@@ -134,15 +134,14 @@
if (!IsAirportInformationAvailable(type)) return -1;
const AirportSpec *as = ::AirportSpec::Get(type);
if (!as->IsWithinMapBounds(0, tile)) return -1;
if (_settings_game.economy.station_noise_level) {
AirportTileTableIterator it(as->table[0], tile);
uint dist;
AirportGetNearestTown(as, tile, it, dist);
AirportGetNearestTown(as, as->rotation[0], tile, AirportTileTableIterator(as->table[0], tile), dist);
return GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance(as, dist);
return 1;
@@ -152,13 +151,13 @@
if (!IsAirportInformationAvailable(type)) return INVALID_TOWN;
const AirportSpec *as = AirportSpec::Get(type);
if (!as->IsWithinMapBounds(0, tile)) return INVALID_TOWN;
return AirportGetNearestTown(as, tile, AirportTileTableIterator(as->table[0], tile), dist)->index;
return AirportGetNearestTown(as, as->rotation[0], tile, AirportTileTableIterator(as->table[0], tile), dist)->index;
/* static */ SQInteger ScriptAirport::GetMaintenanceCostFactor(AirportType type)
if (!IsAirportInformationAvailable(type)) return 0;
@@ -2300,34 +2300,38 @@ uint8_t GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance(
* Finds the town nearest to given airport. Based on minimal manhattan distance to any airport's tile.
* If two towns have the same distance, town with lower index is returned.
* @param as airport's description
* @param rotation airport's rotation
* @param tile origin tile (top corner of the airport)
* @param it An iterator over all airport tiles
* @param it An iterator over all airport tiles (consumed)
* @param[out] mindist Minimum distance to town
* @return nearest town to airport
Town *AirportGetNearestTown(const AirportSpec *as, TileIndex tile, const TileIterator &it, uint &mindist)
Town *AirportGetNearestTown(const AirportSpec *as, Direction rotation, TileIndex tile, TileIterator &&it, uint &mindist)
assert(Town::GetNumItems() > 0);
Town *nearest = nullptr;
auto width = as->size_x;
auto height = as->size_y;
if (rotation == DIR_E || rotation == DIR_W) std::swap(width, height);
uint perimeter_min_x = TileX(tile);
uint perimeter_min_y = TileY(tile);
uint perimeter_max_x = perimeter_min_x + as->size_x - 1;
uint perimeter_max_y = perimeter_min_y + as->size_y - 1;
uint perimeter_max_x = perimeter_min_x + width - 1;
uint perimeter_max_y = perimeter_min_y + height - 1;
mindist = UINT_MAX - 1; // prevent overflow
std::unique_ptr<TileIterator> copy(it.Clone());
for (TileIndex cur_tile = *copy; cur_tile != INVALID_TILE; cur_tile = ++*copy) {
assert(IsInsideBS(TileX(cur_tile), perimeter_min_x, as->size_x));
assert(IsInsideBS(TileY(cur_tile), perimeter_min_y, as->size_y));
for (TileIndex cur_tile = *it; cur_tile != INVALID_TILE; cur_tile = ++it) {
assert(IsInsideBS(TileX(cur_tile), perimeter_min_x, width));
assert(IsInsideBS(TileY(cur_tile), perimeter_min_y, height));
if (TileX(cur_tile) == perimeter_min_x || TileX(cur_tile) == perimeter_max_x || TileY(cur_tile) == perimeter_min_y || TileY(cur_tile) == perimeter_max_y) {
Town *t = CalcClosestTownFromTile(cur_tile, mindist + 1);
if (t == nullptr) continue;
uint dist = DistanceManhattan(t->xy, cur_tile);
if (dist == mindist && t->index < nearest->index) nearest = t;
@@ -2338,25 +2342,35 @@ Town *AirportGetNearestTown(const Airpor
return nearest;
* Finds the town nearest to given existing airport. Based on minimal manhattan distance to any airport's tile.
* @param station existing station with airport
static Town *AirportGetNearestTown(const Station *st, uint &mindist)
return AirportGetNearestTown(st->airport.GetSpec(), st->airport.rotation, st->airport.tile, AirportTileIterator(st), mindist);
/** Recalculate the noise generated by the airports of each town */
void UpdateAirportsNoise()
for (Town *t : Town::Iterate()) t->noise_reached = 0;
for (const Station *st : Station::Iterate()) {
if (st->airport.tile != INVALID_TILE && st->airport.type != AT_OILRIG) {
const AirportSpec *as = st->airport.GetSpec();
AirportTileIterator it(st);
Town *nearest = AirportGetNearestTown(as, st->airport.tile, it, dist);
nearest->noise_reached += GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance(as, dist);
Town *nearest = AirportGetNearestTown(st, dist);
nearest->noise_reached += GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance(st->airport.GetSpec(), dist);
* Place an Airport.
@@ -2399,13 +2413,13 @@ CommandCost CmdBuildAirport(DoCommandFla
AirportTileTableIterator tile_iter(as->table[layout], tile);
CommandCost cost = CheckFlatLandAirport(tile_iter, flags);
if (cost.Failed()) return cost;
/* The noise level is the noise from the airport and reduce it to account for the distance to the town center. */
Town *nearest = AirportGetNearestTown(as, tile, tile_iter, dist);
Town *nearest = AirportGetNearestTown(as, rotation, tile, std::move(tile_iter), dist);
uint newnoise_level = GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance(as, dist);
/* Check if local auth would allow a new airport */
StringID authority_refuse_message = STR_NULL;
Town *authority_refuse_town = nullptr;
@@ -2521,20 +2535,18 @@ static CommandCost RemoveAirport(TileInd
for (uint i = 0; i < st->airport.GetNumHangars(); ++i) {
TileIndex tile_cur = st->airport.GetHangarTile(i);
OrderBackup::Reset(tile_cur, false);
CloseWindowById(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, tile_cur);
/* The noise level is the noise from the airport and reduce it to account for the distance to the town center.
* And as for construction, always remove it, even if the setting is not set, in order to avoid the
* need of recalculation */
nearest->noise_reached -= GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance(as, dist);
nearest->noise_reached -= GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance(st->airport.GetSpec(), dist);
SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, nearest->index);
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
#include "command_type.h"
#include "station_type.h"
enum StationClassID : byte;
enum RoadStopClassID : byte;
extern Town *AirportGetNearestTown(const struct AirportSpec *as, TileIndex tile, const TileIterator &it, uint &mindist);
extern Town *AirportGetNearestTown(const struct AirportSpec *as, Direction rotation, TileIndex tile, TileIterator &&it, uint &mindist);
extern uint8_t GetAirportNoiseLevelForDistance(const struct AirportSpec *as, uint distance);
CommandCost CmdBuildAirport(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, byte airport_type, byte layout, StationID station_to_join, bool allow_adjacent);
CommandCost CmdBuildDock(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent);
CommandCost CmdBuildRailStation(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex tile_org, RailType rt, Axis axis, byte numtracks, byte plat_len, StationClassID spec_class, uint16_t spec_index, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent);
CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailStation(DoCommandFlag flags, TileIndex start, TileIndex end, bool keep_rail);
Status change: