Changeset - r13825:5de0a5d39b9e
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24 12 25
rubidium - 15 years ago 2009-12-01 22:45:39
(svn r18364) -Codechange: move the pathfinders and their related files into a separate directory
61 files changed with 7103 insertions and 7080 deletions:
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@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ airport.cpp
@@ -45,12 +44,9 @@ network/network_content.cpp
@@ -111,7 +107,6 @@ autoreplace_func.h
@@ -223,7 +218,6 @@ newgrf_townname.h
@@ -231,10 +225,8 @@ openttd.h
@@ -821,23 +813,36 @@ network/core/tcp_game.h

# Pathfinder



# Video
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/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file aystar.cpp Implementation of A*. */

 * This file has the core function for AyStar
 *  AyStar is a fast pathfinding routine and is used for things like
 *  AI_pathfinding and Train_pathfinding.
 *  For more information about AyStar (A* Algorithm), you can look at

 * Friendly reminder:
 *  Call (AyStar).free() when you are done with Aystar. It reserves a lot of memory
 *  And when not free'd, it can cause system-crashes.
 * Also remember that when you stop an algorithm before it is finished, your
 * should call clear() yourself!

#include "../../stdafx.h"
#include "../../core/alloc_func.hpp"
#include "aystar.h"

int _aystar_stats_open_size;
int _aystar_stats_closed_size;

/* This looks in the Hash if a node exists in ClosedList
 *  If so, it returns the PathNode, else NULL */
static PathNode *AyStarMain_ClosedList_IsInList(AyStar *aystar, const AyStarNode *node)
	return (PathNode*)Hash_Get(&aystar->ClosedListHash, node->tile, node->direction);

/* This adds a node to the ClosedList
 *  It makes a copy of the data */
static void AyStarMain_ClosedList_Add(AyStar *aystar, const PathNode *node)
	/* Add a node to the ClosedList */
	PathNode *new_node = MallocT<PathNode>(1);
	*new_node = *node;
	Hash_Set(&aystar->ClosedListHash, node->node.tile, node->node.direction, new_node);

/* Checks if a node is in the OpenList
 *   If so, it returns the OpenListNode, else NULL */
static OpenListNode *AyStarMain_OpenList_IsInList(AyStar *aystar, const AyStarNode *node)
	return (OpenListNode*)Hash_Get(&aystar->OpenListHash, node->tile, node->direction);

/* Gets the best node from OpenList
 *  returns the best node, or NULL of none is found
 * Also it deletes the node from the OpenList */
static OpenListNode *AyStarMain_OpenList_Pop(AyStar *aystar)
	/* Return the item the Queue returns.. the best next OpenList item. */
	OpenListNode *res = (OpenListNode*)aystar->OpenListQueue.pop(&aystar->OpenListQueue);
	if (res != NULL) {
		Hash_Delete(&aystar->OpenListHash, res->path.node.tile, res->path.node.direction);

	return res;

/* Adds a node to the OpenList
 *  It makes a copy of node, and puts the pointer of parent in the struct */
static void AyStarMain_OpenList_Add(AyStar *aystar, PathNode *parent, const AyStarNode *node, int f, int g)
	/* Add a new Node to the OpenList */
	OpenListNode *new_node = MallocT<OpenListNode>(1);
	new_node->g = g;
	new_node->path.parent = parent;
	new_node->path.node = *node;
	Hash_Set(&aystar->OpenListHash, node->tile, node->direction, new_node);

	/* Add it to the queue */
	aystar->OpenListQueue.push(&aystar->OpenListQueue, new_node, f);

 * Checks one tile and calculate his f-value
 *  return values:
 * AYSTAR_DONE : indicates we are done
static int AyStarMain_CheckTile(AyStar *aystar, AyStarNode *current, OpenListNode *parent)
	int new_f, new_g, new_h;
	PathNode *closedlist_parent;
	OpenListNode *check;

	/* Check the new node against the ClosedList */
	if (AyStarMain_ClosedList_IsInList(aystar, current) != NULL) return AYSTAR_DONE;

	/* Calculate the G-value for this node */
	new_g = aystar->CalculateG(aystar, current, parent);
	/* If the value was INVALID_NODE, we don't do anything with this node */
	if (new_g == AYSTAR_INVALID_NODE) return AYSTAR_DONE;

	/* There should not be given any other error-code.. */
	assert(new_g >= 0);
	/* Add the parent g-value to the new g-value */
	new_g += parent->g;
	if (aystar->max_path_cost != 0 && (uint)new_g > aystar->max_path_cost) return AYSTAR_DONE;

	/* Calculate the h-value */
	new_h = aystar->CalculateH(aystar, current, parent);
	/* There should not be given any error-code.. */
	assert(new_h >= 0);

	/* The f-value if g + h */
	new_f = new_g + new_h;

	/* Get the pointer to the parent in the ClosedList (the currentone is to a copy of the one in the OpenList) */
	closedlist_parent = AyStarMain_ClosedList_IsInList(aystar, &parent->path.node);

	/* Check if this item is already in the OpenList */
	check = AyStarMain_OpenList_IsInList(aystar, current);
	if (check != NULL) {
		uint i;
		/* Yes, check if this g value is lower.. */
		if (new_g > check->g) return AYSTAR_DONE;
		aystar->OpenListQueue.del(&aystar->OpenListQueue, check, 0);
		/* It is lower, so change it to this item */
		check->g = new_g;
		check->path.parent = closedlist_parent;
		/* Copy user data, will probably have changed */
		for (i = 0; i < lengthof(current->user_data); i++) {
			check->path.node.user_data[i] = current->user_data[i];
		/* Readd him in the OpenListQueue */
		aystar->OpenListQueue.push(&aystar->OpenListQueue, check, new_f);
	} else {
		/* A new node, add him to the OpenList */
		AyStarMain_OpenList_Add(aystar, closedlist_parent, current, new_f, new_g);

	return AYSTAR_DONE;

 * This function is the core of AyStar. It handles one item and checks
 *  his neighbour items. If they are valid, they are added to be checked too.
 *  return values:
 *   AYSTAR_EMPTY_OPENLIST : indicates all items are tested, and no path
 *    has been found.
 *   AYSTAR_LIMIT_REACHED : Indicates that the max_nodes limit has been
 *    reached.
 *   AYSTAR_FOUND_END_NODE : indicates we found the end. Path_found now is true, and in path is the path found.
 *   AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY : indicates we have done this tile, did not found the path yet, and have items left to try.
static int AyStarMain_Loop(AyStar *aystar)
	int i, r;

	/* Get the best node from OpenList */
	OpenListNode *current = AyStarMain_OpenList_Pop(aystar);
	/* If empty, drop an error */
	if (current == NULL) return AYSTAR_EMPTY_OPENLIST;

	/* Check for end node and if found, return that code */
	if (aystar->EndNodeCheck(aystar, current) == AYSTAR_FOUND_END_NODE) {
		if (aystar->FoundEndNode != NULL)
			aystar->FoundEndNode(aystar, current);

	/* Add the node to the ClosedList */
	AyStarMain_ClosedList_Add(aystar, &current->path);

	/* Load the neighbours */
	aystar->GetNeighbours(aystar, current);

	/* Go through all neighbours */
	for (i = 0; i < aystar->num_neighbours; i++) {
		/* Check and add them to the OpenList if needed */
		r = aystar->checktile(aystar, &aystar->neighbours[i], current);

	/* Free the node */

	if (aystar->max_search_nodes != 0 && Hash_Size(&aystar->ClosedListHash) >= aystar->max_search_nodes) {
		/* We've expanded enough nodes */
	} else {
		/* Return that we are still busy */

 * This function frees the memory it allocated
static void AyStarMain_Free(AyStar *aystar)
	aystar->>OpenListQueue, false);
	/* 2nd argument above is false, below is true, to free the values only
	 * once */
	delete_Hash(&aystar->OpenListHash, true);
	delete_Hash(&aystar->ClosedListHash, true);
	printf("[AyStar] Memory free'd\n");

 * This function make the memory go back to zero
 *  This function should be called when you are using the same instance again.
void AyStarMain_Clear(AyStar *aystar)
	/* Clean the Queue, but not the elements within. That will be done by
	 * the hash. */
	aystar->OpenListQueue.clear(&aystar->OpenListQueue, false);
	/* Clean the hashes */
	clear_Hash(&aystar->OpenListHash, true);
	clear_Hash(&aystar->ClosedListHash, true);

	printf("[AyStar] Cleared AyStar\n");

 * This is the function you call to run AyStar.
 *  return values:
 *   AYSTAR_FOUND_END_NODE : indicates we found an end node.
 *   AYSTAR_NO_PATH : indicates that there was no path found.
 *   AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY : indicates we have done some checked, that we did not found the path yet, and that we still have items left to try.
 * When the algorithm is done (when the return value is not AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY)
 * aystar->clear() is called. Note that when you stop the algorithm halfway,
 * you should still call clear() yourself!
int AyStarMain_Main(AyStar *aystar)
	int r, i = 0;
	/* Loop through the OpenList
	 *  Quit if result is no AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY or is more than loops_per_tick */
	while ((r = aystar->loop(aystar)) == AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY && (aystar->loops_per_tick == 0 || ++i < aystar->loops_per_tick)) { }
	switch (r) {
		case AYSTAR_FOUND_END_NODE: printf("[AyStar] Found path!\n"); break;
		case AYSTAR_EMPTY_OPENLIST: printf("[AyStar] OpenList run dry, no path found\n"); break;
		case AYSTAR_LIMIT_REACHED:  printf("[AyStar] Exceeded search_nodes, no path found\n"); break;
		default: break;
	if (r != AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY) {
		/* We're done, clean up */
		_aystar_stats_open_size = aystar->OpenListHash.size;
		_aystar_stats_closed_size = aystar->ClosedListHash.size;

	switch (r) {
		default:                    return AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY;

 * Adds a node from where to start an algorithm. Multiple nodes can be added
 * if wanted. You should make sure that clear() is called before adding nodes
 * if the AyStar has been used before (though the normal main loop calls
 * clear() automatically when the algorithm finishes
 * g is the cost for starting with this node.
static void AyStarMain_AddStartNode(AyStar *aystar, AyStarNode *start_node, uint g)
	printf("[AyStar] Starting A* Algorithm from node (%d, %d, %d)\n",
		TileX(start_node->tile), TileY(start_node->tile), start_node->direction);
	AyStarMain_OpenList_Add(aystar, NULL, start_node, 0, g);

void init_AyStar(AyStar *aystar, Hash_HashProc hash, uint num_buckets)
	/* Allocated the Hash for the OpenList and ClosedList */
	init_Hash(&aystar->OpenListHash, hash, num_buckets);
	init_Hash(&aystar->ClosedListHash, hash, num_buckets);

	/* Set up our sorting queue
	 *  BinaryHeap allocates a block of 1024 nodes
	 *  When thatone gets full it reserves an otherone, till this number
	 *  That is why it can stay this high */
	init_BinaryHeap(&aystar->OpenListQueue, 102400);

	aystar->addstart  = AyStarMain_AddStartNode;
	aystar->main      = AyStarMain_Main;
	aystar->loop      = AyStarMain_Loop;
	aystar->free      = AyStarMain_Free;
	aystar->clear     = AyStarMain_Clear;
	aystar->checktile = AyStarMain_CheckTile;
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new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file aystar.h
 * This file has the header for AyStar
 *  AyStar is a fast pathfinding routine and is used for things like
 *  AI_pathfinding and Train_pathfinding.
 *  For more information about AyStar (A* Algorithm), you can look at

#ifndef AYSTAR_H
#define AYSTAR_H

#include "queue.h"
#include "../../tile_type.h"
#include "../../track_type.h"

//#define AYSTAR_DEBUG
enum {


struct AyStarNode {
	TileIndex tile;
	Trackdir direction;
	uint user_data[2];

/* The resulting path has nodes looking like this. */
struct PathNode {
	AyStarNode node;
	/* The parent of this item */
	PathNode *parent;

/* For internal use only
 * We do not save the h-value, because it is only needed to calculate the f-value.
 *  h-value should _always_ be the distance left to the end-tile. */
struct OpenListNode {
	int g;
	PathNode path;

struct AyStar;
 * This function is called to check if the end-tile is found
 *  return values can be:
 *   AYSTAR_FOUND_END_NODE : indicates this is the end tile
 *   AYSTAR_DONE : indicates this is not the end tile (or direction was wrong)
 * The 2nd parameter should be OpenListNode, and NOT AyStarNode. AyStarNode is
 * part of OpenListNode and so it could be accessed without any problems.
 * The good part about OpenListNode is, and how AIs use it, that you can
 * access the parent of the current node, and so check if you, for example
 * don't try to enter the file tile with a 90-degree curve. So please, leave
 * this an OpenListNode, it works just fine -- TrueLight
typedef int32 AyStar_EndNodeCheck(AyStar *aystar, OpenListNode *current);

 * This function is called to calculate the G-value for AyStar Algorithm.
 *  return values can be:
 *   AYSTAR_INVALID_NODE : indicates an item is not valid (e.g.: unwalkable)
 *   Any value >= 0 : the g-value for this tile
typedef int32 AyStar_CalculateG(AyStar *aystar, AyStarNode *current, OpenListNode *parent);

 * This function is called to calculate the H-value for AyStar Algorithm.
 *  Mostly, this must result the distance (Manhattan way) between the
 *   current point and the end point
 *  return values can be:
 *   Any value >= 0 : the h-value for this tile
typedef int32 AyStar_CalculateH(AyStar *aystar, AyStarNode *current, OpenListNode *parent);

 * This function request the tiles around the current tile and put them in tiles_around
 *  tiles_around is never resetted, so if you are not using directions, just leave it alone.
 * Warning: never add more tiles_around than memory allocated for it.
typedef void AyStar_GetNeighbours(AyStar *aystar, OpenListNode *current);

 * If the End Node is found, this function is called.
 *  It can do, for example, calculate the route and put that in an array
typedef void AyStar_FoundEndNode(AyStar *aystar, OpenListNode *current);

/* For internal use, see aystar.cpp */
typedef void AyStar_AddStartNode(AyStar *aystar, AyStarNode *start_node, uint g);
typedef int AyStar_Main(AyStar *aystar);
typedef int AyStar_Loop(AyStar *aystar);
typedef int AyStar_CheckTile(AyStar *aystar, AyStarNode *current, OpenListNode *parent);
typedef void AyStar_Free(AyStar *aystar);
typedef void AyStar_Clear(AyStar *aystar);

struct AyStar {
/* These fields should be filled before initting the AyStar, but not changed
 * afterwards (except for user_data and user_path)! (free and init again to change them) */

	/* These should point to the application specific routines that do the
	 * actual work */
	AyStar_CalculateG *CalculateG;
	AyStar_CalculateH *CalculateH;
	AyStar_GetNeighbours *GetNeighbours;
	AyStar_EndNodeCheck *EndNodeCheck;
	AyStar_FoundEndNode *FoundEndNode;

	/* These are completely untouched by AyStar, they can be accesed by
	 * the application specific routines to input and output data.
	 * user_path should typically contain data about the resulting path
	 * afterwards, user_target should typically contain information about
	 * what where looking for, and user_data can contain just about
	 * everything */
	void *user_path;
	void *user_target;
	uint user_data[10];

	/* How many loops are there called before AyStarMain_Main gives
	 * control back to the caller. 0 = until done */
	byte loops_per_tick;
	/* If the g-value goes over this number, it stops searching
	 *  0 = infinite */
	uint max_path_cost;
	/* The maximum amount of nodes that will be expanded, 0 = infinite */
	uint max_search_nodes;

	/* These should be filled with the neighbours of a tile by
	 * GetNeighbours */
	AyStarNode neighbours[12];
	byte num_neighbours;

	/* These will contain the methods for manipulating the AyStar. Only
	 * main() should be called externally */
	AyStar_AddStartNode *addstart;
	AyStar_Main *main;
	AyStar_Loop *loop;
	AyStar_Free *free;
	AyStar_Clear *clear;
	AyStar_CheckTile *checktile;

	/* These will contain the open and closed lists */

	/* The actual closed list */
	Hash ClosedListHash;
	/* The open queue */
	Queue OpenListQueue;
	/* An extra hash to speed up the process of looking up an element in
	 * the open list */
	Hash OpenListHash;


int AyStarMain_Main(AyStar *aystar);
void AyStarMain_Clear(AyStar *aystar);

/* Initialize an AyStar. You should fill all appropriate fields before
 * callling init_AyStar (see the declaration of AyStar for which fields are
 * internal */
void init_AyStar(AyStar *aystar, Hash_HashProc hash, uint num_buckets);


#endif /* AYSTAR_H */
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new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file npf.cpp Implementation of the NPF pathfinder. */

#include "../../stdafx.h"
#include "../../debug.h"
#include "../../landscape.h"
#include "../../depot_base.h"
#include "../../network/network.h"
#include "../../tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "../../functions.h"
#include "../../tunnelbridge.h"
#include "../../pbs.h"
#include "../../train.h"
#include "../pathfinder_func.h"
#include "npf.h"

static AyStar _npf_aystar;

/* The cost of each trackdir. A diagonal piece is the full NPF_TILE_LENGTH,
 * the shorter piece is sqrt(2)/2*NPF_TILE_LENGTH =~ 0.7071
static const uint _trackdir_length[TRACKDIR_END] = {
	0, 0,

 * Calculates the minimum distance traveled to get from t0 to t1 when only
 * using tracks (ie, only making 45 degree turns). Returns the distance in the
 * NPF scale, ie the number of full tiles multiplied by NPF_TILE_LENGTH to
 * prevent rounding.
static uint NPFDistanceTrack(TileIndex t0, TileIndex t1)
	const uint dx = Delta(TileX(t0), TileX(t1));
	const uint dy = Delta(TileY(t0), TileY(t1));

	const uint straightTracks = 2 * min(dx, dy); // The number of straight (not full length) tracks
	 * Original: diagTracks = max(dx, dy) - min(dx,dy);
	 * Proof:
	 * (dx+dy) - straightTracks  == (min + max) - straightTracks = min + max - 2 * min = max - min */
	const uint diagTracks = dx + dy - straightTracks; // The number of diagonal (full tile length) tracks.

	/* Don't factor out NPF_TILE_LENGTH below, this will round values and lose
	 * precision */
	return diagTracks * NPF_TILE_LENGTH + straightTracks * NPF_TILE_LENGTH * STRAIGHT_TRACK_LENGTH;


#if 0
static uint NTPHash(uint key1, uint key2)
	/* This function uses the old hash, which is fixed on 10 bits (1024 buckets) */
	return PATHFIND_HASH_TILE(key1);

 * Calculates a hash value for use in the NPF.
 * @param key1 The TileIndex of the tile to hash
 * @param key2 The Trackdir of the track on the tile.
 * @todo Think of a better hash.
static uint NPFHash(uint key1, uint key2)
	/* TODO: think of a better hash? */
	uint part1 = TileX(key1) & NPF_HASH_HALFMASK;
	uint part2 = TileY(key1) & NPF_HASH_HALFMASK;

	return ((part1 << NPF_HASH_HALFBITS | part2) + (NPF_HASH_SIZE * key2 / TRACKDIR_END)) % NPF_HASH_SIZE;

static int32 NPFCalcZero(AyStar *as, AyStarNode *current, OpenListNode *parent)
	return 0;

/* Calcs the heuristic to the target station or tile. For train stations, it
 * takes into account the direction of approach.
static int32 NPFCalcStationOrTileHeuristic(AyStar *as, AyStarNode *current, OpenListNode *parent)
	NPFFindStationOrTileData *fstd = (NPFFindStationOrTileData*)as->user_target;
	NPFFoundTargetData *ftd = (NPFFoundTargetData*)as->user_path;
	TileIndex from = current->tile;
	TileIndex to = fstd->dest_coords;
	uint dist;

	/* for train-stations, we are going to aim for the closest station tile */
	if (as->user_data[NPF_TYPE] == TRANSPORT_RAIL && fstd->station_index != INVALID_STATION)
		to = CalcClosestStationTile(fstd->station_index, from);

	if (as->user_data[NPF_TYPE] == TRANSPORT_ROAD) {
		/* Since roads only have diagonal pieces, we use manhattan distance here */
		dist = DistanceManhattan(from, to) * NPF_TILE_LENGTH;
	} else {
		/* Ships and trains can also go diagonal, so the minimum distance is shorter */
		dist = NPFDistanceTrack(from, to);

	DEBUG(npf, 4, "Calculating H for: (%d, %d). Result: %d", TileX(current->tile), TileY(current->tile), dist);

	if (dist < ftd->best_bird_dist) {
		ftd->best_bird_dist = dist;
		ftd->best_trackdir = (Trackdir)current->user_data[NPF_TRACKDIR_CHOICE];
	return dist;


/* Fills AyStarNode.user_data[NPF_TRACKDIRCHOICE] with the chosen direction to
 * get here, either getting it from the current choice or from the parent's
 * choice */
static void NPFFillTrackdirChoice(AyStarNode *current, OpenListNode *parent)
	if (parent->path.parent == NULL) {
		Trackdir trackdir = current->direction;
		/* This is a first order decision, so we'd better save the
		 * direction we chose */
		current->user_data[NPF_TRACKDIR_CHOICE] = trackdir;
		DEBUG(npf, 6, "Saving trackdir: 0x%X", trackdir);
	} else {
		/* We've already made the decision, so just save our parent's decision */
		current->user_data[NPF_TRACKDIR_CHOICE] = parent->path.node.user_data[NPF_TRACKDIR_CHOICE];

/* Will return the cost of the tunnel. If it is an entry, it will return the
 * cost of that tile. If the tile is an exit, it will return the tunnel length
 * including the exit tile. Requires that this is a Tunnel tile */
static uint NPFTunnelCost(AyStarNode *current)
	DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(current->direction);
	TileIndex tile = current->tile;
	if (GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile) == ReverseDiagDir(exitdir)) {
		/* We just popped out if this tunnel, since were
		 * facing the tunnel exit */
		return NPF_TILE_LENGTH * (GetTunnelBridgeLength(current->tile, GetOtherTunnelEnd(current->tile)) + 1);
		/* @todo: Penalty for tunnels? */
	} else {
		/* We are entering the tunnel, the enter tile is just a
		 * straight track */

static inline uint NPFBridgeCost(AyStarNode *current)
	return NPF_TILE_LENGTH * GetTunnelBridgeLength(current->tile, GetOtherBridgeEnd(current->tile));

static uint NPFSlopeCost(AyStarNode *current)
	TileIndex next = current->tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(current->direction));

	/* Get center of tiles */
	int x1 = TileX(current->tile) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2;
	int y1 = TileY(current->tile) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2;
	int x2 = TileX(next) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2;
	int y2 = TileY(next) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2;

	int dx4 = (x2 - x1) / 4;
	int dy4 = (y2 - y1) / 4;

	/* Get the height on both sides of the tile edge.
	 * Avoid testing the height on the tile-center. This will fail for halftile-foundations.
	int z1 = GetSlopeZ(x1 + dx4, y1 + dy4);
	int z2 = GetSlopeZ(x2 - dx4, y2 - dy4);

	if (z2 - z1 > 1) {
		/* Slope up */
	return 0;
	/* Should we give a bonus for slope down? Probably not, we
	 * could just substract that bonus from the penalty, because
	 * there is only one level of steepness... */

static uint NPFReservedTrackCost(AyStarNode *current)
	TileIndex tile = current->tile;
	TrackBits track = TrackToTrackBits(TrackdirToTrack(current->direction));
	TrackBits res = GetReservedTrackbits(tile);

	if (NPFGetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_3RD_SIGNAL) || ((res & track) == TRACK_BIT_NONE && !TracksOverlap(res | track))) return 0;

	if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
		DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(current->direction);
		if (GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile) == ReverseDiagDir(exitdir)) {
			return * (GetTunnelBridgeLength(tile, GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile)) + 1);

 * Mark tiles by mowing the grass when npf debug level >= 1.
 * Will not work for multiplayer games, since it can (will) cause desyncs.
static void NPFMarkTile(TileIndex tile)
	if (_debug_npf_level < 1 || _networking) return;
	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
		case MP_RAILWAY:
			/* DEBUG: mark visited tiles by mowing the grass under them ;-) */
			if (!IsRailDepot(tile)) {
				SetRailGroundType(tile, RAIL_GROUND_BARREN);

		case MP_ROAD:
			if (!IsRoadDepot(tile)) {
				SetRoadside(tile, ROADSIDE_BARREN);


static int32 NPFWaterPathCost(AyStar *as, AyStarNode *current, OpenListNode *parent)
	/* TileIndex tile = current->tile; */
	int32 cost = 0;
	Trackdir trackdir = current->direction;

	cost = _trackdir_length[trackdir]; // Should be different for diagonal tracks

	if (IsBuoyTile(current->tile) && IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir))
		cost +=; // A small penalty for going over buoys

	if (current->direction != NextTrackdir((Trackdir)parent->path.node.direction))
		cost +=;

	/* @todo More penalties? */

	return cost;

/* Determine the cost of this node, for road tracks */
static int32 NPFRoadPathCost(AyStar *as, AyStarNode *current, OpenListNode *parent)
	TileIndex tile = current->tile;
	int32 cost = 0;

	/* Determine base length */
	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
			cost = IsTunnel(tile) ? NPFTunnelCost(current) : NPFBridgeCost(current);

		case MP_ROAD:
			cost = NPF_TILE_LENGTH;
			/* Increase the cost for level crossings */
			if (IsLevelCrossing(tile)) cost +=;

		case MP_STATION:
			cost = NPF_TILE_LENGTH;
			/* Increase the cost for drive-through road stops */
			if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile)) cost +=;


	/* Determine extra costs */

	/* Check for slope */
	cost += NPFSlopeCost(current);

	/* Check for turns. Road vehicles only really drive diagonal, turns are
	 * represented by non-diagonal tracks */
	if (!IsDiagonalTrackdir(current->direction))
		cost +=;

	DEBUG(npf, 4, "Calculating G for: (%d, %d). Result: %d", TileX(current->tile), TileY(current->tile), cost);
	return cost;


/* Determine the cost of this node, for railway tracks */
static int32 NPFRailPathCost(AyStar *as, AyStarNode *current, OpenListNode *parent)
	TileIndex tile = current->tile;
	Trackdir trackdir = current->direction;
	int32 cost = 0;
	/* HACK: We create a OpenListNode manually, so we can call EndNodeCheck */
	OpenListNode new_node;

	/* Determine base length */
	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
			cost = IsTunnel(tile) ? NPFTunnelCost(current) : NPFBridgeCost(current);

		case MP_RAILWAY:
			cost = _trackdir_length[trackdir]; // Should be different for diagonal tracks

		case MP_ROAD: // Railway crossing
			cost = NPF_TILE_LENGTH;

		case MP_STATION:
			/* We give a station tile a penalty. Logically we would only want to give
			 * station tiles that are not our destination this penalty. This would
			 * discourage trains to drive through busy stations. But, we can just
			 * give any station tile a penalty, because every possible route will get
			 * this penalty exactly once, on its end tile (if it's a station) and it
			 * will therefore not make a difference. */
			cost = NPF_TILE_LENGTH +;


	/* Determine extra costs */

	/* Check for signals */
	if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY)) {
		if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir)) {
			/* Ordinary track with signals */
			if (GetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, trackdir) == SIGNAL_STATE_RED) {
				/* Signal facing us is red */
				if (!NPFGetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_SEEN_SIGNAL)) {
					/* Penalize the first signal we
					 * encounter, if it is red */

					/* Is this a presignal exit or combo? */
					SignalType sigtype = GetSignalType(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir));
					if (!IsPbsSignal(sigtype)) {
						if (sigtype == SIGTYPE_EXIT || sigtype == SIGTYPE_COMBO) {
							/* Penalise exit and combo signals differently (heavier) */
							cost +=;
						} else {
							cost +=;
				/* Record the state of this signal */
				NPFSetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_LAST_SIGNAL_RED, true);
			} else {
				/* Record the state of this signal */
				NPFSetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_LAST_SIGNAL_RED, false);
			if (NPFGetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_SEEN_SIGNAL)) {
				if (NPFGetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_2ND_SIGNAL)) {
					NPFSetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_3RD_SIGNAL, true);
				} else {
					NPFSetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_2ND_SIGNAL, true);
			} else {
				NPFSetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_SEEN_SIGNAL, true);

		if (HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(tile, ReverseTrackdir(trackdir)) && !NPFGetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_3RD_SIGNAL)) {
			cost +=;

	/* Penalise the tile if it is a target tile and the last signal was
	 * red */
	/* HACK: We create a new_node here so we can call EndNodeCheck. Ugly as hell
	 * of course... */
	new_node.path.node = *current;
	if (as->EndNodeCheck(as, &new_node) == AYSTAR_FOUND_END_NODE && NPFGetFlag(current, NPF_FLAG_LAST_SIGNAL_RED))
		cost +=;

	/* Check for slope */
	cost += NPFSlopeCost(current);

	/* Check for turns */
	if (current->direction != NextTrackdir((Trackdir)parent->path.node.direction))
		cost +=;
	/* TODO, with realistic acceleration, also the amount of straight track between
	 *      curves should be taken into account, as this affects the speed limit. */

	/* Check for reverse in depot */
	if (IsRailDepotTile(tile) && as->EndNodeCheck(as, &new_node) != AYSTAR_FOUND_END_NODE) {
		/* Penalise any depot tile that is not the last tile in the path. This
		 * _should_ penalise every occurence of reversing in a depot (and only
		 * that) */
		cost +=;

	/* Check for occupied track */
	cost += NPFReservedTrackCost(current);

	DEBUG(npf, 4, "Calculating G for: (%d, %d). Result: %d", TileX(current->tile), TileY(current->tile), cost);
	return cost;

/* Will find any depot */
static int32 NPFFindDepot(AyStar *as, OpenListNode *current)
	/* It's not worth caching the result with NPF_FLAG_IS_TARGET here as below,
	 * since checking the cache not that much faster than the actual check */
	return IsDepotTypeTile(current->path.node.tile, (TransportType)as->user_data[NPF_TYPE]) ?

