Changeset - r28743:23b9eb52e276
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Peter Nelson - 2 months ago 2024-02-11 23:05:29
Codefix: Incorrect storage type in cargo field of industry cargo chains window. (#12051)

`supp_cargoes` and `cust_cargoes` actually contains a column index, however this index is always stored at the indexed position...

Replace with a bitmask instead, which stores if the column indices are linked.
1 file changed with 23 insertions and 24 deletions:
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@@ -1981,6 +1981,9 @@ struct CargoesField {
	static int industry_width;
	static uint max_cargoes;

	using Cargoes = uint16_t;
	static_assert(std::numeric_limits<Cargoes>::digits >= MAX_CARGOES);

	CargoesFieldType type; ///< Type of field.
	union {
		struct {
@@ -1990,10 +1993,10 @@ struct CargoesField {
		} industry; ///< Industry data (for #CFT_INDUSTRY).
		struct {
			CargoID vertical_cargoes[MAX_CARGOES]; ///< Cargoes running from top to bottom (cargo ID or #INVALID_CARGO).
			Cargoes supp_cargoes; ///< Cargoes in \c vertical_cargoes entering from the left.
			Cargoes cust_cargoes; ///< Cargoes in \c vertical_cargoes leaving to the right.
			uint8_t num_cargoes;                   ///< Number of cargoes.
			CargoID supp_cargoes[MAX_CARGOES];     ///< Cargoes entering from the left (index in #vertical_cargoes, or #INVALID_CARGO).
			uint8_t top_end;                       ///< Stop at the top of the vertical cargoes.
			CargoID cust_cargoes[MAX_CARGOES];     ///< Cargoes leaving to the right (index in #vertical_cargoes, or #INVALID_CARGO).
			uint8_t bottom_end;                    ///< Stop at the bottom of the vertical cargoes.
		} cargo; ///< Cargo data (for #CFT_CARGO).
		struct {
@@ -2047,11 +2050,11 @@ struct CargoesField {
		if (column < 0) return -1;

		if (producer) {
			this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[column]  = column;
			assert(!HasBit(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes, column));
			SetBit(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes, column);
		} else {
			this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[column] = column;
			assert(!HasBit(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes, column));
			SetBit(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes, column);
		return column;
@@ -2064,11 +2067,7 @@ struct CargoesField {
		assert(this->type == CFT_CARGO);

		for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_CARGOES; i++) {
			if (IsValidCargoID(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[i])) return true;
			if (IsValidCargoID(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[i])) return true;
		return false;
		return this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes != 0 || this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes != 0;

@@ -2096,8 +2095,8 @@ struct CargoesField {
		std::fill(insert, std::end(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes), INVALID_CARGO);
		this->u.cargo.top_end = top_end;
		this->u.cargo.bottom_end = bottom_end;
		std::fill(std::begin(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes), std::end(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes), INVALID_CARGO);
		std::fill(std::begin(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes), std::end(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes), INVALID_CARGO);
		this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes = 0;
		this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes = 0;

@@ -2225,7 +2224,7 @@ struct CargoesField {
					colpos += 1 + CargoesField::cargo_space.width;

				const CargoID *hor_left, *hor_right;
				Cargoes hor_left, hor_right;
				if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) {
					hor_left  = this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes;
					hor_right = this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes;
@@ -2235,8 +2234,8 @@ struct CargoesField {
				ypos += CargoesField::cargo_border.height + vert_inter_industry_space / 2 + (GetCharacterHeight(FS_NORMAL) - CargoesField::cargo_line.height) / 2;
				for (uint i = 0; i < MAX_CARGOES; i++) {
					if (IsValidCargoID(hor_left[i])) {
						int col = hor_left[i];
					if (HasBit(hor_left, i)) {
						int col = i;
						int dx = 0;
						const CargoSpec *csp = CargoSpec::Get(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[col]);
						for (; col > 0; col--) {
@@ -2246,8 +2245,8 @@ struct CargoesField {
						DrawHorConnection(xpos, cargo_base - dx, ypos, csp);
					if (IsValidCargoID(hor_right[i])) {
						int col = hor_right[i];
					if (HasBit(hor_right, i)) {
						int col = i;
						int dx = 0;
						const CargoSpec *csp = CargoSpec::Get(this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[col]);
						for (; col < this->u.cargo.num_cargoes - 1; col++) {
@@ -2311,7 +2310,7 @@ struct CargoesField {

		/* row = 0 -> at first horizontal row, row = 1 -> second horizontal row, 2 = 3rd horizontal row. */
		if (col == 0) {
			if (IsValidCargoID(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[row])) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[row]];
			if (HasBit(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes, row)) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[row];
			if (left != nullptr) {
				if (left->type == CFT_INDUSTRY) return left->u.industry.other_produced[row];
				if (left->type == CFT_CARGO_LABEL && !left->u.cargo_label.left_align) return left->u.cargo_label.cargoes[row];
@@ -2319,7 +2318,7 @@ struct CargoesField {
			return INVALID_CARGO;
		if (col == this->u.cargo.num_cargoes) {
			if (IsValidCargoID(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[row])) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[row]];
			if (HasBit(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes, row)) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[row];
			if (right != nullptr) {
				if (right->type == CFT_INDUSTRY) return right->u.industry.other_accepted[row];
				if (right->type == CFT_CARGO_LABEL && right->u.cargo_label.left_align) return right->u.cargo_label.cargoes[row];
@@ -2331,11 +2330,11 @@ struct CargoesField {
			 * Since the horizontal connection is made in the same order as the vertical list, the above condition
			 * ensures we are left-below the main diagonal, thus at the supplying side.
			if (IsValidCargoID(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[row])) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[row]];
			if (HasBit(this->u.cargo.supp_cargoes, row)) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[row];
			return INVALID_CARGO;
		/* Clicked at a customer connection. */
		if (IsValidCargoID(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[row])) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[row]];
		if (HasBit(this->u.cargo.cust_cargoes, row)) return this->u.cargo.vertical_cargoes[row];

@@ -2425,7 +2424,7 @@ struct CargoesRow {

			/* Allocate other cargoes in the empty holes of the horizontal cargo connections. */
			for (uint i = 0; i < CargoesField::max_cargoes && other_count > 0; i++) {
				if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo_fld->u.cargo.supp_cargoes[i])) ind_fld->u.industry.other_produced[i] = others[--other_count];
				if (HasBit(cargo_fld->u.cargo.supp_cargoes, i)) ind_fld->u.industry.other_produced[i] = others[--other_count];
		} else {
			/* Houses only display cargo that towns produce. */
@@ -2484,7 +2483,7 @@ struct CargoesRow {

			/* Allocate other cargoes in the empty holes of the horizontal cargo connections. */
			for (uint i = 0; i < CargoesField::max_cargoes && other_count > 0; i++) {
				if (!IsValidCargoID(cargo_fld->u.cargo.cust_cargoes[i])) ind_fld->u.industry.other_accepted[i] = others[--other_count];
				if (!HasBit(cargo_fld->u.cargo.cust_cargoes, i)) ind_fld->u.industry.other_accepted[i] = others[--other_count];
		} else {
			/* Houses only display what is demanded. */
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