Changeset - r21131:60551c858781
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rubidium - 10 years ago 2014-01-03 08:31:32
(svn r26216) -Change: the blitter selection to also consider the 32bpp-sse4-anim blitter (MJP)
1 file changed with 41 insertions and 14 deletions:
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@@ -228,25 +228,52 @@ static void LoadSpriteTables()
static void SwitchNewGRFBlitter()
	/* Get blitter of base set. */
	bool is_32bpp = BaseGraphics::GetUsedSet()->blitter == BLT_32BPP;
	/* Never switch if the blitter was specified by the user. */
	if (!_blitter_autodetected) return;

	/* Get combined blitter mode of all NewGRFs. */
	/* Null driver => dedicated server => do nothing. */
	if (BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetScreenDepth() == 0) return;

	/* Get preferred depth. */
	uint depth_wanted_by_base = BaseGraphics::GetUsedSet()->blitter == BLT_32BPP ? 32 : 8;
	uint depth_wanted_by_grf = 8;
	for (GRFConfig *c = _grfconfig; c != NULL; c = c->next) {
		if (c->status == GCS_DISABLED || c->status == GCS_NOT_FOUND || HasBit(c->flags, GCF_INIT_ONLY)) continue;

		if (c->palette & GRFP_BLT_32BPP) is_32bpp = true;
		if (c->palette & GRFP_BLT_32BPP) depth_wanted_by_grf = 32;

	/* A GRF would like a 32 bpp blitter, switch blitter if needed. Never switch if the blitter was specified by the user. */
	if (_blitter_autodetected && is_32bpp && BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetScreenDepth() != 0 && BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetScreenDepth() < 16) {
		const char *cur_blitter = BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetName();
		if (BlitterFactory::SelectBlitter("32bpp-anim") != NULL) {
			if (!_video_driver->AfterBlitterChange()) {
				/* Failed to switch blitter, let's hope we can return to the old one. */
				if (BlitterFactory::SelectBlitter(cur_blitter) == NULL || !_video_driver->AfterBlitterChange()) usererror("Failed to reinitialize video driver for 32 bpp blitter. Specify a fixed blitter in the config");
	/* Search the best blitter. */
	struct {
		const char *name;
		uint min_base_depth, max_base_depth, min_grf_depth, max_grf_depth;
	} replacement_blitters[] = {
#ifdef WITH_SSE
		{ "32bpp-sse4-anim", 32, 32,  8, 32 },
		{ "8bpp-optimized",   8,  8,  8,  8 },
		{ "32bpp-anim",       8, 32,  8, 32 },

	const char *cur_blitter = BlitterFactory::GetCurrentBlitter()->GetName();

	for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(replacement_blitters); i++) {
		if (!IsInsideMM(depth_wanted_by_base, replacement_blitters[i].min_base_depth, replacement_blitters[i].max_base_depth + 1)) continue;
		if (!IsInsideMM(depth_wanted_by_grf, replacement_blitters[i].min_grf_depth, replacement_blitters[i].max_grf_depth + 1)) continue;
		const char *repl_blitter = replacement_blitters[i].name;

		if (strcmp(repl_blitter, cur_blitter) == 0) return;
		if (BlitterFactory::GetBlitterFactory(repl_blitter) == NULL) continue;

		DEBUG(misc, 1, "Switching blitter from '%s' to '%s'... ", cur_blitter, repl_blitter);
		Blitter *new_blitter = BlitterFactory::SelectBlitter(repl_blitter);
		if (new_blitter == NULL) NOT_REACHED();
		DEBUG(misc, 1, "Successfully switched to %s.", repl_blitter);

	if (!_video_driver->AfterBlitterChange()) {
		/* Failed to switch blitter, let's hope we can return to the old one. */
		if (BlitterFactory::SelectBlitter(cur_blitter) == NULL || !_video_driver->AfterBlitterChange()) usererror("Failed to reinitialize video driver. Specify a fixed blitter in the config");

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