Changeset - r20325:7a8caf009bab
[Not reviewed]
0 2 0
frosch - 11 years ago 2013-06-08 16:54:19
(svn r25335) -Change: Revisit the map menu in scenario editor: Remove linkgraph legend, add industry list.
2 files changed with 41 insertions and 14 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
##name English (UK)
##ownname English (UK)
##isocode en_GB
##plural 0
##textdir ltr
##digitsep ,
##digitsepcur ,
##decimalsep .
##winlangid 0x0809
##grflangid 0x01


# $Id$

# This file is part of OpenTTD.
# OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.


##id 0x0000
STR_NULL                                                        :
STR_EMPTY                                                       :
STR_UNDEFINED                                                   :(undefined string)
STR_JUST_NOTHING                                                :Nothing

# Cargo related strings
# Plural cargo name
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_NOTHING                                        :
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_PASSENGERS                                     :Passengers
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_COAL                                           :Coal
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_MAIL                                           :Mail
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_OIL                                            :Oil
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_LIVESTOCK                                      :Livestock
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_GOODS                                          :Goods
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_GRAIN                                          :Grain
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_WOOD                                           :Wood
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_IRON_ORE                                       :Iron Ore
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_STEEL                                          :Steel
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_VALUABLES                                      :Valuables
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_COPPER_ORE                                     :Copper Ore
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_MAIZE                                          :Maize
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_FRUIT                                          :Fruit
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_DIAMONDS                                       :Diamonds
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_FOOD                                           :Food
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_PAPER                                          :Paper
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_GOLD                                           :Gold
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_WATER                                          :Water
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_WHEAT                                          :Wheat
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_RUBBER                                         :Rubber
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_SUGAR                                          :Sugar
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_TOYS                                           :Toys
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_CANDY                                          :Sweets
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_COLA                                           :Cola
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_COTTON_CANDY                                   :Candyfloss
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_BUBBLES                                        :Bubbles
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_TOFFEE                                         :Toffee
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_BATTERIES                                      :Batteries
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_PLASTIC                                        :Plastic
STR_CARGO_PLURAL_FIZZY_DRINKS                                   :Fizzy Drinks

# Singular cargo name
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_NOTHING                                      :
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_PASSENGER                                    :Passenger
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_COAL                                         :Coal
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_MAIL                                         :Mail
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_OIL                                          :Oil
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_LIVESTOCK                                    :Livestock
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_GOODS                                        :Goods
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_GRAIN                                        :Grain
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_WOOD                                         :Wood
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_IRON_ORE                                     :Iron Ore
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_STEEL                                        :Steel
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_VALUABLES                                    :Valuables
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_COPPER_ORE                                   :Copper Ore
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_MAIZE                                        :Maize
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_FRUIT                                        :Fruit
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_DIAMOND                                      :Diamond
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_FOOD                                         :Food
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_PAPER                                        :Paper
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_GOLD                                         :Gold
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_WATER                                        :Water
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_WHEAT                                        :Wheat
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_RUBBER                                       :Rubber
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_SUGAR                                        :Sugar
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_TOY                                          :Toy
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_CANDY                                        :Sweet
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_COLA                                         :Cola
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_COTTON_CANDY                                 :Candyfloss
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_BUBBLE                                       :Bubble
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_TOFFEE                                       :Toffee
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_BATTERY                                      :Battery
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_PLASTIC                                      :Plastic
STR_CARGO_SINGULAR_FIZZY_DRINK                                  :Fizzy Drink

# Quantity of cargo
STR_QUANTITY_NOTHING                                            :
STR_QUANTITY_PASSENGERS                                         :{COMMA} passenger{P "" s}
STR_QUANTITY_COAL                                               :{WEIGHT_LONG} of coal
STR_QUANTITY_MAIL                                               :{COMMA} bag{P "" s} of mail
STR_QUANTITY_OIL                                                :{VOLUME_LONG} of oil
STR_QUANTITY_LIVESTOCK                                          :{COMMA} item{P "" s} of livestock
STR_QUANTITY_GOODS                                              :{COMMA} crate{P "" s} of goods
STR_QUANTITY_GRAIN                                              :{WEIGHT_LONG} of grain
STR_QUANTITY_WOOD                                               :{WEIGHT_LONG} of wood
STR_QUANTITY_IRON_ORE                                           :{WEIGHT_LONG} of iron ore
STR_QUANTITY_STEEL                                              :{WEIGHT_LONG} of steel
STR_QUANTITY_VALUABLES                                          :{COMMA} bag{P "" s} of valuables
STR_QUANTITY_COPPER_ORE                                         :{WEIGHT_LONG} of copper ore
STR_QUANTITY_MAIZE                                              :{WEIGHT_LONG} of maize
STR_QUANTITY_FRUIT                                              :{WEIGHT_LONG} of fruit
STR_QUANTITY_DIAMONDS                                           :{COMMA} bag{P "" s} of diamonds
STR_QUANTITY_FOOD                                               :{WEIGHT_LONG} of food
STR_QUANTITY_PAPER                                              :{WEIGHT_LONG} of paper
STR_QUANTITY_GOLD                                               :{COMMA} bag{P "" s} of gold
STR_QUANTITY_WATER                                              :{VOLUME_LONG} of water
STR_QUANTITY_WHEAT                                              :{WEIGHT_LONG} of wheat
STR_QUANTITY_RUBBER                                             :{VOLUME_LONG} of rubber
STR_QUANTITY_SUGAR                                              :{WEIGHT_LONG} of sugar
STR_QUANTITY_TOYS                                               :{COMMA} toy{P "" s}
STR_QUANTITY_SWEETS                                             :{COMMA} bag{P "" s} of sweets
STR_QUANTITY_COLA                                               :{VOLUME_LONG} of cola
STR_QUANTITY_CANDYFLOSS                                         :{WEIGHT_LONG} of candyfloss
STR_QUANTITY_BUBBLES                                            :{COMMA} bubble{P "" s}
STR_QUANTITY_TOFFEE                                             :{WEIGHT_LONG} of toffee
STR_QUANTITY_BATTERIES                                          :{COMMA} batter{P y ies}
STR_QUANTITY_PLASTIC                                            :{VOLUME_LONG} of plastic
STR_QUANTITY_FIZZY_DRINKS                                       :{COMMA} fizzy drink{P "" s}
STR_QUANTITY_N_A                                                :N/A

# Two letter abbreviation of cargo name
STR_ABBREV_NOTHING                                              :
STR_ABBREV_PASSENGERS                                           :{TINY_FONT}PS
STR_ABBREV_COAL                                                 :{TINY_FONT}CL
STR_ABBREV_MAIL                                                 :{TINY_FONT}ML
STR_ABBREV_OIL                                                  :{TINY_FONT}OL
STR_ABBREV_LIVESTOCK                                            :{TINY_FONT}LV
STR_ABBREV_GOODS                                                :{TINY_FONT}GD
STR_ABBREV_GRAIN                                                :{TINY_FONT}GR
STR_ABBREV_WOOD                                                 :{TINY_FONT}WD
STR_ABBREV_IRON_ORE                                             :{TINY_FONT}OR
STR_ABBREV_STEEL                                                :{TINY_FONT}ST
STR_ABBREV_VALUABLES                                            :{TINY_FONT}VL
STR_ABBREV_COPPER_ORE                                           :{TINY_FONT}CO
STR_ABBREV_MAIZE                                                :{TINY_FONT}MZ
STR_ABBREV_FRUIT                                                :{TINY_FONT}FT
STR_ABBREV_DIAMONDS                                             :{TINY_FONT}DM
STR_ABBREV_FOOD                                                 :{TINY_FONT}FD
STR_ABBREV_PAPER                                                :{TINY_FONT}PR
STR_ABBREV_GOLD                                                 :{TINY_FONT}GD
STR_ABBREV_WATER                                                :{TINY_FONT}WR
STR_ABBREV_WHEAT                                                :{TINY_FONT}WH
STR_ABBREV_RUBBER                                               :{TINY_FONT}RB
STR_ABBREV_SUGAR                                                :{TINY_FONT}SG
STR_ABBREV_TOYS                                                 :{TINY_FONT}TY
STR_ABBREV_SWEETS                                               :{TINY_FONT}SW
STR_ABBREV_COLA                                                 :{TINY_FONT}CL
STR_ABBREV_CANDYFLOSS                                           :{TINY_FONT}CF
STR_ABBREV_BUBBLES                                              :{TINY_FONT}BU
STR_ABBREV_TOFFEE                                               :{TINY_FONT}TF
STR_ABBREV_BATTERIES                                            :{TINY_FONT}BA
STR_ABBREV_PLASTIC                                              :{TINY_FONT}PL
STR_ABBREV_FIZZY_DRINKS                                         :{TINY_FONT}FZ
STR_ABBREV_NONE                                                 :{TINY_FONT}NO
STR_ABBREV_ALL                                                  :{TINY_FONT}ALL