/** Find any safe and free tile. */
static int32 NPFFindSafeTile(AyStar *as, OpenListNode *current)
	const Train *v = Train::From(((NPFFindStationOrTileData *)as->user_target)->v);

		IsSafeWaitingPosition(v, current->path.node.tile, current->path.node.direction, true, &&
		IsWaitingPositionFree(v, current->path.node.tile, current->path.node.direction, ?

/* Will find a station identified using the NPFFindStationOrTileData */
static int32 NPFFindStationOrTile(AyStar *as, OpenListNode *current)
	NPFFindStationOrTileData *fstd = (NPFFindStationOrTileData*)as->user_target;
	AyStarNode *node = &current->path.node;
	TileIndex tile = node->tile;

	/* If GetNeighbours said we could get here, we assume the station type
	 * is correct */
	if (
		(fstd->station_index == INVALID_STATION && tile == fstd->dest_coords) || // We've found the tile, or
		(IsTileType(tile, MP_STATION) && GetStationIndex(tile) == fstd->station_index) // the station
	) {
	} else {
		return AYSTAR_DONE;

 * Find the node containing the first signal on the path.
 * If the first signal is on the very first two tiles of the path,
 * the second signal is returnd. If no suitable signal is present, the
 * last node of the path is returned.
static const PathNode *FindSafePosition(PathNode *path, const Train *v)
	/* If there is no signal, reserve the whole path. */
	PathNode *sig = path;

	for (; path->parent != NULL; path = path->parent) {
		if (IsSafeWaitingPosition(v, path->node.tile, path->node.direction, true, {
			sig = path;

	return sig;

 * Lift the reservation of the tiles from @p start till @p end, excluding @p end itself.
static void ClearPathReservation(const PathNode *start, const PathNode *end)
	bool first_run = true;
	for (; start != end; start = start->parent) {
		if (IsRailStationTile(start->node.tile) && first_run) {
			SetRailStationPlatformReservation(start->node.tile, TrackdirToExitdir(start->node.direction), false);
		} else {
			UnreserveRailTrack(start->node.tile, TrackdirToTrack(start->node.direction));
		first_run = false;

 * To be called when @p current contains the (shortest route to) the target node.
 * Will fill the contents of the NPFFoundTargetData using
 * AyStarNode[NPF_TRACKDIR_CHOICE]. If requested, path reservation
 * is done here.
static void NPFSaveTargetData(AyStar *as, OpenListNode *current)
	NPFFoundTargetData *ftd = (NPFFoundTargetData*)as->user_path;
	ftd->best_trackdir = (Trackdir)current->path.node.user_data[NPF_TRACKDIR_CHOICE];
	ftd->best_path_dist = current->g;
	ftd->best_bird_dist = 0;
	ftd->node = current->path.node;
	ftd->res_okay = false;

	if (as->user_target != NULL && ((NPFFindStationOrTileData*)as->user_target)->reserve_path && as->user_data[NPF_TYPE] == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
		/* Path reservation is requested. */
		const Train *v = Train::From(((NPFFindStationOrTileData *)as->user_target)->v);

		const PathNode *target = FindSafePosition(&current->path, v);
		ftd->node = target->node;

		/* If the target is a station skip to platform end. */
		if (IsRailStationTile(target->node.tile)) {
			DiagDirection dir = TrackdirToExitdir(target->node.direction);
			uint len = Station::GetByTile(target->node.tile)->GetPlatformLength(target->node.tile, dir);
			TileIndex end_tile = TILE_ADD(target->node.tile, (len - 1) * TileOffsByDiagDir(dir));

			/* Update only end tile, trackdir of a station stays the same. */
			ftd->node.tile = end_tile;
			if (!IsWaitingPositionFree(v, end_tile, target->node.direction, return;
			SetRailStationPlatformReservation(target->node.tile, dir, true);
			SetRailStationReservation(target->node.tile, false);
		} else {
			if (!IsWaitingPositionFree(v, target->node.tile, target->node.direction, return;

		for (const PathNode *cur = target; cur->parent != NULL; cur = cur->parent) {
			if (!TryReserveRailTrack(cur->node.tile, TrackdirToTrack(cur->node.direction))) {
				/* Reservation failed, undo. */
				ClearPathReservation(target, cur);

		ftd->res_okay = true;

 * Finds out if a given company's vehicles are allowed to enter a given tile.
 * @param owner    The owner of the vehicle.
 * @param tile     The tile that is about to be entered.
 * @param enterdir The direction in which the vehicle wants to enter the tile.
 * @return         true if the vehicle can enter the tile.
 * @todo           This function should be used in other places than just NPF,
 *                 maybe moved to another file too.
static bool CanEnterTileOwnerCheck(Owner owner, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir)
	if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) || // Rail tile (also rail depot)
			HasStationTileRail(tile) ||     // Rail station tile/waypoint
			IsRoadDepotTile(tile) ||        // Road depot tile
			IsStandardRoadStopTile(tile)) { // Road station tile (but not drive-through stops)
		return IsTileOwner(tile, owner);  // You need to own these tiles entirely to use them

	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
		case MP_ROAD:
			/* rail-road crossing : are we looking at the railway part? */
			if (IsLevelCrossing(tile) &&
					DiagDirToAxis(enterdir) != GetCrossingRoadAxis(tile)) {
				return IsTileOwner(tile, owner); // Railway needs owner check, while the street is public

			if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(tile) == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
				return IsTileOwner(tile, owner);


	return true; // no need to check


 * Returns the direction the exit of the depot on the given tile is facing.
static DiagDirection GetDepotDirection(TileIndex tile, TransportType type)
	assert(IsDepotTypeTile(tile, type));

	switch (type) {
		case TRANSPORT_RAIL:  return GetRailDepotDirection(tile);
		case TRANSPORT_ROAD:  return GetRoadDepotDirection(tile);
		case TRANSPORT_WATER: return GetShipDepotDirection(tile);
		default: return INVALID_DIAGDIR; // Not reached

/** Tests if a tile is a road tile with a single tramtrack (tram can reverse) */
static DiagDirection GetSingleTramBit(TileIndex tile)
	if (IsNormalRoadTile(tile)) {
		RoadBits rb = GetRoadBits(tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM);
		switch (rb) {
			case ROAD_NW: return DIAGDIR_NW;
			case ROAD_SW: return DIAGDIR_SW;
			case ROAD_SE: return DIAGDIR_SE;
			case ROAD_NE: return DIAGDIR_NE;
			default: break;

 * Tests if a tile can be entered or left only from one side.
 * Depots, non-drive-through roadstops, and tiles with single trambits are tested.
 * @param tile The tile of interest.
 * @param type The transporttype of the vehicle.
 * @param subtype For TRANSPORT_ROAD the compatible RoadTypes of the vehicle.
 * @return The single entry/exit-direction of the tile, or INVALID_DIAGDIR if there are more or less directions
static DiagDirection GetTileSingleEntry(TileIndex tile, TransportType type, uint subtype)
	if (type != TRANSPORT_WATER && IsDepotTypeTile(tile, type)) return GetDepotDirection(tile, type);

	if (type == TRANSPORT_ROAD) {
		if (IsStandardRoadStopTile(tile)) return GetRoadStopDir(tile);
		if (HasBit(subtype, ROADTYPE_TRAM)) return GetSingleTramBit(tile);


 * Tests if a vehicle must reverse on a tile.
 * @param tile The tile of interest.
 * @param dir The direction in which the vehicle drives on a tile.
 * @param type The transporttype of the vehicle.
 * @param subtype For TRANSPORT_ROAD the compatible RoadTypes of the vehicle.
 * @return true iff the vehicle must reverse on the tile.
static inline bool ForceReverse(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir, TransportType type, uint subtype)
	DiagDirection single_entry = GetTileSingleEntry(tile, type, subtype);
	return single_entry != INVALID_DIAGDIR && single_entry != dir;

 * Tests if a vehicle can enter a tile.
 * @param tile The tile of interest.
 * @param dir The direction in which the vehicle drives onto a tile.
 * @param type The transporttype of the vehicle.
 * @param subtype For TRANSPORT_ROAD the compatible RoadTypes of the vehicle.
 * @param railtypes For TRANSPORT_RAIL the compatible RailTypes of the vehicle.
 * @param owner The owner of the vehicle.
 * @return true iff the vehicle can enter the tile.
static bool CanEnterTile(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection dir, TransportType type, uint subtype, RailTypes railtypes, Owner owner)
	/* Check tunnel entries and bridge ramps */
	if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile) != dir) return false;

	/* Test ownership */
	if (!CanEnterTileOwnerCheck(owner, tile, dir)) return false;

	/* check correct rail type (mono, maglev, etc) */
	if (type == TRANSPORT_RAIL) {
		RailType rail_type = GetTileRailType(tile);
		if (!HasBit(railtypes, rail_type)) return false;

	/* Depots, standard roadstops and single tram bits can only be entered from one direction */
	DiagDirection single_entry = GetTileSingleEntry(tile, type, subtype);
	if (single_entry != INVALID_DIAGDIR && single_entry != ReverseDiagDir(dir)) return false;

	return true;

 * Returns the driveable Trackdirs on a tile.
 * One-way-roads are taken into account. Signals are not tested.
 * @param dst_tile The tile of interest.
 * @param src_trackdir The direction the vehicle is currently moving.
 * @param type The transporttype of the vehicle.
 * @param subtype For TRANSPORT_ROAD the compatible RoadTypes of the vehicle.
 * @return The Trackdirs the vehicle can continue moving on.
static TrackdirBits GetDriveableTrackdirBits(TileIndex dst_tile, Trackdir src_trackdir, TransportType type, uint subtype)
	TrackdirBits trackdirbits = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(dst_tile, type, subtype));

	if (trackdirbits == 0 && type == TRANSPORT_ROAD && HasBit(subtype, ROADTYPE_TRAM)) {
		/* GetTileTrackStatus() returns 0 for single tram bits.
		 * As we cannot change it there (easily) without breaking something, change it here */
		switch (GetSingleTramBit(dst_tile)) {
			case DIAGDIR_NE:
			case DIAGDIR_SW:
				trackdirbits = TRACKDIR_BIT_X_NE | TRACKDIR_BIT_X_SW;

			case DIAGDIR_NW:
			case DIAGDIR_SE:
				trackdirbits = TRACKDIR_BIT_Y_NW | TRACKDIR_BIT_Y_SE;

			default: break;

	DEBUG(npf, 4, "Next node: (%d, %d) [%d], possible trackdirs: 0x%X", TileX(dst_tile), TileY(dst_tile), dst_tile, trackdirbits);

	/* Select only trackdirs we can reach from our current trackdir */
	trackdirbits &= TrackdirReachesTrackdirs(src_trackdir);

	/* Filter out trackdirs that would make 90 deg turns for trains */
	if ( && (type == TRANSPORT_RAIL || type == TRANSPORT_WATER)) trackdirbits &= ~TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(src_trackdir);

	DEBUG(npf, 6, "After filtering: (%d, %d), possible trackdirs: 0x%X", TileX(dst_tile), TileY(dst_tile), trackdirbits);

	return trackdirbits;


/* Will just follow the results of GetTileTrackStatus concerning where we can
 * go and where not. Uses AyStar.user_data[NPF_TYPE] as the transport type and
 * an argument to GetTileTrackStatus. Will skip tunnels, meaning that the
 * entry and exit are neighbours. Will fill
 * AyStarNode.user_data[NPF_TRACKDIR_CHOICE] with an appropriate value, and
 * copy AyStarNode.user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS] from the parent */
static void NPFFollowTrack(AyStar *aystar, OpenListNode *current)
	/* We leave src_tile on track src_trackdir in direction src_exitdir */
	Trackdir src_trackdir = current->path.node.direction;
	TileIndex src_tile = current->path.node.tile;
	DiagDirection src_exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(src_trackdir);

	/* Is src_tile valid, and can be used?
	 * When choosing track on a junction src_tile is the tile neighboured to the junction wrt. exitdir.
	 * But we must not check the validity of this move, as src_tile is totally unrelated to the move, if a roadvehicle reversed on a junction. */
	bool ignore_src_tile = (current->path.parent == NULL && NPFGetFlag(&current->path.node, NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_START_TILE));

	/* Information about the vehicle: TransportType (road/rail/water) and SubType (compatible rail/road types) */
	TransportType type = (TransportType)aystar->user_data[NPF_TYPE];
	uint subtype = aystar->user_data[NPF_SUB_TYPE];

	/* Initialize to 0, so we can jump out (return) somewhere an have no neighbours */
	aystar->num_neighbours = 0;
	DEBUG(npf, 4, "Expanding: (%d, %d, %d) [%d]", TileX(src_tile), TileY(src_tile), src_trackdir, src_tile);

	/* We want to determine the tile we arrive, and which choices we have there */
	TileIndex dst_tile;
	TrackdirBits trackdirbits;

	/* Find dest tile */
	if (ignore_src_tile) {
		/* Do not perform any checks that involve src_tile */
		dst_tile = src_tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(src_exitdir);
		trackdirbits = GetDriveableTrackdirBits(dst_tile, src_trackdir, type, subtype);
	} else if (IsTileType(src_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE) && GetTunnelBridgeDirection(src_tile) == src_exitdir) {
		/* We drive through the wormhole and arrive on the other side */
		dst_tile = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(src_tile);
		trackdirbits = TrackdirToTrackdirBits(src_trackdir);
	} else if (ForceReverse(src_tile, src_exitdir, type, subtype)) {
		/* We can only reverse on this tile */
		dst_tile = src_tile;
		src_trackdir = ReverseTrackdir(src_trackdir);
		trackdirbits = TrackdirToTrackdirBits(src_trackdir);
	} else {
		/* We leave src_tile in src_exitdir and reach dst_tile */
		dst_tile = AddTileIndexDiffCWrap(src_tile, TileIndexDiffCByDiagDir(src_exitdir));

		if (dst_tile != INVALID_TILE && !CanEnterTile(dst_tile, src_exitdir, type, subtype, (RailTypes)aystar->user_data[NPF_RAILTYPES], (Owner)aystar->user_data[NPF_OWNER])) dst_tile = INVALID_TILE;

		if (dst_tile == INVALID_TILE) {
			/* We cannot enter the next tile. Road vehicles can reverse, others reach dead end */
			if (type != TRANSPORT_ROAD || HasBit(subtype, ROADTYPE_TRAM)) return;

			dst_tile = src_tile;
			src_trackdir = ReverseTrackdir(src_trackdir);

		trackdirbits = GetDriveableTrackdirBits(dst_tile, src_trackdir, type, subtype);

		if (trackdirbits == 0) {
			/* We cannot enter the next tile. Road vehicles can reverse, others reach dead end */
			if (type != TRANSPORT_ROAD || HasBit(subtype, ROADTYPE_TRAM)) return;

			dst_tile = src_tile;
			src_trackdir = ReverseTrackdir(src_trackdir);

			trackdirbits = GetDriveableTrackdirBits(dst_tile, src_trackdir, type, subtype);

	if (NPFGetFlag(&current->path.node, NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_RESERVED)) {
		/* Mask out any reserved tracks. */
		TrackBits reserved = GetReservedTrackbits(dst_tile);
		trackdirbits &= ~TrackBitsToTrackdirBits(reserved);

		uint bits = TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(trackdirbits);
		int i;
		FOR_EACH_SET_BIT(i, bits) {
			if (TracksOverlap(reserved | TrackToTrackBits((Track)i))) trackdirbits &= ~TrackToTrackdirBits((Track)i);

	/* Enumerate possible track */
	uint i = 0;
	while (trackdirbits != 0) {
		Trackdir dst_trackdir = RemoveFirstTrackdir(&trackdirbits);
		DEBUG(npf, 5, "Expanded into trackdir: %d, remaining trackdirs: 0x%X", dst_trackdir, trackdirbits);

		/* Tile with signals? */
		if (IsTileType(dst_tile, MP_RAILWAY) && GetRailTileType(dst_tile) == RAIL_TILE_SIGNALS) {
			if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(dst_tile, ReverseTrackdir(dst_trackdir)) && !HasSignalOnTrackdir(dst_tile, dst_trackdir) && IsOnewaySignal(dst_tile, TrackdirToTrack(dst_trackdir)))
				/* If there's a one-way signal not pointing towards us, stop going in this direction. */
			/* We've found ourselves a neighbour :-) */
			AyStarNode *neighbour = &aystar->neighbours[i];
			neighbour->tile = dst_tile;
			neighbour->direction = dst_trackdir;
			/* Save user data */
			neighbour->user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS] = current->path.node.user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS];
			NPFFillTrackdirChoice(neighbour, current);
	aystar->num_neighbours = i;

 * Plan a route to the specified target (which is checked by target_proc),
 * from start1 and if not NULL, from start2 as well. The type of transport we
 * are checking is in type. reverse_penalty is applied to all routes that
 * originate from the second start node.
 * When we are looking for one specific target (optionally multiple tiles), we
 * should use a good heuristic to perform aystar search. When we search for
 * multiple targets that are spread around, we should perform a breadth first
 * search by specifiying CalcZero as our heuristic.
static NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteInternal(AyStarNode *start1, bool ignore_start_tile1, AyStarNode *start2, bool ignore_start_tile2, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, AyStar_EndNodeCheck target_proc, AyStar_CalculateH heuristic_proc, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes, uint reverse_penalty)
	int r;
	NPFFoundTargetData result;

	/* Initialize procs */
	_npf_aystar.CalculateH = heuristic_proc;
	_npf_aystar.EndNodeCheck = target_proc;
	_npf_aystar.FoundEndNode = NPFSaveTargetData;
	_npf_aystar.GetNeighbours = NPFFollowTrack;
	switch (type) {
		default: NOT_REACHED();
		case TRANSPORT_RAIL:  _npf_aystar.CalculateG = NPFRailPathCost;  break;
		case TRANSPORT_ROAD:  _npf_aystar.CalculateG = NPFRoadPathCost;  break;
		case TRANSPORT_WATER: _npf_aystar.CalculateG = NPFWaterPathCost; break;

	/* Initialize Start Node(s) */
	start1->user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS] = 0;
	NPFSetFlag(start1, NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_START_TILE, ignore_start_tile1);
	_npf_aystar.addstart(&_npf_aystar, start1, 0);
	if (start2) {
		start2->user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS] = 0;
		NPFSetFlag(start2, NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_START_TILE, ignore_start_tile2);
		NPFSetFlag(start2, NPF_FLAG_REVERSE, true);
		_npf_aystar.addstart(&_npf_aystar, start2, reverse_penalty);

	/* Initialize result */
	result.best_bird_dist = UINT_MAX;
	result.best_path_dist = UINT_MAX;
	result.best_trackdir  = INVALID_TRACKDIR;
	result.node.tile      = INVALID_TILE;
	result.res_okay       = false;
	_npf_aystar.user_path = &result;

	/* Initialize target */
	_npf_aystar.user_target = target;

	/* Initialize user_data */
	_npf_aystar.user_data[NPF_TYPE] = type;
	_npf_aystar.user_data[NPF_SUB_TYPE] = sub_type;
	_npf_aystar.user_data[NPF_OWNER] = owner;
	_npf_aystar.user_data[NPF_RAILTYPES] = railtypes;

	/* GO! */
	r = AyStarMain_Main(&_npf_aystar);
	assert(r != AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY);

	if (result.best_bird_dist != 0) {
		if (target != NULL) {
			DEBUG(npf, 1, "Could not find route to tile 0x%X from 0x%X.", target->dest_coords, start1->tile);
		} else {
			/* Assumption: target == NULL, so we are looking for a depot */
			DEBUG(npf, 1, "Could not find route to a depot from tile 0x%X.", start1->tile);

	return result;

NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTileTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir trackdir1, bool ignore_start_tile1, TileIndex tile2, Trackdir trackdir2, bool ignore_start_tile2, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes)
	AyStarNode start1;
	AyStarNode start2;

	start1.tile = tile1;
	start2.tile = tile2;
	/* We set this in case the target is also the start tile, we will just
	 * return a not found then */
	start1.direction = trackdir1;
	start2.direction = trackdir2;

	return NPFRouteInternal(&start1, ignore_start_tile1, (IsValidTile(tile2) ? &start2 : NULL), ignore_start_tile2, target, NPFFindStationOrTile, NPFCalcStationOrTileHeuristic, type, sub_type, owner, railtypes, 0);

NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes)
	return NPFRouteToStationOrTileTwoWay(tile, trackdir, ignore_start_tile, INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACKDIR, false, target, type, sub_type, owner, railtypes);

NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirstTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir trackdir1, bool ignore_start_tile1, TileIndex tile2, Trackdir trackdir2, bool ignore_start_tile2, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes, uint reverse_penalty)
	AyStarNode start1;
	AyStarNode start2;

	start1.tile = tile1;
	start2.tile = tile2;
	/* We set this in case the target is also the start tile, we will just
	 * return a not found then */
	start1.direction = trackdir1;
	start2.direction = trackdir2;

	/* perform a breadth first search. Target is NULL,
	 * since we are just looking for any depot...*/
	return NPFRouteInternal(&start1, ignore_start_tile1, (IsValidTile(tile2) ? &start2 : NULL), ignore_start_tile2, NULL, NPFFindDepot, NPFCalcZero, type, sub_type, owner, railtypes, reverse_penalty);

NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirst(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes)
	return NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirstTwoWay(tile, trackdir, ignore_start_tile, INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACKDIR, false, type, sub_type, owner, railtypes, 0);

NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotTrialError(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes)
	/* Okay, what we're gonna do. First, we look at all depots, calculate
	 * the manhatten distance to get to each depot. We then sort them by
	 * distance. We start by trying to plan a route to the closest, then
	 * the next closest, etc. We stop when the best route we have found so
	 * far, is shorter than the manhattan distance. This will obviously
	 * always find the closest depot. It will probably be most efficient
	 * for ships, since the heuristic will not be to far off then. I hope.
	Queue depots;
	int r;
	NPFFoundTargetData best_result = {UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX, INVALID_TRACKDIR, {INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACKDIR, {0, 0}}, false};
	NPFFoundTargetData result;
	NPFFindStationOrTileData target;
	AyStarNode start;
	Depot *current;
	Depot *depot;

	/* Okay, let's find all depots that we can use first */
	FOR_ALL_DEPOTS(depot) {
		/* Check if this is really a valid depot, it is of the needed type and
		 * owner */
		if (IsDepotTypeTile(depot->xy, type) && IsTileOwner(depot->xy, owner))
			/* If so, let's add it to the queue, sorted by distance */
			depots.push(&depots, depot, DistanceManhattan(tile, depot->xy));

	/* Now, let's initialise the aystar */

	/* Initialize procs */
	_npf_aystar.CalculateH = NPFCalcStationOrTileHeuristic;
	_npf_aystar.EndNodeCheck = NPFFindStationOrTile;
	_npf_aystar.FoundEndNode = NPFSaveTargetData;
	_npf_aystar.GetNeighbours = NPFFollowTrack;
	switch (type) {
		default: NOT_REACHED();
		case TRANSPORT_RAIL:  _npf_aystar.CalculateG = NPFRailPathCost;  break;
		case TRANSPORT_ROAD:  _npf_aystar.CalculateG = NPFRoadPathCost;  break;
		case TRANSPORT_WATER: _npf_aystar.CalculateG = NPFWaterPathCost; break;

	/* Initialize target */
	target.station_index = INVALID_STATION; // We will initialize dest_coords inside the loop below
	_npf_aystar.user_target = &target;

	/* Initialize user_data */
	_npf_aystar.user_data[NPF_TYPE] = type;
	_npf_aystar.user_data[NPF_SUB_TYPE] = sub_type;
	_npf_aystar.user_data[NPF_OWNER] = owner;

	/* Initialize Start Node */
	start.tile = tile;
	start.direction = trackdir; // We will initialize user_data inside the loop below

	/* Initialize Result */
	_npf_aystar.user_path = &result;
	best_result.best_path_dist = UINT_MAX;
	best_result.best_bird_dist = UINT_MAX;

	/* Just iterate the depots in order of increasing distance */
	while ((current = (Depot*)depots.pop(&depots))) {
		/* Check to see if we already have a path shorter than this
		 * depot's manhattan distance. HACK: We call DistanceManhattan
		 * again, we should probably modify the queue to give us that
		 * value... */
		if ( DistanceManhattan(tile, current->xy * NPF_TILE_LENGTH) > best_result.best_path_dist)

		/* Initialize Start Node
		 * We set this in case the target is also the start tile, we will just
		 * return a not found then */
		start.user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS] = 0;
		NPFSetFlag(&start, NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_START_TILE, ignore_start_tile);
		_npf_aystar.addstart(&_npf_aystar, &start, 0);

		/* Initialize result */
		result.best_bird_dist = UINT_MAX;
		result.best_path_dist = UINT_MAX;
		result.best_trackdir = INVALID_TRACKDIR;

		/* Initialize target */
		target.dest_coords = current->xy;

		/* GO! */
		r = AyStarMain_Main(&_npf_aystar);
		assert(r != AYSTAR_STILL_BUSY);

		/* This depot is closer */
		if (result.best_path_dist < best_result.best_path_dist)
			best_result = result;
	if (result.best_bird_dist != 0) {
		DEBUG(npf, 1, "Could not find route to any depot from tile 0x%X.", tile);
	return best_result;

NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToSafeTile(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool override_railtype)
	assert(v->type == VEH_TRAIN);

	NPFFindStationOrTileData fstd;
	fstd.v = v;
	fstd.reserve_path = true;

	AyStarNode start1;
	start1.tile = tile;
	/* We set this in case the target is also the start tile, we will just
	 * return a not found then */
	start1.direction = trackdir;
	NPFSetFlag(&start1, NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_RESERVED, true);

	RailTypes railtypes = v->compatible_railtypes;
	if (override_railtype) railtypes |= GetRailTypeInfo(v->railtype)->compatible_railtypes;

	/* perform a breadth first search. Target is NULL,
	 * since we are just looking for any safe tile...*/
	return NPFRouteInternal(&start1, true, NULL, false, &fstd, NPFFindSafeTile, NPFCalcZero, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0, v->owner, railtypes, 0);

void InitializeNPF()
	static bool first_init = true;
	if (first_init) {
		first_init = false;
		init_AyStar(&_npf_aystar, NPFHash, NPF_HASH_SIZE);
	} else {
	_npf_aystar.loops_per_tick = 0;
	_npf_aystar.max_path_cost = 0;
	//_npf_aystar.max_search_nodes = 0;
	/* We will limit the number of nodes for now, until we have a better
	 * solution to really fix performance */
	_npf_aystar.max_search_nodes =;

void NPFFillWithOrderData(NPFFindStationOrTileData *fstd, Vehicle *v, bool reserve_path)
	/* Ships don't really reach their stations, but the tile in front. So don't
	 * save the station id for ships. For roadvehs we don't store it either,
	 * because multistop depends on vehicles actually reaching the exact
	 * dest_tile, not just any stop of that station.
	 * So only for train orders to stations we fill fstd->station_index, for all
	 * others only dest_coords */
	if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && (v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) || v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT))) {
		fstd->station_index = v->current_order.GetDestination();
		/* Let's take the closest tile of the station as our target for trains */
		fstd->dest_coords = CalcClosestStationTile(fstd->station_index, v->tile);
	} else {
		fstd->dest_coords = v->dest_tile;
		fstd->station_index = INVALID_STATION;
	fstd->reserve_path = reserve_path;
	fstd->v = v;
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file npf.h New A* pathfinder. */

#ifndef NPF_H
#define NPF_H

#include "aystar.h"
#include "../../station_type.h"
#include "../../rail_type.h"
#include "../../company_type.h"
#include "../../vehicle_type.h"
#include "../../tile_type.h"
#include "../../track_type.h"
#include "../../core/bitmath_func.hpp"
#include "../../transport_type.h"

/* mowing grass */
enum {
	NPF_HASH_BITS = 12, ///< The size of the hash used in pathfinding. Just changing this value should be sufficient to change the hash size. Should be an even value.
	/* Do no change below values */

/* For new pathfinding. Define here so it is globally available without having
 * to include npf.h */
enum {

enum {
	/** This penalty is the equivalent of "inifite", which means that paths that
	 * get this penalty will be chosen, but only if there is no other route
	 * without it. Be careful with not applying this penalty to often, or the
	 * total path cost might overflow..
	 * For now, this is just a Very Big Penalty, we might actually implement
	 * this in a nicer way :-)

/* Meant to be stored in AyStar.targetdata */
struct NPFFindStationOrTileData {
	TileIndex dest_coords;   ///< An indication of where the station is, for heuristic purposes, or the target tile
	StationID station_index; ///< station index we're heading for, or INVALID_STATION when we're heading for a tile
	bool      reserve_path;  ///< Indicates whether the found path should be reserved
	const Vehicle *v;        ///< The vehicle we are pathfinding for

/* Indices into AyStar.userdata[] */
enum {
	NPF_TYPE = 0,  ///< Contains a TransportTypes value
	NPF_SUB_TYPE,  ///< Contains the sub transport type
	NPF_OWNER,     ///< Contains an Owner value
	NPF_RAILTYPES, ///< Contains a bitmask the compatible RailTypes of the engine when NPF_TYPE == TRANSPORT_RAIL. Unused otherwise.

/* Indices into AyStarNode.userdata[] */
enum {
	NPF_TRACKDIR_CHOICE = 0, ///< The trackdir chosen to get here

/* Flags for AyStarNode.userdata[NPF_NODE_FLAGS]. Use NPFGetBit() and NPFGetBit() to use them. */
enum NPFNodeFlag {
	NPF_FLAG_SEEN_SIGNAL,       ///< Used to mark that a signal was seen on the way, for rail only
	NPF_FLAG_2ND_SIGNAL,        ///< Used to mark that two signals were seen, rail only
	NPF_FLAG_3RD_SIGNAL,        ///< Used to mark that three signals were seen, rail only
	NPF_FLAG_REVERSE,           ///< Used to mark that this node was reached from the second start node, if applicable
	NPF_FLAG_LAST_SIGNAL_RED,   ///< Used to mark that the last signal on this path was red
	NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_START_TILE, ///< Used to mark that the start tile is invalid, and searching should start from the second tile on
	NPF_FLAG_TARGET_RESERVED,   ///< Used to mark that the possible reservation target is already reserved
	NPF_FLAG_IGNORE_RESERVED,   ///< Used to mark that reserved tiles should be considered impassable

/* Meant to be stored in AyStar.userpath */
struct NPFFoundTargetData {
	uint best_bird_dist;    ///< The best heuristic found. Is 0 if the target was found
	uint best_path_dist;    ///< The shortest path. Is UINT_MAX if no path is found
	Trackdir best_trackdir; ///< The trackdir that leads to the shortest path/closest birds dist
	AyStarNode node;        ///< The node within the target the search led us to
	bool res_okay;          ///< True if a path reservation could be made

/* These functions below are _not_ re-entrant, in favor of speed! */

/* Will search from the given tile and direction, for a route to the given
 * station for the given transport type. See the declaration of
 * NPFFoundTargetData above for the meaning of the result. */
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes);

/* Will search as above, but with two start nodes, the second being the
 * reverse. Look at the NPF_FLAG_REVERSE flag in the result node to see which
 * direction was taken (NPFGetBit(result.node, NPF_FLAG_REVERSE)) */
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToStationOrTileTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir trackdir1, bool ignore_start_tile1, TileIndex tile2, Trackdir trackdir2, bool ignore_start_tile2, NPFFindStationOrTileData *target, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes);

/* Will search a route to the closest depot. */

/* Search using breadth first. Good for little track choice and inaccurate
 * heuristic, such as railway/road.*/
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirst(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes);
/* Same as above but with two start nodes, the second being the reverse. Call
 * NPFGetBit(result.node, NPF_FLAG_REVERSE) to see from which node the path
 * orginated. All pathfs from the second node will have the given
 * reverse_penalty applied (NPF_TILE_LENGTH is the equivalent of one full
 * tile).
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotBreadthFirstTwoWay(TileIndex tile1, Trackdir trackdir1, bool ignore_start_tile1, TileIndex tile2, Trackdir trackdir2, bool ignore_start_tile2, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes, uint reverse_penalty);
/* Search by trying each depot in order of Manhattan Distance. Good for lots
 * of choices and accurate heuristics, such as water. */
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToDepotTrialError(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool ignore_start_tile, TransportType type, uint sub_type, Owner owner, RailTypes railtypes);

 * Search for any safe tile using a breadth first search and try to reserve a path.
NPFFoundTargetData NPFRouteToSafeTile(const struct Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, bool override_railtype);


void NPFFillWithOrderData(NPFFindStationOrTileData *fstd, Vehicle *v, bool reserve_path = false);


 * Functions to manipulate the various NPF related flags on an AyStarNode.

 * Returns the current value of the given flag on the given AyStarNode.
static inline bool NPFGetFlag(const AyStarNode *node, NPFNodeFlag flag)
	return HasBit(node->user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS], flag);

 * Sets the given flag on the given AyStarNode to the given value.
static inline void NPFSetFlag(AyStarNode *node, NPFNodeFlag flag, bool value)
	SB(node->user_data[NPF_NODE_FLAGS], flag, 1, value);

#endif /* NPF_H */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file queue.cpp Implementation of the Queue/Hash. */

#include "../../stdafx.h"
#include "../../core/alloc_func.hpp"
#include "queue.h"


 * Insertion Sorter

static void InsSort_Clear(Queue *q, bool free_values)
	InsSortNode *node = q->data.inssort.first;
	InsSortNode *prev;

	while (node != NULL) {
		if (free_values) free(node->item);
		prev = node;
		node = node->next;
	q->data.inssort.first = NULL;

static void InsSort_Free(Queue *q, bool free_values)
	q->clear(q, free_values);

static bool InsSort_Push(Queue *q, void *item, int priority)
	InsSortNode *newnode = MallocT<InsSortNode>(1);

	newnode->item = item;
	newnode->priority = priority;
	if (q->data.inssort.first == NULL ||
			q->data.inssort.first->priority >= priority) {
		newnode->next = q->data.inssort.first;
		q->data.inssort.first = newnode;
	} else {
		InsSortNode *node = q->data.inssort.first;
		while (node != NULL) {
			if (node->next == NULL || node->next->priority >= priority) {
				newnode->next = node->next;
				node->next = newnode;
			node = node->next;
	return true;

static void *InsSort_Pop(Queue *q)
	InsSortNode *node = q->data.inssort.first;
	void *result;

	if (node == NULL) return NULL;
	result = node->item;
	q->data.inssort.first = q->data.inssort.first->next;
	assert(q->data.inssort.first == NULL || q->data.inssort.first->priority >= node->priority);
	return result;

static bool InsSort_Delete(Queue *q, void *item, int priority)
	return false;

void init_InsSort(Queue *q)
	q->push = InsSort_Push;
	q->pop = InsSort_Pop;
	q->del = InsSort_Delete;
	q->clear = InsSort_Clear;
	q->free = InsSort_Free;
	q->data.inssort.first = NULL;


 * Binary Heap
 * For information, see:


/* To make our life easy, we make the next define
 *  Because Binary Heaps works with array from 1 to n,
 *  and C with array from 0 to n-1, and we don't like typing
 *  q->data.binaryheap.elements[i - 1] every time, we use this define. */
#define BIN_HEAP_ARR(i) q->data.binaryheap.elements[((i) - 1) >> BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE_BITS][((i) - 1) & BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE_MASK]

static void BinaryHeap_Clear(Queue *q, bool free_values)
	/* Free all items if needed and free all but the first blocks of memory */
	uint i;
	uint j;

	for (i = 0; i < q->data.binaryheap.blocks; i++) {
		if (q->data.binaryheap.elements[i] == NULL) {
			/* No more allocated blocks */
		/* For every allocated block */
		if (free_values) {
			for (j = 0; j < (1 << BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE_BITS); j++) {
				/* For every element in the block */
				if ((q->data.binaryheap.size >> BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE_BITS) == i &&
						(q->data.binaryheap.size & BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE_MASK) == j) {
					break; // We're past the last element
		if (i != 0) {
			/* Leave the first block of memory alone */
			q->data.binaryheap.elements[i] = NULL;
	q->data.binaryheap.size = 0;
	q->data.binaryheap.blocks = 1;

static void BinaryHeap_Free(Queue *q, bool free_values)
	uint i;

	q->clear(q, free_values);
	for (i = 0; i < q->data.binaryheap.blocks; i++) {
		if (q->data.binaryheap.elements[i] == NULL) break;

static bool BinaryHeap_Push(Queue *q, void *item, int priority)
	printf("[BinaryHeap] Pushing an element. There are %d elements left\n", q->data.binaryheap.size);

	if (q->data.binaryheap.size == q->data.binaryheap.max_size) return false;
	assert(q->data.binaryheap.size < q->data.binaryheap.max_size);

	if (q->data.binaryheap.elements[q->data.binaryheap.size >> BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE_BITS] == NULL) {
		/* The currently allocated blocks are full, allocate a new one */
		assert((q->data.binaryheap.size & BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE_MASK) == 0);
		q->data.binaryheap.elements[q->data.binaryheap.size >> BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE_BITS] = MallocT<BinaryHeapNode>(BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE);
		printf("[BinaryHeap] Increasing size of elements to %d nodes\n", q->data.binaryheap.blocks *  BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE);

	/* Add the item at the end of the array */
	BIN_HEAP_ARR(q->data.binaryheap.size + 1).priority = priority;
	BIN_HEAP_ARR(q->data.binaryheap.size + 1).item = item;

	/* Now we are going to check where it belongs. As long as the parent is
	 * bigger, we switch with the parent */
		BinaryHeapNode temp;
		int i;
		int j;

		i = q->data.binaryheap.size;
		while (i > 1) {
			/* Get the parent of this object (divide by 2) */
			j = i / 2;
			/* Is the parent bigger then the current, switch them */
			if (BIN_HEAP_ARR(i).priority <= BIN_HEAP_ARR(j).priority) {
				temp = BIN_HEAP_ARR(j);
				BIN_HEAP_ARR(i) = temp;
				i = j;
			} else {
				/* It is not, we're done! */

	return true;

static bool BinaryHeap_Delete(Queue *q, void *item, int priority)
	uint i = 0;

	printf("[BinaryHeap] Deleting an element. There are %d elements left\n", q->data.binaryheap.size);

	/* First, we try to find the item.. */
	do {
		if (BIN_HEAP_ARR(i + 1).item == item) break;
	} while (i < q->data.binaryheap.size);
	/* We did not find the item, so we return false */
	if (i == q->data.binaryheap.size) return false;

	/* Now we put the last item over the current item while decreasing the size of the elements */
	BIN_HEAP_ARR(i + 1) = BIN_HEAP_ARR(q->data.binaryheap.size + 1);

	/* Now the only thing we have to do, is resort it..
	 * On place i there is the item to be sorted.. let's start there */
		uint j;
		BinaryHeapNode temp;
		/* Because of the fact that Binary Heap uses array from 1 to n, we need to
		 * increase i by 1

		for (;;) {
			j = i;
			/* Check if we have 2 childs */
			if (2 * j + 1 <= q->data.binaryheap.size) {
				/* Is this child smaller than the parent? */
				if (BIN_HEAP_ARR(j).priority >= BIN_HEAP_ARR(2 * j).priority) i = 2 * j;
				/* Yes, we _need_ to use i here, not j, because we want to have the smallest child
				 *  This way we get that straight away! */
				if (BIN_HEAP_ARR(i).priority >= BIN_HEAP_ARR(2 * j + 1).priority) i = 2 * j + 1;
			/* Do we have one child? */
			} else if (2 * j <= q->data.binaryheap.size) {
				if (BIN_HEAP_ARR(j).priority >= BIN_HEAP_ARR(2 * j).priority) i = 2 * j;

			/* One of our childs is smaller than we are, switch */
			if (i != j) {
				temp = BIN_HEAP_ARR(j);
				BIN_HEAP_ARR(i) = temp;
			} else {
				/* None of our childs is smaller, so we stay here.. stop :) */

	return true;

static void *BinaryHeap_Pop(Queue *q)
	void *result;

	printf("[BinaryHeap] Popping an element. There are %d elements left\n", q->data.binaryheap.size);

	if (q->data.binaryheap.size == 0) return NULL;

	/* The best item is always on top, so give that as result */
	result = BIN_HEAP_ARR(1).item;
	/* And now we should get rid of this item... */
	BinaryHeap_Delete(q, BIN_HEAP_ARR(1).item, BIN_HEAP_ARR(1).priority);

	return result;

void init_BinaryHeap(Queue *q, uint max_size)
	assert(q != NULL);
	q->push = BinaryHeap_Push;
	q->pop = BinaryHeap_Pop;
	q->del = BinaryHeap_Delete;
	q->clear = BinaryHeap_Clear;
	q->free = BinaryHeap_Free;
	q->data.binaryheap.max_size = max_size;
	q->data.binaryheap.size = 0;
	/* We malloc memory in block of BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE
	 *   It autosizes when it runs out of memory */
	q->data.binaryheap.elements = CallocT<BinaryHeapNode*>((max_size - 1) / BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE + 1);
	q->data.binaryheap.elements[0] = MallocT<BinaryHeapNode>(BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE);
	q->data.binaryheap.blocks = 1;
	printf("[BinaryHeap] Initial size of elements is %d nodes\n", BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE);

/* Because we don't want anyone else to bother with our defines */

 * Hash

void init_Hash(Hash *h, Hash_HashProc *hash, uint num_buckets)
	/* Allocate space for the Hash, the buckets and the bucket flags */
	uint i;

	assert(h != NULL);
	debug("Allocated hash: %p", h);
	h->hash = hash;
	h->size = 0;
	h->num_buckets = num_buckets;
	h->buckets = (HashNode*)MallocT<byte>(num_buckets * (sizeof(*h->buckets) + sizeof(*h->buckets_in_use)));
	debug("Buckets = %p", h->buckets);
	h->buckets_in_use = (bool*)(h->buckets + num_buckets);
	for (i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++) h->buckets_in_use[i] = false;


void delete_Hash(Hash *h, bool free_values)
	uint i;

	/* Iterate all buckets */
	for (i = 0; i < h->num_buckets; i++) {
		if (h->buckets_in_use[i]) {
			HashNode *node;

			/* Free the first value */
			if (free_values) free(h->buckets[i].value);
			node = h->buckets[i].next;
			while (node != NULL) {
				HashNode *prev = node;

				node = node->next;
				/* Free the value */
				if (free_values) free(prev->value);
				/* Free the node */
	/* No need to free buckets_in_use, it is always allocated in one
	 * malloc with buckets */
	debug("Freeing Hash: %p", h);

static void stat_Hash(const Hash *h)
	uint used_buckets = 0;
	uint max_collision = 0;
	uint max_usage = 0;
	uint usage[200];
	uint i;

	for (i = 0; i < lengthof(usage); i++) usage[i] = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < h->num_buckets; i++) {
		uint collision = 0;
		if (h->buckets_in_use[i]) {
			const HashNode *node;

			for (node = &h->buckets[i]; node != NULL; node = node->next) collision++;
			if (collision > max_collision) max_collision = collision;
		if (collision >= lengthof(usage)) collision = lengthof(usage) - 1;
		if (collision > 0 && usage[collision] >= max_usage) {
			max_usage = usage[collision];
		"Hash size: %d\n"
		"Nodes used: %d\n"
		"Non empty buckets: %d\n"
		"Max collision: %d\n",
		h->num_buckets, h->size, used_buckets, max_collision
	printf("{ ");
	for (i = 0; i <= max_collision; i++) {
		if (usage[i] > 0) {
			printf("%d:%d ", i, usage[i]);
#if 0
			if (i > 0) {
				uint j;

				for (j = 0; j < usage[i] * 160 / 800; j++) putchar('#');
	printf ("}\n");

void clear_Hash(Hash *h, bool free_values)
	uint i;

	if (h->size > 2000) stat_Hash(h);

	/* Iterate all buckets */
	for (i = 0; i < h->num_buckets; i++) {
		if (h->buckets_in_use[i]) {
			HashNode *node;

			h->buckets_in_use[i] = false;
			/* Free the first value */
			if (free_values) free(h->buckets[i].value);
			node = h->buckets[i].next;
			while (node != NULL) {
				HashNode *prev = node;

				node = node->next;
				if (free_values) free(prev->value);
	h->size = 0;

/** Finds the node that that saves this key pair. If it is not
 * found, returns NULL. If it is found, *prev is set to the
 * node before the one found, or if the node found was the first in the bucket
 * to NULL. If it is not found, *prev is set to the last HashNode in the
 * bucket, or NULL if it is empty. prev can also be NULL, in which case it is
 * not used for output.
static HashNode *Hash_FindNode(const Hash *h, uint key1, uint key2, HashNode** prev_out)
	uint hash = h->hash(key1, key2);
	HashNode *result = NULL;

	debug("Looking for %u, %u", key1, key2);
	/* Check if the bucket is empty */
	if (!h->buckets_in_use[hash]) {
		if (prev_out != NULL) *prev_out = NULL;
		result = NULL;
	/* Check the first node specially */
	} else if (h->buckets[hash].key1 == key1 && h->buckets[hash].key2 == key2) {
		/* Save the value */
		result = h->buckets + hash;
		if (prev_out != NULL) *prev_out = NULL;
		debug("Found in first node: %p", result);
	/* Check all other nodes */
	} else {
		HashNode *prev = h->buckets + hash;
		HashNode *node;

		for (node = prev->next; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
			if (node->key1 == key1 && node->key2 == key2) {
				/* Found it */
				result = node;
				debug("Found in other node: %p", result);
			prev = node;
		if (prev_out != NULL) *prev_out = prev;
	if (result == NULL) debug("Not found");
	return result;

void *Hash_Delete(Hash *h, uint key1, uint key2)
	void *result;
	HashNode *prev; // Used as output var for below function call
	HashNode *node = Hash_FindNode(h, key1, key2, &prev);

	if (node == NULL) {
		/* not found */
		result = NULL;
	} else if (prev == NULL) {
		/* It is in the first node, we can't free that one, so we free
		 * the next one instead (if there is any)*/
		/* Save the value */
		result = node->value;
		if (node->next != NULL) {
			HashNode *next = node->next;
			/* Copy the second to the first */
			*node = *next;
			/* Free the second */
#ifndef NOFREE
		} else {
			/* This was the last in this bucket
			 * Mark it as empty */
			uint hash = h->hash(key1, key2);
			h->buckets_in_use[hash] = false;
	} else {
		/* It is in another node
		 * Save the value */
		result = node->value;
		/* Link previous and next nodes */
		prev->next = node->next;
		/* Free the node */
#ifndef NOFREE
	if (result != NULL) h->size--;
	return result;


void *Hash_Set(Hash *h, uint key1, uint key2, void *value)
	HashNode *prev;
	HashNode *node = Hash_FindNode(h, key1, key2, &prev);

	if (node != NULL) {
		/* Found it */
		void *result = node->value;

		node->value = value;
		return result;
	/* It is not yet present, let's add it */
	if (prev == NULL) {
		/* The bucket is still empty */
		uint hash = h->hash(key1, key2);
		h->buckets_in_use[hash] = true;
		node = h->buckets + hash;
	} else {
		/* Add it after prev */
		node = MallocT<HashNode>(1);
		prev->next = node;
	node->next = NULL;
	node->key1 = key1;
	node->key2 = key2;
	node->value = value;
	return NULL;

void *Hash_Get(const Hash *h, uint key1, uint key2)
	HashNode *node = Hash_FindNode(h, key1, key2, NULL);

	debug("Found node: %p", node);
	return (node != NULL) ? node->value : NULL;

uint Hash_Size(const Hash *h)
	return h->size;
Show inline comments
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/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file queue.h Simple Queue/Hash implementations. */

#ifndef QUEUE_H
#define QUEUE_H

//#define NOFREE
//#define QUEUE_DEBUG
//#define HASH_DEBUG
//#define HASH_STATS


struct Queue;
typedef bool Queue_PushProc(Queue *q, void *item, int priority);
typedef void *Queue_PopProc(Queue *q);
typedef bool Queue_DeleteProc(Queue *q, void *item, int priority);
typedef void Queue_ClearProc(Queue *q, bool free_values);
typedef void Queue_FreeProc(Queue *q, bool free_values);

struct InsSortNode {
	void *item;
	int priority;
	InsSortNode *next;

struct BinaryHeapNode {
	void *item;
	int priority;


struct Queue{
	 * Pushes an element into the queue, at the appropriate place for the queue.
	 * Requires the queue pointer to be of an appropriate type, of course.
	Queue_PushProc *push;
	 * Pops the first element from the queue. What exactly is the first element,
	 * is defined by the exact type of queue.
	Queue_PopProc *pop;
	 * Deletes the item from the queue. priority should be specified if
	 * known, which speeds up the deleting for some queue's. Should be -1
	 * if not known.
	Queue_DeleteProc *del;

	/* Clears the queue, by removing all values from it. It's state is
	 * effectively reset. If free_items is true, each of the items cleared
	 * in this way are free()'d.
	Queue_ClearProc *clear;
	/* Frees the queue, by reclaiming all memory allocated by it. After
	 * this it is no longer usable. If free_items is true, any remaining
	 * items are free()'d too.
	Queue_FreeProc *free;

	union {
		struct {
			InsSortNode *first;
		} inssort;
		struct {
			uint max_size;
			uint size;
			uint blocks; ///< The amount of blocks for which space is reserved in elements
			BinaryHeapNode **elements;
		} binaryheap;
	} data;


 * Insertion Sorter

/* Initializes a inssort and allocates internal memory. There is no maximum
 * size */
void init_InsSort(Queue *q);


 *  Binary Heap
 *  For information, see:

/* The amount of elements that will be malloc'd at a time */

/** Initializes a binary heap and allocates internal memory for maximum of
 * max_size elements */
void init_BinaryHeap(Queue *q, uint max_size);


 * Hash
struct HashNode {
	uint key1;
	uint key2;
	void *value;
	HashNode *next;
 * Generates a hash code from the given key pair. You should make sure that
 * the resulting range is clearly defined.
typedef uint Hash_HashProc(uint key1, uint key2);
struct Hash {
	/* The hash function used */
	Hash_HashProc *hash;
	/* The amount of items in the hash */
	uint size;
	/* The number of buckets allocated */
	uint num_buckets;
	/* A pointer to an array of num_buckets buckets. */
	HashNode *buckets;
	/* A pointer to an array of numbuckets booleans, which will be true if
	 * there are any Nodes in the bucket */
	bool *buckets_in_use;

/* Call these function to manipulate a hash */

/** Deletes the value with the specified key pair from the hash and returns
 * that value. Returns NULL when the value was not present. The value returned
 * is _not_ free()'d! */
void *Hash_Delete(Hash *h, uint key1, uint key2);
/** Sets the value associated with the given key pair to the given value.
 * Returns the old value if the value was replaced, NULL when it was not yet present. */
void *Hash_Set(Hash *h, uint key1, uint key2, void *value);
/** Gets the value associated with the given key pair, or NULL when it is not
 * present. */
void *Hash_Get(const Hash *h, uint key1, uint key2);

/* Call these function to create/destroy a hash */

/** Builds a new hash in an existing struct. Make sure that hash() always
 * returns a hash less than num_buckets! Call delete_hash after use */
void init_Hash(Hash *h, Hash_HashProc *hash, uint num_buckets);
 * Deletes the hash and cleans up. Only cleans up memory allocated by new_Hash
 * & friends. If free is true, it will call free() on all the values that
 * are left in the hash.
void delete_Hash(Hash *h, bool free_values);
 * Cleans the hash, but keeps the memory allocated
void clear_Hash(Hash *h, bool free_values);
 * Gets the current size of the Hash
uint Hash_Size(const Hash *h);

#endif /* QUEUE_H */
Show inline comments
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/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file pathfind.cpp Implementation of the oldest supported pathfinder. */

#include "../../stdafx.h"
#include "../../debug.h"
#include "../../tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "../../core/alloc_type.hpp"
#include "../../tunnelbridge.h"
#include "opf_ship.h"

struct RememberData {
	uint16 cur_length;
	byte depth;
	Track last_choosen_track;

struct TrackPathFinder {
	TPFEnumProc *enum_proc;
	void *userdata;
	RememberData rd;
	TrackdirByte the_dir;

static void TPFModeShip(TrackPathFinder *tpf, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection direction)
	if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
		/* wrong track type */
		if (GetTunnelBridgeTransportType(tile) != TRANSPORT_WATER) return;

		DiagDirection dir = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile);
		/* entering tunnel / bridge? */
		if (dir == direction) {
			TileIndex endtile = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile);

			tpf->rd.cur_length += GetTunnelBridgeLength(tile, endtile) + 1;

			tile = endtile;
		} else {
			/* leaving tunnel / bridge? */
			if (ReverseDiagDir(dir) != direction) return;

	/* This addition will sometimes overflow by a single tile.
	 * The use of TILE_MASK here makes sure that we still point at a valid
	 * tile, and then this tile will be in the sentinel row/col, so GetTileTrackStatus will fail. */
	tile = TILE_MASK(tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(direction));

	if (++tpf->rd.cur_length > 50)

	TrackBits bits = TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_WATER, 0)) & DiagdirReachesTracks(direction);
	if (bits == TRACK_BIT_NONE) return;

	assert(TileX(tile) != MapMaxX() && TileY(tile) != MapMaxY());

	bool only_one_track = true;
	do {
		Track track = RemoveFirstTrack(&bits);
		if (bits != TRACK_BIT_NONE) only_one_track = false;
		RememberData rd = tpf->rd;

		/* Change direction 4 times only */
		if (!only_one_track && track != tpf->rd.last_choosen_track) {
			if (++tpf->rd.depth > 4) {
				tpf->rd = rd;
			tpf->rd.last_choosen_track = track;

		tpf->the_dir = TrackEnterdirToTrackdir(track, direction);

		if (!tpf->enum_proc(tile, tpf->userdata, tpf->the_dir, tpf->rd.cur_length)) {
			TPFModeShip(tpf, tile, TrackdirToExitdir(tpf->the_dir));

		tpf->rd = rd;
	} while (bits != TRACK_BIT_NONE);


void OPFShipFollowTrack(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection direction, TPFEnumProc *enum_proc, void *data)

	SmallStackSafeStackAlloc<TrackPathFinder, 1> tpf;

	/* initialize path finder variables */
	tpf->userdata = data;
	tpf->enum_proc = enum_proc;

	tpf->rd.cur_length = 0;
	tpf->rd.depth = 0;
	tpf->rd.last_choosen_track = INVALID_TRACK;

	tpf->enum_proc(tile, data, INVALID_TRACKDIR, 0);
	TPFModeShip(tpf, tile, direction);
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file opf_ship.h Original pathfinder for ships; very simple. */

#ifndef OPF_SHIP_H
#define OPF_SHIP_H

#include "../../direction_type.h"

typedef bool TPFEnumProc(TileIndex tile, void *data, Trackdir trackdir, uint length);

void OPFShipFollowTrack(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection direction, TPFEnumProc *enum_proc, void *data);

#endif /* OPF_SHIP_H */
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new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file pathfinder_func.h General functions related to pathfinders. */


#include "../station_base.h"
#include "../waypoint_base.h"

 * Calculates the tile of given station that is closest to a given tile
 * for this we assume the station is a rectangle,
 * as defined by its tile are (st->train_station)
 * @param station The station to calculate the distance to
 * @param tile The tile from where to calculate the distance
 * @return The closest station tile to the given tile.
static inline TileIndex CalcClosestStationTile(StationID station, TileIndex tile)
	const BaseStation *st = BaseStation::Get(station);

	/* If the rail station is (temporarily) not present, use the station sign to drive near the station */
	if (st->train_station.tile == INVALID_TILE) return st->xy;

	uint minx = TileX(st->train_station.tile);  // topmost corner of station
	uint miny = TileY(st->train_station.tile);
	uint maxx = minx + st->train_station.w - 1; // lowermost corner of station
	uint maxy = miny + st->train_station.h - 1;

	/* we are going the aim for the x coordinate of the closest corner
	 * but if we are between those coordinates, we will aim for our own x coordinate */
	uint x = ClampU(TileX(tile), minx, maxx);

	/* same for y coordinate, see above comment */
	uint y = ClampU(TileY(tile), miny, maxy);

	/* return the tile of our target coordinates */
	return TileXY(x, y);

#endif /* PATHFINDER_FUNC_H */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file follow_track.hpp Template function for track followers */


#include "yapf.hpp"
#include "../../depot_map.h"
#include "../../roadveh.h"
#include "../../train.h"

/** Track follower helper template class (can serve pathfinders and vehicle
 *  controllers). See 6 different typedefs below for 3 different transport
 *  types w/ or w/o 90-deg turns allowed */
template <TransportType Ttr_type_, bool T90deg_turns_allowed_ = true, bool Tmask_reserved_tracks = false>
struct CFollowTrackT
	enum ErrorCode {

	const Vehicle      *m_veh;           ///< moving vehicle
	Owner               m_veh_owner;     ///< owner of the vehicle
	TileIndex           m_old_tile;      ///< the origin (vehicle moved from) before move
	Trackdir            m_old_td;        ///< the trackdir (the vehicle was on) before move
	TileIndex           m_new_tile;      ///< the new tile (the vehicle has entered)
	TrackdirBits        m_new_td_bits;   ///< the new set of available trackdirs
	DiagDirection       m_exitdir;       ///< exit direction (leaving the old tile)
	bool                m_is_tunnel;     ///< last turn passed tunnel
	bool                m_is_bridge;     ///< last turn passed bridge ramp
	bool                m_is_station;    ///< last turn passed station
	int                 m_tiles_skipped; ///< number of skipped tunnel or station tiles
	ErrorCode           m_err;
	CPerformanceTimer  *m_pPerf;
	RailTypes           m_railtypes;

	FORCEINLINE CFollowTrackT(const Vehicle *v = NULL, RailTypes railtype_override = INVALID_RAILTYPES, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf = NULL)
		Init(v, railtype_override, pPerf);

	FORCEINLINE CFollowTrackT(Owner o, RailTypes railtype_override = INVALID_RAILTYPES, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf = NULL)
		m_veh = NULL;
		Init(o, railtype_override, pPerf);

	FORCEINLINE void Init(const Vehicle *v, RailTypes railtype_override, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf)
		assert(!IsRailTT() || (v != NULL && v->type == VEH_TRAIN));
		m_veh = v;
		Init(v != NULL ? v->owner : INVALID_OWNER, IsRailTT() && railtype_override == INVALID_RAILTYPES ? Train::From(v)->compatible_railtypes : railtype_override, pPerf);

	FORCEINLINE void Init(Owner o, RailTypes railtype_override, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf)
		assert((!IsRoadTT() || m_veh != NULL) && (!IsRailTT() || railtype_override != INVALID_RAILTYPES));
		m_veh_owner = o;
		m_pPerf = pPerf;
		/* don't worry, all is inlined so compiler should remove unnecessary initializations */
		m_new_tile = INVALID_TILE;
		m_new_td_bits = TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE;
		m_exitdir = INVALID_DIAGDIR;
		m_is_station = m_is_bridge = m_is_tunnel = false;
		m_tiles_skipped = 0;
		m_err = EC_NONE;
		m_railtypes = railtype_override;

	FORCEINLINE static TransportType TT() {return Ttr_type_;}
	FORCEINLINE static bool IsWaterTT() {return TT() == TRANSPORT_WATER;}
	FORCEINLINE static bool IsRailTT() {return TT() == TRANSPORT_RAIL;}
	FORCEINLINE bool IsTram() {return IsRoadTT() && HasBit(RoadVehicle::From(m_veh)->compatible_roadtypes, ROADTYPE_TRAM);}
	FORCEINLINE static bool IsRoadTT() {return TT() == TRANSPORT_ROAD;}
	FORCEINLINE static bool Allow90degTurns() {return T90deg_turns_allowed_;}
	FORCEINLINE static bool DoTrackMasking() {return IsRailTT() && Tmask_reserved_tracks;}

	/** Tests if a tile is a road tile with a single tramtrack (tram can reverse) */
	FORCEINLINE DiagDirection GetSingleTramBit(TileIndex tile)
		assert(IsTram()); // this function shouldn't be called in other cases

		if (IsNormalRoadTile(tile)) {
			RoadBits rb = GetRoadBits(tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM);
			switch (rb) {
				case ROAD_NW: return DIAGDIR_NW;
				case ROAD_SW: return DIAGDIR_SW;
				case ROAD_SE: return DIAGDIR_SE;
				case ROAD_NE: return DIAGDIR_NE;
				default: break;

	/** main follower routine. Fills all members and return true on success.
	 *  Otherwise returns false if track can't be followed. */
	inline bool Follow(TileIndex old_tile, Trackdir old_td)
		m_old_tile = old_tile;
		m_old_td = old_td;
		m_err = EC_NONE;
		assert(((TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(m_old_tile, TT(), IsRoadTT() && m_veh != NULL ? RoadVehicle::From(m_veh)->compatible_roadtypes : 0)) & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(m_old_td)) != 0) ||
		       (IsTram() && GetSingleTramBit(m_old_tile) != INVALID_DIAGDIR)); // Disable the assertion for single tram bits
		m_exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(m_old_td);
		if (ForcedReverse()) return true;
		if (!CanExitOldTile()) return false;
		if (!QueryNewTileTrackStatus()) return TryReverse();
		if (!CanEnterNewTile()) return false;
		m_new_td_bits &= DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(m_exitdir);
		if (m_new_td_bits == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
			m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
			return false;
		if (!Allow90degTurns()) {
			m_new_td_bits &= (TrackdirBits)~(int)TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(m_old_td);
			if (m_new_td_bits == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
				m_err = EC_90DEG;
				return false;
		return true;

	inline bool MaskReservedTracks()
		if (!DoTrackMasking()) return true;

		if (m_is_station) {
			/* Check skipped station tiles as well. */
			TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(m_exitdir);
			for (TileIndex tile = m_new_tile - diff * m_tiles_skipped; tile != m_new_tile; tile += diff) {
				if (HasStationReservation(tile)) {
					m_new_td_bits = TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE;
					m_err = EC_RESERVED;
					return false;

		TrackBits reserved = GetReservedTrackbits(m_new_tile);
		/* Mask already reserved trackdirs. */
		m_new_td_bits &= ~TrackBitsToTrackdirBits(reserved);
		/* Mask out all trackdirs that conflict with the reservation. */
		uint bits = (uint)TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(m_new_td_bits);
		int i;
		FOR_EACH_SET_BIT(i, bits) {
			if (TracksOverlap(reserved | TrackToTrackBits((Track)i))) m_new_td_bits &= ~TrackToTrackdirBits((Track)i);
		if (m_new_td_bits == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
			m_err = EC_RESERVED;
			return false;
		return true;

	/** Follow the m_exitdir from m_old_tile and fill m_new_tile and m_tiles_skipped */
	FORCEINLINE void FollowTileExit()
		m_is_station = m_is_bridge = m_is_tunnel = false;
		m_tiles_skipped = 0;

		/* extra handling for tunnels and bridges in our direction */
		if (IsTileType(m_old_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
			DiagDirection enterdir = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(m_old_tile);
			if (enterdir == m_exitdir) {
				/* we are entering the tunnel / bridge */
				if (IsTunnel(m_old_tile)) {
					m_is_tunnel = true;
					m_new_tile = GetOtherTunnelEnd(m_old_tile);
				} else { // IsBridge(m_old_tile)
					m_is_bridge = true;
					m_new_tile = GetOtherBridgeEnd(m_old_tile);
				m_tiles_skipped = GetTunnelBridgeLength(m_new_tile, m_old_tile);
			assert(ReverseDiagDir(enterdir) == m_exitdir);

		/* normal or station tile, do one step */
		TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(m_exitdir);
		m_new_tile = TILE_ADD(m_old_tile, diff);

		/* special handling for stations */
		if (IsRailTT() && HasStationTileRail(m_new_tile)) {
			m_is_station = true;
		} else if (IsRoadTT() && IsRoadStopTile(m_new_tile)) {
			m_is_station = true;
		} else {
			m_is_station = false;

	/** stores track status (available trackdirs) for the new tile into m_new_td_bits */
	FORCEINLINE bool QueryNewTileTrackStatus()
		CPerfStart perf(*m_pPerf);
		if (IsRailTT() && IsPlainRailTile(m_new_tile)) {
			m_new_td_bits = (TrackdirBits)(GetTrackBits(m_new_tile) * 0x101);
		} else {
			m_new_td_bits = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(m_new_tile, TT(), IsRoadTT() && m_veh != NULL ? RoadVehicle::From(m_veh)->compatible_roadtypes : 0));

			if (IsTram() && m_new_td_bits == 0) {
				/* GetTileTrackStatus() returns 0 for single tram bits.
				 * As we cannot change it there (easily) without breaking something, change it here */
				switch (GetSingleTramBit(m_new_tile)) {
					case DIAGDIR_NE:
					case DIAGDIR_SW:
						m_new_td_bits = TRACKDIR_BIT_X_NE | TRACKDIR_BIT_X_SW;

					case DIAGDIR_NW:
					case DIAGDIR_SE:
						m_new_td_bits = TRACKDIR_BIT_Y_NW | TRACKDIR_BIT_Y_SE;

					default: break;
		return (m_new_td_bits != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);

	/** return true if we can leave m_old_tile in m_exitdir */
	FORCEINLINE bool CanExitOldTile()
		/* road stop can be left at one direction only unless it's a drive-through stop */
		if (IsRoadTT() && IsStandardRoadStopTile(m_old_tile)) {
			DiagDirection exitdir = GetRoadStopDir(m_old_tile);
			if (exitdir != m_exitdir) {
				m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
				return false;

		/* single tram bits can only be left in one direction */
		if (IsTram()) {
			DiagDirection single_tram = GetSingleTramBit(m_old_tile);
			if (single_tram != INVALID_DIAGDIR && single_tram != m_exitdir) {
				m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
				return false;

		/* road depots can be also left in one direction only */
		if (IsRoadTT() && IsDepotTypeTile(m_old_tile, TT())) {
			DiagDirection exitdir = GetRoadDepotDirection(m_old_tile);
			if (exitdir != m_exitdir) {
				m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
				return false;
		return true;

	/** return true if we can enter m_new_tile from m_exitdir */
	FORCEINLINE bool CanEnterNewTile()
		if (IsRoadTT() && IsStandardRoadStopTile(m_new_tile)) {
			/* road stop can be entered from one direction only unless it's a drive-through stop */
			DiagDirection exitdir = GetRoadStopDir(m_new_tile);
			if (ReverseDiagDir(exitdir) != m_exitdir) {
				m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
				return false;

		/* single tram bits can only be entered from one direction */
		if (IsTram()) {
			DiagDirection single_tram = GetSingleTramBit(m_new_tile);
			if (single_tram != INVALID_DIAGDIR && single_tram != ReverseDiagDir(m_exitdir)) {
				m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
				return false;

		/* road and rail depots can also be entered from one direction only */
		if (IsRoadTT() && IsDepotTypeTile(m_new_tile, TT())) {
			DiagDirection exitdir = GetRoadDepotDirection(m_new_tile);
			if (ReverseDiagDir(exitdir) != m_exitdir) {
				m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
				return false;
			/* don't try to enter other company's depots */
			if (GetTileOwner(m_new_tile) != m_veh_owner) {
				m_err = EC_OWNER;
				return false;
		if (IsRailTT() && IsDepotTypeTile(m_new_tile, TT())) {
			DiagDirection exitdir = GetRailDepotDirection(m_new_tile);
			if (ReverseDiagDir(exitdir) != m_exitdir) {
				m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
				return false;

		/* rail transport is possible only on tiles with the same owner as vehicle */
		if (IsRailTT() && GetTileOwner(m_new_tile) != m_veh_owner) {
			/* different owner */
			m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
			return false;

		/* rail transport is possible only on compatible rail types */
		if (IsRailTT()) {
			RailType rail_type = GetTileRailType(m_new_tile);
			if (!HasBit(m_railtypes, rail_type)) {
				/* incompatible rail type */
				m_err = EC_RAIL_TYPE;
				return false;

		/* tunnel holes and bridge ramps can be entered only from proper direction */
		if (IsTileType(m_new_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
			if (IsTunnel(m_new_tile)) {
				if (!m_is_tunnel) {
					DiagDirection tunnel_enterdir = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(m_new_tile);
					if (tunnel_enterdir != m_exitdir) {
						m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
						return false;
			} else { // IsBridge(m_new_tile)
				if (!m_is_bridge) {
					DiagDirection ramp_enderdir = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(m_new_tile);
					if (ramp_enderdir != m_exitdir) {
						m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
						return false;

		/* special handling for rail stations - get to the end of platform */
		if (IsRailTT() && m_is_station) {
			/* entered railway station
			 * get platform length */
			uint length = BaseStation::GetByTile(m_new_tile)->GetPlatformLength(m_new_tile, TrackdirToExitdir(m_old_td));
			/* how big step we must do to get to the last platform tile; */
			m_tiles_skipped = length - 1;
			/* move to the platform end */
			TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(m_exitdir);
			diff *= m_tiles_skipped;
			m_new_tile = TILE_ADD(m_new_tile, diff);
			return true;

		return true;

	/** return true if we must reverse (in depots and single tram bits) */
	FORCEINLINE bool ForcedReverse()
		/* rail and road depots cause reversing */
		if (!IsWaterTT() && IsDepotTypeTile(m_old_tile, TT())) {
			DiagDirection exitdir = IsRailTT() ? GetRailDepotDirection(m_old_tile) : GetRoadDepotDirection(m_old_tile);
			if (exitdir != m_exitdir) {
				/* reverse */
				m_new_tile = m_old_tile;
				m_new_td_bits = TrackdirToTrackdirBits(ReverseTrackdir(m_old_td));
				m_exitdir = exitdir;
				m_tiles_skipped = 0;
				m_is_tunnel = m_is_bridge = m_is_station = false;
				return true;

		/* single tram bits cause reversing */
		if (IsTram() && GetSingleTramBit(m_old_tile) == ReverseDiagDir(m_exitdir)) {
			/* reverse */
			m_new_tile = m_old_tile;
			m_new_td_bits = TrackdirToTrackdirBits(ReverseTrackdir(m_old_td));
			m_exitdir = ReverseDiagDir(m_exitdir);
			m_tiles_skipped = 0;
			m_is_tunnel = m_is_bridge = m_is_station = false;
			return true;

		return false;

	/** return true if we successfully reversed at end of road/track */
	FORCEINLINE bool TryReverse()
		if (IsRoadTT() && !IsTram()) {
			/* if we reached the end of road, we can reverse the RV and continue moving */
			m_exitdir = ReverseDiagDir(m_exitdir);
			/* new tile will be the same as old one */
			m_new_tile = m_old_tile;
			/* set new trackdir bits to all reachable trackdirs */
			m_new_td_bits &= DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(m_exitdir);
			if (m_new_td_bits != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
				/* we have some trackdirs reachable after reversal */
				return true;
		m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
		return false;

	/** Helper for pathfinders - get min/max speed on the m_old_tile/m_old_td */
	int GetSpeedLimit(int *pmin_speed = NULL) const
		int min_speed = 0;
		int max_speed = INT_MAX; // no limit

		/* for now we handle only on-bridge speed limit */
		if (!IsWaterTT() && IsBridgeTile(m_old_tile)) {
			int spd = GetBridgeSpec(GetBridgeType(m_old_tile))->speed;
			if (IsRoadTT()) spd *= 2;
			if (max_speed > spd) max_speed = spd;

		/* if min speed was requested, return it */
		if (pmin_speed) *pmin_speed = min_speed;
		return max_speed;

typedef CFollowTrackT<TRANSPORT_WATER, true > CFollowTrackWater;
typedef CFollowTrackT<TRANSPORT_ROAD , true > CFollowTrackRoad;
typedef CFollowTrackT<TRANSPORT_RAIL , true > CFollowTrackRail;

typedef CFollowTrackT<TRANSPORT_WATER, false> CFollowTrackWaterNo90;
typedef CFollowTrackT<TRANSPORT_ROAD , false> CFollowTrackRoadNo90;
typedef CFollowTrackT<TRANSPORT_RAIL , false> CFollowTrackRailNo90;

typedef CFollowTrackT<TRANSPORT_RAIL , true , true> CFollowTrackFreeRail;
typedef CFollowTrackT<TRANSPORT_RAIL , false, true> CFollowTrackFreeRailNo90;

#endif /* FOLLOW_TRACK_HPP */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file nodelist.hpp List of nodes used for the A-star pathfinder. */


#include "../../misc/array.hpp"
#include "../../misc/hashtable.hpp"
#include "../../misc/binaryheap.hpp"

/** Hash table based node list multi-container class.
 *  Implements open list, closed list and priority queue for A-star
 *  path finder. */
template <class Titem_, int Thash_bits_open_, int Thash_bits_closed_>
class CNodeList_HashTableT {
	/** make Titem_ visible from outside of class */
	typedef Titem_ Titem;
	/** make Titem_::Key a property of HashTable */
	typedef typename Titem_::Key Key;
	/** type that we will use as item container */
	typedef CArrayT<Titem_, 65536, 256> CItemArray;
	/** how pointers to open nodes will be stored */
	typedef CHashTableT<Titem_, Thash_bits_open_  > COpenList;
	/** how pointers to closed nodes will be stored */
	typedef CHashTableT<Titem_, Thash_bits_closed_> CClosedList;
	/** how the priority queue will be managed */
	typedef CBinaryHeapT<Titem_> CPriorityQueue;

	/** here we store full item data (Titem_) */
	CItemArray            m_arr;
	/** hash table of pointers to open item data */
	COpenList             m_open;
	/** hash table of pointers to closed item data */
	CClosedList           m_closed;
	/** priority queue of pointers to open item data */
	CPriorityQueue        m_open_queue;
	/** new open node under construction */
	Titem                *m_new_node;
	/** default constructor */
		: m_open_queue(204800)
		m_new_node = NULL;

	/** destructor */

	/** return number of open nodes */
	FORCEINLINE int OpenCount()
		return m_open.Count();

	/** return number of closed nodes */
	FORCEINLINE int ClosedCount()
		return m_closed.Count();

	/** allocate new data item from m_arr */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *CreateNewNode()
		if (m_new_node == NULL) m_new_node = &m_arr.Add();
		return m_new_node;

	/** notify the nodelist, that we don't want to discard the given node */
	FORCEINLINE void FoundBestNode(Titem_& item)
		/* for now it is enough to invalidate m_new_node if it is our given node */
		if (&item == m_new_node) {
			m_new_node = NULL;
		/* TODO: do we need to store best nodes found in some extra list/array? Probably not now. */

	/** insert given item as open node (into m_open and m_open_queue) */
	FORCEINLINE void InsertOpenNode(Titem_& item)
		assert(m_closed.Find(item.GetKey()) == NULL);
		/* TODO: check if m_open_queue is not full */
		if (&item == m_new_node) {
			m_new_node = NULL;

	/** return the best open node */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *GetBestOpenNode()
		if (!m_open_queue.IsEmpty()) {
			Titem_& item = m_open_queue.GetHead();
			return &item;
		return NULL;

	/** remove and return the best open node */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *PopBestOpenNode()
		if (!m_open_queue.IsEmpty()) {
			Titem_& item = m_open_queue.PopHead();
			return &item;
		return NULL;

	/** return the open node specified by a key or NULL if not found */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *FindOpenNode(const Key& key)
		Titem_ *item = m_open.Find(key);
		return item;

	/** remove and return the open node specified by a key */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_& PopOpenNode(const Key& key)
		Titem_& item = m_open.Pop(key);
		int idxPop = m_open_queue.FindLinear(item);
		return item;

	/** close node */
	FORCEINLINE void InsertClosedNode(Titem_& item)
		assert(m_open.Find(item.GetKey()) == NULL);

	/** return the closed node specified by a key or NULL if not found */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *FindClosedNode(const Key& key)
		Titem_ *item = m_closed.Find(key);
		return item;

	FORCEINLINE int TotalCount() {return m_arr.Size();}
	FORCEINLINE Titem_& ItemAt(int idx) {return m_arr[idx];}

	template <class D> void Dump(D &dmp) const
		dmp.WriteStructT("m_arr", &m_arr);

#endif /* NODELIST_HPP */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf.h Entry point for OpenTTD to YAPF. */

#ifndef  YAPF_H
#define  YAPF_H

#include "../../debug.h"
#include "../../depot_type.h"
#include "../../direction_type.h"
#include "../../station_type.h"
#include "../../pbs.h"

/** Finds the best path for given ship.
 * @param v        the ship that needs to find a path
 * @param tile     the tile to find the path from (should be next tile the ship is about to enter)
 * @param enterdir diagonal direction which the ship will enter this new tile from
 * @param tracks   available tracks on the new tile (to choose from)
 * @return         the best trackdir for next turn or INVALID_TRACKDIR if the path could not be found
Trackdir YapfChooseShipTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks);

/** Finds the best path for given road vehicle.
 * @param v        the RV that needs to find a path
 * @param tile     the tile to find the path from (should be next tile the RV is about to enter)
 * @param enterdir diagonal direction which the RV will enter this new tile from
 * @return         the best trackdir for next turn or INVALID_TRACKDIR if the path could not be found
Trackdir YapfChooseRoadTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir);

/** Finds the best path for given train.
 * @param v        the train that needs to find a path
 * @param tile     the tile to find the path from (should be next tile the train is about to enter)
 * @param enterdir diagonal direction which the RV will enter this new tile from
 * @param tracks   available trackdirs on the new tile (to choose from)
 * @param path_not_found [out] true is returned if no path can be found (returned Trackdir is only a 'guess')
 * @param reserve_track indicates whether YAPF should try to reserve the found path
 * @param target   [out] the target tile of the reservation, free is set to true if path was reserved
 * @return         the best trackdir for next turn or INVALID_TRACKDIR if the path could not be found
Trackdir YapfChooseRailTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool *path_not_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target);

/** Used by RV multistop feature to find the nearest road stop that has a free slot.
 * @param v      RV (its current tile will be the origin)
 * @param tile   destination tile
 * @return       distance from origin tile to the destination (number of road tiles) or UINT_MAX if path not found
uint YapfRoadVehDistanceToTile(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile);

/** Used to determinine the closest reachable compatible road stop for a given vehicle.
 * @param v            vehicle that needs to go to the road stop
 * @param station      the station the road stop must belong to
 * @param stop_tile    receives the stop tile if a stop was found
 * @return             true if stop was found.
bool YapfFindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop(const RoadVehicle *v, StationID station, TileIndex *stop_tile);

