->GetCargoProduced(group->cargo_output[i]);
				if (it == std::end(ind->produced)) continue;
				it->waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(it->waiting + std::max(DerefIndProd(group->add_output[i], deref), 0) * multiplier);

		int32 again = DerefIndProd(group->again, deref);
		if (again == 0) break;

		SB(object.callback_param2, 24, 8, again);

	SetWindowDirty(WC_INDUSTRY_VIEW, ind->index);

Show inline comments
@@ -1691,29 +1691,29 @@ bool AfterLoadGame()
		for (Station *st : Station::Iterate()) {
			for (CargoID c = 0; c < NUM_CARGO; c++) {
				st->goods[c].last_speed = 0;
				if (st->goods[c].cargo.AvailableCount() != 0) SetBit(st->goods[c].status, GoodsEntry::GES_RATING);

	if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_78)) {
		uint j;
		for (Industry * i : Industry::Iterate()) {
			const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(i->type);
			for (j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) {
				i->produced_cargo[j] = indsp->produced_cargo[j];
			for (j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced); j++) {
				i->produced[j].cargo = indsp->produced_cargo[j];
			for (j = 0; j < lengthof(i->accepts_cargo); j++) {
				i->accepts_cargo[j] = indsp->accepts_cargo[j];
			for (j = 0; j < lengthof(i->accepted); j++) {
				i->accepted[j].cargo = indsp->accepts_cargo[j];

	/* Before version 81, the density of grass was always stored as zero, and
	 * grassy trees were always drawn fully grassy. Furthermore, trees on rough
	 * land used to have zero density, now they have full density. Therefore,
	 * make all grassy/rough land trees have a density of 3. */
	if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_81)) {
		for (auto t : Map::Iterate()) {
			if (GetTileType(t) == MP_TREES) {
				TreeGround groundType = (TreeGround)GB(t.m2(), 4, 2);
@@ -2997,45 +2997,41 @@ bool AfterLoadGame()
			if (t->growth_rate & 0x8000) SetBit(t->flags, TOWN_CUSTOM_GROWTH);
			if (t->growth_rate != TOWN_GROWTH_RATE_NONE) {
				t->growth_rate = TownTicksToGameTicks(t->growth_rate & ~0x8000);
			/* Add t->index % TOWN_GROWTH_TICKS to spread growth across ticks. */
			t->grow_counter = TownTicksToGameTicks(t->grow_counter) + t->index % TOWN_GROWTH_TICKS;

	if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS)) {
		/* Make sure added industry cargo slots are cleared */
		for (Industry *i : Industry::Iterate()) {
			for (size_t ci = 2; ci < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); ci++) {
				i->produced_cargo[ci] = CT_INVALID;
				i->produced_cargo_waiting[ci] = 0;
				i->production_rate[ci] = 0;
				i->last_month_production[ci] = 0;
				i->last_month_transported[ci] = 0;
				i->last_month_pct_transported[ci] = 0;
				i->this_month_production[ci] = 0;
				i->this_month_transported[ci] = 0;
			for (auto it = std::begin(i->produced) + 2; it != std::end(i->produced); ++it) {
				it->cargo = CT_INVALID;
				it->waiting = 0;
				it->rate = 0;
				it->history = {};
			for (size_t ci = 3; ci < lengthof(i->accepts_cargo); ci++) {
				i->accepts_cargo[ci] = CT_INVALID;
				i->incoming_cargo_waiting[ci] = 0;
			for (auto it = std::begin(i->accepted) + 3; it != std::end(i->accepted); ++it) {
				it->cargo = CT_INVALID;
				it->waiting = 0;
			/* Make sure last_cargo_accepted_at is copied to elements for every valid input cargo.
			 * The loading routine should put the original singular value into the first array element. */
			for (size_t ci = 0; ci < lengthof(i->accepts_cargo); ci++) {
				if (IsValidCargoID(i->accepts_cargo[ci])) {
					i->last_cargo_accepted_at[ci] = i->last_cargo_accepted_at[0];
			for (auto &a : i->accepted) {
				if (IsValidCargoID(a.cargo)) {
					a.last_accepted = i->accepted[0].last_accepted;
				} else {
					i->last_cargo_accepted_at[ci] = 0;
					a.last_accepted = 0;

	if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_SHIPS_STOP_IN_LOCKS)) {
		/* Move ships from lock slope to upper or lower position. */
		for (Ship *s : Ship::Iterate()) {
			/* Suitable tile? */
			if (!IsTileType(s->tile, MP_WATER) || !IsLock(s->tile) || GetLockPart(s->tile) != LOCK_PART_MIDDLE) continue;

			/* We don't need to adjust position when at the tile centre */
Show inline comments
@@ -3,42 +3,60 @@
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file industry_sl_compat.h Loading of industry chunks before table headers were added. */


#include "../saveload.h"

const SaveLoadCompat _industry_accepts_sl_compat[] = {

const SaveLoadCompat _industry_produced_history_sl_compat[] = {

const SaveLoadCompat _industry_produced_sl_compat[] = {

/** Original field order for _industry_desc. */
const SaveLoadCompat _industry_sl_compat[] = {
Show inline comments
@@ -10,112 +10,248 @@
#include "../stdafx.h"

#include "saveload.h"
#include "compat/industry_sl_compat.h"

#include "../industry.h"
#include "newgrf_sl.h"

#include "../safeguards.h"

static OldPersistentStorage _old_ind_persistent_storage;

class SlIndustryAccepted : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler<SlIndustryAccepted, Industry> {
	inline static const SaveLoad description[] = {
		 SLE_VAR(Industry::AcceptedCargo, cargo, SLE_UINT8),
		 SLE_VAR(Industry::AcceptedCargo, waiting, SLE_UINT16),
		 SLE_VAR(Industry::AcceptedCargo, last_accepted, SLE_INT32),
	inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _industry_accepts_sl_compat;

	void Save(Industry *i) const override

		for (auto &a : i->accepted) {
			SlObject(&a, this->GetDescription());

	void Load(Industry *i) const override
		size_t len = SlGetStructListLength(i->accepted.size());

		for (auto &a : i->accepted) {
			if (--len > i->accepted.size()) break; // unsigned so wraps after hitting zero.
			SlObject(&a, this->GetDescription());

	/* Old array structure used for savegames before SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE. */
	static CargoID old_cargo[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS];
	static uint16_t old_waiting[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS];
	static TimerGameCalendar::Date old_last_accepted[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS];

/* static */ CargoID SlIndustryAccepted::old_cargo[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS];
/* static */ uint16_t SlIndustryAccepted::old_waiting[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS];
/* static */ TimerGameCalendar::Date SlIndustryAccepted::old_last_accepted[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS];

class SlIndustryProducedHistory : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler<SlIndustryProducedHistory, Industry::ProducedCargo> {
	inline static const SaveLoad description[] = {
		 SLE_VAR(Industry::ProducedHistory, production, SLE_UINT16),
		 SLE_VAR(Industry::ProducedHistory, transported, SLE_UINT16),
	inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _industry_produced_history_sl_compat;

	void Save(Industry::ProducedCargo *p) const override

		for (auto &h : p->history) {
			SlObject(&h, this->GetDescription());

	void Load(Industry::ProducedCargo *p) const override
		size_t len = SlGetStructListLength(p->history.size());

		for (auto &h : p->history) {
			if (--len > p->history.size()) break; // unsigned so wraps after hitting zero.
			SlObject(&h, this->GetDescription());

class SlIndustryProduced : public DefaultSaveLoadHandler<SlIndustryProduced, Industry> {
	inline static const SaveLoad description[] = {
		 SLE_VAR(Industry::ProducedCargo, cargo, SLE_UINT8),
		 SLE_VAR(Industry::ProducedCargo, waiting, SLE_UINT16),
		 SLE_VAR(Industry::ProducedCargo, rate, SLE_UINT8),
		SLEG_STRUCTLIST("history", SlIndustryProducedHistory),
	inline const static SaveLoadCompatTable compat_description = _industry_produced_sl_compat;

	void Save(Industry *i) const override

		for (auto &p : i->produced) {
			SlObject(&p, this->GetDescription());

	void Load(Industry *i) const override
		size_t len = SlGetStructListLength(i->produced.size());

		for (auto &p : i->produced) {
			if (--len > i->produced.size()) break; // unsigned so wraps after hitting zero.
			SlObject(&p, this->GetDescription());

	/* Old array structure used for savegames before SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE. */
	static CargoID old_cargo[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
	static uint16_t old_waiting[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
	static uint8_t old_rate[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
	static uint16_t old_this_month_production[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
	static uint16_t old_this_month_transported[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
	static uint16_t old_last_month_production[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
	static uint16_t old_last_month_transported[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];