# 'Mode' of transport for cargoes
STR_PASSENGERS                                                  :{COMMA} passenger{P "" s}
STR_BAGS                                                        :{COMMA} bag{P "" s}
STR_TONS                                                        :{COMMA} tonne{P "" s}
STR_LITERS                                                      :{COMMA} litre{P "" s}
STR_ITEMS                                                       :{COMMA} item{P "" s}
STR_CRATES                                                      :{COMMA} crate{P "" s}

# Colours, do not shuffle
STR_COLOUR_DARK_BLUE                                            :Dark Blue
STR_COLOUR_PALE_GREEN                                           :Pale Green
STR_COLOUR_PINK                                                 :Pink
STR_COLOUR_YELLOW                                               :Yellow
STR_COLOUR_RED                                                  :Red
STR_COLOUR_LIGHT_BLUE                                           :Light Blue
STR_COLOUR_GREEN                                                :Green
STR_COLOUR_DARK_GREEN                                           :Dark Green
STR_COLOUR_BLUE                                                 :Blue
STR_COLOUR_CREAM                                                :Cream
STR_COLOUR_MAUVE                                                :Mauve
STR_COLOUR_PURPLE                                               :Purple
STR_COLOUR_ORANGE                                               :Orange
STR_COLOUR_BROWN                                                :Brown
STR_COLOUR_GREY                                                 :Grey
STR_COLOUR_WHITE                                                :White

# Units used in OpenTTD
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_IMPERIAL                                     :{COMMA} mph
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_METRIC                                       :{COMMA} km/h
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_SI                                           :{COMMA} m/s

STR_UNITS_POWER_IMPERIAL                                        :{COMMA}hp
STR_UNITS_POWER_METRIC                                          :{COMMA}hp
STR_UNITS_POWER_SI                                              :{COMMA}kW

STR_UNITS_WEIGHT_SHORT_METRIC                                   :{COMMA}t
STR_UNITS_WEIGHT_SHORT_SI                                       :{COMMA}kg

STR_UNITS_WEIGHT_LONG_METRIC                                    :{COMMA} tonne{P "" s}
STR_UNITS_WEIGHT_LONG_SI                                        :{COMMA} kg

STR_UNITS_VOLUME_SHORT_METRIC                                   :{COMMA}l
STR_UNITS_VOLUME_SHORT_SI                                       :{COMMA}m³

STR_UNITS_VOLUME_LONG_METRIC                                    :{COMMA} litre{P "" s}
STR_UNITS_VOLUME_LONG_SI                                        :{COMMA} m³

STR_UNITS_FORCE_SI                                              :{COMMA} kN

STR_UNITS_HEIGHT_IMPERIAL                                       :{COMMA} ft
STR_UNITS_HEIGHT_SI                                             :{COMMA} m

# Common window strings
STR_LIST_FILTER_TITLE                                           :{BLACK}Filter string:
STR_LIST_FILTER_OSKTITLE                                        :{BLACK}Enter filter string
STR_LIST_FILTER_TOOLTIP                                         :{BLACK}Enter a keyword to filter the list for

STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_ORDER                                          :{BLACK}Select sorting order (descending/ascending)
STR_TOOLTIP_SORT_CRITERIA                                       :{BLACK}Select sorting criteria
STR_TOOLTIP_FILTER_CRITERIA                                     :{BLACK}Select filtering criteria
STR_BUTTON_SORT_BY                                              :{BLACK}Sort by
STR_BUTTON_LOCATION                                             :{BLACK}Location
STR_BUTTON_RENAME                                               :{BLACK}Rename

STR_TOOLTIP_CLOSE_WINDOW                                        :{BLACK}Close window
STR_TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TITLE_DRAG_THIS                              :{BLACK}Window title - drag this to move window
STR_TOOLTIP_SHADE                                               :{BLACK}Shade window - only show the title bar
STR_TOOLTIP_DEBUG                                               :{BLACK}Show NewGRF debug information
STR_TOOLTIP_DEFSIZE                                             :{BLACK}Resize window to default size. Ctrl+Click to store current size as default
STR_TOOLTIP_STICKY                                              :{BLACK}Mark this window as uncloseable by the 'Close All Windows' key. Ctrl+Click to also save state as default
STR_TOOLTIP_RESIZE                                              :{BLACK}Click and drag to resize this window
STR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_WINDOW                           :{BLACK}Toggle large/small window size
STR_TOOLTIP_VSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST                            :{BLACK}Scroll bar - scrolls list up/down
STR_TOOLTIP_HSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST                            :{BLACK}Scroll bar - scrolls list left/right
STR_TOOLTIP_DEMOLISH_BUILDINGS_ETC                              :{BLACK}Demolish buildings etc. on a square of land. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate

# Query window
STR_BUTTON_DEFAULT                                              :{BLACK}Default
STR_BUTTON_CANCEL                                               :{BLACK}Cancel
STR_BUTTON_OK                                                   :{BLACK}OK

# On screen keyboard window
STR_OSK_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT                                         :`1234567890-=\qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'  zxcvbnm,./ .
STR_OSK_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_CAPS                                    :~!@#$%^&*()_+|QWERTYUIOP{{}}ASDFGHJKL:"  ZXCVBNM<>? .

# Measurement tooltip
STR_MEASURE_LENGTH                                              :{BLACK}Length: {NUM}
STR_MEASURE_AREA                                                :{BLACK}Area: {NUM} x {NUM}
STR_MEASURE_LENGTH_HEIGHTDIFF                                   :{BLACK}Length: {NUM}{}Height difference: {HEIGHT}
STR_MEASURE_AREA_HEIGHTDIFF                                     :{BLACK}Area: {NUM} x {NUM}{}Height difference: {HEIGHT}


# These are used in buttons
STR_SORT_BY_CAPTION_NAME                                        :{BLACK}Name
STR_SORT_BY_CAPTION_DATE                                        :{BLACK}Date
# These are used in dropdowns
STR_SORT_BY_NAME                                                :Name
STR_SORT_BY_PRODUCTION                                          :Production
STR_SORT_BY_TYPE                                                :Type
STR_SORT_BY_TRANSPORTED                                         :Transported
STR_SORT_BY_NUMBER                                              :Number
STR_SORT_BY_PROFIT_LAST_YEAR                                    :Profit last year
STR_SORT_BY_PROFIT_THIS_YEAR                                    :Profit this year
STR_SORT_BY_AGE                                                 :Age
STR_SORT_BY_RELIABILITY                                         :Reliability
STR_SORT_BY_TOTAL_CAPACITY_PER_CARGOTYPE                        :Total capacity per cargo type
STR_SORT_BY_MAX_SPEED                                           :Maximum speed
STR_SORT_BY_MODEL                                               :Model
STR_SORT_BY_VALUE                                               :Value
STR_SORT_BY_LENGTH                                              :Length
STR_SORT_BY_LIFE_TIME                                           :Remaining lifetime
STR_SORT_BY_TIMETABLE_DELAY                                     :Timetable delay
STR_SORT_BY_FACILITY                                            :Station type
STR_SORT_BY_WAITING                                             :Waiting cargo value
STR_SORT_BY_RATING_MAX                                          :Highest cargo rating
STR_SORT_BY_RATING_MIN                                          :Lowest cargo rating
STR_SORT_BY_ENGINE_ID                                           :EngineID (classic sort)
STR_SORT_BY_COST                                                :Cost
STR_SORT_BY_POWER                                               :Power
STR_SORT_BY_TRACTIVE_EFFORT                                     :Tractive effort
STR_SORT_BY_INTRO_DATE                                          :Introduction Date
STR_SORT_BY_RUNNING_COST                                        :Running Cost
STR_SORT_BY_POWER_VS_RUNNING_COST                               :Power/Running Cost
STR_SORT_BY_CARGO_CAPACITY                                      :Cargo Capacity
STR_SORT_BY_RANGE                                               :Range
STR_SORT_BY_POPULATION                                          :Population
STR_SORT_BY_RATING                                              :Rating

# Tooltips for the main toolbar
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_PAUSE_GAME                                  :{BLACK}Pause game
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FORWARD                                     :{BLACK}Fast forward the game
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS                                     :{BLACK}Options
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_GAME_ABANDON_GAME                      :{BLACK}Save game, abandon game, exit
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Display map, extra viewport or list of signs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_TOWN_DIRECTORY                      :{BLACK}Display town directory
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES                           :{BLACK}Display subsidies
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS            :{BLACK}Display list of company's stations
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES                    :{BLACK}Display company finances information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL                     :{BLACK}Display general company information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Display graphs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE                      :{BLACK}Display company league table
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Fund construction of new industry or list all industries
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_TRAINS              :{BLACK}Display list of company's trains. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}Display list of company's road vehicles. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}Display list of company's ships. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}Display list of company's aircraft. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN                            :{BLACK}Zoom the view in
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT                           :{BLACK}Zoom the view out
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                        :{BLACK}Build railway track
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}Build roads
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS                            :{BLACK}Build ship docks
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AIRPORTS                              :{BLACK}Build airports
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LANDSCAPING                                 :{BLACK}Open the landscaping toolbar to raise/lower land, plant trees, etc.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_SOUND_MUSIC_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Show sound/music window
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Show last message/news report, show message options
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Land area information, console, script debug, screenshots, about OpenTTD
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SWITCH_TOOLBAR                              :{BLACK}Switch toolbars

# Extra tooltips for the scenario editor toolbar
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_SCENARIO_LOAD_SCENARIO        :{BLACK}Save scenario, load scenario, abandon scenario editor, exit
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_OPENTTD                                    :{YELLOW}OpenTTD
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_SCENARIO_EDITOR                            :{YELLOW}Scenario Editor
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SET_DATE                           :{BLACK}Click to enter the starting year
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_LANDSCAPE_GENERATION                       :{BLACK}Landscape generation
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOWN_GENERATION                            :{BLACK}Town generation
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_INDUSTRY_GENERATION                        :{BLACK}Industry generation
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Road construction
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLANT_TREES                                :{BLACK}Plant trees. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_SIGN                                 :{BLACK}Place sign
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_OBJECT                               :{BLACK}Place object. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate

############ range for SE file menu starts
STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_SAVE_SCENARIO                            :Save scenario
STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_LOAD_SCENARIO                            :Load scenario
STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_SAVE_HEIGHTMAP                           :Save heightmap
STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP                           :Load heightmap
STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_QUIT_EDITOR                              :Abandon scenario editor
STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_SEPARATOR                                :
STR_SCENEDIT_FILE_MENU_QUIT                                     :Exit
############ range for SE file menu starts

############ range for settings menu starts
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_GAME_OPTIONS                                  :Game options
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_CONFIG_SETTINGS                               :Advanced settings
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_SCRIPT_SETTINGS                               :AI/Game script settings
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_NEWGRF_SETTINGS                               :NewGRF settings
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENCY_OPTIONS                          :Transparency options
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TOWN_NAMES_DISPLAYED                          :Town names displayed
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_STATION_NAMES_DISPLAYED                       :Station names displayed
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_WAYPOINTS_DISPLAYED                           :Waypoint names displayed
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_SIGNS_DISPLAYED                               :Signs displayed
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS                         :Competitor signs and names displayed
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_FULL_ANIMATION                                :Full animation
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_FULL_DETAIL                                   :Full detail
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS                         :Transparent buildings
STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS                             :Transparent signs
############ range ends here

############ range for file menu starts
STR_FILE_MENU_SAVE_GAME                                         :Save game
STR_FILE_MENU_LOAD_GAME                                         :Load game
STR_FILE_MENU_QUIT_GAME                                         :Abandon game
STR_FILE_MENU_SEPARATOR                                         :
STR_FILE_MENU_EXIT                                              :Exit
############ range ends here

############ range for map menu starts
# map menu
STR_MAP_MENU_MAP_OF_WORLD                                       :Map of world
STR_MAP_MENU_EXTRA_VIEW_PORT                                    :Extra viewport
STR_MAP_MENU_LINGRAPH_LEGEND                                    :Cargo Flow Legend
STR_MAP_MENU_SIGN_LIST                                          :Sign list
############ range for town menu starts, yet the town directory is shown in the map menu in the scenario editor

############ range for town menu starts
STR_TOWN_MENU_TOWN_DIRECTORY                                    :Town directory
############ end of the 'Display map' dropdown
STR_TOWN_MENU_FOUND_TOWN                                        :Found town
############ end of the 'Town' dropdown
############ range ends here

############ range for subsidies menu starts
STR_SUBSIDIES_MENU_SUBSIDIES                                    :Subsidies
############ range ends here

############ range for graph menu starts
STR_GRAPH_MENU_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH                           :Operating profit graph
STR_GRAPH_MENU_INCOME_GRAPH                                     :Income graph
STR_GRAPH_MENU_DELIVERED_CARGO_GRAPH                            :Delivered cargo graph
STR_GRAPH_MENU_PERFORMANCE_HISTORY_GRAPH                        :Performance history graph
STR_GRAPH_MENU_COMPANY_VALUE_GRAPH                              :Company value graph
STR_GRAPH_MENU_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES                              :Cargo payment rates
############ range ends here

############ range for company league menu starts
STR_GRAPH_MENU_GOAL                                             :Current goals
STR_GRAPH_MENU_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE                             :Company league table
STR_GRAPH_MENU_DETAILED_PERFORMANCE_RATING                      :Detailed performance rating
STR_GRAPH_MENU_HIGHSCORE                                        :Highscore table
############ range ends here

############ range for industry menu starts
STR_INDUSTRY_MENU_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY                            :Industry directory
STR_INDUSTRY_MENU_INDUSTRY_CHAIN                                :Industry chains
STR_INDUSTRY_MENU_FUND_NEW_INDUSTRY                             :Fund new industry
############ range ends here

############ range for railway construction menu starts
STR_RAIL_MENU_RAILROAD_CONSTRUCTION                             :Railway construction
STR_RAIL_MENU_ELRAIL_CONSTRUCTION                               :Electrified railway construction
STR_RAIL_MENU_MONORAIL_CONSTRUCTION                             :Monorail construction
STR_RAIL_MENU_MAGLEV_CONSTRUCTION                               :Maglev construction
############ range ends here

############ range for road construction menu starts
STR_ROAD_MENU_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION                                 :Road construction
STR_ROAD_MENU_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION                                 :Tramway construction
############ range ends here

############ range for waterways construction menu starts
STR_WATERWAYS_MENU_WATERWAYS_CONSTRUCTION                       :Waterways construction
############ range ends here

############ range for airport construction menu starts
STR_AIRCRAFT_MENU_AIRPORT_CONSTRUCTION                          :Airport construction
############ range ends here

############ range for landscaping menu starts
STR_LANDSCAPING_MENU_LANDSCAPING                                :Landscaping
STR_LANDSCAPING_MENU_PLANT_TREES                                :Plant trees
STR_LANDSCAPING_MENU_PLACE_SIGN                                 :Place sign
############ range ends here

############ range for music menu starts
STR_TOOLBAR_SOUND_MUSIC                                         :Sound/music
############ range ends here

############ range for message menu starts
STR_NEWS_MENU_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS_REPORT                          :Last message/news report
STR_NEWS_MENU_MESSAGE_HISTORY_MENU                              :Message history
############ range ends here

############ range for about menu starts
STR_ABOUT_MENU_LAND_BLOCK_INFO                                  :Land area information
STR_ABOUT_MENU_SEPARATOR                                        :
STR_ABOUT_MENU_TOGGLE_CONSOLE                                   :Toggle console
STR_ABOUT_MENU_AI_DEBUG                                         :AI/Game script debug
STR_ABOUT_MENU_SCREENSHOT                                       :Screenshot
STR_ABOUT_MENU_ZOOMIN_SCREENSHOT                                :Fully zoomed in screenshot
STR_ABOUT_MENU_DEFAULTZOOM_SCREENSHOT                           :Default zoom screenshot
STR_ABOUT_MENU_GIANT_SCREENSHOT                                 :Whole map screenshot
STR_ABOUT_MENU_ABOUT_OPENTTD                                    :About 'OpenTTD'
STR_ABOUT_MENU_SPRITE_ALIGNER                                   :Sprite aligner
STR_ABOUT_MENU_TOGGLE_BOUNDING_BOXES                            :Toggle bounding boxes
STR_ABOUT_MENU_TOGGLE_DIRTY_BLOCKS                              :Toggle colouring of dirty blocks
############ range ends here