/** Used when user sends road vehicle to the nearest depot or if road vehicle needs servicing.
 * @param v            vehicle that needs to go to some depot
 * @param max_distance max distance (number of track tiles) from the current vehicle position
 *                     (used also as optimization - the pathfinder can stop path finding if max_distance
 *                     was reached and no depot was seen)
 * @param depot_tile   receives the depot tile if depot was found
 * @return             true if depot was found.
bool YapfFindNearestRoadDepot(const Vehicle *v, int max_distance, TileIndex *depot_tile);

/** Used when user sends train to the nearest depot or if train needs servicing.
 * @param v            train that needs to go to some depot
 * @param max_distance max distance (number of track tiles) from the current train position
 *                     (used also as optimization - the pathfinder can stop path finding if max_distance
 *                     was reached and no depot was seen)
 * @param reverse_penalty penalty that should be added for the path that requires reversing the train first
 * @param depot_tile   receives the depot tile if depot was found
 * @param reversed     receives true if train needs to reversed first
 * @return             true if depot was found.
bool YapfFindNearestRailDepotTwoWay(const Vehicle *v, int max_distance, int reverse_penalty, TileIndex *depot_tile, bool *reversed);

/** Returns true if it is better to reverse the train before leaving station */
bool YapfCheckReverseTrain(const Vehicle *v);

 * Try to extend the reserved path of a train to the nearest safe tile.
 * @param v    The train that needs to find a safe tile.
 * @param tile Last tile of the current reserved path.
 * @param td   Last trackdir of the current reserved path.
 * @param override_railtype Should all physically compabtible railtypes be searched, even if the vehicle can't on them on it own?
 * @return True if the path could be extended to a safe tile.
bool YapfRailFindNearestSafeTile(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype);

/** Use this function to notify YAPF that track layout (or signal configuration) has change */
void YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(TileIndex tile, Track track);

/** performance measurement helpers */
void *NpfBeginInterval();
int NpfEndInterval(void *perf);


extern int _aystar_stats_open_size;
extern int _aystar_stats_closed_size;


/** Base tile length units */
enum {

#endif /* YAPF_H */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf.hpp Base includes/functions for YAPF. */

#ifndef  YAPF_HPP
#define  YAPF_HPP

#include "../../openttd.h"
#include "../../vehicle_base.h"
#include "../../road_map.h"
#include "../../tunnel_map.h"
#include "../../bridge_map.h"
#include "../../tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "../../bridge.h"
#include "../../station_map.h"
#include "../../tile_cmd.h"
#include "../../landscape.h"
#include "yapf.h"
#include "../pathfinder_func.h"
#include "../../waypoint_base.h"
#include "../../debug.h"
#include "../../settings_type.h"
#include "../../tunnelbridge.h"

extern uint64 ottd_rdtsc();

#include <limits.h>
#include <new>

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#  include <windows.h>
#  include <time.h>

struct CPerformanceTimer
	int64    m_start;
	int64    m_acc;

	CPerformanceTimer() : m_start(0), m_acc(0) {}

	FORCEINLINE void Start()
		m_start = QueryTime();

	FORCEINLINE void Stop()
		m_acc += QueryTime() - m_start;

	FORCEINLINE int Get(int64 coef)
		return (int)(m_acc * coef / QueryFrequency());

	FORCEINLINE int64 QueryTime()
		return ottd_rdtsc();

	FORCEINLINE int64 QueryFrequency()
		return ((int64)2200 * 1000000);

struct CPerfStartReal
	CPerformanceTimer *m_pperf;

	FORCEINLINE CPerfStartReal(CPerformanceTimer& perf) : m_pperf(&perf)
		if (m_pperf != NULL) m_pperf->Start();

	FORCEINLINE ~CPerfStartReal()

	FORCEINLINE void Stop()
		if (m_pperf != NULL) {
			m_pperf = NULL;

struct CPerfStartFake
	FORCEINLINE CPerfStartFake(CPerformanceTimer& perf) {}
	FORCEINLINE ~CPerfStartFake() {}
	FORCEINLINE void Stop() {}

typedef CPerfStartFake CPerfStart;


//#define FORCEINLINE inline

#include "../../misc/crc32.hpp"
#include "../../misc/blob.hpp"
#include "../../misc/str.hpp"
#include "../../misc/fixedsizearray.hpp"
#include "../../misc/array.hpp"
#include "../../misc/hashtable.hpp"
#include "../../misc/binaryheap.hpp"
#include "../../misc/dbg_helpers.h"
#include "nodelist.hpp"
#include "follow_track.hpp"
#include "yapf_base.hpp"
#include "yapf_node.hpp"
#include "yapf_common.hpp"
#include "yapf_costbase.hpp"
#include "yapf_costcache.hpp"


#endif /* YAPF_HPP */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_base.hpp Base classes for YAPF. */

#ifndef  YAPF_BASE_HPP
#define  YAPF_BASE_HPP

#include "../../debug.h"
#include "../../settings_type.h"

extern int _total_pf_time_us;

/** CYapfBaseT - A-star type path finder base class.
 *  Derive your own pathfinder from it. You must provide the following template argument:
 *    Types      - used as collection of local types used in pathfinder
 * Requirements for the Types struct:
 *  ----------------------------------
 *  The following types must be defined in the 'Types' argument:
 *    - Types::Tpf - your pathfinder derived from CYapfBaseT
 *    - Types::NodeList - open/closed node list (look at CNodeList_HashTableT)
 *  NodeList needs to have defined local type Titem - defines the pathfinder node type.
 *  Node needs to define local type Key - the node key in the collection ()
 *  For node list you can use template class CNodeList_HashTableT, for which
 *  you need to declare only your node type. Look at test_yapf.h for an example.
 *  Requrements to your pathfinder class derived from CYapfBaseT:
 *  -------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Your pathfinder derived class needs to implement following methods:
 *    FORCEINLINE void PfSetStartupNodes()
 *    FORCEINLINE void PfFollowNode(Node& org)
 *    FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node& n)
 *    FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
 *    FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
 *  For more details about those methods, look at the end of CYapfBaseT
 *  declaration. There are some examples. For another example look at
 *  test_yapf.h (part or unittest project).
template <class Types>
class CYapfBaseT {
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;           ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList NodeList; ///< our node list
	typedef typename NodeList::Titem Node;     ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;            ///< key to hash tables


	NodeList             m_nodes;              ///< node list multi-container
	Node                *m_pBestDestNode;      ///< pointer to the destination node found at last round
	Node                *m_pBestIntermediateNode; ///< here should be node closest to the destination if path not found
	const YAPFSettings  *m_settings;           ///< current settings (_settings_game.yapf)
	int                  m_max_search_nodes;   ///< maximum number of nodes we are allowed to visit before we give up
	const Vehicle       *m_veh;                ///< vehicle that we are trying to drive

	int                  m_stats_cost_calcs;   ///< stats - how many node's costs were calculated
	int                  m_stats_cache_hits;   ///< stats - how many node's costs were reused from cache

	CPerformanceTimer    m_perf_cost;          ///< stats - total CPU time of this run
	CPerformanceTimer    m_perf_slope_cost;    ///< stats - slope calculation CPU time
	CPerformanceTimer    m_perf_ts_cost;       ///< stats - GetTrackStatus() CPU time
	CPerformanceTimer    m_perf_other_cost;    ///< stats - other CPU time

	int                  m_num_steps;          ///< this is there for debugging purposes (hope it doesn't hurt)

	/** default constructor */
		: m_pBestDestNode(NULL)
		, m_pBestIntermediateNode(NULL)
		, m_settings(&
		, m_max_search_nodes(PfGetSettings().max_search_nodes)
		, m_veh(NULL)
		, m_stats_cost_calcs(0)
		, m_stats_cache_hits(0)
		, m_num_steps(0)

	/** default destructor */
	~CYapfBaseT() {}

	/** to access inherited path finder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** return current settings (can be custom - company based - but later) */
	FORCEINLINE const YAPFSettings& PfGetSettings() const
		return *m_settings;

	/** Main pathfinder routine:
	 *   - set startup node(s)
	 *   - main loop that stops if:
	 *      - the destination was found
	 *      - or the open list is empty (no route to destination).
	 *      - or the maximum amount of loops reached - m_max_search_nodes (default = 10000)
	 * @return true if the path was found */
	inline bool FindPath(const Vehicle *v)
		m_veh = v;

		CPerformanceTimer perf;
#endif /* !NO_DEBUG_MESSAGES */


		while (true) {
			Node *n = m_nodes.GetBestOpenNode();
			if (n == NULL) {

			/* if the best open node was worse than the best path found, we can finish */
			if (m_pBestDestNode != NULL && m_pBestDestNode->GetCost() < n->GetCostEstimate()) {

			if (m_max_search_nodes == 0 || m_nodes.ClosedCount() < m_max_search_nodes) {
			} else {
				m_pBestDestNode = m_pBestIntermediateNode;

		bool bDestFound = (m_pBestDestNode != NULL) && (m_pBestDestNode != m_pBestIntermediateNode);

		if (_debug_yapf_level >= 2) {
			int t = perf.Get(1000000);
			_total_pf_time_us += t;

			if (_debug_yapf_level >= 3) {
				UnitID veh_idx = (m_veh != NULL) ? m_veh->unitnumber : 0;
				char ttc = Yapf().TransportTypeChar();
				float cache_hit_ratio = (m_stats_cache_hits == 0) ? 0.0f : ((float)m_stats_cache_hits / (float)(m_stats_cache_hits + m_stats_cost_calcs) * 100.0f);
				int cost = bDestFound ? m_pBestDestNode->m_cost : -1;
				int dist = bDestFound ? m_pBestDestNode->m_estimate - m_pBestDestNode->m_cost : -1;

				DEBUG(yapf, 3, "[YAPF%c]%c%4d- %d us - %d rounds - %d open - %d closed - CHR %4.1f%% - C %d D %d - c%d(sc%d, ts%d, o%d) -- ",
					ttc, bDestFound ? '-' : '!', veh_idx, t, m_num_steps, m_nodes.OpenCount(), m_nodes.ClosedCount(),
					cache_hit_ratio, cost, dist, m_perf_cost.Get(1000000), m_perf_slope_cost.Get(1000000),
					m_perf_ts_cost.Get(1000000), m_perf_other_cost.Get(1000000)
#endif /* !NO_DEBUG_MESSAGES */
		return bDestFound;

	/** If path was found return the best node that has reached the destination. Otherwise
	 *  return the best visited node (which was nearest to the destination).
	FORCEINLINE Node *GetBestNode()
		return (m_pBestDestNode != NULL) ? m_pBestDestNode : m_pBestIntermediateNode;

	/** Calls NodeList::CreateNewNode() - allocates new node that can be filled and used
	 *  as argument for AddStartupNode() or AddNewNode()
	FORCEINLINE Node& CreateNewNode()
		Node& node = *m_nodes.CreateNewNode();
		return node;

	/** Add new node (created by CreateNewNode and filled with data) into open list */
	FORCEINLINE void AddStartupNode(Node& n)
		/* insert the new node only if it is not there */
		if (m_nodes.FindOpenNode(n.m_key) == NULL) {
		} else {
			/* if we are here, it means that node is already there - how it is possible?
			 *   probably the train is in the position that both its ends point to the same tile/exit-dir
			 *   very unlikely, but it happened */

	/** add multiple nodes - direct children of the given node */
	FORCEINLINE void AddMultipleNodes(Node *parent, const TrackFollower &tf)
		bool is_choice = (KillFirstBit(tf.m_new_td_bits) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
		for (TrackdirBits rtds = tf.m_new_td_bits; rtds != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE; rtds = KillFirstBit(rtds)) {
			Trackdir td = (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(rtds);
			Node& n = Yapf().CreateNewNode();
			n.Set(parent, tf.m_new_tile, td, is_choice);
			Yapf().AddNewNode(n, tf);

	/** AddNewNode() - called by Tderived::PfFollowNode() for each child node.
	 *  Nodes are evaluated here and added into open list */
	void AddNewNode(Node &n, const TrackFollower &tf)
		/* evaluate the node */
		bool bCached = Yapf().PfNodeCacheFetch(n);
		if (!bCached) {
		} else {

		bool bValid = Yapf().PfCalcCost(n, &tf);

		if (bCached) {

		if (bValid) bValid = Yapf().PfCalcEstimate(n);

		/* have the cost or estimate callbacks marked this node as invalid? */
		if (!bValid) return;

		/* detect the destination */
		bool bDestination = Yapf().PfDetectDestination(n);
		if (bDestination) {
			if (m_pBestDestNode == NULL || n < *m_pBestDestNode) {
				m_pBestDestNode = &n;

		if (m_max_search_nodes > 0 && (m_pBestIntermediateNode == NULL || (m_pBestIntermediateNode->GetCostEstimate() - m_pBestIntermediateNode->GetCost()) > (n.GetCostEstimate() - n.GetCost()))) {
			m_pBestIntermediateNode = &n;

		/* check new node against open list */
		Node *openNode = m_nodes.FindOpenNode(n.GetKey());
		if (openNode != NULL) {
			/* another node exists with the same key in the open list
			 * is it better than new one? */
			if (n.GetCostEstimate() < openNode->GetCostEstimate()) {
				/* update the old node by value from new one */
				*openNode = n;
				/* add the updated old node back to open list */

		/* check new node against closed list */
		Node *closedNode = m_nodes.FindClosedNode(n.GetKey());
		if (closedNode != NULL) {
			/* another node exists with the same key in the closed list
			 * is it better than new one? */
			int node_est = n.GetCostEstimate();
			int closed_est = closedNode->GetCostEstimate();
			if (node_est < closed_est) {
				/* If this assert occurs, you have probably problem in
				 * your Tderived::PfCalcCost() or Tderived::PfCalcEstimate().
				 * The problem could be:
				 *  - PfCalcEstimate() gives too large numbers
				 *  - PfCalcCost() gives too small numbers
				 *  - You have used negative cost penalty in some cases (cost bonus) */
		/* the new node is really new
		 * add it to the open list */

	const Vehicle * GetVehicle() const
		return m_veh;

	void DumpBase(DumpTarget &dmp) const
		dmp.WriteStructT("m_nodes", &m_nodes);
		dmp.WriteLine("m_num_steps = %d", m_num_steps);

	/* methods that should be implemented at derived class Types::Tpf (derived from CYapfBaseT) */

#if 0
	/** Example: PfSetStartupNodes() - set source (origin) nodes */
	FORCEINLINE void PfSetStartupNodes()
		/* example: */
		Node& n1 = *base::m_nodes.CreateNewNode();
		. // setup node members here

	/** Example: PfFollowNode() - set following (child) nodes of the given node */
	FORCEINLINE void PfFollowNode(Node& org)
		for (each follower of node org) {
			Node& n = *base::m_nodes.CreateNewNode();
			. // setup node members here
			n.m_parent   = &org; // set node's parent to allow back tracking

	/** Example: PfCalcCost() - set path cost from origin to the given node */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node& n)
		/* evaluate last step cost */
		int cost = ...;
		/* set the node cost as sum of parent's cost and last step cost */
		n.m_cost = n.m_parent->m_cost + cost;
		return true; // true if node is valid follower (i.e. no obstacle was found)

	/** Example: PfCalcEstimate() - set path cost estimate from origin to the target through given node */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		/* evaluate the distance to our destination */
		int distance = ...;
		/* set estimate as sum of cost from origin + distance to the target */
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost + distance;
		return true; // true if node is valid (i.e. not too far away :)

	/** Example: PfDetectDestination() - return true if the given node is our destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		bool bDest = (n.m_key.m_x == m_x2) && (n.m_key.m_y == m_y2);
		return bDest;

#endif /* YAPF_BASE_HPP */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_common.hpp Commonly used classes for YAPF. */


/** YAPF origin provider base class - used when origin is one tile / multiple trackdirs */
template <class Types>
class CYapfOriginTileT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;               ///< key to hash tables

	TileIndex    m_orgTile;                       ///< origin tile
	TrackdirBits m_orgTrackdirs;                  ///< origin trackdir mask

	/** to access inherited path finder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Set origin tile / trackdir mask */
	void SetOrigin(TileIndex tile, TrackdirBits trackdirs)
		m_orgTile = tile;
		m_orgTrackdirs = trackdirs;

	/** Called when YAPF needs to place origin nodes into open list */
	void PfSetStartupNodes()
		bool is_choice = (KillFirstBit(m_orgTrackdirs) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
		for (TrackdirBits tdb = m_orgTrackdirs; tdb != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE; tdb = KillFirstBit(tdb)) {
			Trackdir td = (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(tdb);
			Node& n1 = Yapf().CreateNewNode();
			n1.Set(NULL, m_orgTile, td, is_choice);

/** YAPF origin provider base class - used when there are two tile/trackdir origins */
template <class Types>
class CYapfOriginTileTwoWayT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;               ///< key to hash tables

	TileIndex   m_orgTile;                        ///< first origin tile
	Trackdir    m_orgTd;                          ///< first origin trackdir
	TileIndex   m_revTile;                        ///< second (reversed) origin tile
	Trackdir    m_revTd;                          ///< second (reversed) origin trackdir
	int         m_reverse_penalty;                ///< penalty to be added for using the reversed origin
	bool        m_treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol; ///< in some cases (leaving station) we need to handle first two-way signal differently

	/** to access inherited path finder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** set origin (tiles, trackdirs, etc.) */
	void SetOrigin(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, TileIndex tiler = INVALID_TILE, Trackdir tdr = INVALID_TRACKDIR, int reverse_penalty = 0, bool treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol = true)
		m_orgTile = tile;
		m_orgTd = td;
		m_revTile = tiler;
		m_revTd = tdr;
		m_reverse_penalty = reverse_penalty;
		m_treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol = treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol;

	/** Called when YAPF needs to place origin nodes into open list */
	void PfSetStartupNodes()
		if (m_orgTile != INVALID_TILE && m_orgTd != INVALID_TRACKDIR) {
			Node& n1 = Yapf().CreateNewNode();
			n1.Set(NULL, m_orgTile, m_orgTd, false);
		if (m_revTile != INVALID_TILE && m_revTd != INVALID_TRACKDIR) {
			Node& n2 = Yapf().CreateNewNode();
			n2.Set(NULL, m_revTile, m_revTd, false);
			n2.m_cost = m_reverse_penalty;

	/** return true if first two-way signal should be treated as dead end */
	FORCEINLINE bool TreatFirstRedTwoWaySignalAsEOL()
		return Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_firstred_twoway_eol && m_treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol;

/** YAPF destination provider base class - used when destination is single tile / multiple trackdirs */
template <class Types>
class CYapfDestinationTileT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;               ///< key to hash tables

	TileIndex    m_destTile;                      ///< destination tile
	TrackdirBits m_destTrackdirs;                 ///< destination trackdir mask

	/** set the destination tile / more trackdirs */
	void SetDestination(TileIndex tile, TrackdirBits trackdirs)
		m_destTile = tile;
		m_destTrackdirs = trackdirs;

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		bool bDest = (n.m_key.m_tile == m_destTile) && ((m_destTrackdirs & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(n.GetTrackdir())) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
		return bDest;

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate */
	inline bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		static const int dg_dir_to_x_offs[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
		static const int dg_dir_to_y_offs[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
		if (PfDetectDestination(n)) {
			n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
			return true;

		TileIndex tile = n.GetTile();
		DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(n.GetTrackdir());
		int x1 = 2 * TileX(tile) + dg_dir_to_x_offs[(int)exitdir];
		int y1 = 2 * TileY(tile) + dg_dir_to_y_offs[(int)exitdir];
		int x2 = 2 * TileX(m_destTile);
		int y2 = 2 * TileY(m_destTile);
		int dx = abs(x1 - x2);
		int dy = abs(y1 - y2);
		int dmin = min(dx, dy);
		int dxy = abs(dx - dy);
		int d = dmin * YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH + (dxy - 1) * (YAPF_TILE_LENGTH / 2);
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost + d;
		assert(n.m_estimate >= n.m_parent->m_estimate);
		return true;

/** YAPF template that uses Ttypes template argument to determine all YAPF
 *  components (base classes) from which the actual YAPF is composed.
 *  For example classes consult: CYapfRail_TypesT template and its instantiations:
 *  CYapfRail1, CYapfRail2, CYapfRail3, CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CYapfAnyDepotRail3 */
template <class Ttypes>
class CYapfT
	: public Ttypes::PfBase         ///< Instance of CYapfBaseT - main YAPF loop and support base class
	, public Ttypes::PfCost         ///< Cost calculation provider base class
	, public Ttypes::PfCache        ///< Segment cost cache provider
	, public Ttypes::PfOrigin       ///< Origin (tile or two-tile origin)
	, public Ttypes::PfDestination  ///< Destination detector and distance (estimate) calculation provider
	, public Ttypes::PfFollow       ///< Node follower (stepping provider)



#endif /* YAPF_COMMON_HPP */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_costbase.hpp Handling of cost determination. */


struct CYapfCostBase {
	FORCEINLINE static bool stSlopeCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		if (IsDiagonalTrackdir(td)) {
			if (IsBridgeTile(tile)) {
				/* it is bridge ramp, check if we are entering the bridge */
				if (GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile) != TrackdirToExitdir(td)) return false; // no, we are leaving it, no penalty
				/* we are entering the bridge */
				Slope tile_slope = GetTileSlope(tile, NULL);
				Axis axis = DiagDirToAxis(GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile));
				return !HasBridgeFlatRamp(tile_slope, axis);
			} else {
				/* not bridge ramp */
				if (IsTunnelTile(tile)) return false; // tunnel entry/exit doesn't slope
				Slope tile_slope = GetTileSlope(tile, NULL);
				return IsUphillTrackdir(tile_slope, td); // slopes uphill => apply penalty
		return false;

struct CostRailSettings {
	/* look-ahead signal penalty */


#endif /* YAPF_COSTBASE_HPP */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_costcache.hpp Caching of segment costs. */


#include "../../date_func.h"

/** CYapfSegmentCostCacheNoneT - the formal only yapf cost cache provider that implements
 * PfNodeCacheFetch() and PfNodeCacheFlush() callbacks. Used when nodes don't have CachedData
 * defined (they don't count with any segment cost caching).
template <class Types>
class CYapfSegmentCostCacheNoneT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type

	/** Called by YAPF to attach cached or local segment cost data to the given node.
	 *  @return true if globally cached data were used or false if local data was used */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfNodeCacheFetch(Node& n)
		return false;

	/** Called by YAPF to flush the cached segment cost data back into cache storage.
	 *  Current cache implementation doesn't use that. */
	FORCEINLINE void PfNodeCacheFlush(Node& n)


/** CYapfSegmentCostCacheLocalT - the yapf cost cache provider that implements fake segment
 * cost caching functionality for yapf. Used when node needs caching, but you don't want to
 * cache the segment costs.
template <class Types>
class CYapfSegmentCostCacheLocalT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;               ///< key to hash tables
	typedef typename Node::CachedData CachedData;
	typedef typename CachedData::Key CacheKey;
	typedef CArrayT<CachedData> LocalCache;

	LocalCache      m_local_cache;

	/** to access inherited path finder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to attach cached or local segment cost data to the given node.
	 *  @return true if globally cached data were used or false if local data was used */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfNodeCacheFetch(Node& n)
		CacheKey key(n.GetKey());
		Yapf().ConnectNodeToCachedData(n, *new (&m_local_cache.AddNC()) CachedData(key));
		return false;

	/** Called by YAPF to flush the cached segment cost data back into cache storage.
	 *  Current cache implementation doesn't use that. */
	FORCEINLINE void PfNodeCacheFlush(Node& n)


/** Base class for segment cost cache providers. Contains global counter
 *  of track layout changes and static notification function called whenever
 *  the track layout changes. It is implemented as base class because it needs
 *  to be shared between all rail YAPF types (one shared counter, one notification
 *  function. */
struct CSegmentCostCacheBase
	static int   s_rail_change_counter;

	static void NotifyTrackLayoutChange(TileIndex tile, Track track)


/** CSegmentCostCacheT - template class providing hash-map and storage (heap)
 *  of Tsegment structures. Each rail node contains pointer to the segment
 *  that contains cached (or non-cached) segment cost information. Nodes can
 *  differ by key type, but they use the same segment type. Segment key should
 *  be always the same (TileIndex + DiagDirection) that represent the beginning
 *  of the segment (origin tile and exit-dir from this tile).
 *  Different CYapfCachedCostT types can share the same type of CSegmentCostCacheT.
 *  Look at CYapfRailSegment (yapf_node_rail.hpp) for the segment example */
template <class Tsegment>
struct CSegmentCostCacheT
	: public CSegmentCostCacheBase
	enum {c_hash_bits = 14};

	typedef CHashTableT<Tsegment, c_hash_bits> HashTable;
	typedef CArrayT<Tsegment> Heap;
	typedef typename Tsegment::Key Key;    ///< key to hash table

	HashTable    m_map;
	Heap         m_heap;

	FORCEINLINE CSegmentCostCacheT() {}

	/** flush (clear) the cache */
	FORCEINLINE void Flush()

	FORCEINLINE Tsegment& Get(Key& key, bool *found)
		Tsegment *item = m_map.Find(key);
		if (item == NULL) {
			*found = false;
			item = new (&m_heap.AddNC()) Tsegment(key);
		} else {
			*found = true;
		return *item;

/** CYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT - the yapf cost cache provider that adds the segment cost
 *  caching functionality to yapf. Using this class as base of your will provide the global
 *  segment cost caching services for your Nodes.
template <class Types>
class CYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT
	: public CYapfSegmentCostCacheLocalT<Types>
	typedef CYapfSegmentCostCacheLocalT<Types> Tlocal;
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;    ///< key to hash tables
	typedef typename Node::CachedData CachedData;
	typedef typename CachedData::Key CacheKey;
	typedef CSegmentCostCacheT<CachedData> Cache;

	Cache&      m_global_cache;

	FORCEINLINE CYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT() : m_global_cache(stGetGlobalCache()) {};

	/** to access inherited path finder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	FORCEINLINE static Cache& stGetGlobalCache()
		static int last_rail_change_counter = 0;
		static Date last_date = 0;
		static Cache C;

		/* some statistics */
		if (last_date != _date) {
			last_date = _date;
			DEBUG(yapf, 2, "Pf time today: %5d ms", _total_pf_time_us / 1000);
			_total_pf_time_us = 0;

		/* delete the cache sometimes... */
		if (last_rail_change_counter != Cache::s_rail_change_counter) {
			last_rail_change_counter = Cache::s_rail_change_counter;
		return C;

	/** Called by YAPF to attach cached or local segment cost data to the given node.
	 *  @return true if globally cached data were used or false if local data was used */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfNodeCacheFetch(Node& n)
		if (!Yapf().CanUseGlobalCache(n)) {
			return Tlocal::PfNodeCacheFetch(n);
		CacheKey key(n.GetKey());
		bool found;
		CachedData& item = m_global_cache.Get(key, &found);
		Yapf().ConnectNodeToCachedData(n, item);
		return found;

	/** Called by YAPF to flush the cached segment cost data back into cache storage.
	 *  Current cache implementation doesn't use that. */
	FORCEINLINE void PfNodeCacheFlush(Node& n)

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new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_costrail.hpp Cost determination for rails. */


