Changeset - r18782:6453522c2154
[Not reviewed]
! ! !
truebrain - 12 years ago 2011-12-20 17:57:56
(svn r23640) -Fix: stop using FORCEINLINE (1/3rd of the instances were, the others were still regular inline), but make sure inline is always a 'forced' inline (I am looking at you MSVC)
75 files changed with 673 insertions and 672 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
@@ -32,12 +32,16 @@ to the following restrictions:
#define _SQUIRREL_H_

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define inline __forceinline
#endif /* _MSC_VER */

#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 // MSVC 2005 safety checks
# pragma warning(disable: 4996)   // '_wfopen' was declared deprecated
# define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE // all deprecated 'unsafe string functions
# define _CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS // another deprecated stuff
#endif /* _MSC_VER >= 1400 */

Show inline comments
@@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ struct Aircraft FINAL : public Specializ
	 * Check if the aircraft type is a normal flying device; eg
	 * not a rotor or a shadow
	 * @return Returns true if the aircraft is a helicopter/airplane and
	 * false if it is a shadow or a rotor
	FORCEINLINE bool IsNormalAircraft() const
	inline bool IsNormalAircraft() const
		/* To be fully correct the commented out functionality is the proper one,
		 * but since value can only be 0 or 2, it is sufficient to only check <= 2
		 * return (this->subtype == AIR_HELICOPTER) || (this->subtype == AIR_AIRCRAFT); */
		return this->subtype <= AIR_AIRCRAFT;
Show inline comments
@@ -136,24 +136,24 @@ struct BaseStation : StationPool::PoolIt

	 * Get the base station belonging to a specific tile.
	 * @param tile The tile to get the base station from.
	 * @return the station associated with that tile.
	static FORCEINLINE BaseStation *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
	static inline BaseStation *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
		return BaseStation::Get(GetStationIndex(tile));

	 * Check whether the base station currently is in use; in use means
	 * that it is not scheduled for deletion and that it still has some
	 * facilities left.
	 * @return true if still in use
	FORCEINLINE bool IsInUse() const
	inline bool IsInUse() const
		return (this->facilities & ~FACIL_WAYPOINT) != 0;

	static void PostDestructor(size_t index);
@@ -169,83 +169,83 @@ struct SpecializedStation : public BaseS
	static const StationFacility EXPECTED_FACIL = Tis_waypoint ? FACIL_WAYPOINT : FACIL_NONE; ///< Specialized type

	 * Set station type correctly
	 * @param tile The base tile of the station.
	FORCEINLINE SpecializedStation<T, Tis_waypoint>(TileIndex tile) :
	inline SpecializedStation<T, Tis_waypoint>(TileIndex tile) :
		this->facilities = EXPECTED_FACIL;

	 * Helper for checking whether the given station is of this type.
	 * @param st the station to check.
	 * @return true if the station is the type we expect it to be.
	static FORCEINLINE bool IsExpected(const BaseStation *st)
	static inline bool IsExpected(const BaseStation *st)
		return (st->facilities & FACIL_WAYPOINT) == EXPECTED_FACIL;

	 * Tests whether given index is a valid index for station of this type
	 * @param index tested index
	 * @return is this index valid index of T?
	static FORCEINLINE bool IsValidID(size_t index)
	static inline bool IsValidID(size_t index)
		return BaseStation::IsValidID(index) && IsExpected(BaseStation::Get(index));

	 * Gets station with given index
	 * @return pointer to station with given index casted to T *
	static FORCEINLINE T *Get(size_t index)
	static inline T *Get(size_t index)
		return (T *)BaseStation::Get(index);

	 * Returns station if the index is a valid index for this station type
	 * @return pointer to station with given index if it's a station of this type
	static FORCEINLINE T *GetIfValid(size_t index)
	static inline T *GetIfValid(size_t index)
		return IsValidID(index) ? Get(index) : NULL;

	 * Get the station belonging to a specific tile.
	 * @param tile The tile to get the station from.
	 * @return the station associated with that tile.
	static FORCEINLINE T *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
	static inline T *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
		return GetIfValid(GetStationIndex(tile));

	 * Converts a BaseStation to SpecializedStation with type checking.
	 * @param st BaseStation pointer
	 * @return pointer to SpecializedStation
	static FORCEINLINE T *From(BaseStation *st)
	static inline T *From(BaseStation *st)
		return (T *)st;

	 * Converts a const BaseStation to const SpecializedStation with type checking.
	 * @param st BaseStation pointer
	 * @return pointer to SpecializedStation
	static FORCEINLINE const T *From(const BaseStation *st)
	static inline const T *From(const BaseStation *st)
		return (const T *)st;

Show inline comments
@@ -74,37 +74,37 @@ enum CargoTypes {
struct CargoArray {
	uint amount[NUM_CARGO]; ///< Amount of each type of cargo.

	/** Default constructor. */
	inline CargoArray()

	/** Reset all entries. */
	FORCEINLINE void Clear()
	inline void Clear()
		memset(this->amount, 0, sizeof(this->amount));

	 * Read/write access to an amount of a specific cargo type.
	 * @param cargo Cargo type to access.
	FORCEINLINE uint &operator[](CargoID cargo)
	inline uint &operator[](CargoID cargo)
		return this->amount[cargo];

	 * Read-only access to an amount of a specific cargo type.
	 * @param cargo Cargo type to access.
	FORCEINLINE const uint &operator[](CargoID cargo) const
	inline const uint &operator[](CargoID cargo) const
		return this->amount[cargo];


Show inline comments
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ CargoPacket::CargoPacket(uint16 count, b

 * Split this packet in two and return the split off part.
 * @param new_size Size of the remaining part.
 * @return Split off part, or NULL if no packet could be allocated!
FORCEINLINE CargoPacket *CargoPacket::Split(uint new_size)
inline CargoPacket *CargoPacket::Split(uint new_size)
	if (!CargoPacket::CanAllocateItem()) return NULL;

	Money fs = this->feeder_share * new_size / static_cast<uint>(this->count);
	CargoPacket *cp_new = new CargoPacket(new_size, this->days_in_transit, this->source, this->source_xy, this->loaded_at_xy, fs, this->source_type, this->source_id);
	this->feeder_share -= fs;
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ FORCEINLINE CargoPacket *CargoPacket::Sp

 * Merge another packet into this one.
 * @param cp Packet to be merged in.
FORCEINLINE void CargoPacket::Merge(CargoPacket *cp)
inline void CargoPacket::Merge(CargoPacket *cp)
	this->count += cp->count;
	this->feeder_share += cp->feeder_share;
	delete cp;

Show inline comments
@@ -66,79 +66,79 @@ public:
	void Merge(CargoPacket *cp);

	 * Gets the number of 'items' in this packet.
	 * @return Item count.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 Count() const
	inline uint16 Count() const
		return this->count;

	 * Gets the amount of money already paid to earlier vehicles in
	 * the feeder chain.
	 * @return Feeder share.
	FORCEINLINE Money FeederShare() const
	inline Money FeederShare() const
		return this->feeder_share;

	 * Gets the number of days this cargo has been in transit.
	 * This number isn't really in days, but in 2.5 days (CARGO_AGING_TICKS = 185 ticks) and
	 * it is capped at 255.
	 * @return Length this cargo has been in transit.
	FORCEINLINE byte DaysInTransit() const
	inline byte DaysInTransit() const
		return this->days_in_transit;

	 * Gets the type of the cargo's source. industry, town or head quarter.
	 * @return Source type.
	FORCEINLINE SourceType SourceSubsidyType() const
	inline SourceType SourceSubsidyType() const
		return this->source_type;

	 * Gets the ID of the cargo's source. An IndustryID, TownID or CompanyID.
	 * @return Source ID.
	FORCEINLINE SourceID SourceSubsidyID() const
	inline SourceID SourceSubsidyID() const
		return this->source_id;

	 * Gets the ID of the station where the cargo was loaded for the first time.
	 * @return StationID.
	FORCEINLINE SourceID SourceStation() const
	inline SourceID SourceStation() const
		return this->source;

	 * Gets the coordinates of the cargo's source station.
	 * @return Source station's coordinates.
	FORCEINLINE TileIndex SourceStationXY() const
	inline TileIndex SourceStationXY() const
		return this->source_xy;

	 * Gets the coordinates of the cargo's last loading station.
	 * @return Last loading station's coordinates.
	FORCEINLINE TileIndex LoadedAtXY() const
	inline TileIndex LoadedAtXY() const
		return this->loaded_at_xy;


	static void InvalidateAllFrom(SourceType src_type, SourceID src);
@@ -200,49 +200,49 @@ public:
	void OnCleanPool();

	 * Returns a pointer to the cargo packet list (so you can iterate over it etc).
	 * @return Pointer to the packet list.
	FORCEINLINE const List *Packets() const
	inline const List *Packets() const
		return &this->packets;

	 * Checks whether this list is empty.
	 * @return True if and only if the list is empty.
	FORCEINLINE bool Empty() const
	inline bool Empty() const
		return this->count == 0;

	 * Returns the number of cargo entities in this list.
	 * @return The before mentioned number.
	FORCEINLINE uint Count() const
	inline uint Count() const
		return this->count;

	 * Returns source of the first cargo packet in this list.
	 * @return The before mentioned source.
	FORCEINLINE StationID Source() const
	inline StationID Source() const
		return this->Empty() ? INVALID_STATION : this->packets.front()->source;

	 * Returns average number of days in transit for a cargo entity.
	 * @return The before mentioned number.
	FORCEINLINE uint DaysInTransit() const
	inline uint DaysInTransit() const
		return this->count == 0 ? 0 : this->cargo_days_in_transit / this->count;


	void Append(CargoPacket *cp);
@@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ public:
	friend const struct SaveLoad *GetVehicleDescription(VehicleType vt);

	 * Returns total sum of the feeder share for all packets.
	 * @return The before mentioned number.
	FORCEINLINE Money FeederShare() const
	inline Money FeederShare() const
		return this->feeder_share;

	void AgeCargo();

Show inline comments
@@ -82,42 +82,42 @@ struct CargoSpec {
	Money current_payment;

	 * Determines index of this cargospec
	 * @return index (in the CargoSpec::array array)
	FORCEINLINE CargoID Index() const
	inline CargoID Index() const
		return this - CargoSpec::array;

	 * Tests for validity of this cargospec
	 * @return is this cargospec valid?
	 * @note assert(cs->IsValid()) can be triggered when GRF config is modified
	FORCEINLINE bool IsValid() const
	inline bool IsValid() const
		return this->bitnum != INVALID_CARGO;

	 * Total number of cargospecs, both valid and invalid
	 * @return length of CargoSpec::array
	static FORCEINLINE size_t GetArraySize()
	static inline size_t GetArraySize()
		return lengthof(CargoSpec::array);

	 * Retrieve cargo details for the given cargo ID
	 * @param index ID of cargo
	 * @pre index is a valid cargo ID
	static FORCEINLINE CargoSpec *Get(size_t index)
	static inline CargoSpec *Get(size_t index)
		assert(index < lengthof(CargoSpec::array));
		return &CargoSpec::array[index];

	SpriteID GetCargoIcon() const;
Show inline comments
@@ -55,42 +55,42 @@ public:


	 * Adds the given cost to the cost of the command.
	 * @param cost the cost to add
	FORCEINLINE void AddCost(const Money &cost)
	inline void AddCost(const Money &cost)
		this->cost += cost;

	void AddCost(const CommandCost &cmd_cost);

	 * Multiplies the cost of the command by the given factor.
	 * @param factor factor to multiply the costs with
	FORCEINLINE void MultiplyCost(int factor)
	inline void MultiplyCost(int factor)
		this->cost *= factor;

	 * The costs as made up to this moment
	 * @return the costs
	FORCEINLINE Money GetCost() const
	inline Money GetCost() const
		return this->cost;

	 * The expense type of the cost
	 * @return the expense type
	FORCEINLINE ExpensesType GetExpensesType() const
	inline ExpensesType GetExpensesType() const
		return this->expense_type;

	 * Makes this #CommandCost behave like an error command.
@@ -134,22 +134,22 @@ public:

	 * Did this command succeed?
	 * @return true if and only if it succeeded
	FORCEINLINE bool Succeeded() const
	inline bool Succeeded() const
		return this->success;

	 * Did this command fail?
	 * @return true if and only if it failed
	FORCEINLINE bool Failed() const
	inline bool Failed() const
		return !this->success;

Show inline comments
@@ -121,38 +121,38 @@ struct Company : CompanyPool::PoolItem<&

	 * Is this company a valid company, controlled by the computer (a NoAI program)?
	 * @param index Index in the pool.
	 * @return \c true if it is a valid, computer controlled company, else \c false.
	static FORCEINLINE bool IsValidAiID(size_t index)
	static inline bool IsValidAiID(size_t index)
		const Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(index);
		return c != NULL && c->is_ai;

	 * Is this company a valid company, not controlled by a NoAI program?
	 * @param index Index in the pool.
	 * @return \c true if it is a valid, human controlled company, else \c false.
	 * @note If you know that \a index refers to a valid company, you can use #IsHumanID() instead.
	static FORCEINLINE bool IsValidHumanID(size_t index)
	static inline bool IsValidHumanID(size_t index)
		const Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(index);
		return c != NULL && !c->is_ai;

	 * Is this company a company not controlled by a NoAI program?
	 * @param index Index in the pool.
	 * @return \c true if it is a human controlled company, else \c false.
	 * @pre \a index must be a valid CompanyID.
	 * @note If you don't know whether \a index refers to a valid company, you should use #IsValidHumanID() instead.
	static FORCEINLINE bool IsHumanID(size_t index)
	static inline bool IsHumanID(size_t index)
		return !Company::Get(index)->is_ai;

	static void PostDestructor(size_t index);
Show inline comments
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ static inline void CheckAllocationConstr
 * @note the memory contains garbage data (i.e. possibly non-zero values).
 * @tparam T the type of the variable(s) to allocation.
 * @param num_elements the number of elements to allocate of the given type.
 * @return NULL when num_elements == 0, non-NULL otherwise.
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T *MallocT(size_t num_elements)
static inline T *MallocT(size_t num_elements)
	 * MorphOS cannot handle 0 elements allocations, or rather that always
	 * returns NULL. So we do that for *all* allocations, thus causing it
	 * to behave the same on all OSes.
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T *MallocT(size_t num
 * @note the memory contains all zero values.
 * @tparam T the type of the variable(s) to allocation.
 * @param num_elements the number of elements to allocate of the given type.
 * @return NULL when num_elements == 0, non-NULL otherwise.
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T *CallocT(size_t num_elements)
static inline T *CallocT(size_t num_elements)
	 * MorphOS cannot handle 0 elements allocations, or rather that always
	 * returns NULL. So we do that for *all* allocations, thus causing it
	 * to behave the same on all OSes.
@@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T *CallocT(size_t num
 * @tparam T the type of the variable(s) to allocation.
 * @param t_ptr the previous allocation to extend/shrink.
 * @param num_elements the number of elements to allocate of the given type.
 * @return NULL when num_elements == 0, non-NULL otherwise.
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T *ReallocT(T *t_ptr, size_t num_elements)
static inline T *ReallocT(T *t_ptr, size_t num_elements)
	 * MorphOS cannot handle 0 elements allocations, or rather that always
	 * returns NULL. So we do that for *all* allocations, thus causing it
	 * to behave the same on all OSes.
Show inline comments
@@ -45,32 +45,32 @@ struct SmallStackSafeStackAlloc {

	 * Gets a pointer to the data stored in this wrapper.
	 * @return the pointer.
	FORCEINLINE operator T *()
	inline operator T *()
		return data;

	 * Gets a pointer to the data stored in this wrapper.
	 * @return the pointer.
	FORCEINLINE T *operator -> ()
	inline T *operator -> ()
		return data;

	 * Gets a pointer to the last data element stored in this wrapper.
	 * @note needed because endof does not work properly for pointers.
	 * @return the 'endof' pointer.
	inline T *EndOf()
#if !defined(__NDS__)
		return endof(data);
		return &data[len];
@@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ public:

	 * Get the currently allocated buffer.
	 * @return the buffer
	FORCEINLINE const T *GetBuffer() const
	inline const T *GetBuffer() const
		return this->buffer;

@@ -155,29 +155,29 @@ public:

	 * Memory allocator for a single class instance.
	 * @param size the amount of bytes to allocate.
	 * @return the given amounts of bytes zeroed.
	FORCEINLINE void *operator new(size_t size) { return CallocT<byte>(size); }
	inline void *operator new(size_t size) { return CallocT<byte>(size); }

	 * Memory allocator for an array of class instances.
	 * @param size the amount of bytes to allocate.
	 * @return the given amounts of bytes zeroed.
	FORCEINLINE void *operator new[](size_t size) { return CallocT<byte>(size); }
	inline void *operator new[](size_t size) { return CallocT<byte>(size); }

	 * Memory release for a single class instance.
	 * @param ptr  the memory to free.
	FORCEINLINE void operator delete(void *ptr) { free(ptr); }
	inline void operator delete(void *ptr) { free(ptr); }

	 * Memory release for an array of class instances.
	 * @param ptr  the memory to free.
	FORCEINLINE void operator delete[](void *ptr) { free(ptr); }
	inline void operator delete[](void *ptr) { free(ptr); }

#endif /* ALLOC_TYPE_HPP */
Show inline comments
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@
 * @param x The value to read some bits.
 * @param s The startposition to read some bits.
 * @param n The number of bits to read.
 * @return The selected bits, aligned to a LSB.
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE uint GB(const T x, const uint8 s, const uint8 n)
static inline uint GB(const T x, const uint8 s, const uint8 n)
	return (x >> s) & (((T)1U << n) - 1);

 * Set \a n bits in \a x starting at bit \a s to \a d
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE uint GB(const T x, co
 * @param s The startposition for the new bits
 * @param n The size/window for the new bits
 * @param d The actually new bits to save in the defined position.
 * @return The new value of \a x
template <typename T, typename U>
static FORCEINLINE T SB(T &x, const uint8 s, const uint8 n, const U d)
static inline T SB(T &x, const uint8 s, const uint8 n, const U d)
	x &= (T)(~((((T)1U << n) - 1) << s));
	x |= (T)(d << s);
	return x;

@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T SB(T &x, const uint
 * @param s The startposition of the addition
 * @param n The size/window for the addition
 * @param i The value to add at the given startposition in the given window.
 * @return The new value of x
template <typename T, typename U>
static FORCEINLINE T AB(T &x, const uint8 s, const uint8 n, const U i)
static inline T AB(T &x, const uint8 s, const uint8 n, const U i)
	const T mask = ((((T)1U << n) - 1) << s);
	x = (T)((x & ~mask) | ((x + (i << s)) & mask));
	return x;

@@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T AB(T &x, const uint
 * @param x The value to check
 * @param y The position of the bit to check, started from the LSB
 * @return True if the bit is set, false else.
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE bool HasBit(const T x, const uint8 y)
static inline bool HasBit(const T x, const uint8 y)
	return (x & ((T)1U << y)) != 0;

 * Set a bit in a variable.
@@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE bool HasBit(const T x
 * @param x The variable to set a bit
 * @param y The bit position to set
 * @return The new value of the old value with the bit set
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T SetBit(T &x, const uint8 y)
static inline T SetBit(T &x, const uint8 y)
	return x = (T)(x | ((T)1U << y));

 * Sets several bits in a variable.
@@ -138,13 +138,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T SetBit(T &x, const 
 * @param x The variable to clear the bit
 * @param y The bit position to clear
 * @return The new value of the old value with the bit cleared
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T ClrBit(T &x, const uint8 y)
static inline T ClrBit(T &x, const uint8 y)
	return x = (T)(x & ~((T)1U << y));

 * Clears several bits in a variable.
@@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T ClrBit(T &x, const 
 * @param x The varliable to toggle the bit
 * @param y The bit position to toggle
 * @return The new value of the old value with the bit toggled
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T ToggleBit(T &x, const uint8 y)
static inline T ToggleBit(T &x, const uint8 y)
	return x = (T)(x ^ ((T)1U << y));


/** Lookup table to check which bit is set in a 6 bit variable */
@@ -202,13 +202,13 @@ extern const uint8 _ffb_64[64];
 * be also zero to check the bits at 0x3F00.
 * @param value The value to check the first bits
 * @return The position of the first bit which is set
static FORCEINLINE uint8 FindFirstBit2x64(const int value)
static inline uint8 FindFirstBit2x64(const int value)
	if ((value & 0xFF) == 0) {
		return FIND_FIRST_BIT((value >> 8) & 0x3F) + 8;
	} else {
		return FIND_FIRST_BIT(value & 0x3F);
@@ -225,13 +225,13 @@ uint8 FindLastBit(uint64 x);
 * So, 110100 returns 110000, 000001 returns 000000, etc.
 * @param value The value to clear the first bit
 * @return The new value with the first bit cleared
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T KillFirstBit(T value)
static inline T KillFirstBit(T value)
	return value &= (T)(value - 1);

 * Counts the number of set bits in a variable.
@@ -260,25 +260,25 @@ static inline uint CountBits(T value)
 * Test whether \a value has exactly 1 bit set
 * @param value the value to test.
 * @return does \a value have exactly 1 bit set?
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE bool HasExactlyOneBit(T value)
static inline bool HasExactlyOneBit(T value)
	return value != 0 && (value & (value - 1)) == 0;

 * Test whether \a value has at most 1 bit set
 * @param value the value to test.
 * @return does \a value have at most 1 bit set?
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE bool HasAtMostOneBit(T value)
static inline bool HasAtMostOneBit(T value)
	return (value & (value - 1)) == 0;

 * ROtate x Left by n
@@ -286,13 +286,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE bool HasAtMostOneBit(
 * @note Assumes a byte has 8 bits
 * @param x The value which we want to rotate
 * @param n The number how many we waht to rotate
 * @return A bit rotated number
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T ROL(const T x, const uint8 n)
static inline T ROL(const T x, const uint8 n)
	return (T)(x << n | x >> (sizeof(x) * 8 - n));

 * ROtate x Right by n
@@ -300,13 +300,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T ROL(const T x, cons
 * @note Assumes a byte has 8 bits
 * @param x The value which we want to rotate
 * @param n The number how many we waht to rotate
 * @return A bit rotated number
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T ROR(const T x, const uint8 n)
static inline T ROR(const T x, const uint8 n)
	return (T)(x >> n | x << (sizeof(x) * 8 - n));

 * Do an operation for each set bit in a value.
@@ -362,13 +362,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T ROR(const T x, cons
	 * Perform a 32 bits endianness bitswap on x.
	 * @param x the variable to bitswap
	 * @return the bitswapped value.
	static FORCEINLINE uint32 BSWAP32(uint32 x)
	static inline uint32 BSWAP32(uint32 x)
#if !defined(__ICC) && defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ > 4) || ((__GNUC__ == 4)  && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3))
		/* GCC >= 4.3 provides a builtin, resulting in faster code */
		return (uint32)__builtin_bswap32((int32)x);
		return ((x >> 24) & 0xFF) | ((x >> 8) & 0xFF00) | ((x << 8) & 0xFF0000) | ((x << 24) & 0xFF000000);
@@ -377,13 +377,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T ROR(const T x, cons

	 * Perform a 16 bits endianness bitswap on x.
	 * @param x the variable to bitswap
	 * @return the bitswapped value.
	static FORCEINLINE uint16 BSWAP16(uint16 x)
	static inline uint16 BSWAP16(uint16 x)
		return (x >> 8) | (x << 8);
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

#endif /* BITMATH_FUNC_HPP */
Show inline comments
@@ -37,18 +37,18 @@
	#define FROM_LE32(x) (x)
	#define TO_LE16(x)   (x)
	#define TO_LE32(x)   (x)
	#define TO_LE32X(x)  (x)

static FORCEINLINE uint16 ReadLE16Aligned(const void *x)
static inline uint16 ReadLE16Aligned(const void *x)
	return FROM_LE16(*(const uint16*)x);

static FORCEINLINE uint16 ReadLE16Unaligned(const void *x)
static inline uint16 ReadLE16Unaligned(const void *x)
	return ((const byte*)x)[0] | ((const byte*)x)[1] << 8;
	return FROM_LE16(*(const uint16*)x);
#endif /* OTTD_ALIGNMENT == 1 */
Show inline comments
@@ -11,36 +11,36 @@


