STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_SIGNALS :{BLACK}Build railwaysignals. Ctrl toggles semaphore/light signals{}Dragging builds signals along a straight stretch of rail. Ctrl builds signals up to the next junction or signal{}Ctrl+Click toggles opening the signal selection window. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_SIGNALS :{BLACK}Build signal on railway. Ctrl toggles semaphore/light signals{}Dragging builds signals along a straight stretch of rail. Ctrl builds signals up to the next junction or signal{}Ctrl+Click toggles opening the signal selection window. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR :{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for railway track, signals, waypoints and stations. Hold Ctrl to also remove the rail of waypoints and stations
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of rail. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate