Changeset - r28619:4d33b7a6bc23
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Tyler Trahan - 10 months ago 2024-01-30 20:11:46
Feature: Settings to scale cargo production of towns and industries (#10606)
10 files changed with 179 insertions and 30 deletions:
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@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
#include "cargo_type.h"
#include "vehicle_type.h"
#include "company_type.h"
#include "settings_type.h"
#include "core/random_func.hpp"

void ResetPriceBaseMultipliers();
void SetPriceBaseMultiplier(Price price, int factor);
@@ -49,4 +51,48 @@ inline bool EconomyIsInRecession()
	return _economy.fluct <= 0;

 * Scale a number by the inverse of the cargo scale setting, e.g. a scale of 25% multiplies the number by 4.
 * @param num The number to scale.
 * @param town Are we scaling town production, or industry production?
 * @return The number scaled by the inverse of the cargo scale setting, minimum of 1.
static uint ScaleByInverseCargoScale(uint num, bool town)
	uint16_t percentage = (town ? _settings_game.economy.town_cargo_scale : _settings_game.economy.industry_cargo_scale);

	/* We might not need to do anything. */
	if (percentage == 100) return num;

	/* Never return 0, since we often divide by this number. */
	return std::max((num * 100) / percentage, 1u);

 * Scale a number by the cargo scale setting.
 * @param num The number to scale.
 * @param town Are we scaling town production, or industry production?
 * @return The number scaled by the current cargo scale setting. May be 0.
inline uint ScaleByCargoScale(uint num, bool town)
	/* Don't bother scaling in the menu, especially since settings don't exist when starting OpenTTD and trying to read them crashes the game. */
	if (_game_mode == GM_MENU) return num;

	if (num == 0) return num;

	uint16_t percentage = (town ? _settings_game.economy.town_cargo_scale : _settings_game.economy.industry_cargo_scale);

	/* We might not need to do anything. */
	if (percentage == 100) return num;

	uint scaled = (num * percentage) / 100;

	/* We might round down to 0, so we compensate with a random chance approximately equal to the economy scale,
	 *  e.g. at 25% scale there's a 1/4 chance to round up to 1. */
	if (scaled == 0 && Chance16(1, ScaleByInverseCargoScale(1, town))) return 1;

	return scaled;

#endif /* ECONOMY_FUNC_H */
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@@ -24,6 +24,21 @@ enum EconomyType : uint8_t {
	ET_END = 3,

 * Minimum allowed value of town_cargo_scale/industry_cargo_scale.
 * Below 13, callback-based industries would produce less than once per month. We round up to 15% because it's a nicer number.
 * Towns use the same minimum to match, and because below this small towns often produce no cargo.
static const int MIN_CARGO_SCALE = 15;
 * Maximum allowed value of town_cargo_scale/industry_cargo_scale.
 * Above 340, callback-based industries would produce more than once per day, which GRFs do not expect.
 * Towns use the same maximum to match.
static const int MAX_CARGO_SCALE = 300;
/** Default value of town_cargo_scale/industry_cargo_scale. */
static const int DEF_CARGO_SCALE = 100;

/** Data of the economy. */
struct Economy {
	Money max_loan;                       ///< NOSAVE: Maximum possible loan
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@@ -1132,7 +1132,24 @@ static void ChopLumberMillTrees(Industry

	TileIndex tile = i->location.tile;
	if (CircularTileSearch(&tile, 40, SearchLumberMillTrees, nullptr)) { // 40x40 tiles  to search.
		i->produced[0].waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(i->produced[0].waiting + 45); // Found a tree, add according value to waiting cargo.
		i->produced[0].waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(i->produced[0].waiting + ScaleByCargoScale(45, false)); // Found a tree, add according value to waiting cargo.

 * Helper for ProduceIndustryGoods that scales and produces cargos.
 * @param i The industry
 * @param scale Should we scale production of this cargo directly?
static void ProduceIndustryGoodsHelper(Industry *i, bool scale)
	for (auto &p : i->produced) {
		if (!IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) continue;

		uint16_t amount = p.rate;
		if (scale) amount = ScaleByCargoScale(amount, false);

		p.waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(p.waiting + amount);

@@ -1155,15 +1172,23 @@ static void ProduceIndustryGoods(Industr


	/* produce some cargo */
	/* If using an industry callback, scale the callback interval by cargo scale percentage. */
	if (HasBit(indsp->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS)) {
		if (i->counter % ScaleByInverseCargoScale(Ticks::INDUSTRY_PRODUCE_TICKS, false) == 0) {
			IndustryProductionCallback(i, 1);
			ProduceIndustryGoodsHelper(i, false);

	 * All other production and special effects happen every 256 ticks, and cargo production is just scaled by the cargo scale percentage.
	 * This keeps a slow trickle of production to avoid confusion at low scale factors when the industry seems to be doing nothing for a long period of time.
	if ((i->counter % Ticks::INDUSTRY_PRODUCE_TICKS) == 0) {
		if (HasBit(indsp->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS)) IndustryProductionCallback(i, 1);
		/* Handle non-callback cargo production. */
		if (!HasBit(indsp->callback_mask, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS)) ProduceIndustryGoodsHelper(i, true);