############ range for days starts (also used for the place in the highscore window)
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_1ST                                          :1st
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_2ND                                          :2nd
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_3RD                                          :3rd
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_4TH                                          :4th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_5TH                                          :5th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_6TH                                          :6th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_7TH                                          :7th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_8TH                                          :8th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_9TH                                          :9th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_10TH                                         :10th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_11TH                                         :11th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_12TH                                         :12th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_13TH                                         :13th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_14TH                                         :14th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_15TH                                         :15th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_16TH                                         :16th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_17TH                                         :17th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_18TH                                         :18th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_19TH                                         :19th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_20TH                                         :20th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_21ST                                         :21st
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_22ND                                         :22nd
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_23RD                                         :23rd
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_24TH                                         :24th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_25TH                                         :25th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_26TH                                         :26th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_27TH                                         :27th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_28TH                                         :28th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_29TH                                         :29th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_30TH                                         :30th
STR_ORDINAL_NUMBER_31ST                                         :31st
############ range for days ends

############ range for months starts
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_JAN                                            :Jan
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_FEB                                            :Feb
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_MAR                                            :Mar
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_APR                                            :Apr
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_MAY                                            :May
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_JUN                                            :Jun
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_JUL                                            :Jul
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_AUG                                            :Aug
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_SEP                                            :Sep
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_OCT                                            :Oct
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_NOV                                            :Nov
STR_MONTH_ABBREV_DEC                                            :Dec

STR_MONTH_JAN                                                   :January
STR_MONTH_FEB                                                   :February
STR_MONTH_MAR                                                   :March
STR_MONTH_APR                                                   :April
STR_MONTH_MAY                                                   :May
STR_MONTH_JUN                                                   :June
STR_MONTH_JUL                                                   :July
STR_MONTH_AUG                                                   :August
STR_MONTH_SEP                                                   :September
STR_MONTH_OCT                                                   :October
STR_MONTH_NOV                                                   :November
STR_MONTH_DEC                                                   :December
############ range for months ends

# Graph window
STR_GRAPH_KEY_BUTTON                                            :{BLACK}Key
STR_GRAPH_KEY_TOOLTIP                                           :{BLACK}Show key to graphs
STR_GRAPH_X_LABEL_MONTH                                         :{TINY_FONT}{STRING}{} {STRING}
STR_GRAPH_X_LABEL_MONTH_YEAR                                    :{TINY_FONT}{STRING}{} {STRING}{}{NUM}
STR_GRAPH_Y_LABEL                                               :{TINY_FONT}{STRING2}
STR_GRAPH_Y_LABEL_NUMBER                                        :{TINY_FONT}{COMMA}

STR_GRAPH_OPERATING_PROFIT_CAPTION                              :{WHITE}Operating Profit Graph
STR_GRAPH_INCOME_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}Income Graph
STR_GRAPH_CARGO_DELIVERED_CAPTION                               :{WHITE}Units of cargo delivered
STR_GRAPH_COMPANY_PERFORMANCE_RATINGS_CAPTION                   :{WHITE}Company performance ratings (maximum rating=1000)
STR_GRAPH_COMPANY_VALUES_CAPTION                                :{WHITE}Company values

STR_GRAPH_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES_CAPTION                           :{WHITE}Cargo Payment Rates
STR_GRAPH_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES_X_LABEL                           :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Days in transit
STR_GRAPH_CARGO_PAYMENT_RATES_TITLE                             :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Payment for delivering 10 units (or 10,000 litres) of cargo a distance of 20 squares
STR_GRAPH_CARGO_ENABLE_ALL                                      :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Enable all
STR_GRAPH_CARGO_DISABLE_ALL                                     :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Disable all
STR_GRAPH_CARGO_TOOLTIP_ENABLE_ALL                              :{BLACK}Display all cargoes on the cargo payment rates graph
STR_GRAPH_CARGO_TOOLTIP_DISABLE_ALL                             :{BLACK}Display no cargoes on the cargo payment rates graph
STR_GRAPH_CARGO_PAYMENT_TOGGLE_CARGO                            :{BLACK}Toggle graph for cargo type on/off
STR_GRAPH_CARGO_PAYMENT_CARGO                                   :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}{STRING}

STR_GRAPH_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Show detailed performance ratings

# Graph key window
STR_GRAPH_KEY_CAPTION                                           :{WHITE}Key to company graphs
STR_GRAPH_KEY_COMPANY_SELECTION_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Click here to toggle company's entry on graph on/off

# Company league window
STR_COMPANY_LEAGUE_TABLE_CAPTION                                :{WHITE}Company League Table

# Performance detail window
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL                                          :{WHITE}Detailed performance rating
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_KEY                                      :{BLACK}Detail
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_AMOUNT_INT                               :{BLACK}({COMMA}/{COMMA})
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_PERCENT                                  :{WHITE}{NUM}%
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_SELECT_COMPANY_TOOLTIP                   :{BLACK}View details about this company
############ Those following lines need to be in this order!!
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_VEHICLES                                 :{BLACK}Vehicles:
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_STATIONS                                 :{BLACK}Stations:
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_PROFIT                               :{BLACK}Min. profit:
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_INCOME                               :{BLACK}Min. income:
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MAX_INCOME                               :{BLACK}Max. income:
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_DELIVERED                                :{BLACK}Delivered:
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_CARGO                                    :{BLACK}Cargo:
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MONEY                                    :{BLACK}Money:
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_LOAN                                     :{BLACK}Loan:
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_TOTAL                                    :{BLACK}Total:
############ End of order list
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Number of vehicles that turned a profit last year. This includes road vehicles, trains, ships and aircraft
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_STATIONS_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Number of recently-serviced stations. Train stations, bus stops, airports and so on are counted separately even if they belong to the same station
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_PROFIT_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}The profit of the vehicle with the lowest income (only vehicles older than two years are considered)
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_INCOME_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Amount of cash made in the quarter with the lowest profit of the last 12 quarters
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MAX_INCOME_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Amount of cash made in the quarter with the highest profit of the last 12 quarters
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_DELIVERED_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Units of cargo delivered in the last four quarters
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_CARGO_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Number of types of cargo delivered in the last quarter
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MONEY_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Amount of money this company has in the bank
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_LOAN_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}The amount of money this company has taken on loan
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_TOTAL_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Total points out of possible points

# Music window
STR_MUSIC_JAZZ_JUKEBOX_CAPTION                                  :{WHITE}Jazz Jukebox
STR_MUSIC_PLAYLIST_ALL                                          :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}All
STR_MUSIC_PLAYLIST_OLD_STYLE                                    :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Old Style
STR_MUSIC_PLAYLIST_NEW_STYLE                                    :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}New Style
STR_MUSIC_PLAYLIST_EZY_STREET                                   :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Ezy Street
STR_MUSIC_PLAYLIST_CUSTOM_1                                     :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Custom 1
STR_MUSIC_PLAYLIST_CUSTOM_2                                     :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Custom 2
STR_MUSIC_MUSIC_VOLUME                                          :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Music Volume
STR_MUSIC_EFFECTS_VOLUME                                        :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Effects Volume
STR_MUSIC_RULER_MIN                                             :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}MIN
STR_MUSIC_RULER_MAX                                             :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}MAX
STR_MUSIC_RULER_MARKER                                          :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}'
STR_MUSIC_TRACK_NONE                                            :{TINY_FONT}{DKGREEN}--
STR_MUSIC_TRACK_DIGIT                                           :{TINY_FONT}{DKGREEN}{ZEROFILL_NUM}
STR_MUSIC_TITLE_NONE                                            :{TINY_FONT}{DKGREEN}------
STR_MUSIC_TITLE_NAME                                            :{TINY_FONT}{DKGREEN}"{RAW_STRING}"
STR_MUSIC_TRACK                                                 :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Track
STR_MUSIC_XTITLE                                                :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Title
STR_MUSIC_SHUFFLE                                               :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Shuffle
STR_MUSIC_PROGRAM                                               :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Programme
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_SKIP_TO_PREVIOUS_TRACK                        :{BLACK}Skip to previous track in selection
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_SKIP_TO_NEXT_TRACK_IN_SELECTION               :{BLACK}Skip to next track in selection
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_STOP_PLAYING_MUSIC                            :{BLACK}Stop playing music
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_START_PLAYING_MUSIC                           :{BLACK}Start playing music
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_DRAG_SLIDERS_TO_SET_MUSIC                     :{BLACK}Drag sliders to set music and sound effect volumes
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_SELECT_ALL_TRACKS_PROGRAM                     :{BLACK}Select 'all tracks' programme
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_SELECT_OLD_STYLE_MUSIC                        :{BLACK}Select 'old style music' programme
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_SELECT_NEW_STYLE_MUSIC                        :{BLACK}Select 'new style music' programme
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_SELECT_EZY_STREET_STYLE                       :{BLACK}Select 'Ezy Street style music' programme
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_SELECT_CUSTOM_1_USER_DEFINED                  :{BLACK}Select 'Custom 1' (user-defined) programme
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_SELECT_CUSTOM_2_USER_DEFINED                  :{BLACK}Select 'Custom 2' (user-defined) programme
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_PROGRAM_SHUFFLE                        :{BLACK}Toggle programme shuffle on/off
STR_MUSIC_TOOLTIP_SHOW_MUSIC_TRACK_SELECTION                    :{BLACK}Show music track selection window

STR_ERROR_NO_SONGS                                              :{WHITE}A music set without songs has been selected. No songs will be played

# Playlist window
STR_PLAYLIST_MUSIC_PROGRAM_SELECTION                            :{WHITE}Music Programme Selection
STR_PLAYLIST_TRACK_NAME                                         :{TINY_FONT}{LTBLUE}{ZEROFILL_NUM} "{RAW_STRING}"
STR_PLAYLIST_TRACK_INDEX                                        :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Track Index
STR_PLAYLIST_PROGRAM                                            :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Programme - '{STRING}'
STR_PLAYLIST_CLEAR                                              :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Clear
STR_PLAYLIST_TOOLTIP_CLEAR_CURRENT_PROGRAM_CUSTOM1              :{BLACK}Clear current programme (Custom1 or Custom2 only)
STR_PLAYLIST_TOOLTIP_CLICK_TO_ADD_TRACK                         :{BLACK}Click on music track to add to current programme (Custom1 or Custom2 only)
STR_PLAYLIST_TOOLTIP_CLICK_TO_REMOVE_TRACK                      :{BLACK}Click on music track to remove it from current programme (Custom1 or Custom2 only)

# Highscore window
STR_HIGHSCORE_TOP_COMPANIES_WHO_REACHED                         :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Top companies who reached {NUM}
STR_HIGHSCORE_TOP_COMPANIES_NETWORK_GAME                        :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Company League Table in {NUM}
STR_HIGHSCORE_POSITION                                          :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}{COMMA}.
STR_HIGHSCORE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_MAGNATE                         :Magnate
STR_HIGHSCORE_PERFORMANCE_TITLE_MOGUL                           :Mogul
STR_HIGHSCORE_NAME                                              :{BIG_FONT}{PRESIDENT_NAME}, {COMPANY}
STR_HIGHSCORE_STATS                                             :{BIG_FONT}'{STRING}'   ({COMMA})
STR_HIGHSCORE_COMPANY_ACHIEVES_STATUS                           :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}{COMPANY} achieves '{STRING}' status!

# Smallmap window
STR_SMALLMAP_CAPTION                                            :{WHITE}Map - {STRING}

STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_CONTOURS                                      :Contours
STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_VEHICLES                                      :Vehicles
STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_INDUSTRIES                                    :Industries
STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_ROUTEMAP                                      :Cargo Flow
STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_ROUTES                                        :Routes
STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_VEGETATION                                    :Vegetation
STR_SMALLMAP_TYPE_OWNERS                                        :Owners
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAND_CONTOURS_ON_MAP                  :{BLACK}Show land contours on map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_VEHICLES_ON_MAP                       :{BLACK}Show vehicles on map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_INDUSTRIES_ON_MAP                     :{BLACK}Show industries on map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LINK_STATS_ON_MAP                     :{BLACK}Show cargo flow on map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_TRANSPORT_ROUTES_ON                   :{BLACK}Show transport routes on map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_VEGETATION_ON_MAP                     :{BLACK}Show vegetation on map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAND_OWNERS_ON_MAP                    :{BLACK}Show land owners on map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_INDUSTRY_SELECTION                         :{BLACK}Click on an industry type to toggle displaying it. Ctrl+Click disables all types except the selected one. Ctrl+Click on it again to enable all industry types
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_COMPANY_SELECTION                          :{BLACK}Click on a company to toggle displaying its property. Ctrl+Click disables all companies except the selected one. Ctrl+Click on it again to enable all companies
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_CARGO_SELECTION                            :{BLACK}Click on a cargo to toggle displaying its property. Ctrl+Click disables all cargoes except the selected one. Ctrl+Click on it again to enable all cargoes

STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_ROADS                                      :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Roads
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_RAILROADS                                  :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Railways
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_VEHICLES                                   :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Vehicles
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_TRAINS                                     :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Trains
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_ROAD_VEHICLES                              :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Road Vehicles
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_SHIPS                                      :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Ships
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_AIRCRAFT                                   :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Aircraft
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_TRANSPORT_ROUTES                           :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Transport Routes
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_FOREST                                     :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Forest
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_RAILROAD_STATION                           :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Railway Station
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY                          :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Lorry Loading Bay
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_BUS_STATION                                :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Bus Station
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_AIRPORT_HELIPORT                           :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Airport/Heliport
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_DOCK                                       :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Dock
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_ROUGH_LAND                                 :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Rough Land
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_GRASS_LAND                                 :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Grass Land
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_BARE_LAND                                  :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Bare Land
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_FIELDS                                     :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Fields
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_TREES                                      :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Trees
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_ROCKS                                      :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Rocks
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_WATER                                      :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Water
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_NO_OWNER                                   :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}No Owner
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_TOWNS                                      :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Towns
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_INDUSTRIES                                 :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Industries
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_DESERT                                     :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Desert
STR_SMALLMAP_LEGENDA_SNOW                                       :{TINY_FONT}{BLACK}Snow

STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_TOWN_NAMES_ON_OFF                   :{BLACK}Toggle town names on/off on map
STR_SMALLMAP_CENTER                                             :{BLACK}Centre the smallmap on the current position
STR_SMALLMAP_INDUSTRY                                           :{TINY_FONT}{STRING} ({NUM})
STR_SMALLMAP_LINKSTATS                                          :{TINY_FONT}{STRING}
STR_SMALLMAP_COMPANY                                            :{TINY_FONT}{COMPANY}
STR_SMALLMAP_TOWN                                               :{TINY_FONT}{WHITE}{TOWN}
STR_SMALLMAP_DISABLE_ALL                                        :{BLACK}Disable all
STR_SMALLMAP_ENABLE_ALL                                         :{BLACK}Enable all
STR_SMALLMAP_SHOW_HEIGHT                                        :{BLACK}Show height
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_DISABLE_ALL_INDUSTRIES                     :{BLACK}Display no industries on the map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_ENABLE_ALL_INDUSTRIES                      :{BLACK}Display all industries on the map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_SHOW_HEIGHT                                :{BLACK}Toggle display of heightmap
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_DISABLE_ALL_COMPANIES                      :{BLACK}Display no company property on the map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_ENABLE_ALL_COMPANIES                       :{BLACK}Display all company property on the map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_DISABLE_ALL_CARGOS                         :{BLACK}Display no cargoes on the map
STR_SMALLMAP_TOOLTIP_ENABLE_ALL_CARGOS                          :{BLACK}Display all cargoes on the map

# Status bar messages
STR_STATUSBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_NEWS                            :{BLACK}Show last message or news report
STR_STATUSBAR_COMPANY_NAME                                      :{SILVER}- -  {COMPANY}  - -
STR_STATUSBAR_PAUSED                                            :{YELLOW}*  *  PAUSED  *  *
STR_STATUSBAR_AUTOSAVE                                          :{RED}AUTOSAVE
STR_STATUSBAR_SAVING_GAME                                       :{RED}*  *  SAVING GAME  *  *

