Changeset - r18294:67a72ead8996
[Not reviewed]
0 4 0
frosch - 13 years ago 2011-11-08 17:24:15
(svn r23140) -Add: ErrorUnknownCallbackResult()
4 files changed with 40 insertions and 0 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
@@ -2139,768 +2139,769 @@ STR_FOUND_TOWN_ROAD_LAYOUT              
STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_TOWN_ROAD_LAYOUT                          :{BLACK}Select road layout used for this town
STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_LAYOUT_ORIGINAL                           :{BLACK}Original
STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_LAYOUT_BETTER_ROADS                       :{BLACK}Better roads
STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_LAYOUT_2X2_GRID                           :{BLACK}2x2 grid
STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_LAYOUT_3X3_GRID                           :{BLACK}3x3 grid
STR_FOUND_TOWN_SELECT_LAYOUT_RANDOM                             :{BLACK}Random

# Fund new industry window
STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_CAPTION                                       :{WHITE}Fund new industry
STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_SELECTION_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Choose the appropriate industry from this list
STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_MANY_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES                        :Many random industries
STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_MANY_RANDOM_INDUSTRIES_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}Cover the map with randomly placed industries
STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_PROSPECT_NEW_INDUSTRY                         :{BLACK}Prospect
STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_BUILD_NEW_INDUSTRY                            :{BLACK}Build
STR_FUND_INDUSTRY_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY                             :{BLACK}Fund

# Industry cargoes window
STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_INDUSTRY_CAPTION                           :{WHITE}Industry chain for {STRING} industry
STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_CARGO_CAPTION                              :{WHITE}Industry chain for {STRING} cargo
STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_PRODUCERS                                  :{WHITE}Producing industries
STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_CUSTOMERS                                  :{WHITE}Accepting industries
STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_HOUSES                                     :{WHITE}Houses
STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_INDUSTRY_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Click at the industry to see its suppliers and customers
STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_CARGO_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}{STRING}{}Click at the cargo to see its suppliers and customers
STR_INDUSTRY_DISPLAY_CHAIN                                      :{BLACK}Display chain
STR_INDUSTRY_DISPLAY_CHAIN_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Display cargo supplying and accepting industries
STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_NOTIFY_SMALLMAP                            :{BLACK}Link to smallmap
STR_INDUSTRY_CARGOES_NOTIFY_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Select the displayed industries at the smallmap as well

# Land area window
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_CAPTION                               :{WHITE}Land Area Information
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_COST_TO_CLEAR_N_A                     :{BLACK}Cost to clear: {LTBLUE}N/A
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_COST_TO_CLEAR                         :{BLACK}Cost to clear: {RED}{CURRENCY}
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_OWNER_N_A                             :N/A
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_OWNER                                 :{BLACK}Owner: {LTBLUE}{STRING1}
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_ROAD_OWNER                            :{BLACK}Road owner: {LTBLUE}{STRING1}
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_TRAM_OWNER                            :{BLACK}Tramway owner: {LTBLUE}{STRING1}
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_RAIL_OWNER                            :{BLACK}Railway owner: {LTBLUE}{STRING1}
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_STATION_TYPE                          :{BLACK}Station type: {LTBLUE}{STRING}
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_AIRPORT_NAME                          :{BLACK}Airport name: {LTBLUE}{STRING}
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_CARGO_ACCEPTED                        :{BLACK}Cargo accepted: {LTBLUE}

# Description of land area of different tiles
STR_LAI_CLEAR_DESCRIPTION_ROCKS                                 :Rocks
STR_LAI_CLEAR_DESCRIPTION_ROUGH_LAND                            :Rough land
STR_LAI_CLEAR_DESCRIPTION_BARE_LAND                             :Bare land
STR_LAI_CLEAR_DESCRIPTION_GRASS                                 :Grass
STR_LAI_CLEAR_DESCRIPTION_FIELDS                                :Fields
STR_LAI_CLEAR_DESCRIPTION_SNOW_COVERED_LAND                     :Snow-covered land
STR_LAI_CLEAR_DESCRIPTION_DESERT                                :Desert

STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK                                  :{STRING} track
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_NORMAL_SIGNALS              :{STRING} track with block signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_PRESIGNALS                  :{STRING} track with pre-signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_EXITSIGNALS                 :{STRING} track with exit-signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_COMBOSIGNALS                :{STRING} track with combo-signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_PBSSIGNALS                  :{STRING} track with path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_NOENTRYSIGNALS              :{STRING} track with one-way path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_NORMAL_PRESIGNALS           :{STRING} track with block and pre-signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_NORMAL_EXITSIGNALS          :{STRING} track with block and exit-signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_NORMAL_COMBOSIGNALS         :{STRING} track with block and combo-signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_NORMAL_PBSSIGNALS           :{STRING} track with block and path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_NORMAL_NOENTRYSIGNALS       :{STRING} track with block and one-way path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_PRE_EXITSIGNALS             :{STRING} track with pre- and exit-signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_PRE_COMBOSIGNALS            :{STRING} track with pre- and combo-signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_PRE_PBSSIGNALS              :{STRING} track with pre- and path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_PRE_NOENTRYSIGNALS          :{STRING} track with pre- and one-way path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_EXIT_COMBOSIGNALS           :{STRING} track with exit- and combo-signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_EXIT_PBSSIGNALS             :{STRING} track with exit- and path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_EXIT_NOENTRYSIGNALS         :{STRING} track with exit- and one-way path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_COMBO_PBSSIGNALS            :{STRING} track with combo- and path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_COMBO_NOENTRYSIGNALS        :{STRING} track with combo- and one-way path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRACK_WITH_PBS_NOENTRYSIGNALS          :{STRING} track with path and one-way path signals
STR_LAI_RAIL_DESCRIPTION_TRAIN_DEPOT                            :{STRING} train depot

STR_LAI_ROAD_DESCRIPTION_ROAD                                   :Road
STR_LAI_ROAD_DESCRIPTION_ROAD_WITH_STREETLIGHTS                 :Road with street lights
STR_LAI_ROAD_DESCRIPTION_TREE_LINED_ROAD                        :Tree-lined road
STR_LAI_ROAD_DESCRIPTION_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT                     :Road vehicle depot
STR_LAI_ROAD_DESCRIPTION_ROAD_RAIL_LEVEL_CROSSING               :Road/rail level crossing
STR_LAI_ROAD_DESCRIPTION_TRAMWAY                                :Tramway

# Houses come directly from their building names

STR_LAI_TREE_NAME_TREES                                         :Trees
STR_LAI_TREE_NAME_RAINFOREST                                    :Rainforest
STR_LAI_TREE_NAME_CACTUS_PLANTS                                 :Cactus plants

STR_LAI_STATION_DESCRIPTION_RAILROAD_STATION                    :Railway station
STR_LAI_STATION_DESCRIPTION_AIRCRAFT_HANGAR                     :Aircraft hangar
STR_LAI_STATION_DESCRIPTION_AIRPORT                             :Airport
STR_LAI_STATION_DESCRIPTION_TRUCK_LOADING_AREA                  :Lorry loading area
STR_LAI_STATION_DESCRIPTION_BUS_STATION                         :Bus station
STR_LAI_STATION_DESCRIPTION_SHIP_DOCK                           :Ship dock
STR_LAI_STATION_DESCRIPTION_BUOY                                :Buoy
STR_LAI_STATION_DESCRIPTION_WAYPOINT                            :Waypoint

STR_LAI_WATER_DESCRIPTION_WATER                                 :Water
STR_LAI_WATER_DESCRIPTION_CANAL                                 :Canal
STR_LAI_WATER_DESCRIPTION_LOCK                                  :Lock
STR_LAI_WATER_DESCRIPTION_RIVER                                 :River
STR_LAI_WATER_DESCRIPTION_COAST_OR_RIVERBANK                    :Coast or riverbank
STR_LAI_WATER_DESCRIPTION_SHIP_DEPOT                            :Ship depot

# Industries come directly from their industry names

STR_LAI_TUNNEL_DESCRIPTION_RAILROAD                             :Railway tunnel
STR_LAI_TUNNEL_DESCRIPTION_ROAD                                 :Road tunnel

STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_RAIL_SUSPENSION_STEEL                :Steel suspension rail bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_RAIL_GIRDER_STEEL                    :Steel girder rail bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_RAIL_CANTILEVER_STEEL                :Steel cantilever rail bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_RAIL_SUSPENSION_CONCRETE             :Reinforced concrete suspension rail bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_RAIL_WOODEN                          :Wooden rail bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_RAIL_CONCRETE                        :Concrete rail bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_RAIL_TUBULAR_STEEL                   :Tubular rail bridge

STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_ROAD_SUSPENSION_STEEL                :Steel suspension road bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_ROAD_GIRDER_STEEL                    :Steel girder road bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_ROAD_CANTILEVER_STEEL                :Steel cantilever road bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_ROAD_SUSPENSION_CONCRETE             :Reinforced concrete suspension road bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_ROAD_WOODEN                          :Wooden road bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_ROAD_CONCRETE                        :Concrete road bridge
STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_ROAD_TUBULAR_STEEL                   :Tubular road bridge

STR_LAI_BRIDGE_DESCRIPTION_AQUEDUCT                             :Aqueduct

STR_LAI_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION_TRANSMITTER                          :Transmitter
STR_LAI_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION_LIGHTHOUSE                           :Lighthouse
STR_LAI_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION_COMPANY_OWNED_LAND                   :Company-owned land

# About OpenTTD window
STR_ABOUT_OPENTTD                                               :{WHITE}About OpenTTD
STR_ABOUT_ORIGINAL_COPYRIGHT                                    :{BLACK}Original copyright {COPYRIGHT} 1995 Chris Sawyer, All rights reserved
STR_ABOUT_VERSION                                               :{BLACK}OpenTTD version {REV}
STR_ABOUT_COPYRIGHT_OPENTTD                                     :{BLACK}OpenTTD {COPYRIGHT} 2002-2011 The OpenTTD team

# Save/load game/scenario
STR_SAVELOAD_SAVE_CAPTION                                       :{WHITE}Save Game
STR_SAVELOAD_LOAD_CAPTION                                       :{WHITE}Load Game
STR_SAVELOAD_SAVE_SCENARIO                                      :{WHITE}Save Scenario
STR_SAVELOAD_LOAD_SCENARIO                                      :{WHITE}Load Scenario
STR_SAVELOAD_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP                                     :{WHITE}Load Heightmap
STR_SAVELOAD_SAVE_HEIGHTMAP                                     :{WHITE}Save Heightmap
STR_SAVELOAD_HOME_BUTTON                                        :{BLACK}Click here to jump to the current default save/load directory
STR_SAVELOAD_BYTES_FREE                                         :{BLACK}{BYTES} free
STR_SAVELOAD_LIST_TOOLTIP                                       :{BLACK}List of drives, directories and saved-game files
STR_SAVELOAD_EDITBOX_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Currently selected name for saved-game
STR_SAVELOAD_DELETE_BUTTON                                      :{BLACK}Delete
STR_SAVELOAD_DELETE_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Delete the currently selected saved-game
STR_SAVELOAD_SAVE_BUTTON                                        :{BLACK}Save
STR_SAVELOAD_SAVE_TOOLTIP                                       :{BLACK}Save the current game, using the selected name
STR_SAVELOAD_LOAD_BUTTON                                        :{BLACK}Load
STR_SAVELOAD_LOAD_TOOLTIP                                       :{BLACK}Load the selected game
STR_SAVELOAD_DETAIL_CAPTION                                     :{BLACK}Game Details
STR_SAVELOAD_DETAIL_NOT_AVAILABLE                               :{BLACK}No information available
STR_SAVELOAD_DETAIL_GRFSTATUS                                   :{SILVER}NewGRF: {WHITE}{STRING}

STR_SAVELOAD_OSKTITLE                                           :{BLACK}Enter a name for the savegame

# World generation
STR_MAPGEN_WORLD_GENERATION_CAPTION                             :{WHITE}World Generation
STR_MAPGEN_MAPSIZE                                              :{BLACK}Map size:
STR_MAPGEN_BY                                                   :{BLACK}*
STR_MAPGEN_NUMBER_OF_TOWNS                                      :{BLACK}No. of towns:
STR_MAPGEN_DATE                                                 :{BLACK}Date:
STR_MAPGEN_NUMBER_OF_INDUSTRIES                                 :{BLACK}No. of industries:
STR_MAPGEN_SNOW_LINE_HEIGHT                                     :{BLACK}Snow line height:
STR_MAPGEN_SNOW_LINE_UP                                         :{BLACK}Move the snow line height one up
STR_MAPGEN_SNOW_LINE_DOWN                                       :{BLACK}Move the snow line height one down
STR_MAPGEN_RANDOM_SEED                                          :{BLACK}Random seed:
STR_MAPGEN_RANDOM_SEED_HELP                                     :{BLACK}Click to enter a random seed
STR_MAPGEN_RANDOM                                               :{BLACK}Randomise
STR_MAPGEN_RANDOM_HELP                                          :{BLACK}Change the random seed used for Terrain Generation
STR_MAPGEN_LAND_GENERATOR                                       :{BLACK}Land generator:
STR_MAPGEN_TREE_PLACER                                          :{BLACK}Tree algorithm:
STR_MAPGEN_TERRAIN_TYPE                                         :{BLACK}Terrain type:
STR_MAPGEN_QUANTITY_OF_SEA_LAKES                                :{BLACK}Sea level:
STR_MAPGEN_QUANTITY_OF_RIVERS                                   :{BLACK}Rivers:
STR_MAPGEN_SMOOTHNESS                                           :{BLACK}Smoothness:
STR_MAPGEN_VARIETY                                              :{BLACK}Variety distribution:
STR_MAPGEN_GENERATE                                             :{WHITE}Generate

# Strings for map borders at game generation
STR_MAPGEN_BORDER_TYPE                                          :{BLACK}Map edges:
STR_MAPGEN_NORTHWEST                                            :{BLACK}Northwest
STR_MAPGEN_NORTHEAST                                            :{BLACK}Northeast
STR_MAPGEN_SOUTHEAST                                            :{BLACK}Southeast
STR_MAPGEN_SOUTHWEST                                            :{BLACK}Southwest
STR_MAPGEN_BORDER_FREEFORM                                      :{BLACK}Freeform
STR_MAPGEN_BORDER_WATER                                         :{BLACK}Water
STR_MAPGEN_BORDER_RANDOM                                        :{BLACK}Random
STR_MAPGEN_BORDER_RANDOMIZE                                     :{BLACK}Random
STR_MAPGEN_BORDER_MANUAL                                        :{BLACK}Manual

STR_MAPGEN_HEIGHTMAP_ROTATION                                   :{BLACK}Heightmap rotation:
STR_MAPGEN_HEIGHTMAP_NAME                                       :{BLACK}Heightmap name:
STR_MAPGEN_HEIGHTMAP_SIZE_LABEL                                 :{BLACK}Size:
STR_MAPGEN_HEIGHTMAP_SIZE                                       :{ORANGE}{NUM} x {NUM}

STR_MAPGEN_RANDOM_SEED_OSKTITLE                                 :{BLACK}Enter a random seed
STR_MAPGEN_SNOW_LINE_QUERY_CAPT                                 :{WHITE}Change snow line height
STR_MAPGEN_START_DATE_QUERY_CAPT                                :{WHITE}Change starting year

# SE Map generation
STR_SE_MAPGEN_CAPTION                                           :{WHITE}Scenario Type
STR_SE_MAPGEN_FLAT_WORLD                                        :{WHITE}Flat land
STR_SE_MAPGEN_FLAT_WORLD_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Generate a flat land
STR_SE_MAPGEN_RANDOM_LAND                                       :{WHITE}Random land
STR_SE_MAPGEN_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT                                 :{BLACK}Height of flat land:
STR_SE_MAPGEN_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT_DOWN                            :{BLACK}Move the height of flat land one down
STR_SE_MAPGEN_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT_UP                              :{BLACK}Move the height of flat land one up

STR_SE_MAPGEN_FLAT_WORLD_HEIGHT_QUERY_CAPT                      :{WHITE}Change height of flat land

# Map generation progress
STR_GENERATION_WORLD                                            :{WHITE}Generating World...
STR_GENERATION_ABORT                                            :{BLACK}Abort
STR_GENERATION_ABORT_CAPTION                                    :{WHITE}Abort World Generation
STR_GENERATION_ABORT_MESSAGE                                    :{YELLOW}Do you really want to abort the generation?
STR_GENERATION_PROGRESS                                         :{WHITE}{NUM}% complete
STR_GENERATION_PROGRESS_NUM                                     :{BLACK}{NUM} / {NUM}
STR_GENERATION_WORLD_GENERATION                                 :{BLACK}World generation
STR_GENERATION_RIVER_GENERATION                                 :{BLACK}River generation
STR_GENERATION_TREE_GENERATION                                  :{BLACK}Tree generation
STR_GENERATION_OBJECT_GENERATION                                :{BLACK}Object generation
STR_GENERATION_CLEARING_TILES                                   :{BLACK}Rough and rocky area generation
STR_GENERATION_SETTINGUP_GAME                                   :{BLACK}Setting up game
STR_GENERATION_PREPARING_TILELOOP                               :{BLACK}Running tile-loop
STR_GENERATION_PREPARING_GAME                                   :{BLACK}Preparing game

# NewGRF settings
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_CAPTION                                     :{WHITE}NewGRF Settings
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_INFO_TITLE                                  :{WHITE}Detailed NewGRF information
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_ACTIVE_LIST                                 :{WHITE}Active NewGRF files
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_INACTIVE_LIST                               :{WHITE}Inactive NewGRF files
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_SELECT_PRESET                               :{ORANGE}Select preset:
STR_NEWGRF_FILTER_TITLE                                         :{ORANGE}Filter string:
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_PRESET_LIST_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Load the selected preset
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_PRESET_SAVE                                 :{BLACK}Save preset
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_PRESET_SAVE_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Save the current list as a preset
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_PRESET_SAVE_QUERY                           :{BLACK}Enter name for preset
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_PRESET_DELETE                               :{BLACK}Delete preset
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_PRESET_DELETE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Delete the currently selected preset
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_ADD                                         :{BLACK}Add
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_ADD_FILE_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Add the selected NewGRF file to your configuration
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_RESCAN_FILES                                :{BLACK}Rescan files
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_RESCAN_FILES_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Update the list of available NewGRF files
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_REMOVE                                      :{BLACK}Remove
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_REMOVE_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Remove the selected NewGRF file from the list
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_MOVEUP                                      :{BLACK}Move Up
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_MOVEUP_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Move the selected NewGRF file up the list
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_MOVEDOWN                                    :{BLACK}Move Down
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_MOVEDOWN_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Move the selected NewGRF file down the list
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_FILE_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}A list of the NewGRF files that are installed. Click a file to change its parameters

STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_SET_PARAMETERS                              :{BLACK}Set parameters
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_TOGGLE_PALETTE                              :{BLACK}Toggle palette
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_TOGGLE_PALETTE_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Toggle the palette of the selected NewGRF.{}Do this when the graphics from this NewGRF look pink in-game
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_APPLY_CHANGES                               :{BLACK}Apply changes

STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_FIND_MISSING_CONTENT_BUTTON                 :{BLACK}Find missing content online
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_FIND_MISSING_CONTENT_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}Check whether the missing content can be found online

STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_FILENAME                                    :{BLACK}Filename: {SILVER}{RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_GRF_ID                                      :{BLACK}GRF ID: {SILVER}{RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_VERSION                                     :{BLACK}Version: {SILVER}{NUM}
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_MIN_VERSION                                 :{BLACK}Min. compatible version: {SILVER}{NUM}
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_MD5SUM                                      :{BLACK}MD5sum: {SILVER}{RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_PALETTE                                     :{BLACK}Palette: {SILVER}{RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_PARAMETER                                   :{BLACK}Parameters: {SILVER}{STRING1}

STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_NO_INFO                                     :{BLACK}No information available
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_NOT_FOUND                                   :{RED}Matching file not found
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_DISABLED                                    :{RED}Disabled
STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_INCOMPATIBLE                                :{RED}Incompatible with this version of OpenTTD

STR_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_PARAMETER_QUERY                             :{BLACK}Enter NewGRF parameters

# NewGRF parameters window
STR_NEWGRF_PARAMETERS_CAPTION                                   :{WHITE}Change NewGRF parameters
STR_NEWGRF_PARAMETERS_CLOSE                                     :{BLACK}Close
STR_NEWGRF_PARAMETERS_RESET                                     :{BLACK}Reset
STR_NEWGRF_PARAMETERS_RESET_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Set all parameters to their default value
STR_NEWGRF_PARAMETERS_DEFAULT_NAME                              :Parameter {NUM}
STR_NEWGRF_PARAMETERS_SETTING                                   :{STRING1}: {ORANGE}{STRING1}
STR_NEWGRF_PARAMETERS_NUM_PARAM                                 :{LTBLUE}Number of parameters: {ORANGE}{NUM}

# NewGRF inspect window
STR_NEWGRF_INSPECT_CAPTION                                      :{WHITE}Inspect - {STRING5}
STR_NEWGRF_INSPECT_PARENT_BUTTON                                :{BLACK}Parent
STR_NEWGRF_INSPECT_PARENT_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Inspect the object of the parent scope

STR_NEWGRF_INSPECT_CAPTION_OBJECT_AT                            :{STRING1} at {HEX}

STR_NEWGRF_INSPECT_QUERY_CAPTION                                :{WHITE}NewGRF variable 60+x parameter (hexadecimal)

# Sprite aligner window
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_CAPTION                                      :{WHITE}Aligning sprite {COMMA} ({RAW_STRING})
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_NEXT_BUTTON                                  :{BLACK}Next sprite
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_NEXT_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Proceed to the next normal sprite, skipping any pseudo/recolour/font sprites and wrapping around at the end
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_GOTO_BUTTON                                  :{BLACK}Go to sprite
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_GOTO_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Go to the given sprite. If the sprite is not a normal sprite, proceed to the next normal sprite
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_PREVIOUS_BUTTON                              :{BLACK}Previous sprite
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_PREVIOUS_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Proceed to the previous normal sprite, skipping any pseudo/recolour/font sprites and wrapping around at the begin
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_SPRITE_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Representation of the currently selected sprite. The alignment is ignored when drawing this sprite
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_MOVE_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Move the sprite around, changing the X and Y offsets
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_OFFSETS                                      :{BLACK}X offset: {NUM}, Y offset: {NUM}
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_PICKER_BUTTON                                :{BLACK}Pick sprite
STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_PICKER_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Pick a sprite from anywhere on the screen

STR_SPRITE_ALIGNER_GOTO_CAPTION                                 :{WHITE}Go to sprite

# NewGRF (self) generated warnings/errors
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MSG_INFO                                       :{SILVER}{RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MSG_WARNING                                    :{RED}Warning: {SILVER}{RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MSG_ERROR                                      :{RED}Error: {SILVER}{RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MSG_FATAL                                      :{RED}Fatal: {SILVER}{RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_FATAL_POPUP                                    :{WHITE}A fatal NewGRF error has occurred: {}{STRING5}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_VERSION_NUMBER                                 :{1:STRING1} will not work with the TTDPatch version reported by OpenTTD
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_DOS_OR_WINDOWS                                 :{1:STRING1} is for the {STRING1} version of TTD
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_UNSET_SWITCH                                   :{1:STRING1} is designed to be used with {STRING1}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER                              :Invalid parameter for {1:STRING1}: parameter {STRING1} ({NUM})
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_LOAD_BEFORE                                    :{1:STRING1} must be loaded before {STRING1}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_LOAD_AFTER                                     :{1:STRING1} must be loaded after {STRING1}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_OTTD_VERSION_NUMBER                            :{1:STRING1} requires OpenTTD version {STRING1} or better
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_AFTER_TRANSLATED_FILE                          :the GRF file it was designed to translate
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_TOO_MANY_NEWGRFS_LOADED                        :Too many NewGRFs are loaded
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_STATIC_GRF_CAUSES_DESYNC                       :Loading {2:RAW_STRING} as static NewGRF with {4:RAW_STRING} could cause desyncs
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_SPRITE                              :Unexpected sprite
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY                               :Unknown Action 0 property
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_INVALID_ID                                     :Attempt to use invalid ID
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_CORRUPT_SPRITE                                 :{YELLOW}{RAW_STRING} contains a corrupt sprite. All corrupt sprites will be shown as a red question mark (?)
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MULTIPLE_ACTION_8                              :Contains multiple Action 8 entries
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_READ_BOUNDS                                    :Read past end of pseudo-sprite
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MISSING_SPRITES                                :{WHITE}The currently used base graphics set is missing a number of sprites.{}Please update the base graphics set
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_GRM_FAILED                                     :Requested GRF resources not available
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_FORCEFULLY_DISABLED                            :{2:RAW_STRING} was disabled by {4:RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_INVALID_SPRITE_LAYOUT                          :Invalid/unknown sprite layout format

# NewGRF related 'general' warnings
STR_NEWGRF_POPUP_CAUTION_CAPTION                                :{WHITE}Caution!
STR_NEWGRF_CONFIRMATION_TEXT                                    :{YELLOW}You are about to make changes to a running game. This can crash OpenTTD or break the game state. Do not file bug reports about these issues.{}Are you absolutely sure about this?

STR_NEWGRF_DUPLICATE_GRFID                                      :{WHITE}Can't add file: duplicate GRF ID
STR_NEWGRF_COMPATIBLE_LOADED                                    :{ORANGE}Matching file not found (compatible GRF loaded)

STR_NEWGRF_COMPATIBLE_LOAD_WARNING                              :{WHITE}Compatible GRF(s) loaded for missing files
STR_NEWGRF_DISABLED_WARNING                                     :{WHITE}Missing GRF file(s) have been disabled
STR_NEWGRF_UNPAUSE_WARNING_TITLE                                :{YELLOW}Missing GRF file(s)
STR_NEWGRF_UNPAUSE_WARNING                                      :{WHITE}Unpausing can crash OpenTTD. Do not file bug reports for subsequent crashes.{}Do you really want to unpause?

# NewGRF status
STR_NEWGRF_LIST_NONE                                            :None
STR_NEWGRF_LIST_ALL_FOUND                                       :All files present
STR_NEWGRF_LIST_COMPATIBLE                                      :{YELLOW}Found compatible files
STR_NEWGRF_LIST_MISSING                                         :{RED}Missing files

# NewGRF 'it's broken' warnings
STR_NEWGRF_BROKEN                                               :{WHITE}Behaviour of NewGRF '{0:RAW_STRING}' is likely to cause desyncs and/or crashes
STR_NEWGRF_BROKEN_POWERED_WAGON                                 :{WHITE}It changed powered-wagon state for '{1:ENGINE}' when not inside a depot
STR_NEWGRF_BROKEN_VEHICLE_LENGTH                                :{WHITE}It changed vehicle length for '{1:ENGINE}' when not inside a depot
STR_BROKEN_VEHICLE_LENGTH                                       :{WHITE}Train '{VEHICLE}' belonging to '{COMPANY}' has invalid length. It is probably caused by problems with NewGRFs. Game may desync or crash

STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY                                                :{WHITE}NewGRF '{0:RAW_STRING}' provides incorrect information
STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY_ARTICULATED_CARGO                              :{WHITE}Cargo/refit information for '{1:ENGINE}' differs from purchase list after construction. This might cause autorenew/-replace to fail refitting correctly
STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY_ENDLESS_PRODUCTION_CALLBACK                    :{WHITE}'{1:STRING}' caused an endless loop in the production callback
STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY_UNKNOWN_CALLBACK_RESULT                        :{WHITE}Callback 0x{HEX} returned unknown/invalid result 0x{HEX}

# 'User removed essential NewGRFs'-placeholders for stuff without specs
STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_CARGO                                        :<invalid cargo>
STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_CARGO_ABBREV                                 :??
STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_CARGO_QUANTITY                               :{COMMA} of <invalid cargo>
STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_ENGINE                                       :<invalid vehicle model>
STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE                                 :<invalid industry>

# NewGRF scanning window
STR_NEWGRF_SCAN_CAPTION                                         :{WHITE}Scanning NewGRFs
STR_NEWGRF_SCAN_MESSAGE                                         :{BLACK}Scanning NewGRFs. Depending on the amount this can take a while...
STR_NEWGRF_SCAN_STATUS                                          :{BLACK}{NUM} NewGRF{P "" s} scanned out of an estimated {NUM} NewGRF{P "" s}
STR_NEWGRF_SCAN_ARCHIVES                                        :Scanning for archives

# Sign list window
STR_SIGN_LIST_CAPTION                                           :{WHITE}Sign List - {COMMA} Sign{P "" s}
STR_SIGN_LIST_MATCH_CASE                                        :{BLACK}Match case
STR_SIGN_LIST_CLEAR                                             :{BLACK}Clear filter
STR_SIGN_LIST_MATCH_CASE_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Toggle matching case when comparing sign names against the filter string
STR_SIGN_LIST_CLEAR_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Clear filter string

# Sign window
STR_EDIT_SIGN_CAPTION                                           :{WHITE}Edit sign text
STR_EDIT_SIGN_NEXT_SIGN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Go to next sign
STR_EDIT_SIGN_PREVIOUS_SIGN_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Go to previous sign

STR_EDIT_SIGN_SIGN_OSKTITLE                                     :{BLACK}Enter a name for the sign

# Town directory window
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_CAPTION                                      :{WHITE}Towns
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_NONE                                         :{ORANGE}- None -
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_TOWN                                         :{ORANGE}{TOWN}{BLACK} ({COMMA})
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_LIST_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Town names - click on name to centre main view on town. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_POPULATION                                             :{BLACK}World population: {COMMA}

# Town view window
STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_CAPTION                                      :{WHITE}{TOWN}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CITY_CAPTION                                      :{WHITE}{TOWN} (City)
STR_TOWN_VIEW_POPULATION_HOUSES                                 :{BLACK}Population: {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}  Houses: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_PASSENGERS_LAST_MONTH_MAX                         :{BLACK}Passengers last month: {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}  max: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_MAIL_LAST_MONTH_MAX                               :{BLACK}Mail last month: {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}  max: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_FOR_TOWNGROWTH                              :{BLACK}Cargo needed for town growth:
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_FOR_TOWNGROWTH_LAST_MONTH                   :{ORANGE}{CARGO}{BLACK} delivered last month
STR_TOWN_VIEW_NOISE_IN_TOWN                                     :{BLACK}Noise limit in town: {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}  max: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Centre the main view on town location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_VIEW_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_BUTTON                            :{BLACK}Local authority
STR_TOWN_VIEW_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Show information on local authority
STR_TOWN_VIEW_RENAME_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Change town name

STR_TOWN_VIEW_EXPAND_BUTTON                                     :{BLACK}Expand
STR_TOWN_VIEW_EXPAND_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Increase size of town
STR_TOWN_VIEW_DELETE_BUTTON                                     :{BLACK}Delete
STR_TOWN_VIEW_DELETE_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Delete this town completely

STR_TOWN_VIEW_RENAME_TOWN_BUTTON                                :Rename Town

# Town local authority window
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_CAPTION                                     :{WHITE}{TOWN} local authority
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_COMPANY_RATINGS                             :{BLACK}Transport company ratings:
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTIONS_TITLE                               :{BLACK}Actions available:
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTIONS_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}List of things to do at this town - click on item for more details
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_DO_IT_BUTTON                                :{BLACK}Do it
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_DO_IT_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Carry out the highlighted action in the list above

STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_ROAD_RECONSTRUCTION                  :Fund local road reconstruction
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_STATUE_OF_COMPANY                    :Build statue of company owner
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_NEW_BUILDINGS                        :Fund new buildings
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT                  :Buy exclusive transport rights
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_BRIBE                                :Bribe the local authority

STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_SMALL_ADVERTISING            :{YELLOW}Initiate a small local advertising campaign, to attract more passengers and cargo to your transport services.{}Cost: {CURRENCY}
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_MEDIUM_ADVERTISING           :{YELLOW}Initiate a medium local advertising campaign, to attract more passengers and cargo to your transport services.{}Cost: {CURRENCY}
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_LARGE_ADVERTISING            :{YELLOW}Initiate a large local advertising campaign, to attract more passengers and cargo to your transport services.{}Cost: {CURRENCY}
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_ROAD_RECONSTRUCTION          :{YELLOW}Fund the reconstruction of the urban road network. Causes considerable disruption to road traffic for up to 6 months.{}Cost: {CURRENCY}
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_STATUE_OF_COMPANY            :{YELLOW}Build a statue in honour of your company.{}Cost: {CURRENCY}
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_NEW_BUILDINGS                :{YELLOW}Fund the construction of new commercial buildings in the town.{}Cost: {CURRENCY}
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_EXCLUSIVE_TRANSPORT          :{YELLOW}Buy 1 year's exclusive transport rights in town. Town authority will only allow passengers and cargo to use your company's stations.{}Cost: {CURRENCY}
STR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_ACTION_TOOLTIP_BRIBE                        :{YELLOW}Bribe the local authority to increase your rating, at the risk of a severe penalty if caught.{}Cost: {CURRENCY}

# Subsidies window
STR_SUBSIDIES_CAPTION                                           :{WHITE}Subsidies
STR_SUBSIDIES_OFFERED_TITLE                                     :{BLACK}Subsidies on offer for services taking:
STR_SUBSIDIES_OFFERED_FROM_TO                                   :{ORANGE}{STRING} from {STRING2} to {STRING2}{YELLOW} (by {DATE_SHORT})
STR_SUBSIDIES_NONE                                              :{ORANGE}- None -
STR_SUBSIDIES_SUBSIDISED_TITLE                                  :{BLACK}Services already subsidised:
STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                :{BLACK}Click on service to centre main view on industry/town. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry/town location

# Station list window
STR_STATION_LIST_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Station names - click on name to centre main view on station. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on station location
STR_STATION_LIST_USE_CTRL_TO_SELECT_MORE                        :{BLACK}Hold Ctrl to select more than one item
STR_STATION_LIST_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}{COMPANY} - {COMMA} Station{P "" s}
STR_STATION_LIST_STATION                                        :{YELLOW}{STATION} {STATIONFEATURES}
STR_STATION_LIST_WAYPOINT                                       :{YELLOW}{WAYPOINT}
STR_STATION_LIST_NONE                                           :{YELLOW}- None -
STR_STATION_LIST_SELECT_ALL_FACILITIES                          :{BLACK}Select all facilities
STR_STATION_LIST_SELECT_ALL_TYPES                               :{BLACK}Select all cargo types (including no waiting cargo)
STR_STATION_LIST_NO_WAITING_CARGO                               :{BLACK}No cargo of any type is waiting

# Station view window
STR_STATION_VIEW_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}{STATION} {STATIONFEATURES}
STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_TITLE                                  :{BLACK}Waiting: {WHITE}{STRING}
STR_STATION_VIEW_WAITING_CARGO                                  :{WHITE}{CARGO}
STR_STATION_VIEW_EN_ROUTE_FROM                                  :{YELLOW}({SHORTCARGO} en-route from {STATION})

STR_STATION_VIEW_ACCEPTS_BUTTON                                 :{BLACK}Accepts
STR_STATION_VIEW_ACCEPTS_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Show list of accepted cargo
STR_STATION_VIEW_ACCEPTS_CARGO                                  :{BLACK}Accepts: {WHITE}{RAW_STRING}

STR_STATION_VIEW_RATINGS_BUTTON                                 :{BLACK}Ratings
STR_STATION_VIEW_RATINGS_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Show station ratings
STR_STATION_VIEW_CARGO_RATINGS_TITLE                            :{BLACK}Local rating of transport service:
STR_STATION_VIEW_CARGO_RATING                                   :{WHITE}{STRING}: {YELLOW}{STRING} ({COMMA}%)

############ range for rating starts
STR_CARGO_RATING_APPALLING                                      :Appalling
STR_CARGO_RATING_VERY_POOR                                      :Very Poor
STR_CARGO_RATING_POOR                                           :Poor
STR_CARGO_RATING_MEDIOCRE                                       :Mediocre
STR_CARGO_RATING_GOOD                                           :Good
STR_CARGO_RATING_VERY_GOOD                                      :Very Good
STR_CARGO_RATING_EXCELLENT                                      :Excellent
STR_CARGO_RATING_OUTSTANDING                                    :Outstanding
############ range for rating ends

STR_STATION_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Centre main view on station location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on station location
STR_STATION_VIEW_RENAME_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Change name of station

STR_STATION_VIEW_SCHEDULED_TRAINS_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Show all trains which have this station on their schedule
STR_STATION_VIEW_SCHEDULED_ROAD_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}Show all road vehicles which have this station on their schedule
STR_STATION_VIEW_SCHEDULED_AIRCRAFT_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Show all aircraft which have this station on their schedule
STR_STATION_VIEW_SCHEDULED_SHIPS_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Show all ships which have this station on their schedule

STR_STATION_VIEW_RENAME_STATION_CAPTION                         :Rename station/loading area

# Waypoint/buoy view window
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CAPTION                                       :{WHITE}{WAYPOINT}
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Centre main view on waypoint location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on waypoint location
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CHANGE_WAYPOINT_NAME                          :{BLACK}Change waypoint name
STR_BUOY_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Centre main view on buoy location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on buoy location
STR_BUOY_VIEW_CHANGE_BUOY_NAME                                  :{BLACK}Change buoy name

STR_EDIT_WAYPOINT_NAME                                          :{WHITE}Edit waypoint name

# Finances window
STR_FINANCES_CAPTION                                            :{WHITE}{COMPANY} Finances {BLACK}{COMPANYNUM}
STR_FINANCES_EXPENDITURE_INCOME_TITLE                           :{WHITE}Expenditure/Income
STR_FINANCES_YEAR                                               :{WHITE}{NUM}
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_CONSTRUCTION                               :{GOLD}Construction
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_NEW_VEHICLES                               :{GOLD}New Vehicles
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_TRAIN_RUNNING_COSTS                        :{GOLD}Train Running Costs
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_AIRCRAFT_RUNNING_COSTS                     :{GOLD}Aircraft Running Costs
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_SHIP_RUNNING_COSTS                         :{GOLD}Ship Running Costs
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_PROPERTY_MAINTENANCE                       :{GOLD}Property Maintenance
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_TRAIN_INCOME                               :{GOLD}Train Income
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_ROAD_VEHICLE_INCOME                        :{GOLD}Road Vehicle Income
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_AIRCRAFT_INCOME                            :{GOLD}Aircraft Income
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_SHIP_INCOME                                :{GOLD}Ship Income
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_LOAN_INTEREST                              :{GOLD}Loan Interest
STR_FINANCES_SECTION_OTHER                                      :{GOLD}Other
STR_FINANCES_NEGATIVE_INCOME                                    :{BLACK}-{CURRENCY}
STR_FINANCES_POSITIVE_INCOME                                    :{BLACK}+{CURRENCY}
STR_FINANCES_TOTAL_CAPTION                                      :{WHITE}Total:
STR_FINANCES_BANK_BALANCE_TITLE                                 :{WHITE}Bank Balance
STR_FINANCES_LOAN_TITLE                                         :{WHITE}Loan
STR_FINANCES_MAX_LOAN                                           :{WHITE}Max Loan: {BLACK}{CURRENCY}
STR_FINANCES_TOTAL_CURRENCY                                     :{BLACK}{CURRENCY}
STR_FINANCES_BORROW_BUTTON                                      :{BLACK}Borrow {CURRENCY}
STR_FINANCES_BORROW_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Increase size of loan. Ctrl+Click borrows as much as possible
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_BUTTON                                       :{BLACK}Repay {CURRENCY}
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Repay part of loan. Ctrl+Click repays as much loan as possible

# Company view
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}{COMPANY} {BLACK}{COMPANYNUM}

STR_COMPANY_VIEW_INAUGURATED_TITLE                              :{GOLD}Inaugurated: {WHITE}{NUM}
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_COLOUR_SCHEME_TITLE                            :{GOLD}Colour Scheme:
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VEHICLES_TITLE                                 :{GOLD}Vehicles:
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_TRAINS                                         :{WHITE}{COMMA} train{P "" s}
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLES                                  :{WHITE}{COMMA} road vehicle{P "" s}
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_AIRCRAFT                                       :{WHITE}{COMMA} aircraft
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_SHIPS                                          :{WHITE}{COMMA} ship{P "" s}
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VEHICLES_NONE                                  :{WHITE}None
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_COMPANY_VALUE                                  :{GOLD}Company value: {WHITE}{CURRENCY}
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_SHARES_OWNED_BY                                :{WHITE}({COMMA}% owned by {COMPANY})

STR_COMPANY_VIEW_BUILD_HQ_BUTTON                                :{BLACK}Build HQ
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_BUILD_HQ_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Build company headquarters
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VIEW_HQ_BUTTON                                 :{BLACK}View HQ
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VIEW_HQ_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}View company headquarters
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_HQ                                    :{BLACK}Relocate HQ
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS                  :{BLACK}Rebuild company headquarters elsewhere for 1% cost of company value. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without relocating HQ

STR_COMPANY_VIEW_NEW_FACE_BUTTON                                :{BLACK}New Face
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_NEW_FACE_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Select new face for manager
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_COLOUR_SCHEME_BUTTON                           :{BLACK}Colour Scheme
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_COLOUR_SCHEME_TOOLTIP                          :{BLACK}Change the company vehicle livery
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_COMPANY_NAME_BUTTON                            :{BLACK}Company Name
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_COMPANY_NAME_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Change the company name
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_PRESIDENT_NAME_BUTTON                          :{BLACK}Manager Name
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_PRESIDENT_NAME_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Change the manager's name

STR_COMPANY_VIEW_BUY_SHARE_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Buy 25% share in company
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_SELL_SHARE_BUTTON                              :{BLACK}Sell 25% share in company
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_BUY_SHARE_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Buy 25% share in this company. Shift+Click shows shows estimated cost without purchasing any share
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_SELL_SHARE_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Sell 25% share in this company. Shift+Click shows shows estimated cost without selling any share


STR_BUY_COMPANY_MESSAGE                                         :{WHITE}We are looking for a transport company to take-over our company.{}{}Do you want to purchase {COMPANY} for {CURRENCY}?

# Industry directory
STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_CAPTION                                  :{WHITE}Industries
STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_NONE                                     :{ORANGE}- None -
STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM                                     :{ORANGE}{INDUSTRY}{BLACK} ({CARGO}{RAW_STRING}){YELLOW} ({COMMA}% transported)
STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_LIST_CAPTION                             :{BLACK}Industry names - click on name to centre main view on industry. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry location

# Industry view
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_CAPTION                                       :{WHITE}{INDUSTRY}
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH_TITLE                   :{BLACK}Production last month:
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_TRANSPORTED                                   :{YELLOW}{CARGO}{RAW_STRING}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transported)
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Centre the main view on industry location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry location
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCTION_LEVEL                              :{BLACK}Production level: {YELLOW}{COMMA}%

############ range for requires starts
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_REQUIRES_CARGO                                :{BLACK}Requires: {YELLOW}{STRING}{RAW_STRING}
############ range for requires ends

############ range for produces starts
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_WAITING_FOR_PROCESSING                        :{BLACK}Cargo waiting to be processed:
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCES_CARGO                                :{BLACK}Produces: {YELLOW}{STRING}{RAW_STRING}
############ range for produces ends

STR_CONFIG_GAME_PRODUCTION                                      :{WHITE}Change production (multiple of 8, up to 2040)
STR_CONFIG_GAME_PRODUCTION_LEVEL                                :{WHITE}Change production level (percentage, up to 800%)

# Vehicle lists
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_TRAIN_CAPTION                                  :{WHITE}{STRING2} - {COMMA} Train{P "" s}
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_ROAD_VEHICLE_CAPTION                           :{WHITE}{STRING2} - {COMMA} Road Vehicle{P "" s}
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SHIP_CAPTION                                   :{WHITE}{STRING2} - {COMMA} Ship{P "" s}
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AIRCRAFT_CAPTION                               :{WHITE}{STRING2} - {COMMA} Aircraft

STR_VEHICLE_LIST_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Trains - click on train for information
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_ROAD_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Road vehicles - click on vehicle for information
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SHIP_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Ships - click on ship for information
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AIRCRAFT_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Aircraft - click on aircraft for information

STR_VEHICLE_LIST_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR_LAST_YEAR                     :{TINYFONT}{BLACK}Profit this year: {CURRENCY} (last year: {CURRENCY})

STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_TRAINS                               :Available Trains
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_ROAD_VEHICLES                        :Available Vehicles
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_SHIPS                                :Available Ships
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_AIRCRAFT                             :Available Aircraft
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_AVAILABLE_ENGINES_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}See a list of available engine designs for this vehicle type

STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MANAGE_LIST                                    :{BLACK}Manage list
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MANAGE_LIST_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Send instructions to all vehicles in this list
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_REPLACE_VEHICLES                               :Replace vehicles
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_FOR_SERVICING                             :Send for Servicing

STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_TRAIN_TO_DEPOT                            :Send to Depot
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_ROAD_VEHICLE_TO_DEPOT                     :Send to Depot
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_SHIP_TO_DEPOT                             :Send to Depot
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SEND_AIRCRAFT_TO_HANGAR                        :Send to Hangar

STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MASS_STOP_LIST_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Click to stop all the vehicles in the list
STR_VEHICLE_LIST_MASS_START_LIST_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Click to start all the vehicles in the list

STR_VEHICLE_LIST_SHARED_ORDERS_LIST_CAPTION                     :{WHITE}Shared orders of {COMMA} Vehicle{P "" s}

# Group window
STR_GROUP_ALL_TRAINS                                            :All trains
STR_GROUP_ALL_ROAD_VEHICLES                                     :All road vehicles
STR_GROUP_ALL_SHIPS                                             :All ships
STR_GROUP_ALL_AIRCRAFTS                                         :All aircraft

STR_GROUP_DEFAULT_TRAINS                                        :Ungrouped trains
STR_GROUP_DEFAULT_ROAD_VEHICLES                                 :Ungrouped road vehicles
STR_GROUP_DEFAULT_SHIPS                                         :Ungrouped ships
STR_GROUP_DEFAULT_AIRCRAFTS                                     :Ungrouped aircraft

STR_GROUPS_CLICK_ON_GROUP_FOR_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Groups - click on a group to list all vehicles of this group
STR_GROUP_CREATE_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Click to create a group
STR_GROUP_DELETE_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Delete the selected group
STR_GROUP_RENAME_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Rename the selected group
STR_GROUP_REPLACE_PROTECTION_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Click to protect this group from global autoreplace

STR_GROUP_ADD_SHARED_VEHICLE                                    :Add shared vehicles
STR_GROUP_REMOVE_ALL_VEHICLES                                   :Remove all vehicles

STR_GROUP_RENAME_CAPTION                                        :{BLACK}Rename a group

# Build vehicle window
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_RAIL_CAPTION                              :New Rail Vehicles
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_ELRAIL_CAPTION                            :New Electric Rail Vehicles
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_MONORAIL_CAPTION                          :New Monorail Vehicles
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_MAGLEV_CAPTION                            :New Maglev Vehicles

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_ALL_CAPTION                               :New Rail Vehicles
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_CAPTION                            :New Road Vehicles
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_CAPTION                                    :New Ships
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_CAPTION                                :New Aircraft

STR_PURCHASE_INFO_COST_WEIGHT                                   :{BLACK}Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}{BLACK} Weight: {GOLD}{WEIGHT_S}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_SPEED_POWER                                   :{BLACK}Speed: {GOLD}{VELOCITY}{BLACK} Power: {GOLD}{POWER}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_SPEED                                         :{BLACK}Speed: {GOLD}{VELOCITY}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_SPEED_OCEAN                                   :{BLACK}Speed on ocean: {GOLD}{VELOCITY}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_SPEED_CANAL                                   :{BLACK}Speed on canal/river: {GOLD}{VELOCITY}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_RUNNINGCOST                                   :{BLACK}Running Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}/yr
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_CAPACITY                                      :{BLACK}Capacity: {GOLD}{CARGO} {STRING}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_REFITTABLE                                    :(refittable)
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_DESIGNED_LIFE                                 :{BLACK}Designed: {GOLD}{NUM}{BLACK} Life: {GOLD}{COMMA} year{P "" s}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_RELIABILITY                                   :{BLACK}Max. Reliability: {GOLD}{COMMA}%
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_COST                                          :{BLACK}Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_WEIGHT_CWEIGHT                                :{BLACK}Weight: {GOLD}{WEIGHT_S} ({WEIGHT_S})
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_COST_SPEED                                    :{BLACK}Cost: {GOLD}{CURRENCY}{BLACK} Speed: {GOLD}{VELOCITY}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_AIRCRAFT_CAPACITY                             :{BLACK}Capacity: {GOLD}{CARGO}, {CARGO}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_PWAGPOWER_PWAGWEIGHT                          :{BLACK}Powered Wagons: {GOLD}+{POWER}{BLACK} Weight: {GOLD}+{WEIGHT_S}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_REFITTABLE_TO                                 :{BLACK}Refittable to: {GOLD}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_ALL_TYPES                                     :All cargo types
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_ALL_BUT                                       :All but {GOLD}
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_MAX_TE                                        :{BLACK}Max. Tractive Effort: {GOLD}{FORCE}

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Train vehicle selection list - click on vehicle for information
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Road vehicle selection list - click on vehicle for information
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Ship selection list - click on ship for information
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Aircraft selection list - click on aircraft for information

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_VEHICLE_BUTTON                        :{BLACK}Buy Vehicle
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_VEHICLE_BUTTON                         :{BLACK}Buy Ship

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted train vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted road vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted ship. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted aircraft. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_RENAME_BUTTON                             :{BLACK}Rename
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_RENAME_BUTTON                              :{BLACK}Rename
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_RENAME_BUTTON                          :{BLACK}Rename

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_RENAME_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Rename train vehicle type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_RENAME_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Rename road vehicle type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_RENAME_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Rename ship type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_RENAME_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Rename aircraft type

STR_QUERY_RENAME_TRAIN_TYPE_CAPTION                             :{WHITE}Rename train vehicle type
STR_QUERY_RENAME_ROAD_VEHICLE_TYPE_CAPTION                      :{WHITE}Rename road vehicle type
STR_QUERY_RENAME_SHIP_TYPE_CAPTION                              :{WHITE}Rename ship type
STR_QUERY_RENAME_AIRCRAFT_TYPE_CAPTION                          :{WHITE}Rename aircraft type

# Depot window
STR_DEPOT_CAPTION                                               :{WHITE}{DEPOT}

STR_DEPOT_RENAME_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Change name of depot
STR_DEPOT_RENAME_DEPOT_CAPTION                                  :Rename depot

STR_DEPOT_NO_ENGINE                                             :{BLACK}-
STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                                       :{BLACK}{ENGINE}{RAW_STRING}
STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP_CHAIN                                 :{BLACK}{NUM} vehicle{P "" s}{RAW_STRING}
STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP_CARGO                                 :{}{CARGO} ({SHORTCARGO})

STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Trains - drag vehicle with left-click to add/remove from train, right-click for information. Hold Ctrl to make both functions apply to the following chain
STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Vehicles - right-click on vehicle for information
STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Ships - right-click on ship for information
STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Aircraft - right-click on aircraft for information

Show inline comments
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

 * @file newgrf_commons.cpp Implementation of the class OverrideManagerBase
 * and its descendance, present and futur

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "house.h"
#include "industrytype.h"
#include "newgrf.h"
#include "newgrf_config.h"
#include "clear_map.h"
#include "station_map.h"
#include "tree_map.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "newgrf_object.h"
#include "genworld.h"
#include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"
#include "newgrf_text.h"
#include "livery.h"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "strings_func.h"

#include "table/strings.h"

 * Constructor of generic class
 * @param offset end of original data for this entity. i.e: houses = 110
 * @param maximum of entities this manager can deal with. i.e: houses = 512
 * @param invalid is the ID used to identify an invalid entity id
OverrideManagerBase::OverrideManagerBase(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid)
	max_offset = offset;
	max_new_entities = maximum;
	invalid_ID = invalid;

	mapping_ID = CallocT<EntityIDMapping>(max_new_entities);
	entity_overrides = MallocT<uint16>(max_offset);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < max_offset; i++) entity_overrides[i] = invalid;
	grfid_overrides = CallocT<uint32>(max_offset);

 * Destructor of the generic class.
 * Frees allocated memory of constructor

 * Since the entity IDs defined by the GRF file does not necessarily correlate
 * to those used by the game, the IDs used for overriding old entities must be
 * translated when the entity spec is set.
 * @param local_id ID in grf file
 * @param grfid  ID of the grf file
 * @param entity_type original entity type
void OverrideManagerBase::Add(uint8 local_id, uint32 grfid, uint entity_type)
	assert(entity_type < max_offset);
	/* An override can be set only once */
	if (entity_overrides[entity_type] != invalid_ID) return;
	entity_overrides[entity_type] = local_id;
	grfid_overrides[entity_type] = grfid;

/** Resets the mapping, which is used while initializing game */
void OverrideManagerBase::ResetMapping()
	memset(mapping_ID, 0, (max_new_entities - 1) * sizeof(EntityIDMapping));

/** Resets the override, which is used while initializing game */
void OverrideManagerBase::ResetOverride()
	for (uint16 i = 0; i < max_offset; i++) {
		entity_overrides[i] = invalid_ID;
		grfid_overrides[i] = 0;

 * Return the ID (if ever available) of a previously inserted entity.
 * @param grf_local_id ID of this enity withing the grfID
 * @param grfid ID of the grf file
 * @return the ID of the candidate, of the Invalid flag item ID
uint16 OverrideManagerBase::GetID(uint8 grf_local_id, uint32 grfid) const
	const EntityIDMapping *map;

	for (uint16 id = 0; id < max_new_entities; id++) {
		map = &mapping_ID[id];
		if (map->entity_id == grf_local_id && map->grfid == grfid) {
			return id;

	return invalid_ID;

 * Reserves a place in the mapping array for an entity to be installed
 * @param grf_local_id is an arbitrary id given by the grf's author.  Also known as setid
 * @param grfid is the id of the grf file itself
 * @param substitute_id is the original entity from which data is copied for the new one
 * @return the proper usable slot id, or invalid marker if none is found
uint16 OverrideManagerBase::AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id)
	uint16 id = this->GetID(grf_local_id, grfid);
	EntityIDMapping *map;

	/* Look to see if this entity has already been added. This is done
	 * separately from the loop below in case a GRF has been deleted, and there
	 * are any gaps in the array.
	if (id != invalid_ID) {
		return id;

	/* This entity hasn't been defined before, so give it an ID now. */
	for (id = max_offset; id < max_new_entities; id++) {
		map = &mapping_ID[id];

		if (CheckValidNewID(id) && map->entity_id == 0 && map->grfid == 0) {
			map->entity_id     = grf_local_id;
			map->grfid         = grfid;
			map->substitute_id = substitute_id;
			return id;

	return invalid_ID;

 * Gives the GRFID of the file the entity belongs to.
 * @param entity_id ID of the entity being queried.
 * @return GRFID.
uint32 OverrideManagerBase::GetGRFID(uint16 entity_id) const
	return mapping_ID[entity_id].grfid;

 * Gives the substitute of the entity, as specified by the grf file
 * @param entity_id of the entity being queried
 * @return mapped id
uint16 OverrideManagerBase::GetSubstituteID(uint16 entity_id) const
	return mapping_ID[entity_id].substitute_id;

 * Install the specs into the HouseSpecs array
 * It will find itself the proper slot onwhich it will go
 * @param hs HouseSpec read from the grf file, ready for inclusion
void HouseOverrideManager::SetEntitySpec(const HouseSpec *hs)
	HouseID house_id = this->AddEntityID(hs->grf_prop.local_id, hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, hs->grf_prop.subst_id);

	if (house_id == invalid_ID) {
		grfmsg(1, "House.SetEntitySpec: Too many houses allocated. Ignoring.");

	MemCpyT(HouseSpec::Get(house_id), hs);

	/* Now add the overrides. */
	for (int i = 0; i != max_offset; i++) {
		HouseSpec *overridden_hs = HouseSpec::Get(i);

		if (entity_overrides[i] != hs->grf_prop.local_id || grfid_overrides[i] != hs->grf_prop.grffile->grfid) continue;

		overridden_hs->grf_prop.override = house_id;
		entity_overrides[i] = invalid_ID;
		grfid_overrides[i] = 0;

 * Return the ID (if ever available) of a previously inserted entity.
 * @param grf_local_id ID of this enity withing the grfID
 * @param grfid ID of the grf file
 * @return the ID of the candidate, of the Invalid flag item ID
uint16 IndustryOverrideManager::GetID(uint8 grf_local_id, uint32 grfid) const
	uint16 id = OverrideManagerBase::GetID(grf_local_id, grfid);
	if (id != invalid_ID) return id;

	/* No mapping found, try the overrides */
	for (id = 0; id < max_offset; id++) {
		if (entity_overrides[id] == grf_local_id && grfid_overrides[id] == grfid) return id;

	return invalid_ID;

 * Method to find an entity ID and to mark it as reserved for the Industry to be included.
 * @param grf_local_id ID used by the grf file for pre-installation work (equivalent of TTDPatch's setid
 * @param grfid ID of the current grf file
 * @param substitute_id industry from which data has been copied
 * @return a free entity id (slotid) if ever one has been found, or Invalid_ID marker otherwise
uint16 IndustryOverrideManager::AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id)
	/* This entity hasn't been defined before, so give it an ID now. */
	for (uint16 id = 0; id < max_new_entities; id++) {
		/* Skip overriden industries */
		if (id < max_offset && entity_overrides[id] != invalid_ID) continue;

		/* Get the real live industry */
		const IndustrySpec *inds = GetIndustrySpec(id);

		/* This industry must be one that is not available(enabled), mostly because of climate.
		 * And it must not already be used by a grf (grffile == NULL).
		 * So reseve this slot here, as it is the chosen one */
		if (!inds->enabled && inds->grf_prop.grffile == NULL) {
			EntityIDMapping *map = &mapping_ID[id];

			if (map->entity_id == 0 && map->grfid == 0) {
				/* winning slot, mark it as been used */
				map->entity_id     = grf_local_id;
				map->grfid         = grfid;
				map->substitute_id = substitute_id;
				return id;

	return invalid_ID;

 * Method to install the new indistry data in its proper slot
 * The slot assigment is internal of this method, since it requires
 * checking what is available
 * @param inds Industryspec that comes from the grf decoding process
void IndustryOverrideManager::SetEntitySpec(IndustrySpec *inds)
	/* First step : We need to find if this industry is already specified in the savegame data. */
	IndustryType ind_id = this->GetID(inds->grf_prop.local_id, inds->grf_prop.grffile->grfid);

	if (ind_id == invalid_ID) {
		/* Not found.
		 * Or it has already been overriden, so you've lost your place old boy.
		 * Or it is a simple substitute.
		 * We need to find a free available slot */
		ind_id = this->AddEntityID(inds->grf_prop.local_id, inds->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, inds->grf_prop.subst_id);
		inds->grf_prop.override = invalid_ID;  // make sure it will not be detected as overriden

	if (ind_id == invalid_ID) {
		grfmsg(1, "Industry.SetEntitySpec: Too many industries allocated. Ignoring.");

	/* Now that we know we can use the given id, copy the spec to its final destination... */
	memcpy(&_industry_specs[ind_id], inds, sizeof(*inds));
	/* ... and mark it as usable*/
	_industry_specs[ind_id].enabled = true;

void IndustryTileOverrideManager::SetEntitySpec(const IndustryTileSpec *its)
	IndustryGfx indt_id = this->AddEntityID(its->grf_prop.local_id, its->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, its->grf_prop.subst_id);

	if (indt_id == invalid_ID) {
		grfmsg(1, "IndustryTile.SetEntitySpec: Too many industry tiles allocated. Ignoring.");

	memcpy(&_industry_tile_specs[indt_id], its, sizeof(*its));

	/* Now add the overrides. */
	for (int i = 0; i < max_offset; i++) {
		IndustryTileSpec *overridden_its = &_industry_tile_specs[i];

		if (entity_overrides[i] != its->grf_prop.local_id || grfid_overrides[i] != its->grf_prop.grffile->grfid) continue;

		overridden_its->grf_prop.override = indt_id;
		overridden_its->enabled = false;
		entity_overrides[i] = invalid_ID;
		grfid_overrides[i] = 0;

 * Method to install the new object data in its proper slot
 * The slot assigment is internal of this method, since it requires
 * checking what is available
 * @param spec ObjectSpec that comes from the grf decoding process
void ObjectOverrideManager::SetEntitySpec(ObjectSpec *spec)
	/* First step : We need to find if this object is already specified in the savegame data. */
	ObjectType type = this->GetID(spec->grf_prop.local_id, spec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid);

	if (type == invalid_ID) {
		/* Not found.
		 * Or it has already been overriden, so you've lost your place old boy.
		 * Or it is a simple substitute.
		 * We need to find a free available slot */
		type = this->AddEntityID(spec->grf_prop.local_id, spec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, OBJECT_TRANSMITTER);

	if (type == invalid_ID) {
		grfmsg(1, "Object.SetEntitySpec: Too many objects allocated. Ignoring.");

	extern ObjectSpec _object_specs[NUM_OBJECTS];

	/* Now that we know we can use the given id, copy the spec to its final destination. */
	memcpy(&_object_specs[type], spec, sizeof(*spec));

