Changeset - r10367:2521c24ffcf6
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0 52 0
rubidium - 16 years ago 2008-11-24 18:53:17
(svn r14618) -Feature: when the chosen language isn't supported by the current font, try to find a font that does and use that instead. Thanks to glx/michi_cc for the Windows implementation.
52 files changed with 342 insertions and 47 deletions:
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@@ -154,8 +154,68 @@ registry_no_font_found:
	return err;


struct EFCParam {
	FreeTypeSettings *settings;

static int CALLBACK EnumFontCallback(const ENUMLOGFONTEX *logfont, const NEWTEXTMETRICEX *metric, DWORD type, LPARAM lParam)
	EFCParam *info = (EFCParam *)lParam;

	/* Only use TrueType fonts */
	if (!(type & TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE)) return 1;
	/* Don't use SYMBOL fonts */
	if (logfont->elfLogFont.lfCharSet == SYMBOL_CHARSET) return 1;

	/* The font has to have at least one of the supported locales to be usable. */
	if ((metric->ntmFontSig.fsCsb[0] & info->locale.lsCsbSupported[0]) == 0 && (metric->ntmFontSig.fsCsb[1] & info->locale.lsCsbSupported[1]) == 0) {
		/* On win9x metric->ntmFontSig seems to contain garbage. */
		memset(&fs, 0, sizeof(fs));
		HFONT font = CreateFontIndirect(&logfont->elfLogFont);
		if (font != NULL) {
			HDC dc = GetDC(NULL);
			HGDIOBJ oldfont = SelectObject(dc, font);
			GetTextCharsetInfo(dc, &fs, 0);
			SelectObject(dc, oldfont);
			ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
		if ((fs.fsCsb[0] & info->locale.lsCsbSupported[0]) == 0 && (fs.fsCsb[1] & info->locale.lsCsbSupported[1]) == 0) return 1;

	strecpy(info->settings->small_font,  font_name, lastof(info->settings->small_font));
	strecpy(info->settings->medium_font, font_name, lastof(info->settings->medium_font));
	strecpy(info->settings->large_font,  font_name, lastof(info->settings->large_font));
	return 0; // stop enumerating

bool SetFallbackFont(FreeTypeSettings *settings, const char *language_isocode, int winlangid)
	EFCParam langInfo;
	if (GetLocaleInfo(MAKELCID(winlangid, SORT_DEFAULT), LOCALE_FONTSIGNATURE, (LPWSTR)&langInfo.locale, sizeof(langInfo.locale) / sizeof(TCHAR)) == 0) {
		/* Invalid langid or some other mysterious error, can't determine fallback font. */
		DEBUG(freetype, 1, "Can't get locale info for fallback font (langid=0x%x)", winlangid);
		return false;
	langInfo.settings = settings;

	LOGFONT font;
	/* Enumerate all fonts. */
	font.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
	font.lfFaceName[0] = '\0';
	font.lfPitchAndFamily = 0;

	HDC dc = GetDC(NULL);
	int ret = EnumFontFamiliesEx(dc, &font, (FONTENUMPROC)&EnumFontCallback, (LPARAM)&langInfo, 0);
	ReleaseDC(NULL, dc);
	return ret == 0;

#elif defined(WITH_FONTCONFIG)
static FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const char *font_name, FT_Face *face)
	FT_Error err = FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;
@@ -221,11 +281,75 @@ static FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const 

	return err;
# else

bool SetFallbackFont(FreeTypeSettings *settings, const char *language_isocode, int winlangid)
	if (!FcInit()) return false;

	bool ret = false;

	/* Fontconfig doesn't handle full language isocodes, only the part
	 * before the _ of e.g. en_GB is used, so "remove" everything after
	 * the _. */
	char lang[16];
	strecpy(lang, language_isocode, lastof(lang));
	char *split = strchr(lang, '_');
	if (split != NULL) *split = '\0';

	FcPattern *pat;
	FcPattern *match;
	FcResult result;
	FcChar8 *file;
	FcFontSet *fs;
	FcValue val;
	val.type = FcTypeString;
	val.u.s = (FcChar8*)lang;

	/* First create a pattern to match the wanted language */
	pat = FcPatternCreate();
	/* And fill it with the language and other defaults */
	if (pat == NULL ||
			!FcPatternAdd(pat, "lang", val, false) ||
			!FcConfigSubstitute(0, pat, FcMatchPattern)) {
		goto error_pattern;