# News message history
STR_MESSAGE_HISTORY                                             :{WHITE}Message History
STR_MESSAGE_HISTORY_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}A list of the recent news messages
STR_MESSAGE_NEWS_FORMAT                                         :{STRING}  -  {STRING5}

STR_NEWS_MESSAGE_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}Message
STR_NEWS_CUSTOM_ITEM                                            :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}{RAW_STRING}

STR_NEWS_FIRST_TRAIN_ARRIVAL                                    :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First train arrives at {STATION}!
STR_NEWS_FIRST_BUS_ARRIVAL                                      :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First bus arrives at {STATION}!
STR_NEWS_FIRST_TRUCK_ARRIVAL                                    :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First truck arrives at {STATION}!
STR_NEWS_FIRST_PASSENGER_TRAM_ARRIVAL                           :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First passenger tram arrives at {STATION}!
STR_NEWS_FIRST_CARGO_TRAM_ARRIVAL                               :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First freight tram arrives at {STATION}!
STR_NEWS_FIRST_SHIP_ARRIVAL                                     :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First ship arrives at {STATION}!
STR_NEWS_FIRST_AIRCRAFT_ARRIVAL                                 :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Citizens celebrate . . .{}First aircraft arrives at {STATION}!

STR_NEWS_TRAIN_CRASH                                            :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Train Crash!{}{COMMA} die in fireball after collision
STR_NEWS_ROAD_VEHICLE_CRASH_DRIVER                              :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Road Vehicle Crash!{}Driver dies in fireball after collision with train
STR_NEWS_ROAD_VEHICLE_CRASH                                     :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Road Vehicle Crash!{}{COMMA} die in fireball after collision with train
STR_NEWS_AIRCRAFT_CRASH                                         :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Plane Crash!{}{COMMA} die in fireball at {STATION}
STR_NEWS_PLANE_CRASH_OUT_OF_FUEL                                :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Plane Crash!{}Aircraft ran out of fuel, {COMMA} die in fireball

STR_NEWS_DISASTER_ZEPPELIN                                      :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Zeppelin disaster at {STATION}!
STR_NEWS_DISASTER_SMALL_UFO                                     :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Road vehicle destroyed in 'UFO' collision!
STR_NEWS_DISASTER_AIRPLANE_OIL_REFINERY                         :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Oil refinery explosion near {TOWN}!
STR_NEWS_DISASTER_HELICOPTER_FACTORY                            :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Factory destroyed in suspicious circumstances near {TOWN}!
STR_NEWS_DISASTER_BIG_UFO                                       :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}'UFO' lands near {TOWN}!
STR_NEWS_DISASTER_COAL_MINE_SUBSIDENCE                          :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Coal mine subsidence leaves trail of destruction near {TOWN}!
STR_NEWS_DISASTER_FLOOD_VEHICLE                                 :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Floods!{}At least {COMMA} missing, presumed dead after significant flooding!

STR_NEWS_COMPANY_IN_TROUBLE_TITLE                               :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Transport company in trouble!
STR_NEWS_COMPANY_IN_TROUBLE_DESCRIPTION                         :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}{RAW_STRING} will be sold off or declared bankrupt unless performance increases soon!
STR_NEWS_COMPANY_MERGER_TITLE                                   :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Transport company merger!
STR_NEWS_COMPANY_BANKRUPT_TITLE                                 :{BIG_FONT}{BLACK}Bankrupt!
Show inline comments
/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file toolbar_gui.cpp Code related to the (main) toolbar. */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "window_gui.h"
#include "window_func.h"
#include "viewport_func.h"
#include "command_func.h"
#include "vehicle_gui.h"
#include "rail_gui.h"
#include "road_gui.h"
#include "date_func.h"
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "sound_func.h"
#include "terraform_gui.h"
#include "strings_func.h"
#include "company_func.h"
#include "company_gui.h"
#include "vehicle_base.h"
#include "cheat_func.h"
#include "transparency_gui.h"
#include "screenshot.h"
#include "signs_func.h"
#include "fios.h"
#include "console_gui.h"
#include "news_gui.h"
#include "ai/ai_gui.hpp"
#include "tilehighlight_func.h"
#include "smallmap_gui.h"
#include "graph_gui.h"
#include "textbuf_gui.h"
#include "linkgraph/linkgraph_gui.h"
#include "newgrf_debug.h"
#include "hotkeys.h"
#include "engine_base.h"
#include "highscore.h"
#include "game/game.hpp"

#include "widgets/toolbar_widget.h"

#include "network/network.h"
#include "network/network_gui.h"
#include "network/network_func.h"


RailType _last_built_railtype;
RoadType _last_built_roadtype;

static ScreenshotType _confirmed_screenshot_type; ///< Screenshot type the current query is about to confirm.

/** Toobar modes */
enum ToolbarMode {

/** Callback functions. */
enum CallBackFunction {

 * Drop down list entry for showing a checked/unchecked toggle item.
class DropDownListCheckedItem : public DropDownListStringItem {
	uint checkmark_width;
	bool checked;

	DropDownListCheckedItem(StringID string, int result, bool masked, bool checked) : DropDownListStringItem(string, result, masked), checked(checked)
		this->checkmark_width = GetStringBoundingBox(STR_JUST_CHECKMARK).width + 3;

	virtual ~DropDownListCheckedItem() {}

	uint Width() const
		return DropDownListStringItem::Width() + this->checkmark_width;

	void Draw(int left, int right, int top, int bottom, bool sel, int bg_colour) const
		bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;
		if (this->checked) {
		DrawString(left + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT + (rtl ? 0 : this->checkmark_width), right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT - (rtl ? this->checkmark_width : 0), top, this->String(), sel ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK);

 * Drop down list entry for showing a company entry, with companies 'blob'.
class DropDownListCompanyItem : public DropDownListItem {
	Dimension icon_size;
	bool greyed;

	DropDownListCompanyItem(int result, bool masked, bool greyed) : DropDownListItem(result, masked), greyed(greyed)
		this->icon_size = GetSpriteSize(SPR_COMPANY_ICON);

	virtual ~DropDownListCompanyItem() {}

	bool Selectable() const
		return true;

	uint Width() const
		CompanyID company = (CompanyID)this->result;
		SetDParam(0, company);
		SetDParam(1, company);
		return GetStringBoundingBox(STR_COMPANY_NAME_COMPANY_NUM).width + this->icon_size.width + 3;

	uint Height(uint width) const
		return max(this->icon_size.height + 2U, (uint)FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL);

	void Draw(int left, int right, int top, int bottom, bool sel, int bg_colour) const
		CompanyID company = (CompanyID)this->result;
		bool rtl = _current_text_dir == TD_RTL;

		/* It's possible the company is deleted while the dropdown is open */
		if (!Company::IsValidID(company)) return;

		int icon_offset = (bottom - top - icon_size.height) / 2;
		int text_offset = (bottom - top - FONT_HEIGHT_NORMAL) / 2;

		DrawCompanyIcon(company, rtl ? right - this->icon_size.width - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT : left + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, top + icon_offset);

		SetDParam(0, company);
		SetDParam(1, company);
		TextColour col;
		if (this->greyed) {
			col = (sel ? TC_SILVER : TC_GREY) | TC_NO_SHADE;
		} else {
			col = sel ? TC_WHITE : TC_BLACK;
		DrawString(left + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT + (rtl ? 0 : 3 + this->icon_size.width), right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT - (rtl ? 3 + this->icon_size.width : 0), top + text_offset, STR_COMPANY_NAME_COMPANY_NUM, col);

 * Pop up a generic text only menu.
 * @param w Toolbar
 * @param widget Toolbar button
 * @param list List of items
 * @param def Default item
static void PopupMainToolbMenu(Window *w, int widget, DropDownList *list, int def)
	ShowDropDownList(w, list, def, widget, 0, true, true);
	if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);

 * Pop up a generic text only menu.
 * @param w Toolbar
 * @param widget Toolbar button
 * @param string String for the first item in the menu
 * @param count Number of items in the menu
 * @param skip Hide first \a skip items in the menu
static void PopupMainToolbMenu(Window *w, int widget, StringID string, int count, int skip = 0)
	DropDownList *list = new DropDownList();
	for (int i = skip; i < count; i++) {
		list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(string + i, i, false));
	ShowDropDownList(w, list, skip, widget, 140, true, true);
	if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);
	PopupMainToolbMenu(w, widget, list, skip);