/* static */ CargoID SlIndustryProduced::old_cargo[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
/* static */ uint16_t SlIndustryProduced::old_waiting[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
/* static */ uint8_t SlIndustryProduced::old_rate[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
/* static */ uint16_t SlIndustryProduced::old_this_month_production[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
/* static */ uint16_t SlIndustryProduced::old_this_month_transported[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
/* static */ uint16_t SlIndustryProduced::old_last_month_production[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];
/* static */ uint16_t SlIndustryProduced::old_last_month_transported[INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS];

static const SaveLoad _industry_desc[] = {
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, location.tile,              SLE_FILE_U16 | SLE_VAR_U32,  SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_6),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, location.tile,              SLE_UINT32,                  SLV_6, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	    SLE_VAR(Industry, location.w,                 SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_U16),
	    SLE_VAR(Industry, location.h,                 SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_U16),
	    SLE_REF(Industry, town,                       REF_TOWN),
	SLE_CONDREF(Industry, neutral_station,            REF_STATION,                SLV_SERVE_NEUTRAL_INDUSTRIES, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, produced_cargo,             SLE_UINT8,   2,              SLV_78, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, produced_cargo,             SLE_UINT8,  16,             SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, incoming_cargo_waiting,     SLE_UINT16,  3,              SLV_70, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, incoming_cargo_waiting,     SLE_UINT16, 16,             SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, produced_cargo_waiting,     SLE_UINT16,  2,               SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, produced_cargo_waiting,     SLE_UINT16, 16,             SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, production_rate,            SLE_UINT8,   2,               SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, production_rate,            SLE_UINT8,  16,             SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, accepts_cargo,              SLE_UINT8,   3,              SLV_78, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, accepts_cargo,              SLE_UINT8,  16,             SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLEG_CONDARR("produced_cargo",             SlIndustryProduced::old_cargo,                  SLE_UINT8,   2, SLV_78, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLEG_CONDARR("produced_cargo",             SlIndustryProduced::old_cargo,                  SLE_UINT8,  16, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE),
	SLEG_CONDARR("incoming_cargo_waiting",     SlIndustryAccepted::old_waiting,                SLE_UINT16,  3, SLV_70, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLEG_CONDARR("incoming_cargo_waiting",     SlIndustryAccepted::old_waiting,                SLE_UINT16, 16, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE),
	SLEG_CONDARR("produced_cargo_waiting",     SlIndustryProduced::old_waiting,                SLE_UINT16,  2, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLEG_CONDARR("produced_cargo_waiting",     SlIndustryProduced::old_waiting,                SLE_UINT16, 16, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE),
	SLEG_CONDARR("production_rate",            SlIndustryProduced::old_rate,                   SLE_UINT8,   2, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLEG_CONDARR("production_rate",            SlIndustryProduced::old_rate,                   SLE_UINT8,  16, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE),
	SLEG_CONDARR("accepts_cargo",              SlIndustryAccepted::old_cargo,                  SLE_UINT8,   3, SLV_78, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLEG_CONDARR("accepts_cargo",              SlIndustryAccepted::old_cargo,                  SLE_UINT8,  16, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE),
	    SLE_VAR(Industry, prod_level,                 SLE_UINT8),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, this_month_production,      SLE_UINT16,  2,               SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, this_month_production,      SLE_UINT16, 16,             SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, this_month_transported,     SLE_UINT16,  2,               SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, this_month_transported,     SLE_UINT16, 16,             SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, last_month_pct_transported, SLE_UINT8,   2,               SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, last_month_pct_transported, SLE_UINT8,  16,             SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, last_month_production,      SLE_UINT16,  2,               SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, last_month_production,      SLE_UINT16, 16,             SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, last_month_transported,     SLE_UINT16,  2,               SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, last_month_transported,     SLE_UINT16, 16,             SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLEG_CONDARR("this_month_production",      SlIndustryProduced::old_this_month_production,  SLE_UINT16,  2, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLEG_CONDARR("this_month_production",      SlIndustryProduced::old_this_month_production,  SLE_UINT16, 16, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE),
	SLEG_CONDARR("this_month_transported",     SlIndustryProduced::old_this_month_transported, SLE_UINT16,  2, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLEG_CONDARR("this_month_transported",     SlIndustryProduced::old_this_month_transported, SLE_UINT16, 16, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE),
	SLEG_CONDARR("last_month_production",      SlIndustryProduced::old_last_month_production,  SLE_UINT16,  2, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLEG_CONDARR("last_month_production",      SlIndustryProduced::old_last_month_production,  SLE_UINT16, 16, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE),
	SLEG_CONDARR("last_month_transported",     SlIndustryProduced::old_last_month_transported, SLE_UINT16,  2, SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLEG_CONDARR("last_month_transported",     SlIndustryProduced::old_last_month_transported, SLE_UINT16, 16, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE),

	    SLE_VAR(Industry, counter,                    SLE_UINT16),

	    SLE_VAR(Industry, type,                       SLE_UINT8),
	    SLE_VAR(Industry, owner,                      SLE_UINT8),
	    SLE_VAR(Industry, random_colour,              SLE_UINT8),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, last_prod_year,             SLE_FILE_U8 | SLE_VAR_I32,  SL_MIN_VERSION, SLV_31),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, last_prod_year,             SLE_INT32,                 SLV_31, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	    SLE_VAR(Industry, was_cargo_delivered,        SLE_UINT8),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, ctlflags,                   SLE_UINT8,                 SLV_GS_INDUSTRY_CONTROL, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, founder,                    SLE_UINT8,                 SLV_70, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, construction_date,          SLE_INT32,                 SLV_70, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, construction_type,          SLE_UINT8,                 SLV_70, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, last_cargo_accepted_at[0],  SLE_INT32,                 SLV_70, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, last_cargo_accepted_at,     SLE_INT32, 16,            SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLEG_CONDVAR("last_cargo_accepted_at[0]",  SlIndustryAccepted::old_last_accepted[0], SLE_INT32,     SLV_70, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLEG_CONDARR("last_cargo_accepted_at",     SlIndustryAccepted::old_last_accepted,    SLE_INT32, 16, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, selected_layout,            SLE_UINT8,                 SLV_73, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, exclusive_supplier,         SLE_UINT8,                 SLV_GS_INDUSTRY_CONTROL, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, exclusive_consumer,         SLE_UINT8,                 SLV_GS_INDUSTRY_CONTROL, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLEG_CONDARR("storage",, SLE_UINT32, 16, SLV_76, SLV_161),
	SLE_CONDREF(Industry, psa,                        REF_STORAGE,              SLV_161, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, random,                     SLE_UINT16,                SLV_82, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLEG_CONDSTRUCTLIST("accepted", SlIndustryAccepted,                          SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLEG_CONDSTRUCTLIST("produced", SlIndustryProduced,                          SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE, SL_MAX_VERSION),

struct INDYChunkHandler : ChunkHandler {
	INDYChunkHandler() : ChunkHandler('INDY', CH_TABLE) {}

	void Save() const override

		/* Write the industries */
		for (Industry *ind : Industry::Iterate()) {
			SlObject(ind, _industry_desc);

	void LoadMoveAcceptsProduced(Industry *i) const
		for (uint j = 0; j != INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS; ++j) {
			auto &a = i->accepted[j];
			a.cargo = SlIndustryAccepted::old_cargo[j];
			a.waiting = SlIndustryAccepted::old_waiting[j];
			a.last_accepted = SlIndustryAccepted::old_last_accepted[j];

		for (uint j = 0; j != INDUSTRY_NUM_OUTPUTS; ++j) {
			auto &p = i->produced[j];
			p.cargo = SlIndustryProduced::old_cargo[j];
			p.waiting = SlIndustryProduced::old_waiting[j];
			p.rate = SlIndustryProduced::old_rate[j];
			p.history[THIS_MONTH].production = SlIndustryProduced::old_this_month_production[j];
			p.history[THIS_MONTH].transported = SlIndustryProduced::old_this_month_transported[j];
			p.history[LAST_MONTH].production = SlIndustryProduced::old_last_month_production[j];
			p.history[LAST_MONTH].transported = SlIndustryProduced::old_last_month_transported[j];

	void Load() const override
		const std::vector<SaveLoad> slt = SlCompatTableHeader(_industry_desc, _industry_sl_compat);

		int index;


		while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
			Industry *i = new (index) Industry();
			SlObject(i, slt);

			/* Before savegame version 161, persistent storages were not stored in a pool. */
			if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_161) && !IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_76)) {
				/* Store the old persistent storage. The GRFID will be added later. */
				i->psa = new PersistentStorage(0, 0, 0);
				memcpy(i->psa->storage,, sizeof(;
			if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE)) LoadMoveAcceptsProduced(i);

	void FixPointers() const override
		for (Industry *i : Industry::Iterate()) {
			SlObject(i, _industry_desc);

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@@ -786,48 +786,47 @@ static bool LoadOldStation(LoadgameState

	return true;

static const OldChunks industry_chunk[] = {
	OCL_SVAR(   OC_TILE, Industry, location.tile ),
	OCL_VAR ( OC_UINT32,   1, &_old_town_index ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Industry, location.w ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Industry, location.h ),
	OCL_NULL( 2 ),  ///< used to be industry's produced_cargo

