Changeset - r23337:5d348848d78f
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Peter Nelson - 6 years ago 2019-02-14 06:25:17
Codechange: Change scrolling_scrollbar to mouse_capture_widget, and dispatch OnClick() event if widget is not a scrollbar.

This allows any widget to support mouse capture.
3 files changed with 56 insertions and 37 deletions:
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@@ -96,33 +96,33 @@ static void ScrollbarClickPositioning(Wi
		/* Pressing the upper button? */
		SetBit(sb->disp_flags, NDB_SCROLLBAR_UP);
		if (_scroller_click_timeout <= 1) {
			_scroller_click_timeout = 3;
			sb->UpdatePosition(rtl ? 1 : -1);
		w->scrolling_scrollbar = sb->index;
		w->mouse_capture_widget = sb->index;
	} else if (pos >= ma - button_size) {
		/* Pressing the lower button? */
		SetBit(sb->disp_flags, NDB_SCROLLBAR_DOWN);

		if (_scroller_click_timeout <= 1) {
			_scroller_click_timeout = 3;
			sb->UpdatePosition(rtl ? -1 : 1);
		w->scrolling_scrollbar = sb->index;
		w->mouse_capture_widget = sb->index;
	} else {
		Point pt = HandleScrollbarHittest(sb, mi, ma, sb->type == NWID_HSCROLLBAR);

		if (pos < pt.x) {
			sb->UpdatePosition(rtl ? 1 : -1, Scrollbar::SS_BIG);
		} else if (pos > pt.y) {
			sb->UpdatePosition(rtl ? -1 : 1, Scrollbar::SS_BIG);
		} else {
			_scrollbar_start_pos = pt.x - mi - button_size;
			_scrollbar_size = ma - mi - button_size * 2;
			w->scrolling_scrollbar = sb->index;
			w->mouse_capture_widget = sb->index;
			_cursorpos_drag_start = _cursor.pos;

@@ -2035,13 +2035,13 @@ void NWidgetScrollbar::Draw(const Window

	const DrawPixelInfo *dpi = _cur_dpi;
	if (dpi->left > r.right || dpi->left + dpi->width <= r.left || dpi->top > r.bottom || dpi->top + dpi->height <= return;

	bool up_lowered = HasBit(this->disp_flags, NDB_SCROLLBAR_UP);
	bool down_lowered = HasBit(this->disp_flags, NDB_SCROLLBAR_DOWN);
	bool middle_lowered = !(this->disp_flags & ND_SCROLLBAR_BTN) && w->scrolling_scrollbar == this->index;
	bool middle_lowered = !(this->disp_flags & ND_SCROLLBAR_BTN) && w->mouse_capture_widget == this->index;

	if (this->type == NWID_HSCROLLBAR) {
		DrawHorizontalScrollbar(r, this->colour, up_lowered, middle_lowered, down_lowered, this);
	} else {
		DrawVerticalScrollbar(r, this->colour, up_lowered, middle_lowered, down_lowered, this);
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@@ -1843,13 +1843,13 @@ void Window::InitNested(WindowNumber win

 * Empty constructor, initialization has been moved to #InitNested() called from the constructor of the derived class.
 * @param desc The description of the window.
Window::Window(WindowDesc *desc) : window_desc(desc), scrolling_scrollbar(-1)
Window::Window(WindowDesc *desc) : window_desc(desc), mouse_capture_widget(-1)

 * Do a search for a window at specific coordinates. For this we start
 * at the topmost window, obviously and work our way down to the bottom
@@ -1931,13 +1931,13 @@ static void DecreaseWindowCounters()
			for (uint i = 0; i < w->nested_array_size; i++) {
				NWidgetBase *nwid = w->nested_array[i];
				if (nwid != NULL && (nwid->type == NWID_HSCROLLBAR || nwid->type == NWID_VSCROLLBAR)) {
					NWidgetScrollbar *sb = static_cast<NWidgetScrollbar*>(nwid);
					if (sb->disp_flags & (ND_SCROLLBAR_UP | ND_SCROLLBAR_DOWN)) {
						sb->disp_flags &= ~(ND_SCROLLBAR_UP | ND_SCROLLBAR_DOWN);
						w->scrolling_scrollbar = -1;
						w->mouse_capture_widget = -1;

@@ -2383,53 +2383,72 @@ static void StartWindowSizing(Window *w,

	DeleteWindowById(WC_DROPDOWN_MENU, 0);