 * Function used by houses (and soon industries) to get information
 * on type of "terrain" the tile it is queries sits on.
 * @param tile TileIndex of the tile been queried
 * @param context The context of the tile.
 * @return value corresponding to the grf expected format:
 *         Terrain type: 0 normal, 1 desert, 2 rainforest, 4 on or above snowline
uint32 GetTerrainType(TileIndex tile, TileContext context)
	switch (_settings_game.game_creation.landscape) {
		case LT_TROPIC: return GetTropicZone(tile);
		case LT_ARCTIC: {
			bool has_snow;
			switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
				case MP_CLEAR:
					/* During map generation the snowstate may not be valid yet, as the tileloop may not have run yet. */
					if (_generating_world) goto genworld;
					has_snow = IsSnowTile(tile) && GetClearDensity(tile) >= 2;

				case MP_RAILWAY: {
					/* During map generation the snowstate may not be valid yet, as the tileloop may not have run yet. */
					if (_generating_world) goto genworld; // we do not care about foundations here
					RailGroundType ground = GetRailGroundType(tile);
					has_snow = (ground == RAIL_GROUND_ICE_DESERT || (context == TCX_UPPER_HALFTILE && ground == RAIL_GROUND_HALF_SNOW));

				case MP_ROAD:
					/* During map generation the snowstate may not be valid yet, as the tileloop may not have run yet. */
					if (_generating_world) goto genworld; // we do not care about foundations here
					has_snow = IsOnSnow(tile);

				case MP_TREES: {
					/* During map generation the snowstate may not be valid yet, as the tileloop may not have run yet. */
					if (_generating_world) goto genworld;
					TreeGround ground = GetTreeGround(tile);
					has_snow = (ground == TREE_GROUND_SNOW_DESERT || ground == TREE_GROUND_ROUGH_SNOW) && GetTreeDensity(tile) >= 2;

					if (context == TCX_ON_BRIDGE) {
						has_snow = (GetBridgeHeight(tile) > GetSnowLine());
					} else {
						/* During map generation the snowstate may not be valid yet, as the tileloop may not have run yet. */
						if (_generating_world) goto genworld; // we do not care about foundations here
						has_snow = HasTunnelBridgeSnowOrDesert(tile);

				case MP_STATION:
				case MP_HOUSE:
				case MP_INDUSTRY:
				case MP_OBJECT:
					/* These tiles usually have a levelling foundation. So use max Z */
					has_snow = (GetTileMaxZ(tile) > GetSnowLine());

				case MP_VOID:
				case MP_WATER:
					has_snow = (GetTileZ(tile) > GetSnowLine());

				default: NOT_REACHED();
			return has_snow ? 4 : 0;
		default:        return 0;

 * Get the tile at the given offset.
 * @param parameter The NewGRF "encoded" offset.
 * @param tile The tile to base the offset from.
 * @param signed_offsets Whether the offsets are to be interpreted as signed or not.
 * @param axis Axis of a railways station.
 * @return The tile at the offset.
TileIndex GetNearbyTile(byte parameter, TileIndex tile, bool signed_offsets, Axis axis)
	int8 x = GB(parameter, 0, 4);
	int8 y = GB(parameter, 4, 4);

	if (signed_offsets && x >= 8) x -= 16;
	if (signed_offsets && y >= 8) y -= 16;

	/* Swap width and height depending on axis for railway stations */
	if (axis == INVALID_AXIS && HasStationTileRail(tile)) axis = GetRailStationAxis(tile);
	if (axis == AXIS_Y) Swap(x, y);

	/* Make sure we never roam outside of the map, better wrap in that case */
	return TILE_MASK(tile + TileDiffXY(x, y));

 * Common part of station var 0x67, house var 0x62, indtile var 0x60, industry var 0x62.
 * @param tile the tile of interest.
 * @return 0czzbbss: c = TileType; zz = TileZ; bb: 7-3 zero, 4-2 TerrainType, 1 water/shore, 0 zero; ss = TileSlope
uint32 GetNearbyTileInformation(TileIndex tile)
	TileType tile_type = GetTileType(tile);

	/* Fake tile type for trees on shore */
	if (IsTileType(tile, MP_TREES) && GetTreeGround(tile) == TREE_GROUND_SHORE) tile_type = MP_WATER;

	int z;
	Slope tileh = GetTilePixelSlope(tile, &z);
	/* Return 0 if the tile is a land tile */
	byte terrain_type = (HasTileWaterClass(tile) ? (GetWaterClass(tile) + 1) & 3 : 0) << 5 | GetTerrainType(tile) << 2 | (tile_type == MP_WATER ? 1 : 0) << 1;
	return tile_type << 24 | z << 16 | terrain_type << 8 | tileh;

 * Returns company information like in vehicle var 43 or station var 43.
 * @param owner Owner of the object.
 * @param l Livery of the object; NULL to use default.
 * @return NewGRF company information.
uint32 GetCompanyInfo(CompanyID owner, const Livery *l)
	if (l == NULL && Company::IsValidID(owner)) l = &Company::Get(owner)->livery[LS_DEFAULT];
	return owner | (Company::IsValidAiID(owner) ? 0x10000 : 0) | (l != NULL ? (l->colour1 << 24) | (l->colour2 << 28) : 0);

 * Get the error message from a shape/location/slope check callback result.
 * @param cb_res Callback result to translate. If bit 10 is set this is a standard error message, otherwise a NewGRF provided string.
 * @param grfid grfID to use to resolve a custom error message.
 * @param default_error Error message to use for the generic error.
 * @return CommandCost indicating success or the error message.
CommandCost GetErrorMessageFromLocationCallbackResult(uint16 cb_res, uint32 grfid, StringID default_error)
	CommandCost res;
	switch (cb_res) {
		case 0x400: return res; // No error.
		case 0x401: res = CommandCost(default_error); break;
		case 0x402: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_RAINFOREST); break;
		case 0x403: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_DESERT); break;
		case 0x404: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_ABOVE_SNOW_LINE); break;
		case 0x405: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_BELOW_SNOW_LINE); break;
		case 0x406: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_ON_SEA); break;
		case 0x407: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_ON_CANAL); break;
		case 0x408: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_ON_RIVER); break;
		default:    res = CommandCost(GetGRFStringID(grfid, 0xD000 + cb_res)); break;

	/* Copy some parameters from the registers to the error message text ref. stack */

	return res;

 * Record that a NewGRF returned an unknown/invalid callback result.
 * Also show an error to the user.
 * @param grfid ID of the NewGRF causing the problem.
 * @param cbid Callback causing the problem.
 * @param cb_res Invalid result returned by the callback.
void ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(uint32 grfid, uint16 cbid, uint16 cb_res)
	GRFConfig *grfconfig = GetGRFConfig(grfid);

	if (!HasBit(grfconfig->grf_bugs, GBUG_UNKNOWN_CB_RESULT)) {
		SetBit(grfconfig->grf_bugs, GBUG_UNKNOWN_CB_RESULT);
		SetDParamStr(0, grfconfig->GetName());
		SetDParam(1, cbid);
		SetDParam(2, cb_res);

	/* debug output */
	char buffer[512];

	SetDParamStr(0, grfconfig->GetName());
	GetString(buffer, STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY, lastof(buffer));
	DEBUG(grf, 0, "%s", buffer + 3);

	SetDParam(1, cbid);
	SetDParam(2, cb_res);
	GetString(buffer, STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY_UNKNOWN_CALLBACK_RESULT, lastof(buffer));
	DEBUG(grf, 0, "%s", buffer + 3);

/* static */ SmallVector<DrawTileSeqStruct, 8> NewGRFSpriteLayout::result_seq;

 * Clone the building sprites of a spritelayout.
 * @param source The building sprites to copy.
void NewGRFSpriteLayout::Clone(const DrawTileSeqStruct *source)
	assert(this->seq == NULL);
	assert(source != NULL);

	size_t count = 1; // 1 for the terminator
	const DrawTileSeqStruct *element;
	foreach_draw_tile_seq(element, source) count++;

	DrawTileSeqStruct *sprites = MallocT<DrawTileSeqStruct>(count);
	MemCpyT(sprites, source, count);
	this->seq = sprites;

 * Clone a spritelayout.
 * @param source The spritelayout to copy.
void NewGRFSpriteLayout::Clone(const NewGRFSpriteLayout *source)
	this->Clone((const DrawTileSprites*)source);

	if (source->registers != NULL) {
		size_t count = 1; // 1 for the ground sprite
		const DrawTileSeqStruct *element;
		foreach_draw_tile_seq(element, source->seq) count++;

		TileLayoutRegisters *regs = MallocT<TileLayoutRegisters>(count);
		MemCpyT(regs, source->registers, count);
		this->registers = regs;


 * Allocate a spritelayout for \a num_sprites building sprites.
 * @param num_sprites Number of building sprites to allocate memory for. (not counting the terminator)
void NewGRFSpriteLayout::Allocate(uint num_sprites)
	assert(this->seq == NULL);

	DrawTileSeqStruct *sprites = CallocT<DrawTileSeqStruct>(num_sprites + 1);
	this->seq = sprites;

 * Allocate memory for register modifiers.
void NewGRFSpriteLayout::AllocateRegisters()
	assert(this->seq != NULL);
	assert(this->registers == NULL);

	size_t count = 1; // 1 for the ground sprite
	const DrawTileSeqStruct *element;
	foreach_draw_tile_seq(element, this->seq) count++;

	this->registers = CallocT<TileLayoutRegisters>(count);

 * Prepares a sprite layout before resolving action-1-2-3 chains.
 * Integrates offsets into the layout and determines which chains to resolve.
 * @note The function uses statically allocated temporary storage, which is reused everytime when calling the function.
 *       That means, you have to use the sprite layout before calling #PrepareLayout() the next time.
 * @param orig_offset          Offset to apply to non-action-1 sprites.
 * @param newgrf_ground_offset Offset to apply to action-1 ground sprites.
 * @param newgrf_offset        Offset to apply to action-1 non-ground sprites.
 * @param constr_stage         Construction stage (0-3) to apply to all action-1 sprites.
 * @param separate_ground      Whether the ground sprite shall be resolved by a separate action-1-2-3 chain by default.
 * @return Bitmask of values for variable 10 to resolve action-1-2-3 chains for.
uint32 NewGRFSpriteLayout::PrepareLayout(uint32 orig_offset, uint32 newgrf_ground_offset, uint32 newgrf_offset, uint constr_stage, bool separate_ground) const
	uint32 var10_values = 0;

	/* Create a copy of the spritelayout, so we can modify some values.
	 * Also include the groundsprite into the sequence for easier processing. */
	DrawTileSeqStruct *result = result_seq.Append();
	result->image = ground;
	result->delta_x = 0;
	result->delta_y = 0;
	result->delta_z = (int8)0x80;

	const DrawTileSeqStruct *dtss;
	foreach_draw_tile_seq(dtss, this->seq) {
		*result_seq.Append() = *dtss;

	/* Determine the var10 values the action-1-2-3 chains needs to be resolved for,
	 * and apply the default sprite offsets (unless disabled). */
	const TileLayoutRegisters *regs = this->registers;
	bool ground = true;
	foreach_draw_tile_seq(result, result_seq.Begin()) {
		TileLayoutFlags flags = TLF_NOTHING;
		if (regs != NULL) flags = regs->flags;

		/* Record var10 value for the sprite */
		if (HasBit(result->image.sprite, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE) || (flags & TLF_SPRITE_REG_FLAGS)) {
			uint8 var10 = (flags & TLF_SPRITE_VAR10) ? regs->sprite_var10 : (ground && separate_ground ? 1 : 0);
			SetBit(var10_values, var10);

		/* Add default sprite offset, unless there is a custom one */
		if (!(flags & TLF_SPRITE)) {
			if (HasBit(result->image.sprite, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) {
				result->image.sprite += ground ? newgrf_ground_offset : newgrf_offset;
				if (constr_stage > 0 && regs != NULL) result->image.sprite += GetConstructionStageOffset(constr_stage, regs->max_sprite_offset);
			} else {
				result->image.sprite += orig_offset;

		/* Record var10 value for the palette */
		if (HasBit(result->image.pal, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE) || (flags & TLF_PALETTE_REG_FLAGS)) {
			uint8 var10 = (flags & TLF_PALETTE_VAR10) ? regs->palette_var10 : (ground && separate_ground ? 1 : 0);
			SetBit(var10_values, var10);

		/* Add default palette offset, unless there is a custom one */
		if (!(flags & TLF_PALETTE)) {
			if (HasBit(result->image.pal, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) {
				result->image.sprite += ground ? newgrf_ground_offset : newgrf_offset;
				if (constr_stage > 0 && regs != NULL) result->image.sprite += GetConstructionStageOffset(constr_stage, regs->max_palette_offset);

		ground = false;
		if (regs != NULL) regs++;

	return var10_values;