	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTD | OC_UINT16, Industry, produced_cargo_waiting[0] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTD | OC_UINT16, Industry, produced_cargo_waiting[1] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTO | OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Industry, produced_cargo_waiting[0] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTO | OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Industry, produced_cargo_waiting[1] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTD | OC_UINT16, Industry, produced[0].waiting ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTD | OC_UINT16, Industry, produced[1].waiting ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTO | OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Industry, produced[0].waiting ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTO | OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Industry, produced[1].waiting ),

	OCL_SVAR(  OC_UINT8, Industry, production_rate[0] ),
	OCL_SVAR(  OC_UINT8, Industry, production_rate[1] ),
	OCL_SVAR(  OC_UINT8, Industry, produced[0].rate ),
	OCL_SVAR(  OC_UINT8, Industry, produced[1].rate ),

	OCL_NULL( 3 ),  ///< used to be industry's accepts_cargo

	OCL_SVAR(  OC_UINT8, Industry, prod_level ),

	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, this_month_production[0] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, this_month_production[1] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, this_month_transported[0] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, this_month_transported[1] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, produced[0].history[THIS_MONTH].production ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, produced[1].history[THIS_MONTH].production ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, produced[0].history[THIS_MONTH].transported ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, produced[1].history[THIS_MONTH].transported ),

	OCL_SVAR(  OC_UINT8, Industry, last_month_pct_transported[0] ),
	OCL_SVAR(  OC_UINT8, Industry, last_month_pct_transported[1] ),
	OCL_NULL( 2 ), ///< last_month_pct_transported, now computed on the fly

	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, last_month_production[0] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, last_month_production[1] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, last_month_transported[0] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, last_month_transported[1] ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, produced[0].history[LAST_MONTH].production ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, produced[1].history[LAST_MONTH].production ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, produced[0].history[LAST_MONTH].transported ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_UINT16, Industry, produced[1].history[LAST_MONTH].transported ),

	OCL_SVAR(  OC_UINT8, Industry, type ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTO | OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_U16, Industry, counter ),
	OCL_SVAR(  OC_UINT8, Industry, owner ),
	OCL_SVAR(  OC_UINT8, Industry, random_colour ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTD | OC_FILE_U8 | OC_VAR_I32, Industry, last_prod_year ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTD | OC_UINT16, Industry, counter ),
	OCL_SVAR( OC_TTD | OC_UINT8, Industry, was_cargo_delivered ),

	OCL_CNULL( OC_TTD, 9 ), ///< Random junk at the end of this chunk

Show inline comments
@@ -347,24 +347,26 @@ enum SaveLoadVersion : uint16 {
	SLV_VELOCITY_NAUTICAL,                  ///< 305  PR#10594 Separation of land and nautical velocity (knots!)
	SLV_CONSISTENT_PARTIAL_Z,               ///< 306  PR#10570 Conversion from an inconsistent partial Z calculation for slopes, to one that is (more) consistent.
	SLV_MORE_CARGO_AGE,                     ///< 307  PR#10596 Track cargo age for a longer period.
	SLV_LINKGRAPH_SECONDS,                  ///< 308  PR#10610 Store linkgraph update intervals in seconds instead of days.
	SLV_AI_START_DATE,                      ///< 309  PR#10653 Removal of individual AI start dates and added a generic one.

	SLV_EXTEND_VEHICLE_RANDOM,              ///< 310  PR#10701 Extend vehicle random bits.
	SLV_EXTEND_ENTITY_MAPPING,              ///< 311  PR#10672 Extend entity mapping range.
	SLV_DISASTER_VEH_STATE,                 ///< 312  PR#10798 Explicit storage of disaster vehicle state.
	SLV_SAVEGAME_ID,                        ///< 313  PR#10719 Add an unique ID to every savegame (used to deduplicate surveys).
	SLV_STRING_GAMELOG,                     ///< 314  PR#10801 Use std::string in gamelog.

	SLV_INDUSTRY_CARGO_REORGANISE,          ///< 315  PR#10853 Industry accepts/produced data reorganised.

	SL_MAX_VERSION,                         ///< Highest possible saveload version

/** Save or load result codes. */
enum SaveOrLoadResult {
	SL_OK     = 0, ///< completed successfully
	SL_ERROR  = 1, ///< error that was caught before internal structures were modified
	SL_REINIT = 2, ///< error that was caught in the middle of updating game state, need to clear it. (can only happen during load)

/** Deals with the type of the savegame, independent of extension */
struct FileToSaveLoad {
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@@ -20,41 +20,39 @@
	for (const CargoSpec *cs : CargoSpec::Iterate()) {

ScriptCargoList_IndustryAccepting::ScriptCargoList_IndustryAccepting(IndustryID industry_id)
	if (!ScriptIndustry::IsValidIndustry(industry_id)) return;

	Industry *ind = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);
	for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(ind->accepts_cargo); i++) {
		CargoID cargo_id = ind->accepts_cargo[i];
		if (::IsValidCargoID(cargo_id)) {
	for (const auto &a : ind->accepted) {
		if (::IsValidCargoID(a.cargo)) {

ScriptCargoList_IndustryProducing::ScriptCargoList_IndustryProducing(IndustryID industry_id)
	if (!ScriptIndustry::IsValidIndustry(industry_id)) return;

	Industry *ind = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);
	for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(ind->produced_cargo); i++) {
		CargoID cargo_id = ind->produced_cargo[i];
		if (::IsValidCargoID(cargo_id)) {
	for (const auto &p : ind->produced) {
		if (::IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) {

ScriptCargoList_StationAccepting::ScriptCargoList_StationAccepting(StationID station_id)
	if (!ScriptStation::IsValidStation(station_id)) return;

	Station *st = ::Station::Get(station_id);
	for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
		if (HasBit(st->goods[i].status, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTANCE)) this->AddItem(i);
Show inline comments
@@ -71,67 +71,67 @@
	if (IndustryTemporarilyRefusesCargo(i, cargo_id)) return CAS_TEMP_REFUSED;


/* static */ SQInteger ScriptIndustry::GetStockpiledCargo(IndustryID industry_id, CargoID cargo_id)
	if (!IsValidIndustry(industry_id)) return -1;
	if (!ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id)) return -1;

	Industry *i = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);

	int j = i->GetCargoAcceptedIndex(cargo_id);
	if (j < 0) return -1;
	auto it = i->GetCargoAccepted(cargo_id);
	if (it == std::end(i->accepted)) return -1;

	return i->incoming_cargo_waiting[j];
	return it->waiting;

/* static */ SQInteger ScriptIndustry::GetLastMonthProduction(IndustryID industry_id, CargoID cargo_id)
	if (!IsValidIndustry(industry_id)) return -1;
	if (!ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id)) return -1;

	const Industry *i = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);
	Industry *i = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);

	int j = i->GetCargoProducedIndex(cargo_id);
	if (j < 0) return -1;
	auto it = i->GetCargoProduced(cargo_id);
	if (it == std::end(i->produced)) return -1;

	return i->last_month_production[j];
	return it->history[LAST_MONTH].production;

/* static */ SQInteger ScriptIndustry::GetLastMonthTransported(IndustryID industry_id, CargoID cargo_id)
	if (!IsValidIndustry(industry_id)) return -1;
	if (!ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id)) return -1;

	const Industry *i = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);
	Industry *i = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);

	int j = i->GetCargoProducedIndex(cargo_id);
	if (j < 0) return -1;
	auto it = i->GetCargoProduced(cargo_id);
	if (it == std::end(i->produced)) return -1;

	return i->last_month_transported[j];
	return it->history[LAST_MONTH].transported;

/* static */ SQInteger ScriptIndustry::GetLastMonthTransportedPercentage(IndustryID industry_id, CargoID cargo_id)
	if (!IsValidIndustry(industry_id)) return -1;
	if (!ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id)) return -1;

	const Industry *i = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);
	Industry *i = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);

	int j = i->GetCargoProducedIndex(cargo_id);
	if (j < 0) return -1;
	auto it = i->GetCargoProduced(cargo_id);
	if (it == std::end(i->produced)) return -1;

	return ::ToPercent8(i->last_month_pct_transported[j]);
	return ::ToPercent8(it->history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported());

/* static */ TileIndex ScriptIndustry::GetLocation(IndustryID industry_id)
	if (!IsValidIndustry(industry_id)) return INVALID_TILE;

	return ::Industry::Get(industry_id)->location.tile;

/* static */ SQInteger ScriptIndustry::GetAmountOfStationsAround(IndustryID industry_id)
	if (!IsValidIndustry(industry_id)) return -1;
@@ -216,29 +216,30 @@
	Industry *i = Industry::GetIfValid(industry_id);
	if (i == nullptr) return 0;
	return i->last_prod_year;