#include "../../pbs.h"

template <class Types>
class CYapfCostRailT
	: public CYapfCostBase
	, public CostRailSettings
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;               ///< key to hash tables
	typedef typename Node::CachedData CachedData;


	/* Structure used inside PfCalcCost() to keep basic tile information. */
	struct TILE {
		TileIndex   tile;
		Trackdir    td;
		TileType    tile_type;
		RailType    rail_type;

			tile = INVALID_TILE;
			tile_type = MP_VOID;
			rail_type = INVALID_RAILTYPE;

		TILE(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
			this->tile = tile;
			this->td = td;
			this->tile_type = GetTileType(tile);
			this->rail_type = GetTileRailType(tile);

		TILE(const TILE &src)
			tile = src.tile;
			td =;
			tile_type = src.tile_type;
			rail_type = src.rail_type;

	 * @note maximum cost doesn't work with caching enabled
	 * @todo fix maximum cost failing with caching (e.g. FS#2900)
	int           m_max_cost;
	CBlobT<int>   m_sig_look_ahead_costs;
	bool          m_disable_cache;

	bool          m_stopped_on_first_two_way_signal;

	static const int s_max_segment_cost = 10000;

		: m_max_cost(0)
		, m_disable_cache(false)
		, m_stopped_on_first_two_way_signal(false)
		/* pre-compute look-ahead penalties into array */
		int p0 = Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_signal_p0;
		int p1 = Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_signal_p1;
		int p2 = Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_signal_p2;
		int *pen = m_sig_look_ahead_costs.GrowSizeNC(Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_max_signals);
		for (uint i = 0; i < Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_max_signals; i++) {
			pen[i] = p0 + i * (p1 + i * p2);

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	FORCEINLINE int SlopeCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		CPerfStart perf_cost(Yapf().m_perf_slope_cost);
		if (!stSlopeCost(tile, td)) return 0;
		return Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_slope_penalty;

	FORCEINLINE int CurveCost(Trackdir td1, Trackdir td2)
		int cost = 0;
		if (TrackFollower::Allow90degTurns()
				&& ((TrackdirToTrackdirBits(td2) & (TrackdirBits)TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(td1)) != 0)) {
			/* 90-deg curve penalty */
			cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_curve90_penalty;
		} else if (td2 != NextTrackdir(td1)) {
			/* 45-deg curve penalty */
			cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_curve45_penalty;
		return cost;

	FORCEINLINE int SwitchCost(TileIndex tile1, TileIndex tile2, DiagDirection exitdir)
		if (IsPlainRailTile(tile1) && IsPlainRailTile(tile2)) {
			bool t1 = KillFirstBit(GetTrackBits(tile1) & DiagdirReachesTracks(ReverseDiagDir(exitdir))) != TRACK_BIT_NONE;
			bool t2 = KillFirstBit(GetTrackBits(tile2) & DiagdirReachesTracks(exitdir)) != TRACK_BIT_NONE;
			if (t1 && t2) return Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_doubleslip_penalty;
		return 0;

	/** Return one tile cost (base cost + level crossing penalty). */
	FORCEINLINE int OneTileCost(TileIndex& tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		int cost = 0;
		/* set base cost */
		if (IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir)) {
			cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
			switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
				case MP_ROAD:
					/* Increase the cost for level crossings */
					if (IsLevelCrossing(tile)) {
						cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_crossing_penalty;

		} else {
			/* non-diagonal trackdir */
		return cost;

	/** Check for a reserved station platform. */
	FORCEINLINE bool IsAnyStationTileReserved(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, int skipped)
		TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(trackdir)));
		for (; skipped >= 0; skipped--, tile += diff) {
			if (HasStationReservation(tile)) return true;
		return false;

	/** The cost for reserved tiles, including skipped ones. */
	FORCEINLINE int ReservationCost(Node& n, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, int skipped)
		if (n.m_num_signals_passed >= m_sig_look_ahead_costs.Size() / 2) return 0;

		if (IsRailStationTile(tile) && IsAnyStationTileReserved(tile, trackdir, skipped)) {
			return Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_pbs_station_penalty * (skipped + 1);
		} else if (TrackOverlapsTracks(GetReservedTrackbits(tile), TrackdirToTrack(trackdir))) {
			int cost = Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_pbs_cross_penalty;
			if (!IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir)) cost = (cost * YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH) / YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
			return cost * (skipped + 1);
		return 0;

	int SignalCost(Node& n, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		int cost = 0;
		/* if there is one-way signal in the opposite direction, then it is not our way */
		CPerfStart perf_cost(Yapf().m_perf_other_cost);
		if (IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY)) {
			bool has_signal_against = HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, ReverseTrackdir(trackdir));
			bool has_signal_along = HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir);
			if (has_signal_against && !has_signal_along && IsOnewaySignal(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir))) {
				/* one-way signal in opposite direction */
				n.m_segment->m_end_segment_reason |= ESRB_DEAD_END;
			} else {
				if (has_signal_along) {
					SignalState sig_state = GetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, trackdir);
					/* cache the look-ahead polynomial constant only if we didn't pass more signals than the look-ahead limit is */
					int look_ahead_cost = (n.m_num_signals_passed < m_sig_look_ahead_costs.Size()) ? m_sig_look_ahead_costs.Data()[n.m_num_signals_passed] : 0;
					if (sig_state != SIGNAL_STATE_RED) {
						/* green signal */
						n.flags_u.flags_s.m_last_signal_was_red = false;
						/* negative look-ahead red-signal penalties would cause problems later, so use them as positive penalties for green signal */
						if (look_ahead_cost < 0) {
							/* add its negation to the cost */
							cost -= look_ahead_cost;
					} else {
						SignalType sig_type = GetSignalType(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir));
						/* we have a red signal in our direction
						 * was it first signal which is two-way? */
						if (!IsPbsSignal(sig_type) && Yapf().TreatFirstRedTwoWaySignalAsEOL() && n.flags_u.flags_s.m_choice_seen && has_signal_against && n.m_num_signals_passed == 0) {
							/* yes, the first signal is two-way red signal => DEAD END */
							n.m_segment->m_end_segment_reason |= ESRB_DEAD_END;
							Yapf().m_stopped_on_first_two_way_signal = true;
							return -1;
						n.m_last_red_signal_type = sig_type;
						n.flags_u.flags_s.m_last_signal_was_red = true;

						/* look-ahead signal penalty */
						if (!IsPbsSignal(sig_type) && look_ahead_cost > 0) {
							/* add the look ahead penalty only if it is positive */
							cost += look_ahead_cost;

						/* special signal penalties */
						if (n.m_num_signals_passed == 0) {
							switch (sig_type) {
								case SIGTYPE_COMBO:
								case SIGTYPE_EXIT:   cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_firstred_exit_penalty; break; // first signal is red pre-signal-exit
								case SIGTYPE_NORMAL:
								case SIGTYPE_ENTRY:  cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_firstred_penalty; break;
								default: break;

					n.m_segment->m_last_signal_tile = tile;
					n.m_segment->m_last_signal_td = trackdir;

				if (has_signal_against && IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir)))) {
					cost += n.m_num_signals_passed < Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_look_ahead_max_signals ? Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_pbs_signal_back_penalty : 0;
		return cost;

	FORCEINLINE int PlatformLengthPenalty(int platform_length)
		int cost = 0;
		const Vehicle *v = Yapf().GetVehicle();
		assert(v != NULL);
		assert(v->type == VEH_TRAIN);
		assert(Train::From(v)->tcache.cached_total_length != 0);
		int missing_platform_length = (Train::From(v)->tcache.cached_total_length + TILE_SIZE - 1) / TILE_SIZE - platform_length;
		if (missing_platform_length < 0) {
			/* apply penalty for longer platform than needed */
			cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_longer_platform_penalty + Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_longer_platform_per_tile_penalty * -missing_platform_length;
		} else if (missing_platform_length > 0) {
			/* apply penalty for shorter platform than needed */
			cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_shorter_platform_penalty + Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_shorter_platform_per_tile_penalty * missing_platform_length;
		return cost;

	FORCEINLINE void SetMaxCost(int max_cost)
		m_max_cost = max_cost;

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate the cost from the origin to the given node.
	 *  Calculates only the cost of given node, adds it to the parent node cost
	 *  and stores the result into Node::m_cost member */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node &n, const TrackFollower *tf)
		assert(tf->m_new_tile == n.m_key.m_tile);
		assert((TrackdirToTrackdirBits(n.m_key.m_td) & tf->m_new_td_bits) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);

		CPerfStart perf_cost(Yapf().m_perf_cost);

		/* Does the node have some parent node? */
		bool has_parent = (n.m_parent != NULL);

		/* Do we already have a cached segment? */
		CachedData &segment = *n.m_segment;
		bool is_cached_segment = (segment.m_cost >= 0);

		int parent_cost = has_parent ? n.m_parent->m_cost : 0;

		/* Each node cost contains 2 or 3 main components:
		 *  1. Transition cost - cost of the move from previous node (tile):
		 *    - curve cost (or zero for straight move)
		 *  2. Tile cost:
		 *    - base tile cost
		 *      - YAPF_TILE_LENGTH for diagonal tiles
		 *      - YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH for non-diagonal tiles
		 *    - tile penalties
		 *      - tile slope penalty (upward slopes)
		 *      - red signal penalty
		 *      - level crossing penalty
		 *      - speed-limit penalty (bridges)
		 *      - station platform penalty
		 *      - penalty for reversing in the depot
		 *      - etc.
		 *  3. Extra cost (applies to the last node only)
		 *    - last red signal penalty
		 *    - penalty for too long or too short platform on the destination station
		int transition_cost = 0;
		int extra_cost = 0;

		/* Segment: one or more tiles connected by contiguous tracks of the same type.
		 * Each segment cost includes 'Tile cost' for all its tiles (including the first
		 * and last), and the 'Transition cost' between its tiles. The first transition
		 * cost of segment entry (move from the 'parent' node) is not included!
		int segment_entry_cost = 0;
		int segment_cost = 0;

		const Vehicle *v = Yapf().GetVehicle();

		/* start at n.m_key.m_tile / n.m_key.m_td and walk to the end of segment */
		TILE cur(n.m_key.m_tile, n.m_key.m_td);

		/* the previous tile will be needed for transition cost calculations */
		TILE prev = !has_parent ? TILE() : TILE(n.m_parent->GetLastTile(), n.m_parent->GetLastTrackdir());

		EndSegmentReasonBits end_segment_reason = ESRB_NONE;

		TrackFollower tf_local(v, Yapf().GetCompatibleRailTypes(), &Yapf().m_perf_ts_cost);

		if (!has_parent) {
			/* We will jump to the middle of the cost calculator assuming that segment cache is not used. */
			/* Skip the first transition cost calculation. */
			goto no_entry_cost;

		for (;;) {
			/* Transition cost (cost of the move from previous tile) */
			transition_cost = Yapf().CurveCost(,;
			transition_cost += Yapf().SwitchCost(prev.tile, cur.tile, TrackdirToExitdir(;

			/* First transition cost counts against segment entry cost, other transitions
			 * inside segment will come to segment cost (and will be cached) */
			if (segment_cost == 0) {
				/* We just entered the loop. First transition cost goes to segment entry cost)*/
				segment_entry_cost = transition_cost;
				transition_cost = 0;

				/* It is the right time now to look if we can reuse the cached segment cost. */
				if (is_cached_segment) {
					/* Yes, we already know the segment cost. */
					segment_cost = segment.m_cost;
					/* We know also the reason why the segment ends. */
					end_segment_reason = segment.m_end_segment_reason;
					/* We will need also some information about the last signal (if it was red). */
					if (segment.m_last_signal_tile != INVALID_TILE) {
						assert(HasSignalOnTrackdir(segment.m_last_signal_tile, segment.m_last_signal_td));
						SignalState sig_state = GetSignalStateByTrackdir(segment.m_last_signal_tile, segment.m_last_signal_td);
						bool is_red = (sig_state == SIGNAL_STATE_RED);
						n.flags_u.flags_s.m_last_signal_was_red = is_red;
						if (is_red) {
							n.m_last_red_signal_type = GetSignalType(segment.m_last_signal_tile, TrackdirToTrack(segment.m_last_signal_td));
					/* No further calculation needed. */
					cur = TILE(n.GetLastTile(), n.GetLastTrackdir());
			} else {
				/* Other than first transition cost count as the regular segment cost. */
				segment_cost += transition_cost;

no_entry_cost: // jump here at the beginning if the node has no parent (it is the first node)

			/* All other tile costs will be calculated here. */
			segment_cost += Yapf().OneTileCost(cur.tile,;

			/* If we skipped some tunnel/bridge/station tiles, add their base cost */
			segment_cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * tf->m_tiles_skipped;

			/* Slope cost. */
			segment_cost += Yapf().SlopeCost(cur.tile,;

			/* Reserved tiles. */
			segment_cost += Yapf().ReservationCost(n, cur.tile,, tf->m_tiles_skipped);

			/* Signal cost (routine can modify segment data). */
			segment_cost += Yapf().SignalCost(n, cur.tile,;
			end_segment_reason = segment.m_end_segment_reason;

			/* Tests for 'potential target' reasons to close the segment. */
			if (cur.tile == prev.tile) {
				/* Penalty for reversing in a depot. */
				segment_cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_depot_reverse_penalty;
				/* We will end in this pass (depot is possible target) */
				end_segment_reason |= ESRB_DEPOT;

			} else if (tf->m_is_station) {
				/* Station penalties. */
				uint platform_length = tf->m_tiles_skipped + 1;
				/* We don't know yet if the station is our target or not. Act like
				 * if it is pass-through station (not our destination). */
				segment_cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_station_penalty * platform_length;
				/* We will end in this pass (station is possible target) */
				end_segment_reason |= ESRB_STATION;

			} else if (cur.tile_type == MP_STATION && IsRailWaypoint(cur.tile)) {
				/* Waypoint is also a good reason to finish. */
				end_segment_reason |= ESRB_WAYPOINT;
			} else if (TrackFollower::DoTrackMasking() && cur.tile_type == MP_RAILWAY) {
				/* Searching for a safe tile? */
				if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(cur.tile, && !IsPbsSignal(GetSignalType(cur.tile, TrackdirToTrack( {
					end_segment_reason |= ESRB_SAFE_TILE;

			/* Apply min/max speed penalties only when inside the look-ahead radius. Otherwise
			 * it would cause desync in MP. */
			if (n.m_num_signals_passed < m_sig_look_ahead_costs.Size())
				int min_speed = 0;
				int max_speed = tf->GetSpeedLimit(&min_speed);
				if (max_speed < v->max_speed) {
					extra_cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * (v->max_speed - max_speed) * (4 + tf->m_tiles_skipped) / v->max_speed;
				if (min_speed > v->max_speed) {
					extra_cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * (min_speed - v->max_speed);

			/* Finish if we already exceeded the maximum path cost (i.e. when
			 * searching for the nearest depot). */
			if (m_max_cost > 0 && (parent_cost + segment_entry_cost + segment_cost) > m_max_cost) {
				end_segment_reason |= ESRB_PATH_TOO_LONG;

			/* Move to the next tile/trackdir. */
			tf = &tf_local;
			tf_local.Init(v, Yapf().GetCompatibleRailTypes(), &Yapf().m_perf_ts_cost);

			if (!tf_local.Follow(cur.tile, {
				assert(tf_local.m_err != TrackFollower::EC_NONE);
				/* Can't move to the next tile (EOL?). */
				if (tf_local.m_err == TrackFollower::EC_RAIL_TYPE) {
					end_segment_reason |= ESRB_RAIL_TYPE;
				} else {
					end_segment_reason |= ESRB_DEAD_END;

				if (TrackFollower::DoTrackMasking() && !HasOnewaySignalBlockingTrackdir(cur.tile, {
					end_segment_reason |= ESRB_SAFE_TILE;

			/* Check if the next tile is not a choice. */
			if (KillFirstBit(tf_local.m_new_td_bits) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) {
				/* More than one segment will follow. Close this one. */
				end_segment_reason |= ESRB_CHOICE_FOLLOWS;

			/* Gather the next tile/trackdir/tile_type/rail_type. */
			TILE next(tf_local.m_new_tile, (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(tf_local.m_new_td_bits));

			if (TrackFollower::DoTrackMasking() && HasPbsSignalOnTrackdir(next.tile, {
				/* Possible safe tile. */
				end_segment_reason |= ESRB_SAFE_TILE;

			/* Check the next tile for the rail type. */
			if (next.rail_type != cur.rail_type) {
				/* Segment must consist from the same rail_type tiles. */
				end_segment_reason |= ESRB_RAIL_TYPE;

			/* Avoid infinite looping. */
			if (next.tile == n.m_key.m_tile && == n.m_key.m_td) {
				end_segment_reason |= ESRB_INFINITE_LOOP;

			if (segment_cost > s_max_segment_cost) {
				/* Potentially in the infinite loop (or only very long segment?). We should
				 * not force it to finish prematurely unless we are on a regular tile. */
				if (IsTileType(tf->m_new_tile, MP_RAILWAY)) {
					end_segment_reason |= ESRB_SEGMENT_TOO_LONG;

			/* Any other reason bit set? */
			if (end_segment_reason != ESRB_NONE) {

			/* For the next loop set new prev and cur tile info. */
			prev = cur;
			cur = next;

		} // for (;;)

		bool target_seen = false;
		if ((end_segment_reason & ESRB_POSSIBLE_TARGET) != ESRB_NONE) {
			/* Depot, station or waypoint. */
			if (Yapf().PfDetectDestination(cur.tile, {
				/* Destination found. */
				target_seen = true;

		/* Update the segment if needed. */
		if (!is_cached_segment) {
			/* Write back the segment information so it can be reused the next time. */
			segment.m_cost = segment_cost;
			segment.m_end_segment_reason = end_segment_reason & ESRB_CACHED_MASK;
			/* Save end of segment back to the node. */

		/* Do we have an excuse why not to continue pathfinding in this direction? */
		if (!target_seen && (end_segment_reason & ESRB_ABORT_PF_MASK) != ESRB_NONE) {
			/* Reason to not continue. Stop this PF branch. */
			return false;

		/* Special costs for the case we have reached our target. */
		if (target_seen) {
			n.flags_u.flags_s.m_targed_seen = true;
			/* Last-red and last-red-exit penalties. */
			if (n.flags_u.flags_s.m_last_signal_was_red) {
				if (n.m_last_red_signal_type == SIGTYPE_EXIT) {
					/* last signal was red pre-signal-exit */
					extra_cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_lastred_exit_penalty;
				} else {
					/* last signal was red, but not exit */
					extra_cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_lastred_penalty;

			/* Station platform-length penalty. */
			if ((end_segment_reason & ESRB_STATION) != ESRB_NONE) {
				const BaseStation *st = BaseStation::GetByTile(n.GetLastTile());
				assert(st != NULL);
				uint platform_length = st->GetPlatformLength(n.GetLastTile(), ReverseDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(n.GetLastTrackdir())));
				/* Reduce the extra cost caused by passing-station penalty (each station receives it in the segment cost). */
				extra_cost -= Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_station_penalty * platform_length;
				/* Add penalty for the inappropriate platform length. */
				extra_cost += PlatformLengthPenalty(platform_length);

		/* total node cost */
		n.m_cost = parent_cost + segment_entry_cost + segment_cost + extra_cost;

		return true;

	FORCEINLINE bool CanUseGlobalCache(Node& n) const
		return !m_disable_cache
			&& (n.m_parent != NULL)
			&& (n.m_parent->m_num_signals_passed >= m_sig_look_ahead_costs.Size());

	FORCEINLINE void ConnectNodeToCachedData(Node& n, CachedData& ci)
		n.m_segment = &ci;
		if (n.m_segment->m_cost < 0) {
			n.m_segment->m_last_tile = n.m_key.m_tile;
			n.m_segment->m_last_td = n.m_key.m_td;

	void DisableCache(bool disable)
		m_disable_cache = disable;

#endif /* YAPF_COSTRAIL_HPP */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_destrail.hpp Determining the destination for rail vehicles. */


class CYapfDestinationRailBase
	RailTypes m_compatible_railtypes;

	void SetDestination(const Vehicle *v, bool override_rail_type = false)
		m_compatible_railtypes = Train::From(v)->compatible_railtypes;
		if (override_rail_type) m_compatible_railtypes |= GetRailTypeInfo(Train::From(v)->railtype)->compatible_railtypes;

	bool IsCompatibleRailType(RailType rt)
		return HasBit(m_compatible_railtypes, rt);

	RailTypes GetCompatibleRailTypes() const
		return m_compatible_railtypes;

template <class Types>
class CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT
	: public CYapfDestinationRailBase
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;               ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		return PfDetectDestination(n.GetLastTile(), n.GetLastTrackdir());

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		bool bDest = IsRailDepotTile(tile);
		return bDest;

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
		return true;

template <class Types>
class CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT
	: public CYapfDestinationRailBase
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;               ///< key to hash tables
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower; ///< TrackFollower. Need to typedef for gcc 2.95

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		return PfDetectDestination(n.GetLastTile(), n.GetLastTrackdir());

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
			IsSafeWaitingPosition(Train::From(Yapf().GetVehicle()), tile, td, true, !TrackFollower::Allow90degTurns()) &&
			IsWaitingPositionFree(Train::From(Yapf().GetVehicle()), tile, td, !TrackFollower::Allow90degTurns());

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate. */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
		return true;

template <class Types>
class CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT
	: public CYapfDestinationRailBase
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;               ///< key to hash tables

	TileIndex    m_destTile;
	TrackdirBits m_destTrackdirs;
	StationID    m_dest_station_id;

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	void SetDestination(const Vehicle *v)
		switch (v->current_order.GetType()) {
				m_destTile = CalcClosestStationTile(v->current_order.GetDestination(), v->tile);
				m_dest_station_id = v->current_order.GetDestination();
				m_destTrackdirs = INVALID_TRACKDIR_BIT;

				m_destTile = v->dest_tile;
				m_dest_station_id = INVALID_STATION;
				m_destTrackdirs = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(v->dest_tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0));

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		return PfDetectDestination(n.GetLastTile(), n.GetLastTrackdir());

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		bool bDest;
		if (m_dest_station_id != INVALID_STATION) {
			bDest = HasStationTileRail(tile)
				&& (GetStationIndex(tile) == m_dest_station_id)
				&& (GetRailStationTrack(tile) == TrackdirToTrack(td));
		} else {
			bDest = (tile == m_destTile)
				&& ((m_destTrackdirs & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(td)) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
		return bDest;

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		static const int dg_dir_to_x_offs[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
		static const int dg_dir_to_y_offs[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
		if (PfDetectDestination(n)) {
			n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
			return true;

		TileIndex tile = n.GetLastTile();
		DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(n.GetLastTrackdir());
		int x1 = 2 * TileX(tile) + dg_dir_to_x_offs[(int)exitdir];
		int y1 = 2 * TileY(tile) + dg_dir_to_y_offs[(int)exitdir];
		int x2 = 2 * TileX(m_destTile);
		int y2 = 2 * TileY(m_destTile);
		int dx = abs(x1 - x2);
		int dy = abs(y1 - y2);
		int dmin = min(dx, dy);
		int dxy = abs(dx - dy);
		int d = dmin * YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH + (dxy - 1) * (YAPF_TILE_LENGTH / 2);
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost + d;
		assert(n.m_estimate >= n.m_parent->m_estimate);
		return true;

#endif /* YAPF_DESTRAIL_HPP */
Show inline comments
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/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_node.hpp Node in the pathfinder's graph. */

#ifndef  YAPF_NODE_HPP
#define  YAPF_NODE_HPP

/** Yapf Node Key that evaluates hash from (and compares) tile & exit dir. */
struct CYapfNodeKeyExitDir {
	TileIndex      m_tile;
	Trackdir       m_td;
	DiagDirection  m_exitdir;

	FORCEINLINE void Set(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		m_tile = tile;
		m_td = td;
		m_exitdir = (m_td == INVALID_TRACKDIR) ? INVALID_DIAGDIR : TrackdirToExitdir(m_td);

	FORCEINLINE int CalcHash() const {return m_exitdir | (m_tile << 2);}
	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const CYapfNodeKeyExitDir& other) const {return (m_tile == other.m_tile) && (m_exitdir == other.m_exitdir);}

	void Dump(DumpTarget &dmp) const
		dmp.WriteTile("m_tile", m_tile);
		dmp.WriteEnumT("m_td", m_td);
		dmp.WriteEnumT("m_exitdir", m_exitdir);

struct CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir : public CYapfNodeKeyExitDir
	FORCEINLINE int CalcHash() const {return m_td | (m_tile << 4);}
	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir& other) const {return (m_tile == other.m_tile) && (m_td == other.m_td);}

/** Yapf Node base */
template <class Tkey_, class Tnode>
struct CYapfNodeT {
	typedef Tkey_ Key;
	typedef Tnode Node;

	Tkey_       m_key;
	Node       *m_hash_next;
	Node       *m_parent;
	int         m_cost;
	int         m_estimate;

	FORCEINLINE void Set(Node *parent, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool is_choice)
		m_key.Set(tile, td);
		m_hash_next = NULL;
		m_parent = parent;
		m_cost = 0;
		m_estimate = 0;

	FORCEINLINE Node *GetHashNext() {return m_hash_next;}
	FORCEINLINE void SetHashNext(Node *pNext) {m_hash_next = pNext;}
	FORCEINLINE TileIndex GetTile() const {return m_key.m_tile;}
	FORCEINLINE Trackdir GetTrackdir() const {return m_key.m_td;}
	FORCEINLINE const Tkey_& GetKey() const {return m_key;}
	FORCEINLINE int GetCost() const {return m_cost;}
	FORCEINLINE int GetCostEstimate() const {return m_estimate;}
	FORCEINLINE bool operator < (const Node& other) const {return m_estimate < other.m_estimate;}

	void Dump(DumpTarget &dmp) const
		dmp.WriteStructT("m_key", &m_key);
		dmp.WriteStructT("m_parent", m_parent);
		dmp.WriteLine("m_cost = %d", m_cost);
		dmp.WriteLine("m_estimate = %d", m_estimate);

/** Yapf Node for ships */
template <class Tkey_>
struct CYapfShipNodeT
	: CYapfNodeT<Tkey_, CYapfShipNodeT<Tkey_> >


/* now define two major node types (that differ by key type) */
typedef CYapfShipNodeT<CYapfNodeKeyExitDir>  CYapfShipNodeExitDir;
typedef CYapfShipNodeT<CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir> CYapfShipNodeTrackDir;

/* Default NodeList types */
typedef CNodeList_HashTableT<CYapfShipNodeExitDir , 14, 16> CShipNodeListExitDir;
typedef CNodeList_HashTableT<CYapfShipNodeTrackDir, 16, 20> CShipNodeListTrackDir;


#endif /* YAPF_NODE_HPP */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_node_rail.hpp Node tailored for rail pathfinding. */


/** key for cached segment cost for rail YAPF */
struct CYapfRailSegmentKey
	uint32    m_value;

	FORCEINLINE CYapfRailSegmentKey(const CYapfRailSegmentKey& src) : m_value(src.m_value) {}

	FORCEINLINE CYapfRailSegmentKey(const CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir& node_key)

	FORCEINLINE void Set(const CYapfRailSegmentKey& src)
		m_value = src.m_value;