/** Some enums need to have allowed incrementing (i.e. StationClassID) */
	FORCEINLINE type operator ++(type& e, int) \
	inline type operator ++(type& e, int) \
	{ \
		type e_org = e; \
		e = (type)((int)e + 1); \
		return e_org; \
	} \
	FORCEINLINE type operator --(type& e, int) \
	inline type operator --(type& e, int) \
	{ \
		type e_org = e; \
		e = (type)((int)e - 1); \
		return e_org; \



/** Operators to allow to work with enum as with type safe bit set in C++ */
# define DECLARE_ENUM_AS_BIT_SET(mask_t) \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t operator | (mask_t m1, mask_t m2) {return (mask_t)((int)m1 | m2);} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t operator & (mask_t m1, mask_t m2) {return (mask_t)((int)m1 & m2);} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t operator ^ (mask_t m1, mask_t m2) {return (mask_t)((int)m1 ^ m2);} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t& operator |= (mask_t& m1, mask_t m2) {m1 = m1 | m2; return m1;} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t& operator &= (mask_t& m1, mask_t m2) {m1 = m1 & m2; return m1;} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t& operator ^= (mask_t& m1, mask_t m2) {m1 = m1 ^ m2; return m1;} \
	FORCEINLINE mask_t operator ~(mask_t m) {return (mask_t)(~(int)m);}
	inline mask_t operator | (mask_t m1, mask_t m2) {return (mask_t)((int)m1 | m2);} \
	inline mask_t operator & (mask_t m1, mask_t m2) {return (mask_t)((int)m1 & m2);} \
	inline mask_t operator ^ (mask_t m1, mask_t m2) {return (mask_t)((int)m1 ^ m2);} \
	inline mask_t& operator |= (mask_t& m1, mask_t m2) {m1 = m1 | m2; return m1;} \
	inline mask_t& operator &= (mask_t& m1, mask_t m2) {m1 = m1 & m2; return m1;} \
	inline mask_t& operator ^= (mask_t& m1, mask_t m2) {m1 = m1 ^ m2; return m1;} \
	inline mask_t operator ~(mask_t m) {return (mask_t)(~(int)m);}


 * Informative template class exposing basic enumeration properties used by several
 *  other templates below. Here we have only forward declaration. For each enum type
 *  we will create specialization derived from MakeEnumPropsT<>.
@@ -95,41 +95,41 @@ struct TinyEnumT {
	static const enum_type end = Props::end;        ///< enum end (i.e. TRACKDIR_END)
	static const enum_type invalid = Props::invalid;///< invalid value (i.e. INVALID_TRACKDIR)

	storage_type m_val;  ///< here we hold the actual value in small (i.e. byte) form

	/** Cast operator - invoked then the value is assigned to the Tenum_t type */
	FORCEINLINE operator enum_type () const
	inline operator enum_type () const
		return (enum_type)m_val;

	/** Assignment operator (from Tenum_t type) */
	FORCEINLINE TinyEnumT& operator = (enum_type e)
	inline TinyEnumT& operator = (enum_type e)
		m_val = (storage_type)e;
		return *this;

	/** Assignment operator (from Tenum_t type) */
	FORCEINLINE TinyEnumT& operator = (uint u)
	inline TinyEnumT& operator = (uint u)
		m_val = (storage_type)u;
		return *this;

	/** postfix ++ operator on tiny type */
	FORCEINLINE TinyEnumT operator ++ (int)
	inline TinyEnumT operator ++ (int)
		TinyEnumT org = *this;
		if (++m_val >= end) m_val -= (storage_type)(end - begin);
		return org;

	/** prefix ++ operator on tiny type */
	FORCEINLINE TinyEnumT& operator ++ ()
	inline TinyEnumT& operator ++ ()
		if (++m_val >= end) m_val -= (storage_type)(end - begin);
		return *this;

@@ -137,40 +137,40 @@ struct TinyEnumT {
/** Template of struct holding enum types (on most archs, enums are stored in an int32). No math operators are provided. */
template <typename enum_type, typename storage_type>
struct SimpleTinyEnumT {
	storage_type m_val;  ///< here we hold the actual value in small (i.e. byte) form

	/** Cast operator - invoked then the value is assigned to the storage_type */
	FORCEINLINE operator enum_type () const
	inline operator enum_type () const
		return (enum_type)this->m_val;

	/** Assignment operator (from enum_type) */
	FORCEINLINE SimpleTinyEnumT &operator = (enum_type e)
	inline SimpleTinyEnumT &operator = (enum_type e)
		this->m_val = (storage_type)e;
		return *this;

	/** Assignment operator (from general uint) */
	FORCEINLINE SimpleTinyEnumT &operator = (uint u)
	inline SimpleTinyEnumT &operator = (uint u)
		this->m_val = (storage_type)u;
		return *this;

	/** Bit math (or) assignment operator (from enum_type) */
	FORCEINLINE SimpleTinyEnumT &operator |= (enum_type e)
	inline SimpleTinyEnumT &operator |= (enum_type e)
		this->m_val = (storage_type)((enum_type)this->m_val | e);
		return *this;

	/** Bit math (and) assignment operator (from enum_type) */
	FORCEINLINE SimpleTinyEnumT &operator &= (enum_type e)
	inline SimpleTinyEnumT &operator &= (enum_type e)
		this->m_val = (storage_type)((enum_type)this->m_val & e);
		return *this;

Show inline comments
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
 * @param a The first value
 * @param b The second value
 * @return The greater value or a if equals
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T max(const T a, const T b)
static inline T max(const T a, const T b)
	return (a >= b) ? a : b;

 * Returns the minimum of two values.
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T max(const T a, cons
 * @param a The first value
 * @param b The second value
 * @return The smaller value or b if equals
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T min(const T a, const T b)
static inline T min(const T a, const T b)
	return (a < b) ? a : b;

 * Returns the minimum of two integer.
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T min(const T a, cons
 * This function returns the smaller value of two given integers.
 * @param a The first integer
 * @param b The second integer
 * @return The smaller value
static FORCEINLINE int min(const int a, const int b)
static inline int min(const int a, const int b)
	return min<int>(a, b);

 * Returns the minimum of two unsigned integers.
@@ -76,26 +76,26 @@ static FORCEINLINE int min(const int a, 
 * This function returns the smaller value of two given unsigned integers.
 * @param a The first unsigned integer
 * @param b The second unsigned integer
 * @return The smaller value
static FORCEINLINE uint minu(const uint a, const uint b)
static inline uint minu(const uint a, const uint b)
	return min<uint>(a, b);

 * Returns the absolute value of (scalar) variable.
 * @note assumes variable to be signed
 * @param a The value we want to unsign
 * @return The unsigned value
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T abs(const T a)
static inline T abs(const T a)
	return (a < (T)0) ? -a : a;

 * Return the smallest multiple of n equal or greater than x
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T abs(const T a)
 * @note n must be a power of 2
 * @param x The min value
 * @param n The base of the number we are searching
 * @return The smallest multiple of n equal or greater than x
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T Align(const T x, uint n)
static inline T Align(const T x, uint n)
	assert((n & (n - 1)) == 0 && n != 0);
	return (T)((x + n) & ~((T)n));

@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T Align(const T x, ui
 * @param x The min value
 * @param n The base of the number we are searching
 * @return The smallest multiple of n equal or greater than x
 * @see Align()
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T *AlignPtr(T *x, uint n)
static inline T *AlignPtr(T *x, uint n)
	assert_compile(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void *));
	return (T *)Align((size_t)x, n);

@@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T *AlignPtr(T *x, uin
 * @param max the maximum of the interval.
 * @returns A value between min and max which is closest to a.
 * @see ClampU(uint, uint, uint)
 * @see Clamp(int, int, int)
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T Clamp(const T a, const T min, const T max)
static inline T Clamp(const T a, const T min, const T max)
	assert(min <= max);
	if (a <= min) return min;
	if (a >= max) return max;
	return a;
@@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T Clamp(const T a, co
 * @param a The value to clamp/truncate.
 * @param min The minimum of the interval.
 * @param max the maximum of the interval.
 * @returns A value between min and max which is closest to a.
 * @see ClampU(uint, uint, uint)
static FORCEINLINE int Clamp(const int a, const int min, const int max)
static inline int Clamp(const int a, const int min, const int max)
	return Clamp<int>(a, min, max);

 * Clamp an unsigned integer between an interval.
@@ -190,13 +190,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE int Clamp(const int a
 * @param a The value to clamp/truncate.
 * @param min The minimum of the interval.
 * @param max the maximum of the interval.
 * @returns A value between min and max which is closest to a.
 * @see Clamp(int, int, int)
static FORCEINLINE uint ClampU(const uint a, const uint min, const uint max)
static inline uint ClampU(const uint a, const uint min, const uint max)
	return Clamp<uint>(a, min, max);

 * Reduce a signed 64-bit int to a signed 32-bit one
@@ -209,25 +209,25 @@ static FORCEINLINE uint ClampU(const uin
 * 32-bits integer field and so the value is casted to int32 and returned.
 * @param a The 64-bit value to clamps
 * @return The 64-bit value reduced to a 32-bit value
 * @see Clamp(int, int, int)
static FORCEINLINE int32 ClampToI32(const int64 a)
static inline int32 ClampToI32(const int64 a)
	return (int32)Clamp<int64>(a, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX);

 * Reduce an unsigned 64-bit int to an unsigned 16-bit one
 * @param a The 64-bit value to clamp
 * @return The 64-bit value reduced to a 16-bit value
 * @see ClampU(uint, uint, uint)
static FORCEINLINE uint16 ClampToU16(const uint64 a)
static inline uint16 ClampToU16(const uint64 a)
	/* MSVC thinks, in its infinite wisdom, that int min(int, int) is a better
	 * match for min(uint64, uint) than uint64 min(uint64, uint64). As such we
	 * need to cast the UINT16_MAX to prevent MSVC from displaying its
	 * infinite loads of warnings. */
	return (uint16)min<uint64>(a, (uint64)UINT16_MAX);
@@ -238,13 +238,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE uint16 ClampToU16(con
 * @param a The first scalar
 * @param b The second scalar
 * @return The absolute difference between the given scalars
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE T Delta(const T a, const T b)
static inline T Delta(const T a, const T b)
	return (a < b) ? b - a : a - b;

 * Checks if a value is between a window started at some base point.
@@ -256,13 +256,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE T Delta(const T a, co
 * @param x The value to check
 * @param base The base value of the interval
 * @param size The size of the interval
 * @return True if the value is in the interval, false else.
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE bool IsInsideBS(const T x, const uint base, const uint size)
static inline bool IsInsideBS(const T x, const uint base, const uint size)
	return (uint)(x - base) < size;

 * Checks if a value is in an interval.
@@ -272,47 +272,47 @@ static FORCEINLINE bool IsInsideBS(const
 * @param x The value to check
 * @param min The minimum of the interval
 * @param max The maximum of the interval
 * @see IsInsideBS()
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE bool IsInsideMM(const T x, const uint min, const uint max)
static inline bool IsInsideMM(const T x, const uint min, const uint max)
	return (uint)(x - min) < (max - min);

 * Type safe swap operation
 * @param a variable to swap with b
 * @param b variable to swap with a
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void Swap(T &a, T &b)
static inline void Swap(T &a, T &b)
	T t = a;
	a = b;
	b = t;

 * Converts a "fract" value 0..255 to "percent" value 0..100
 * @param i value to convert, range 0..255
 * @return value in range 0..100
static FORCEINLINE uint ToPercent8(uint i)
static inline uint ToPercent8(uint i)
	assert(i < 256);
	return i * 101 >> 8;

 * Converts a "fract" value 0..65535 to "percent" value 0..100
 * @param i value to convert, range 0..65535
 * @return value in range 0..100
static FORCEINLINE uint ToPercent16(uint i)
static inline uint ToPercent16(uint i)
	assert(i < 65536);
	return i * 101 >> 16;

int LeastCommonMultiple(int a, int b);
@@ -321,35 +321,35 @@ int GreatestCommonDivisor(int a, int b);
 * Computes ceil(a / b) for non-negative a and b.
 * @param a Numerator
 * @param b Denominator
 * @return Quotient, rounded up
static FORCEINLINE uint CeilDiv(uint a, uint b)
static inline uint CeilDiv(uint a, uint b)
	return (a + b - 1) / b;

 * Computes ceil(a / b) * b for non-negative a and b.
 * @param a Numerator
 * @param b Denominator
 * @return a rounded up to the nearest multiple of b.
static FORCEINLINE uint Ceil(uint a, uint b)
static inline uint Ceil(uint a, uint b)
	return CeilDiv(a, b) * b;

 * Computes round(a / b) for signed a and unsigned b.
 * @param a Numerator
 * @param b Denominator
 * @return Quotient, rounded to nearest
static FORCEINLINE int RoundDivSU(int a, uint b)
static inline int RoundDivSU(int a, uint b)
	if (a > 0) {
		/* 0.5 is rounded to 1 */
		return (a + (int)b / 2) / (int)b;
	} else {
		/* -0.5 is rounded to 0 */
Show inline comments
@@ -19,39 +19,39 @@
 * @param destination Pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param source Pointer to the source buffer
 * @param num number of items to be copied. (!not number of bytes!)
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void MemCpyT(T *destination, const T *source, size_t num = 1)
static inline void MemCpyT(T *destination, const T *source, size_t num = 1)
	memcpy(destination, source, num * sizeof(T));

 * Type-safe version of memmove().
 * @param destination Pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param source Pointer to the source buffer
 * @param num number of items to be copied. (!not number of bytes!)
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void MemMoveT(T *destination, const T *source, size_t num = 1)
static inline void MemMoveT(T *destination, const T *source, size_t num = 1)
	memmove(destination, source, num * sizeof(T));

 * Type-safe version of memset().
 * @param ptr Pointer to the destination buffer
 * @param value Value to be set
 * @param num number of items to be set (!not number of bytes!)
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void MemSetT(T *ptr, byte value, size_t num = 1)
static inline void MemSetT(T *ptr, byte value, size_t num = 1)
	memset(ptr, value, num * sizeof(T));

 * Type-safe version of memcmp().
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE void MemSetT(T *ptr, 
 * @param ptr1 Pointer to the first buffer
 * @param ptr2 Pointer to the second buffer
 * @param num Number of items to compare. (!not number of bytes!)
 * @return an int value indicating the relationship between the content of the two buffers
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE int MemCmpT(const T *ptr1, const T *ptr2, size_t num = 1)
static inline int MemCmpT(const T *ptr1, const T *ptr2, size_t num = 1)
	return memcmp(ptr1, ptr2, num * sizeof(T));

 * Type safe memory reverse operation.
@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE int MemCmpT(const T *
 *  type of the pointers.
 * @param ptr1 Start-pointer to the block of memory.
 * @param ptr2 End-pointer to the block of memory.
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void MemReverseT(T *ptr1, T *ptr2)
static inline void MemReverseT(T *ptr1, T *ptr2)
	assert(ptr1 != NULL && ptr2 != NULL);
	assert(ptr1 < ptr2);

	do {
		Swap(*ptr1, *ptr2);
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE void MemReverseT(T *p
 * Type safe memory reverse operation (overloaded)
 * @param ptr Pointer to the block of memory.
 * @param num The number of items we want to reverse.
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void MemReverseT(T *ptr, size_t num)
static inline void MemReverseT(T *ptr, size_t num)
	assert(ptr != NULL);

	MemReverseT(ptr, ptr + (num - 1));

Show inline comments
@@ -30,126 +30,126 @@ private:
	OverflowSafeInt() : m_value(0) { }

	OverflowSafeInt(const OverflowSafeInt& other) { this->m_value = other.m_value; }
	OverflowSafeInt(const int64 int_)             { this->m_value = int_; }

	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator = (const OverflowSafeInt& other) { this->m_value = other.m_value; return *this; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt& operator = (const OverflowSafeInt& other) { this->m_value = other.m_value; return *this; }

	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator - () const { return OverflowSafeInt(-this->m_value); }
	inline OverflowSafeInt operator - () const { return OverflowSafeInt(-this->m_value); }

	 * Safe implementation of addition.
	 * @param other the amount to add
	 * @note when the addition would yield more than T_MAX (or less than T_MIN),
	 *       it will be T_MAX (respectively T_MIN).
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator += (const OverflowSafeInt& other)
	inline OverflowSafeInt& operator += (const OverflowSafeInt& other)
		if ((T_MAX - abs(other.m_value)) < abs(this->m_value) &&
				(this->m_value < 0) == (other.m_value < 0)) {
			this->m_value = (this->m_value < 0) ? T_MIN : T_MAX ;
		} else {
			this->m_value += other.m_value;
		return *this;

	/* Operators for addition and substraction */
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator +  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result += other; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator +  (const int              other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result += (int64)other; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator +  (const uint             other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result += (int64)other; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator -= (const OverflowSafeInt& other)       { return *this += (-other); }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator -  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result -= other; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator -  (const int              other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result -= (int64)other; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator -  (const uint             other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result -= (int64)other; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator +  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result += other; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator +  (const int              other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result += (int64)other; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator +  (const uint             other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result += (int64)other; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt& operator -= (const OverflowSafeInt& other)       { return *this += (-other); }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator -  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result -= other; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator -  (const int              other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result -= (int64)other; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator -  (const uint             other) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result -= (int64)other; return result; }

	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator ++ () { return *this += 1; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator -- () { return *this += -1; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator ++ (int) { OverflowSafeInt org = *this; *this += 1; return org; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator -- (int) { OverflowSafeInt org = *this; *this += -1; return org; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt& operator ++ () { return *this += 1; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt& operator -- () { return *this += -1; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt operator ++ (int) { OverflowSafeInt org = *this; *this += 1; return org; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt operator -- (int) { OverflowSafeInt org = *this; *this += -1; return org; }

	 * Safe implementation of multiplication.
	 * @param factor the factor to multiply this with.
	 * @note when the multiplication would yield more than T_MAX (or less than T_MIN),
	 *       it will be T_MAX (respectively T_MIN).
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator *= (const int factor)
	inline OverflowSafeInt& operator *= (const int factor)
		if (factor != 0 && (T_MAX / abs(factor)) < abs(this->m_value)) {
			 this->m_value = ((this->m_value < 0) == (factor < 0)) ? T_MAX : T_MIN ;
		} else {
			this->m_value *= factor ;
		return *this;

	/* Operators for multiplication */
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator * (const int64  factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= factor; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator * (const int    factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator * (const uint   factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator * (const uint16 factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt operator * (const byte   factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt operator * (const int64  factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= factor; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt operator * (const int    factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt operator * (const uint   factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt operator * (const uint16 factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt operator * (const byte   factor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result *= (int64)factor; return result; }

	/* Operators for division */
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator /= (const int64            divisor)       { this->m_value /= divisor; return *this; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator /  (const OverflowSafeInt& divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result /= divisor.m_value; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator /  (const int              divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result /= divisor; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator /  (const uint             divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result /= (int)divisor; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt& operator /= (const int64            divisor)       { this->m_value /= divisor; return *this; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator /  (const OverflowSafeInt& divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result /= divisor.m_value; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator /  (const int              divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result /= divisor; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator /  (const uint             divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result /= (int)divisor; return result; }

	/* Operators for modulo */
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator %= (const int  divisor)       { this->m_value %= divisor; return *this; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator %  (const int  divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result %= divisor; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt& operator %= (const int  divisor)       { this->m_value %= divisor; return *this; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator %  (const int  divisor) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result %= divisor; return result; }

	/* Operators for shifting */
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator <<= (const int shift)       { this->m_value <<= shift; return *this; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator <<  (const int shift) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result <<= shift; return result; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt& operator >>= (const int shift)       { this->m_value >>= shift; return *this; }
	FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt  operator >>  (const int shift) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result >>= shift; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt& operator <<= (const int shift)       { this->m_value <<= shift; return *this; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator <<  (const int shift) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result <<= shift; return result; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt& operator >>= (const int shift)       { this->m_value >>= shift; return *this; }
	inline OverflowSafeInt  operator >>  (const int shift) const { OverflowSafeInt result = *this; result >>= shift; return result; }

	/* Operators for (in)equality when comparing overflow safe ints */
	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return this->m_value == other.m_value; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator != (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator >  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return this->m_value > other.m_value; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator >= (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return this->m_value >= other.m_value; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator <  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return !(*this >= other); }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator <= (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return !(*this > other); }
	inline bool operator == (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return this->m_value == other.m_value; }
	inline bool operator != (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
	inline bool operator >  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return this->m_value > other.m_value; }
	inline bool operator >= (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return this->m_value >= other.m_value; }
	inline bool operator <  (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return !(*this >= other); }
	inline bool operator <= (const OverflowSafeInt& other) const { return !(*this > other); }

	/* Operators for (in)equality when comparing non-overflow safe ints */
	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const int other) const { return this->m_value == other; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator != (const int other) const { return !(*this == other); }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator >  (const int other) const { return this->m_value > other; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator >= (const int other) const { return this->m_value >= other; }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator <  (const int other) const { return !(*this >= other); }
	FORCEINLINE bool operator <= (const int other) const { return !(*this > other); }
	inline bool operator == (const int other) const { return this->m_value == other; }
	inline bool operator != (const int other) const { return !(*this == other); }
	inline bool operator >  (const int other) const { return this->m_value > other; }
	inline bool operator >= (const int other) const { return this->m_value >= other; }
	inline bool operator <  (const int other) const { return !(*this >= other); }
	inline bool operator <= (const int other) const { return !(*this > other); }

	FORCEINLINE operator int64 () const { return this->m_value; }
	inline operator int64 () const { return this->m_value; }

/* Sometimes we got int64 operator OverflowSafeInt instead of vice versa. Handle that properly */
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (int64 a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }

/* Sometimes we got int operator OverflowSafeInt instead of vice versa. Handle that properly */
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (int   a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }

/* Sometimes we got uint operator OverflowSafeInt instead of vice versa. Handle that properly */
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (uint  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }

/* Sometimes we got byte operator OverflowSafeInt instead of vice versa. Handle that properly */
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + (uint)a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + (uint)a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * (uint)a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> FORCEINLINE OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator + (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b + (uint)a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator - (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return -b + (uint)a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator * (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return b * (uint)a; }
template <class T, int64 T_MAX, int64 T_MIN> inline OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> operator / (byte  a, OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN> b) { return (OverflowSafeInt<T, T_MAX, T_MIN>)a / (int)b; }

typedef OverflowSafeInt<int64, INT64_MAX, INT64_MIN> OverflowSafeInt64;

Show inline comments
@@ -95,34 +95,34 @@ struct Pool : PoolBase {
	 * Returs Titem with given index
	 * @param index of item to get
	 * @return pointer to Titem
	 * @pre index < this->first_unused
	FORCEINLINE Titem *Get(size_t index)
	inline Titem *Get(size_t index)
		assert(index < this->first_unused);
		return this->data[index];

	 * Tests whether given index can be used to get valid (non-NULL) Titem
	 * @param index index to examine
	 * @return true if PoolItem::Get(index) will return non-NULL pointer
	FORCEINLINE bool IsValidID(size_t index)
	inline bool IsValidID(size_t index)
		return index < this->first_unused && this->Get(index) != NULL;

	 * Tests whether we can allocate 'n' items
	 * @param n number of items we want to allocate
	 * @return true if 'n' items can be allocated
	FORCEINLINE bool CanAllocate(size_t n = 1)
	inline bool CanAllocate(size_t n = 1)
		bool ret = this->items <= Tmax_size - n;
		this->checked = ret ? n : 0;
#endif /* OTTD_ASSERT */
		return ret;
@@ -139,23 +139,23 @@ struct Pool : PoolBase {
		 * Allocates space for new Titem
		 * @param size size of Titem
		 * @return pointer to allocated memory
		 * @note can never fail (return NULL), use CanAllocate() to check first!
		FORCEINLINE void *operator new(size_t size)
		inline void *operator new(size_t size)
			return Tpool->GetNew(size);

		 * Marks Titem as free. Its memory is released
		 * @param p memory to free
		 * @note the item has to be allocated in the pool!
		FORCEINLINE void operator delete(void *p)
		inline void operator delete(void *p)
			Titem *pn = (Titem *)p;
			assert(pn == Tpool->Get(pn->index));

@@ -164,26 +164,26 @@ struct Pool : PoolBase {
		 * @param size size of Titem
		 * @param index index of item
		 * @return pointer to allocated memory
		 * @note can never fail (return NULL), use CanAllocate() to check first!
		 * @pre index has to be unused! Else it will crash
		FORCEINLINE void *operator new(size_t size, size_t index)
		inline void *operator new(size_t size, size_t index)
			return Tpool->GetNew(size, index);

