Changeset - r19734:6cc5da26fbe2
[Not reviewed]
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alberth - 12 years ago 2012-11-10 20:44:10
(svn r24689) -Codechange: Add resolver classes for industries.
4 files changed with 322 insertions and 142 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "newgrf_station.h"
#include "newgrf_town.h"
#include "newgrf_railtype.h"
#include "newgrf_industries.h"

#include "widgets/newgrf_debug_widget.h"

Show inline comments
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@

#include "table/strings.h"

static uint32 _industry_creation_random_bits;

/* Since the industry IDs defined by the GRF file don't necessarily correlate
 * to those used by the game, the IDs used for overriding old industries must be
 * translated when the idustry spec is set. */
@@ -159,14 +157,7 @@ static uint32 GetCountAndDistanceOfClose
	return count << 16 | GB(closest_dist, 0, 16);

 * This function implements the industries variables that newGRF defines.
 * @param object the object that we want to query
 * @param variable that is queried
 * @param parameter unused
 * @param available will return false if ever the variable asked for does not exist
 * @return the value stored in the corresponding variable
/* XXX Temporarily kept for access by the industry tile resolver. */
uint32 IndustryGetVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available)
	const Industry *industry = object->u.industry.ind;
@@ -348,83 +339,298 @@ uint32 IndustryGetVariable(const Resolve
	return UINT_MAX;

static const SpriteGroup *IndustryResolveReal(const ResolverObject *object, const RealSpriteGroup *group)
/* virtual */ uint32 IndustriesScopeResolver::GetVariable(byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available) const
	if (this->ro->callback == CBID_INDUSTRY_LOCATION) {
		/* Variables available during construction check. */

		switch (variable) {
			case 0x80: return this->tile;
			case 0x81: return GB(this->tile, 8, 8);

			/* Pointer to the town the industry is associated with */
			case 0x82: return this->industry->town->index;
			case 0x83:
			case 0x84:
			case 0x85: DEBUG(grf, 0, "NewGRFs shouldn't be doing pointer magic"); break; // not supported

			/* Number of the layout */
			case 0x86: return this->industry->selected_layout;

			/* Ground type */
			case 0x87: return GetTerrainType(this->tile);

			/* Town zone */
			case 0x88: return GetTownRadiusGroup(this->industry->town, this->tile);

			/* Manhattan distance of the closest town */
			case 0x89: return min(DistanceManhattan(this->industry->town->xy, this->tile), 255);

			/* Lowest height of the tile */
			case 0x8A: return Clamp(GetTileZ(this->tile) * (this->ro->grffile->grf_version >= 8 ? 1 : TILE_HEIGHT), 0, 0xFF);

			/* Distance to the nearest water/land tile */
			case 0x8B: return GetClosestWaterDistance(this->tile, (GetIndustrySpec(this->industry->type)->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_BUILT_ONWATER) == 0);

			/* Square of Euclidian distance from town */
			case 0x8D: return min(DistanceSquare(this->industry->town->xy, this->tile), 65535);

			/* 32 random bits */
			case 0x8F: return this->random_bits;

	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(this->type);

	if (this->industry == NULL) {
		DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled variable 0x%X (no available industry) in callback 0x%x", variable, this->ro->callback);

		*available = false;
		return UINT_MAX;

	switch (variable) {
		case 0x40:
		case 0x41:
		case 0x42: { // waiting cargo, but only if those two callback flags are set
			uint16 callback = indspec->callback_mask;
			if (HasBit(callback, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_CARGO_ARRIVAL) || HasBit(callback, CBM_IND_PRODUCTION_256_TICKS)) {
				if ((indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_PROD_MULTI_HNDLING) != 0) {
					if (this->industry->prod_level == 0) return 0;
					return min(this->industry->incoming_cargo_waiting[variable - 0x40] / this->industry->prod_level, (uint16)0xFFFF);
				} else {
					return min(this->industry->incoming_cargo_waiting[variable - 0x40], (uint16)0xFFFF);
			} else {
				return 0;