/** Enum for the Company Toolbar's network related buttons */
static const int CTMN_CLIENT_LIST = -1; ///< Show the client list
static const int CTMN_NEW_COMPANY = -2; ///< Create a new company
static const int CTMN_SPECTATE    = -3; ///< Become spectator

 * Pop up a generic company list menu.
static void PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu(Window *w, int widget, int grey = 0)
	DropDownList *list = new DropDownList();

	if (widget == WID_TN_COMPANIES && _networking) {
		/* Add the client list button for the companies menu */
		list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_NETWORK_COMPANY_LIST_CLIENT_LIST, CTMN_CLIENT_LIST, false));

		if (_local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR) {
			list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_NETWORK_COMPANY_LIST_NEW_COMPANY, CTMN_NEW_COMPANY, NetworkMaxCompaniesReached()));
		} else {
			list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_NETWORK_COMPANY_LIST_SPECTATE, CTMN_SPECTATE, NetworkMaxSpectatorsReached()));
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */

	for (CompanyID c = COMPANY_FIRST; c < MAX_COMPANIES; c++) {
		if (!Company::IsValidID(c)) continue;
		list->push_back(new DropDownListCompanyItem(c, false, HasBit(grey, c)));

	ShowDropDownList(w, list, _local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR ? CTMN_CLIENT_LIST : (int)_local_company, widget, 240, true, true);
	if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);
	PopupMainToolbMenu(w, widget, list, _local_company == COMPANY_SPECTATOR ? CTMN_CLIENT_LIST : (int)_local_company);


static ToolbarMode _toolbar_mode;

static CallBackFunction SelectSignTool()
	if (_cursor.sprite == SPR_CURSOR_SIGN) {
		return CBF_NONE;
	} else {
		return CBF_PLACE_SIGN;

/* --- Pausing --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarPauseClick(Window *w)
	if (_networking && !_network_server) return CBF_NONE; // only server can pause the game

	if (DoCommandP(0, PM_PAUSED_NORMAL, _pause_mode == PM_UNPAUSED, CMD_PAUSE)) {
		if (_settings_client.sound.confirm) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Toggle fast forward mode.
 * @param w Unused.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction ToolbarFastForwardClick(Window *w)
	_fast_forward ^= true;
	if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Game Option button menu entries.
enum OptionMenuEntries {

 * Handle click on Options button in toolbar.
 * @param w parent window the shown Drop down list is attached to.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction ToolbarOptionsClick(Window *w)
	DropDownList *list = new DropDownList();
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_GAME_OPTIONS,             OME_GAMEOPTIONS, false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_CONFIG_SETTINGS,          OME_SETTINGS, false));
	/* Changes to the per-AI settings don't get send from the server to the clients. Clients get
	 * the settings once they join but never update it. As such don't show the window at all
	 * to network clients. */
	if (!_networking || _network_server) list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_SCRIPT_SETTINGS, OME_SCRIPT_SETTINGS, false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_NEWGRF_SETTINGS,          OME_NEWGRFSETTINGS, false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENCY_OPTIONS,     OME_TRANSPARENCIES, false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListItem(-1, false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TOWN_NAMES_DISPLAYED,    OME_SHOW_TOWNNAMES, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_TOWN_NAMES)));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_STATION_NAMES_DISPLAYED, OME_SHOW_STATIONNAMES, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_STATION_NAMES)));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_WAYPOINTS_DISPLAYED,     OME_SHOW_WAYPOINTNAMES, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_WAYPOINT_NAMES)));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_SIGNS_DISPLAYED,         OME_SHOW_SIGNS, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_SIGNS)));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS,   OME_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS)));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_FULL_ANIMATION,          OME_FULL_ANIMATION, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_FULL_ANIMATION)));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_FULL_DETAIL,             OME_FULL_DETAILS, false, HasBit(_display_opt, DO_FULL_DETAIL)));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENT_BUILDINGS,   OME_TRANSPARENTBUILDINGS, false, IsTransparencySet(TO_HOUSES)));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListCheckedItem(STR_SETTINGS_MENU_TRANSPARENT_SIGNS,       OME_SHOW_STATIONSIGNS, false, IsTransparencySet(TO_SIGNS)));

	ShowDropDownList(w, list, 0, WID_TN_SETTINGS, 140, true, true);
	if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on one of the entries in the Options button menu.
 * @param index Index being clicked.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickSettings(int index)
	switch (index) {
		case OME_GAMEOPTIONS:          ShowGameOptions();                               return CBF_NONE;
		case OME_SETTINGS:             ShowGameSettings();                              return CBF_NONE;
		case OME_SCRIPT_SETTINGS:      ShowAIConfigWindow();                            return CBF_NONE;
		case OME_NEWGRFSETTINGS:       ShowNewGRFSettings(!_networking && _settings_client.gui.UserIsAllowedToChangeNewGRFs(), true, true, &_grfconfig); return CBF_NONE;
		case OME_TRANSPARENCIES:       ShowTransparencyToolbar();                       break;

		case OME_SHOW_TOWNNAMES:       ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_TOWN_NAMES);     break;
		case OME_SHOW_STATIONNAMES:    ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_STATION_NAMES);  break;
		case OME_SHOW_WAYPOINTNAMES:   ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_WAYPOINT_NAMES); break;
		case OME_SHOW_SIGNS:           ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_SIGNS);          break;
			ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_SHOW_COMPETITOR_SIGNS);
			InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_SIGN_LIST, -1);
		case OME_FULL_ANIMATION:       ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_FULL_ANIMATION);      break;
		case OME_FULL_DETAILS:         ToggleBit(_display_opt, DO_FULL_DETAIL);         break;
		case OME_TRANSPARENTBUILDINGS: ToggleTransparency(TO_HOUSES);                   break;
		case OME_SHOW_STATIONSIGNS:    ToggleTransparency(TO_SIGNS);                    break;
	return CBF_NONE;

 * SaveLoad entries in scenario editor mode.
enum SaveLoadEditorMenuEntries {
	SLEME_EXIT_GAME       = 6,

 * SaveLoad entries in normal game mode.
enum SaveLoadNormalMenuEntries {

 * Handle click on Save button in toolbar in normal game mode.
 * @param w parent window the shown save dialogue is attached to.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction ToolbarSaveClick(Window *w)
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on SaveLoad button in toolbar in the scenario editor.
 * @param w parent window the shown save dialogue is attached to.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenSaveOrLoad(Window *w)
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on one of the entries in the SaveLoad menu.
 * @param index Index being clicked.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickSaveLoad(int index = 0)
	if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) {
		switch (index) {
			case SLEME_SAVE_SCENARIO:  ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_SAVE_SCENARIO);  break;
			case SLEME_LOAD_SCENARIO:  ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_LOAD_SCENARIO);  break;
			case SLEME_SAVE_HEIGHTMAP: ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_SAVE_HEIGHTMAP); break;
			case SLEME_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP: ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_LOAD_HEIGHTMAP); break;
			case SLEME_EXIT_TOINTRO:   AskExitToGameMenu();                    break;
			case SLEME_EXIT_GAME:      HandleExitGameRequest();                break;
	} else {
		switch (index) {
			case SLNME_SAVE_GAME:      ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_SAVE_GAME); break;
			case SLNME_LOAD_GAME:      ShowSaveLoadDialog(SLD_LOAD_GAME); break;
			case SLNME_EXIT_TOINTRO:   AskExitToGameMenu();               break;
			case SLNME_EXIT_GAME:      HandleExitGameRequest();           break;
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Map button menu --- */

enum MapMenuEntries {
	MME_SHOW_SMALLMAP        = 0,
	MME_SHOW_TOWNDIRECTORY,    ///< This entry is only used in Editor mode

static CallBackFunction ToolbarMapClick(Window *w)
	DropDownList *list = new DropDownList();
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_MAP_OF_WORLD,            MME_SHOW_SMALLMAP,          false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_EXTRA_VIEW_PORT,         MME_SHOW_EXTRAVIEWPORTS,    false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_LINGRAPH_LEGEND,         MME_SHOW_LINKGRAPH,         false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_SIGN_LIST,               MME_SHOW_SIGNLISTS,         false));
	PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_SMALL_MAP, list, 0);
	return CBF_NONE;

