Changeset - r18294:67a72ead8996
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frosch - 13 years ago 2011-11-08 17:24:15
(svn r23140) -Add: ErrorUnknownCallbackResult()
4 files changed with 40 insertions and 0 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -2475,96 +2475,97 @@ STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_FATAL_POPUP            
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_VERSION_NUMBER                                 :{1:STRING1} will not work with the TTDPatch version reported by OpenTTD
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_DOS_OR_WINDOWS                                 :{1:STRING1} is for the {STRING1} version of TTD
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_UNSET_SWITCH                                   :{1:STRING1} is designed to be used with {STRING1}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER                              :Invalid parameter for {1:STRING1}: parameter {STRING1} ({NUM})
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_LOAD_BEFORE                                    :{1:STRING1} must be loaded before {STRING1}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_LOAD_AFTER                                     :{1:STRING1} must be loaded after {STRING1}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_OTTD_VERSION_NUMBER                            :{1:STRING1} requires OpenTTD version {STRING1} or better
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_AFTER_TRANSLATED_FILE                          :the GRF file it was designed to translate
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_TOO_MANY_NEWGRFS_LOADED                        :Too many NewGRFs are loaded
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_STATIC_GRF_CAUSES_DESYNC                       :Loading {2:RAW_STRING} as static NewGRF with {4:RAW_STRING} could cause desyncs
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_SPRITE                              :Unexpected sprite
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY                               :Unknown Action 0 property
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_INVALID_ID                                     :Attempt to use invalid ID
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_CORRUPT_SPRITE                                 :{YELLOW}{RAW_STRING} contains a corrupt sprite. All corrupt sprites will be shown as a red question mark (?)
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MULTIPLE_ACTION_8                              :Contains multiple Action 8 entries
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_READ_BOUNDS                                    :Read past end of pseudo-sprite
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_MISSING_SPRITES                                :{WHITE}The currently used base graphics set is missing a number of sprites.{}Please update the base graphics set
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_GRM_FAILED                                     :Requested GRF resources not available
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_FORCEFULLY_DISABLED                            :{2:RAW_STRING} was disabled by {4:RAW_STRING}
STR_NEWGRF_ERROR_INVALID_SPRITE_LAYOUT                          :Invalid/unknown sprite layout format

# NewGRF related 'general' warnings
STR_NEWGRF_POPUP_CAUTION_CAPTION                                :{WHITE}Caution!
STR_NEWGRF_CONFIRMATION_TEXT                                    :{YELLOW}You are about to make changes to a running game. This can crash OpenTTD or break the game state. Do not file bug reports about these issues.{}Are you absolutely sure about this?

STR_NEWGRF_DUPLICATE_GRFID                                      :{WHITE}Can't add file: duplicate GRF ID
STR_NEWGRF_COMPATIBLE_LOADED                                    :{ORANGE}Matching file not found (compatible GRF loaded)

STR_NEWGRF_COMPATIBLE_LOAD_WARNING                              :{WHITE}Compatible GRF(s) loaded for missing files
STR_NEWGRF_DISABLED_WARNING                                     :{WHITE}Missing GRF file(s) have been disabled
STR_NEWGRF_UNPAUSE_WARNING_TITLE                                :{YELLOW}Missing GRF file(s)
STR_NEWGRF_UNPAUSE_WARNING                                      :{WHITE}Unpausing can crash OpenTTD. Do not file bug reports for subsequent crashes.{}Do you really want to unpause?

# NewGRF status
STR_NEWGRF_LIST_NONE                                            :None
STR_NEWGRF_LIST_ALL_FOUND                                       :All files present
STR_NEWGRF_LIST_COMPATIBLE                                      :{YELLOW}Found compatible files
STR_NEWGRF_LIST_MISSING                                         :{RED}Missing files

# NewGRF 'it's broken' warnings
STR_NEWGRF_BROKEN                                               :{WHITE}Behaviour of NewGRF '{0:RAW_STRING}' is likely to cause desyncs and/or crashes
STR_NEWGRF_BROKEN_POWERED_WAGON                                 :{WHITE}It changed powered-wagon state for '{1:ENGINE}' when not inside a depot
STR_NEWGRF_BROKEN_VEHICLE_LENGTH                                :{WHITE}It changed vehicle length for '{1:ENGINE}' when not inside a depot
STR_BROKEN_VEHICLE_LENGTH                                       :{WHITE}Train '{VEHICLE}' belonging to '{COMPANY}' has invalid length. It is probably caused by problems with NewGRFs. Game may desync or crash

STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY                                                :{WHITE}NewGRF '{0:RAW_STRING}' provides incorrect information
STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY_ARTICULATED_CARGO                              :{WHITE}Cargo/refit information for '{1:ENGINE}' differs from purchase list after construction. This might cause autorenew/-replace to fail refitting correctly
STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY_ENDLESS_PRODUCTION_CALLBACK                    :{WHITE}'{1:STRING}' caused an endless loop in the production callback
STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY_UNKNOWN_CALLBACK_RESULT                        :{WHITE}Callback 0x{HEX} returned unknown/invalid result 0x{HEX}

# 'User removed essential NewGRFs'-placeholders for stuff without specs
STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_CARGO                                        :<invalid cargo>
STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_CARGO_ABBREV                                 :??
STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_CARGO_QUANTITY                               :{COMMA} of <invalid cargo>
STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_ENGINE                                       :<invalid vehicle model>
STR_NEWGRF_INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE                                 :<invalid industry>

# NewGRF scanning window
STR_NEWGRF_SCAN_CAPTION                                         :{WHITE}Scanning NewGRFs
STR_NEWGRF_SCAN_MESSAGE                                         :{BLACK}Scanning NewGRFs. Depending on the amount this can take a while...
STR_NEWGRF_SCAN_STATUS                                          :{BLACK}{NUM} NewGRF{P "" s} scanned out of an estimated {NUM} NewGRF{P "" s}
STR_NEWGRF_SCAN_ARCHIVES                                        :Scanning for archives

# Sign list window
STR_SIGN_LIST_CAPTION                                           :{WHITE}Sign List - {COMMA} Sign{P "" s}
STR_SIGN_LIST_MATCH_CASE                                        :{BLACK}Match case
STR_SIGN_LIST_CLEAR                                             :{BLACK}Clear filter
STR_SIGN_LIST_MATCH_CASE_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Toggle matching case when comparing sign names against the filter string
STR_SIGN_LIST_CLEAR_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Clear filter string

# Sign window
STR_EDIT_SIGN_CAPTION                                           :{WHITE}Edit sign text
STR_EDIT_SIGN_NEXT_SIGN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Go to next sign
STR_EDIT_SIGN_PREVIOUS_SIGN_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Go to previous sign

STR_EDIT_SIGN_SIGN_OSKTITLE                                     :{BLACK}Enter a name for the sign

# Town directory window
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_CAPTION                                      :{WHITE}Towns
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_NONE                                         :{ORANGE}- None -
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_TOWN                                         :{ORANGE}{TOWN}{BLACK} ({COMMA})
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_LIST_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Town names - click on name to centre main view on town. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_POPULATION                                             :{BLACK}World population: {COMMA}

# Town view window
STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_CAPTION                                      :{WHITE}{TOWN}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CITY_CAPTION                                      :{WHITE}{TOWN} (City)
STR_TOWN_VIEW_POPULATION_HOUSES                                 :{BLACK}Population: {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}  Houses: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_PASSENGERS_LAST_MONTH_MAX                         :{BLACK}Passengers last month: {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}  max: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_MAIL_LAST_MONTH_MAX                               :{BLACK}Mail last month: {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}  max: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_FOR_TOWNGROWTH                              :{BLACK}Cargo needed for town growth:
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CARGO_FOR_TOWNGROWTH_LAST_MONTH                   :{ORANGE}{CARGO}{BLACK} delivered last month
STR_TOWN_VIEW_NOISE_IN_TOWN                                     :{BLACK}Noise limit in town: {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}  max: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Centre the main view on town location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_VIEW_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_BUTTON                            :{BLACK}Local authority
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/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

 * @file newgrf_commons.cpp Implementation of the class OverrideManagerBase
 * and its descendance, present and futur

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "house.h"
#include "industrytype.h"
#include "newgrf.h"
#include "newgrf_config.h"
#include "clear_map.h"
#include "station_map.h"
#include "tree_map.h"
#include "tunnelbridge_map.h"
#include "newgrf_object.h"
#include "genworld.h"
#include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"
#include "newgrf_text.h"
#include "livery.h"
#include "company_base.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "strings_func.h"

#include "table/strings.h"

 * Constructor of generic class
 * @param offset end of original data for this entity. i.e: houses = 110
 * @param maximum of entities this manager can deal with. i.e: houses = 512
 * @param invalid is the ID used to identify an invalid entity id
OverrideManagerBase::OverrideManagerBase(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid)
	max_offset = offset;
	max_new_entities = maximum;
	invalid_ID = invalid;

	mapping_ID = CallocT<EntityIDMapping>(max_new_entities);
	entity_overrides = MallocT<uint16>(max_offset);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < max_offset; i++) entity_overrides[i] = invalid;
	grfid_overrides = CallocT<uint32>(max_offset);