/* static */ ScriptDate::Date ScriptIndustry::GetCargoLastAcceptedDate(IndustryID industry_id, CargoID cargo_type)
	Industry *i = Industry::GetIfValid(industry_id);
	if (i == nullptr) return ScriptDate::DATE_INVALID;

	if (!::IsValidCargoID(cargo_type)) {
		return (ScriptDate::Date)std::accumulate(std::begin(i->last_cargo_accepted_at), std::end(i->last_cargo_accepted_at), 0, [](TimerGameCalendar::Date a, TimerGameCalendar::Date b) { return std::max(a, b); });
		auto it = std::max_element(std::begin(i->accepted), std::end(i->accepted), [](const auto &a, const auto &b) { return a.last_accepted < b.last_accepted; });
		return (ScriptDate::Date)it->last_accepted;
	} else {
		int index = i->GetCargoAcceptedIndex(cargo_type);
		if (index < 0) return ScriptDate::DATE_INVALID;
		return (ScriptDate::Date)i->last_cargo_accepted_at[index];
		auto it = i->GetCargoAccepted(cargo_type);
		if (it == std::end(i->accepted)) return ScriptDate::DATE_INVALID;
		return (ScriptDate::Date)it->last_accepted;

/* static */ SQInteger ScriptIndustry::GetControlFlags(IndustryID industry_id)
	Industry *i = Industry::GetIfValid(industry_id);
	if (i == nullptr) return 0;
	return i->ctlflags;

/* static */ bool ScriptIndustry::SetControlFlags(IndustryID industry_id, SQInteger control_flags)
Show inline comments
@@ -86,31 +86,25 @@ ScriptTileList_IndustryAccepting::Script
	if (!i->IsCargoAccepted()) return;

	if (!_settings_game.station.modified_catchment) radius = CA_UNMODIFIED;

	BitmapTileArea bta(TileArea(i->location).Expand(radius));
	FillIndustryCatchment(i, radius, bta);

	BitmapTileIterator it(bta);
	for (TileIndex cur_tile = it; cur_tile != INVALID_TILE; cur_tile = ++it) {
		/* Only add the tile if it accepts the cargo (sometimes just 1 tile of an
		 *  industry triggers the acceptance). */
		CargoArray acceptance = ::GetAcceptanceAroundTiles(cur_tile, 1, 1, radius);
			bool cargo_accepts = false;
			for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->accepts_cargo); j++) {
				if (::IsValidCargoID(i->accepts_cargo[j]) && acceptance[i->accepts_cargo[j]] != 0) cargo_accepts = true;
			if (!cargo_accepts) continue;
		if (std::none_of(std::begin(i->accepted), std::end(i->accepted), [&acceptance](const auto &a) { return ::IsValidCargoID(a.cargo) && acceptance[a.cargo] != 0; })) continue;


ScriptTileList_IndustryProducing::ScriptTileList_IndustryProducing(IndustryID industry_id, SQInteger radius)
	if (!ScriptIndustry::IsValidIndustry(industry_id) || radius <= 0) return;

	const Industry *i = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);

	/* Check if this industry is only served by its neutral station */
Show inline comments
@@ -161,29 +161,29 @@ static int CountMapSquareAround(TileInde
 * @return true if and only if the tile is a mine
static bool CMSAMine(TileIndex tile)
	/* No industry */
	if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY)) return false;

	const Industry *ind = Industry::GetByTile(tile);

	/* No extractive industry */
	if ((GetIndustrySpec(ind->type)->life_type & INDUSTRYLIFE_EXTRACTIVE) == 0) return false;

	for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(ind->produced_cargo); i++) {
	for (const auto &p : ind->produced) {
		/* The industry extracts something non-liquid, i.e. no oil or plastic, so it is a mine.
		 * Also the production of passengers and mail is ignored. */
		if (IsValidCargoID(ind->produced_cargo[i]) &&
				(CargoSpec::Get(ind->produced_cargo[i])->classes & (CC_LIQUID | CC_PASSENGERS | CC_MAIL)) == 0) {
		if (IsValidCargoID(p.cargo) &&
				(CargoSpec::Get(p.cargo)->classes & (CC_LIQUID | CC_PASSENGERS | CC_MAIL)) == 0) {
			return true;

	return false;

 * Check whether the tile is water.
 * @param tile the tile to investigate.
 * @return true if and only if the tile is a water tile
@@ -523,27 +523,26 @@ CargoArray GetProductionAroundTiles(Tile
		if (IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY)) industries.insert(GetIndustryIndex(tile));
		AddProducedCargo(tile, produced);

	/* Loop over the seen industries. They produce cargo for
	 * anything that is within 'rad' of any one of their tiles.
	for (IndustryID industry : industries) {
		const Industry *i = Industry::Get(industry);
		/* Skip industry with neutral station */
		if (i->neutral_station != nullptr && !_settings_game.station.serve_neutral_industries) continue;

		for (uint j = 0; j < lengthof(i->produced_cargo); j++) {
			CargoID cargo = i->produced_cargo[j];
			if (IsValidCargoID(cargo)) produced[cargo]++;
		for (const auto &p : i->produced) {
			if (IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) produced[p.cargo]++;

	return produced;