		 * Allocates space for new Titem at given memory address
		 * @param size size of Titem
		 * @param ptr where are we allocating the item?
		 * @return pointer to allocated memory (== ptr)
		 * @note use of this is strongly discouraged
		 * @pre the memory must not be allocated in the Pool!
		FORCEINLINE void *operator new(size_t size, void *ptr)
		inline void *operator new(size_t size, void *ptr)
			for (size_t i = 0; i < Tpool->first_unused; i++) {
				/* Don't allow creating new objects over existing.
				 * Even if we called the destructor and reused this memory,
				 * we don't know whether 'size' and size of currently allocated
				 * memory are the same (because of possible inheritance).
@@ -199,85 +199,85 @@ struct Pool : PoolBase {

		 * Tests whether we can allocate 'n' items
		 * @param n number of items we want to allocate
		 * @return true if 'n' items can be allocated
		static FORCEINLINE bool CanAllocateItem(size_t n = 1)
		static inline bool CanAllocateItem(size_t n = 1)
			return Tpool->CanAllocate(n);

		 * Returns current state of pool cleaning - yes or no
		 * @return true iff we are cleaning the pool now
		static FORCEINLINE bool CleaningPool()
		static inline bool CleaningPool()
			return Tpool->cleaning;

		 * Tests whether given index can be used to get valid (non-NULL) Titem
		 * @param index index to examine
		 * @return true if PoolItem::Get(index) will return non-NULL pointer
		static FORCEINLINE bool IsValidID(size_t index)
		static inline bool IsValidID(size_t index)
			return Tpool->IsValidID(index);

		 * Returs Titem with given index
		 * @param index of item to get
		 * @return pointer to Titem
		 * @pre index < this->first_unused
		static FORCEINLINE Titem *Get(size_t index)
		static inline Titem *Get(size_t index)
			return Tpool->Get(index);

		 * Returs Titem with given index
		 * @param index of item to get
		 * @return pointer to Titem
		 * @note returns NULL for invalid index
		static FORCEINLINE Titem *GetIfValid(size_t index)
		static inline Titem *GetIfValid(size_t index)
			return index < Tpool->first_unused ? Tpool->Get(index) : NULL;

		 * Returns first unused index. Useful when iterating over
		 * all pool items.
		 * @return first unused index
		static FORCEINLINE size_t GetPoolSize()
		static inline size_t GetPoolSize()
			return Tpool->first_unused;

		 * Returns number of valid items in the pool
		 * @return number of valid items in the pool
		static FORCEINLINE size_t GetNumItems()
		static inline size_t GetNumItems()
			return Tpool->items;

		 * Dummy function called after destructor of each member.
		 * If you want to use it, override it in PoolItem's subclass.
		 * @param index index of deleted item
		 * @note when this function is called, PoolItem::Get(index) == NULL.
		 * @note it's called only when !CleaningPool()
		static FORCEINLINE void PostDestructor(size_t index) { }
		static inline void PostDestructor(size_t index) { }

	static const size_t NO_FREE_ITEM = MAX_UVALUE(size_t); ///< Contant to indicate we can't allocate any more items

Show inline comments
@@ -78,29 +78,29 @@ void SetRandomSeed(uint32 seed);
		#define Random() DoRandom(__LINE__, __FILE__)
	uint32 DoRandom(int line, const char *file);
	#define RandomRange(max) DoRandomRange(max, __LINE__, __FILE__)
	uint32 DoRandomRange(uint32 max, int line, const char *file);
	static FORCEINLINE uint32 Random()
	static inline uint32 Random()
		return _random.Next();

	static FORCEINLINE uint32 RandomRange(uint32 max)
	static inline uint32 RandomRange(uint32 max)
		return _random.Next(max);

static FORCEINLINE uint32 InteractiveRandom()
static inline uint32 InteractiveRandom()
	return _interactive_random.Next();

static FORCEINLINE uint32 InteractiveRandomRange(uint32 max)
static inline uint32 InteractiveRandomRange(uint32 max)
	return _interactive_random.Next(max);

 * Checks if a given randomize-number is below a given probability.
@@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE uint32 InteractiveRan
 * @param a The numerator of the fraction
 * @param b The denominator of the fraction, must of course not be null
 * @param r The given randomize-number
 * @return True if the probability given by r is less or equal to (a/b)
static FORCEINLINE bool Chance16I(const uint a, const uint b, const uint32 r)
static inline bool Chance16I(const uint a, const uint b, const uint32 r)
	assert(b != 0);
	return (((uint16)r * b + b / 2) >> 16) < a;

@@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE bool Chance16I(const 
 * @param b The denominator of the fraction
 * @return True with (a/b) probability
	#define Chance16(a, b) Chance16I(a, b, DoRandom(__LINE__, __FILE__))
static FORCEINLINE bool Chance16(const uint a, const uint b)
static inline bool Chance16(const uint a, const uint b)
	return Chance16I(a, b, Random());
#endif /* RANDOM_DEBUG */

@@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ static FORCEINLINE bool Chance16(const u
 * @param r The variable to save the randomize-number from Random()
 * @return True in (a/b) percent
	#define Chance16R(a, b, r) (r = DoRandom(__LINE__, __FILE__), Chance16I(a, b, r))
static FORCEINLINE bool Chance16R(const uint a, const uint b, uint32 &r)
static inline bool Chance16R(const uint a, const uint b, uint32 &r)
	r = Random();
	return Chance16I(a, b, r);
#endif /* RANDOM_DEBUG */

Show inline comments
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
template <typename T, typename U>
struct SmallPair {
	T first;
	U second;

	/** Initializes this Pair with data */
	FORCEINLINE SmallPair(const T &first, const U &second) : first(first), second(second) { }
	inline SmallPair(const T &first, const U &second) : first(first), second(second) { }

 * Implementation of simple mapping class. Both types have to be POD ("Plain Old Data")!
 * It has inherited accessors from SmallVector().
 * @tvar T Key type.
@@ -42,57 +42,57 @@ template <typename T, typename U, uint S
struct SmallMap : SmallVector<SmallPair<T, U>, S> {
	typedef ::SmallPair<T, U> Pair;
	typedef Pair *iterator;
	typedef const Pair *const_iterator;

	/** Creates new SmallMap. Data are initialized in SmallVector constructor */
	FORCEINLINE SmallMap() { }
	inline SmallMap() { }
	/** Data are freed in SmallVector destructor */
	FORCEINLINE ~SmallMap() { }
	inline ~SmallMap() { }

	 * Finds given key in this map
	 * @param key key to find
	 * @return &Pair(key, data) if found, this->End() if not
	FORCEINLINE Pair *Find(const T &key)
	inline Pair *Find(const T &key)
		for (uint i = 0; i < this->items; i++) {
			if (key == this->data[i].first) return &this->data[i];
		return this->End();

	 * Tests whether a key is assigned in this map.
	 * @param key key to test
	 * @return true iff the item is present
	FORCEINLINE bool Contains(const T &key)
	inline bool Contains(const T &key)
		return this->Find(key) != this->End();

	 * Removes given pair from this map
	 * @param pair pair to remove
	 * @note it has to be pointer to pair in this map. It is overwritten by the last item.
	FORCEINLINE void Erase(Pair *pair)
	inline void Erase(Pair *pair)
		assert(pair >= this->Begin() && pair < this->End());
		*pair = this->data[--this->items];

	 * Removes given key from this map
	 * @param key key to remove
	 * @return true iff the key was found
	 * @note last item is moved to its place, so don't increase your iterator if true is returned!
	FORCEINLINE bool Erase(const T &key)
	inline bool Erase(const T &key)
		for (uint i = 0; i < this->items; i++) {
			if (key == this->data[i].first) {
				this->data[i] = this->data[--this->items];
				return true;
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ struct SmallMap : SmallVector<SmallPair<
	 * Adds new item to this map.
	 * @param key key
	 * @param data data
	 * @return true iff the key wasn't already present
	FORCEINLINE bool Insert(const T &key, const U &data)
	inline bool Insert(const T &key, const U &data)
		if (this->Contains(key)) return false;
		Pair *n = this->Append();
		n->first = key;
		n->second = data;
		return true;
@@ -118,23 +118,23 @@ struct SmallMap : SmallVector<SmallPair<
	 * Returns data belonging to this key
	 * @param key key
	 * @return data belonging to this key
	 * @note if this key wasn't present, new entry is created
	FORCEINLINE U &operator[](const T &key)
	inline U &operator[](const T &key)
		for (uint i = 0; i < this->items; i++) {
			if (key == this->data[i].first) return this->data[i].second;
		Pair *n = this->Append();
		n->first = key;
		return n->second;

	FORCEINLINE void SortByKey()
	inline void SortByKey()
		QSortT(this->Begin(), this->items, KeySorter);

	static int CDECL KeySorter(const Pair *a, const Pair *b)
Show inline comments
@@ -62,35 +62,35 @@ public:

	 * Remove all items from the list.
	FORCEINLINE void Clear()
	inline void Clear()
		/* In fact we just reset the item counter avoiding the need to
		 * probably reallocate the same amount of memory the list was
		 * previously using. */
		this->items = 0;

	 * Remove all items from the list and free allocated memory.
	FORCEINLINE void Reset()
	inline void Reset()
		this->items = 0;
		this->capacity = 0;
		data = NULL;

	 * Compact the list down to the smallest block size boundary.
	FORCEINLINE void Compact()
	inline void Compact()
		uint capacity = Align(this->items, S);
		if (capacity >= this->capacity) return;

		this->capacity = capacity;
		this->data = ReallocT(this->data, this->capacity);
@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ public:

	 * Append an item and return it.
	 * @param to_add the number of items to append
	 * @return pointer to newly allocated item
	FORCEINLINE T *Append(uint to_add = 1)
	inline T *Append(uint to_add = 1)
		uint begin = this->items;
		this->items += to_add;

		if (this->items > this->capacity) {
			this->capacity = Align(this->items, S);
@@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ public:
	 * Search for the first occurrence of an item.
	 * The '!=' operator of T is used for comparison.
	 * @param item Item to search for
	 * @return The position of the item, or End() when not present
	FORCEINLINE const T *Find(const T &item) const
	inline const T *Find(const T &item) const
		const T *pos = this->Begin();
		const T *end = this->End();
		while (pos != end && *pos != item) pos++;
		return pos;
@@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ public:
	 * Search for the first occurrence of an item.
	 * The '!=' operator of T is used for comparison.
	 * @param item Item to search for
	 * @return The position of the item, or End() when not present
	FORCEINLINE T *Find(const T &item)
	inline T *Find(const T &item)
		T *pos = this->Begin();
		const T *end = this->End();
		while (pos != end && *pos != item) pos++;
		return pos;
@@ -145,13 +145,13 @@ public:
	 * Search for the first occurrence of an item.
	 * The '!=' operator of T is used for comparison.
	 * @param item Item to search for
	 * @return The position of the item, or -1 when not present
	FORCEINLINE int FindIndex(const T &item)
	inline int FindIndex(const T &item)
		int index = 0;
		T *pos = this->Begin();
		const T *end = this->End();
		while (pos != end && *pos != item) {
@@ -163,134 +163,134 @@ public:
	 * Tests whether a item is present in the vector.
	 * The '!=' operator of T is used for comparison.
	 * @param item Item to test for
	 * @return true iff the item is present
	FORCEINLINE bool Contains(const T &item) const
	inline bool Contains(const T &item) const
		return this->Find(item) != this->End();

	 * Removes given item from this vector
	 * @param item item to remove
	 * @note it has to be pointer to item in this map. It is overwritten by the last item.
	FORCEINLINE void Erase(T *item)
	inline void Erase(T *item)
		assert(item >= this->Begin() && item < this->End());
		*item = this->data[--this->items];

	 * Tests whether a item is present in the vector, and appends it to the end if not.
	 * The '!=' operator of T is used for comparison.
	 * @param item Item to test for
	 * @return true iff the item is was already present
	FORCEINLINE bool Include(const T &item)
	inline bool Include(const T &item)
		bool is_member = this->Contains(item);
		if (!is_member) *this->Append() = item;
		return is_member;

	 * Get the number of items in the list.
	FORCEINLINE uint Length() const
	inline uint Length() const
		return this->items;

	 * Get the pointer to the first item (const)
	 * @return the pointer to the first item
	FORCEINLINE const T *Begin() const
	inline const T *Begin() const
		return this->data;

	 * Get the pointer to the first item
	 * @return the pointer to the first item
	inline T *Begin()
		return this->data;

	 * Get the pointer behind the last valid item (const)
	 * @return the pointer behind the last valid item
	FORCEINLINE const T *End() const
	inline const T *End() const
		return &this->data[this->items];

	 * Get the pointer behind the last valid item
	 * @return the pointer behind the last valid item
	inline T *End()
		return &this->data[this->items];

	 * Get the pointer to item "number" (const)
	 * @param index the position of the item
	 * @return the pointer to the item
	FORCEINLINE const T *Get(uint index) const
	inline const T *Get(uint index) const
		/* Allow access to the 'first invalid' item */
		assert(index <= this->items);
		return &this->data[index];

	 * Get the pointer to item "number"
	 * @param index the position of the item
	 * @return the pointer to the item
	FORCEINLINE T *Get(uint index)
	inline T *Get(uint index)
		/* Allow access to the 'first invalid' item */
		assert(index <= this->items);
		return &this->data[index];

	 * Get item "number" (const)
	 * @param index the position of the item
	 * @return the item
	FORCEINLINE const T &operator[](uint index) const
	inline const T &operator[](uint index) const
		assert(index < this->items);
		return this->data[index];

	 * Get item "number"
	 * @param index the position of the item
	 * @return the item
	FORCEINLINE T &operator[](uint index)
	inline T &operator[](uint index)
		assert(index < this->items);
		return this->data[index];

@@ -313,13 +313,13 @@ public:

	 * Remove all items from the list.
	FORCEINLINE void Clear()
	inline void Clear()
		for (uint i = 0; i < this->items; i++) {

		this->items = 0;
@@ -344,13 +344,13 @@ public:

	 * Remove all items from the list.
	FORCEINLINE void Clear()
	inline void Clear()
		for (uint i = 0; i < this->items; i++) {
			delete this->data[i];

		this->items = 0;
Show inline comments
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
 * @param base Pointer to the first element of the array to be sorted.
 * @param num Number of elements in the array pointed by base.
 * @param comparator Function that compares two elements.
 * @param desc Sort descending.
template <typename T>
static FORCEINLINE void QSortT(T *base, uint num, int (CDECL *comparator)(const T*, const T*), bool desc = false)
static inline void QSortT(T *base, uint num, int (CDECL *comparator)(const T*, const T*), bool desc = false)
	if (num < 2) return;

	qsort(base, num, sizeof(T), (int (CDECL *)(const void *, const void *))comparator);

	if (desc) MemReverseT(base, num);
Show inline comments
@@ -26,24 +26,24 @@ struct Depot : DepotPool::PoolItem<&_dep
	uint16 town_cn;    ///< The N-1th depot for this town (consecutive number)
	Date build_date;   ///< Date of construction

	Depot(TileIndex xy = INVALID_TILE) : xy(xy) {}

	static FORCEINLINE Depot *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
	static inline Depot *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
		return Depot::Get(GetDepotIndex(tile));

	 * Is the "type" of depot the same as the given depot,
	 * i.e. are both a rail, road or ship depots?
	 * @param d The depot to compare to.
	 * @return true iff their types are equal.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsOfType(const Depot *d) const
	inline bool IsOfType(const Depot *d) const
		return GetTileType(d->xy) == GetTileType(this->xy);

#define FOR_ALL_DEPOTS_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(Depot, depot_index, var, start)
Show inline comments
@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ struct Engine : EnginePool::PoolItem<&_e
	uint16 GetRange() const;

	 * Check if the engine is a ground vehicle.
	 * @return True iff the engine is a train or a road vehicle.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsGroundVehicle() const
	inline bool IsGroundVehicle() const
		return this->type == VEH_TRAIN || this->type == VEH_ROAD;

	 * Retrieve the NewGRF the engine is tied to.
Show inline comments
@@ -66,30 +66,30 @@ struct DrawStringParams {
	DrawStringParams(TextColour colour, FontSize fontsize) : fontsize(fontsize), cur_colour(colour), prev_colour(colour) {}

	 * Switch to new colour \a c.
	 * @param c New colour to use.
	FORCEINLINE void SetColour(TextColour c)
	inline void SetColour(TextColour c)
		assert(c >=  TC_BLUE && c <= TC_BLACK);
		this->prev_colour = this->cur_colour;
		this->cur_colour = c;

	/** Switch to previous colour. */
	FORCEINLINE void SetPreviousColour()
	inline void SetPreviousColour()
		Swap(this->cur_colour, this->prev_colour);

	 * Switch to using a new font \a f.
	 * @param f New font to use.
	FORCEINLINE void SetFontSize(FontSize f)
	inline void SetFontSize(FontSize f)
		this->fontsize = f;

static ReusableBuffer<uint8> _cursor_backup;
Show inline comments
@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@ struct Goal : GoalPool::PoolItem<&_goal_
	GoalTypeID dst;      ///< Index of type
	char *text;          ///< Text of the goal.

	 * We need an (empty) constructor so struct isn't zeroed (as C++ standard states)
	inline Goal() { }

	 * (Empty) destructor has to be defined else operator delete might be called with NULL parameter
	FORCEINLINE ~Goal() { free(this->text); }
	inline ~Goal() { free(this->text); }

#define FOR_ALL_GOALS_FROM(var, start) FOR_ALL_ITEMS_FROM(Goal, goal_index, var, start)
#define FOR_ALL_GOALS(var) FOR_ALL_GOALS_FROM(var, 0)

#endif /* GOAL_BASE_H */
Show inline comments
@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@ struct GroundVehicle : public Specialize

	 * Calculates the total slope resistance for this vehicle.
	 * @return Slope resistance.
	FORCEINLINE int32 GetSlopeResistance() const
	inline int32 GetSlopeResistance() const
		int32 incl = 0;

		for (const T *u = T::From(this); u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {
			if (HasBit(u->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT)) {
				incl += u->gcache.cached_slope_resistance;
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ struct GroundVehicle : public Specialize
	 * Updates vehicle's Z position and inclination.
	 * Used when the vehicle entered given tile.
	 * @pre The vehicle has to be at (or near to) a border of the tile,
	 *      directed towards tile centre
	FORCEINLINE void UpdateZPositionAndInclination()
	inline void UpdateZPositionAndInclination()
		this->z_pos = GetSlopePixelZ(this->x_pos, this->y_pos);
		ClrBit(this->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT);
		ClrBit(this->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT);

		if (T::From(this)->TileMayHaveSlopedTrack()) {
@@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ struct GroundVehicle : public Specialize
	 * Updates vehicle's Z position.
	 * Inclination can't change in the middle of a tile.
	 * The faster code is used for trains and road vehicles unless they are
	 * reversing on a sloped tile.
	FORCEINLINE void UpdateZPosition()
	inline void UpdateZPosition()
#if 0
		/* The following code does this: */

		if (HasBit(this->gv_flags, GVF_GOINGUP_BIT)) {
			switch (this->direction) {
@@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ struct GroundVehicle : public Specialize
	 * Checks if the vehicle is in a slope and sets the required flags in that case.
	 * @param new_tile True if the vehicle reached a new tile.
	 * @param turned Indicates if the vehicle has turned.
	 * @return Old height of the vehicle.
	FORCEINLINE byte UpdateInclination(bool new_tile, bool turned)
	inline byte UpdateInclination(bool new_tile, bool turned)
		byte old_z = this->z_pos;

		if (new_tile) {
		} else {
@@ -243,105 +243,105 @@ struct GroundVehicle : public Specialize
		return old_z;

	 * Set front engine state.
	FORCEINLINE void SetFrontEngine() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FRONT); }
	inline void SetFrontEngine() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FRONT); }

	 * Remove the front engine state.
	FORCEINLINE void ClearFrontEngine() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FRONT); }
	inline void ClearFrontEngine() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FRONT); }

	 * Set a vehicle to be an articulated part.
	FORCEINLINE void SetArticulatedPart() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART); }
	inline void SetArticulatedPart() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART); }

	 * Clear a vehicle from being an articulated part.
	FORCEINLINE void ClearArticulatedPart() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART); }
	inline void ClearArticulatedPart() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART); }

	 * Set a vehicle to be a wagon.
	FORCEINLINE void SetWagon() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_WAGON); }
	inline void SetWagon() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_WAGON); }

	 * Clear wagon property.
	FORCEINLINE void ClearWagon() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_WAGON); }
	inline void ClearWagon() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_WAGON); }

	 * Set engine status.
	FORCEINLINE void SetEngine() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE); }
	inline void SetEngine() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE); }

	 * Clear engine status.
	FORCEINLINE void ClearEngine() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE); }
	inline void ClearEngine() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE); }

	 * Set a vehicle as a free wagon.
	FORCEINLINE void SetFreeWagon() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }
	inline void SetFreeWagon() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }

	 * Clear a vehicle from being a free wagon.
	FORCEINLINE void ClearFreeWagon() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }
	inline void ClearFreeWagon() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }

	 * Set a vehicle as a multiheaded engine.
	FORCEINLINE void SetMultiheaded() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }
	inline void SetMultiheaded() { SetBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }

	 * Clear multiheaded engine property.
	FORCEINLINE void ClearMultiheaded() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }
	inline void ClearMultiheaded() { ClrBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }

	 * Check if the vehicle is a free wagon (got no engine in front of it).
	 * @return Returns true if the vehicle is a free wagon.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsFreeWagon() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }
	inline bool IsFreeWagon() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FREE_WAGON); }

	 * Check if a vehicle is an engine (can be first in a consist).
	 * @return Returns true if vehicle is an engine.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsEngine() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE); }
	inline bool IsEngine() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ENGINE); }

	 * Check if a vehicle is a wagon.
	 * @return Returns true if vehicle is a wagon.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsWagon() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_WAGON); }
	inline bool IsWagon() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_WAGON); }

	 * Check if the vehicle is a multiheaded engine.
	 * @return Returns true if the vehicle is a multiheaded engine.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsMultiheaded() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }
	inline bool IsMultiheaded() const { return HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_MULTIHEADED); }

	 * Tell if we are dealing with the rear end of a multiheaded engine.
	 * @return True if the engine is the rear part of a dualheaded engine.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsRearDualheaded() const { return this->IsMultiheaded() && !this->IsEngine(); }
	inline bool IsRearDualheaded() const { return this->IsMultiheaded() && !this->IsEngine(); }

	 * Update the GUI variant of the current speed of the vehicle.
	 * Also mark the widget dirty when that is needed, i.e. when
	 * the speed of this vehicle has changed.
	FORCEINLINE void SetLastSpeed()
	inline void SetLastSpeed()
		if (this->cur_speed != this->gcache.last_speed) {
			SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, this->index, WID_VV_START_STOP);
			this->gcache.last_speed = this->cur_speed;
@@ -357,13 +357,13 @@ protected:
	 * the distance to drive before moving a step on the map.
	 * @param accel     The acceleration we would like to give this vehicle.
	 * @param min_speed The minimum speed here, in vehicle specific units.
	 * @param max_speed The maximum speed here, in vehicle specific units.
	 * @return Distance to drive.
	FORCEINLINE uint DoUpdateSpeed(uint accel, int min_speed, int max_speed)
	inline uint DoUpdateSpeed(uint accel, int min_speed, int max_speed)
		uint spd = this->subspeed + accel;
		this->subspeed = (byte)spd;

		/* When we are going faster than the maximum speed, reduce the speed
		 * somewhat gradually. But never lower than the maximum speed. */
Show inline comments
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ struct HouseSpec {
	byte processing_time;              ///< Periodic refresh multiplier
	byte minimum_life;                 ///< The minimum number of years this house will survive before the town rebuilds it
	uint32 watched_cargoes;            ///< Cargo types watched for acceptance.