 * Destructor of the generic class.
 * Frees allocated memory of constructor

 * Since the entity IDs defined by the GRF file does not necessarily correlate
 * to those used by the game, the IDs used for overriding old entities must be
 * translated when the entity spec is set.
 * @param local_id ID in grf file
 * @param grfid  ID of the grf file
 * @param entity_type original entity type
void OverrideManagerBase::Add(uint8 local_id, uint32 grfid, uint entity_type)
	assert(entity_type < max_offset);
	/* An override can be set only once */
	if (entity_overrides[entity_type] != invalid_ID) return;
	entity_overrides[entity_type] = local_id;
	grfid_overrides[entity_type] = grfid;
@@ -450,96 +454,128 @@ uint32 GetNearbyTileInformation(TileInde
	int z;
	Slope tileh = GetTilePixelSlope(tile, &z);
	/* Return 0 if the tile is a land tile */
	byte terrain_type = (HasTileWaterClass(tile) ? (GetWaterClass(tile) + 1) & 3 : 0) << 5 | GetTerrainType(tile) << 2 | (tile_type == MP_WATER ? 1 : 0) << 1;
	return tile_type << 24 | z << 16 | terrain_type << 8 | tileh;

 * Returns company information like in vehicle var 43 or station var 43.
 * @param owner Owner of the object.
 * @param l Livery of the object; NULL to use default.
 * @return NewGRF company information.
uint32 GetCompanyInfo(CompanyID owner, const Livery *l)
	if (l == NULL && Company::IsValidID(owner)) l = &Company::Get(owner)->livery[LS_DEFAULT];
	return owner | (Company::IsValidAiID(owner) ? 0x10000 : 0) | (l != NULL ? (l->colour1 << 24) | (l->colour2 << 28) : 0);

 * Get the error message from a shape/location/slope check callback result.
 * @param cb_res Callback result to translate. If bit 10 is set this is a standard error message, otherwise a NewGRF provided string.
 * @param grfid grfID to use to resolve a custom error message.
 * @param default_error Error message to use for the generic error.
 * @return CommandCost indicating success or the error message.
CommandCost GetErrorMessageFromLocationCallbackResult(uint16 cb_res, uint32 grfid, StringID default_error)
	CommandCost res;
	switch (cb_res) {
		case 0x400: return res; // No error.
		case 0x401: res = CommandCost(default_error); break;
		case 0x402: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_RAINFOREST); break;
		case 0x403: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_IN_DESERT); break;
		case 0x404: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_ABOVE_SNOW_LINE); break;
		case 0x405: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_ONLY_BE_BUILT_BELOW_SNOW_LINE); break;
		case 0x406: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_ON_SEA); break;
		case 0x407: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_ON_CANAL); break;
		case 0x408: res = CommandCost(STR_ERROR_CAN_T_BUILD_ON_RIVER); break;
		default:    res = CommandCost(GetGRFStringID(grfid, 0xD000 + cb_res)); break;

	/* Copy some parameters from the registers to the error message text ref. stack */

	return res;

 * Record that a NewGRF returned an unknown/invalid callback result.
 * Also show an error to the user.
 * @param grfid ID of the NewGRF causing the problem.
 * @param cbid Callback causing the problem.
 * @param cb_res Invalid result returned by the callback.
void ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(uint32 grfid, uint16 cbid, uint16 cb_res)
	GRFConfig *grfconfig = GetGRFConfig(grfid);

	if (!HasBit(grfconfig->grf_bugs, GBUG_UNKNOWN_CB_RESULT)) {
		SetBit(grfconfig->grf_bugs, GBUG_UNKNOWN_CB_RESULT);
		SetDParamStr(0, grfconfig->GetName());
		SetDParam(1, cbid);
		SetDParam(2, cb_res);

	/* debug output */
	char buffer[512];

	SetDParamStr(0, grfconfig->GetName());
	GetString(buffer, STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY, lastof(buffer));
	DEBUG(grf, 0, "%s", buffer + 3);

	SetDParam(1, cbid);
	SetDParam(2, cb_res);
	GetString(buffer, STR_NEWGRF_BUGGY_UNKNOWN_CALLBACK_RESULT, lastof(buffer));
	DEBUG(grf, 0, "%s", buffer + 3);