 * Evaluates the register modifiers and integrates them into the preprocessed sprite layout.
 * @pre #PrepareLayout() needs calling first.
 * @param resolved_var10  The value of var10 the action-1-2-3 chain was evaluated for.
 * @param resolved_sprite Result sprite of the action-1-2-3 chain.
 * @param separate_ground Whether the ground sprite is resolved by a separate action-1-2-3 chain.
 * @return Resulting spritelayout after processing the registers.
void NewGRFSpriteLayout::ProcessRegisters(uint8 resolved_var10, uint32 resolved_sprite, bool separate_ground) const
	DrawTileSeqStruct *result;
	const TileLayoutRegisters *regs = this->registers;
	bool ground = true;
	foreach_draw_tile_seq(result, result_seq.Begin()) {
		TileLayoutFlags flags = TLF_NOTHING;
		if (regs != NULL) flags = regs->flags;

		/* Is the sprite or bounding box affected by an action-1-2-3 chain? */
		if (HasBit(result->image.sprite, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE) || (flags & TLF_SPRITE_REG_FLAGS)) {
			/* Does the var10 value apply to this sprite? */
			uint8 var10 = (flags & TLF_SPRITE_VAR10) ? regs->sprite_var10 : (ground && separate_ground ? 1 : 0);
			if (var10 == resolved_var10) {
				/* Apply registers */
				if ((flags & TLF_DODRAW) && GetRegister(regs->dodraw) == 0) {
					result->image.sprite = 0;
				} else {
					if (HasBit(result->image.sprite, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) result->image.sprite += resolved_sprite;
					if (flags & TLF_SPRITE) {
						int16 offset = (int16)GetRegister(regs->sprite); // mask to 16 bits to avoid trouble
						if (!HasBit(result->image.sprite, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE) || (offset >= 0 && offset < regs->max_sprite_offset)) {
							result->image.sprite += offset;
						} else {
							result->image.sprite = SPR_IMG_QUERY;

					if (result->IsParentSprite()) {
						if (flags & TLF_BB_XY_OFFSET) {
							result->delta_x += (int32)GetRegister(regs->delta.parent[0]);
							result->delta_y += (int32)GetRegister(regs->delta.parent[1]);
						if (flags & TLF_BB_Z_OFFSET)    result->delta_z += (int32)GetRegister(regs->delta.parent[2]);
					} else {
						if (flags & TLF_CHILD_X_OFFSET) result->delta_x += (int32)GetRegister(regs->delta.child[0]);
						if (flags & TLF_CHILD_Y_OFFSET) result->delta_y += (int32)GetRegister(regs->delta.child[1]);

		/* Is the palette affected by an action-1-2-3 chain? */
		if (result->image.sprite != 0 && (HasBit(result->image.pal, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE) || (flags & TLF_PALETTE_REG_FLAGS))) {
			/* Does the var10 value apply to this sprite? */
			uint8 var10 = (flags & TLF_PALETTE_VAR10) ? regs->palette_var10 : (ground && separate_ground ? 1 : 0);
			if (var10 == resolved_var10) {
				/* Apply registers */
				if (HasBit(result->image.pal, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) result->image.pal += resolved_sprite;
				if (flags & TLF_PALETTE) {
					int16 offset = (int16)GetRegister(regs->palette); // mask to 16 bits to avoid trouble
					if (!HasBit(result->image.pal, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE) || (offset >= 0 && offset < regs->max_palette_offset)) {
						result->image.pal += offset;
					} else {
						result->image.sprite = SPR_IMG_QUERY;
						result->image.pal = PAL_NONE;

		ground = false;
		if (regs != NULL) regs++;
Show inline comments
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

 * @file newgrf_commons.h This file simplyfies and embeds a common mechanism of
 * loading/saving and mapping of grf entities.


#include "tile_type.h"
#include "sprite.h"
#include "core/alloc_type.hpp"
#include "core/smallvec_type.hpp"
#include "command_type.h"
#include "direction_type.h"
#include "company_type.h"

/** Context for tile accesses */
enum TileContext {
	TCX_NORMAL,         ///< Nothing special.
	TCX_UPPER_HALFTILE, ///< Querying information about the upper part of a tile with halftile foundation.
	TCX_ON_BRIDGE,      ///< Querying information about stuff on the bridge (via some bridgehead).

 * Flags to enable register usage in sprite layouts.
enum TileLayoutFlags {
	TLF_NOTHING           = 0x00,

	TLF_DODRAW            = 0x01,   ///< Only draw sprite if value of register TileLayoutRegisters::dodraw is non-zero.
	TLF_SPRITE            = 0x02,   ///< Add signed offset to sprite from register TileLayoutRegisters::sprite.
	TLF_PALETTE           = 0x04,   ///< Add signed offset to palette from register TileLayoutRegisters::palette.
	TLF_CUSTOM_PALETTE    = 0x08,   ///< Palette is from Action 1 (moved to SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE in palette during loading).

	TLF_BB_XY_OFFSET      = 0x10,   ///< Add signed offset to bounding box X and Y positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.parent[0..1].
	TLF_BB_Z_OFFSET       = 0x20,   ///< Add signed offset to bounding box Z positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.parent[2].

	TLF_CHILD_X_OFFSET    = 0x10,   ///< Add signed offset to child sprite X positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.child[0].
	TLF_CHILD_Y_OFFSET    = 0x20,   ///< Add signed offset to child sprite Y positions from register TileLayoutRegisters::delta.child[1].

	TLF_SPRITE_VAR10      = 0x40,   ///< Resolve sprite with a specific value in variable 10.
	TLF_PALETTE_VAR10     = 0x80,   ///< Resolve palette with a specific value in variable 10.

	TLF_KNOWN_FLAGS       = 0x7F,   ///< Known flags. Any unknown set flag will disable the GRF.

	/** Flags which are still required after loading the GRF. */

	/** Flags which do not work for the (first) ground sprite. */

	/** Flags which refer to using multiple action-1-2-3 chains. */

	/** Flags which require resolving the action-1-2-3 chain for the sprite, even if it is no action-1 sprite. */

	/** Flags which require resolving the action-1-2-3 chain for the palette, even if it is no action-1 palette. */

 * Determines which sprite to use from a spriteset for a specific construction stage.
 * @param construction_stage Construction stage 0 - 3.
 * @param num_sprites Number of available sprites to select stage from.
 * @return Sprite to use
static inline uint GetConstructionStageOffset(uint construction_stage, uint num_sprites)
	assert(num_sprites > 0);
	if (num_sprites > 4) num_sprites = 4;
	switch (construction_stage) {
		case 0: return 0;
		case 1: return num_sprites > 2 ? 1 : 0;
		case 2: return num_sprites > 2 ? num_sprites - 2 : 0;
		case 3: return num_sprites - 1;
		default: NOT_REACHED();

 * Additional modifiers for items in sprite layouts.
struct TileLayoutRegisters {
	TileLayoutFlags flags; ///< Flags defining which members are valid and to be used.
	uint8 dodraw;          ///< Register deciding whether the sprite shall be drawn at all. Non-zero means drawing.
	uint8 sprite;          ///< Register specifying a signed offset for the sprite.
	uint8 palette;         ///< Register specifying a signed offset for the palette.
	uint16 max_sprite_offset;  ///< Maximum offset to add to the sprite. (limited by size of the spriteset)
	uint16 max_palette_offset; ///< Maximum offset to add to the palette. (limited by size of the spriteset)
	union {
		uint8 parent[3];   ///< Registers for signed offsets for the bounding box position of parent sprites.
		uint8 child[2];    ///< Registers for signed offsets for the position of child sprites.
	} delta;
	uint8 sprite_var10;    ///< Value for variable 10 when resolving the sprite.
	uint8 palette_var10;   ///< Value for variable 10 when resolving the palette.

static const uint TLR_MAX_VAR10 = 7; ///< Maximum value for var 10.

 * NewGRF supplied spritelayout.
 * In contrast to #DrawTileSprites this struct is for allocated
 * layouts on the heap. It allocates data and frees them on destruction.
struct NewGRFSpriteLayout : ZeroedMemoryAllocator, DrawTileSprites {
	const TileLayoutRegisters *registers;

	 * Number of sprites in all referenced spritesets.
	 * If these numbers are inconsistent, then this is 0 and the real values are in \c registers.
	uint consistent_max_offset;

	void Allocate(uint num_sprites);
	void AllocateRegisters();
	void Clone(const DrawTileSeqStruct *source);
	void Clone(const NewGRFSpriteLayout *source);

	 * Clone a spritelayout.
	 * @param source The spritelayout to copy.
	void Clone(const DrawTileSprites *source)
		assert(source != NULL && this != source);
		this->ground = source->ground;

	virtual ~NewGRFSpriteLayout()

	 * Tests whether this spritelayout needs preprocessing by
	 * #PrepareLayout() and #ProcessRegisters(), or whether it can be
	 * used directly.
	 * @return true if preprocessing is needed
	bool NeedsPreprocessing() const
		return this->registers != NULL;

	uint32 PrepareLayout(uint32 orig_offset, uint32 newgrf_ground_offset, uint32 newgrf_offset, uint constr_stage, bool separate_ground) const;
	void ProcessRegisters(uint8 resolved_var10, uint32 resolved_sprite, bool separate_ground) const;

	 * Returns the result spritelayout after preprocessing.
	 * @pre #PrepareLayout() and #ProcessRegisters() need calling first.
	 * @return result spritelayout
	const DrawTileSeqStruct *GetLayout(PalSpriteID *ground) const
		DrawTileSeqStruct *front = result_seq.Begin();
		*ground = front->image;
		return front + 1;

	static SmallVector<DrawTileSeqStruct, 8> result_seq; ///< Temporary storage when preprocessing spritelayouts.

 * Maps an entity id stored on the map to a GRF file.
 * Entities are objects used ingame (houses, industries, industry tiles) for
 * which we need to correlate the ids from the grf files with the ones in the
 * the savegames themselves.
 * An array of EntityIDMapping structs is saved with the savegame so
 * that those GRFs can be loaded in a different order, or removed safely. The
 * index in the array is the entity's ID stored on the map.
 * The substitute ID is the ID of an original entity that should be used instead
 * if the GRF containing the new entity is not available.
struct EntityIDMapping {
	uint32 grfid;          ///< The GRF ID of the file the entity belongs to
	uint8  entity_id;      ///< The entity ID within the GRF file
	uint8  substitute_id;  ///< The (original) entity ID to use if this GRF is not available

class OverrideManagerBase {
	uint16 *entity_overrides;
	uint32 *grfid_overrides;

	uint16 max_offset;       ///< what is the length of the original entity's array of specs
	uint16 max_new_entities; ///< what is the amount of entities, old and new summed

	uint16 invalid_ID;       ///< ID used to dected invalid entities;
	virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return true; }

	EntityIDMapping *mapping_ID; ///< mapping of ids from grf files.  Public out of convenience

	OverrideManagerBase(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid);
	virtual ~OverrideManagerBase();

	void ResetOverride();
	void ResetMapping();

	void Add(uint8 local_id, uint32 grfid, uint entity_type);
	virtual uint16 AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id);

	uint32 GetGRFID(uint16 entity_id) const;
	uint16 GetSubstituteID(uint16 entity_id) const;
	virtual uint16 GetID(uint8 grf_local_id, uint32 grfid) const;

	inline uint16 GetMaxMapping() const { return max_new_entities; }
	inline uint16 GetMaxOffset() const { return max_offset; }


struct HouseSpec;
class HouseOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	HouseOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}
	void SetEntitySpec(const HouseSpec *hs);


struct IndustrySpec;
class IndustryOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	IndustryOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	virtual uint16 AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id);
	virtual uint16 GetID(uint8 grf_local_id, uint32 grfid) const;
	void SetEntitySpec(IndustrySpec *inds);


struct IndustryTileSpec;
class IndustryTileOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
	IndustryTileOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(const IndustryTileSpec *indts);

struct AirportSpec;
class AirportOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	AirportOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(AirportSpec *inds);

struct AirportTileSpec;
class AirportTileOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
	AirportTileOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(const AirportTileSpec *ats);

struct ObjectSpec;
class ObjectOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
	ObjectOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(ObjectSpec *spec);

extern HouseOverrideManager _house_mngr;
extern IndustryOverrideManager _industry_mngr;
extern IndustryTileOverrideManager _industile_mngr;
extern AirportOverrideManager _airport_mngr;
extern AirportTileOverrideManager _airporttile_mngr;
extern ObjectOverrideManager _object_mngr;

uint32 GetTerrainType(TileIndex tile, TileContext context = TCX_NORMAL);
TileIndex GetNearbyTile(byte parameter, TileIndex tile, bool signed_offsets = true, Axis axis = INVALID_AXIS);
uint32 GetNearbyTileInformation(TileIndex tile);
uint32 GetCompanyInfo(CompanyID owner, const struct Livery *l = NULL);
CommandCost GetErrorMessageFromLocationCallbackResult(uint16 cb_res, uint32 grfid, StringID default_error);

void ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(uint32 grfid, uint16 cbid, uint16 cb_res);

