Changeset - r13203:2e49af5aeba4
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rubidium - 15 years ago 2009-10-06 17:23:15
(svn r17720) -Codechange: guard the CargoPacket variables that are cached in CargoLists so they cannot be written from outside the CargoList class (based on patch by fonsinchen)
9 files changed with 118 insertions and 51 deletions:
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@@ -39,6 +39,15 @@ CargoPacket::CargoPacket(StationID sourc
	this->source_id       = source_id;

CargoPacket::CargoPacket(uint16 count, byte days_in_transit, Money feeder_share, SourceType source_type, SourceID source_id) :
	this->source_type = source_type;

 * Invalidates (sets source_id to INVALID_SOURCE) all cargo packets from given source
 * @param src_type type of source
@@ -149,7 +158,7 @@ bool CargoList::MoveTo(CargoList *dest, 

				case MTA_TRANSFER:
					payment->PayTransfer(cp, cp->count);
					cp->feeder_share += payment->PayTransfer(cp, cp->count);

				case MTA_UNLOAD:
@@ -178,7 +187,7 @@ bool CargoList::MoveTo(CargoList *dest, 
				cp_new->count = count;

				if (mta == MTA_TRANSFER) payment->PayTransfer(cp_new, count);
				if (mta == MTA_TRANSFER) cp_new->feeder_share += payment->PayTransfer(cp_new, count);
			} else {
				payment->PayFinalDelivery(cp, count);
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@@ -26,34 +26,88 @@ struct CargoPacket;
typedef Pool<CargoPacket, CargoPacketID, 1024, 1048576> CargoPacketPool;
extern CargoPacketPool _cargopacket_pool;

class CargoList;
extern const struct SaveLoad *GetCargoPacketDesc();

 * Container for cargo from the same location and time
struct CargoPacket : CargoPacketPool::PoolItem<&_cargopacket_pool> {
	/* Variables used by the CargoList cache. Only let them be modified via
	 * the proper accessor functions and/or CargoList itself. */
	Money feeder_share;     ///< Value of feeder pickup to be paid for on delivery of cargo
	TileIndex source_xy;    ///< The origin of the cargo (first station in feeder chain)
	TileIndex loaded_at_xy; ///< Location where this cargo has been loaded into the vehicle
	StationID source;       ///< The station where the cargo came from first

	uint16 count;           ///< The amount of cargo in this packet
	byte days_in_transit;   ///< Amount of days this packet has been in transit

	/** The CargoList caches, thus needs to know about it. */
	friend class CargoList;
	/** We want this to be saved, right? */
	friend const struct SaveLoad *GetCargoPacketDesc();

	TileIndex source_xy;        ///< The origin of the cargo (first station in feeder chain)
	TileIndex loaded_at_xy;     ///< Location where this cargo has been loaded into the vehicle
	StationID source;           ///< The station where the cargo came from first
	SourceTypeByte source_type; ///< Type of #source_id
	SourceID source_id;         ///< Index of source, INVALID_SOURCE if unknown/invalid

	 * Creates a new cargo packet
	 * @param source the source of the packet
	 * @param count  the number of cargo entities to put in this packet
	 * @param source      the source of the packet
	 * @param count       the number of cargo entities to put in this packet
	 * @param source_type the 'type' of source the packet comes from (for subsidies)
	 * @param source_id the actual source of the packet (for subsidies)
	 * @param source_id   the actual source of the packet (for subsidies)
	 * @pre count != 0 || source == INVALID_STATION
	CargoPacket(StationID source = INVALID_STATION, uint16 count = 0, SourceType source_type = ST_INDUSTRY, SourceID source_id = INVALID_SOURCE);

	 * Creates a new cargo packet. Initializes the fields that cannot be changed later.
	 * Used when loading or splitting packets.
	 * @param count           the number of cargo entities to put in this packet
	 * @param days_in_transit number of days the cargo has been in transit
	 * @param feeder_share    feeder share the packet has already accumulated
	 * @param source_type     the 'type' of source the packet comes from (for subsidies)
	 * @param source_id       the actual source of the packet (for subsidies)
	CargoPacket(uint16 count, byte days_in_transit, Money feeder_share = 0, SourceType source_type = ST_INDUSTRY, SourceID source_id = INVALID_SOURCE);

	/** Destroy the packet */
	~CargoPacket() { }


	 * Gets the number of 'items' in this packet.
	 * @return the item count
	FORCEINLINE uint16 Count() const
		return this->count;