		IndustryBehaviour indbehav = indsp->behaviour;
		for (auto &p : i->produced) {
			if (!IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) continue;
			p.waiting = ClampTo<uint16_t>(p.waiting + p.rate);

		if ((indbehav & INDUSTRYBEH_PLANT_FIELDS) != 0) {
			uint16_t cb_res = CALLBACK_FAILED;
@@ -1825,7 +1850,7 @@ static void DoCreateNewIndustry(Industry

		for (auto &p : i->produced) {
			p.history[LAST_MONTH].production += p.rate * 8;
			p.history[LAST_MONTH].production += ScaleByCargoScale(p.rate * 8, false);

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@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ static void UpdateIndustryProduction(Ind

	for (auto &p : i->produced) {
		if (IsValidCargoID(p.cargo)) {
			p.history[LAST_MONTH].production = 8 * p.rate;
			p.history[LAST_MONTH].production = ScaleByCargoScale(8 * p.rate, false);
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STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MINUTES_PER_YEAR_FROZEN                      :0 (calendar time frozen)

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_CARGO_SCALE                             :Scale town cargo production: {STRING2}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TOWN_CARGO_SCALE_HELPTEXT                    :Scale the cargo production of towns by this percentage.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SCALE                         :Scale industry cargo production: {STRING2}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SCALE_HELPTEXT                :Scale the cargo production of industries by this percentage.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CARGO_SCALE_VALUE                            :{NUM}%

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTORENEW_VEHICLE                            :Autorenew vehicle when it gets old: {STRING2}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_AUTORENEW_VEHICLE_HELPTEXT                   :When enabled, a vehicle nearing its end of life gets automatically replaced when the renew conditions are fulfilled

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@@ -688,7 +688,13 @@ static void TileLoop_Object(TileIndex ti
	/* Top town buildings generate 250, so the top HQ type makes 256. */
	if (GB(r, 0, 8) < (256 / 4 / (6 - level))) {
		uint amt = GB(r, 0, 8) / 8 / 4 + 1;

		/* Production is halved during recessions. */
		if (EconomyIsInRecession()) amt = (amt + 1) >> 1;

		/* Scale by cargo scale setting. */
		amt = ScaleByCargoScale(amt, true);

		MoveGoodsToStation(CT_PASSENGERS, amt, SourceType::Headquarters, GetTileOwner(tile), stations.GetStations());

@@ -697,7 +703,13 @@ static void TileLoop_Object(TileIndex ti
	 * equations. */
	if (GB(r, 8, 8) < (196 / 4 / (6 - level))) {
		uint amt = GB(r, 8, 8) / 8 / 4 + 1;

		/* Production is halved during recessions. */
		if (EconomyIsInRecession()) amt = (amt + 1) >> 1;

		/* Scale by cargo scale setting. */
		amt = ScaleByCargoScale(amt, true);

		MoveGoodsToStation(CT_MAIL, amt, SourceType::Headquarters, GetTileOwner(tile), stations.GetStations());
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@@ -2201,6 +2201,7 @@ static SettingsContainer &GetSettingsTre

			SettingsPage *towns = environment->Add(new SettingsPage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENVIRONMENT_TOWNS));
				towns->Add(new SettingEntry("economy.town_cargo_scale"));
				towns->Add(new SettingEntry("economy.town_growth_rate"));
				towns->Add(new SettingEntry("economy.allow_town_roads"));
				towns->Add(new SettingEntry("economy.allow_town_level_crossings"));
@@ -2213,6 +2214,7 @@ static SettingsContainer &GetSettingsTre

			SettingsPage *industries = environment->Add(new SettingsPage(STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENVIRONMENT_INDUSTRIES));
				industries->Add(new SettingEntry("economy.industry_cargo_scale"));
				industries->Add(new SettingEntry("difficulty.industry_density"));
				industries->Add(new SettingEntry("construction.raw_industry_construction"));
				industries->Add(new SettingEntry("construction.industry_platform"));
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@@ -561,6 +561,8 @@ struct EconomySettings {
	bool   infrastructure_maintenance;       ///< enable monthly maintenance fee for owner infrastructure
	TimekeepingUnits timekeeping_units;      ///< time units to use for the game economy, either calendar or wallclock
	uint16_t minutes_per_calendar_year;      ///< minutes per calendar year. Special value 0 means that calendar time is frozen.
	uint16_t town_cargo_scale;               ///< scale cargo production of towns by this percentage.
	uint16_t industry_cargo_scale;           ///< scale cargo production of industries by this percentage.

struct LinkGraphSettings {
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@@ -315,3 +315,29 @@ strval   = STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MINUTES_PE
pre_cb   = [](auto) { return _game_mode == GM_MENU || _settings_game.economy.timekeeping_units == 1; }
post_cb  = ChangeMinutesPerYear
cat      = SC_BASIC

var      = economy.town_cargo_scale
type     = SLE_UINT16
flags    = SF_NO_NETWORK
def      = DEF_CARGO_SCALE
min      = MIN_CARGO_SCALE
max      = MAX_CARGO_SCALE
interval = 1
cat      = SC_BASIC

var      = economy.industry_cargo_scale
type     = SLE_UINT16
flags    = SF_NO_NETWORK
def      = DEF_CARGO_SCALE
min      = MIN_CARGO_SCALE
max      = MAX_CARGO_SCALE
interval = 1
cat      = SC_BASIC
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@@ -521,6 +521,34 @@ static void AdvanceHouseConstruction(Til

 * Generate cargo for a house, scaled by the current economy scale.
 * @param t The current town.
 * @param ct Type of cargo to generate, usually CT_PASSENGERS or CT_MAIL.
 * @param amount The number of cargo units.
 * @param stations Available stations for this house.
 * @param affected_by_recession Is this cargo halved during recessions?
static void TownGenerateCargo(Town *t, CargoID ct, uint amount, StationFinder &stations, bool affected_by_recession)
	if (amount == 0) return;

	/* All production is halved during a recession (except for NewGRF-supplied town cargo). */
	if (affected_by_recession && EconomyIsInRecession()) {
		amount = (amount + 1) >> 1;

	/* Scale by cargo scale setting. */
	amount = ScaleByCargoScale(amount, true);

	/* Actually generate cargo and update town statistics. */
	uint moved = MoveGoodsToStation(ct, amount, SourceType::Town, t->index, stations.GetStations());
	t->supplied[ct].new_max += amount;
	t->supplied[ct].new_act += moved;

 * Tile callback function.
 * Tile callback function. Periodic tick handler for the tiles of a town.
 * @param tile been asked to do its stuff
@@ -565,11 +593,8 @@ static void TileLoop_Town(TileIndex tile
			uint amt = GB(callback, 0, 8);
			if (amt == 0) continue;

			uint moved = MoveGoodsToStation(cargo, amt, SourceType::Town, t->index, stations.GetStations());

			const CargoSpec *cs = CargoSpec::Get(cargo);
			t->supplied[cs->Index()].new_max += amt;
			t->supplied[cs->Index()].new_act += moved;
			/* NewGRF-supplied town cargos are not affected by recessions. */
			TownGenerateCargo(t, cargo, amt, stations, false);
	} else {
		switch (_settings_game.economy.town_cargogen_mode) {
@@ -577,18 +602,12 @@ static void TileLoop_Town(TileIndex tile
				/* Original (quadratic) cargo generation algorithm */
				if (GB(r, 0, 8) < hs->population) {
					uint amt = GB(r, 0, 8) / 8 + 1;

					if (EconomyIsInRecession()) amt = (amt + 1) >> 1;
					t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].new_max += amt;
					t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].new_act += MoveGoodsToStation(CT_PASSENGERS, amt, SourceType::Town, t->index, stations.GetStations());
					TownGenerateCargo(t, CT_PASSENGERS, amt, stations, true);

				if (GB(r, 8, 8) < hs->mail_generation) {
					uint amt = GB(r, 8, 8) / 8 + 1;

					if (EconomyIsInRecession()) amt = (amt + 1) >> 1;
					t->supplied[CT_MAIL].new_max += amt;
					t->supplied[CT_MAIL].new_act += MoveGoodsToStation(CT_MAIL, amt, SourceType::Town, t->index, stations.GetStations());
					TownGenerateCargo(t, CT_MAIL, amt, stations, true);

@@ -603,18 +622,14 @@ static void TileLoop_Town(TileIndex tile
					/* Mask random value by potential pax and count number of actual pax */
					uint amt = CountBits(r & genmask);
					/* Adjust and apply */
					if (EconomyIsInRecession()) amt = (amt + 1) >> 1;
					t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].new_max += amt;
					t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].new_act += MoveGoodsToStation(CT_PASSENGERS, amt, SourceType::Town, t->index, stations.GetStations());
					TownGenerateCargo(t, CT_PASSENGERS, amt, stations, true);

					/* Do the same for mail, with a fresh random */
					r = Random();
					genmax = (hs->mail_generation + 7) / 8;
					genmask = (genmax >= 32) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : ((1 << genmax) - 1);
					amt = CountBits(r & genmask);
					if (EconomyIsInRecession()) amt = (amt + 1) >> 1;
					t->supplied[CT_MAIL].new_max += amt;
					t->supplied[CT_MAIL].new_act += MoveGoodsToStation(CT_MAIL, amt, SourceType::Town, t->index, stations.GetStations());
					TownGenerateCargo(t, CT_MAIL, amt, stations, true);

@@ -1868,8 +1883,8 @@ void UpdateTownRadius(Town *t)
void UpdateTownMaxPass(Town *t)
	t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_max = t->cache.population >> 3;
	t->supplied[CT_MAIL].old_max = t->cache.population >> 4;
	t->supplied[CT_PASSENGERS].old_max = ScaleByCargoScale(t->cache.population >> 3, true);
	t->supplied[CT_MAIL].old_max = ScaleByCargoScale(t->cache.population >> 4, true);

static void UpdateTownGrowthRate(Town *t);
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