Changeset - r15805:83ef427d044d
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rubidium - 14 years ago 2010-08-14 14:50:06
(svn r20490) -Change: merge the extra GRF sources so updating them becomes a bit easier.
The (prebuilt) grf will still remain, so if you don't have NFORenum and GRFCodec it will still work.
2 files changed:
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# $Id$

# This file is part of OpenTTD.
# OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.
# Building requires GRFCodec and NFORenum. Older versions of GRFCodec are
#  known to miscompile the graphics.
# Recent nightlies (including sources) of both can be found at:
# The mercurial repository of both can be found at:


GRF_DIR  = $(ROOT_DIR)/media/extra_grf
BIN_DIR  = !!BIN_DIR!!/data

# Check if we want to show what we are doing
	Q =
	E = @true
	Q = @
	E = @echo

# Some configurational settings for your environment.
GRFCODEC := grfcodec
NFORENUM := $(shell [ `which nforenum 2>/dev/null` ] && echo "nforenum" || echo "renum")

# Some "should not be changed" settings.
NFO_FILES    := $(GRF_DIR)/*.nfo
PCX_FILES    := $(GRF_DIR)/*.pcx

# Build the GRF.
all: $(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf

# Make sure the sprites directory exists.
	$(Q)-mkdir "$@"

# Generic
$(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf: $(PCX_FILES) $(NFO_FILES) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites
	@# Only try; if nforenum isn't available, just retouch the file as they likely didn't need it anyway.
	$(Q) ($(NFORENUM) -? > /dev/null 2>&1 && $(MAKE) $(OBJS_DIR)/openttd.grf && cp $(OBJS_DIR)/openttd.grf $(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf) || ([ -e $(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf ] && touch $(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf && echo "no NFORenum and GRFCodec found, skipping rebuild of openttd.grf...") || (echo "no NFORenum and GRFCodec found, but no openttd.grf either. Install NFORenum and GRFCodec." && exit 1)

$(OBJS_DIR)/openttd.grf: $(PCX_FILES) $(NFO_FILES) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites
	$(Q)-cp $(PCX_FILES) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites 2> /dev/null
	$(Q) gcc -I$(GRF_DIR) -C -E - < "$(GRF_DIR)/openttd.nfo" | sed -e '/^#/d' -e '/^$$/d' > $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites/openttd.nfo
	$(Q) $(NFORENUM) $(OBJS_DIR)/sprites/openttd.nfo
	$(Q) $(GRFCODEC) -e -m1 $(OBJS_DIR)/openttd.grf
	$(Q) cp $(OBJS_DIR)/openttd.grf $(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf
	$(Q) for grf in $(BIN_DIR)/orig*.obg; do sed 's/^OPENTTD.GRF  = [0-9a-f]*$$/OPENTTD.GRF  = '`md5sum $(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf | sed 's@ .*@@'`'/' -i $$grf; done

# Clean up temporary files.
	$(Q)rm -f *.bak *.grf

# Clean up temporary files and result of generation, i.e. the grfs.
mrproper: clean
	$(Q)rm -fr sprites
	$(Q)rm -f $(BIN_DIR)/openttd.grf

.PHONY: all mrproper depend clean
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@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ ifdef DISTCC
	@if [ -z "`echo '$(MFLAGS)' | grep '\-j'`" ]; then echo; echo "WARNING: you enabled distcc support, but you don't seem to be using the -jN paramter"; echo; fi
	@for dir in $(DIRS); do \
		$(MAKE) -C $$dir all; \
		$(MAKE) -C $$dir all || exit 1; \
ifdef LIPO
# Lipo is an OSX thing. If it is defined, it means we are building for universal,

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