static CallBackFunction ToolbarScenMapTownDir(Window *w)
	DropDownList *list = new DropDownList();
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_MAP_OF_WORLD,            MME_SHOW_SMALLMAP,          false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_EXTRA_VIEW_PORT,         MME_SHOW_EXTRAVIEWPORTS,    false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_MAP_MENU_SIGN_LIST,               MME_SHOW_SIGNLISTS,         false));
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_TOWN_MENU_TOWN_DIRECTORY,         MME_SHOW_TOWNDIRECTORY,     false));
	PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TE_SMALL_MAP, list, 0);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on one of the entries in the Map menu.
 * @param index Index being clicked.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickMap(int index)
	switch (index) {
		case MME_SHOW_SMALLMAP:       ShowSmallMap();            break;
		case MME_SHOW_EXTRAVIEWPORTS: ShowExtraViewPortWindow(); break;
		case MME_SHOW_LINKGRAPH:      ShowLinkGraphLegend();     break;
		case MME_SHOW_SIGNLISTS:      ShowSignList();            break;
		case MME_SHOW_TOWNDIRECTORY:  if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) ShowTownDirectory(); break;
		case MME_SHOW_TOWNDIRECTORY:  ShowTownDirectory();       break;
		case MME_SHOW_INDUSTRYDIRECTORY: ShowIndustryDirectory(); break;
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Town button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarTownClick(Window *w)
	PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_TOWNS, STR_TOWN_MENU_TOWN_DIRECTORY, (_settings_game.economy.found_town == TF_FORBIDDEN) ? 1 : 2);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on one of the entries in the Town menu.
 * @param index Index being clicked.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickTown(int index)
	switch (index) {
		case 0: ShowTownDirectory(); break;
		case 1: // setting could be changed when the dropdown was open
			if (_settings_game.economy.found_town != TF_FORBIDDEN) ShowFoundTownWindow();
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Subidies button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarSubsidiesClick(Window *w)
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Subsidies menu.
 * @param index Unused.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickSubsidies(int index)
	switch (index) {
		case 0: ShowSubsidiesList(); break;
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Stations button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarStationsClick(Window *w)
	PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_STATIONS);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Stations menu
 * @param index CompanyID to show station list for
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickStations(int index)
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Finances button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarFinancesClick(Window *w)
	PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_FINANCES);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the finances overview menu.
 * @param index CompanyID to show finances for.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickFinances(int index)
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Company's button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarCompaniesClick(Window *w)
	PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_COMPANIES);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Company menu.
 * @param index Menu entry to handle.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickCompany(int index)
	if (_networking) {
		switch (index) {
				return CBF_NONE;

				if (_network_server) {
					DoCommandP(0, 0, _network_own_client_id, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL);
				} else {
					NetworkSendCommand(0, 0, 0, CMD_COMPANY_CTRL, NULL, NULL, _local_company);
				return CBF_NONE;

				if (_network_server) {
				} else {
				return CBF_NONE;
#endif /* ENABLE_NETWORK */
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Graphs button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarGraphsClick(Window *w)
	PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_GRAPHS, STR_GRAPH_MENU_OPERATING_PROFIT_GRAPH, (_toolbar_mode == TB_NORMAL) ? 6 : 8);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Graphs menu.
 * @param index Graph to show.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickGraphs(int index)
	switch (index) {
		case 0: ShowOperatingProfitGraph();    break;
		case 1: ShowIncomeGraph();             break;
		case 2: ShowDeliveredCargoGraph();     break;
		case 3: ShowPerformanceHistoryGraph(); break;
		case 4: ShowCompanyValueGraph();       break;
		case 5: ShowCargoPaymentRates();       break;
		/* functions for combined graphs/league button */
		case 6: ShowCompanyLeagueTable();      break;
		case 7: ShowPerformanceRatingDetail(); break;
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- League button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarLeagueClick(Window *w)
	PopupMainToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_LEAGUE, STR_GRAPH_MENU_GOAL, _networking ? 3 : 4, Game::GetInstance() != NULL ? 0 : 1);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the CompanyLeague menu.
 * @param index Menu entry number.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickLeague(int index)
	switch (index) {
		case 0: ShowGoalsList();               break;
		case 1: ShowCompanyLeagueTable();      break;
		case 2: ShowPerformanceRatingDetail(); break;
		case 3: ShowHighscoreTable();          break;
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Industries button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarIndustryClick(Window *w)
	/* Disable build-industry menu if we are a spectator */
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Industry menu.
 * @param index Menu entry number.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickIndustry(int index)
	switch (index) {
		case 0: ShowIndustryDirectory();     break;
		case 1: ShowIndustryCargoesWindow(); break;
		case 2: ShowBuildIndustryWindow();   break;
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Trains button menu + 1 helper function for all vehicles. --- */

static void ToolbarVehicleClick(Window *w, VehicleType veh)
	const Vehicle *v;
	int dis = ~0;

		if (v->type == veh && v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) ClrBit(dis, v->owner);
	PopupMainCompanyToolbMenu(w, WID_TN_VEHICLE_START + veh, dis);


static CallBackFunction ToolbarTrainClick(Window *w)
	ToolbarVehicleClick(w, VEH_TRAIN);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Train menu.
 * @param index CompanyID to show train list for.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickShowTrains(int index)
	ShowVehicleListWindow((CompanyID)index, VEH_TRAIN);
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Road vehicle button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarRoadClick(Window *w)
	ToolbarVehicleClick(w, VEH_ROAD);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Road Vehicles menu.
 * @param index CompanyID to show road vehicles list for.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickShowRoad(int index)
	ShowVehicleListWindow((CompanyID)index, VEH_ROAD);
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Ship button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarShipClick(Window *w)
	ToolbarVehicleClick(w, VEH_SHIP);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Ships menu.
 * @param index CompanyID to show ship list for.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickShowShips(int index)
	ShowVehicleListWindow((CompanyID)index, VEH_SHIP);
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Aircraft button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarAirClick(Window *w)
	ToolbarVehicleClick(w, VEH_AIRCRAFT);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Aircraft menu.
 * @param index CompanyID to show aircraft list for.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickShowAir(int index)
	ShowVehicleListWindow((CompanyID)index, VEH_AIRCRAFT);
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Zoom in button --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarZoomInClick(Window *w)
	if (DoZoomInOutWindow(ZOOM_IN, FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0))) {
		w->HandleButtonClick((_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) ? (byte)WID_TE_ZOOM_IN : (byte)WID_TN_ZOOM_IN);
		if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Zoom out button --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarZoomOutClick(Window *w)
	if (DoZoomInOutWindow(ZOOM_OUT, FindWindowById(WC_MAIN_WINDOW, 0))) {
		w->HandleButtonClick((_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) ? (byte)WID_TE_ZOOM_OUT : (byte)WID_TN_ZOOM_OUT);
		if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Rail button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarBuildRailClick(Window *w)
	ShowDropDownList(w, GetRailTypeDropDownList(), _last_built_railtype, WID_TN_RAILS, 140, true, true);
	if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Build Rail menu.
 * @param index RailType to show the build toolbar for.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickBuildRail(int index)
	_last_built_railtype = (RailType)index;
	return CBF_NONE;

/* --- Road button menu --- */

static CallBackFunction ToolbarBuildRoadClick(Window *w)
	const Company *c = Company::Get(_local_company);
	DropDownList *list = new DropDownList();

	/* Road is always visible and available. */
	list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_ROAD_MENU_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION, ROADTYPE_ROAD, false));

	/* Tram is only visible when there will be a tram, and available when that has been introduced. */
	Engine *e;
		if (!HasBit(e->info.climates, _settings_game.game_creation.landscape)) continue;
		if (!HasBit(e->info.misc_flags, EF_ROAD_TRAM)) continue;

		list->push_back(new DropDownListStringItem(STR_ROAD_MENU_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION, ROADTYPE_TRAM, !HasBit(c->avail_roadtypes, ROADTYPE_TRAM)));
	ShowDropDownList(w, list, _last_built_roadtype, WID_TN_ROADS, 140, true, true);
	if (_settings_client.sound.click_beep) SndPlayFx(SND_15_BEEP);
	return CBF_NONE;

 * Handle click on the entry in the Build Road menu.
 * @param index RoadType to show the build toolbar for.
 * @return #CBF_NONE
static CallBackFunction MenuClickBuildRoad(int index)
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)