Changeset - r28653:3c899d8e507d
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Patric Stout - 10 months ago 2024-02-03 09:15:03
Change: [Script] replace easy/medium/hard values with default value (#11959)
11 files changed with 43 insertions and 63 deletions:
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STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_BUILDS_SHIPS                              :Disable ships for computer: {STRING2}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_BUILDS_SHIPS_HELPTEXT                     :Enabling this setting makes building ships impossible for a computer player

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_PROFILE                                   :Default settings profile: {STRING2}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_PROFILE_HELPTEXT                          :Choose which settings profile to use for random AIs or for initial values when adding a new AI or Game Script
###length 3
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_PROFILE_EASY                              :Easy
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_PROFILE_MEDIUM                            :Medium
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_PROFILE_HARD                              :Hard

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_IN_MULTIPLAYER                            :Allow AIs in multiplayer: {STRING2}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_IN_MULTIPLAYER_HELPTEXT                   :Allow AI computer players to participate in multiplayer games

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@@ -2862,12 +2862,6 @@ bool AfterLoadGame()

	if (IsSavegameVersionBefore(SLV_178)) {
		extern uint8_t _old_diff_level;
		/* Initialise script settings profile */
		_settings_game.script.settings_profile = IsInsideMM(_old_diff_level, SP_BEGIN, SP_END) ? _old_diff_level : (uint)SP_MEDIUM;

		/* Station blocked, wires and pylon flags need to be stored in the map. This is effectively cached data, so no
		 * version check is necessary. This is done here as the SLV_182 check below needs the blocked status. */
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@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ const SaveLoadCompat _settings_sl_compat
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@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 * \li AISubsidyList accepts an optional filter function
 * \li AITownList accepts an optional filter function
 * \li AIVehicleList accepts an optional filter function
 * \li AIInfo::AddSettings easy_value / medium_value / hard_value are replaced with default_value
 * \b 13.0
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@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
 * \li GSSubsidyList accepts an optional filter function
 * \li GSTownList accepts an optional filter function
 * \li GSVehicleList accepts an optional filter function
 * \li GSInfo::AddSettings easy_value / medium_value / hard_value are replaced with default_value
 * \b 13.0
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@@ -222,18 +222,8 @@ public:
	 *  - max_value The maximum value of this setting. Required for integer
	 *    settings and not allowed for boolean settings. The value will be
	 *    clamped in the range [MIN(int32_t), MAX(int32_t)] (inclusive).
	 *  - easy_value The default value if the easy difficulty level
	 *    is selected. Required. The value will be clamped in the range
	 *    [MIN(int32_t), MAX(int32_t)] (inclusive).
	 *  - medium_value The default value if the medium difficulty level
	 *    is selected. Required. The value will be clamped in the range
	 *    [MIN(int32_t), MAX(int32_t)] (inclusive).
	 *  - hard_value The default value if the hard difficulty level
	 *    is selected. Required. The value will be clamped in the range
	 *    [MIN(int32_t), MAX(int32_t)] (inclusive).
	 *  - custom_value The default value if the custom difficulty level
	 *    is selected. Required. The value will be clamped in the range
	 *    [MIN(int32_t), MAX(int32_t)] (inclusive).
	 *  - default_value The default value. Required. The value will be
	 *    clamped in the range [MIN(int32_t), MAX(int32_t)] (inclusive).
	 *  - random_deviation If this property has a nonzero value, then the
	 *    actual value of the setting in game will be randomised in the range
	 *    [user_configured_value - random_deviation, user_configured_value + random_deviation] (inclusive).
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@@ -34,10 +34,7 @@ struct ScriptConfigItem {
	std::string description;      ///< The description of the configuration setting.
	int min_value = 0;            ///< The minimal value this configuration setting can have.
	int max_value = 1;            ///< The maximal value this configuration setting can have.
	int custom_value = 0;         ///< The default value on custom difficulty setting.
	int easy_value = 0;           ///< The default value on easy difficulty setting.
	int medium_value = 0;         ///< The default value on medium difficulty setting.
	int hard_value = 0;           ///< The default value on hard difficulty setting.
	int default_value = 0;        ///< The default value of this configuration setting.
	int random_deviation = 0;     ///< The maximum random deviation from the default value.
	int step_size = 1;            ///< The step size in the gui.
	ScriptConfigFlags flags = SCRIPTCONFIG_NONE; ///< Flags for the configuration setting.
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@@ -87,6 +87,10 @@ SQInteger ScriptInfo::AddSetting(HSQUIRR
	ScriptConfigItem config;
	uint items = 0;

	int easy_value = INT32_MIN;
	int medium_value = INT32_MIN;
	int hard_value = INT32_MIN;