	FORCEINLINE void Set(const CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir& node_key)
		m_value = (((int)node_key.m_tile) << 4) | node_key.m_td;

	FORCEINLINE int32 CalcHash() const
		return m_value;

	FORCEINLINE TileIndex GetTile() const
		return (TileIndex)(m_value >> 4);

	FORCEINLINE Trackdir GetTrackdir() const
		return (Trackdir)(m_value & 0x0F);

	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const CYapfRailSegmentKey& other) const
		return m_value == other.m_value;

	void Dump(DumpTarget &dmp) const
		dmp.WriteTile("tile", GetTile());
		dmp.WriteEnumT("td", GetTrackdir());

/* Enum used in PfCalcCost() to see why was the segment closed. */
enum EndSegmentReason {
	/* The following reasons can be saved into cached segment */
	ESR_DEAD_END = 0,      ///< track ends here
	ESR_RAIL_TYPE,         ///< the next tile has a different rail type than our tiles
	ESR_INFINITE_LOOP,     ///< infinite loop detected
	ESR_SEGMENT_TOO_LONG,  ///< the segment is too long (possible infinite loop)
	ESR_CHOICE_FOLLOWS,    ///< the next tile contains a choice (the track splits to more than one segments)
	ESR_DEPOT,             ///< stop in the depot (could be a target next time)
	ESR_WAYPOINT,          ///< waypoint encountered (could be a target next time)
	ESR_STATION,           ///< station encountered (could be a target next time)
	ESR_SAFE_TILE,         ///< safe waiting position found (could be a target)

	/* The following reasons are used only internally by PfCalcCost().
	 *  They should not be found in the cached segment. */
	ESR_PATH_TOO_LONG,     ///< the path is too long (searching for the nearest depot in the given radius)
	ESR_FIRST_TWO_WAY_RED, ///< first signal was 2-way and it was red
	ESR_LOOK_AHEAD_END,    ///< we have just passed the last look-ahead signal
	ESR_TARGET_REACHED,    ///< we have just reached the destination

	/* Special values */
	ESR_NONE = 0xFF,          ///< no reason to end the segment here

enum EndSegmentReasonBits {

	ESRB_DEAD_END          = 1 << ESR_DEAD_END,
	ESRB_DEPOT             = 1 << ESR_DEPOT,
	ESRB_STATION           = 1 << ESR_STATION,


	/* Additional (composite) values. */

	/* What reasons mean that the target can be found and needs to be detected. */

	/* What reasons can be stored back into cached segment. */

	/* Reasons to abort pathfinding in this direction. */


inline CStrA ValueStr(EndSegmentReasonBits bits)
	static const char * const end_segment_reason_names[] = {

	CStrA out;
	out.Format("0x%04X (%s)", bits, ComposeNameT(bits, end_segment_reason_names, "UNK", ESRB_NONE, "NONE").Data());
	return out.Transfer();

/** cached segment cost for rail YAPF */
struct CYapfRailSegment
	typedef CYapfRailSegmentKey Key;

	CYapfRailSegmentKey    m_key;
	TileIndex              m_last_tile;
	Trackdir               m_last_td;
	int                    m_cost;
	TileIndex              m_last_signal_tile;
	Trackdir               m_last_signal_td;
	EndSegmentReasonBits   m_end_segment_reason;
	CYapfRailSegment      *m_hash_next;

	FORCEINLINE CYapfRailSegment(const CYapfRailSegmentKey& key)
		: m_key(key)
		, m_last_tile(INVALID_TILE)
		, m_last_td(INVALID_TRACKDIR)
		, m_cost(-1)
		, m_last_signal_tile(INVALID_TILE)
		, m_last_signal_td(INVALID_TRACKDIR)
		, m_end_segment_reason(ESRB_NONE)
		, m_hash_next(NULL)

	FORCEINLINE const Key& GetKey() const
		return m_key;

	FORCEINLINE TileIndex GetTile() const
		return m_key.GetTile();

	FORCEINLINE CYapfRailSegment *GetHashNext()
		return m_hash_next;

	FORCEINLINE void SetHashNext(CYapfRailSegment *next)
		m_hash_next = next;

	void Dump(DumpTarget &dmp) const
		dmp.WriteStructT("m_key", &m_key);
		dmp.WriteTile("m_last_tile", m_last_tile);
		dmp.WriteEnumT("m_last_td", m_last_td);
		dmp.WriteLine("m_cost = %d", m_cost);
		dmp.WriteTile("m_last_signal_tile", m_last_signal_tile);
		dmp.WriteEnumT("m_last_signal_td", m_last_signal_td);
		dmp.WriteEnumT("m_end_segment_reason", m_end_segment_reason);

/** Yapf Node for rail YAPF */
template <class Tkey_>
struct CYapfRailNodeT
	: CYapfNodeT<Tkey_, CYapfRailNodeT<Tkey_> >
	typedef CYapfNodeT<Tkey_, CYapfRailNodeT<Tkey_> > base;
	typedef CYapfRailSegment CachedData;

	CYapfRailSegment *m_segment;
	uint16            m_num_signals_passed;
	union {
		uint32          m_inherited_flags;
		struct {
			bool          m_targed_seen : 1;
			bool          m_choice_seen : 1;
			bool          m_last_signal_was_red : 1;
		} flags_s;
	} flags_u;
	SignalType        m_last_red_signal_type;

	FORCEINLINE void Set(CYapfRailNodeT *parent, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool is_choice)
		base::Set(parent, tile, td, is_choice);
		m_segment = NULL;
		if (parent == NULL) {
			m_num_signals_passed      = 0;
			flags_u.m_inherited_flags = 0;
			m_last_red_signal_type    = SIGTYPE_NORMAL;
		} else {
			m_num_signals_passed      = parent->m_num_signals_passed;
			flags_u.m_inherited_flags = parent->flags_u.m_inherited_flags;
			m_last_red_signal_type    = parent->m_last_red_signal_type;
		flags_u.flags_s.m_choice_seen |= is_choice;

	FORCEINLINE TileIndex GetLastTile() const
		assert(m_segment != NULL);
		return m_segment->m_last_tile;

	FORCEINLINE Trackdir GetLastTrackdir() const
		assert(m_segment != NULL);
		return m_segment->m_last_td;

	FORCEINLINE void SetLastTileTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		assert(m_segment != NULL);
		m_segment->m_last_tile = tile;
		m_segment->m_last_td = td;

	template <class Tbase, class Tfunc, class Tpf>
	bool IterateTiles(const Vehicle *v, Tpf &yapf, Tbase &obj, bool (Tfunc::*func)(TileIndex, Trackdir)) const
		typename Tbase::TrackFollower ft(v, yapf.GetCompatibleRailTypes());
		TileIndex cur = base::GetTile();
		Trackdir  cur_td = base::GetTrackdir();

		while (cur != GetLastTile() || cur_td != GetLastTrackdir()) {
			if (!((obj.*func)(cur, cur_td))) return false;

			ft.Follow(cur, cur_td);
			cur = ft.m_new_tile;
			assert(KillFirstBit(ft.m_new_td_bits) == TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
			cur_td = FindFirstTrackdir(ft.m_new_td_bits);

		return (obj.*func)(cur, cur_td);

	void Dump(DumpTarget &dmp) const
		dmp.WriteStructT("m_segment", m_segment);
		dmp.WriteLine("m_num_signals_passed = %d", m_num_signals_passed);
		dmp.WriteLine("m_targed_seen = %s", flags_u.flags_s.m_targed_seen ? "Yes" : "No");
		dmp.WriteLine("m_choice_seen = %s", flags_u.flags_s.m_choice_seen ? "Yes" : "No");
		dmp.WriteLine("m_last_signal_was_red = %s", flags_u.flags_s.m_last_signal_was_red ? "Yes" : "No");
		dmp.WriteEnumT("m_last_red_signal_type", m_last_red_signal_type);

/* now define two major node types (that differ by key type) */
typedef CYapfRailNodeT<CYapfNodeKeyExitDir>  CYapfRailNodeExitDir;
typedef CYapfRailNodeT<CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir> CYapfRailNodeTrackDir;

/* Default NodeList types */
typedef CNodeList_HashTableT<CYapfRailNodeExitDir , 10, 12> CRailNodeListExitDir;
typedef CNodeList_HashTableT<CYapfRailNodeTrackDir, 12, 16> CRailNodeListTrackDir;

#endif /* YAPF_NODE_RAIL_HPP */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_node_road.hpp Node tailored for road pathfinding. */


/** Yapf Node for road YAPF */
template <class Tkey_>
struct CYapfRoadNodeT
	: CYapfNodeT<Tkey_, CYapfRoadNodeT<Tkey_> >
	typedef CYapfNodeT<Tkey_, CYapfRoadNodeT<Tkey_> > base;

	TileIndex       m_segment_last_tile;
	Trackdir        m_segment_last_td;

	void Set(CYapfRoadNodeT *parent, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool is_choice)
		base::Set(parent, tile, td, is_choice);
		m_segment_last_tile = tile;
		m_segment_last_td = td;

/* now define two major node types (that differ by key type) */
typedef CYapfRoadNodeT<CYapfNodeKeyExitDir>  CYapfRoadNodeExitDir;
typedef CYapfRoadNodeT<CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir> CYapfRoadNodeTrackDir;

/* Default NodeList types */
typedef CNodeList_HashTableT<CYapfRoadNodeExitDir , 8, 12> CRoadNodeListExitDir;
typedef CNodeList_HashTableT<CYapfRoadNodeTrackDir, 10, 14> CRoadNodeListTrackDir;

#endif /* YAPF_NODE_ROAD_HPP */
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_rail.cpp The rail pathfinding. */

#include "../../stdafx.h"

#include "yapf.hpp"
#include "yapf_node_rail.hpp"
#include "yapf_costrail.hpp"
#include "yapf_destrail.hpp"
#include "../../functions.h"


template <typename Tpf> void DumpState(Tpf &pf1, Tpf &pf2)
	DumpTarget dmp1, dmp2;
	FILE *f1 = fopen("yapf1.txt", "wt");
	FILE *f2 = fopen("yapf2.txt", "wt");
	fwrite(dmp1.m_out.Data(), 1, dmp1.m_out.Size(), f1);
	fwrite(dmp2.m_out.Data(), 1, dmp2.m_out.Size(), f2);

int _total_pf_time_us = 0;

template <class Types>
class CYapfReserveTrack
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type

	/** to access inherited pathfinder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	TileIndex m_res_dest;         ///< The reservation target tile
	Trackdir  m_res_dest_td;      ///< The reservation target trackdir
	Node      *m_res_node;        ///< The reservation target node
	TileIndex m_res_fail_tile;    ///< The tile where the reservation failed
	Trackdir  m_res_fail_td;      ///< The trackdir where the reservation failed

	bool FindSafePositionProc(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		if (IsSafeWaitingPosition(Train::From(Yapf().GetVehicle()), tile, td, true, !TrackFollower::Allow90degTurns())) {
			m_res_dest = tile;
			m_res_dest_td = td;
			return false;   // Stop iterating segment
		return true;

	/** Reserve a railway platform. Tile contains the failed tile on abort. */
	bool ReserveRailStationPlatform(TileIndex &tile, DiagDirection dir)
		TileIndex     start = tile;
		TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);

		do {
			if (HasStationReservation(tile)) return false;
			SetRailStationReservation(tile, true);
			tile = TILE_ADD(tile, diff);
		} while (IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(tile, start));

		return true;

	/** Try to reserve a single track/platform. */
	bool ReserveSingleTrack(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		if (IsRailStationTile(tile)) {
			if (!ReserveRailStationPlatform(tile, TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(td)))) {
				/* Platform could not be reserved, undo. */
				m_res_fail_tile = tile;
				m_res_fail_td = td;
		} else {
			if (!TryReserveRailTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td))) {
				/* Tile couldn't be reserved, undo. */
				m_res_fail_tile = tile;
				m_res_fail_td = td;
				return false;

		return tile != m_res_dest || td != m_res_dest_td;

	/** Unreserve a single track/platform. Stops when the previous failer is reached. */
	bool UnreserveSingleTrack(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		if (IsRailStationTile(tile)) {
			TileIndex     start = tile;
			TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(td)));
			while ((tile != m_res_fail_tile || td != m_res_fail_td) && IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(tile, start)) {
				SetRailStationReservation(tile, false);
				tile = TILE_ADD(tile, diff);
		} else if (tile != m_res_fail_tile || td != m_res_fail_td) {
			UnreserveRailTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td));
		return (tile != m_res_dest || td != m_res_dest_td) && (tile != m_res_fail_tile || td != m_res_fail_td);

	/** Set the target to where the reservation should be extended. */
	inline void SetReservationTarget(Node *node, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		m_res_node = node;
		m_res_dest = tile;
		m_res_dest_td = td;

	/** Check the node for a possible reservation target. */
	inline void FindSafePositionOnNode(Node *node)
		assert(node->m_parent != NULL);

		/* We will never pass more than two signals, no need to check for a safe tile. */
		if (node->m_parent->m_num_signals_passed >= 2) return;

		if (!node->IterateTiles(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf(), *this, &CYapfReserveTrack<Types>::FindSafePositionProc)) {
			m_res_node = node;

	/** Try to reserve the path till the reservation target. */
	bool TryReservePath(PBSTileInfo *target)
		m_res_fail_tile = INVALID_TILE;

		if (target != NULL) {
			target->tile = m_res_dest;
			target->trackdir = m_res_dest_td;
			target->okay = false;

		/* Don't bother if the target is reserved. */
		if (!IsWaitingPositionFree(Train::From(Yapf().GetVehicle()), m_res_dest, m_res_dest_td)) return false;

		for (Node *node = m_res_node; node->m_parent != NULL; node = node->m_parent) {
			node->IterateTiles(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf(), *this, &CYapfReserveTrack<Types>::ReserveSingleTrack);
			if (m_res_fail_tile != INVALID_TILE) {
				/* Reservation failed, undo. */
				Node *fail_node = m_res_node;
				TileIndex stop_tile = m_res_fail_tile;
				do {
					/* If this is the node that failed, stop at the failed tile. */
					m_res_fail_tile = fail_node == node ? stop_tile : INVALID_TILE;
					fail_node->IterateTiles(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf(), *this, &CYapfReserveTrack<Types>::UnreserveSingleTrack);
				} while (fail_node != node && (fail_node = fail_node->m_parent) != NULL);

				return false;

		if (target != NULL) target->okay = true;

		if (Yapf().CanUseGlobalCache(*m_res_node))
			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACK);

		return true;

template <class Types>
class CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
	 *  reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
	 *  and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n) */
	inline void PfFollowNode(Node& old_node)
		TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle());
		if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir())) {
			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);

	/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
	FORCEINLINE char TransportTypeChar() const
		return 't';

	static bool stFindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int max_distance, int reverse_penalty, TileIndex *depot_tile, bool *reversed)
		Tpf pf1;
		 * With caching enabled it simply cannot get a reliable result when you
		 * have limited the distance a train may travel. This means that the
		 * cached result does not match uncached result in all cases and that
		 * causes desyncs. So disable caching when finding for a depot that is
		 * nearby. This only happens with automatic servicing of vehicles,
		 * so it will only impact performance when you do not manually set
		 * depot orders and you do not disable automatic servicing.
		if (max_distance != 0) pf1.DisableCache(true);
		bool result1 = pf1.FindNearestDepotTwoWay(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, max_distance, reverse_penalty, depot_tile, reversed);

		Tpf pf2;
		TileIndex depot_tile2 = INVALID_TILE;
		bool reversed2 = false;
		bool result2 = pf2.FindNearestDepotTwoWay(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, max_distance, reverse_penalty, &depot_tile2, &reversed2);
		if (result1 != result2 || (result1 && (*depot_tile != depot_tile2 || *reversed != reversed2))) {
			DEBUG(yapf, 0, "CACHE ERROR: FindNearestDepotTwoWay() = [%s, %s]", result1 ? "T" : "F", result2 ? "T" : "F");
			DumpState(pf1, pf2);

		return result1;

	FORCEINLINE bool FindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int max_distance, int reverse_penalty, TileIndex *depot_tile, bool *reversed)
		/* set origin and destination nodes */
		Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty, true);
		Yapf().SetMaxCost(YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * max_distance);

		/* find the best path */
		bool bFound = Yapf().FindPath(v);
		if (!bFound) return false;

		/* some path found
		 * get found depot tile */
		Node *n = Yapf().GetBestNode();
		*depot_tile = n->GetLastTile();

		/* walk through the path back to the origin */
		Node *pNode = n;
		while (pNode->m_parent != NULL) {
			pNode = pNode->m_parent;

		/* if the origin node is our front vehicle tile/Trackdir then we didn't reverse
		 * but we can also look at the cost (== 0 -> not reversed, == reverse_penalty -> reversed) */
		*reversed = (pNode->m_cost != 0);

		return true;

template <class Types>
class CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT : public CYapfReserveTrack<Types>
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
	 *  reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
	 *  and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n) */
	inline void PfFollowNode(Node& old_node)
		TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf().GetCompatibleRailTypes());
		if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir()) && F.MaskReservedTracks()) {
			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);

	/** Return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
	FORCEINLINE char TransportTypeChar() const
		return 't';

	static bool stFindNearestSafeTile(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype)
		/* Create pathfinder instance */
		Tpf pf1;
		bool result1 = pf1.FindNearestSafeTile(v, t1, td, override_railtype, false);

		bool result2 = pf1.FindNearestSafeTile(v, t1, td, override_railtype, true);
		Tpf pf2;
		bool result1 = pf2.FindNearestSafeTile(v, t1, td, override_railtype, false);
		if (result1 != result2) {
			DEBUG(yapf, 0, "CACHE ERROR: FindSafeTile() = [%s, %s]", result2 ? "T" : "F", result1 ? "T" : "F");
			DumpState(pf1, pf2);

		return result1;

	bool FindNearestSafeTile(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype, bool dont_reserve)
		/* Set origin and destination. */
		Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td);
		Yapf().SetDestination(v, override_railtype);

		bool bFound = Yapf().FindPath(v);
		if (!bFound) return false;

		/* Found a destination, set as reservation target. */
		Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
		this->SetReservationTarget(pNode, pNode->GetLastTile(), pNode->GetLastTrackdir());

		/* Walk through the path back to the origin. */
		Node *pPrev = NULL;
		while (pNode->m_parent != NULL) {
			pPrev = pNode;
			pNode = pNode->m_parent;


		return dont_reserve || this->TryReservePath(NULL);

template <class Types>
class CYapfFollowRailT : public CYapfReserveTrack<Types>
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
	 *  reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
	 *  and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n) */
	inline void PfFollowNode(Node& old_node)
		TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle());
		if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir())) {
			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);

	/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
	FORCEINLINE char TransportTypeChar() const
		return 't';

	static Trackdir stChooseRailTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool *path_not_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target)
		/* create pathfinder instance */
		Tpf pf1;
		Trackdir result1 = pf1.ChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_not_found, reserve_track, target);

		Trackdir result1 = pf1.ChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_not_found, false, NULL);
		Tpf pf2;
		Trackdir result2 = pf2.ChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_not_found, reserve_track, target);
		if (result1 != result2) {
			DEBUG(yapf, 0, "CACHE ERROR: ChooseRailTrack() = [%d, %d]", result1, result2);
			DumpState(pf1, pf2);

		return result1;

	FORCEINLINE Trackdir ChooseRailTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool *path_not_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target)
		if (target != NULL) target->tile = INVALID_TILE;

		/* set origin and destination nodes */
		PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(Train::From(v));
		Yapf().SetOrigin(origin.tile, origin.trackdir, INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACKDIR, 1, true);

		/* find the best path */
		bool path_found = Yapf().FindPath(v);
		if (path_not_found != NULL) {
			/* tell controller that the path was only 'guessed'
			 * treat the path as found if stopped on the first two way signal(s) */
			*path_not_found = !(path_found || Yapf().m_stopped_on_first_two_way_signal);

		/* if path not found - return INVALID_TRACKDIR */
		Trackdir next_trackdir = INVALID_TRACKDIR;
		Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
		if (pNode != NULL) {
			/* reserve till end of path */
			this->SetReservationTarget(pNode, pNode->GetLastTile(), pNode->GetLastTrackdir());

			/* path was found or at least suggested
			 * walk through the path back to the origin */
			Node *pPrev = NULL;
			while (pNode->m_parent != NULL) {
				pPrev = pNode;
				pNode = pNode->m_parent;

			/* return trackdir from the best origin node (one of start nodes) */
			Node& best_next_node = *pPrev;
			next_trackdir = best_next_node.GetTrackdir();

			if (reserve_track && path_found) this->TryReservePath(target);
		return next_trackdir;

	static bool stCheckReverseTrain(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int reverse_penalty)
		Tpf pf1;
		bool result1 = pf1.CheckReverseTrain(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty);

		Tpf pf2;
		bool result2 = pf2.CheckReverseTrain(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty);
		if (result1 != result2) {
			DEBUG(yapf, 0, "CACHE ERROR: CheckReverseTrain() = [%s, %s]", result1 ? "T" : "F", result2 ? "T" : "F");
			DumpState(pf1, pf2);

		return result1;

	FORCEINLINE bool CheckReverseTrain(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int reverse_penalty)
		/* create pathfinder instance
		 * set origin and destination nodes */
		Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty, false);

		/* find the best path */
		bool bFound = Yapf().FindPath(v);

		if (!bFound) return false;

		/* path was found
		 * walk through the path back to the origin */
		Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
		while (pNode->m_parent != NULL) {
			pNode = pNode->m_parent;

		/* check if it was reversed origin */
		Node& best_org_node = *pNode;
		bool reversed = (best_org_node.m_cost != 0);
		return reversed;

template <class Tpf_, class Ttrack_follower, class Tnode_list, template <class Types> class TdestinationT, template <class Types> class TfollowT>
struct CYapfRail_TypesT
	typedef CYapfRail_TypesT<Tpf_, Ttrack_follower, Tnode_list, TdestinationT, TfollowT>  Types;

	typedef Tpf_                                Tpf;
	typedef Ttrack_follower                     TrackFollower;
	typedef Tnode_list                          NodeList;
	typedef CYapfBaseT<Types>                   PfBase;
	typedef TfollowT<Types>                     PfFollow;
	typedef CYapfOriginTileTwoWayT<Types>       PfOrigin;
	typedef TdestinationT<Types>                PfDestination;
	typedef CYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT<Types> PfCache;
	typedef CYapfCostRailT<Types>               PfCost;

struct CYapfRail1         : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfRail1        , CFollowTrackRail    , CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT> > {};
struct CYapfRail2         : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfRail2        , CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT> > {};

struct CYapfAnyDepotRail1 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CFollowTrackRail    , CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT     , CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT> > {};
struct CYapfAnyDepotRail2 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT     , CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT> > {};

struct CYapfAnySafeTileRail1 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnySafeTileRail1, CFollowTrackFreeRail    , CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT , CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT> > {};
struct CYapfAnySafeTileRail2 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnySafeTileRail2, CFollowTrackFreeRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT , CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT> > {};


Trackdir YapfChooseRailTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool *path_not_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target)
	/* default is YAPF type 2 */
	typedef Trackdir (*PfnChooseRailTrack)(const Vehicle*, TileIndex, DiagDirection, TrackBits, bool*, bool, PBSTileInfo*);
	PfnChooseRailTrack pfnChooseRailTrack = &CYapfRail1::stChooseRailTrack;

	/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
	if ( {
		pfnChooseRailTrack = &CYapfRail2::stChooseRailTrack; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg

	Trackdir td_ret = pfnChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_not_found, reserve_track, target);

	return td_ret;

bool YapfCheckReverseTrain(const Vehicle *vt)
	const Train *v = Train::From(vt);
	const Train *last_veh = v->Last();

	/* get trackdirs of both ends */
	Trackdir td = v->GetVehicleTrackdir();
	Trackdir td_rev = ReverseTrackdir(last_veh->GetVehicleTrackdir());

	/* tiles where front and back are */
	TileIndex tile = v->tile;
	TileIndex tile_rev = last_veh->tile;

	int reverse_penalty = 0;

	if (v->track == TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
		/* front in tunnel / on bridge */
		DiagDirection dir_into_wormhole = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile);

		if (TrackdirToExitdir(td) == dir_into_wormhole) tile = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile);
		/* Now 'tile' is the tunnel entry/bridge ramp the train will reach when driving forward */

		/* Current position of the train in the wormhole */
		TileIndex cur_tile = TileVirtXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos);

		/* Add distance to drive in the wormhole as penalty for the forward path, i.e. bonus for the reverse path
		 * Note: Negative penalties are ok for the start tile. */
		reverse_penalty -= DistanceManhattan(cur_tile, tile) * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;

	if (last_veh->track == TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
		/* back in tunnel / on bridge */
		DiagDirection dir_into_wormhole = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile_rev);

		if (TrackdirToExitdir(td_rev) == dir_into_wormhole) tile_rev = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile_rev);
		/* Now 'tile_rev' is the tunnel entry/bridge ramp the train will reach when reversing */

		/* Current position of the last wagon in the wormhole */
		TileIndex cur_tile = TileVirtXY(last_veh->x_pos, last_veh->y_pos);

		/* Add distance to drive in the wormhole as penalty for the revere path. */
		reverse_penalty += DistanceManhattan(cur_tile, tile_rev) * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;

	typedef bool (*PfnCheckReverseTrain)(const Vehicle*, TileIndex, Trackdir, TileIndex, Trackdir, int);
	PfnCheckReverseTrain pfnCheckReverseTrain = CYapfRail1::stCheckReverseTrain;

	/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
	if ( {
		pfnCheckReverseTrain = &CYapfRail2::stCheckReverseTrain; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg

	/* slightly hackish: If the pathfinders finds a path, the cost of the first node is tested to distinguish between forward- and reverse-path. */
	if (reverse_penalty == 0) reverse_penalty = 1;

	bool reverse = pfnCheckReverseTrain(v, tile, td, tile_rev, td_rev, reverse_penalty);

	return reverse;

bool YapfFindNearestRailDepotTwoWay(const Vehicle *v, int max_distance, int reverse_penalty, TileIndex *depot_tile, bool *reversed)
	*depot_tile = INVALID_TILE;
	*reversed = false;

	const Vehicle *last_veh = v->Last();

	PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(Train::From(v));
	TileIndex last_tile = last_veh->tile;
	Trackdir td_rev = ReverseTrackdir(last_veh->GetVehicleTrackdir());

	typedef bool (*PfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay)(const Vehicle*, TileIndex, Trackdir, TileIndex, Trackdir, int, int, TileIndex*, bool*);
	PfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay pfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay = &CYapfAnyDepotRail1::stFindNearestDepotTwoWay;

	/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
	if ( {
		pfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay = &CYapfAnyDepotRail2::stFindNearestDepotTwoWay; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg

	bool ret = pfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay(v, origin.tile, origin.trackdir, last_tile, td_rev, max_distance, reverse_penalty, depot_tile, reversed);
	return ret;

bool YapfRailFindNearestSafeTile(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype)
	typedef bool (*PfnFindNearestSafeTile)(const Vehicle*, TileIndex, Trackdir, bool);
	PfnFindNearestSafeTile pfnFindNearestSafeTile = CYapfAnySafeTileRail1::stFindNearestSafeTile;