 * Get the acceptance of cargoes around the tile in 1/8.
 * @param center_tile Center of the search area
 * @param w X extent of area
 * @param h Y extent of area
 * @param rad Search radius in addition to given area
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@@ -373,39 +373,38 @@ bool FindSubsidyIndustryCargoRoute()

	SourceType src_type = SourceType::Industry;

	/* Select a random industry. */
	const Industry *src_ind = Industry::GetRandom();
	if (src_ind == nullptr) return false;

	uint trans, total;

	CargoID cid;

	/* Randomize cargo type */
	int num_cargos = 0;
	uint cargo_index;
	for (cargo_index = 0; cargo_index < lengthof(src_ind->produced_cargo); cargo_index++) {
		if (IsValidCargoID(src_ind->produced_cargo[cargo_index])) num_cargos++;
	int num_cargos = std::count_if(std::begin(src_ind->produced), std::end(src_ind->produced), [](const auto &p) { return IsValidCargoID(p.cargo); });
	if (num_cargos == 0) return false; // industry produces nothing
	int cargo_num = RandomRange(num_cargos) + 1;
	for (cargo_index = 0; cargo_index < lengthof(src_ind->produced_cargo); cargo_index++) {
		if (IsValidCargoID(src_ind->produced_cargo[cargo_index])) cargo_num--;

	auto it = std::begin(src_ind->produced);
	for (/* nothing */; it != std::end(src_ind->produced); ++it) {
		if (IsValidCargoID(it->cargo)) cargo_num--;
		if (cargo_num == 0) break;
	assert(cargo_num == 0); // indicates loop didn't break as intended
	cid = src_ind->produced_cargo[cargo_index];
	trans = src_ind->last_month_pct_transported[cargo_index];
	total = src_ind->last_month_production[cargo_index];
	assert(it != std::end(src_ind->produced)); // indicates loop didn't end as intended

	cid = it->cargo;
	trans = it->history[LAST_MONTH].PctTransported();
	total = it->history[LAST_MONTH].production;

	/* Quit if no production in this industry
	 * or if the pct transported is already large enough
	 * or if the cargo is automatically distributed */
	if (total == 0 || trans > SUBSIDY_MAX_PCT_TRANSPORTED ||
			!IsValidCargoID(cid) ||
			_settings_game.linkgraph.GetDistributionType(cid) != DT_MANUAL) {
		return false;

	SourceID src = src_ind->index;

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@@ -266,56 +266,56 @@ class NIHIndustryTile : public NIHelper 

static const NIFeature _nif_industrytile = {
	new NIHIndustryTile(),


/*** NewGRF industries ***/

static const NIProperty _nip_industries[] = {
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[ 0], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 0"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[ 1], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 1"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[ 2], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 2"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[ 3], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 3"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[ 4], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 4"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[ 5], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 5"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[ 6], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 6"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[ 7], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 7"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[ 8], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 8"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[ 9], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 9"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[10], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 10"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[11], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 11"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[12], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 12"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[13], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 13"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[14], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 14"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced_cargo[15], NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 15"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[ 0],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 0"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[ 1],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 1"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[ 2],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 2"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[ 3],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 3"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[ 4],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 4"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[ 5],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 5"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[ 6],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 6"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[ 7],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 7"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[ 8],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 8"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[ 9],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 9"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[10],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 10"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[11],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 11"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[12],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 12"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[13],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 13"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[14],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 14"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepts_cargo[15],  NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 15"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[ 0].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 0"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[ 1].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 1"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[ 2].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 2"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[ 3].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 3"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[ 4].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 4"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[ 5].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 5"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[ 6].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 6"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[ 7].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 7"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[ 8].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 8"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[ 9].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 9"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[10].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 10"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[11].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 11"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[12].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 12"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[13].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 13"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[14].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 14"),
	NIP(0x25, Industry, produced[15].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "produced cargo 15"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[ 0].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 0"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[ 1].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 1"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[ 2].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 2"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[ 3].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 3"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[ 4].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 4"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[ 5].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 5"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[ 6].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 6"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[ 7].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 7"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[ 8].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 8"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[ 9].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 9"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[10].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 10"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[11].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 11"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[12].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 12"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[13].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 13"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[14].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 14"),
	NIP(0x26, Industry, accepted[15].cargo, NIT_CARGO, "accepted cargo 15"),

#define NICI(cb_id, bit) NIC(cb_id, IndustrySpec, callback_mask, bit)
static const NICallback _nic_industries[] = {
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)