Changeset - r28821:565dadbd1dcb
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Loïc Guilloux - 2 months ago 2024-02-27 17:16:21
Fix bf4b6696: [Script] Broken ScriptText circular reference detection (#12187)
2 files changed with 18 insertions and 17 deletions:
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@@ -160,25 +160,30 @@ SQInteger ScriptText::_set(HSQUIRRELVM v

std::string ScriptText::GetEncodedText()
	StringIDList seen_ids;
	ScriptTextList seen_texts;
	ParamList params;
	int param_count = 0;
	std::string result;
	auto output = std::back_inserter(result);
	this->_GetEncodedText(output, param_count, seen_ids, params);
	this->_FillParamList(params, seen_texts);
	this->_GetEncodedText(output, param_count, params);
	if (param_count > SCRIPT_TEXT_MAX_PARAMETERS) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Too many parameters", GetGameStringName(this->string)));
	return result;

void ScriptText::_FillParamList(ParamList &params)
void ScriptText::_FillParamList(ParamList &params, ScriptTextList &seen_texts)
	if (std::find(seen_texts.begin(), seen_texts.end(), this) != seen_texts.end()) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Circular reference detected", GetGameStringName(this->string)));

	for (int i = 0; i < this->paramc; i++) {
		Param *p = &this->param[i];
		params.emplace_back(this->string, i, p);
		if (!std::holds_alternative<ScriptTextRef>(*p)) continue;
		std::get<ScriptTextRef>(*p)->_FillParamList(params, seen_texts);


void ScriptText::ParamCheck::Encode(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output)
@@ -190,13 +195,10 @@ void ScriptText::ParamCheck::Encode(std:
	this->used = true;

void ScriptText::_GetEncodedText(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output, int &param_count, StringIDList &seen_ids, ParamSpan args)
void ScriptText::_GetEncodedText(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output, int &param_count, ParamSpan args)
	const std::string &name = GetGameStringName(this->string);

	if (std::find(seen_ids.begin(), seen_ids.end(), this->string) != seen_ids.end()) throw Script_FatalError(fmt::format("{}: Circular reference detected", name));

	Utf8Encode(output, SCC_ENCODED);
	fmt::format_to(output, "{:X}", this->string);

@@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ void ScriptText::_GetEncodedText(std::ba
				int count = 0;
				fmt::format_to(output, ":");
				ScriptTextRef &ref = std::get<ScriptTextRef>(*p.param);
				ref->_GetEncodedText(output, count, seen_ids, args.subspan(idx));
				ref->_GetEncodedText(output, count, args.subspan(idx));
				p.used = true;
				if (++count != cur_param.consumes) {
					ScriptLog::Error(fmt::format("{}({}): {{{}}} expects {} to be consumed, but {} consumes {}", name, param_count + 1, cur_param.cmd, cur_param.consumes - 1, GetGameStringName(ref->string), count - 1));
@@ -255,8 +257,6 @@ void ScriptText::_GetEncodedText(std::ba

		param_count += cur_param.consumes;


const std::string Text::GetDecodedText()
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@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public:

	using ScriptTextRef = ScriptObjectRef<ScriptText>;
	using StringIDList = std::vector<StringID>;
	using ScriptTextList = std::vector<ScriptText *>;
	using Param = std::variant<SQInteger, std::string, ScriptTextRef>;

	struct ParamCheck {
@@ -155,17 +155,18 @@ private:
	 * The parameters are added as _GetEncodedText used to encode them
	 *  before the addition of parameter validation.
	 * @param params The list of parameters to fill.
	 * @param seen_texts The list of seen ScriptText.
	void _FillParamList(ParamList &params);
	void _FillParamList(ParamList &params, ScriptTextList &seen_texts);

	 * Internal function for recursive calling this function over multiple
	 *  instances, while writing in the same buffer.
	 * @param output The output to write the encoded text to.
	 * @param param_count The number of parameters that are in the string.
	 * @param seen_ids The list of seen StringID.
	 * @param param_count The number of parameters that are consumed by the string.
	 * @param args The parameters to be consumed.
	void _GetEncodedText(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output, int &param_count, StringIDList &seen_ids, ParamSpan args);
	void _GetEncodedText(std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> &output, int &param_count, ParamSpan args);

	 * Set a parameter, where the value is the first item on the stack.
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