 * handle scrollbar scrolling with the mouse.
 * Handle scrollbar scrolling with the mouse.
 * @param w window with active scrollbar.
static void HandleScrollbarScrolling(Window *w)
	int i;
	NWidgetScrollbar *sb = w->GetWidget<NWidgetScrollbar>(w->mouse_capture_widget);
	bool rtl = false;

	if (sb->type == NWID_HSCROLLBAR) {
		i = _cursor.pos.x - _cursorpos_drag_start.x;
		rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
	} else {
		i = _cursor.pos.y - _cursorpos_drag_start.y;

	if (sb->disp_flags & ND_SCROLLBAR_BTN) {
		if (_scroller_click_timeout == 1) {
			_scroller_click_timeout = 3;
			sb->UpdatePosition(rtl == HasBit(sb->disp_flags, NDB_SCROLLBAR_UP) ? 1 : -1);

	/* Find the item we want to move to and make sure it's inside bounds. */
	int pos = min(max(0, i + _scrollbar_start_pos) * sb->GetCount() / _scrollbar_size, max(0, sb->GetCount() - sb->GetCapacity()));
	if (rtl) pos = max(0, sb->GetCount() - sb->GetCapacity() - pos);
	if (pos != sb->GetPosition()) {

 * Handle active widget (mouse draggin on widget) with the mouse.
 * @return State of handling the event.
static EventState HandleScrollbarScrolling()
static EventState HandleActiveWidget()
	Window *w;
		if (w->scrolling_scrollbar >= 0) {
		if (w->mouse_capture_widget >= 0) {
			/* Abort if no button is clicked any more. */
			if (!_left_button_down) {
				w->scrolling_scrollbar = -1;
				w->mouse_capture_widget = -1;
				return ES_HANDLED;

			int i;
			NWidgetScrollbar *sb = w->GetWidget<NWidgetScrollbar>(w->scrolling_scrollbar);
			bool rtl = false;

			if (sb->type == NWID_HSCROLLBAR) {
				i = _cursor.pos.x - _cursorpos_drag_start.x;
				rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
			/* If cursor hasn't moved, there is nothing to do. */
			if ( == 0 && == 0) return ES_HANDLED;

			/* Handle scrollbar internally, or dispatch click event */
			WidgetType type = w->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(w->mouse_capture_widget)->type;
			if (type == NWID_VSCROLLBAR || type == NWID_HSCROLLBAR) {
			} else {
				i = _cursor.pos.y - _cursorpos_drag_start.y;

			if (sb->disp_flags & ND_SCROLLBAR_BTN) {
				if (_scroller_click_timeout == 1) {
					_scroller_click_timeout = 3;
					sb->UpdatePosition(rtl == HasBit(sb->disp_flags, NDB_SCROLLBAR_UP) ? 1 : -1);
				return ES_HANDLED;

			/* Find the item we want to move to and make sure it's inside bounds. */
			int pos = min(max(0, i + _scrollbar_start_pos) * sb->GetCount() / _scrollbar_size, max(0, sb->GetCount() - sb->GetCapacity()));
			if (rtl) pos = max(0, sb->GetCount() - sb->GetCapacity() - pos);
			if (pos != sb->GetPosition()) {
				Point pt = { _cursor.pos.x - w->left, _cursor.pos.y - w->top };
				w->OnClick(pt, w->mouse_capture_widget, 0);
			return ES_HANDLED;

@@ -2842,13 +2861,13 @@ static void MouseLoop(MouseClick click, 

	if (VpHandlePlaceSizingDrag()  == ES_HANDLED) return;
	if (HandleMouseDragDrop()      == ES_HANDLED) return;
	if (HandleWindowDragging()     == ES_HANDLED) return;
	if (HandleScrollbarScrolling() == ES_HANDLED) return;
	if (HandleActiveWidget()       == ES_HANDLED) return;
	if (HandleViewportScroll()     == ES_HANDLED) return;


	bool scrollwheel_scrolling = _settings_client.gui.scrollwheel_scrolling == 1 && (_cursor.v_wheel != 0 || _cursor.h_wheel != 0);
	if (click == MC_NONE && mousewheel == 0 && !scrollwheel_scrolling) return;
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@@ -324,13 +324,13 @@ public:
	NWidgetBase *nested_root;        ///< Root of the nested tree.
	NWidgetBase **nested_array;      ///< Array of pointers into the tree. Do not access directly, use #Window::GetWidget() instead.
	uint nested_array_size;          ///< Size of the nested array.
	NWidgetStacked *shade_select;    ///< Selection widget (#NWID_SELECTION) to use for shading the window. If \c NULL, window cannot shade.
	Dimension unshaded_size;         ///< Last known unshaded size (only valid while shaded).

	int scrolling_scrollbar;         ///< Widgetindex of just being dragged scrollbar. -1 if none is active.
	int mouse_capture_widget;        ///< Widgetindex of current mouse capture widget (e.g. dragged scrollbar). -1 if no widget has mouse capture.

	Window *parent;                  ///< Parent window.
	Window *z_front;                 ///< The window in front of us in z-order.
	Window *z_back;                  ///< The window behind us in z-order.

	template <class NWID>
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