		/* Manhattan distance of closes dry/water tile */
		case 0x43: return GetClosestWaterDistance(this->tile, (indspec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_BUILT_ONWATER) == 0);

		/* Layout number */
		case 0x44: return this->industry->selected_layout;

		/* Company info */
		case 0x45: {
			byte colours = 0;
			bool is_ai = false;

			const Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(this->industry->founder);
			if (c != NULL) {
				const Livery *l = &c->livery[LS_DEFAULT];

				is_ai = c->is_ai;
				colours = l->colour1 + l->colour2 * 16;

			return this->industry->founder | (is_ai ? 0x10000 : 0) | (colours << 24);

		case 0x46: return this->industry->construction_date; // Date when built - long format - (in days)

		/* Get industry ID at offset param */
		case 0x60: return GetIndustryIDAtOffset(GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->industry->location.tile, false), this->industry, this->ro->grffile->grfid);

		/* Get random tile bits at offset param */
		case 0x61: {
			TileIndex tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->tile, false);
			return this->industry->TileBelongsToIndustry(tile) ? GetIndustryRandomBits(tile) : 0;

		/* Land info of nearby tiles */
		case 0x62: return GetNearbyIndustryTileInformation(parameter, this->tile, INVALID_INDUSTRY, false, this->ro->grffile->grf_version >= 8);

		/* Animation stage of nearby tiles */
		case 0x63: {
			TileIndex tile = GetNearbyTile(parameter, this->tile, false);
			if (this->industry->TileBelongsToIndustry(tile)) {
				return GetAnimationFrame(tile);
			return 0xFFFFFFFF;

		/* Distance of nearest industry of given type */
		case 0x64: return GetClosestIndustry(this->tile, MapNewGRFIndustryType(parameter, indspec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid), this->industry);
		/* Get town zone and Manhattan distance of closest town */
		case 0x65: return GetTownRadiusGroup(this->industry->town, this->tile) << 16 | min(DistanceManhattan(this->tile, this->industry->town->xy), 0xFFFF);
		/* Get square of Euclidian distance of closes town */
		case 0x66: return GetTownRadiusGroup(this->industry->town, this->tile) << 16 | min(DistanceSquare(this->tile, this->industry->town->xy), 0xFFFF);

		/* Count of industry, distance of closest instance
		 * 68 is the same as 67, but with a filtering on selected layout */
		case 0x67:
		case 0x68: {
			byte layout_filter = 0;
			bool town_filter = false;
			if (variable == 0x68) {
				uint32 reg = GetRegister(0x101);
				layout_filter = GB(reg, 0, 8);
				town_filter = HasBit(reg, 8);
			return GetCountAndDistanceOfClosestInstance(parameter, layout_filter, town_filter, this->industry);

		/* Get a variable from the persistent storage */
		case 0x7C: return (this->industry->psa != NULL) ? this->industry->psa->GetValue(parameter) : 0;

		/* Industry structure access*/
		case 0x80: return this->industry->location.tile;
		case 0x81: return GB(this->industry->location.tile, 8, 8);
		/* Pointer to the town the industry is associated with */
		case 0x82: return this->industry->town->index;
		case 0x83:
		case 0x84:
		case 0x85: DEBUG(grf, 0, "NewGRFs shouldn't be doing pointer magic"); break; // not supported
		case 0x86: return this->industry->location.w;
		case 0x87: return this->industry->location.h;// xy dimensions

		case 0x88:
		case 0x89: return this->industry->produced_cargo[variable - 0x88];
		case 0x8A: return this->industry->produced_cargo_waiting[0];
		case 0x8B: return GB(this->industry->produced_cargo_waiting[0], 8, 8);
		case 0x8C: return this->industry->produced_cargo_waiting[1];
		case 0x8D: return GB(this->industry->produced_cargo_waiting[1], 8, 8);
		case 0x8E:
		case 0x8F: return this->industry->production_rate[variable - 0x8E];
		case 0x90:
		case 0x91:
		case 0x92: return this->industry->accepts_cargo[variable - 0x90];
		case 0x93: return this->industry->prod_level;
		/* amount of cargo produced so far THIS month. */
		case 0x94: return this->industry->this_month_production[0];
		case 0x95: return GB(this->industry->this_month_production[0], 8, 8);
		case 0x96: return this->industry->this_month_production[1];
		case 0x97: return GB(this->industry->this_month_production[1], 8, 8);
		/* amount of cargo transported so far THIS month. */
		case 0x98: return this->industry->this_month_transported[0];
		case 0x99: return GB(this->industry->this_month_transported[0], 8, 8);
		case 0x9A: return this->industry->this_month_transported[1];
		case 0x9B: return GB(this->industry->this_month_transported[1], 8, 8);
		/* fraction of cargo transported LAST month. */
		case 0x9C:
		case 0x9D: return this->industry->last_month_pct_transported[variable - 0x9C];
		/* amount of cargo produced LAST month. */
		case 0x9E: return this->industry->last_month_production[0];
		case 0x9F: return GB(this->industry->last_month_production[0], 8, 8);
		case 0xA0: return this->industry->last_month_production[1];
		case 0xA1: return GB(this->industry->last_month_production[1], 8, 8);
		/* amount of cargo transported last month. */
		case 0xA2: return this->industry->last_month_transported[0];
		case 0xA3: return GB(this->industry->last_month_transported[0], 8, 8);
		case 0xA4: return this->industry->last_month_transported[1];
		case 0xA5: return GB(this->industry->last_month_transported[1], 8, 8);

		case 0xA6: return this->industry->type;
		case 0xA7: return this->industry->founder;
		case 0xA8: return this->industry->random_colour;
		case 0xA9: return Clamp(this->industry->last_prod_year - ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR, 0, 255);
		case 0xAA: return this->industry->counter;
		case 0xAB: return GB(this->industry->counter, 8, 8);
		case 0xAC: return this->industry->was_cargo_delivered;

		case 0xB0: return Clamp(this->industry->construction_date - DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR, 0, 65535); // Date when built since 1920 (in days)
		case 0xB3: return this->industry->construction_type; // Construction type
		case 0xB4: return Clamp(this->industry->last_cargo_accepted_at - DAYS_TILL_ORIGINAL_BASE_YEAR, 0, 65535); // Date last cargo accepted since 1920 (in days)

	DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled industry variable 0x%X", variable);

	*available = false;
	return UINT_MAX;

/* virtual */ const SpriteGroup *IndustriesResolverObject::ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const
	/* IndustryTile do not have 'real' groups */
	return NULL;

static uint32 IndustryGetRandomBits(const ResolverObject *object)
/* virtual */ uint32 IndustriesScopeResolver::GetRandomBits() const
	const Industry *ind = object->u.industry.ind;
	return ind != NULL ? ind->random: 0;
	return this->industry != NULL ? this->industry->random : 0;

static uint32 IndustryGetTriggers(const ResolverObject *object)
/* virtual */ uint32 IndustriesScopeResolver::GetTriggers() const
	const Industry *ind = object->u.industry.ind;
	return ind != NULL ? ind->random_triggers : 0;

static void IndustrySetTriggers(const ResolverObject *object, int triggers)
	Industry *ind = object->u.industry.ind;
	assert(ind != NULL && ind->index != INVALID_INDUSTRY);
	ind->random_triggers = triggers;
	return this->industry != NULL ? this->industry->random_triggers : 0;

 * Store a value into the object's persistent storage.
 * @param object Object that we want to query.
 * @param pos Position in the persistent storage to use.
 * @param value Value to store.
void IndustryStorePSA(ResolverObject *object, uint pos, int32 value)
/* virtual */ void IndustriesScopeResolver::SetTriggers(int triggers) const
	Industry *ind = object->u.industry.ind;
	if (ind->index == INVALID_INDUSTRY) return;

	if (object->scope != VSG_SCOPE_SELF) {
		/* Pass the request on to the town of the industry. */
		TownStorePSA(ind->town, object->grffile, pos, value);
	assert(this->industry != NULL && this->industry->index != INVALID_INDUSTRY);
	this->industry->random_triggers = triggers;

	if (ind->psa == NULL) {
/* virtual */ void IndustriesScopeResolver::StorePSA(uint pos, int32 value)
	if (this->industry->index == INVALID_INDUSTRY) return;

	if (this->industry->psa == NULL) {
		/* There is no need to create a storage if the value is zero. */
		if (value == 0) return;

		/* Create storage on first modification. */
		const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(ind->type);
		const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(this->industry->type);
		uint32 grfid = (indsp->grf_prop.grffile != NULL) ? indsp->grf_prop.grffile->grfid : 0;
		ind->psa = new PersistentStorage(grfid);
		this->industry->psa = new PersistentStorage(grfid);

	this->industry->psa->StoreValue(pos, value);

	ind->psa->StoreValue(pos, value);
 * Get the grf file associated with the given industry type.
 * @param type Industry type to query.
 * @return The associated GRF file, if any.
static const GRFFile *GetGrffile(IndustryType type)
	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(type);
	return (indspec != NULL) ? indspec->grf_prop.grffile : NULL;

IndustriesResolverObject::IndustriesResolverObject(TileIndex tile, Industry *indus, IndustryType type, uint32 random_bits,
		CallbackID callback, uint32 callback_param1, uint32 callback_param2)
	: ResolverObject(GetGrffile(type), callback, callback_param1, callback_param2),
	industries_scope(this, tile, indus, type, random_bits),

static void NewIndustryResolver(ResolverObject *res, TileIndex tile, Industry *indus, IndustryType type)
	res->GetRandomBits = IndustryGetRandomBits;
	res->GetTriggers   = IndustryGetTriggers;
	res->SetTriggers   = IndustrySetTriggers;
	res->GetVariable   = IndustryGetVariable;
	res->ResolveRealMethod = IndustryResolveReal;
	res->StorePSA      = IndustryStorePSA;
	delete this->town_scope;

	res->u.industry.tile = tile;
	res->u.industry.ind  = indus;
	res->u.industry.gfx  = INVALID_INDUSTRYTILE;
	res->u.industry.type = type;
 * Get or create the town scope object associated with the industry.
 * @return The associated town scope, if it exists.
TownScopeResolver *IndustriesResolverObject::GetTown()
	if (this->town_scope == NULL) {
		Town *t = NULL;
		if (this->industries_scope.industry != NULL) {
			t = this->industries_scope.industry->town;
		} else if (this->industries_scope.tile != INVALID_TILE) {
			t = ClosestTownFromTile(this->industries_scope.tile, UINT_MAX);
		if (t == NULL) return NULL;
		this->town_scope = new TownScopeResolver(this, t, this->industries_scope.industry->index == INVALID_INDUSTRY);
	return this->town_scope;

	res->callback        = CBID_NO_CALLBACK;
	res->callback_param1 = 0;
	res->callback_param2 = 0;

	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(type);
	res->grffile         = (indspec != NULL ? indspec->grf_prop.grffile : NULL);
IndustriesScopeResolver::IndustriesScopeResolver(ResolverObject *ro, TileIndex tile, Industry *industry, IndustryType type, uint32 random_bits)
	: ScopeResolver(ro)
	this->tile = tile;
	this->industry = industry;
	this->type = type;
	this->random_bits = random_bits;

@@ -439,68 +645,13 @@ static void NewIndustryResolver(Resolver
uint16 GetIndustryCallback(CallbackID callback, uint32 param1, uint32 param2, Industry *industry, IndustryType type, TileIndex tile)
	ResolverObject object;
	const SpriteGroup *group;

	NewIndustryResolver(&object, tile, industry, type);
	object.callback = callback;
	object.callback_param1 = param1;
	object.callback_param2 = param2;

	group = SpriteGroup::Resolve(GetIndustrySpec(type)->grf_prop.spritegroup[0], &object);
	IndustriesResolverObject object(tile, industry, type, 0, callback, param1, param2);
	const SpriteGroup *group = SpriteGroup::Resolve(GetIndustrySpec(type)->grf_prop.spritegroup[0], &object);
	if (group == NULL) return CALLBACK_FAILED;

	return group->GetCallbackResult();

uint32 IndustryLocationGetVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available)
	const Industry *industry = object->u.industry.ind;
	TileIndex tile = object->u.industry.tile;

	if (object->scope == VSG_SCOPE_PARENT) {
		return TownGetVariable(variable, parameter, available, industry->town, object->grffile);

	switch (variable) {
		case 0x80: return tile;
		case 0x81: return GB(tile, 8, 8);

		/* Pointer to the town the industry is associated with */
		case 0x82: return industry->town->index;
		case 0x83:
		case 0x84:
		case 0x85: DEBUG(grf, 0, "NewGRFs shouldn't be doing pointer magic"); break; // not supported

		/* Number of the layout */
		case 0x86: return industry->selected_layout;

		/* Ground type */
		case 0x87: return GetTerrainType(tile);

		/* Town zone */
		case 0x88: return GetTownRadiusGroup(industry->town, tile);

		/* Manhattan distance of the closest town */
		case 0x89: return min(DistanceManhattan(industry->town->xy, tile), 255);

		/* Lowest height of the tile */
		case 0x8A: return Clamp(GetTileZ(tile) * (object->grffile->grf_version >= 8 ? 1 : TILE_HEIGHT), 0, 0xFF);

		/* Distance to the nearest water/land tile */
		case 0x8B: return GetClosestWaterDistance(tile, (GetIndustrySpec(industry->type)->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_BUILT_ONWATER) == 0);

		/* Square of Euclidian distance from town */
		case 0x8D: return min(DistanceSquare(industry->town->xy, tile), 65535);

		/* 32 random bits */
		case 0x8F: return _industry_creation_random_bits;

	/* None of the special ones, so try the general ones */
	return IndustryGetVariable(object, variable, parameter, available);

 * Check that the industry callback allows creation of the industry.
 * @param tile %Tile to build the industry.
@@ -516,9 +667,6 @@ CommandCost CheckIfCallBackAllowsCreatio
	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(type);

	ResolverObject object;
	const SpriteGroup *group;

	Industry ind;
	ind.index = INVALID_INDUSTRY;
	ind.location.tile = tile;
@@ -530,13 +678,8 @@ CommandCost CheckIfCallBackAllowsCreatio
	ind.founder = founder;
	ind.psa = NULL;

	NewIndustryResolver(&object, tile, &ind, type);
	object.GetVariable = IndustryLocationGetVariable;
	object.callback = CBID_INDUSTRY_LOCATION;
	object.callback_param2 = creation_type;
	_industry_creation_random_bits = seed;

	group = SpriteGroup::Resolve(GetIndustrySpec(type)->grf_prop.spritegroup[0], &object);
	IndustriesResolverObject object(tile, &ind, type, seed, CBID_INDUSTRY_LOCATION, 0, creation_type);
	const SpriteGroup *group = SpriteGroup::Resolve(GetIndustrySpec(type)->grf_prop.spritegroup[0], &object);

	/* Unlike the "normal" cases, not having a valid result means we allow
	 * the building of the industry, as that's how it's done in TTDP. */
@@ -589,8 +732,7 @@ static int32 DerefIndProd(int field, boo
void IndustryProductionCallback(Industry *ind, int reason)
	const IndustrySpec *spec = GetIndustrySpec(ind->type);
	ResolverObject object;
	NewIndustryResolver(&object, ind->location.tile, ind, ind->type);
	IndustriesResolverObject object(ind->location.tile, ind, ind->type);
	if ((spec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_PRODCALLBACK_RANDOM) != 0) object.callback_param1 = Random();
	int multiplier = 1;
	if ((spec->behaviour & INDUSTRYBEH_PROD_MULTI_HNDLING) != 0) multiplier = ind->prod_level;
@@ -633,17 +775,6 @@ void IndustryProductionCallback(Industry

 * Resolve a industry's spec and such so we can get a variable.
 * @param ro    The resolver object to fill.
 * @param index The industry ID to get the data from.
void GetIndustryResolver(ResolverObject *ro, uint index)
	Industry *i = Industry::Get(index);
	NewIndustryResolver(ro, i->location.tile, i, i->type);

 * Check whether an industry temporarily refuses to accept a certain cargo.
 * @param ind The industry to query.
 * @param cargo_type The cargo to get information about.
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@@ -12,7 +12,48 @@

#include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"
#include "newgrf_town.h"

struct IndustriesScopeResolver : public ScopeResolver {
	TileIndex tile;
	Industry *industry;
	IndustryType type;
	uint32 random_bits;       ///< Random bits of the new industry.

	IndustriesScopeResolver(ResolverObject *ro, TileIndex tile, Industry *industry, IndustryType type, uint32 random_bits = 0);

	/* virtual */ uint32 GetRandomBits() const;
	/* virtual */ uint32 GetVariable(byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available) const;
	/* virtual */ uint32 GetTriggers() const;
	/* virtual */ void SetTriggers(int triggers) const;
	/* virtual */ void StorePSA(uint pos, int32 value);

struct IndustriesResolverObject : public ResolverObject {
	IndustriesScopeResolver industries_scope;
	TownScopeResolver *town_scope;

	IndustriesResolverObject(TileIndex tile, Industry *indus, IndustryType type, uint32 random_bits = 0,
			CallbackID callback = CBID_NO_CALLBACK, uint32 callback_param1 = 0, uint32 callback_param2 = 0);

	TownScopeResolver *GetTown();

	/* virtual */ ScopeResolver *GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope = VSG_SCOPE_SELF, byte relative = 0)
		switch (scope) {
			case VSG_SCOPE_SELF: return &industries_scope;
				TownScopeResolver *tsr = this->GetTown();
				if (tsr != NULL) return tsr;
				/* FALL-THROUGH */
			default: return &this->default_scope; // XXX ResolverObject::GetScope(scope, relative);

	/* virtual */ const SpriteGroup *ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const;

/** When should the industry(tile) be triggered for random bits? */
enum IndustryTrigger {
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@@ -308,7 +308,14 @@ class NIHIndustry : public NIHelper {
	const void *GetSpec(uint index) const                { return GetIndustrySpec(Industry::Get(index)->type); }
	void SetStringParameters(uint index) const           { this->SetSimpleStringParameters(STR_INDUSTRY_NAME, index); }
	uint32 GetGRFID(uint index) const                    { return (this->IsInspectable(index)) ? GetIndustrySpec(Industry::Get(index)->type)->grf_prop.grffile->grfid : 0; }
	void Resolve(ResolverObject *ro, uint32 index) const { extern void GetIndustryResolver(ResolverObject *ro, uint index); GetIndustryResolver(ro, index); }

	/* virtual */ uint Resolve(uint index, uint var, uint param, bool *avail) const
		Industry *i = Industry::Get(index);
		IndustriesResolverObject ro(i->location.tile, i, i->type);
		return ro.GetScope(ro.scope)->GetVariable(var, param, avail);

	uint GetPSASize(uint index, uint32 grfid) const      { return cpp_lengthof(PersistentStorage, storage); }

	const int32 *GetPSAFirstPosition(uint index, uint32 grfid) const
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)