	/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
	if ( {
		pfnFindNearestSafeTile = &CYapfAnySafeTileRail2::stFindNearestSafeTile;

	return pfnFindNearestSafeTile(v, tile, td, override_railtype);

/** if any track changes, this counter is incremented - that will invalidate segment cost cache */
int CSegmentCostCacheBase::s_rail_change_counter = 0;

void YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(TileIndex tile, Track track)
	CSegmentCostCacheBase::NotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, track);
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_road.cpp The road pathfinding. */

#include "../../stdafx.h"
#include "../../roadstop_base.h"
#include "../../cargotype.h"

#include "yapf.hpp"
#include "yapf_node_road.hpp"


template <class Types>
class CYapfCostRoadT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf; ///< pathfinder (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower; ///< track follower helper
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;    ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	int SlopeCost(TileIndex tile, TileIndex next_tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		/* height of the center of the current tile */
		int x1 = TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE;
		int y1 = TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE;
		int z1 = GetSlopeZ(x1 + TILE_SIZE / 2, y1 + TILE_SIZE / 2);

		/* height of the center of the next tile */
		int x2 = TileX(next_tile) * TILE_SIZE;
		int y2 = TileY(next_tile) * TILE_SIZE;
		int z2 = GetSlopeZ(x2 + TILE_SIZE / 2, y2 + TILE_SIZE / 2);

		if (z2 - z1 > 1) {
			/* Slope up */
			return Yapf().PfGetSettings().road_slope_penalty;
		return 0;

	/** return one tile cost */
	FORCEINLINE int OneTileCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		int cost = 0;
		/* set base cost */
		if (IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir)) {
			cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
			switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
				case MP_ROAD:
					/* Increase the cost for level crossings */
					if (IsLevelCrossing(tile)) {
						cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().road_crossing_penalty;

				case MP_STATION:
					if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile)) {
						cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().road_stop_penalty;

		} else {
			/* non-diagonal trackdir */
			cost = YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH + Yapf().PfGetSettings().road_curve_penalty;
		return cost;

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate the cost from the origin to the given node.
	 *  Calculates only the cost of given node, adds it to the parent node cost
	 *  and stores the result into Node::m_cost member */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node& n, const TrackFollower *tf)
		int segment_cost = 0;
		/* start at n.m_key.m_tile / n.m_key.m_td and walk to the end of segment */
		TileIndex tile = n.m_key.m_tile;
		Trackdir trackdir = n.m_key.m_td;
		while (true) {
			/* base tile cost depending on distance between edges */
			segment_cost += Yapf().OneTileCost(tile, trackdir);

			const Vehicle *v = Yapf().GetVehicle();
			/* we have reached the vehicle's destination - segment should end here to avoid target skipping */
			if (Yapf().PfDetectDestinationTile(tile, trackdir)) break;

			/* stop if we have just entered the depot */
			if (IsRoadDepotTile(tile) && trackdir == DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(ReverseDiagDir(GetRoadDepotDirection(tile)))) {
				/* next time we will reverse and leave the depot */

			/* if there are no reachable trackdirs on new tile, we have end of road */
			TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle());
			if (!F.Follow(tile, trackdir)) break;

			/* if there are more trackdirs available & reachable, we are at the end of segment */
			if (KillFirstBit(F.m_new_td_bits) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE) break;

			Trackdir new_td = (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(F.m_new_td_bits);

			/* stop if RV is on simple loop with no junctions */
			if (F.m_new_tile == n.m_key.m_tile && new_td == n.m_key.m_td) return false;

			/* if we skipped some tunnel tiles, add their cost */
			segment_cost += F.m_tiles_skipped * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;

			/* add hilly terrain penalty */
			segment_cost += Yapf().SlopeCost(tile, F.m_new_tile, trackdir);

			/* add min/max speed penalties */
			int min_speed = 0;
			int max_speed = F.GetSpeedLimit(&min_speed);
			if (max_speed < v->max_speed) segment_cost += 1 * (v->max_speed - max_speed);
			if (min_speed > v->max_speed) segment_cost += 10 * (min_speed - v->max_speed);

			/* move to the next tile */
			tile = F.m_new_tile;
			trackdir = new_td;

		/* save end of segment back to the node */
		n.m_segment_last_tile = tile;
		n.m_segment_last_td = trackdir;

		/* save also tile cost */
		int parent_cost = (n.m_parent != NULL) ? n.m_parent->m_cost : 0;
		n.m_cost = parent_cost + segment_cost;
		return true;


template <class Types>
class CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		bool bDest = IsRoadDepotTile(n.m_segment_last_tile);
		return bDest;

	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestinationTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		return IsRoadDepotTile(tile);

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
		return true;


template <class Types>
class CYapfDestinationAnyRoadVehicleCompatibleStopOfGivenStationT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	TileIndex      m_destTile;
	StationID      m_dest_station;
	bool           m_bus;
	bool           m_non_artic;

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	void SetDestination(const RoadVehicle *v, StationID sid, TileIndex destTile)
		m_dest_station = sid;
		m_destTile     = destTile;
		m_bus          = IsCargoInClass(v->cargo_type, CC_PASSENGERS);
		m_non_artic    = !v->HasArticulatedPart();

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		return PfDetectDestinationTile(n.m_segment_last_tile, INVALID_TRACKDIR);

	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestinationTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
			IsTileType(tile, MP_STATION) &&
			GetStationIndex(tile) == m_dest_station &&
			(m_bus ? IsBusStop(tile) : IsTruckStop(tile)) &&
			(m_non_artic || IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile));

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		static const int dg_dir_to_x_offs[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
		static const int dg_dir_to_y_offs[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
		if (PfDetectDestination(n)) {
			n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
			return true;

		TileIndex tile = n.m_segment_last_tile;
		DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(n.m_segment_last_td);
		int x1 = 2 * TileX(tile) + dg_dir_to_x_offs[(int)exitdir];
		int y1 = 2 * TileY(tile) + dg_dir_to_y_offs[(int)exitdir];
		int x2 = 2 * TileX(m_destTile);
		int y2 = 2 * TileY(m_destTile);
		int dx = abs(x1 - x2);
		int dy = abs(y1 - y2);
		int dmin = min(dx, dy);
		int dxy = abs(dx - dy);
		int d = dmin * YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH + (dxy - 1) * (YAPF_TILE_LENGTH / 2);
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost + d;
		assert(n.m_estimate >= n.m_parent->m_estimate);
		return true;


template <class Types>
class CYapfDestinationTileRoadT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	TileIndex    m_destTile;
	TrackdirBits m_destTrackdirs;

	void SetDestination(TileIndex tile, TrackdirBits trackdirs)
		m_destTile = tile;
		m_destTrackdirs = trackdirs;

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		bool bDest = (n.m_segment_last_tile == m_destTile) && ((m_destTrackdirs & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(n.m_segment_last_td)) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
		return bDest;

	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestinationTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		return tile == m_destTile && ((m_destTrackdirs & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(trackdir)) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate */
	inline bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		static const int dg_dir_to_x_offs[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
		static const int dg_dir_to_y_offs[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
		if (PfDetectDestination(n)) {
			n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
			return true;

		TileIndex tile = n.m_segment_last_tile;
		DiagDirection exitdir = TrackdirToExitdir(n.m_segment_last_td);
		int x1 = 2 * TileX(tile) + dg_dir_to_x_offs[(int)exitdir];
		int y1 = 2 * TileY(tile) + dg_dir_to_y_offs[(int)exitdir];
		int x2 = 2 * TileX(m_destTile);
		int y2 = 2 * TileY(m_destTile);
		int dx = abs(x1 - x2);
		int dy = abs(y1 - y2);
		int dmin = min(dx, dy);
		int dxy = abs(dx - dy);
		int d = dmin * YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH + (dxy - 1) * (YAPF_TILE_LENGTH / 2);
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost + d;
		assert(n.m_estimate >= n.m_parent->m_estimate);
		return true;



template <class Types>
class CYapfFollowRoadT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);


	/** Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
	 *  reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
	 *  and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n) */
	inline void PfFollowNode(Node& old_node)
		TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle());
		if (F.Follow(old_node.m_segment_last_tile, old_node.m_segment_last_td)) {
			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);

	/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
	FORCEINLINE char TransportTypeChar() const
		return 'r';

	static Trackdir stChooseRoadTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir)
		Tpf pf;
		return pf.ChooseRoadTrack(v, tile, enterdir);

	FORCEINLINE Trackdir ChooseRoadTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir)
		/* handle special case - when next tile is destination tile */
		if (tile == v->dest_tile) {
			/* choose diagonal trackdir reachable from enterdir */
			return DiagDirToDiagTrackdir(enterdir);
		/* our source tile will be the next vehicle tile (should be the given one) */
		TileIndex src_tile = tile;
		/* get available trackdirs on the start tile */
		TrackdirBits src_trackdirs = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, RoadVehicle::From(v)->compatible_roadtypes));
		/* select reachable trackdirs only */
		src_trackdirs &= DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(enterdir);

		/* get available trackdirs on the destination tile */
		TileIndex dest_tile = v->dest_tile;
		TrackdirBits dest_trackdirs = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(dest_tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, RoadVehicle::From(v)->compatible_roadtypes));

		/* set origin and destination nodes */
		Yapf().SetOrigin(src_tile, src_trackdirs);
		Yapf().SetDestination(dest_tile, dest_trackdirs);

		/* find the best path */

		/* if path not found - return INVALID_TRACKDIR */
		Trackdir next_trackdir = INVALID_TRACKDIR;
		Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
		if (pNode != NULL) {
			/* path was found or at least suggested
			 * walk through the path back to its origin */
			while (pNode->m_parent != NULL) {
				pNode = pNode->m_parent;
			/* return trackdir from the best origin node (one of start nodes) */
			Node& best_next_node = *pNode;
			assert(best_next_node.GetTile() == tile);
			next_trackdir = best_next_node.GetTrackdir();
		return next_trackdir;

	static uint stDistanceToTile(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile)
		Tpf pf;
		return pf.DistanceToTile(v, tile);

	FORCEINLINE uint DistanceToTile(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex dst_tile)
		/* handle special case - when current tile is the destination tile */
		if (dst_tile == v->tile) {
			/* distance is zero in this case */
			return 0;

		if (!SetOriginFromVehiclePos(v)) return UINT_MAX;

		/* set destination tile, trackdir
		 *   get available trackdirs on the destination tile */
		TrackdirBits dst_td_bits = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(dst_tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, RoadVehicle::From(v)->compatible_roadtypes));
		Yapf().SetDestination(dst_tile, dst_td_bits);

		/* if path not found - return distance = UINT_MAX */
		uint dist = UINT_MAX;

		/* find the best path */
		if (!Yapf().FindPath(v)) return dist;

		Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
		if (pNode != NULL) {
			/* path was found
			 * get the path cost estimate */
			dist = pNode->GetCostEstimate();

		return dist;

	/** Return true if the valid origin (tile/trackdir) was set from the current vehicle position. */
	FORCEINLINE bool SetOriginFromVehiclePos(const Vehicle *v)
		/* set origin (tile, trackdir) */
		TileIndex src_tile = v->tile;
		Trackdir src_td = v->GetVehicleTrackdir();
		if ((TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(src_tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, RoadVehicle::From(v)->compatible_roadtypes)) & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(src_td)) == 0) {
			/* sometimes the roadveh is not on the road (it resides on non-existing track)
			 * how should we handle that situation? */
			return false;
		Yapf().SetOrigin(src_tile, TrackdirToTrackdirBits(src_td));
		return true;

	static bool stFindNearestDepot(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, int max_distance, TileIndex *depot_tile)
		Tpf pf;
		return pf.FindNearestDepot(v, tile, td, max_distance, depot_tile);

	FORCEINLINE bool FindNearestDepot(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, int max_distance, TileIndex *depot_tile)
		/* set origin and destination nodes */
		Yapf().SetOrigin(tile, TrackdirToTrackdirBits(td));

		/* find the best path */
		bool bFound = Yapf().FindPath(v);
		if (!bFound) return false;

		/* some path found
		 * get found depot tile */
		Node *n = Yapf().GetBestNode();

		if (max_distance > 0 && n->m_cost > max_distance * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH) return false;

		*depot_tile = n->m_segment_last_tile;
		return true;

	static bool stFindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex tile, TileIndex destTile, Trackdir td, StationID sid, TileIndex *stop_tile)
		Tpf pf;
		return pf.FindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop(v, tile, destTile, td, sid, stop_tile);

	FORCEINLINE bool FindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex tile, TileIndex destTile, Trackdir td, StationID sid, TileIndex *stop_tile)
		/* set origin and destination nodes */
		Yapf().SetOrigin(tile, TrackdirToTrackdirBits(td));
		Yapf().SetDestination(v, sid, destTile);

		/* find the best path */
		bool bFound = Yapf().FindPath(v);
		if (!bFound) return false;

		/* some path found
		 * get found depot tile */
		const Node *n = Yapf().GetBestNode();

		*stop_tile = n->m_segment_last_tile;
		return true;

template <class Tpf_, class Tnode_list, template <class Types> class Tdestination>
struct CYapfRoad_TypesT
	typedef CYapfRoad_TypesT<Tpf_, Tnode_list, Tdestination>  Types;

	typedef Tpf_                              Tpf;
	typedef CFollowTrackRoad                  TrackFollower;
	typedef Tnode_list                        NodeList;
	typedef CYapfBaseT<Types>                 PfBase;
	typedef CYapfFollowRoadT<Types>           PfFollow;
	typedef CYapfOriginTileT<Types>           PfOrigin;
	typedef Tdestination<Types>               PfDestination;
	typedef CYapfSegmentCostCacheNoneT<Types> PfCache;
	typedef CYapfCostRoadT<Types>             PfCost;

struct CYapfRoad1         : CYapfT<CYapfRoad_TypesT<CYapfRoad1        , CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileRoadT    > > {};
struct CYapfRoad2         : CYapfT<CYapfRoad_TypesT<CYapfRoad2        , CRoadNodeListExitDir , CYapfDestinationTileRoadT    > > {};

struct CYapfRoadAnyDepot1 : CYapfT<CYapfRoad_TypesT<CYapfRoadAnyDepot1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT> > {};
struct CYapfRoadAnyDepot2 : CYapfT<CYapfRoad_TypesT<CYapfRoadAnyDepot2, CRoadNodeListExitDir , CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRoadT> > {};

struct CYapfRoadAnyRoadVehicleCompatibleStopOfGivenStation1 : CYapfT<CYapfRoad_TypesT<CYapfRoadAnyRoadVehicleCompatibleStopOfGivenStation1, CRoadNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyRoadVehicleCompatibleStopOfGivenStationT> > {};
struct CYapfRoadAnyRoadVehicleCompatibleStopOfGivenStation2 : CYapfT<CYapfRoad_TypesT<CYapfRoadAnyRoadVehicleCompatibleStopOfGivenStation2, CRoadNodeListExitDir , CYapfDestinationAnyRoadVehicleCompatibleStopOfGivenStationT> > {};


Trackdir YapfChooseRoadTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir)
	/* default is YAPF type 2 */
	typedef Trackdir (*PfnChooseRoadTrack)(const Vehicle*, TileIndex, DiagDirection);
	PfnChooseRoadTrack pfnChooseRoadTrack = &CYapfRoad2::stChooseRoadTrack; // default: ExitDir, allow 90-deg

	/* check if non-default YAPF type should be used */
	if ( {
		pfnChooseRoadTrack = &CYapfRoad1::stChooseRoadTrack; // Trackdir, allow 90-deg

	Trackdir td_ret = pfnChooseRoadTrack(v, tile, enterdir);
	return td_ret;

uint YapfRoadVehDistanceToTile(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile)
	/* default is YAPF type 2 */
	typedef uint (*PfnDistanceToTile)(const Vehicle*, TileIndex);
	PfnDistanceToTile pfnDistanceToTile = &CYapfRoad2::stDistanceToTile; // default: ExitDir, allow 90-deg

	/* check if non-default YAPF type should be used */
	if ( {
		pfnDistanceToTile = &CYapfRoad1::stDistanceToTile; // Trackdir, allow 90-deg

	/* measure distance in YAPF units */
	uint dist = pfnDistanceToTile(v, tile);
	/* convert distance to tiles */
	if (dist != UINT_MAX) {
		dist = (dist + YAPF_TILE_LENGTH - 1) / YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;

	return dist;

bool YapfFindNearestRoadDepot(const Vehicle *v, int max_distance, TileIndex *depot_tile)
	*depot_tile = INVALID_TILE;

	TileIndex tile = v->tile;
	Trackdir trackdir = v->GetVehicleTrackdir();
	if ((TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, RoadVehicle::From(v)->compatible_roadtypes)) & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(trackdir)) == 0) {
		return false;

	/* handle the case when our vehicle is already in the depot tile */
	if (IsRoadDepotTile(tile)) {
		/* only what we need to return is the Depot* */
		*depot_tile = tile;
		return true;

	/* default is YAPF type 2 */
	typedef bool (*PfnFindNearestDepot)(const Vehicle*, TileIndex, Trackdir, int, TileIndex*);
	PfnFindNearestDepot pfnFindNearestDepot = &CYapfRoadAnyDepot2::stFindNearestDepot;

	/* check if non-default YAPF type should be used */
	if ( {
		pfnFindNearestDepot = &CYapfRoadAnyDepot1::stFindNearestDepot; // Trackdir, allow 90-deg

	bool ret = pfnFindNearestDepot(v, tile, trackdir, max_distance, depot_tile);
	return ret;

bool YapfFindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop(const RoadVehicle *v, StationID station, TileIndex *stop_tile)
	*stop_tile = INVALID_TILE;

	const RoadStop *rs = Station::Get(station)->GetPrimaryRoadStop(v);
	if (rs == NULL) return false;

	TileIndex tile = v->tile;
	Trackdir trackdir = v->GetVehicleTrackdir();
	if ((TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, RoadVehicle::From(v)->compatible_roadtypes)) & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(trackdir)) == 0) {
		return false;

	/* default is YAPF type 2 */
	typedef bool (*PfnFindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop)(const RoadVehicle*, TileIndex, TileIndex, Trackdir, StationID, TileIndex*);
	PfnFindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop pfnFindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop = &CYapfRoadAnyRoadVehicleCompatibleStopOfGivenStation2::stFindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop;

	/* check if non-default YAPF type should be used */
	if ( {
		pfnFindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop = &CYapfRoadAnyRoadVehicleCompatibleStopOfGivenStation1::stFindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop; // Trackdir, allow 90-deg

	bool ret = pfnFindNearestRoadVehicleCompatibleStop(v, tile, rs->xy, trackdir, station, stop_tile);
	return ret;
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/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file yapf_ship.cpp Implementation of YAPF for ships. */

#include "../../stdafx.h"

#include "yapf.hpp"

/** Node Follower module of YAPF for ships */
template <class Types>
class CYapfFollowShipT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
	 *  reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
	 *  and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n) */
	inline void PfFollowNode(Node& old_node)
		TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle());
		if (F.Follow(old_node.m_key.m_tile, old_node.m_key.m_td)) {
			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);

	/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
	FORCEINLINE char TransportTypeChar() const
		return 'w';

	static Trackdir ChooseShipTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks)
		/* handle special case - when next tile is destination tile */
		if (tile == v->dest_tile) {
			/* convert tracks to trackdirs */
			TrackdirBits trackdirs = (TrackdirBits)(tracks | ((int)tracks << 8));
			/* choose any trackdir reachable from enterdir */
			trackdirs &= DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(enterdir);
			return (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(trackdirs);

		/* move back to the old tile/trackdir (where ship is coming from) */
		TileIndex src_tile = TILE_ADD(tile, TileOffsByDiagDir(ReverseDiagDir(enterdir)));
		Trackdir trackdir = v->GetVehicleTrackdir();

		/* convert origin trackdir to TrackdirBits */
		TrackdirBits trackdirs = TrackdirToTrackdirBits(trackdir);
		/* get available trackdirs on the destination tile */
		TrackdirBits dest_trackdirs = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(v->dest_tile, TRANSPORT_WATER, 0));

		/* create pathfinder instance */
		Tpf pf;
		/* set origin and destination nodes */
		pf.SetOrigin(src_tile, trackdirs);
		pf.SetDestination(v->dest_tile, dest_trackdirs);
		/* find best path */

		Trackdir next_trackdir = INVALID_TRACKDIR; // this would mean "path not found"

		Node *pNode = pf.GetBestNode();
		if (pNode != NULL) {
			/* walk through the path back to the origin */
			Node *pPrevNode = NULL;
			while (pNode->m_parent != NULL) {
				pPrevNode = pNode;
				pNode = pNode->m_parent;
			/* return trackdir from the best next node (direct child of origin) */
			Node& best_next_node = *pPrevNode;
			assert(best_next_node.GetTile() == tile);
			next_trackdir = best_next_node.GetTrackdir();
		return next_trackdir;

/** Cost Provider module of YAPF for ships */
template <class Types>
class CYapfCostShipT
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;              ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;               ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to calculate the cost from the origin to the given node.
	 *  Calculates only the cost of given node, adds it to the parent node cost
	 *  and stores the result into Node::m_cost member */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node& n, const TrackFollower *tf)
		/* base tile cost depending on distance */
		int c = IsDiagonalTrackdir(n.GetTrackdir()) ? YAPF_TILE_LENGTH : YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH;
		/* additional penalty for curves */
		if (n.m_parent != NULL && n.GetTrackdir() != NextTrackdir(n.m_parent->GetTrackdir())) {
			/* new trackdir does not match the next one when going straight */

		c += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH * tf->m_tiles_skipped;

		/* apply it */
		n.m_cost = n.m_parent->m_cost + c;
		return true;

/** Config struct of YAPF for ships.
 *  Defines all 6 base YAPF modules as classes providing services for CYapfBaseT.
template <class Tpf_, class Ttrack_follower, class Tnode_list>
struct CYapfShip_TypesT
	/** Types - shortcut for this struct type */
	typedef CYapfShip_TypesT<Tpf_, Ttrack_follower, Tnode_list>  Types;

	/** Tpf - pathfinder type */
	typedef Tpf_                              Tpf;
	/** track follower helper class */
	typedef Ttrack_follower                   TrackFollower;
	/** node list type */
	typedef Tnode_list                        NodeList;
	/** pathfinder components (modules) */
	typedef CYapfBaseT<Types>                 PfBase;        // base pathfinder class
	typedef CYapfFollowShipT<Types>           PfFollow;      // node follower
	typedef CYapfOriginTileT<Types>           PfOrigin;      // origin provider
	typedef CYapfDestinationTileT<Types>      PfDestination; // destination/distance provider
	typedef CYapfSegmentCostCacheNoneT<Types> PfCache;       // segment cost cache provider
	typedef CYapfCostShipT<Types>             PfCost;        // cost provider

/* YAPF type 1 - uses TileIndex/Trackdir as Node key, allows 90-deg turns */
struct CYapfShip1 : CYapfT<CYapfShip_TypesT<CYapfShip1, CFollowTrackWater    , CShipNodeListTrackDir> > {};
/* YAPF type 2 - uses TileIndex/DiagDirection as Node key, allows 90-deg turns */
struct CYapfShip2 : CYapfT<CYapfShip_TypesT<CYapfShip2, CFollowTrackWater    , CShipNodeListExitDir > > {};
/* YAPF type 3 - uses TileIndex/Trackdir as Node key, forbids 90-deg turns */
struct CYapfShip3 : CYapfT<CYapfShip_TypesT<CYapfShip3, CFollowTrackWaterNo90, CShipNodeListTrackDir> > {};

/** Ship controller helper - path finder invoker */
Trackdir YapfChooseShipTrack(const Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks)
	/* default is YAPF type 2 */
	typedef Trackdir (*PfnChooseShipTrack)(const Vehicle*, TileIndex, DiagDirection, TrackBits);
	PfnChooseShipTrack pfnChooseShipTrack = CYapfShip2::ChooseShipTrack; // default: ExitDir, allow 90-deg

	/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
	if ( {
		pfnChooseShipTrack = &CYapfShip3::ChooseShipTrack; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg
	} else if ( {
		pfnChooseShipTrack = &CYapfShip1::ChooseShipTrack; // Trackdir, allow 90-deg

	Trackdir td_ret = pfnChooseShipTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks);
	return td_ret;

/** performance measurement helper */
void *NpfBeginInterval()
	CPerformanceTimer& perf = *new CPerformanceTimer;
	return &perf;

/** performance measurement helper */
int NpfEndInterval(void *vperf)
	CPerformanceTimer& perf = *(CPerformanceTimer*)vperf;
	int t = perf.Get(1000000);
	delete &perf;
	return t;
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@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file pbs.cpp */
/** @file pbs.cpp PBS support routines */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "yapf/follow_track.hpp"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/follow_track.hpp"

 * Get the reserved trackbits for any tile, regardless of type.
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deleted file
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deleted file
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@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#include "command_func.h"
#include "engine_base.h"
#include "depot_base.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.h"
#include "newgrf_engine.h"
#include "landscape_type.h"
#include "newgrf_commons.h"
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@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include "landscape.h"
#include "viewport_func.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.h"
#include "depot_base.h"
#include "newgrf.h"
#include "variables.h"
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@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
#include "roadveh.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "news_func.h"
#include "pathfind.h"
#include "npf.h"
#include "pathfinder/npf/npf.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "vehicle_gui.h"
#include "articulated_vehicles.h"
#include "newgrf_engine.h"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "functions.h"
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@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "../clear_map.h"
#include "../vehicle_func.h"
#include "../newgrf_station.h"
#include "../yapf/yapf.hpp"
#include "../pathfinder/yapf/yapf.hpp"
#include "../elrail_func.h"
#include "../signs_func.h"
#include "../aircraft.h"
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@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
#include "settings_internal.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "console_func.h"
#include "npf.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "pathfinder/npf/npf.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.h"
#include "genworld.h"
#include "train.h"
#include "news_func.h"
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@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
#include "command_func.h"
#include "news_func.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "npf.h"
#include "pathfinder/npf/npf.h"
#include "depot_base.h"
#include "station_base.h"
#include "vehicle_gui.h"
#include "newgrf_engine.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.h"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"
#include "spritecache.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
#include "gfx_func.h"
#include "effectvehicle_func.h"
#include "ai/ai.hpp"
#include "pathfind.h"
#include "pathfinder/opf/opf_ship.h"
#include "landscape_type.h"

#include "table/strings.h"
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@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "newgrf_cargo.h"
#include "newgrf_station.h"
#include "newgrf_commons.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.h"
#include "road_internal.h" /* For drawing catenary/checking road removal */
#include "variables.h"
#include "autoslope.h"
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@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
#include "gui.h"
#include "articulated_vehicles.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "npf.h"
#include "pathfinder/npf/npf.h"
#include "news_func.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "vehicle_gui.h"
#include "newgrf_engine.h"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"
#include "newgrf_text.h"
#include "yapf/follow_track.hpp"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/follow_track.hpp"
#include "group.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
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@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#include "ship.h"
#include "roadveh.h"
#include "water_map.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.h"
#include "newgrf_sound.h"
#include "autoslope.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_map.h"
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@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "waypoint_base.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "pathfinder/yapf/yapf.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "window_func.h"
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