	Money GetRemovalCost() const;

	static FORCEINLINE HouseSpec *Get(size_t house_id)
	static inline HouseSpec *Get(size_t house_id)
		assert(house_id < HOUSE_MAX);
		extern HouseSpec _house_specs[];
		return &_house_specs[house_id];
Show inline comments
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ struct Industry : IndustryPool::PoolItem
	 * Get the industry of the given tile
	 * @param tile the tile to get the industry from
	 * @pre IsTileType(t, MP_INDUSTRY)
	 * @return the industry
	static FORCEINLINE Industry *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
	static inline Industry *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
		return Industry::Get(GetIndustryIndex(tile));

	static Industry *GetRandom();
	static void PostDestructor(size_t index);
Show inline comments
@@ -27,52 +27,52 @@ protected:

	static const uint Tcapacity = B * N; ///< total max number of items

	SuperArray data; ///< array of arrays of items

	/** return first sub-array with free space for new item */
	FORCEINLINE SubArray& FirstFreeSubArray()
	inline SubArray& FirstFreeSubArray()
		uint super_size = data.Length();
		if (super_size > 0) {
			SubArray& s = data[super_size - 1];
			if (!s.IsFull()) return s;
		return *data.AppendC();

	/** implicit constructor */
	FORCEINLINE SmallArray() { }
	inline SmallArray() { }
	/** Clear (destroy) all items */
	FORCEINLINE void Clear() {data.Clear();}
	inline void Clear() {data.Clear();}
	/** Return actual number of items */
	FORCEINLINE uint Length() const
	inline uint Length() const
		uint super_size = data.Length();
		if (super_size == 0) return 0;
		uint sub_size = data[super_size - 1].Length();
		return (super_size - 1) * B + sub_size;
	/** return true if array is empty */
	FORCEINLINE bool IsEmpty() { return data.IsEmpty(); }
	inline bool IsEmpty() { return data.IsEmpty(); }
	/** return true if array is full */
	FORCEINLINE bool IsFull() { return data.IsFull() && data[N - 1].IsFull(); }
	inline bool IsFull() { return data.IsFull() && data[N - 1].IsFull(); }
	/** allocate but not construct new item */
	FORCEINLINE T *Append() { return FirstFreeSubArray().Append(); }
	inline T *Append() { return FirstFreeSubArray().Append(); }
	/** allocate and construct new item */
	FORCEINLINE T *AppendC() { return FirstFreeSubArray().AppendC(); }
	inline T *AppendC() { return FirstFreeSubArray().AppendC(); }
	/** indexed access (non-const) */
	FORCEINLINE T& operator [] (uint index)
	inline T& operator [] (uint index)
		const SubArray& s = data[index / B];
		T& item = s[index % B];
		return item;
	/** indexed access (const) */
	FORCEINLINE const T& operator [] (uint index) const
	inline const T& operator [] (uint index) const
		const SubArray& s = data[index / B];
		const T& item = s[index % B];
		return item;

Show inline comments
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ protected:
	 *  is in order again.
	 * @param gap The position of the gap
	 * @param item The proposed item for filling the gap
	 * @return The (gap)position where the item fits
	FORCEINLINE uint HeapifyDown(uint gap, T *item)
	inline uint HeapifyDown(uint gap, T *item)
		assert(gap != 0);

		/* The first child of the gap is at [parent * 2] */
		uint child = gap * 2;

@@ -118,13 +118,13 @@ protected:
	 *  is in order again.
	 * @param gap The position of the gap
	 * @param item The proposed item for filling the gap
	 * @return The (gap)position where the item fits
	FORCEINLINE uint HeapifyUp(uint gap, T *item)
	inline uint HeapifyUp(uint gap, T *item)
		assert(gap != 0);

		uint parent;

		while (gap > 1) {
@@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ protected:
		return gap;

	/** Verify the heap consistency */
	FORCEINLINE void CheckConsistency()
	inline void CheckConsistency()
		for (uint child = 2; child <= this->items; child++) {
			uint parent = child / 2;
			assert(!(*this->data[child] < *this->data[parent]));
@@ -154,57 +154,57 @@ protected:
	 * Get the number of items stored in the priority queue.
	 *  @return The number of items in the queue
	FORCEINLINE uint Length() const { return this->items; }
	inline uint Length() const { return this->items; }

	 * Test if the priority queue is empty.
	 * @return True if empty
	FORCEINLINE bool IsEmpty() const { return this->items == 0; }
	inline bool IsEmpty() const { return this->items == 0; }

	 * Test if the priority queue is full.
	 * @return True if full.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsFull() const { return this->items >= this->capacity; }
	inline bool IsFull() const { return this->items >= this->capacity; }

	 * Get the smallest item in the binary tree.
	 * @return The smallest item, or throw assert if empty.
	inline T *Begin()
		return this->data[1];

	 * Get the LAST item in the binary tree.
	 * @note The last item is not neccesary the biggest!
	 * @return The last item
	inline T *End()
		return this->data[1 + this->items];

	 * Insert new item into the priority queue, maintaining heap order.
	 * @param new_item The pointer to the new item
	FORCEINLINE void Include(T *new_item)
	inline void Include(T *new_item)
		if (this->IsFull()) {
			assert(this->capacity < UINT_MAX / 2);

			this->capacity *= 2;
			this->data = ReallocT<T*>(this->data, this->capacity + 1);
@@ -219,13 +219,13 @@ public:
	 * Remove and return the smallest (and also first) item
	 *  from the priority queue.
	 * @return The pointer to the removed item
	inline T *Shift()

		T *first = this->Begin();

@@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ public:

	 * Remove item at given index from the priority queue.
	 * @param index The position of the item in the heap
	FORCEINLINE void Remove(uint index)
	inline void Remove(uint index)
		if (index < this->items) {
			assert(index != 0);
			/* at position index we have a gap now */

@@ -269,13 +269,13 @@ public:
	 *  Matching is done by comparing adress of the
	 *  item.
	 * @param item The reference to the item
	 * @return The index of the item or zero if not found
	FORCEINLINE uint FindIndex(const T &item) const
	inline uint FindIndex(const T &item) const
		if (this->IsEmpty()) return 0;
		for (T **ppI = this->data + 1, **ppLast = ppI + this->items; ppI <= ppLast; ppI++) {
			if (*ppI == &item) {
				return ppI - this->data;
@@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ public:

	 * Make the priority queue empty.
	 * All remaining items will remain untouched.
	FORCEINLINE void Clear() { this->items = 0; }
	inline void Clear() { this->items = 0; }

#endif /* BINARYHEAP_HPP */
Show inline comments
@@ -68,53 +68,53 @@ private:

	static const size_t tail_reserve = 4; ///< four extra bytes will be always allocated and zeroed at the end
	static const size_t header_size = sizeof(BlobHeader);

	/** default constructor - initializes empty blob */
	FORCEINLINE ByteBlob() { InitEmpty(); }
	inline ByteBlob() { InitEmpty(); }

	/** copy constructor */
	FORCEINLINE ByteBlob(const ByteBlob &src)
	inline ByteBlob(const ByteBlob &src)

	/** move constructor - take ownership of blob data */
	FORCEINLINE ByteBlob(BlobHeader * const & src)
	inline ByteBlob(BlobHeader * const & src)
		assert(src != NULL);
		header = src;
		*const_cast<BlobHeader**>(&src) = NULL;

	/** destructor */
	inline ~ByteBlob()

	/** all allocation should happen here */
	static FORCEINLINE BlobHeader *RawAlloc(size_t num_bytes)
	static inline BlobHeader *RawAlloc(size_t num_bytes)
		return (BlobHeader*)MallocT<byte>(num_bytes);

	 * Return header pointer to the static BlobHeader with
	 * both items and capacity containing zero
	static FORCEINLINE BlobHeader *Zero()
	static inline BlobHeader *Zero()
		return const_cast<BlobHeader *>(&ByteBlob::hdrEmpty[1]);

	/** simple allocation policy - can be optimized later */
	static FORCEINLINE size_t AllocPolicy(size_t min_alloc)
	static inline size_t AllocPolicy(size_t min_alloc)
		if (min_alloc < (1 << 9)) {
			if (min_alloc < (1 << 5)) return (1 << 5);
			return (min_alloc < (1 << 7)) ? (1 << 7) : (1 << 9);
		if (min_alloc < (1 << 15)) {
@@ -127,130 +127,130 @@ protected:
		min_alloc = (min_alloc | ((1 << 20) - 1)) + 1;
		return min_alloc;

	/** all deallocations should happen here */
	static FORCEINLINE void RawFree(BlobHeader *p)
	static inline void RawFree(BlobHeader *p)
		/* Just to silence an unsilencable GCC 4.4+ warning. */
		assert(p != ByteBlob::hdrEmpty);

		/* In case GCC warns about the following, see GCC's PR38509 why it is bogus. */

	/** initialize the empty blob */
	FORCEINLINE void InitEmpty()
	inline void InitEmpty()
		header = Zero();

	/** initialize blob by attaching it to the given header followed by data */
	FORCEINLINE void Init(BlobHeader *src)
	inline void Init(BlobHeader *src)
		header = &src[1];

	/** blob header accessor - use it rather than using the pointer arithmetics directly - non-const version */
	FORCEINLINE BlobHeader& Hdr()
	inline BlobHeader& Hdr()
		return *(header - 1);

	/** blob header accessor - use it rather than using the pointer arithmetics directly - const version */
	FORCEINLINE const BlobHeader& Hdr() const
	inline const BlobHeader& Hdr() const
		return *(header - 1);

	/** return reference to the actual blob size - used when the size needs to be modified */
	FORCEINLINE size_t& LengthRef()
	inline size_t& LengthRef()
		return Hdr().items;

	/** return true if blob doesn't contain valid data */
	FORCEINLINE bool IsEmpty() const
	inline bool IsEmpty() const
		return Length() == 0;

	/** return the number of valid data bytes in the blob */
	FORCEINLINE size_t Length() const
	inline size_t Length() const
		return Hdr().items;

	/** return the current blob capacity in bytes */
	FORCEINLINE size_t Capacity() const
	inline size_t Capacity() const
		return Hdr().capacity;

	/** return pointer to the first byte of data - non-const version */
	FORCEINLINE byte *Begin()
	inline byte *Begin()
		return data;

	/** return pointer to the first byte of data - const version */
	FORCEINLINE const byte *Begin() const
	inline const byte *Begin() const
		return data;

	/** invalidate blob's data - doesn't free buffer */
	FORCEINLINE void Clear()
	inline void Clear()
		LengthRef() = 0;

	/** free the blob's memory */
	FORCEINLINE void Free()
	inline void Free()
		if (Capacity() > 0) {

	/** append new bytes at the end of existing data bytes - reallocates if necessary */
	FORCEINLINE void AppendRaw(const void *p, size_t num_bytes)
	inline void AppendRaw(const void *p, size_t num_bytes)
		assert(p != NULL);
		if (num_bytes > 0) {
			memcpy(Append(num_bytes), p, num_bytes);

	/** append bytes from given source blob to the end of existing data bytes - reallocates if necessary */
	FORCEINLINE void AppendRaw(const ByteBlob& src)
	inline void AppendRaw(const ByteBlob& src)
		if (!src.IsEmpty()) {
			memcpy(Append(src.Length()), src.Begin(), src.Length());

	 * Reallocate if there is no free space for num_bytes bytes.
	 *  @return pointer to the new data to be added
	FORCEINLINE byte *Prepare(size_t num_bytes)
	inline byte *Prepare(size_t num_bytes)
		size_t new_size = Length() + num_bytes;
		if (new_size > Capacity()) SmartAlloc(new_size);
		return data + Length();

	 * Increase Length() by num_bytes.
	 *  @return pointer to the new data added
	FORCEINLINE byte *Append(size_t num_bytes)
	inline byte *Append(size_t num_bytes)
		byte *pNewData = Prepare(num_bytes);
		LengthRef() += num_bytes;
		return pNewData;

@@ -278,13 +278,13 @@ public:

	/** fixing the four bytes at the end of blob data - useful when blob is used to hold string */
	FORCEINLINE void FixTail() const
	inline void FixTail() const
		if (Capacity() > 0) {
			byte *p = &data[Length()];
			for (uint i = 0; i < tail_reserve; i++) {
				p[i] = 0;
@@ -314,93 +314,93 @@ public:
		OnTransfer(const OnTransfer& src) : header(src.header) {assert(src.header != NULL); *const_cast<typename base::BlobHeader**>(&src.header) = NULL;}
		OnTransfer(CBlobT& src) : header(src.header) {src.InitEmpty();}
		~OnTransfer() {assert(header == NULL);}

	/** Default constructor - makes new Blob ready to accept any data */
	inline CBlobT()
		: base()

	/** Take ownership constructor */
	FORCEINLINE CBlobT(const OnTransfer& ot)
	inline CBlobT(const OnTransfer& ot)
		: base(ot.header)

	/** Destructor - ensures that allocated memory (if any) is freed */
	inline ~CBlobT()

	/** Check the validity of item index (only in debug mode) */
	FORCEINLINE void CheckIdx(size_t index) const
	inline void CheckIdx(size_t index) const
		assert(index < Size());

	/** Return pointer to the first data item - non-const version */
	inline T *Data()
		return (T*)base::Begin();

	/** Return pointer to the first data item - const version */
	FORCEINLINE const T *Data() const
	inline const T *Data() const
		return (const T*)base::Begin();

	/** Return pointer to the index-th data item - non-const version */
	FORCEINLINE T *Data(size_t index)
	inline T *Data(size_t index)
		return (Data() + index);

	/** Return pointer to the index-th data item - const version */
	FORCEINLINE const T *Data(size_t index) const
	inline const T *Data(size_t index) const
		return (Data() + index);

	/** Return number of items in the Blob */
	FORCEINLINE size_t Size() const
	inline size_t Size() const
		return (base::Length() / type_size);

	/** Return total number of items that can fit in the Blob without buffer reallocation */
	FORCEINLINE size_t MaxSize() const
	inline size_t MaxSize() const
		return (base::Capacity() / type_size);

	/** Return number of additional items that can fit in the Blob without buffer reallocation */
	FORCEINLINE size_t GetReserve() const
	inline size_t GetReserve() const
		return ((base::Capacity() - base::Length()) / type_size);

	/** Grow number of data items in Blob by given number - doesn't construct items */
	FORCEINLINE T *GrowSizeNC(size_t num_items)
	inline T *GrowSizeNC(size_t num_items)
		return (T*)base::Append(num_items * type_size);

	 * Ensures that given number of items can be added to the end of Blob. Returns pointer to the
	 *  first free (unused) item
	FORCEINLINE T *MakeFreeSpace(size_t num_items)
	inline T *MakeFreeSpace(size_t num_items)
		return (T*)base::Prepare(num_items * type_size);

	FORCEINLINE OnTransfer Transfer()
	inline OnTransfer Transfer()
		return OnTransfer(*this);


Show inline comments
@@ -32,70 +32,70 @@ public:
	/** here we hold our pointer to the target */
	Tcls *m_pT;

	/** default (NULL) construct or construct from a raw pointer */
	FORCEINLINE CCountedPtr(Tcls *pObj = NULL) : m_pT(pObj) {AddRef();}
	inline CCountedPtr(Tcls *pObj = NULL) : m_pT(pObj) {AddRef();}

	/** copy constructor (invoked also when initializing from another smart ptr) */
	FORCEINLINE CCountedPtr(const CCountedPtr& src) : m_pT(src.m_pT) {AddRef();}
	inline CCountedPtr(const CCountedPtr& src) : m_pT(src.m_pT) {AddRef();}

	/** destructor releasing the reference */
	FORCEINLINE ~CCountedPtr() {Release();}
	inline ~CCountedPtr() {Release();}

	/** add one ref to the underlaying object */
	FORCEINLINE void AddRef() {if (m_pT != NULL) m_pT->AddRef();}
	inline void AddRef() {if (m_pT != NULL) m_pT->AddRef();}

	/** release smart pointer (and decrement ref count) if not null */
	FORCEINLINE void Release() {if (m_pT != NULL) {Tcls *pT = m_pT; m_pT = NULL; pT->Release();}}
	inline void Release() {if (m_pT != NULL) {Tcls *pT = m_pT; m_pT = NULL; pT->Release();}}

	/** dereference of smart pointer - const way */
	FORCEINLINE const Tcls *operator -> () const {assert(m_pT != NULL); return m_pT;}
	inline const Tcls *operator -> () const {assert(m_pT != NULL); return m_pT;}

	/** dereference of smart pointer - non const way */
	FORCEINLINE Tcls *operator -> () {assert(m_pT != NULL); return m_pT;}
	inline Tcls *operator -> () {assert(m_pT != NULL); return m_pT;}

	/** raw pointer casting operator - const way */
	FORCEINLINE operator const Tcls*() const {assert(m_pT == NULL); return m_pT;}
	inline operator const Tcls*() const {assert(m_pT == NULL); return m_pT;}

	/** raw pointer casting operator - non-const way */
	FORCEINLINE operator Tcls*() {return m_pT;}
	inline operator Tcls*() {return m_pT;}

	/** operator & to support output arguments */
	FORCEINLINE Tcls** operator &() {assert(m_pT == NULL); return &m_pT;}
	inline Tcls** operator &() {assert(m_pT == NULL); return &m_pT;}

	/** assignment operator from raw ptr */
	FORCEINLINE CCountedPtr& operator = (Tcls *pT) {Assign(pT); return *this;}
	inline CCountedPtr& operator = (Tcls *pT) {Assign(pT); return *this;}

	/** assignment operator from another smart ptr */
	FORCEINLINE CCountedPtr& operator = (const CCountedPtr& src) {Assign(src.m_pT); return *this;}
	inline CCountedPtr& operator = (const CCountedPtr& src) {Assign(src.m_pT); return *this;}

	/** assignment operator helper */
	FORCEINLINE void Assign(Tcls *pT);
	inline void Assign(Tcls *pT);

	/** one way how to test for NULL value */
	FORCEINLINE bool IsNull() const {return m_pT == NULL;}
	inline bool IsNull() const {return m_pT == NULL;}

	/** another way how to test for NULL value */
	//FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const CCountedPtr& sp) const {return m_pT == sp.m_pT;}
	//inline bool operator == (const CCountedPtr& sp) const {return m_pT == sp.m_pT;}

	/** yet another way how to test for NULL value */
	//FORCEINLINE bool operator != (const CCountedPtr& sp) const {return m_pT != sp.m_pT;}
	//inline bool operator != (const CCountedPtr& sp) const {return m_pT != sp.m_pT;}

	/** assign pointer w/o incrementing ref count */
	FORCEINLINE void Attach(Tcls *pT) {Release(); m_pT = pT;}
	inline void Attach(Tcls *pT) {Release(); m_pT = pT;}

	/** detach pointer w/o decrementing ref count */
	FORCEINLINE Tcls *Detach() {Tcls *pT = m_pT; m_pT = NULL; return pT;}
	inline Tcls *Detach() {Tcls *pT = m_pT; m_pT = NULL; return pT;}

template <class Tcls_>
FORCEINLINE void CCountedPtr<Tcls_>::Assign(Tcls *pT)
inline void CCountedPtr<Tcls_>::Assign(Tcls *pT)
	/* if they are the same, we do nothing */
	if (pT != m_pT) {
		if (pT != NULL) pT->AddRef();        // AddRef new pointer if any
		Tcls *pTold = m_pT;                  // save original ptr
		m_pT = pT;                           // update m_pT to new value
Show inline comments
@@ -38,19 +38,19 @@ protected:
	 * the only member of fixed size array is pointer to the block
	 *  of C array of items. Header can be found on the offset -sizeof(ArrayHeader).
	T *data;

	/** return reference to the array header (non-const) */
	FORCEINLINE ArrayHeader& Hdr() { return *(ArrayHeader*)(((byte*)data) - HeaderSize); }
	inline ArrayHeader& Hdr() { return *(ArrayHeader*)(((byte*)data) - HeaderSize); }
	/** return reference to the array header (const) */
	FORCEINLINE const ArrayHeader& Hdr() const { return *(ArrayHeader*)(((byte*)data) - HeaderSize); }
	inline const ArrayHeader& Hdr() const { return *(ArrayHeader*)(((byte*)data) - HeaderSize); }
	/** return reference to the block reference counter */
	FORCEINLINE uint& RefCnt() { return Hdr().reference_count; }
	inline uint& RefCnt() { return Hdr().reference_count; }
	/** return reference to number of used items */
	FORCEINLINE uint& SizeRef() { return Hdr().items; }
	inline uint& SizeRef() { return Hdr().items; }

	/** Default constructor. Preallocate space for items and header, then initialize header. */
		/* Ensure the size won't overflow. */
@@ -80,35 +80,35 @@ public:
		/* free the memory block occupied by items */
		free(((byte*)data) - HeaderSize);
		data = NULL;

	/** Clear (destroy) all items */
	FORCEINLINE void Clear()
	inline void Clear()
		/* Walk through all allocated items backward and destroy them
		 * Note: this->Length() can be zero. In that case data[this->Length() - 1] is evaluated unsigned
		 *       on some compilers with some architectures. (e.g. gcc with x86) */
		for (T *pItem = this->data + this->Length() - 1; pItem >= this->data; pItem--) {
		/* number of items become zero */
		SizeRef() = 0;

	/** return number of used items */
	FORCEINLINE uint Length() const { return Hdr().items; }
	inline uint Length() const { return Hdr().items; }
	/** return true if array is full */
	FORCEINLINE bool IsFull() const { return Length() >= C; }
	inline bool IsFull() const { return Length() >= C; }
	/** return true if array is empty */
	FORCEINLINE bool IsEmpty() const { return Length() <= 0; }
	inline bool IsEmpty() const { return Length() <= 0; }
	/** add (allocate), but don't construct item */
	FORCEINLINE T *Append() { assert(!IsFull()); return &data[SizeRef()++]; }
	inline T *Append() { assert(!IsFull()); return &data[SizeRef()++]; }
	/** add and construct item using default constructor */
	FORCEINLINE T *AppendC() { T *item = Append(); new(item)T; return item; }
	inline T *AppendC() { T *item = Append(); new(item)T; return item; }
	/** return item by index (non-const version) */
	FORCEINLINE T& operator [] (uint index) { assert(index < Length()); return data[index]; }
	inline T& operator [] (uint index) { assert(index < Length()); return data[index]; }
	/** return item by index (const version) */
	FORCEINLINE const T& operator [] (uint index) const { assert(index < Length()); return data[index]; }
	inline const T& operator [] (uint index) const { assert(index < Length()); return data[index]; }

Show inline comments
@@ -18,51 +18,51 @@ template <class Titem_>
struct CHashTableSlotT
	typedef typename Titem_::Key Key;          // make Titem_::Key a property of HashTable

	Titem_ *m_pFirst;

	FORCEINLINE CHashTableSlotT() : m_pFirst(NULL) {}
	inline CHashTableSlotT() : m_pFirst(NULL) {}

	/** hash table slot helper - clears the slot by simple forgetting its items */
	FORCEINLINE void Clear() {m_pFirst = NULL;}
	inline void Clear() {m_pFirst = NULL;}

	/** hash table slot helper - linear search for item with given key through the given blob - const version */
	FORCEINLINE const Titem_ *Find(const Key& key) const
	inline const Titem_ *Find(const Key& key) const
		for (const Titem_ *pItem = m_pFirst; pItem != NULL; pItem = pItem->GetHashNext()) {
			if (pItem->GetKey() == key) {
				/* we have found the item, return it */
				return pItem;
		return NULL;

	/** hash table slot helper - linear search for item with given key through the given blob - non-const version */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *Find(const Key& key)
	inline Titem_ *Find(const Key& key)
		for (Titem_ *pItem = m_pFirst; pItem != NULL; pItem = pItem->GetHashNext()) {
			if (pItem->GetKey() == key) {
				/* we have found the item, return it */
				return pItem;
		return NULL;

	/** hash table slot helper - add new item to the slot */
	FORCEINLINE void Attach(Titem_& new_item)
	inline void Attach(Titem_& new_item)
		assert(new_item.GetHashNext() == NULL);
		m_pFirst = &new_item;

	/** hash table slot helper - remove item from a slot */
	FORCEINLINE bool Detach(Titem_& item_to_remove)
	inline bool Detach(Titem_& item_to_remove)
		if (m_pFirst == &item_to_remove) {
			m_pFirst = item_to_remove.GetHashNext();
			return true;
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ struct CHashTableSlotT
		return true;

	/** hash table slot helper - remove and return item from a slot */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *Detach(const Key& key)
	inline Titem_ *Detach(const Key& key)
		/* do we have any items? */
		if (m_pFirst == NULL) {
			return NULL;
		/* is it our first item? */
@@ -147,38 +147,38 @@ protected:

	Slot  m_slots[Tcapacity]; // here we store our data (array of blobs)
	int   m_num_items;        // item counter

	/* default constructor */
	FORCEINLINE CHashTableT() : m_num_items(0)
	inline CHashTableT() : m_num_items(0)

	/** static helper - return hash for the given key modulo number of slots */
	FORCEINLINE static int CalcHash(const Tkey& key)
	inline static int CalcHash(const Tkey& key)
		int32 hash = key.CalcHash();
		if ((8 * Thash_bits) < 32) hash ^= hash >> (min(8 * Thash_bits, 31));
		if ((4 * Thash_bits) < 32) hash ^= hash >> (min(4 * Thash_bits, 31));
		if ((2 * Thash_bits) < 32) hash ^= hash >> (min(2 * Thash_bits, 31));
		if ((1 * Thash_bits) < 32) hash ^= hash >> (min(1 * Thash_bits, 31));
		hash &= (1 << Thash_bits) - 1;
		return hash;

	/** static helper - return hash for the given item modulo number of slots */
	FORCEINLINE static int CalcHash(const Titem_& item) {return CalcHash(item.GetKey());}
	inline static int CalcHash(const Titem_& item) {return CalcHash(item.GetKey());}

	/** item count */
	FORCEINLINE int Count() const {return m_num_items;}
	inline int Count() const {return m_num_items;}

	/** simple clear - forget all items - used by CSegmentCostCacheT.Flush() */
	FORCEINLINE void Clear() {for (int i = 0; i < Tcapacity; i++) m_slots[i].Clear();}
	inline void Clear() {for (int i = 0; i < Tcapacity; i++) m_slots[i].Clear();}

	/** const item search */
	const Titem_ *Find(const Tkey& key) const
		int hash = CalcHash(key);
		const Slot& slot = m_slots[hash];
Show inline comments
@@ -21,75 +21,75 @@
/** Blob based case sensitive ANSI/UTF-8 string */
struct CStrA : public CBlobT<char>
	typedef CBlobT<char> base;                    ///< base class

	/** Create an empty CStrT */
	inline CStrA()

	/** Copy constructor */
	FORCEINLINE CStrA(const CStrA &src) : base(src)
	inline CStrA(const CStrA &src) : base(src)

	/** Take over ownership constructor */
	FORCEINLINE CStrA(const OnTransfer& ot)
	inline CStrA(const OnTransfer& ot)
		: base(ot)

	/** Grow the actual buffer and fix the trailing zero at the end. */
	FORCEINLINE char *GrowSizeNC(uint count)
	inline char *GrowSizeNC(uint count)
		char *ret = base::GrowSizeNC(count);
		return ret;

	/** Append zero-ended C string. */
	FORCEINLINE void AppendStr(const char *str)
	inline void AppendStr(const char *str)
		if (!StrEmpty(str)) {
			base::AppendRaw(str, strlen(str));

	/** Append another CStrA. */
	FORCEINLINE void Append(const CStrA &src)
	inline void Append(const CStrA &src)
		if (src.Length() > 0) {

	/** Assignment from C string. */
	FORCEINLINE CStrA &operator = (const char *src)
	inline CStrA &operator = (const char *src)
		return *this;

	/** Assignment from another CStrA. */
	FORCEINLINE CStrA &operator = (const CStrA &src)
	inline CStrA &operator = (const CStrA &src)
		if (&src != this) {
			base::AppendRaw(src.Data(), src.Size());
		return *this;

	/** Lower-than operator (to support stl collections) */
	FORCEINLINE bool operator < (const CStrA &other) const
	inline bool operator < (const CStrA &other) const
		return strcmp(base::Data(), other.Data()) < 0;

	/** Add formated string (like vsprintf) at the end of existing contents. */
	int AddFormatL(const char *format, va_list args)
Show inline comments
@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ protected:
	byte *data;
	byte *end;

	ByteReader(byte *data, byte *end) : data(data), end(end) { }

	FORCEINLINE byte ReadByte()
	inline byte ReadByte()
		if (data < end) return *(data)++;
		throw OTTDByteReaderSignal();

	uint16 ReadWord()
@@ -258,28 +258,28 @@ public:

		return string;

	FORCEINLINE size_t Remaining() const
	inline size_t Remaining() const
		return end - data;

	FORCEINLINE bool HasData(size_t count = 1) const
	inline bool HasData(size_t count = 1) const
		return data + count <= end;

	FORCEINLINE byte *Data()
	inline byte *Data()
		return data;

	FORCEINLINE void Skip(size_t len)
	inline void Skip(size_t len)
		data += len;
		/* It is valid to move the buffer to exactly the end of the data,
		 * as there may not be any more data read. */
		if (data > end) throw OTTDByteReaderSignal();
Show inline comments
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ public:
	 * @param base_tile The basetile for all offsets.
	AirportTileTableIterator(const AirportTileTable *att, TileIndex base_tile) : TileIterator(base_tile + ToTileIndexDiff(att->ti)), att(att), base_tile(base_tile)

	FORCEINLINE TileIterator& operator ++()
	inline TileIterator& operator ++()
		if (this->att->ti.x == -0x80) {
			this->tile = INVALID_TILE;
		} else {
			this->tile = base_tile + ToTileIndexDiff(att->ti);
Show inline comments
@@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ struct GRFIdentifier {
	 * Does the identification match the provided values?
	 * @param grfid  Expected grfid.
	 * @param md5sum Expected md5sum, may be \c NULL (in which case, do not check it).
	 * @return the object has the provided grfid and md5sum.
	FORCEINLINE bool HasGrfIdentifier(uint32 grfid, const uint8 *md5sum) const
	inline bool HasGrfIdentifier(uint32 grfid, const uint8 *md5sum) const
		if (this->grfid != grfid) return false;
		if (md5sum == NULL) return true;
		return memcmp(md5sum, this->md5sum, sizeof(this->md5sum)) == 0;
Show inline comments
@@ -836,13 +836,13 @@ struct NewGRFWindow : public QueryString

	 * Pick the palette for the sprite of the grf to display.
	 * @param c grf to display.
	 * @return Palette for the sprite.
	FORCEINLINE PaletteID GetPalette(const GRFConfig *c) const
	inline PaletteID GetPalette(const GRFConfig *c) const
		PaletteID pal;

		/* Pick a colour */
		switch (c->status) {
			case GCS_NOT_FOUND:
Show inline comments
@@ -50,31 +50,31 @@ struct CFollowTrackT
	bool                m_is_station;    ///< last turn passed station
	int                 m_tiles_skipped; ///< number of skipped tunnel or station tiles
	ErrorCode           m_err;
	CPerformanceTimer  *m_pPerf;
	RailTypes           m_railtypes;

	FORCEINLINE CFollowTrackT(const VehicleType *v = NULL, RailTypes railtype_override = INVALID_RAILTYPES, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf = NULL)
	inline CFollowTrackT(const VehicleType *v = NULL, RailTypes railtype_override = INVALID_RAILTYPES, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf = NULL)
		Init(v, railtype_override, pPerf);

	FORCEINLINE CFollowTrackT(Owner o, RailTypes railtype_override = INVALID_RAILTYPES, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf = NULL)
	inline CFollowTrackT(Owner o, RailTypes railtype_override = INVALID_RAILTYPES, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf = NULL)
		m_veh = NULL;
		Init(o, railtype_override, pPerf);

	FORCEINLINE void Init(const VehicleType *v, RailTypes railtype_override, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf)
	inline void Init(const VehicleType *v, RailTypes railtype_override, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf)
		assert(!IsRailTT() || (v != NULL && v->type == VEH_TRAIN));
		m_veh = v;
		Init(v != NULL ? v->owner : INVALID_OWNER, IsRailTT() && railtype_override == INVALID_RAILTYPES ? Train::From(v)->compatible_railtypes : railtype_override, pPerf);

	FORCEINLINE void Init(Owner o, RailTypes railtype_override, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf)
	inline void Init(Owner o, RailTypes railtype_override, CPerformanceTimer *pPerf)
		assert((!IsRoadTT() || m_veh != NULL) && (!IsRailTT() || railtype_override != INVALID_RAILTYPES));
		m_veh_owner = o;
		m_pPerf = pPerf;
		/* don't worry, all is inlined so compiler should remove unnecessary initializations */
		m_new_tile = INVALID_TILE;
@@ -83,22 +83,22 @@ struct CFollowTrackT
		m_is_station = m_is_bridge = m_is_tunnel = false;
		m_tiles_skipped = 0;
		m_err = EC_NONE;
		m_railtypes = railtype_override;

	FORCEINLINE static TransportType TT() {return Ttr_type_;}
	FORCEINLINE static bool IsWaterTT() {return TT() == TRANSPORT_WATER;}
	FORCEINLINE static bool IsRailTT() {return TT() == TRANSPORT_RAIL;}
	FORCEINLINE bool IsTram() {return IsRoadTT() && HasBit(RoadVehicle::From(m_veh)->compatible_roadtypes, ROADTYPE_TRAM);}
	FORCEINLINE static bool IsRoadTT() {return TT() == TRANSPORT_ROAD;}
	FORCEINLINE static bool Allow90degTurns() {return T90deg_turns_allowed_;}
	FORCEINLINE static bool DoTrackMasking() {return IsRailTT() && Tmask_reserved_tracks;}
	inline static TransportType TT() {return Ttr_type_;}
	inline static bool IsWaterTT() {return TT() == TRANSPORT_WATER;}
	inline static bool IsRailTT() {return TT() == TRANSPORT_RAIL;}
	inline bool IsTram() {return IsRoadTT() && HasBit(RoadVehicle::From(m_veh)->compatible_roadtypes, ROADTYPE_TRAM);}
	inline static bool IsRoadTT() {return TT() == TRANSPORT_ROAD;}
	inline static bool Allow90degTurns() {return T90deg_turns_allowed_;}
	inline static bool DoTrackMasking() {return IsRailTT() && Tmask_reserved_tracks;}

	/** Tests if a tile is a road tile with a single tramtrack (tram can reverse) */
	FORCEINLINE DiagDirection GetSingleTramBit(TileIndex tile)
	inline DiagDirection GetSingleTramBit(TileIndex tile)
		assert(IsTram()); // this function shouldn't be called in other cases

		if (IsNormalRoadTile(tile)) {
			RoadBits rb = GetRoadBits(tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM);
			switch (rb) {
@@ -186,13 +186,13 @@ struct CFollowTrackT
		return true;

	/** Follow the m_exitdir from m_old_tile and fill m_new_tile and m_tiles_skipped */
	FORCEINLINE void FollowTileExit()
	inline void FollowTileExit()
		m_is_station = m_is_bridge = m_is_tunnel = false;
		m_tiles_skipped = 0;

		/* extra handling for tunnels and bridges in our direction */
		if (IsTileType(m_old_tile, MP_TUNNELBRIDGE)) {
@@ -224,13 +224,13 @@ protected:
		} else {
			m_is_station = false;

	/** stores track status (available trackdirs) for the new tile into m_new_td_bits */
	FORCEINLINE bool QueryNewTileTrackStatus()
	inline bool QueryNewTileTrackStatus()
		CPerfStart perf(*m_pPerf);
		if (IsRailTT() && IsPlainRailTile(m_new_tile)) {
			m_new_td_bits = (TrackdirBits)(GetTrackBits(m_new_tile) * 0x101);
		} else {
			m_new_td_bits = TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(m_new_tile, TT(), IsRoadTT() && m_veh != NULL ? RoadVehicle::From(m_veh)->compatible_roadtypes : 0));
@@ -254,13 +254,13 @@ protected:
		return (m_new_td_bits != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);

	/** return true if we can leave m_old_tile in m_exitdir */
	FORCEINLINE bool CanExitOldTile()
	inline bool CanExitOldTile()
		/* road stop can be left at one direction only unless it's a drive-through stop */
		if (IsRoadTT() && IsStandardRoadStopTile(m_old_tile)) {
			DiagDirection exitdir = GetRoadStopDir(m_old_tile);
			if (exitdir != m_exitdir) {
				m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
@@ -286,13 +286,13 @@ protected:
		return true;

	/** return true if we can enter m_new_tile from m_exitdir */
	FORCEINLINE bool CanEnterNewTile()
	inline bool CanEnterNewTile()
		if (IsRoadTT() && IsStandardRoadStopTile(m_new_tile)) {
			/* road stop can be entered from one direction only unless it's a drive-through stop */
			DiagDirection exitdir = GetRoadStopDir(m_new_tile);
			if (ReverseDiagDir(exitdir) != m_exitdir) {
				m_err = EC_NO_WAY;
@@ -383,13 +383,13 @@ protected:

		return true;

	/** return true if we must reverse (in depots and single tram bits) */
	FORCEINLINE bool ForcedReverse()
	inline bool ForcedReverse()
		/* rail and road depots cause reversing */
		if (!IsWaterTT() && IsDepotTypeTile(m_old_tile, TT())) {
			DiagDirection exitdir = IsRailTT() ? GetRailDepotDirection(m_old_tile) : GetRoadDepotDirection(m_old_tile);
			if (exitdir != m_exitdir) {
				/* reverse */
@@ -414,13 +414,13 @@ protected:

		return false;

	/** return true if we successfully reversed at end of road/track */
	FORCEINLINE bool TryReverse()
	inline bool TryReverse()
		if (IsRoadTT() && !IsTram()) {
			/* if we reached the end of road, we can reverse the RV and continue moving */
			m_exitdir = ReverseDiagDir(m_exitdir);
			/* new tile will be the same as old one */
			m_new_tile = m_old_tile;
Show inline comments
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ struct BinaryHeap {

	 * Get an element from the #elements.
	 * @param i Element to access (starts at offset \c 1).
	 * @return Value of the element.
	FORCEINLINE BinaryHeapNode &GetElement(uint i)
	inline BinaryHeapNode &GetElement(uint i)
		assert(i > 0);
		return this->elements[(i - 1) >> BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE_BITS][(i - 1) & BINARY_HEAP_BLOCKSIZE_MASK];

	uint max_size;
@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ struct Hash {
	void Clear(bool free_values);
	void Delete(bool free_values);

	 * Gets the current size of the hash.
	FORCEINLINE uint GetSize() const
	inline uint GetSize() const
		return this->size;

Show inline comments
@@ -18,65 +18,65 @@ struct CPerformanceTimer
	int64    m_start;
	int64    m_acc;

	CPerformanceTimer() : m_start(0), m_acc(0) {}

	FORCEINLINE void Start()
	inline void Start()
		m_start = QueryTime();

	FORCEINLINE void Stop()
	inline void Stop()
		m_acc += QueryTime() - m_start;

	FORCEINLINE int Get(int64 coef)
	inline int Get(int64 coef)
		return (int)(m_acc * coef / QueryFrequency());

	FORCEINLINE int64 QueryTime()
	inline int64 QueryTime()
		return ottd_rdtsc();

	FORCEINLINE int64 QueryFrequency()
	inline int64 QueryFrequency()
		return ((int64)2200 * 1000000);

struct CPerfStartReal
	CPerformanceTimer *m_pperf;

	FORCEINLINE CPerfStartReal(CPerformanceTimer& perf) : m_pperf(&perf)
	inline CPerfStartReal(CPerformanceTimer& perf) : m_pperf(&perf)
		if (m_pperf != NULL) m_pperf->Start();

	FORCEINLINE ~CPerfStartReal()
	inline ~CPerfStartReal()

	FORCEINLINE void Stop()
	inline void Stop()
		if (m_pperf != NULL) {
			m_pperf = NULL;

struct CPerfStartFake
	FORCEINLINE CPerfStartFake(CPerformanceTimer& perf) {}
	FORCEINLINE ~CPerfStartFake() {}
	FORCEINLINE void Stop() {}
	inline CPerfStartFake(CPerformanceTimer& perf) {}
	inline ~CPerfStartFake() {}
	inline void Stop() {}

typedef CPerfStartFake CPerfStart;

Show inline comments
@@ -59,105 +59,105 @@ public:
	/** destructor */

	/** return number of open nodes */
	FORCEINLINE int OpenCount()
	inline int OpenCount()
		return m_open.Count();

	/** return number of closed nodes */
	FORCEINLINE int ClosedCount()
	inline int ClosedCount()
		return m_closed.Count();

	/** allocate new data item from m_arr */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *CreateNewNode()
	inline Titem_ *CreateNewNode()
		if (m_new_node == NULL) m_new_node = m_arr.AppendC();
		return m_new_node;

	/** Notify the nodelist that we don't want to discard the given node. */
	FORCEINLINE void FoundBestNode(Titem_& item)
	inline void FoundBestNode(Titem_& item)
		/* for now it is enough to invalidate m_new_node if it is our given node */
		if (&item == m_new_node) {
			m_new_node = NULL;
		/* TODO: do we need to store best nodes found in some extra list/array? Probably not now. */

	/** insert given item as open node (into m_open and m_open_queue) */
	FORCEINLINE void InsertOpenNode(Titem_& item)
	inline void InsertOpenNode(Titem_& item)
		assert(m_closed.Find(item.GetKey()) == NULL);
		if (&item == m_new_node) {
			m_new_node = NULL;

	/** return the best open node */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *GetBestOpenNode()
	inline Titem_ *GetBestOpenNode()
		if (!m_open_queue.IsEmpty()) {
			return m_open_queue.Begin();
		return NULL;

	/** remove and return the best open node */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *PopBestOpenNode()
	inline Titem_ *PopBestOpenNode()
		if (!m_open_queue.IsEmpty()) {
			Titem_ *item = m_open_queue.Shift();
			return item;
		return NULL;

	/** return the open node specified by a key or NULL if not found */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *FindOpenNode(const Key& key)
	inline Titem_ *FindOpenNode(const Key& key)
		Titem_ *item = m_open.Find(key);
		return item;

	/** remove and return the open node specified by a key */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_& PopOpenNode(const Key& key)
	inline Titem_& PopOpenNode(const Key& key)
		Titem_& item = m_open.Pop(key);
		uint idxPop = m_open_queue.FindIndex(item);
		return item;

	/** close node */
	FORCEINLINE void InsertClosedNode(Titem_& item)
	inline void InsertClosedNode(Titem_& item)
		assert(m_open.Find(item.GetKey()) == NULL);

	/** return the closed node specified by a key or NULL if not found */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_ *FindClosedNode(const Key& key)
	inline Titem_ *FindClosedNode(const Key& key)
		Titem_ *item = m_closed.Find(key);
		return item;

	/** The number of items. */
	FORCEINLINE int TotalCount() {return m_arr.Length();}
	inline int TotalCount() {return m_arr.Length();}
	/** Get a particular item. */
	FORCEINLINE Titem_& ItemAt(int idx) {return m_arr[idx];}
	inline Titem_& ItemAt(int idx) {return m_arr[idx];}

	/** Helper for creating output of this array. */
	template <class D> void Dump(D &dmp) const
		dmp.WriteStructT("m_arr", &m_arr);
Show inline comments
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
#include "../../landscape.h"
#include "../pathfinder_func.h"
#include "../pf_performance_timer.hpp"
#include "yapf.h"

//#define FORCEINLINE inline
//#define inline inline

#include "../../misc/blob.hpp"
#include "../../misc/str.hpp"
#include "../../misc/fixedsizearray.hpp"
#include "../../misc/array.hpp"
#include "../../misc/hashtable.hpp"
Show inline comments
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ extern int _total_pf_time_us;
 *  you need to declare only your node type. Look at test_yapf.h for an example.
 *  Requrements to your pathfinder class derived from CYapfBaseT:
 *  -------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Your pathfinder derived class needs to implement following methods:
 *    FORCEINLINE void PfSetStartupNodes()
 *    FORCEINLINE void PfFollowNode(Node& org)
 *    FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node& n)
 *    FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
 *    FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
 *    inline void PfSetStartupNodes()
 *    inline void PfFollowNode(Node& org)
 *    inline bool PfCalcCost(Node& n)
 *    inline bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
 *    inline bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
 *  For more details about those methods, look at the end of CYapfBaseT
 *  declaration. There are some examples. For another example look at
 *  test_yapf.h (part or unittest project).
template <class Types>
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ public:

	int                  m_num_steps;          ///< this is there for debugging purposes (hope it doesn't hurt)

	/** default constructor */
	inline CYapfBaseT()
		: m_pBestDestNode(NULL)
		, m_pBestIntermediateNode(NULL)
		, m_settings(&
		, m_max_search_nodes(PfGetSettings().max_search_nodes)
		, m_veh(NULL)
		, m_stats_cost_calcs(0)
@@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ public:

	/** default destructor */
	~CYapfBaseT() {}

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** return current settings (can be custom - company based - but later) */
	FORCEINLINE const YAPFSettings& PfGetSettings() const
	inline const YAPFSettings& PfGetSettings() const
		return *m_settings;

	 * Main pathfinder routine:
@@ -179,29 +179,29 @@ public:

	 * If path was found return the best node that has reached the destination. Otherwise
	 *  return the best visited node (which was nearest to the destination).
	FORCEINLINE Node *GetBestNode()
	inline Node *GetBestNode()
		return (m_pBestDestNode != NULL) ? m_pBestDestNode : m_pBestIntermediateNode;

	 * Calls NodeList::CreateNewNode() - allocates new node that can be filled and used
	 *  as argument for AddStartupNode() or AddNewNode()
	FORCEINLINE Node& CreateNewNode()
	inline Node& CreateNewNode()
		Node& node = *m_nodes.CreateNewNode();
		return node;

	/** Add new node (created by CreateNewNode and filled with data) into open list */
	FORCEINLINE void AddStartupNode(Node& n)
	inline void AddStartupNode(Node& n)
		/* insert the new node only if it is not there */
		if (m_nodes.FindOpenNode(n.m_key) == NULL) {
		} else {
@@ -209,13 +209,13 @@ public:
			 *   probably the train is in the position that both its ends point to the same tile/exit-dir
			 *   very unlikely, but it happened */

	/** add multiple nodes - direct children of the given node */
	FORCEINLINE void AddMultipleNodes(Node *parent, const TrackFollower &tf)
	inline void AddMultipleNodes(Node *parent, const TrackFollower &tf)
		bool is_choice = (KillFirstBit(tf.m_new_td_bits) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
		for (TrackdirBits rtds = tf.m_new_td_bits; rtds != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE; rtds = KillFirstBit(rtds)) {
			Trackdir td = (Trackdir)FindFirstBit2x64(rtds);
			Node& n = Yapf().CreateNewNode();
			n.Set(parent, tf.m_new_tile, td, is_choice);
@@ -312,57 +312,57 @@ public:

	/* methods that should be implemented at derived class Types::Tpf (derived from CYapfBaseT) */

#if 0
	/** Example: PfSetStartupNodes() - set source (origin) nodes */
	FORCEINLINE void PfSetStartupNodes()
	inline void PfSetStartupNodes()
		/* example: */
		Node& n1 = *base::m_nodes.CreateNewNode();
		. // setup node members here

	/** Example: PfFollowNode() - set following (child) nodes of the given node */
	FORCEINLINE void PfFollowNode(Node& org)
	inline void PfFollowNode(Node& org)
		for (each follower of node org) {
			Node& n = *base::m_nodes.CreateNewNode();
			. // setup node members here
			n.m_parent   = &org; // set node's parent to allow back tracking

	/** Example: PfCalcCost() - set path cost from origin to the given node */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node& n)
	inline bool PfCalcCost(Node& n)
		/* evaluate last step cost */
		int cost = ...;
		/* set the node cost as sum of parent's cost and last step cost */
		n.m_cost = n.m_parent->m_cost + cost;
		return true; // true if node is valid follower (i.e. no obstacle was found)

	/** Example: PfCalcEstimate() - set path cost estimate from origin to the target through given node */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
	inline bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		/* evaluate the distance to our destination */
		int distance = ...;
		/* set estimate as sum of cost from origin + distance to the target */
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost + distance;
		return true; // true if node is valid (i.e. not too far away :)

	/** Example: PfDetectDestination() - return true if the given node is our destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
	inline bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		bool bDest = (n.m_key.m_x == m_x2) && (n.m_key.m_y == m_y2);
		return bDest;
Show inline comments
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ public:

	TileIndex    m_orgTile;                       ///< origin tile
	TrackdirBits m_orgTrackdirs;                  ///< origin trackdir mask

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Set origin tile / trackdir mask */
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ protected:
	TileIndex   m_revTile;                        ///< second (reversed) origin tile
	Trackdir    m_revTd;                          ///< second (reversed) origin trackdir
	int         m_reverse_penalty;                ///< penalty to be added for using the reversed origin
	bool        m_treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol; ///< in some cases (leaving station) we need to handle first two-way signal differently

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** set origin (tiles, trackdirs, etc.) */
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ public:
			n2.m_cost = m_reverse_penalty;

	/** return true if first two-way signal should be treated as dead end */
	FORCEINLINE bool TreatFirstRedTwoWaySignalAsEOL()
	inline bool TreatFirstRedTwoWaySignalAsEOL()
		return Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_firstred_twoway_eol && m_treat_first_red_two_way_signal_as_eol;

/** YAPF destination provider base class - used when destination is single tile / multiple trackdirs */
@@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ protected:
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
	inline bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		bool bDest = (n.m_key.m_tile == m_destTile) && ((m_destTrackdirs & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(n.GetTrackdir())) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);
		return bDest;

Show inline comments
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ struct CYapfCostBase {
	 * Does the given track direction on the given tile yeild an uphill penalty?
	 * @param tile The tile to check.
	 * @param td   The track direction to check.
	 * @return True if there's a slope, otherwise false.
	FORCEINLINE static bool stSlopeCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
	inline static bool stSlopeCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		if (IsDiagonalTrackdir(td)) {
			if (IsBridgeTile(tile)) {
				/* it is bridge ramp, check if we are entering the bridge */
				if (GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile) != TrackdirToExitdir(td)) return false; // no, we are leaving it, no penalty
				/* we are entering the bridge */
Show inline comments
@@ -27,22 +27,22 @@ public:
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node; ///< this will be our node type

	 * Called by YAPF to attach cached or local segment cost data to the given node.
	 *  @return true if globally cached data were used or false if local data was used
	FORCEINLINE bool PfNodeCacheFetch(Node& n)
	inline bool PfNodeCacheFetch(Node& n)
		return false;

	 * Called by YAPF to flush the cached segment cost data back into cache storage.
	 *  Current cache implementation doesn't use that.
	FORCEINLINE void PfNodeCacheFlush(Node& n)
	inline void PfNodeCacheFlush(Node& n)


@@ -62,34 +62,34 @@ public:
	typedef SmallArray<CachedData> LocalCache;

	LocalCache      m_local_cache;

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	 * Called by YAPF to attach cached or local segment cost data to the given node.
	 *  @return true if globally cached data were used or false if local data was used
	FORCEINLINE bool PfNodeCacheFetch(Node& n)
	inline bool PfNodeCacheFetch(Node& n)
		CacheKey key(n.GetKey());
		Yapf().ConnectNodeToCachedData(n, *new (m_local_cache.Append()) CachedData(key));
		return false;

	 * Called by YAPF to flush the cached segment cost data back into cache storage.
	 *  Current cache implementation doesn't use that.
	FORCEINLINE void PfNodeCacheFlush(Node& n)
	inline void PfNodeCacheFlush(Node& n)


@@ -130,22 +130,22 @@ struct CSegmentCostCacheT
	typedef SmallArray<Tsegment> Heap;
	typedef typename Tsegment::Key Key;    ///< key to hash table

	HashTable    m_map;
	Heap         m_heap;

	FORCEINLINE CSegmentCostCacheT() {}
	inline CSegmentCostCacheT() {}

	/** flush (clear) the cache */
	FORCEINLINE void Flush()
	inline void Flush()

	FORCEINLINE Tsegment& Get(Key& key, bool *found)
	inline Tsegment& Get(Key& key, bool *found)
		Tsegment *item = m_map.Find(key);
		if (item == NULL) {
			*found = false;
			item = new (m_heap.Append()) Tsegment(key);
@@ -174,21 +174,21 @@ public:
	typedef typename CachedData::Key CacheKey;
	typedef CSegmentCostCacheT<CachedData> Cache;

	Cache&      m_global_cache;

	FORCEINLINE CYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT() : m_global_cache(stGetGlobalCache()) {};
	inline CYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT() : m_global_cache(stGetGlobalCache()) {};

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	FORCEINLINE static Cache& stGetGlobalCache()
	inline static Cache& stGetGlobalCache()
		static int last_rail_change_counter = 0;
		static Date last_date = 0;
		static Cache C;

		/* some statistics */
@@ -208,13 +208,13 @@ protected:

	 * Called by YAPF to attach cached or local segment cost data to the given node.
	 *  @return true if globally cached data were used or false if local data was used
	FORCEINLINE bool PfNodeCacheFetch(Node& n)
	inline bool PfNodeCacheFetch(Node& n)
		if (!Yapf().CanUseGlobalCache(n)) {
			return Tlocal::PfNodeCacheFetch(n);
		CacheKey key(n.GetKey());
		bool found;
@@ -224,12 +224,12 @@ public:

	 * Called by YAPF to flush the cached segment cost data back into cache storage.
	 *  Current cache implementation doesn't use that.
	FORCEINLINE void PfNodeCacheFlush(Node& n)
	inline void PfNodeCacheFlush(Node& n)

Show inline comments
@@ -93,20 +93,20 @@ protected:
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	FORCEINLINE int SlopeCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
	inline int SlopeCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		CPerfStart perf_cost(Yapf().m_perf_slope_cost);
		if (!stSlopeCost(tile, td)) return 0;
		return Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_slope_penalty;

	FORCEINLINE int CurveCost(Trackdir td1, Trackdir td2)
	inline int CurveCost(Trackdir td1, Trackdir td2)
		int cost = 0;
		if (TrackFollower::Allow90degTurns()
				&& ((TrackdirToTrackdirBits(td2) & (TrackdirBits)TrackdirCrossesTrackdirs(td1)) != 0)) {
@@ -116,24 +116,24 @@ public:
			/* 45-deg curve penalty */
			cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_curve45_penalty;
		return cost;

	FORCEINLINE int SwitchCost(TileIndex tile1, TileIndex tile2, DiagDirection exitdir)
	inline int SwitchCost(TileIndex tile1, TileIndex tile2, DiagDirection exitdir)
		if (IsPlainRailTile(tile1) && IsPlainRailTile(tile2)) {
			bool t1 = KillFirstBit(GetTrackBits(tile1) & DiagdirReachesTracks(ReverseDiagDir(exitdir))) != TRACK_BIT_NONE;
			bool t2 = KillFirstBit(GetTrackBits(tile2) & DiagdirReachesTracks(exitdir)) != TRACK_BIT_NONE;
			if (t1 && t2) return Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_doubleslip_penalty;
		return 0;

	/** Return one tile cost (base cost + level crossing penalty). */
	FORCEINLINE int OneTileCost(TileIndex& tile, Trackdir trackdir)
	inline int OneTileCost(TileIndex& tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		int cost = 0;
		/* set base cost */
		if (IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir)) {
			cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
			switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
@@ -152,23 +152,23 @@ public:
		return cost;

	/** Check for a reserved station platform. */
	FORCEINLINE bool IsAnyStationTileReserved(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, int skipped)
	inline bool IsAnyStationTileReserved(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, int skipped)
		TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(trackdir)));
		for (; skipped >= 0; skipped--, tile += diff) {
			if (HasStationReservation(tile)) return true;
		return false;

	/** The cost for reserved tiles, including skipped ones. */
	FORCEINLINE int ReservationCost(Node& n, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, int skipped)
	inline int ReservationCost(Node& n, TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir, int skipped)
		if (n.m_num_signals_passed >= m_sig_look_ahead_costs.Size() / 2) return 0;
		if (!IsPbsSignal(n.m_last_signal_type)) return 0;

		if (IsRailStationTile(tile) && IsAnyStationTileReserved(tile, trackdir, skipped)) {
			return Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_pbs_station_penalty * (skipped + 1);
@@ -248,13 +248,13 @@ public:
		return cost;

	FORCEINLINE int PlatformLengthPenalty(int platform_length)
	inline int PlatformLengthPenalty(int platform_length)
		int cost = 0;
		const Train *v = Yapf().GetVehicle();
		assert(v != NULL);
		assert(v->type == VEH_TRAIN);
		assert(v->gcache.cached_total_length != 0);
@@ -267,23 +267,23 @@ public:
			cost += Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_shorter_platform_penalty + Yapf().PfGetSettings().rail_shorter_platform_per_tile_penalty * missing_platform_length;
		return cost;

	FORCEINLINE void SetMaxCost(int max_cost)
	inline void SetMaxCost(int max_cost)
		m_max_cost = max_cost;

	 * Called by YAPF to calculate the cost from the origin to the given node.
	 *  Calculates only the cost of given node, adds it to the parent node cost
	 *  and stores the result into Node::m_cost member
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node &n, const TrackFollower *tf)
	inline bool PfCalcCost(Node &n, const TrackFollower *tf)
		assert(tf->m_new_tile == n.m_key.m_tile);
		assert((TrackdirToTrackdirBits(n.m_key.m_td) & tf->m_new_td_bits) != TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);

		CPerfStart perf_cost(Yapf().m_perf_cost);
@@ -610,20 +610,20 @@ no_entry_cost: // jump here at the begin
		/* total node cost */
		n.m_cost = parent_cost + segment_entry_cost + segment_cost + extra_cost;

		return true;

	FORCEINLINE bool CanUseGlobalCache(Node& n) const
	inline bool CanUseGlobalCache(Node& n) const
		return !m_disable_cache
			&& (n.m_parent != NULL)
			&& (n.m_parent->m_num_signals_passed >= m_sig_look_ahead_costs.Size());

	FORCEINLINE void ConnectNodeToCachedData(Node& n, CachedData& ci)
	inline void ConnectNodeToCachedData(Node& n, CachedData& ci)
		n.m_segment = &ci;
		if (n.m_segment->m_cost < 0) {
			n.m_segment->m_last_tile = n.m_key.m_tile;
			n.m_segment->m_last_td = n.m_key.m_td;
Show inline comments
@@ -48,29 +48,29 @@ public:
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
	inline bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		return PfDetectDestination(n.GetLastTile(), n.GetLastTrackdir());

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
	inline bool PfDetectDestination(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		bool bDest = IsRailDepotTile(tile);
		return bDest;

	 * Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
	inline bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
		return true;

@@ -88,29 +88,29 @@ public:
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
	inline bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		return PfDetectDestination(n.GetLastTile(), n.GetLastTrackdir());

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
	inline bool PfDetectDestination(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		return IsSafeWaitingPosition(Yapf().GetVehicle(), tile, td, true, !TrackFollower::Allow90degTurns()) &&
				IsWaitingPositionFree(Yapf().GetVehicle(), tile, td, !TrackFollower::Allow90degTurns());

	 * Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate.
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
	inline bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
		return true;

@@ -161,19 +161,19 @@ public:

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
	inline bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		return PfDetectDestination(n.GetLastTile(), n.GetLastTrackdir());

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
	inline bool PfDetectDestination(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		bool bDest;
		if (m_dest_station_id != INVALID_STATION) {
			bDest = HasStationTileRail(tile)
				&& (GetStationIndex(tile) == m_dest_station_id)
				&& (GetRailStationTrack(tile) == TrackdirToTrack(td));
@@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ public:

	 * Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
	inline bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		static const int dg_dir_to_x_offs[] = {-1, 0, 1, 0};
		static const int dg_dir_to_y_offs[] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
		if (PfDetectDestination(n)) {
			n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
			return true;
Show inline comments
@@ -15,34 +15,34 @@
/** Yapf Node Key that evaluates hash from (and compares) tile & exit dir. */
struct CYapfNodeKeyExitDir {
	TileIndex      m_tile;
	Trackdir       m_td;
	DiagDirection  m_exitdir;

	FORCEINLINE void Set(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
	inline void Set(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		m_tile = tile;
		m_td = td;
		m_exitdir = (m_td == INVALID_TRACKDIR) ? INVALID_DIAGDIR : TrackdirToExitdir(m_td);

	FORCEINLINE int CalcHash() const {return m_exitdir | (m_tile << 2);}
	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const CYapfNodeKeyExitDir& other) const {return (m_tile == other.m_tile) && (m_exitdir == other.m_exitdir);}
	inline int CalcHash() const {return m_exitdir | (m_tile << 2);}
	inline bool operator == (const CYapfNodeKeyExitDir& other) const {return (m_tile == other.m_tile) && (m_exitdir == other.m_exitdir);}

	void Dump(DumpTarget &dmp) const
		dmp.WriteTile("m_tile", m_tile);
		dmp.WriteEnumT("m_td", m_td);
		dmp.WriteEnumT("m_exitdir", m_exitdir);

struct CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir : public CYapfNodeKeyExitDir
	FORCEINLINE int CalcHash() const {return m_td | (m_tile << 4);}
	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir& other) const {return (m_tile == other.m_tile) && (m_td == other.m_td);}
	inline int CalcHash() const {return m_td | (m_tile << 4);}
	inline bool operator == (const CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir& other) const {return (m_tile == other.m_tile) && (m_td == other.m_td);}

/** Yapf Node base */
template <class Tkey_, class Tnode>
struct CYapfNodeT {
	typedef Tkey_ Key;
@@ -51,29 +51,29 @@ struct CYapfNodeT {
	Tkey_       m_key;
	Node       *m_hash_next;
	Node       *m_parent;
	int         m_cost;
	int         m_estimate;

	FORCEINLINE void Set(Node *parent, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool is_choice)
	inline void Set(Node *parent, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool is_choice)
		m_key.Set(tile, td);
		m_hash_next = NULL;
		m_parent = parent;
		m_cost = 0;
		m_estimate = 0;

	FORCEINLINE Node *GetHashNext() {return m_hash_next;}
	FORCEINLINE void SetHashNext(Node *pNext) {m_hash_next = pNext;}
	FORCEINLINE TileIndex GetTile() const {return m_key.m_tile;}
	FORCEINLINE Trackdir GetTrackdir() const {return m_key.m_td;}
	FORCEINLINE const Tkey_& GetKey() const {return m_key;}
	FORCEINLINE int GetCost() const {return m_cost;}
	FORCEINLINE int GetCostEstimate() const {return m_estimate;}
	FORCEINLINE bool operator < (const Node& other) const {return m_estimate < other.m_estimate;}
	inline Node *GetHashNext() {return m_hash_next;}
	inline void SetHashNext(Node *pNext) {m_hash_next = pNext;}
	inline TileIndex GetTile() const {return m_key.m_tile;}
	inline Trackdir GetTrackdir() const {return m_key.m_td;}
	inline const Tkey_& GetKey() const {return m_key;}
	inline int GetCost() const {return m_cost;}
	inline int GetCostEstimate() const {return m_estimate;}
	inline bool operator < (const Node& other) const {return m_estimate < other.m_estimate;}

	void Dump(DumpTarget &dmp) const
		dmp.WriteStructT("m_key", &m_key);
		dmp.WriteStructT("m_parent", m_parent);
		dmp.WriteLine("m_cost = %d", m_cost);
Show inline comments
@@ -14,45 +14,45 @@

/** key for cached segment cost for rail YAPF */
struct CYapfRailSegmentKey
	uint32    m_value;

	FORCEINLINE CYapfRailSegmentKey(const CYapfRailSegmentKey& src) : m_value(src.m_value) {}
	inline CYapfRailSegmentKey(const CYapfRailSegmentKey& src) : m_value(src.m_value) {}

	FORCEINLINE CYapfRailSegmentKey(const CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir& node_key)
	inline CYapfRailSegmentKey(const CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir& node_key)

	FORCEINLINE void Set(const CYapfRailSegmentKey& src)
	inline void Set(const CYapfRailSegmentKey& src)
		m_value = src.m_value;

	FORCEINLINE void Set(const CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir& node_key)
	inline void Set(const CYapfNodeKeyTrackDir& node_key)
		m_value = (((int)node_key.m_tile) << 4) | node_key.m_td;

	FORCEINLINE int32 CalcHash() const
	inline int32 CalcHash() const
		return m_value;

	FORCEINLINE TileIndex GetTile() const
	inline TileIndex GetTile() const
		return (TileIndex)(m_value >> 4);

	FORCEINLINE Trackdir GetTrackdir() const
	inline Trackdir GetTrackdir() const
		return (Trackdir)(m_value & 0x0F);

	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const CYapfRailSegmentKey& other) const
	inline bool operator == (const CYapfRailSegmentKey& other) const
		return m_value == other.m_value;

	void Dump(DumpTarget &dmp) const
@@ -141,39 +141,39 @@ struct CYapfRailSegment
	int                    m_cost;
	TileIndex              m_last_signal_tile;
	Trackdir               m_last_signal_td;
	EndSegmentReasonBits   m_end_segment_reason;
	CYapfRailSegment      *m_hash_next;

	FORCEINLINE CYapfRailSegment(const CYapfRailSegmentKey& key)
	inline CYapfRailSegment(const CYapfRailSegmentKey& key)
		: m_key(key)
		, m_last_tile(INVALID_TILE)
		, m_last_td(INVALID_TRACKDIR)
		, m_cost(-1)
		, m_last_signal_tile(INVALID_TILE)
		, m_last_signal_td(INVALID_TRACKDIR)
		, m_end_segment_reason(ESRB_NONE)
		, m_hash_next(NULL)

	FORCEINLINE const Key& GetKey() const
	inline const Key& GetKey() const
		return m_key;

	FORCEINLINE TileIndex GetTile() const
	inline TileIndex GetTile() const
		return m_key.GetTile();

	FORCEINLINE CYapfRailSegment *GetHashNext()
	inline CYapfRailSegment *GetHashNext()
		return m_hash_next;

	FORCEINLINE void SetHashNext(CYapfRailSegment *next)
	inline void SetHashNext(CYapfRailSegment *next)
		m_hash_next = next;

	void Dump(DumpTarget &dmp) const
@@ -205,13 +205,13 @@ struct CYapfRailNodeT
			bool          m_last_signal_was_red : 1;
		} flags_s;
	} flags_u;
	SignalType        m_last_red_signal_type;
	SignalType        m_last_signal_type;

	FORCEINLINE void Set(CYapfRailNodeT *parent, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool is_choice)
	inline void Set(CYapfRailNodeT *parent, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool is_choice)
		base::Set(parent, tile, td, is_choice);
		m_segment = NULL;
		if (parent == NULL) {
			m_num_signals_passed      = 0;
			flags_u.m_inherited_flags = 0;
@@ -233,25 +233,25 @@ struct CYapfRailNodeT
			m_last_red_signal_type    = parent->m_last_red_signal_type;
			m_last_signal_type        = parent->m_last_signal_type;
		flags_u.flags_s.m_choice_seen |= is_choice;

	FORCEINLINE TileIndex GetLastTile() const
	inline TileIndex GetLastTile() const
		assert(m_segment != NULL);
		return m_segment->m_last_tile;

	FORCEINLINE Trackdir GetLastTrackdir() const
	inline Trackdir GetLastTrackdir() const
		assert(m_segment != NULL);
		return m_segment->m_last_td;

	FORCEINLINE void SetLastTileTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
	inline void SetLastTileTrackdir(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
		assert(m_segment != NULL);
		m_segment->m_last_tile = tile;
		m_segment->m_last_td = td;

Show inline comments
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ public:
	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type

	/** to access inherited pathfinder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	TileIndex m_res_dest;         ///< The reservation target tile
@@ -194,13 +194,13 @@ public:
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ public:
		if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir())) {
			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);

	/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
	FORCEINLINE char TransportTypeChar() const
	inline char TransportTypeChar() const
		return 't';

	static bool stFindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int max_penalty, int reverse_penalty, TileIndex *depot_tile, bool *reversed)
@@ -249,13 +249,13 @@ public:

		return result1;

	FORCEINLINE bool FindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int max_penalty, int reverse_penalty, TileIndex *depot_tile, bool *reversed)
	inline bool FindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int max_penalty, int reverse_penalty, TileIndex *depot_tile, bool *reversed)
		/* set origin and destination nodes */
		Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty, true);

@@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ public:
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

@@ -310,13 +310,13 @@ public:
		if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir()) && F.MaskReservedTracks()) {
			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);

	/** Return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
	FORCEINLINE char TransportTypeChar() const
	inline char TransportTypeChar() const
		return 't';

	static bool stFindNearestSafeTile(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype)
@@ -373,13 +373,13 @@ public:
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

@@ -393,13 +393,13 @@ public:
		if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir())) {
			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);

	/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
	FORCEINLINE char TransportTypeChar() const
	inline char TransportTypeChar() const
		return 't';

	static Trackdir stChooseRailTrack(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target)
@@ -419,13 +419,13 @@ public:

		return result1;

	FORCEINLINE Trackdir ChooseRailTrack(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target)
	inline Trackdir ChooseRailTrack(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target)
		if (target != NULL) target->tile = INVALID_TILE;

		/* set origin and destination nodes */
		PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(v);
		Yapf().SetOrigin(origin.tile, origin.trackdir, INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACKDIR, 1, true);
@@ -477,13 +477,13 @@ public:

		return result1;

	FORCEINLINE bool CheckReverseTrain(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int reverse_penalty)
	inline bool CheckReverseTrain(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int reverse_penalty)
		/* create pathfinder instance
		 * set origin and destination nodes */
		Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty, false);

Show inline comments
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ protected:
			return Yapf().PfGetSettings().road_slope_penalty;
		return 0;

	/** return one tile cost */
	FORCEINLINE int OneTileCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
	inline int OneTileCost(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		int cost = 0;
		/* set base cost */
		if (IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir)) {
			cost += YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
			switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ protected:
	 * Called by YAPF to calculate the cost from the origin to the given node.
	 *  Calculates only the cost of given node, adds it to the parent node cost
	 *  and stores the result into Node::m_cost member
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node& n, const TrackFollower *tf)
	inline bool PfCalcCost(Node& n, const TrackFollower *tf)
		int segment_cost = 0;
		uint tiles = 0;
		/* start at n.m_key.m_tile / n.m_key.m_td and walk to the end of segment */
		TileIndex tile = n.m_key.m_tile;
		Trackdir trackdir = n.m_key.m_td;
@@ -178,28 +178,28 @@ public:
	Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
	inline bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		bool bDest = IsRoadDepotTile(n.m_segment_last_tile);
		return bDest;

	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestinationTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
	inline bool PfDetectDestinationTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		return IsRoadDepotTile(tile);

	 * Called by YAPF to calculate cost estimate. Calculates distance to the destination
	 *  adds it to the actual cost from origin and stores the sum to the Node::m_estimate
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
	inline bool PfCalcEstimate(Node& n)
		n.m_estimate = n.m_cost;
		return true;

@@ -242,18 +242,18 @@ protected:
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

	/** Called by YAPF to detect if node ends in the desired destination */
	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
	inline bool PfDetectDestination(Node& n)
		return PfDetectDestinationTile(n.m_segment_last_tile, n.m_segment_last_td);

	FORCEINLINE bool PfDetectDestinationTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
	inline bool PfDetectDestinationTile(TileIndex tile, Trackdir trackdir)
		if (m_dest_station != INVALID_STATION) {
			return IsTileType(tile, MP_STATION) &&
				GetStationIndex(tile) == m_dest_station &&
				(m_bus ? IsBusStop(tile) : IsTruckStop(tile)) &&
				(m_non_artic || IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile));
@@ -302,13 +302,13 @@ public:
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);


@@ -323,24 +323,24 @@ public:
		if (F.Follow(old_node.m_segment_last_tile, old_node.m_segment_last_td)) {
			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);

	/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
	FORCEINLINE char TransportTypeChar() const
	inline char TransportTypeChar() const
		return 'r';

	static Trackdir stChooseRoadTrack(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, bool &path_found)
		Tpf pf;
		return pf.ChooseRoadTrack(v, tile, enterdir, path_found);

	FORCEINLINE Trackdir ChooseRoadTrack(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, bool &path_found)
	inline Trackdir ChooseRoadTrack(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, bool &path_found)
		/* Handle special case - when next tile is destination tile.
		 * However, when going to a station the (initial) destination
		 * tile might not be a station, but a junction, in which case
		 * this method forces the vehicle to jump in circles. */
		if (tile == v->dest_tile && !v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION)) {
@@ -381,13 +381,13 @@ public:
	static uint stDistanceToTile(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex tile)
		Tpf pf;
		return pf.DistanceToTile(v, tile);

	FORCEINLINE uint DistanceToTile(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex dst_tile)
	inline uint DistanceToTile(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex dst_tile)
		/* handle special case - when current tile is the destination tile */
		if (dst_tile == v->tile) {
			/* distance is zero in this case */
			return 0;
@@ -411,13 +411,13 @@ public:

		return dist;