 * Data related to the handling of grf files.
 * @tparam Tcnt Number of spritegroups
template <size_t Tcnt>
struct GRFFilePropsBase {
	GRFFilePropsBase() : local_id(0), grffile(0)
		/* The lack of some compilers to provide default constructors complying to the specs
		 * requires us to zero the stuff ourself. */
		memset(spritegroup, 0, sizeof(spritegroup));

	uint16 local_id;                             ///< id defined by the grf file for this entity
	const struct GRFFile *grffile;               ///< grf file that introduced this entity
	const struct SpriteGroup *spritegroup[Tcnt]; ///< pointer to the different sprites of the entity

/** Data related to the handling of grf files. */
struct GRFFileProps : GRFFilePropsBase<1> {
	/** Set all default data constructor for the props. */
	GRFFileProps(uint16 subst_id) :
			GRFFilePropsBase<1>(), subst_id(subst_id), override(subst_id)

	/** Simple constructor for the props. */
	GRFFileProps() : GRFFilePropsBase<1>() {}
	uint16 subst_id;
	uint16 override;                      ///< id of the entity been replaced by

#endif /* NEWGRF_COMMONS_H */
Show inline comments
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file newgrf_config.h Functions to find and configure NewGRFs. */


#include "strings_type.h"
#include "core/alloc_type.hpp"
#include "core/smallmap_type.hpp"
#include "misc/countedptr.hpp"
#include "fileio_type.h"

/** GRF config bit flags */
enum GCF_Flags {
	GCF_SYSTEM,     ///< GRF file is an openttd-internal system grf
	GCF_UNSAFE,     ///< GRF file is unsafe for static usage
	GCF_STATIC,     ///< GRF file is used statically (can be used in any MP game)
	GCF_COMPATIBLE, ///< GRF file does not exactly match the requested GRF (different MD5SUM), but grfid matches)
	GCF_COPY,       ///< The data is copied from a grf in _all_grfs
	GCF_INIT_ONLY,  ///< GRF file is processed up to GLS_INIT
	GCF_RESERVED,   ///< GRF file passed GLS_RESERVE stage
	GCF_INVALID,    ///< GRF is unusable with this version of OpenTTD

/** Status of GRF */
enum GRFStatus {
	GCS_UNKNOWN,      ///< The status of this grf file is unknown
	GCS_DISABLED,     ///< GRF file is disabled
	GCS_NOT_FOUND,    ///< GRF file was not found in the local cache
	GCS_INITIALISED,  ///< GRF file has been initialised
	GCS_ACTIVATED     ///< GRF file has been activated

/** Encountered GRF bugs */
enum GRFBugs {
	GBUG_VEH_LENGTH,        ///< Length of rail vehicle changes when not inside a depot
	GBUG_VEH_REFIT,         ///< Articulated vehicles carry different cargos resp. are differently refittable than specified in purchase list
	GBUG_VEH_POWERED_WAGON, ///< Powered wagon changed poweredness state when not inside a depot
	GBUG_UNKNOWN_CB_RESULT, ///< A callback returned an unknown/invalid result

/** Status of post-gameload GRF compatibility check */
enum GRFListCompatibility {
	GLC_ALL_GOOD,   ///< All GRF needed by game are present
	GLC_COMPATIBLE, ///< Compatible (eg. the same ID, but different chacksum) GRF found in at least one case
	GLC_NOT_FOUND   ///< At least one GRF couldn't be found (higher priority than GLC_COMPATIBLE)

/** Information that can/has to be stored about a GRF's palette. */
enum GRFPalette {
	GRFP_USE_BIT     = 0,   ///< The bit used for storing the palette to use.
	GRFP_GRF_OFFSET  = 2,   ///< The offset of the GRFP_GRF data.
	GRFP_GRF_SIZE    = 2,   ///< The size of the GRFP_GRF data.
	GRFP_BLT_OFFSET  = 4,   ///< The offset of the GRFP_BLT data.
	GRFP_BLT_SIZE    = 1,   ///< The size of the GRFP_BLT data.

	GRFP_USE_DOS     = 0x0, ///< The palette state is set to use the DOS palette.
	GRFP_USE_WINDOWS = 0x1, ///< The palette state is set to use the Windows palette.
	GRFP_USE_MASK    = 0x1, ///< Bitmask to get only the use palette use states.

	GRFP_GRF_UNSET   = 0x0 << GRFP_GRF_OFFSET,          ///< The NewGRF provided no information.
	GRFP_GRF_DOS     = 0x1 << GRFP_GRF_OFFSET,          ///< The NewGRF says the DOS palette can be used.
	GRFP_GRF_WINDOWS = 0x2 << GRFP_GRF_OFFSET,          ///< The NewGRF says the Windows palette can be used.
	GRFP_GRF_ANY     = GRFP_GRF_DOS | GRFP_GRF_WINDOWS, ///< The NewGRF says any palette can be used.
	GRFP_GRF_MASK    = GRFP_GRF_ANY,                    ///< Bitmask to get only the NewGRF supplied information.

	GRFP_BLT_UNSET   = 0x0 << GRFP_BLT_OFFSET,          ///< The NewGRF provided no information or doesn't care about a 32 bpp blitter.
	GRFP_BLT_32BPP   = 0x1 << GRFP_BLT_OFFSET,          ///< The NewGRF prefers a 32 bpp blitter.
	GRFP_BLT_MASK    = GRFP_BLT_32BPP,                  ///< Bitmask to only get the blitter information.


/** Basic data to distinguish a GRF. Used in the server list window */
struct GRFIdentifier {
	uint32 grfid;     ///< GRF ID (defined by Action 0x08)
	uint8 md5sum[16]; ///< MD5 checksum of file to distinguish files with the same GRF ID (eg. newer version of GRF)

	 * Does the identification match the provided values?
	 * @param grfid  Expected grfid.
	 * @param md5sum Expected md5sum, may be \c NULL (in which case, do not check it).
	 * @return the object has the provided grfid and md5sum.
	FORCEINLINE bool HasGrfIdentifier(uint32 grfid, const uint8 *md5sum) const
		if (this->grfid != grfid) return false;
		if (md5sum == NULL) return true;
		return memcmp(md5sum, this->md5sum, sizeof(this->md5sum)) == 0;

/** Information about why GRF had problems during initialisation */
struct GRFError : ZeroedMemoryAllocator {
	GRFError(StringID severity, StringID message = 0);
	GRFError(const GRFError &error);

	char *custom_message;  ///< Custom message (if present)
	char *data;            ///< Additional data for message and custom_message
	StringID message;      ///< Default message
	StringID severity;     ///< Info / Warning / Error / Fatal
	uint8 num_params;      ///< Number of additinal parameters for message and custom_message (0, 1 or 2)
	uint32 param_value[2]; ///< Values of GRF parameters to show for message and custom_message

/** The possible types of a newgrf parameter. */
enum GRFParameterType {
	PTYPE_UINT_ENUM, ///< The parameter allows a range of numbers, each of which can have a special name
	PTYPE_BOOL,      ///< The parameter is either 0 or 1
	PTYPE_END,       ///< Invalid parameter type

/** Information about one grf parameter. */
struct GRFParameterInfo {
	GRFParameterInfo(uint nr);
	GRFParameterInfo(GRFParameterInfo &info);
	struct GRFText *name;  ///< The name of this parameter
	struct GRFText *desc;  ///< The description of this parameter
	GRFParameterType type; ///< The type of this parameter
	uint32 min_value;      ///< The minimal value this parameter can have
	uint32 max_value;      ///< The maximal value of this parameter
	uint32 def_value;      ///< Default value of this parameter
	byte param_nr;         ///< GRF parameter to store content in
	byte first_bit;        ///< First bit to use in the GRF parameter
	byte num_bit;          ///< Number of bits to use for this parameter
	SmallMap<uint32, struct GRFText *, 8> value_names; ///< Names for each value.

	uint32 GetValue(struct GRFConfig *config) const;
	void SetValue(struct GRFConfig *config, uint32 value);

/** Reference counted wrapper around a GRFText pointer. */
struct GRFTextWrapper : public SimpleCountedObject {
	struct GRFText *text; ///< The actual text


/** Information about GRF, used in the game and (part of it) in savegames */
struct GRFConfig : ZeroedMemoryAllocator {
	GRFConfig(const char *filename = NULL);
	GRFConfig(const GRFConfig &config);

	GRFIdentifier ident;                           ///< grfid and md5sum to uniquely identify newgrfs
	uint8 original_md5sum[16];                     ///< MD5 checksum of original file if only a 'compatible' file was loaded
	char *filename;                                ///< Filename - either with or without full path
	GRFTextWrapper *name;                          ///< NOSAVE: GRF name (Action 0x08)
	GRFTextWrapper *info;                          ///< NOSAVE: GRF info (author, copyright, ...) (Action 0x08)
	GRFError *error;                               ///< NOSAVE: Error/Warning during GRF loading (Action 0x0B)

	uint32 version;                                ///< NOSAVE: Version a NewGRF can set so only the newest NewGRF is shown
	uint32 min_loadable_version;                   ///< NOSAVE: Minimum compatible version a NewGRF can define
	uint8 flags;                                   ///< NOSAVE: GCF_Flags, bitset
	GRFStatus status;                              ///< NOSAVE: GRFStatus, enum
	uint32 grf_bugs;                               ///< NOSAVE: bugs in this GRF in this run, @see enum GRFBugs
	uint32 param[0x80];                            ///< GRF parameters
	uint8 num_params;                              ///< Number of used parameters
	uint8 num_valid_params;                        ///< NOSAVE: Number of valid parameters (action 0x14)
	uint8 palette;                                 ///< GRFPalette, bitset
	SmallVector<GRFParameterInfo *, 4> param_info; ///< NOSAVE: extra information about the parameters
	bool has_param_defaults;                       ///< NOSAVE: did this newgrf specify any defaults for it's parameters

	struct GRFConfig *next;                        ///< NOSAVE: Next item in the linked list

	bool IsOpenTTDBaseGRF() const;

	const char *GetName() const;
	const char *GetDescription() const;

	void SetParameterDefaults();
	void SetSuitablePalette();

/** Method to find GRFs using FindGRFConfig */
enum FindGRFConfigMode {
	FGCM_EXACT,       ///< Only find Grfs matching md5sum
	FGCM_COMPATIBLE,  ///< Find best compatible Grf wrt. desired_version
	FGCM_NEWEST,      ///< Find newest Grf
	FGCM_NEWEST_VALID,///< Find newest Grf, ignoring Grfs with GCF_INVALID set
	FGCM_ANY,         ///< Use first found

extern GRFConfig *_all_grfs;          ///< First item in list of all scanned NewGRFs
extern GRFConfig *_grfconfig;         ///< First item in list of current GRF set up
extern GRFConfig *_grfconfig_newgame; ///< First item in list of default GRF set up
extern GRFConfig *_grfconfig_static;  ///< First item in list of static GRF set up

/** Callback for NewGRF scanning. */
struct NewGRFScanCallback {
	/** Make sure the right destructor gets called. */
	virtual ~NewGRFScanCallback() {}
	/** Called whenever the NewGRF scan completed. */
	virtual void OnNewGRFsScanned() = 0;

void ScanNewGRFFiles(NewGRFScanCallback *callback);
void CheckForMissingSprites();
const GRFConfig *FindGRFConfig(uint32 grfid, FindGRFConfigMode mode, const uint8 *md5sum = NULL, uint32 desired_version = 0);
GRFConfig *GetGRFConfig(uint32 grfid, uint32 mask = 0xFFFFFFFF);
GRFConfig **CopyGRFConfigList(GRFConfig **dst, const GRFConfig *src, bool init_only);
void AppendStaticGRFConfigs(GRFConfig **dst);
void AppendToGRFConfigList(GRFConfig **dst, GRFConfig *el);
void ClearGRFConfigList(GRFConfig **config);
void ResetGRFConfig(bool defaults);
GRFListCompatibility IsGoodGRFConfigList(GRFConfig *grfconfig);
bool FillGRFDetails(GRFConfig *config, bool is_static, Subdirectory subdir = NEWGRF_DIR);
char *GRFBuildParamList(char *dst, const GRFConfig *c, const char *last);

/* In newgrf_gui.cpp */
void ShowNewGRFSettings(bool editable, bool show_params, bool exec_changes, GRFConfig **config);

/** For communication about GRFs over the network */
GRFTextWrapper *FindUnknownGRFName(uint32 grfid, uint8 *md5sum, bool create);
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */

void UpdateNewGRFScanStatus(uint num, const char *name);

#endif /* NEWGRF_CONFIG_H */
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