	 * Gets the amount of money already paid to earlier vehicles in
	 * the feeder chain.
	 * @return the feeder share
	FORCEINLINE Money FeederShare() const
		return this->feeder_share;

	 * Gets the number of days this cargo has been in transit.
	 * This number isn't really in days, but in 2.5 days (185 ticks) and
	 * it is capped at 255.
	 * @return the length this cargo has been in transit
	FORCEINLINE byte DaysInTransit() const
		return this->days_in_transit;


	 * Checks whether the cargo packet is from (exactly) the same source
	 * in time and location.
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@@ -1028,36 +1028,37 @@ CargoPayment::~CargoPayment()
 * @param cp The cargo packet to pay for.
 * @param count The number of packets to pay for.
void CargoPayment::PayFinalDelivery(CargoPacket *cp, uint count)
void CargoPayment::PayFinalDelivery(const CargoPacket *cp, uint count)
	if (this->owner == NULL) {
		this->owner = Company::Get(this->front->owner);

	/* Handle end of route payment */
	Money profit = DeliverGoods(count, this->ct, this->current_station, cp->source_xy, cp->days_in_transit, this->owner, cp->source_type, cp->source_id);
	Money profit = DeliverGoods(count, this->ct, this->current_station, cp->source_xy, cp->DaysInTransit(), this->owner, cp->source_type, cp->source_id);
	this->route_profit += profit;

	/* The vehicle's profit is whatever route profit there is minus feeder shares. */
	this->visual_profit += profit - cp->feeder_share;
	this->visual_profit += profit - cp->FeederShare();

 * Handle payment for transfer of the given cargo packet.
 * @param cp The cargo packet to pay for.
 * @param cp The cargo packet to pay for; actual payment won't be made!.
 * @param count The number of packets to pay for.
 * @return The amount of money paid for the transfer.
void CargoPayment::PayTransfer(CargoPacket *cp, uint count)
Money CargoPayment::PayTransfer(const CargoPacket *cp, uint count)
	Money profit = GetTransportedGoodsIncome(
		/* pay transfer vehicle for only the part of transfer it has done: ie. cargo_loaded_at_xy to here */
		DistanceManhattan(cp->loaded_at_xy, Station::Get(this->current_station)->xy),

	this->visual_profit += profit; // accumulate transfer profits for whole vehicle
	cp->feeder_share    += profit; // account for the (virtual) profit already made for the cargo packet
	return profit; // account for the (virtual) profit already made for the cargo packet

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@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ struct CargoPayment : CargoPaymentPool::
	CargoPayment(Vehicle *front);

	void PayTransfer(CargoPacket *cp, uint count);
	void PayFinalDelivery(CargoPacket *cp, uint count);
	Money PayTransfer(const CargoPacket *cp, uint count);
	void PayFinalDelivery(const CargoPacket *cp, uint count);

	 * Sets the currently handled cargo type.
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@@ -14,21 +14,30 @@

#include "saveload.h"

static const SaveLoad _cargopacket_desc[] = {
	     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, source,          SLE_UINT16),
	     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, source_xy,       SLE_UINT32),
	     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, loaded_at_xy,    SLE_UINT32),
	     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, count,           SLE_UINT16),
	     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, days_in_transit, SLE_UINT8),
	     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, feeder_share,    SLE_INT64),
	 SLE_CONDVAR(CargoPacket, source_type,     SLE_UINT8,  125, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	 SLE_CONDVAR(CargoPacket, source_id,       SLE_UINT16, 125, SL_MAX_VERSION),
 * Wrapper function to get the CargoPacket's internal structure while
 * some of the variables itself are private.
 * @return the saveload description for CargoPackets.
const SaveLoad *GetCargoPacketDesc()
	static const SaveLoad _cargopacket_desc[] = {
		     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, source,          SLE_UINT16),
		     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, source_xy,       SLE_UINT32),
		     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, loaded_at_xy,    SLE_UINT32),
		     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, count,           SLE_UINT16),
		     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, days_in_transit, SLE_UINT8),
		     SLE_VAR(CargoPacket, feeder_share,    SLE_INT64),
		 SLE_CONDVAR(CargoPacket, source_type,     SLE_UINT8,  125, SL_MAX_VERSION),
		 SLE_CONDVAR(CargoPacket, source_id,       SLE_UINT16, 125, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	/* Used to be paid_for, but that got changed. */
	SLE_CONDNULL(1, 0, 120),
		/* Used to be paid_for, but that got changed. */
		SLE_CONDNULL(1, 0, 120),

	return _cargopacket_desc;

static void Save_CAPA()
@@ -36,7 +45,7 @@ static void Save_CAPA()