	/** Return true if the valid origin (tile/trackdir) was set from the current vehicle position. */
	FORCEINLINE bool SetOriginFromVehiclePos(const RoadVehicle *v)
	inline bool SetOriginFromVehiclePos(const RoadVehicle *v)
		/* set origin (tile, trackdir) */
		TileIndex src_tile = v->tile;
		Trackdir src_td = v->GetVehicleTrackdir();
		if ((TrackStatusToTrackdirBits(GetTileTrackStatus(src_tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, v->compatible_roadtypes)) & TrackdirToTrackdirBits(src_td)) == 0) {
			/* sometimes the roadveh is not on the road (it resides on non-existing track)
@@ -431,13 +431,13 @@ public:
	static bool stFindNearestDepot(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, int max_distance, TileIndex *depot_tile)
		Tpf pf;
		return pf.FindNearestDepot(v, tile, td, max_distance, depot_tile);

	FORCEINLINE bool FindNearestDepot(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, int max_distance, TileIndex *depot_tile)
	inline bool FindNearestDepot(const RoadVehicle *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, int max_distance, TileIndex *depot_tile)
		/* set origin and destination nodes */
		Yapf().SetOrigin(tile, TrackdirToTrackdirBits(td));

		/* find the best path */
		bool bFound = Yapf().FindPath(v);
Show inline comments
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ public:
	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables

	/** to access inherited path finder */
	inline Tpf& Yapf()
		return *static_cast<Tpf*>(this);

@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ public:
		if (F.Follow(old_node.m_key.m_tile, old_node.m_key.m_td)) {
			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);

	/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
	FORCEINLINE char TransportTypeChar() const
	inline char TransportTypeChar() const
		return 'w';

	static Trackdir ChooseShipTrack(const Ship *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found)
@@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ protected:
	 * Called by YAPF to calculate the cost from the origin to the given node.
	 *  Calculates only the cost of given node, adds it to the parent node cost
	 *  and stores the result into Node::m_cost member
	FORCEINLINE bool PfCalcCost(Node& n, const TrackFollower *tf)
	inline bool PfCalcCost(Node& n, const TrackFollower *tf)
		/* base tile cost depending on distance */
		int c = IsDiagonalTrackdir(n.GetTrackdir()) ? YAPF_TILE_LENGTH : YAPF_TILE_CORNER_LENGTH;
		/* additional penalty for curves */
		if (n.m_parent != NULL && n.GetTrackdir() != NextTrackdir(n.m_parent->GetTrackdir())) {
			/* new trackdir does not match the next one when going straight */
Show inline comments
@@ -43,22 +43,22 @@ struct RoadStop : RoadStopPool::PoolItem
		Entry() : length(0), occupied(0) {}

		 * Get the length of this drive through stop.
		 * @return the length in tile units.
		FORCEINLINE int GetLength() const
		inline int GetLength() const
			return this->length;

		 * Get the amount of occupied space in this drive through stop.
		 * @return the occupied space in tile units.
		FORCEINLINE int GetOccupied() const
		inline int GetOccupied() const
			return this->occupied;

		void Leave(const RoadVehicle *rv);
		void Enter(const RoadVehicle *rv);
@@ -68,73 +68,73 @@ struct RoadStop : RoadStopPool::PoolItem

	TileIndex       xy;     ///< Position on the map
	byte            status; ///< Current status of the Stop, @see RoadStopSatusFlag. Access using *Bay and *Busy functions.
	struct RoadStop *next;  ///< Next stop of the given type at this station

	/** Initializes a RoadStop */
	FORCEINLINE RoadStop(TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE) :
	inline RoadStop(TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE) :
		status((1 << RSSFB_BAY_COUNT) - 1)
	{ }


	 * Checks whether there is a free bay in this road stop
	 * @return is at least one bay free?
	FORCEINLINE bool HasFreeBay() const
	inline bool HasFreeBay() const
		return GB(this->status, 0, RSSFB_BAY_COUNT) != 0;

	 * Checks whether the given bay is free in this road stop
	 * @param nr bay to check
	 * @return is given bay free?
	FORCEINLINE bool IsFreeBay(uint nr) const
	inline bool IsFreeBay(uint nr) const
		assert(nr < RSSFB_BAY_COUNT);
		return HasBit(this->status, nr);

	 * Checks whether the entrance of the road stop is occupied by a vehicle
	 * @return is entrance busy?
	FORCEINLINE bool IsEntranceBusy() const
	inline bool IsEntranceBusy() const
		return HasBit(this->status, RSSFB_ENTRY_BUSY);

	 * Makes an entrance occupied or free
	 * @param busy if true, marks busy; free otherwise
	FORCEINLINE void SetEntranceBusy(bool busy)
	inline void SetEntranceBusy(bool busy)
		SB(this->status, RSSFB_ENTRY_BUSY, 1, busy);

	 * Get the drive through road stop entry struct for the given direction.
	 * @param direction the direciton to get the entry for
	 * @return the entry
	FORCEINLINE const Entry *GetEntry(DiagDirection dir) const
	inline const Entry *GetEntry(DiagDirection dir) const
		return HasBit((int)dir, 1) ? this->west : this->east;

	 * Get the drive through road stop entry struct for the given direction.
	 * @param direction the direciton to get the entry for
	 * @return the entry
	FORCEINLINE Entry *GetEntry(DiagDirection dir)
	inline Entry *GetEntry(DiagDirection dir)
		return HasBit((int)dir, 1) ? this->west : this->east;

	void MakeDriveThrough();
	void ClearDriveThrough();
@@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ private:

	 * Allocates a bay
	 * @return the allocated bay number
	 * @pre this->HasFreeBay()
	FORCEINLINE uint AllocateBay()
	inline uint AllocateBay()

		/* Find the first free bay. If the bit is set, the bay is free. */
		uint bay_nr = 0;
		while (!HasBit(this->status, bay_nr)) bay_nr++;
@@ -170,23 +170,23 @@ private:

	 * Allocates a bay in a drive-through road stop
	 * @param nr the number of the bay to allocate
	FORCEINLINE void AllocateDriveThroughBay(uint nr)
	inline void AllocateDriveThroughBay(uint nr)
		assert(nr < RSSFB_BAY_COUNT);
		ClrBit(this->status, nr);

	 * Frees the given bay
	 * @param nr the number of the bay to free
	FORCEINLINE void FreeBay(uint nr)
	inline void FreeBay(uint nr)
		assert(nr < RSSFB_BAY_COUNT);
		SetBit(this->status, nr);

Show inline comments
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ struct RoadVehicle FINAL : public Ground
protected: // These functions should not be called outside acceleration code.

	 * Allows to know the power value that this vehicle will use.
	 * @return Power value from the engine in HP, or zero if the vehicle is not powered.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetPower() const
	inline uint16 GetPower() const
		/* Power is not added for articulated parts */
		if (!this->IsArticulatedPart()) {
			/* Road vehicle power is in units of 10 HP. */
			return 10 * GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_ROADVEH_POWER, RoadVehInfo(this->engine_type)->power);
@@ -143,22 +143,22 @@ protected: // These functions should not

	 * Returns a value if this articulated part is powered.
	 * @return Zero, because road vehicles don't have powered parts.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetPoweredPartPower(const RoadVehicle *head) const
	inline uint16 GetPoweredPartPower(const RoadVehicle *head) const
		return 0;

	 * Allows to know the weight value that this vehicle will use.
	 * @return Weight value from the engine in tonnes.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetWeight() const
	inline uint16 GetWeight() const
		uint16 weight = (CargoSpec::Get(this->cargo_type)->weight * this->cargo.Count()) / 16;

		/* Vehicle weight is not added for articulated parts. */
		if (!this->IsArticulatedPart()) {
			/* Road vehicle weight is in units of 1/4 t. */
@@ -169,59 +169,59 @@ protected: // These functions should not

	 * Allows to know the tractive effort value that this vehicle will use.
	 * @return Tractive effort value from the engine.
	FORCEINLINE byte GetTractiveEffort() const
	inline byte GetTractiveEffort() const
		/* The tractive effort coefficient is in units of 1/256.  */
		return GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_ROADVEH_TRACTIVE_EFFORT, RoadVehInfo(this->engine_type)->tractive_effort);

	 * Gets the area used for calculating air drag.
	 * @return Area of the engine in m^2.
	FORCEINLINE byte GetAirDragArea() const
	inline byte GetAirDragArea() const
		return 6;

	 * Gets the air drag coefficient of this vehicle.
	 * @return Air drag value from the engine.
	FORCEINLINE byte GetAirDrag() const
	inline byte GetAirDrag() const
		return RoadVehInfo(this->engine_type)->air_drag;

	 * Checks the current acceleration status of this vehicle.
	 * @return Acceleration status.
	FORCEINLINE AccelStatus GetAccelerationStatus() const
	inline AccelStatus GetAccelerationStatus() const
		return (this->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) ? AS_BRAKE : AS_ACCEL;

	 * Calculates the current speed of this vehicle.
	 * @return Current speed in km/h-ish.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetCurrentSpeed() const
	inline uint16 GetCurrentSpeed() const
		return this->cur_speed / 2;

	 * Returns the rolling friction coefficient of this vehicle.
	 * @return Rolling friction coefficient in [1e-4].
	FORCEINLINE uint32 GetRollingFriction() const
	inline uint32 GetRollingFriction() const
		/* Trams have a slightly greater friction coefficient than trains.
		 * The rest of road vehicles have bigger values. */
		uint32 coeff = (this->roadtype == ROADTYPE_TRAM) ? 40 : 75;
		/* The friction coefficient increases with speed in a way that
		 * it doubles at 128 km/h, triples at 256 km/h and so on. */
@@ -229,40 +229,40 @@ protected: // These functions should not

	 * Allows to know the acceleration type of a vehicle.
	 * @return Zero, road vehicles always use a normal acceleration method.
	FORCEINLINE int GetAccelerationType() const
	inline int GetAccelerationType() const
		return 0;

	 * Returns the slope steepness used by this vehicle.
	 * @return Slope steepness used by the vehicle.
	FORCEINLINE uint32 GetSlopeSteepness() const
	inline uint32 GetSlopeSteepness() const
		return _settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_slope_steepness;

	 * Gets the maximum speed allowed by the track for this vehicle.
	 * @return Since roads don't limit road vehicle speed, it returns always zero.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetMaxTrackSpeed() const
	inline uint16 GetMaxTrackSpeed() const
		return 0;

	 * Checks if the vehicle is at a tile that can be sloped.
	 * @return True if the tile can be sloped.
	FORCEINLINE bool TileMayHaveSlopedTrack() const
	inline bool TileMayHaveSlopedTrack() const
		TrackStatus ts = GetTileTrackStatus(this->tile, TRANSPORT_ROAD, this->compatible_roadtypes);
		TrackBits trackbits = TrackStatusToTrackBits(ts);

		return trackbits == TRACK_BIT_X || trackbits == TRACK_BIT_Y;
@@ -271,13 +271,13 @@ protected: // These functions should not
	 * Road vehicles have to use GetSlopePixelZ() to compute their height
	 * if they are reversing because in that case, their direction
	 * is not parallel with the road. It is safe to return \c true
	 * even if it is not reversing.
	 * @return are we (possibly) reversing?
	FORCEINLINE bool HasToUseGetSlopePixelZ()
	inline bool HasToUseGetSlopePixelZ()
		const RoadVehicle *rv = this->First();

		/* Check if this vehicle is in the same direction as the road under.
		 * We already know it has either GVF_GOINGUP_BIT or GVF_GOINGDOWN_BIT set. */

Show inline comments
@@ -413,13 +413,13 @@ void RoadVehicle::UpdateDeltaXY(Directio

 * Calculates the maximum speed of the vehicle under its current conditions.
 * @return Maximum speed of the vehicle.
FORCEINLINE int RoadVehicle::GetCurrentMaxSpeed() const
inline int RoadVehicle::GetCurrentMaxSpeed() const
	if (_settings_game.vehicle.roadveh_acceleration_model == AM_ORIGINAL) return this->vcache.cached_max_speed;

	int max_speed = this->vcache.cached_max_speed;

	/* Limit speed to 50% while reversing, 75% in curves. */
Show inline comments
@@ -275,13 +275,13 @@ struct ReadBuffer {
	 * @param reader The filter to actually read data.
	ReadBuffer(LoadFilter *reader) : bufp(NULL), bufe(NULL), reader(reader), read(0)

	FORCEINLINE byte ReadByte()
	inline byte ReadByte()
		if (this->bufp == this->bufe) {
			size_t len = this->reader->Read(this->buf, lengthof(this->buf));
			if (len == 0) SlErrorCorrupt("Unexpected end of chunk");

			this->read += len;
@@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ struct MemoryDumper {

	 * Write a single byte into the dumper.
	 * @param b The byte to write.
	FORCEINLINE void WriteByte(byte b)
	inline void WriteByte(byte b)
		/* Are we at the end of this chunk? */
		if (this->buf == this->bufe) {
			this->buf = CallocT<byte>(MEMORY_CHUNK_SIZE);
			*this->blocks.Append() = this->buf;
			this->bufe = this->buf + MEMORY_CHUNK_SIZE;
Show inline comments
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@

 * Class to switch the current company.
 * If you create an instance of this class, the company will be switched.
 *  The original company is stored and recovered from when ever the
 *  instance is destroyed.
 * All actions performed within the scope of this mode, will be executed
 *  on behalf of the company you switched to. This includes any costs
 *  attached to the action performed. If the company does not have the
 *  funds the action will be aborted. In other words, this is like the
 * All actions performed within the scope of this mode, will be executed
 *  on behalf of the company you switched to. This includes any costs
 *  attached to the action performed. If the company does not have the
 *  funds the action will be aborted. In other words, this is like the
 *  real player is executing the commands.
 * If the company is not valid during an action, the error
 *  ERR_PRECONDITION_INVALID_COMPANY will be returned. You can switch to
 *  invalid companies, or a company can become invalid (bankrupt) while you
 *  are switched to it.
 * @api game
Show inline comments
@@ -595,13 +595,13 @@ class SmallMapWindow : public Window {
	int32 subscroll; ///< Number of pixels (0..3) between the right end of the base tile and the pixel at the top-left corner of the smallmap display.
	int zoom;        ///< Zoom level. Bigger number means more zoom-out (further away).

	static const uint8 FORCE_REFRESH_PERIOD = 0x1F; ///< map is redrawn after that many ticks
	uint8 refresh; ///< refresh counter, zeroed every FORCE_REFRESH_PERIOD ticks

	FORCEINLINE Point SmallmapRemapCoords(int x, int y) const
	inline Point SmallmapRemapCoords(int x, int y) const
		Point pt;
		pt.x = (y - x) * 2;
		pt.y = y + x;
		return pt;
@@ -609,13 +609,13 @@ class SmallMapWindow : public Window {
	 * Remap tile to location on this smallmap.
	 * @param tile_x X coordinate of the tile.
	 * @param tile_y Y coordinate of the tile.
	 * @return Position to draw on.
	FORCEINLINE Point RemapTile(int tile_x, int tile_y) const
	inline Point RemapTile(int tile_x, int tile_y) const
		int x_offset = tile_x - this->scroll_x / (int)TILE_SIZE;
		int y_offset = tile_y - this->scroll_y / (int)TILE_SIZE;

		if (this->zoom == 1) return SmallmapRemapCoords(x_offset, y_offset);

@@ -633,13 +633,13 @@ class SmallMapWindow : public Window {
	 * @param py       Vertical coordinate of the pixel.
	 * @param sub[out] Pixel position at the tile (0..3).
	 * @param add_sub  Add current #subscroll to the position.
	 * @return Tile being displayed at the given position relative to #scroll_x and #scroll_y.
	 * @note The #subscroll offset is already accounted for.
	FORCEINLINE Point PixelToTile(int px, int py, int *sub, bool add_sub = true) const
	inline Point PixelToTile(int px, int py, int *sub, bool add_sub = true) const
		if (add_sub) px += this->subscroll;  // Total horizontal offset.

		/* For each two rows down, add a x and a y tile, and
		 * For each four pixels to the right, move a tile to the right. */
		Point pt = {((py >> 1) - (px >> 2)) * this->zoom, ((py >> 1) + (px >> 2)) * this->zoom};
Show inline comments
@@ -86,26 +86,26 @@ struct Airport : public TileArea {
	const AirportFTAClass *GetFTA() const
		return this->GetSpec()->fsm;

	/** Check if this airport has at least one hangar. */
	FORCEINLINE bool HasHangar() const
	inline bool HasHangar() const
		return this->GetSpec()->nof_depots > 0;

	 * Add the tileoffset to the base tile of this airport but rotate it first.
	 * The base tile is the northernmost tile of this airport. This function
	 * helps to make sure that getting the tile of a hangar works even for
	 * rotated airport layouts without requiring a rotated array of hangar tiles.
	 * @param tidc The tilediff to add to the airport tile.
	 * @return The tile of this airport plus the rotated offset.
	FORCEINLINE TileIndex GetRotatedTileFromOffset(TileIndexDiffC tidc) const
	inline TileIndex GetRotatedTileFromOffset(TileIndexDiffC tidc) const
		const AirportSpec *as = this->GetSpec();
		switch (this->rotation) {
			case DIR_N: return this->tile + ToTileIndexDiff(tidc);

			case DIR_E: return this->tile + TileDiffXY(tidc.y, as->size_x - 1 - tidc.x);
@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ struct Airport : public TileArea {
	 * Get the first tile of the given hangar.
	 * @param hangar_num The hangar to get the location of.
	 * @pre hangar_num < GetNumHangars().
	 * @return A tile with the given hangar.
	FORCEINLINE TileIndex GetHangarTile(uint hangar_num) const
	inline TileIndex GetHangarTile(uint hangar_num) const
		const AirportSpec *as = this->GetSpec();
		for (uint i = 0; i < as->nof_depots; i++) {
			if (as->depot_table[i].hangar_num == hangar_num) {
				return this->GetRotatedTileFromOffset(as->depot_table[i].ti);
@@ -138,33 +138,33 @@ struct Airport : public TileArea {
	 * Get the exit direction of the hangar at a specific tile.
	 * @param tile The tile to query.
	 * @pre IsHangarTile(tile).
	 * @return The exit direction of the hangar, taking airport rotation into account.
	FORCEINLINE Direction GetHangarExitDirection(TileIndex tile) const
	inline Direction GetHangarExitDirection(TileIndex tile) const
		const AirportSpec *as = this->GetSpec();
		const HangarTileTable *htt = GetHangarDataByTile(tile);
		return ChangeDir(htt->dir, DirDifference(this->rotation, as->rotation[0]));

	 * Get the hangar number of the hangar at a specific tile.
	 * @param tile The tile to query.
	 * @pre IsHangarTile(tile).
	 * @return The hangar number of the hangar at the given tile.
	FORCEINLINE uint GetHangarNum(TileIndex tile) const
	inline uint GetHangarNum(TileIndex tile) const
		const HangarTileTable *htt = GetHangarDataByTile(tile);
		return htt->hangar_num;

	/** Get the number of hangars on this airport. */
	FORCEINLINE uint GetNumHangars() const
	inline uint GetNumHangars() const
		uint num = 0;
		uint counted = 0;
		const AirportSpec *as = this->GetSpec();
		for (uint i = 0; i < as->nof_depots; i++) {
			if (!HasBit(counted, as->depot_table[i].hangar_num)) {
@@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ private:
	 * Retrieve hangar information of a hangar at a given tile.
	 * @param tile %Tile containing the hangar.
	 * @return The requested hangar information.
	 * @pre The \a tile must be at a hangar tile at an airport.
	FORCEINLINE const HangarTileTable *GetHangarDataByTile(TileIndex tile) const
	inline const HangarTileTable *GetHangarDataByTile(TileIndex tile) const
		const AirportSpec *as = this->GetSpec();
		for (uint i = 0; i < as->nof_depots; i++) {
			if (this->GetRotatedTileFromOffset(as->depot_table[i].ti) == tile) {
				return as->depot_table + i;
@@ -242,18 +242,18 @@ public:
	void RecomputeIndustriesNear();
	static void RecomputeIndustriesNearForAll();

	uint GetCatchmentRadius() const;
	Rect GetCatchmentRect() const;

	/* virtual */ FORCEINLINE bool TileBelongsToRailStation(TileIndex tile) const
	/* virtual */ inline bool TileBelongsToRailStation(TileIndex tile) const
		return IsRailStationTile(tile) && GetStationIndex(tile) == this->index;

	FORCEINLINE bool TileBelongsToAirport(TileIndex tile) const
	inline bool TileBelongsToAirport(TileIndex tile) const
		return IsAirportTile(tile) && GetStationIndex(tile) == this->index;

	/* virtual */ uint32 GetNewGRFVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, byte parameter, bool *available) const;

@@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ public:
	AirportTileIterator(const Station *st) : OrthogonalTileIterator(st->airport), st(st)
		if (!st->TileBelongsToAirport(this->tile)) ++(*this);

	FORCEINLINE TileIterator& operator ++()
	inline TileIterator& operator ++()
		while (this->tile != INVALID_TILE && !st->TileBelongsToAirport(this->tile)) {
		return *this;
Show inline comments
@@ -118,13 +118,12 @@
	#define printf pspDebugScreenPrintf
#endif /* PSP */

/* Stuff for GCC */
#if defined(__GNUC__)
	#define NORETURN __attribute__ ((noreturn))
	#define FORCEINLINE inline
	#define CDECL
	#define __int64 long long
	#define GCC_PACK __attribute__((packed))
	/* Warn about functions using 'printf' format syntax. First argument determines which parameter
	 * is the format string, second argument is start of values passed to printf. */
	#define WARN_FORMAT(string, args) __attribute__ ((format (printf, string, args)))
@@ -134,13 +133,12 @@
		#define FINAL
#endif /* __GNUC__ */

#if defined(__WATCOMC__)
	#define NORETURN
	#define FORCEINLINE inline
	#define CDECL
	#define GCC_PACK
	#define WARN_FORMAT(string, args)
	#define FINAL
	#include <malloc.h>
#endif /* __WATCOMC__ */
@@ -182,14 +180,13 @@
	#pragma warning(disable: 6031)   // code analyzer: Return value ignored: 'ReadFile'
	#pragma warning(disable: 6255)   // code analyzer: _alloca indicates failure by raising a stack overflow exception. Consider using _malloca instead
	#pragma warning(disable: 6246)   // code analyzer: Local declaration of 'statspec' hides declaration of the same name in outer scope. For additional information, see previous declaration at ...

	#include <malloc.h> // alloca()
	#define NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
	#define FORCEINLINE __forceinline
	#define inline _inline
	#define inline __forceinline

	#if !defined(WINCE)
		#define CDECL _cdecl

	#define GCC_PACK
@@ -445,13 +442,13 @@ void NORETURN CDECL error(const char *st

 * Version of the standard free that accepts const pointers.
 * @param ptr The data to free.
static FORCEINLINE void free(const void *ptr)
static inline void free(const void *ptr)
	free(const_cast<void *>(ptr));

 * The largest value that can be entered in a variable
Show inline comments
@@ -30,24 +30,24 @@ struct Subsidy : SubsidyPool::PoolItem<&
	SourceID src;            ///< Index of source. Either TownID or IndustryID
	SourceID dst;            ///< Index of destination. Either TownID or IndustryID

	 * We need an (empty) constructor so struct isn't zeroed (as C++ standard states)
	FORCEINLINE Subsidy() { }
	inline Subsidy() { }

	 * (Empty) destructor has to be defined else operator delete might be called with NULL parameter
	FORCEINLINE ~Subsidy() { }
	inline ~Subsidy() { }

	 * Tests whether this subsidy has been awarded to someone
	 * @return is this subsidy awarded?
	FORCEINLINE bool IsAwarded() const
	inline bool IsAwarded() const
		return this->awarded != INVALID_COMPANY;

	void AwardTo(CompanyID company);
Show inline comments
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ public:

	 * Get the tile we are currently at.
	 * @return The tile we are at, or INVALID_TILE when we're done.
	FORCEINLINE operator TileIndex () const
	inline operator TileIndex () const
		return this->tile;

	 * Move ourselves to the next tile in the rectange on the map.
@@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ public:

	 * Move ourselves to the next tile in the rectange on the map.
	FORCEINLINE TileIterator& operator ++()
	inline TileIterator& operator ++()
		assert(this->tile != INVALID_TILE);

		if (--this->x > 0) {
		} else if (--this->y > 0) {
Show inline comments
@@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ public:
		uint y = TileY(tile) / N;

		return &this->data[y * this->area.w / N + x];

	/** Array access operator, see #Get. */
	FORCEINLINE T &operator[](TileIndex tile)
	inline T &operator[](TileIndex tile)
		return *this->Get(tile);

Show inline comments
@@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ struct Town : TownPool::PoolItem<&_town_
		/* 3 is added (the noise of the lowest airport), so the  user can at least build a small airfield. */
		return (this->population / _settings_game.economy.town_noise_population[_settings_game.difficulty.town_council_tolerance]) + 3;

	void UpdateVirtCoord();

	static FORCEINLINE Town *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
	static inline Town *GetByTile(TileIndex tile)
		return Town::Get(GetTownIndex(tile));

	static Town *GetRandom();
	static void PostDestructor(size_t index);
Show inline comments
@@ -125,25 +125,25 @@ struct Train FINAL : public GroundVehicl
	int GetCurrentMaxSpeed() const;

	 * Get the next real (non-articulated part and non rear part of dualheaded engine) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Next vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE Train *GetNextUnit() const
	inline Train *GetNextUnit() const
		Train *v = this->GetNextVehicle();
		if (v != NULL && v->IsRearDualheaded()) v = v->GetNextVehicle();

		return v;

	 * Get the previous real (non-articulated part and non rear part of dualheaded engine) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Previous vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE Train *GetPrevUnit()
	inline Train *GetPrevUnit()
		Train *v = this->GetPrevVehicle();
		if (v != NULL && v->IsRearDualheaded()) v = v->GetPrevVehicle();

		return v;
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ struct Train FINAL : public GroundVehicl
protected: // These functions should not be called outside acceleration code.

