Changeset - r26761:5a3d33bc43e3
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0 5 0
Rubidium - 20 months ago 2023-01-14 12:26:17
Add: script specific Randomizer instances
5 files changed with 167 insertions and 147 deletions:
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@@ -88,24 +88,24 @@
 abs( 21): 21

  Rand():       -54346916
  Rand():       -937374575
  Rand():       823953997
  Rand():       -2062310602
  Rand():       -1780331126
  Rand():       -397928569
  RandRange(0): 0
  RandRange(0): 0
  RandRange(0): 0
  RandRange(1): 0
  RandRange(1): 0
  RandRange(1): 0
  RandRange(2): 1
  RandRange(2): 1
  RandRange(2): 1
  RandRange(1000000): 966676
  RandRange(1000000): 289525
  RandRange(1000000): 170283
  RandRange(2): 0
  RandRange(2): 0
  RandRange(2): 0
  RandRange(1000000): 666804
  RandRange(1000000): 624059
  RandRange(1000000): 697029
  Chance(1, 2): true
  Chance(1, 2): false
  Chance(1, 2): true
  Chance(1, 2): false

  IsEmpty():     true
@@ -420,144 +420,144 @@
    1098 => 46116
    1099 => 46158
  Randomize ListDump:
    1 => -200078348
    2 => -29799264
    1000 => 1630721656
    1001 => 959306175
    1002 => 1527421791
    1003 => 1259692483
    1004 => -1289244298
    1005 => -1572996668
    1006 => -2069479746
    1007 => -1819131606
    1008 => -1007163964
    1009 => -1185394870
    1010 => -1471365065
    1011 => 364354366
    1012 => -1478084253
    1013 => 405281367
    1014 => -11170062
    1015 => 156767750
    1016 => 1288924796
    1017 => 1796884876
    1018 => -1947073702
    1019 => -1999614238
    1020 => -231292809
    1021 => 966621566
    1022 => -606766557
    1023 => -1138727825
    1024 => -749544262
    1025 => 2004771271
    1026 => 686734186
    1027 => 923274744
    1028 => -1672035149
    1029 => -1642064950
    1030 => 1363389551
    1031 => -559500928
    1032 => 1656196991
    1033 => 1655354425
    1034 => -1027156689
    1035 => 1952644328
    1036 => 1217870217
    1037 => 242274100
    1038 => 201816080
    1039 => 2127464758
    1040 => 446043650
    1041 => -319728455
    1042 => 204701002
    1043 => -571265398
    1044 => -1422217131
    1045 => -391208397
    1046 => -1822628371
    1047 => -1499755350
    1048 => -1422137641
    1049 => 1621693134
    1051 => -1428728134
    1052 => -147587573
    1053 => 681719500
    1054 => 1172011190
    1055 => -1834344882
    1056 => 1157634586
    1057 => 1902133676
    1058 => -1967780161
    1059 => -1618025531
    1060 => -810220453
    1061 => 1582854921
    1062 => -410004643
    1063 => 1159917159
    1064 => -1377804984
    1065 => -738843914
    1066 => -1578756103
    1067 => -464090986
    1068 => 1711504679
    1069 => 545330655
    1070 => 379462570
    1071 => 514511099
    1072 => -1813251176
    1073 => 1424958266
    1074 => -825255131
    1075 => 539054595
    1076 => -1764192010
    1077 => -1243277769
    1078 => 2017874281
    1079 => -1972353607
    1080 => 1879761467
    1081 => 1638986560
    1082 => -1832287507
    1083 => -492411882
    1084 => 658940812
    1085 => -1044199400
    1086 => 1586504918
    1087 => -125492611
    1088 => -1562883174
    1089 => -1013778441
    1090 => 1560228607
    1091 => -550265689
    1092 => 524767105
    1093 => -713387661
    1094 => 1425927738
    1095 => 942653932
    1096 => 1233220698
    1097 => 1313602368
    1098 => -140318584
    1099 => 1199179892
    1 => 688298322
    2 => -1709546982
    1000 => 1701392078
    1001 => -1630848421
    1002 => -886500935
    1003 => -196324972
    1004 => -436037402
    1005 => -520341784
    1006 => -1485224804
    1007 => -311036236
    1008 => -1503442439
    1009 => -110945695
    1010 => -82825175
    1011 => 46859773
    1012 => -1199223018
    1013 => -1190555925
    1014 => 326384434
    1015 => 1486817960
    1016 => -1411425597
    1017 => -508426854
    1018 => 820019294
    1019 => 710762995
    1020 => -760867032
    1021 => -709611146
    1022 => 732190215
    1023 => 236336673
    1024 => 740596257
    1025 => 1135321785
    1026 => 2067474156
    1027 => -1395683607
    1028 => -240528699
    1029 => 928616892
    1030 => 1712486685
    1031 => 1994118287
    1032 => 1333321243
    1033 => 194124284
    1034 => 615083294
    1035 => 628086450
    1036 => 498957825
    1037 => 1359697121
    1038 => 1888433963
    1039 => 941623020
    1040 => -1925663292
    1041 => -771540264
    1042 => -1058341359
    1043 => 182127597
    1044 => 646955927
    1045 => -1424621714
    1046 => 623062612
    1047 => -1986955586
    1048 => -1268826980
    1049 => -456776220
    1051 => -1112555329
    1052 => -1532134052
    1053 => 1960404034
    1054 => 1573325453
    1055 => -316619303
    1056 => 699712177
    1057 => 863274966
    1058 => 1728276475
    1059 => -246695889
    1060 => 1919485436
    1061 => 111273464
    1062 => 125435213
    1063 => 155132602
    1064 => -171674076
    1065 => 655046914
    1066 => 1577399562
    1067 => 1028818150
    1068 => 447058239
    1069 => -1057920269
    1070 => -1326215323
    1071 => -198688588
    1072 => 1523643051
    1073 => 231373233
    1074 => 1121759962
    1075 => 1449439846
    1076 => -1615270753
    1077 => -1509293864
    1078 => 2116903943
    1079 => 672822173
    1080 => -969573911
    1081 => 1589904755
    1082 => 1148782015
    1083 => 663503316
    1084 => 933352745
    1085 => 577717039
    1086 => 402172048
    1087 => 1812250453
    1088 => 667300501
    1089 => -1838825777
    1090 => -856474776
    1091 => 420696035
    1092 => 2131427774
    1093 => -435303548
    1094 => -160883878
    1095 => 1969629634
    1096 => -555794155
    1097 => -835119691
    1098 => -1460907909
    1099 => -1146924084
    1 => -200078348
    2 => -29799264
    1000 => 1630721656
    1001 => 959306175
    1002 => 1527421791
    1003 => 1259692483
    1004 => -1289244298
    1005 => -1572996668
    1006 => -2069479746
    1007 => -1819131606
    1 => 688298322
    2 => -1709546982
    1000 => 1701392078
    1001 => -1630848421
    1002 => -886500935
    1003 => -196324972
    1004 => -436037402
    1005 => -520341784
    1006 => -1485224804
    1007 => -311036236
    1000 => 1630721656
    1001 => 959306175
    1002 => 1527421791
    1003 => 1259692483
    1004 => -1289244298
    1005 => -1572996668
    1006 => -2069479746
    1007 => -1819131606
    1000 => 1701392078
    1001 => -1630848421
    1002 => -886500935
    1003 => -196324972
    1004 => -436037402
    1005 => -520341784
    1006 => -1485224804
    1007 => -311036236
    1000 => 1630721656
    1001 => 959306175
    1002 => 1527421791
    1003 => 1259692483
    1004 => -1289244298
    1005 => -1572996668
    1000 => 1701392078
    1001 => -1630848421
    1002 => -886500935
    1003 => -196324972
    1004 => -436037402
    1005 => -520341784
    1002 => 1527421791
    1003 => 1259692483
    1004 => -1289244298
    1005 => -1572996668
    1002 => -886500935
    1003 => -196324972
    1004 => -436037402
    1005 => -520341784
  RemoveList({1003, 1004}):
    1002 => 1527421791
    1005 => -1572996668
    1002 => -886500935
    1005 => -520341784
  KeepList({1003, 1004, 1005}):
    1005 => -1572996668
    1005 => -520341784
  AddList({1005, 4000, 4001, 4002}):
    1005 => 1005
    4000 => 8000
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@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ static void _GenerateWorld()
		SetGeneratingWorldProgress(GWP_MAP_INIT, 2);


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@@ -251,6 +251,8 @@ static void InitializeWindowsAndCaches()


	for (Company *c : Company::Iterate()) {
		/* For each company, verify (while loading a scenario) that the inauguration date is the current year and set it
		 * accordingly if it is not the case.  No need to set it on companies that are not been used already,
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@@ -312,9 +312,18 @@ bool ScriptObject::DoCommandProcessResul

Randomizer &ScriptObject::GetRandomizer()

/* static */ Randomizer ScriptObject::random_states[OWNER_END];

Randomizer &ScriptObject::GetRandomizer(Owner owner)
	/* We pick _random if we are in SP (so when saved, we do the same over and over)
	 * but we pick _interactive_random if we are a network_server or network-client. */
	return _networking ? _interactive_random : _random;
	return ScriptObject::random_states[owner];

void ScriptObject::InitializeRandomizers()
	Randomizer random = _random;
	for (Owner owner = OWNER_BEGIN; owner < OWNER_END; owner++) {
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@@ -76,8 +76,15 @@ public:

	 * Get a reference of the randomizer that brings this script random values.
	 * @param owner The owner/script to get the randomizer for. This defaults to ScriptObject::GetRootCompany()
	static Randomizer &GetRandomizer();
	static Randomizer &GetRandomizer(Owner owner = ScriptObject::GetRootCompany());

	 * Initialize/reset the script random states. The state of the scripts are
	 * based on the current _random seed, but _random does not get changed.
	static void InitializeRandomizers();

	template<Commands TCmd, typename T> struct ScriptDoCommandHelper;
@@ -279,6 +286,7 @@ private:
	static std::tuple<bool, bool, bool> DoCommandPrep();
	static bool DoCommandProcessResult(const CommandCost &res, Script_SuspendCallbackProc *callback, bool estimate_only);
	static CommandCallbackData *GetDoCommandCallback();
	static Randomizer random_states[OWNER_END]; ///< Random states for each of the scripts (game script uses OWNER_DEITY)

namespace ScriptObjectInternal {
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