	/* The create a font set and match that */
	match = FcFontMatch(0, pat, &result);

	if (match == NULL) {
		goto error_pattern;

	/* Find all fonts that do match */
	fs = FcFontSetCreate();
	FcFontSetAdd(fs, match);

	/* And take the first, if it exists */
	if (fs->nfont <= 0 || FcPatternGetString(fs->fonts[0], FC_FILE, 0, &file)) {
		goto error_fontset;

	strecpy(settings->small_font,  (const char*)file, lastof(settings->small_font));
	strecpy(settings->medium_font, (const char*)file, lastof(settings->medium_font));
	strecpy(settings->large_font,  (const char*)file, lastof(settings->large_font));

	ret = true;

	if (pat != NULL) FcPatternDestroy(pat);
	return ret;

#else /* without WITH_FONTCONFIG */
FT_Error GetFontByFaceName(const char *font_name, FT_Face *face) {return FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;}
# endif /* WITH_FONTCONFIG */

bool SetFallbackFont(FreeTypeSettings *settings, const char *language_isocode) { return false; }
#endif /* WITH_FONTCONFIG */

 * Loads the freetype font.
@@ -303,6 +427,35 @@ void InitFreeType()
	if (_face_large  != NULL) FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(_face_large,  0, _freetype.large_size);

static void ResetGlyphCache();

 * Unload a face and set it to NULL.
 * @param face the face to unload
static void UnloadFace(FT_Face *face)
	if (*face == NULL) return;

	*face = NULL;

 * Free everything allocated w.r.t. fonts.
void UninitFreeType()


	_library = NULL;


static FT_Face GetFontFace(FontSize size)
@@ -335,6 +488,27 @@ struct GlyphEntry {
static GlyphEntry **_glyph_ptr[FS_END];

/** Clear the complete cache */
static void ResetGlyphCache()
	for (int i = 0; i < FS_END; i++) {
		if (_glyph_ptr[i] == NULL) continue;

		for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
			if (_glyph_ptr[i][j] == NULL) continue;

			for (int k = 0; k < 256; k++) {
				if (_glyph_ptr[i][j][k].sprite == NULL) continue;


		_glyph_ptr[i] = NULL;

static GlyphEntry *GetGlyphPtr(FontSize size, WChar key)
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@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ void InitializeUnicodeGlyphMap();

struct FreeTypeSettings {
	char small_font[260];
	char medium_font[260];
	char large_font[260];
	char small_font[MAX_PATH];
	char medium_font[MAX_PATH];
	char large_font[MAX_PATH];
	uint small_size;
	uint medium_size;
	uint large_size;
@@ -33,13 +33,26 @@ struct FreeTypeSettings {
extern FreeTypeSettings _freetype;

void InitFreeType();
void UninitFreeType();
const struct Sprite *GetGlyph(FontSize size, uint32 key);
uint GetGlyphWidth(FontSize size, uint32 key);

 * We would like to have a fallback font as the current one
 * doesn't contain all characters we need.
 * This function must set all fonts of settings.
 * @param settings the settings to overwrite the fontname of.
 * @param language_isocode the language, e.g. en_GB.
 * @param winlangid the language ID windows style.
 * @return true if a font has been set, false otherwise.
bool SetFallbackFont(FreeTypeSettings *settings, const char *language_isocode, int winlangid);


/* Stub for initializiation */
static inline void InitFreeType() {}
static inline void UninitFreeType() {}

/** Get the Sprite for a glyph */
static inline const Sprite *GetGlyph(FontSize size, uint32 key)
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##name Afrikaans
##ownname Jaybee
##isocode af_ZA
##winlangid 0x0436
##plural 0
##gender male

Show inline comments
##name Brazilian_Portuguese
##ownname Português (BR)
##isocode pt_BR
##winlangid 0x0416
##plural 2
##gender m f