	 * Allows to know the power value that this vehicle will use.
	 * @return Power value from the engine in HP, or zero if the vehicle is not powered.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetPower() const
	inline uint16 GetPower() const
		/* Power is not added for articulated parts */
		if (!this->IsArticulatedPart() && HasPowerOnRail(this->railtype, GetRailType(this->tile))) {
			uint16 power = GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_TRAIN_POWER, RailVehInfo(this->engine_type)->power);
			/* Halve power for multiheaded parts */
			if (this->IsMultiheaded()) power /= 2;
@@ -181,13 +181,13 @@ protected: // These functions should not

	 * Returns a value if this articulated part is powered.
	 * @return Power value from the articulated part in HP, or zero if it is not powered.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetPoweredPartPower(const Train *head) const
	inline uint16 GetPoweredPartPower(const Train *head) const
		/* For powered wagons the engine defines the type of engine (i.e. railtype) */
		if (HasBit(this->flags, VRF_POWEREDWAGON) && HasPowerOnRail(head->railtype, GetRailType(this->tile))) {
			return RailVehInfo(this->gcache.first_engine)->pow_wag_power;

@@ -195,13 +195,13 @@ protected: // These functions should not

	 * Allows to know the weight value that this vehicle will use.
	 * @return Weight value from the engine in tonnes.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetWeight() const
	inline uint16 GetWeight() const
		uint16 weight = (CargoSpec::Get(this->cargo_type)->weight * this->cargo.Count() * FreightWagonMult(this->cargo_type)) / 16;

		/* Vehicle weight is not added for articulated parts. */
		if (!this->IsArticulatedPart()) {
			weight += GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_TRAIN_WEIGHT, RailVehInfo(this->engine_type)->weight);
@@ -216,109 +216,109 @@ protected: // These functions should not

	 * Allows to know the tractive effort value that this vehicle will use.
	 * @return Tractive effort value from the engine.
	FORCEINLINE byte GetTractiveEffort() const
	inline byte GetTractiveEffort() const
		return GetVehicleProperty(this, PROP_TRAIN_TRACTIVE_EFFORT, RailVehInfo(this->engine_type)->tractive_effort);

	 * Gets the area used for calculating air drag.
	 * @return Area of the engine in m^2.
	FORCEINLINE byte GetAirDragArea() const
	inline byte GetAirDragArea() const
		/* Air drag is higher in tunnels due to the limited cross-section. */
		return (this->track == TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE && this->vehstatus & VS_HIDDEN) ? 28 : 14;

	 * Gets the air drag coefficient of this vehicle.
	 * @return Air drag value from the engine.
	FORCEINLINE byte GetAirDrag() const
	inline byte GetAirDrag() const
		return RailVehInfo(this->engine_type)->air_drag;

	 * Checks the current acceleration status of this vehicle.
	 * @return Acceleration status.
	FORCEINLINE AccelStatus GetAccelerationStatus() const
	inline AccelStatus GetAccelerationStatus() const
		return (this->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) || HasBit(this->flags, VRF_REVERSING) || HasBit(this->flags, VRF_TRAIN_STUCK) ? AS_BRAKE : AS_ACCEL;

	 * Calculates the current speed of this vehicle.
	 * @return Current speed in km/h-ish.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetCurrentSpeed() const
	inline uint16 GetCurrentSpeed() const
		return this->cur_speed;

	 * Returns the rolling friction coefficient of this vehicle.
	 * @return Rolling friction coefficient in [1e-4].
	FORCEINLINE uint32 GetRollingFriction() const
	inline uint32 GetRollingFriction() const
		/* Rolling friction for steel on steel is between 0.1% and 0.2%.
		 * The friction coefficient increases with speed in a way that
		 * it doubles at 512 km/h, triples at 1024 km/h and so on. */
		return 15 * (512 + this->GetCurrentSpeed()) / 512;

	 * Allows to know the acceleration type of a vehicle.
	 * @return Acceleration type of the vehicle.
	FORCEINLINE int GetAccelerationType() const
	inline int GetAccelerationType() const
		return GetRailTypeInfo(this->railtype)->acceleration_type;

	 * Returns the slope steepness used by this vehicle.
	 * @return Slope steepness used by the vehicle.
	FORCEINLINE uint32 GetSlopeSteepness() const
	inline uint32 GetSlopeSteepness() const
		return _settings_game.vehicle.train_slope_steepness;

	 * Gets the maximum speed allowed by the track for this vehicle.
	 * @return Maximum speed allowed.
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetMaxTrackSpeed() const
	inline uint16 GetMaxTrackSpeed() const
		return GetRailTypeInfo(GetRailType(this->tile))->max_speed;

	 * Checks if the vehicle is at a tile that can be sloped.
	 * @return True if the tile can be sloped.
	FORCEINLINE bool TileMayHaveSlopedTrack() const
	inline bool TileMayHaveSlopedTrack() const
		/* Any track that isn't TRACK_BIT_X or TRACK_BIT_Y cannot be sloped. */
		return this->track == TRACK_BIT_X || this->track == TRACK_BIT_Y;

	 * Trains can always use the faster algorithm because they
	 * have always the same direction as the track under them.
	 * @return false
	FORCEINLINE bool HasToUseGetSlopePixelZ()
	inline bool HasToUseGetSlopePixelZ()
		return false;

Show inline comments
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ struct CargoSummaryItem {
	StringID subtype; ///< STR_EMPTY if none
	uint capacity;    ///< Amount that can be carried
	uint amount;      ///< Amount that is carried
	StationID source; ///< One of the source stations

	/** Used by CargoSummary::Find() and similiar functions */
	FORCEINLINE bool operator != (const CargoSummaryItem &other) const
	inline bool operator != (const CargoSummaryItem &other) const
		return this->cargo != other.cargo || this->subtype != other.subtype;

static const uint TRAIN_DETAILS_MIN_INDENT = 32; ///< Minimum indent level in the train details window
Show inline comments
@@ -292,13 +292,13 @@ public:
	 * However, this method is slightly wrong in corners, as the leftover progress is not scaled correctly
	 * when changing movement direction. #GetAdvanceSpeed() and #GetAdvanceDistance() are better wrt. this.
	 * @param speed Direction-independent unscaled speed.
	 * @return speed scaled by movement direction. 256 units are required for each movement step.
	FORCEINLINE uint GetOldAdvanceSpeed(uint speed)
	inline uint GetOldAdvanceSpeed(uint speed)
		return (this->direction & 1) ? speed : speed * 3 / 4;

	 * Determines the effective vehicle movement speed.
@@ -309,25 +309,25 @@ public:
	 * However different amounts of "progress" are needed for moving a step in a specific direction.
	 * That way the leftover progress does not need any adaption when changing movement direction.
	 * @param speed Direction-independent unscaled speed.
	 * @return speed, scaled to match #GetAdvanceDistance().
	static FORCEINLINE uint GetAdvanceSpeed(uint speed)
	static inline uint GetAdvanceSpeed(uint speed)
		return speed * 3 / 4;

	 * Determines the vehicle "progress" needed for moving a step.
	 * Together with #GetAdvanceSpeed() this function is a replacement for #GetOldAdvanceSpeed().
	 * @return distance to drive for a movement step on the map.
	FORCEINLINE uint GetAdvanceDistance()
	inline uint GetAdvanceDistance()
		return (this->direction & 1) ? 192 : 256;

	 * Sets the expense type associated to this vehicle type
@@ -358,33 +358,33 @@ public:
	uint32 GetGRFID() const;

	 * Invalidates cached NewGRF variables
	 * @see InvalidateNewGRFCacheOfChain
	FORCEINLINE void InvalidateNewGRFCache()
	inline void InvalidateNewGRFCache()
		this->grf_cache.cache_valid = 0;

	 * Invalidates cached NewGRF variables of all vehicles in the chain (after the current vehicle)
	 * @see InvalidateNewGRFCache
	FORCEINLINE void InvalidateNewGRFCacheOfChain()
	inline void InvalidateNewGRFCacheOfChain()
		for (Vehicle *u = this; u != NULL; u = u->Next()) {

	 * Check if the vehicle is a ground vehicle.
	 * @return True iff the vehicle is a train or a road vehicle.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsGroundVehicle() const
	inline bool IsGroundVehicle() const
		return this->type == VEH_TRAIN || this->type == VEH_ROAD;

	 * Gets the speed in km-ish/h that can be sent into SetDParam for string processing.
@@ -736,97 +736,97 @@ public:
	void HandlePathfindingResult(bool path_found);

	 * Check if the vehicle is a front engine.
	 * @return Returns true if the vehicle is a front engine.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsFrontEngine() const
	inline bool IsFrontEngine() const
		return this->IsGroundVehicle() && HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_FRONT);

	 * Check if the vehicle is an articulated part of an engine.
	 * @return Returns true if the vehicle is an articulated part.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsArticulatedPart() const
	inline bool IsArticulatedPart() const
		return this->IsGroundVehicle() && HasBit(this->subtype, GVSF_ARTICULATED_PART);

	 * Check if an engine has an articulated part.
	 * @return True if the engine has an articulated part.
	FORCEINLINE bool HasArticulatedPart() const
	inline bool HasArticulatedPart() const
		return this->Next() != NULL && this->Next()->IsArticulatedPart();

	 * Get the next part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return Next part of the articulated engine.
	 * @pre The vehicle is an articulated engine.
	FORCEINLINE Vehicle *GetNextArticulatedPart() const
	inline Vehicle *GetNextArticulatedPart() const
		return this->Next();

	 * Get the first part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return First part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE Vehicle *GetFirstEnginePart()
	inline Vehicle *GetFirstEnginePart()
		Vehicle *v = this;
		while (v->IsArticulatedPart()) v = v->Previous();
		return v;

	 * Get the first part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return First part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE const Vehicle *GetFirstEnginePart() const
	inline const Vehicle *GetFirstEnginePart() const
		const Vehicle *v = this;
		while (v->IsArticulatedPart()) v = v->Previous();
		return v;

	 * Get the last part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return Last part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE Vehicle *GetLastEnginePart()
	inline Vehicle *GetLastEnginePart()
		Vehicle *v = this;
		while (v->HasArticulatedPart()) v = v->GetNextArticulatedPart();
		return v;

	 * Get the next real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Next vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE Vehicle *GetNextVehicle() const
	inline Vehicle *GetNextVehicle() const
		const Vehicle *v = this;
		while (v->HasArticulatedPart()) v = v->GetNextArticulatedPart();

		/* v now contains the last articulated part in the engine */
		return v->Next();

	 * Get the previous real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Previous vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE Vehicle *GetPrevVehicle() const
	inline Vehicle *GetPrevVehicle() const
		Vehicle *v = this->Previous();
		while (v != NULL && v->IsArticulatedPart()) v = v->Previous();

		return v;
@@ -855,144 +855,144 @@ struct SpecializedVehicle : public Vehic

	typedef SpecializedVehicle<T, Type> SpecializedVehicleBase; ///< Our type

	 * Set vehicle type correctly
	FORCEINLINE SpecializedVehicle<T, Type>() : Vehicle(Type) { }
	inline SpecializedVehicle<T, Type>() : Vehicle(Type) { }

	 * Get the first vehicle in the chain
	 * @return first vehicle in the chain
	FORCEINLINE T *First() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::First(); }
	inline T *First() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::First(); }

	 * Get the last vehicle in the chain
	 * @return last vehicle in the chain
	FORCEINLINE T *Last() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Last(); }
	inline T *Last() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Last(); }

	 * Get the last vehicle in the chain
	 * @return last vehicle in the chain
	FORCEINLINE const T *Last() const { return (const T *)this->Vehicle::Last(); }
	inline const T *Last() const { return (const T *)this->Vehicle::Last(); }

	 * Get next vehicle in the chain
	 * @return next vehicle in the chain
	FORCEINLINE T *Next() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Next(); }
	inline T *Next() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Next(); }

	 * Get previous vehicle in the chain
	 * @return previous vehicle in the chain
	FORCEINLINE T *Previous() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Previous(); }
	inline T *Previous() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::Previous(); }

	 * Get the next part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return Next part of the articulated engine.
	 * @pre The vehicle is an articulated engine.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetNextArticulatedPart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextArticulatedPart(); }
	inline T *GetNextArticulatedPart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextArticulatedPart(); }

	 * Get the next part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return Next part of the articulated engine.
	 * @pre The vehicle is an articulated engine.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetNextArticulatedPart() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextArticulatedPart(); }
	inline T *GetNextArticulatedPart() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextArticulatedPart(); }

	 * Get the first part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return First part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetFirstEnginePart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetFirstEnginePart(); }
	inline T *GetFirstEnginePart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetFirstEnginePart(); }

	 * Get the first part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return First part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE const T *GetFirstEnginePart() const { return (const T *)this->Vehicle::GetFirstEnginePart(); }
	inline const T *GetFirstEnginePart() const { return (const T *)this->Vehicle::GetFirstEnginePart(); }

	 * Get the last part of an articulated engine.
	 * @return Last part of the engine.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetLastEnginePart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetLastEnginePart(); }
	inline T *GetLastEnginePart() { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetLastEnginePart(); }

	 * Get the next real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Next vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetNextVehicle() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextVehicle(); }
	inline T *GetNextVehicle() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetNextVehicle(); }

	 * Get the previous real (non-articulated part) vehicle in the consist.
	 * @return Previous vehicle in the consist.
	FORCEINLINE T *GetPrevVehicle() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetPrevVehicle(); }
	inline T *GetPrevVehicle() const { return (T *)this->Vehicle::GetPrevVehicle(); }

	 * Tests whether given index is a valid index for vehicle of this type
	 * @param index tested index
	 * @return is this index valid index of T?
	static FORCEINLINE bool IsValidID(size_t index)
	static inline bool IsValidID(size_t index)
		return Vehicle::IsValidID(index) && Vehicle::Get(index)->type == Type;

	 * Gets vehicle with given index
	 * @return pointer to vehicle with given index casted to T *
	static FORCEINLINE T *Get(size_t index)
	static inline T *Get(size_t index)
		return (T *)Vehicle::Get(index);

	 * Returns vehicle if the index is a valid index for this vehicle type
	 * @return pointer to vehicle with given index if it's a vehicle of this type
	static FORCEINLINE T *GetIfValid(size_t index)
	static inline T *GetIfValid(size_t index)
		return IsValidID(index) ? Get(index) : NULL;

	 * Converts a Vehicle to SpecializedVehicle with type checking.
	 * @param v Vehicle pointer
	 * @return pointer to SpecializedVehicle
	static FORCEINLINE T *From(Vehicle *v)
	static inline T *From(Vehicle *v)
		assert(v->type == Type);
		return (T *)v;

	 * Converts a const Vehicle to const SpecializedVehicle with type checking.
	 * @param v Vehicle pointer
	 * @return pointer to SpecializedVehicle
	static FORCEINLINE const T *From(const Vehicle *v)
	static inline const T *From(const Vehicle *v)
		assert(v->type == Type);
		return (const T *)v;

	 * Update vehicle sprite- and position caches
	 * @param moved Was the vehicle moved?
	 * @param turned Did the vehicle direction change?
	FORCEINLINE void UpdateViewport(bool moved, bool turned)
	inline void UpdateViewport(bool moved, bool turned)
		extern void VehicleMove(Vehicle *v, bool update_viewport);

		/* Explicitly choose method to call to prevent vtable dereference -
		 * it gives ~3% runtime improvements in games with many vehicles */
		if (turned) ((T *)this)->T::UpdateDeltaXY(this->direction);
Show inline comments
@@ -294,23 +294,23 @@ struct RefitOption {

	 * Inequality operator for #RefitOption.
	 * @param other Compare to this #RefitOption.
	 * @return True if both #RefitOption are different.
	FORCEINLINE bool operator != (const RefitOption &other) const
	inline bool operator != (const RefitOption &other) const
		return other.cargo != this->cargo || other.value != this->value;

	 * Equality operator for #RefitOption.
	 * @param other Compare to this #RefitOption.
	 * @return True if both #RefitOption are equal.
	FORCEINLINE bool operator == (const RefitOption &other) const
	inline bool operator == (const RefitOption &other) const
		return other.cargo == this->cargo && other.value == this->value;

typedef SmallVector<RefitOption, 32> SubtypeList; ///< List of refit subtypes associated to a cargo.
Show inline comments
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ struct Waypoint FINAL : SpecializedStati
	Waypoint(TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE) : SpecializedStation<Waypoint, true>(tile) { }

	void UpdateVirtCoord();

	/* virtual */ FORCEINLINE bool TileBelongsToRailStation(TileIndex tile) const
	/* virtual */ inline bool TileBelongsToRailStation(TileIndex tile) const
		return IsRailWaypointTile(tile) && GetStationIndex(tile) == this->index;

	/* virtual */ uint32 GetNewGRFVariable(const struct ResolverObject *object, byte variable, byte parameter, bool *available) const;

@@ -47,24 +47,24 @@ struct Waypoint FINAL : SpecializedStati

	 * Is this a single tile waypoint?
	 * @return true if it is.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsSingleTile() const
	inline bool IsSingleTile() const
		return (this->facilities & FACIL_TRAIN) != 0 && this->train_station.w == 1 && this->train_station.h == 1;

	 * Is the "type" of waypoint the same as the given waypoint,
	 * i.e. are both a rail waypoint or are both a buoy?
	 * @param wp The waypoint to compare to.
	 * @return true iff their types are equal.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsOfType(const Waypoint *wp) const
	inline bool IsOfType(const Waypoint *wp) const
		return this->string_id == wp->string_id;

Show inline comments
@@ -140,22 +140,22 @@ public:
	 * Set additional space (padding) around the widget.
	 * @param top    Amount of additional space above the widget.
	 * @param right  Amount of additional space right of the widget.
	 * @param bottom Amount of additional space below the widget.
	 * @param left   Amount of additional space left of the widget.
	FORCEINLINE void SetPadding(uint8 top, uint8 right, uint8 bottom, uint8 left)
	inline void SetPadding(uint8 top, uint8 right, uint8 bottom, uint8 left)
		this->padding_top = top;
		this->padding_right = right;
		this->padding_bottom = bottom;
		this->padding_left = left;

	FORCEINLINE uint GetHorizontalStepSize(SizingType sizing) const;
	FORCEINLINE uint GetVerticalStepSize(SizingType sizing) const;
	inline uint GetHorizontalStepSize(SizingType sizing) const;
	inline uint GetVerticalStepSize(SizingType sizing) const;

	virtual void Draw(const Window *w) = 0;
	virtual void SetDirty(const Window *w) const;

	WidgetType type;      ///< Type of the widget / nested widget.
	uint fill_x;          ///< Horizontal fill stepsize (from initial size, \c 0 means not resizable).
@@ -180,42 +180,42 @@ public:
	uint8 padding_top;    ///< Paddings added to the top of the widget. Managed by parent container widget.
	uint8 padding_right;  ///< Paddings added to the right of the widget. Managed by parent container widget.
	uint8 padding_bottom; ///< Paddings added to the bottom of the widget. Managed by parent container widget.
	uint8 padding_left;   ///< Paddings added to the left of the widget. Managed by parent container widget.

	FORCEINLINE void StoreSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height);
	inline void StoreSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height);

 * Get the horizontal sizing step.
 * @param sizing Type of resize being performed.
FORCEINLINE uint NWidgetBase::GetHorizontalStepSize(SizingType sizing) const
inline uint NWidgetBase::GetHorizontalStepSize(SizingType sizing) const
	return (sizing == ST_RESIZE) ? this->resize_x : this->fill_x;

 * Get the vertical sizing step.
 * @param sizing Type of resize being performed.
FORCEINLINE uint NWidgetBase::GetVerticalStepSize(SizingType sizing) const
inline uint NWidgetBase::GetVerticalStepSize(SizingType sizing) const
	return (sizing == ST_RESIZE) ? this->resize_y : this->fill_y;

 * Store size and position.
 * @param sizing       Type of resizing to perform.
 * @param x            Horizontal offset of the widget relative to the left edge of the window.
 * @param y            Vertical offset of the widget relative to the top edge of the window.
 * @param given_width  Width allocated to the widget.
 * @param given_height Height allocated to the widget.
FORCEINLINE void NWidgetBase::StoreSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height)
inline void NWidgetBase::StoreSizePosition(SizingType sizing, uint x, uint y, uint given_width, uint given_height)
	this->pos_x = x;
	this->pos_y = y;
	if (sizing == ST_SMALLEST) {
		this->smallest_x = given_width;
		this->smallest_y = given_height;
@@ -604,50 +604,50 @@ public:

	 * Gets the number of elements in the list
	 * @return the number of elements
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetCount() const
	inline uint16 GetCount() const
		return this->count;

	 * Gets the number of visible elements of the scrollbar
	 * @return the number of visible elements
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetCapacity() const
	inline uint16 GetCapacity() const
		return this->cap;

	 * Gets the position of the first visible element in the list
	 * @return the position of the element
	FORCEINLINE uint16 GetPosition() const
	inline uint16 GetPosition() const
		return this->pos;

	 * Checks whether given current item is visible in the list
	 * @param item to check
	 * @return true iff the item is visible
	FORCEINLINE bool IsVisible(uint16 item) const
	inline bool IsVisible(uint16 item) const
		return IsInsideBS(item, this->GetPosition(), this->GetCapacity());

	 * Is the scrollbar vertical or not?
	 * @return True iff the scrollbar is vertical.
	FORCEINLINE bool IsVertical() const
	inline bool IsVertical() const
		return this->is_vertical;

	 * Set the distance to scroll when using the buttons or the wheel.
@@ -786,13 +786,13 @@ private:
 * Return the biggest possible size of a nested widget.
 * @param base      Base size of the widget.
 * @param max_space Available space for the widget.
 * @param step      Stepsize of the widget.
 * @return Biggest possible size of the widget, assuming that \a base may only be incremented by \a step size steps.
static FORCEINLINE uint ComputeMaxSize(uint base, uint max_space, uint step)
static inline uint ComputeMaxSize(uint base, uint max_space, uint step)
	if (base >= max_space || step == 0) return base;
	if (step == 1) return max_space;
	uint increment = max_space - base;
	increment -= increment % step;
	return base + increment;
Show inline comments
@@ -260,23 +260,23 @@ public:
	 * Helper allocation function to disallow something.
	 * Don't allow arrays; arrays of Windows are pointless as you need
	 * to destruct them all at the same time too, which is kinda hard.
	 * @param size the amount of space not to allocate
	FORCEINLINE void *operator new[](size_t size)
	inline void *operator new[](size_t size)

	 * Helper allocation function to disallow something.
	 * Don't free the window directly; it corrupts the linked list when iterating
	 * @param ptr the pointer not to free
	FORCEINLINE void operator delete(void *ptr)
	inline void operator delete(void *ptr)

	WindowFlags flags;          ///< Window flags
	WindowClass window_class;   ///< Window class
	WindowNumber window_number; ///< Window number within the window class
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