	/* Read the table, and find all properties we care about */
	while (SQ_SUCCEEDED(sq_next(vm, -2))) {
@@ -122,28 +126,30 @@ SQInteger ScriptInfo::AddSetting(HSQUIRR
		} else if (key == "easy_value") {
			SQInteger res;
			if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &res))) return SQ_ERROR;
			config.easy_value = ClampTo<int32_t>(res);
			easy_value = ClampTo<int32_t>(res);
			items |= 0x010;
		} else if (key == "medium_value") {
			SQInteger res;
			if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &res))) return SQ_ERROR;
			config.medium_value = ClampTo<int32_t>(res);
			medium_value = ClampTo<int32_t>(res);
			items |= 0x020;
		} else if (key == "hard_value") {
			SQInteger res;
			if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &res))) return SQ_ERROR;
			config.hard_value = ClampTo<int32_t>(res);
			hard_value = ClampTo<int32_t>(res);
			items |= 0x040;
		} else if (key == "custom_value") {
			// No longer parsed.
		} else if (key == "default_value") {
			SQInteger res;
			if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &res))) return SQ_ERROR;
			config.default_value = ClampTo<int32_t>(res);
			items |= 0x080;
		} else if (key == "random_deviation") {
			SQInteger res;
			if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &res))) return SQ_ERROR;
			config.random_deviation = ClampTo<int32_t>(abs(res));
			items |= 0x200;
		} else if (key == "custom_value") {
			SQInteger res;
			if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &res))) return SQ_ERROR;
			config.custom_value = ClampTo<int32_t>(res);
			items |= 0x080;
		} else if (key == "step_size") {
			SQInteger res;
			if (SQ_FAILED(sq_getinteger(vm, -1, &res))) return SQ_ERROR;
@@ -162,6 +168,28 @@ SQInteger ScriptInfo::AddSetting(HSQUIRR
	sq_pop(vm, 1);

	/* Check if default_value is set. Although required, this was changed with
	 * 14.0, and as such, older AIs don't use it yet. So we convert the older
	 * values into a default_value. */
	if ((items & 0x080) == 0) {
		/* Easy/medium/hard should all three be defined. */
		if ((items & 0x010) == 0 || (items & 0x020) == 0 || (items & 0x040) == 0) {
			this->engine->ThrowError("please define all properties of a setting (min/max not allowed for booleans)");
			return SQ_ERROR;

		config.default_value = medium_value;
		/* If not boolean and no random deviation set, calculate it based on easy/hard difference. */
		if ((config.flags & SCRIPTCONFIG_BOOLEAN) == 0 && (items & 0x200) == 0) {
			config.random_deviation = abs(hard_value - easy_value) / 2;
			items |= 0x200;
		items |= 0x080;
	} else {
		/* For compatibility, also act like the default sets the easy/medium/hard. */
		items |= 0x010 | 0x020 | 0x040;

	/* Don't allow both random_deviation and SCRIPTCONFIG_BOOLEAN to
	 * be set for the same config item. */
	if ((items & 0x200) != 0 && (config.flags & SCRIPTCONFIG_BOOLEAN) != 0) {
@@ -252,14 +280,7 @@ int ScriptInfo::GetSettingDefaultValue(c
	for (const auto &item : this->config_list) {
		if ( != name) continue;
		/* The default value depends on the difficulty level */
		switch (GetGameSettings().script.settings_profile) {
			case SP_EASY:   return item.easy_value;
			case SP_MEDIUM: return item.medium_value;
			case SP_HARD:   return item.hard_value;
			case SP_CUSTOM: return item.custom_value;
			default: NOT_REACHED();
		return item.default_value;

	/* There is no such setting */
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@@ -2249,7 +2249,6 @@ static SettingsContainer &GetSettingsTre
			SettingsPage *npc = ai->Add(new SettingsPage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AI_NPC));
				npc->Add(new SettingEntry("script.settings_profile"));
				npc->Add(new SettingEntry("script.script_max_opcode_till_suspend"));
				npc->Add(new SettingEntry("script.script_max_memory_megabytes"));
				npc->Add(new SettingEntry("difficulty.competitor_speed"));
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@@ -405,7 +405,6 @@ struct AISettings {

/** Settings related to scripts. */
struct ScriptSettings {
	uint8_t  settings_profile;                 ///< difficulty profile to set initial settings of scripts, esp. random AIs
	uint32_t script_max_opcode_till_suspend;   ///< max opcode calls till scripts will suspend
	uint32_t script_max_memory_megabytes;      ///< limit on memory a single script instance may have allocated
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@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
; and in the savegame PATS chunk.

static constexpr std::initializer_list<const char*> _settings_profiles{"easy", "medium", "hard"};

static const SettingVariant _script_settings_table[] = {
@@ -41,20 +40,6 @@ extra    = 0
startup  = false


var      = script.settings_profile
type     = SLE_UINT8
from     = SLV_178
flags    = SF_GUI_DROPDOWN
def      = SP_EASY
min      = SP_EASY
max      = SP_HARD
full     = _settings_profiles
cat      = SC_BASIC

var      = script.script_max_opcode_till_suspend
type     = SLE_UINT32
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