Show inline comments
##name Bulgarian
##ownname Български
##isocode bg_BG
##winlangid 0x0402
##plural 0
##case m f n p
##gender m f n p
Show inline comments
##name Catalan
##ownname Català
##isocode ca_ES
##winlangid 0x0403
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name Croatian
##ownname Hrvatski
##isocode hr_HR
##winlangid 0x041a
##plural 6
##case nom gen dat aku vok lok ins
##gender male female middle
Show inline comments
##name Czech
##ownname Čeština
##isocode cs_CZ
##winlangid 0x0405
##plural 6
##case nom gen dat acc voc loc ins big small
##gender m f n
Show inline comments
##name Danish
##ownname Dansk
##isocode da_DA
##winlangid 0x0406
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name Dutch
##ownname Nederlands
##isocode nl_NL
##winlangid 0x0413
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name English (UK)
##ownname English (UK)
##isocode en_GB
##winlangid 0x0809
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name English (US)
##ownname English (US)
##isocode en_US
##winlangid 0x0409
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name Esperanto
##ownname Esperanto
##isocode eo_EO
##winlangid 0x0000
##plural 0
##case n

Show inline comments
##name Estonian
##ownname Eesti keel
##isocode et_ET
##winlangid 0x0425
##plural 0
##case g in

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##name Finnish
##ownname Suomi
##isocode fi_FI
##winlangid 0x040b
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name French
##ownname Français
##isocode fr_FR
##winlangid 0x040c
##plural 2
##gender m m2 f

Show inline comments
##name Galician
##ownname Galego
##isocode gl_ES
##winlangid 0x0456
##plural 0
##gender m f n

Show inline comments
##name German
##ownname Deutsch
##isocode de_DE
##winlangid 0x0407
##plural 0
##gender m w n p

Show inline comments
##name Hungarian
##ownname Magyar
##isocode hu_HU
##winlangid 0x040e
##plural 1
##case t ba

Show inline comments
##name Icelandic
##ownname Íslenska
##isocode is_IS
##winlangid 0x040f
##plural 0
##gender karlkyn kvenkyn hvorugkyn

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##name Italian
##ownname Italiano
##isocode it_IT
##winlangid 0x0410
##plural 0
##case ms mp fs fp
##gender m f
Show inline comments
##name Japanese
##ownname 日本語
##isocode ja_JP
##winlangid 0x0411
##plural 1

Show inline comments
##name Korean
##ownname 한국어
##isocode ko_KR
##winlangid 0x0412
##plural 1

Show inline comments
##name Lithuanian
##ownname Lietuvių
##isocode lt_LT
##winlangid 0x0427
##plural 5
##case kas ko kam ka kuo kur kreip
##gender vyr mot
Show inline comments
##name Norwegian
##ownname Norsk (bokmål)
##isocode nb_NO
##winlangid 0x0414
##plural 0

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##name Norwegian new
##ownname Norsk, Nynorsk
##isocode nn_NO
##winlangid 0x0814
##plural 0
##gender masculine feminine neuter

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##name Original vehicle names (ENG)
##ownname Original vehicle names (ENG)
##isocode xx
##isocode xx_OV
##winlangid 0x0000

##id 0x8000
STR_8000_KIRBY_PAUL_TANK_STEAM                                  :Collett Pannier Tank (Steam)
Show inline comments
##name Pig latin
##ownname Igpay atinlay
##isocode xx_PL
##winlangid 0x0000
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name Polish
##ownname Polski
##isocode pl_PL
##winlangid 0x0415
##plural 7
##case d c b n m w
##gender m f n
Show inline comments
##name Portuguese
##ownname Português
##isocode pt_PT
##winlangid 0x0816
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name Romanian
##ownname Românã
##isocode ro_RO
##winlangid 0x0418
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name Russian
##ownname Русский
##isocode ru_RU
##winlangid 0x0419
##plural 6
##case m f n p
##gender m f n p
Show inline comments
##name Chinese (Simplified)
##ownname 简体中文
##isocode zh_CN
##winlangid 0x0804
##plural 1

Show inline comments
##name Slovak
##ownname Slovensky
##isocode sk_SK
##winlangid 0x041b
##plural 6
##case g
##gender m z s
Show inline comments
##name Slovenian
##ownname Slovenščina
##isocode sl_SL
##winlangid 0x0424
##plural 8
##case r d t

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##name Spanish
##ownname Español (ES)
##isocode es_ES
##winlangid 0x0c0a
##plural 0
##gender masculino femenino

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##name Swedish
##ownname Svenska
##isocode sv_SE
##winlangid 0x081d
##plural 0

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##name Chinese (Traditional)
##ownname 中文
##isocode zh_TW
##winlangid 0x0404
##plural 1

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##name Turkish
##ownname Türkçe
##isocode tr_TR
##winlangid 0x041f
##plural 1

Show inline comments
##name Ukrainian
##ownname Українська
##isocode uk_UA
##winlangid 0x0422
##plural 6
##gender m f s mn
##case r d z
Show inline comments
##name Frisian
##ownname Frysk
##isocode fy_NL
##winlangid 0x0462

##id 0x0000
STR_NULL                                                        :
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##name Greek
##ownname Ελληνικά
##isocode el_GR
##winlangid 0x0408
##plural 0
##gender m f n

Show inline comments
##name Ido
##ownname Ido
##isocode io_XX
##winlangid 0x0000
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name Indonesian
##ownname Indonesian
##isocode id_ID
##winlangid 0x0421
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name Latvian
##ownname Latviešu
##isocode lv_LV
##winlangid 0x0426
##plural 3
##case kas
##gender m f
Show inline comments
##name Macedonian
##ownname Македонски
##isocode mk_MK
##winlangid 0x042f
##plural 0

Show inline comments
##name Persian
##ownname Farsi
##isocode fa_IR
##winlangid 0x0429
##plural 0
##textdir rtl

Show inline comments
##name Serbian
##ownname Srpski
##isocode sr_YU
##winlangid 0x7c1a
##plural 0
##case ih a ova ca ci ka ća va ao u om im e ke on ona to
##gender muški ženski srednji
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##name Welsh
##ownname Cymraeg
##isocode cy_GB
##winlangid 0x0452
##plural 0

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@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ static uint32 _hash;
static char _lang_name[32], _lang_ownname[32], _lang_isocode[16];
static byte _lang_pluralform;
static byte _lang_textdir;
static uint16 _lang_winlangid;
#define MAX_NUM_GENDER 8
static char _genders[MAX_NUM_GENDER][16];
static int _numgenders;
@@ -649,6 +650,13 @@ static void HandlePragma(char *str)
		} else {
			error("Invalid textdir %s", str + 8);
	} else if (!memcmp(str, "winlangid ", 10)) {
		char *buf = str + 10;
		long langid = strtol(buf, NULL, 16);
		if (langid > UINT16_MAX || langid < 0) {
			error("Invalid winlangid %s", buf);
		_lang_winlangid = (uint16)langid;
	} else if (!memcmp(str, "gender ", 7)) {
		char* buf = str + 7;

@@ -912,6 +920,7 @@ static void ParseFile(const char *file, 
	_numgenders = 0;
	_lang_name[0] = _lang_ownname[0] = _lang_isocode[0] = '\0';
	_lang_textdir = TD_LTR;
	_lang_winlangid = 0x0000; // neutral language code
	// TODO:!! We can't reset the cases. In case the translated strings
	// derive some strings from english....

@@ -1161,6 +1170,7 @@ static void WriteLangfile(const char *fi
	hdr.version = TO_LE32(_hash);
	hdr.plural_form = _lang_pluralform;
	hdr.text_dir = _lang_textdir;
	hdr.winlangid = TO_LE16(_lang_winlangid);
	strcpy(, _lang_name);
	strcpy(hdr.own_name, _lang_ownname);
	strcpy(hdr.isocode, _lang_isocode);
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@@ -14,7 +14,16 @@ struct LanguagePackHeader {
	uint16 offsets[32]; // the offsets
	byte plural_form;   // plural form index
	byte text_dir;      // default direction of the text
	byte pad[2];        // pad header to be a multiple of 4
	 * Windows language ID:
	 * Windows cannot and will not convert isocodes to something it can use to
	 * determine whether a font can be used for the language or not. As a result
	 * of that we need to pass the language id via strgen to OpenTTD to tell
	 * what language it is in "Windows". The ID is the 'locale identifier' on:
	uint16 winlangid;   // windows language id
	/* byte pad[0];        // pad header to be a multiple of 4 */

assert_compile(sizeof(LanguagePackHeader) % 4 == 0);
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@@ -1358,9 +1358,13 @@ static bool GetLanguageFileHeader(const 
	size_t read = fread(hdr, sizeof(*hdr), 1, f);

	return read == 1 &&
	bool ret = read == 1 &&
			hdr->ident == TO_LE32(LANGUAGE_PACK_IDENT) &&
			hdr->version == TO_LE32(LANGUAGE_PACK_VERSION);

