Changeset - r25:60fcb0b467ff
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truelight - 20 years ago 2004-08-12 17:11:47
(svn r26) Fix orderwindow issue
1 file changed with 9 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -341,13 +341,21 @@ static void OrdersWndProc(Window *w, Win
		InvalidateWidget(w, 7);
	} break;

	// check if a vehicle in a depot was clicked..
		Vehicle *v = _place_clicked_vehicle;
		if (v) {
		 * Check if we clicked on a vehicle
		 * and if the GOTO button of this window is pressed
		 * This is because of all open order windows WE_MOUSELOOP is called
		 * and if you have 3 windows open, and this check is not done
		 * the order is copied to the last open window instead of the
		 * one where GOTO is enalbed
		if (v && HASBIT(w->click_state, 7)) {
			_place_clicked_vehicle = NULL;
			HandleOrderVehClick(&_vehicles[w->window_number], v, w);
	} break;
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