		SlObject(cp, _cargopacket_desc);
		SlObject(cp, GetCargoPacketDesc());

@@ -46,7 +55,7 @@ static void Load_CAPA()

	while ((index = SlIterateArray()) != -1) {
		CargoPacket *cp = new (index) CargoPacket();
		SlObject(cp, _cargopacket_desc);
		SlObject(cp, GetCargoPacketDesc());

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@@ -698,10 +698,8 @@ static bool LoadOldGood(LoadgameState *l
	SB(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::ACCEPTANCE, 1, HasBit(_waiting_acceptance, 15));
	SB(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::PICKUP, 1, _cargo_source != 0xFF);
	if (GB(_waiting_acceptance, 0, 12) != 0) {
		CargoPacket *cp = new CargoPacket();
		cp->source          = (_cargo_source == 0xFF) ? INVALID_STATION : _cargo_source;
		cp->count           = GB(_waiting_acceptance, 0, 12);
		cp->days_in_transit = _cargo_days;
		CargoPacket *cp = new CargoPacket(GB(_waiting_acceptance, 0, 12), _cargo_days);
		cp->source = (_cargo_source == 0xFF) ? INVALID_STATION : _cargo_source;

@@ -1332,8 +1330,12 @@ bool LoadOldVehicle(LoadgameState *ls, i
		v->next = (Vehicle *)(size_t)_old_next_ptr;

		if (_cargo_count != 0) {
			CargoPacket *cp = new CargoPacket((_cargo_source == 0xFF) ? INVALID_STATION : _cargo_source, _cargo_count);
			cp->days_in_transit = _cargo_days;
			CargoPacket *cp = new CargoPacket(_cargo_count, _cargo_days);
			cp->source       = (_cargo_source == 0xFF) ? INVALID_STATION : _cargo_source;
			cp->source_xy    = (cp->source != INVALID_STATION) ? Station::Get(cp->source)->xy : 0;
			cp->loaded_at_xy = cp->source_xy;
			cp->source_type  = ST_INDUSTRY;
			cp->source_id    = INVALID_SOURCE;
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@@ -239,15 +239,10 @@ static void Load_STNS()
				SB(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::ACCEPTANCE, 1, HasBit(_waiting_acceptance, 15));
				if (GB(_waiting_acceptance, 0, 12) != 0) {
					/* Don't construct the packet with station here, because that'll fail with old savegames */
					CargoPacket *cp = new CargoPacket();
					CargoPacket *cp = new CargoPacket(GB(_waiting_acceptance, 0, 12), _cargo_days, _cargo_feeder_share);
					/* In old versions, enroute_from used 0xFF as INVALID_STATION */
					cp->source          = (CheckSavegameVersion(7) && _cargo_source == 0xFF) ? INVALID_STATION : _cargo_source;
					cp->count           = GB(_waiting_acceptance, 0, 12);
					cp->days_in_transit = _cargo_days;
					cp->feeder_share    = _cargo_feeder_share;
					cp->source_xy       = _cargo_source_xy;
					cp->days_in_transit = _cargo_days;
					cp->feeder_share    = _cargo_feeder_share;
					SB(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::PICKUP, 1, 1);
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@@ -719,12 +719,9 @@ void Load_VEHS()

		if (_cargo_count != 0 && IsCompanyBuildableVehicleType(v)) {
			/* Don't construct the packet with station here, because that'll fail with old savegames */
			CargoPacket *cp = new CargoPacket();
			CargoPacket *cp = new CargoPacket(_cargo_count, _cargo_days, _cargo_feeder_share);
			cp->source          = _cargo_source;
			cp->source_xy       = _cargo_source_xy;
			cp->count           = _cargo_count;
			cp->days_in_transit = _cargo_days;
			cp->feeder_share    = _cargo_feeder_share;
			cp->loaded_at_xy    = _cargo_loaded_at_xy;
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@@ -840,13 +840,13 @@ struct StationViewWindow : public Window
						for (CargoDataList::iterator jt = cargolist.begin(); jt != cargolist.end(); jt++) {
							CargoData *cd = &(*jt);
							if (cd->cargo == i && cd->source == cp->source) {
								cd->count += cp->count;
								cd->count += cp->Count();
								added = true;

						if (!added) cargolist.push_back(CargoData(i, cp->source, cp->count));
						if (!added) cargolist.push_back(CargoData(i, cp->source, cp->Count()));
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