	/* Convert endianness for the windows language ID */
	if (ret) hdr->winlangid = FROM_LE16(hdr->winlangid);
	return ret;

@@ -1478,45 +1482,83 @@ void InitializeLanguagePacks()
void CheckForMissingGlyphsInLoadedLanguagePack()
	const Sprite *question_mark = GetGlyph(FS_NORMAL, '?');
	/* Reset to the original state; switching languages might cause us to
	 * automatically choose another font. This resets that choice. */

	bool retry = false;
	for (;;) {
		const Sprite *question_mark = GetGlyph(FS_NORMAL, '?');

		for (uint i = 0; i != 32; i++) {
			for (uint j = 0; j < _langtab_num[i]; j++) {
				const char *string = _langpack_offs[_langtab_start[i] + j];
				WChar c;
				while ((c = Utf8Consume(&string)) != '\0') {
					if (c == SCC_SETX) {
						  * SetX is, together with SetXY as special character that
						 * uses the next (two) characters as data points. We have
						 * to skip those, otherwise the UTF8 reading will go
						 * haywire.
					} else if (c == SCC_SETXY) {
						string += 2;
					} else if (IsPrintable(c) && c != '?' && GetGlyph(FS_NORMAL, c) == question_mark) {
						if (!retry) {
							/* We found an unprintable character... lets try whether we can
							 * find a fallback font that can print the characters in the
							 * current language. */
							retry = true;

							FreeTypeSettings backup;
							memcpy(&backup, &_freetype, sizeof(backup));

	for (uint i = 0; i != 32; i++) {
		for (uint j = 0; j < _langtab_num[i]; j++) {
			const char *string = _langpack_offs[_langtab_start[i] + j];
			WChar c;
			while ((c = Utf8Consume(&string)) != '\0') {
				if (c == SCC_SETX) {
					 * SetX is, together with SetXY as special character that
					 * uses the next (two) characters as data points. We have
					 * to skip those, otherwise the UTF8 reading will go
					 * haywire.
				} else if (c == SCC_SETXY) {
					string += 2;
				} else if (IsPrintable(c) && c != '?' && GetGlyph(FS_NORMAL, c) == question_mark) {
					 * The character is printable, but not in the normal font.
					 * This is the case we were testing for. In this case we
					 * have to show the error. As we do not want the string to
					 * be translated by the translators, we 'force' it into the
					 * binary and 'load' it via a BindCString. To do this
					 * properly we have to set the color of the string,
					 * otherwise we end up with a lot of artefacts. The color
					 * 'character' might change in the future, so for safety
					 * we just Utf8 Encode it into the string, which takes
					 * exactly three characters, so it replaces the "XXX" with
					 * the color marker.
					static char *err_str = strdup("XXXThe current font is missing some of the characters used in the texts for this language. Read the readme to see how to solve this.");
					Utf8Encode(err_str, SCC_YELLOW);
					SetDParamStr(0, err_str);
					ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, 0, 0);
							bool success = SetFallbackFont(&_freetype, _langpack->isocode, _langpack->winlangid);
							if (success) {

							memcpy(&_freetype, &backup, sizeof(backup));

							if (success) continue;
						} else {
							/* Our fallback font does miss characters too, so keep the
							 * user chosen font as that is more likely to be any good than
							 * the wild guess we made */
						 * The character is printable, but not in the normal font.
						 * This is the case we were testing for. In this case we
						 * have to show the error. As we do not want the string to
						 * be translated by the translators, we 'force' it into the
						 * binary and 'load' it via a BindCString. To do this
						 * properly we have to set the color of the string,
						 * otherwise we end up with a lot of artefacts. The color
						 * 'character' might change in the future, so for safety
						 * we just Utf8 Encode it into the string, which takes
						 * exactly three characters, so it replaces the "XXX" with
						 * the color marker.
						static char *err_str = strdup("XXXThe current font is missing some of the characters used in the texts for this language. Read the readme to see how to solve this.");
						Utf8Encode(err_str, SCC_YELLOW);
						SetDParamStr(0, err_str);
						ShowErrorMessage(INVALID_STRING_ID, STR_JUST_RAW_STRING, 0, 0);

#if !defined(WITH_ICU)
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