Changeset - r28506:4fd07c3f848d
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Loïc Guilloux - 11 months ago 2024-01-18 17:06:30
Fix: [Script] Improve ScriptText validation (#11721)

The validation is now done in two steps:
- First we get the list of parameters in the same order they used to be in encoded string
- Then we validate the parameter types like FormatString would use them while encoding the string
4 files changed with 76 insertions and 49 deletions:
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@@ -268,9 +268,15 @@ static void ExtractStringParams(const St
			StringParams &param = params.emplace_back();
			ParsedCommandStruct pcs = ExtractCommandString(ls->english.c_str(), false);

			for (const CmdStruct *cs : pcs.consuming_commands) {
				if (cs == nullptr) break;
				param.emplace_back(GetParamType(cs), cs->consumes);
			for (auto it = pcs.consuming_commands.begin(); it != pcs.consuming_commands.end(); it++) {
				if (*it == nullptr) {
					/* Skip empty param unless a non empty param exist after it. */
					if (std::all_of(it, pcs.consuming_commands.end(), [](auto cs) { return cs == nullptr; })) break;
					param.emplace_back(StringParam::UNUSED, 1, nullptr);
				const CmdStruct *cs = *it;
				param.emplace_back(GetParamType(cs), cs->consumes, cs->cmd);
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@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@

struct StringParam {
	enum ParamType {
@@ -19,8 +20,9 @@ struct StringParam {

	ParamType type;
	uint8_t consumes;
	const char *cmd;

	StringParam(ParamType type, uint8_t consumes) : type(type), consumes(consumes) {}
	StringParam(ParamType type, uint8_t consumes, const char *cmd) : type(type), consumes(consumes), cmd(cmd) {}
using StringParams = std::vector<StringParam>;
using StringParamsList = std::vector<StringParams>;
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@@ -160,17 +160,28 @@ SQInteger ScriptText::_set(HSQUIRRELVM v

std::string ScriptText::GetEncodedText()
	static StringIDList seen_ids;
	StringIDList seen_ids;
	ParamList params;
	int param_count = 0;
	std::string result;
	auto output = std::back_inserter(result);
	this->_GetEncodedText(output, param_count, seen_ids);
	this->_GetEncodedText(output, param_count, seen_ids, params);
	if (param_count > SCRIPT_TEXT_MAX_PARAMETERS) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Too many parameters", GetGameStringName(this->string)));
	return result;

void ScriptText::_GetEncodedText(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output, int &param_count, StringIDList &seen_ids)
void ScriptText::_FillParamList(ParamList &params)
	for (int i = 0; i < this->paramc; i++) {
		Param *p = &this->param[i];
		params.emplace_back(this->string, i, p);
		if (!std::holds_alternative<ScriptTextRef>(*p)) continue;

void ScriptText::_GetEncodedText(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output, int &param_count, StringIDList &seen_ids, ParamSpan args)
	const std::string &name = GetGameStringName(this->string);

@@ -181,62 +192,50 @@ void ScriptText::_GetEncodedText(std::ba
	fmt::format_to(output, "{:X}", this->string);

	const StringParams &params = GetGameStringParams(this->string);
	int cur_idx = 0;
	int prev_string = -1;
	int prev_idx = -1;
	int prev_count = -1;

	size_t idx = 0;
	auto get_next_arg = [&]() {
		if (idx >= args.size()) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}({}): Not enough parameters", name, param_count + 1));
		ParamCheck &pc = args[idx++];
		if (pc.owner != this->string) ScriptLog::Warning(fmt::format("{}({}): Consumes {}({})", name, param_count + 1, GetGameStringName(pc.owner), pc.idx + 1));
		return pc.param;
	auto skip_args = [&](size_t nb) { idx += nb; };

	for (const StringParam &cur_param : params) {
		if (cur_idx >= this->paramc) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Not enough parameters", name));

		if (prev_string != -1) {
			/* The previous substring added more parameters than expected, means we will consume them but can't properly validate them. */
			for (int i = 0; i < cur_param.consumes; i++) {
				if (prev_idx < prev_count) {
					ScriptLog::Warning(fmt::format("{}: Parameter {} uses parameter {} from substring {} and cannot be validated", name, param_count + i, prev_idx++, prev_string));
				} else {
					/* No more extra parameters, assume SQInteger are expected. */
					if (cur_idx >= this->paramc) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Not enough parameters", name));
					if (!std::holds_alternative<SQInteger>(this->param[cur_idx])) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Parameter {} expects an integer", name, param_count + i));
					fmt::format_to(output, ":{:X}", std::get<SQInteger>(this->param[cur_idx++]));
			if (prev_idx == prev_count) {
				/* Re-enable validation. */
				prev_string = -1;
		} else {
			switch (cur_param.type) {
				case StringParam::RAW_STRING:
					if (!std::holds_alternative<std::string>(this->param[cur_idx])) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Parameter {} expects a raw string", name, param_count));
					fmt::format_to(output, ":\"{}\"", std::get<std::string>(this->param[cur_idx++]));
			case StringParam::UNUSED:

			case StringParam::RAW_STRING: {
				Param *p = get_next_arg();
				if (!std::holds_alternative<std::string>(*p)) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}({}): {{{}}} expects a raw string", name, param_count + 1, cur_param.cmd));
				fmt::format_to(output, ":\"{}\"", std::get<std::string>(*p));

				case StringParam::STRING: {
					if (!std::holds_alternative<ScriptTextRef>(this->param[cur_idx])) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Parameter {} expects a substring", name, param_count));
				Param *p = get_next_arg();
				if (!std::holds_alternative<ScriptTextRef>(*p)) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}({}): {{{}}} expects a GSText", name, param_count + 1, cur_param.cmd));
					int count = 0;
					fmt::format_to(output, ":");
					std::get<ScriptTextRef>(this->param[cur_idx++])->_GetEncodedText(output, count, seen_ids);
				ScriptTextRef &ref = std::get<ScriptTextRef>(*p);
				ref->_GetEncodedText(output, count, seen_ids, args.subspan(idx));
					if (++count != cur_param.consumes) {
						ScriptLog::Error(fmt::format("{}: Parameter {} substring consumes {}, but expected {} to be consumed", name, param_count, count - 1, cur_param.consumes - 1));
					ScriptLog::Error(fmt::format("{}({}): {{{}}} expects {} to be consumed, but {} consumes {}", name, param_count + 1, cur_param.cmd, cur_param.consumes - 1, GetGameStringName(ref->string), count - 1));
						/* Fill missing params if needed. */
						for (int i = count; i < cur_param.consumes; i++) fmt::format_to(output, ":0");
						/* Disable validation for the extra params if any. */
						if (count > cur_param.consumes) {
							prev_string = param_count;
							prev_idx = cur_param.consumes - 1;
							prev_count = count - 1;
				skip_args(cur_param.consumes - 1);

					if (cur_idx + cur_param.consumes > this->paramc) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Not enough parameters", name));
					for (int i = 0; i < cur_param.consumes; i++) {
						if (!std::holds_alternative<SQInteger>(this->param[cur_idx])) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Parameter {} expects an integer", name, param_count + i));
						fmt::format_to(output, ":{:X}", std::get<SQInteger>(this->param[cur_idx++]));
					Param *p = get_next_arg();
					if (!std::holds_alternative<SQInteger>(*p)) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}({}): {{{}}} expects an integer", name, param_count + i + 1, cur_param.cmd));
					fmt::format_to(output, ":{:X}", std::get<SQInteger>(*p));

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@@ -130,19 +130,39 @@ public:
	using ScriptTextRef = ScriptObjectRef<ScriptText>;
	using StringIDList = std::vector<StringID>;
	using Param = std::variant<SQInteger, std::string, ScriptTextRef>;

	struct ParamCheck {
		StringID owner;
		int idx;
		Param *param;

		ParamCheck(StringID owner, int idx, Param *param) : owner(owner), idx(idx), param(param) {}

	using ParamList = std::vector<ParamCheck>;
	using ParamSpan = std::span<ParamCheck>;

	StringID string;
	std::variant<SQInteger, std::string, ScriptTextRef> param[SCRIPT_TEXT_MAX_PARAMETERS];
	int paramc;

	 * Internal function to recursively fill a list of parameters.
	 * The parameters are added as _GetEncodedText used to encode them
	 *  before the addition of parameter validation.
	 * @param params The list of parameters to fill.
	void _FillParamList(ParamList &params);

	 * Internal function for recursive calling this function over multiple
	 *  instances, while writing in the same buffer.
	 * @param output The output to write the encoded text to.
	 * @param param_count The number of parameters that are in the string.
	 * @param seen_ids The list of seen StringID.
	void _GetEncodedText(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output, int &param_count, StringIDList &seen_ids);
	void _GetEncodedText(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output, int &param_count, StringIDList &seen_ids, ParamSpan args);

	 * Set a parameter, where the value is the first item on the stack.
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