/* static */ SmallVector<DrawTileSeqStruct, 8> NewGRFSpriteLayout::result_seq;

 * Clone the building sprites of a spritelayout.
 * @param source The building sprites to copy.
void NewGRFSpriteLayout::Clone(const DrawTileSeqStruct *source)
	assert(this->seq == NULL);
	assert(source != NULL);

	size_t count = 1; // 1 for the terminator
	const DrawTileSeqStruct *element;
	foreach_draw_tile_seq(element, source) count++;

	DrawTileSeqStruct *sprites = MallocT<DrawTileSeqStruct>(count);
	MemCpyT(sprites, source, count);
	this->seq = sprites;

 * Clone a spritelayout.
 * @param source The spritelayout to copy.
void NewGRFSpriteLayout::Clone(const NewGRFSpriteLayout *source)
	this->Clone((const DrawTileSprites*)source);

	if (source->registers != NULL) {
		size_t count = 1; // 1 for the ground sprite
		const DrawTileSeqStruct *element;
		foreach_draw_tile_seq(element, source->seq) count++;

		TileLayoutRegisters *regs = MallocT<TileLayoutRegisters>(count);
		MemCpyT(regs, source->registers, count);
		this->registers = regs;


 * Allocate a spritelayout for \a num_sprites building sprites.
 * @param num_sprites Number of building sprites to allocate memory for. (not counting the terminator)
void NewGRFSpriteLayout::Allocate(uint num_sprites)
	assert(this->seq == NULL);

Show inline comments
@@ -255,81 +255,83 @@ public:

	void SetEntitySpec(const IndustryTileSpec *indts);

struct AirportSpec;
class AirportOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	AirportOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(AirportSpec *inds);

struct AirportTileSpec;
class AirportTileOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
	AirportTileOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(const AirportTileSpec *ats);

struct ObjectSpec;
class ObjectOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase {
	virtual bool CheckValidNewID(uint16 testid) { return testid != 0xFF; }
	ObjectOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {}

	void SetEntitySpec(ObjectSpec *spec);

extern HouseOverrideManager _house_mngr;
extern IndustryOverrideManager _industry_mngr;
extern IndustryTileOverrideManager _industile_mngr;
extern AirportOverrideManager _airport_mngr;
extern AirportTileOverrideManager _airporttile_mngr;
extern ObjectOverrideManager _object_mngr;

uint32 GetTerrainType(TileIndex tile, TileContext context = TCX_NORMAL);
TileIndex GetNearbyTile(byte parameter, TileIndex tile, bool signed_offsets = true, Axis axis = INVALID_AXIS);
uint32 GetNearbyTileInformation(TileIndex tile);
uint32 GetCompanyInfo(CompanyID owner, const struct Livery *l = NULL);
CommandCost GetErrorMessageFromLocationCallbackResult(uint16 cb_res, uint32 grfid, StringID default_error);

void ErrorUnknownCallbackResult(uint32 grfid, uint16 cbid, uint16 cb_res);

 * Data related to the handling of grf files.
 * @tparam Tcnt Number of spritegroups
template <size_t Tcnt>
struct GRFFilePropsBase {
	GRFFilePropsBase() : local_id(0), grffile(0)
		/* The lack of some compilers to provide default constructors complying to the specs
		 * requires us to zero the stuff ourself. */
		memset(spritegroup, 0, sizeof(spritegroup));

	uint16 local_id;                             ///< id defined by the grf file for this entity
	const struct GRFFile *grffile;               ///< grf file that introduced this entity
	const struct SpriteGroup *spritegroup[Tcnt]; ///< pointer to the different sprites of the entity

/** Data related to the handling of grf files. */
struct GRFFileProps : GRFFilePropsBase<1> {
	/** Set all default data constructor for the props. */
	GRFFileProps(uint16 subst_id) :
			GRFFilePropsBase<1>(), subst_id(subst_id), override(subst_id)

	/** Simple constructor for the props. */
	GRFFileProps() : GRFFilePropsBase<1>() {}
	uint16 subst_id;
	uint16 override;                      ///< id of the entity been replaced by

#endif /* NEWGRF_COMMONS_H */
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/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file newgrf_config.h Functions to find and configure NewGRFs. */


#include "strings_type.h"
#include "core/alloc_type.hpp"
#include "core/smallmap_type.hpp"
#include "misc/countedptr.hpp"
#include "fileio_type.h"

/** GRF config bit flags */
enum GCF_Flags {
	GCF_SYSTEM,     ///< GRF file is an openttd-internal system grf
	GCF_UNSAFE,     ///< GRF file is unsafe for static usage
	GCF_STATIC,     ///< GRF file is used statically (can be used in any MP game)
	GCF_COMPATIBLE, ///< GRF file does not exactly match the requested GRF (different MD5SUM), but grfid matches)
	GCF_COPY,       ///< The data is copied from a grf in _all_grfs
	GCF_INIT_ONLY,  ///< GRF file is processed up to GLS_INIT
	GCF_RESERVED,   ///< GRF file passed GLS_RESERVE stage
	GCF_INVALID,    ///< GRF is unusable with this version of OpenTTD

/** Status of GRF */
enum GRFStatus {
	GCS_UNKNOWN,      ///< The status of this grf file is unknown
	GCS_DISABLED,     ///< GRF file is disabled
	GCS_NOT_FOUND,    ///< GRF file was not found in the local cache
	GCS_INITIALISED,  ///< GRF file has been initialised
	GCS_ACTIVATED     ///< GRF file has been activated

/** Encountered GRF bugs */
enum GRFBugs {
	GBUG_VEH_LENGTH,        ///< Length of rail vehicle changes when not inside a depot
	GBUG_VEH_REFIT,         ///< Articulated vehicles carry different cargos resp. are differently refittable than specified in purchase list
	GBUG_VEH_POWERED_WAGON, ///< Powered wagon changed poweredness state when not inside a depot
	GBUG_UNKNOWN_CB_RESULT, ///< A callback returned an unknown/invalid result

/** Status of post-gameload GRF compatibility check */
enum GRFListCompatibility {
	GLC_ALL_GOOD,   ///< All GRF needed by game are present
	GLC_COMPATIBLE, ///< Compatible (eg. the same ID, but different chacksum) GRF found in at least one case
	GLC_NOT_FOUND   ///< At least one GRF couldn't be found (higher priority than GLC_COMPATIBLE)

/** Information that can/has to be stored about a GRF's palette. */
enum GRFPalette {
	GRFP_USE_BIT     = 0,   ///< The bit used for storing the palette to use.
	GRFP_GRF_OFFSET  = 2,   ///< The offset of the GRFP_GRF data.
	GRFP_GRF_SIZE    = 2,   ///< The size of the GRFP_GRF data.
	GRFP_BLT_OFFSET  = 4,   ///< The offset of the GRFP_BLT data.
	GRFP_BLT_SIZE    = 1,   ///< The size of the GRFP_BLT data.

	GRFP_USE_DOS     = 0x0, ///< The palette state is set to use the DOS palette.
	GRFP_USE_WINDOWS = 0x1, ///< The palette state is set to use the Windows palette.
	GRFP_USE_MASK    = 0x1, ///< Bitmask to get only the use palette use states.

	GRFP_GRF_UNSET   = 0x0 << GRFP_GRF_OFFSET,          ///< The NewGRF provided no information.
	GRFP_GRF_DOS     = 0x1 << GRFP_GRF_OFFSET,          ///< The NewGRF says the DOS palette can be used.
	GRFP_GRF_WINDOWS = 0x2 << GRFP_GRF_OFFSET,          ///< The NewGRF says the Windows palette can be used.
	GRFP_GRF_ANY     = GRFP_GRF_DOS | GRFP_GRF_WINDOWS, ///< The NewGRF says any palette can be used.
	GRFP_GRF_MASK    = GRFP_GRF_ANY,                    ///< Bitmask to get only the NewGRF supplied information.

	GRFP_BLT_UNSET   = 0x0 << GRFP_BLT_OFFSET,          ///< The NewGRF provided no information or doesn't care about a 32 bpp blitter.
	GRFP_BLT_32BPP   = 0x1 << GRFP_BLT_OFFSET,          ///< The NewGRF prefers a 32 bpp blitter.
	GRFP_BLT_MASK    = GRFP_BLT_32BPP,                  ///< Bitmask to only get the blitter information.


/** Basic data to distinguish a GRF. Used in the server list window */
struct GRFIdentifier {
	uint32 grfid;     ///< GRF ID (defined by Action 0x08)
	uint8 md5sum[16]; ///< MD5 checksum of file to distinguish files with the same GRF ID (eg. newer version of GRF)

	 * Does the identification match the provided values?
	 * @param grfid  Expected grfid.
	 * @param md5sum Expected md5sum, may be \c NULL (in which case, do not check it).
	 * @return the object has the provided grfid and md5sum.
	FORCEINLINE bool HasGrfIdentifier(uint32 grfid, const uint8 *md5sum) const
		if (this->grfid != grfid) return false;
		if (md5sum == NULL) return true;
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