Changeset - r28550:8618ddb90e72
[Not reviewed]
0 6 0
translators - 10 months ago 2024-01-22 18:40:42
Update: Translations from eints
english (au): 155 changes by krysclarke
norwegian (bokmal): 9 changes by v0nNemizez
english (us): 155 changes by 2TallTyler
chinese (simplified): 9 changes by WenSimEHRP
russian: 41 changes by Ln-Wolf
finnish: 1 change by hpiirai
6 files changed with 370 insertions and 361 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ STR_TOOLTIP_RESIZE                      
STR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_WINDOW                           :{BLACK}Toggle large/small window size
STR_TOOLTIP_VSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST                            :{BLACK}Scroll bar - scrolls list up/down
STR_TOOLTIP_HSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST                            :{BLACK}Scroll bar - scrolls list left/right
STR_TOOLTIP_DEMOLISH_BUILDINGS_ETC                              :{BLACK}Demolish buildings etc. on a square of land. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_TOOLTIP_DEMOLISH_BUILDINGS_ETC                              :{BLACK}Demolish buildings etc. on a square of land. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

# Show engines button
@@ -370,32 +370,32 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_PAUSE_GAME          
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FORWARD                                     :{BLACK}Fast forward the game
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS                                     :{BLACK}Options and settings
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_GAME_ABANDON_GAME                      :{BLACK}Save, load or abandon game, exit program
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Display map, extra viewport, cargo flow or list of signs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_TOWN_DIRECTORY                      :{BLACK}Display town directory
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES                           :{BLACK}Display subsidies
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS            :{BLACK}Display list of company's stations
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES                    :{BLACK}Display company finances information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL                     :{BLACK}Display general company information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK                          :{BLACK}Display story book
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST                          :{BLACK}Display goal list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Display company graphs and cargo payment rates
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE                      :{BLACK}Display company league table
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Examine industries or fund construction of a new industry
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_TRAINS              :{BLACK}Display list of company's trains. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}Display list of company's road vehicles. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}Display list of company's ships. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}Display list of company's aircraft. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN                            :{BLACK}Zoom the view in
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT                           :{BLACK}Zoom the view out
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                        :{BLACK}Build railway track
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}Build roads
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAYS                              :{BLACK}Build tramways
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS                            :{BLACK}Build ship docks
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Open map, extra viewport, cargo flow or list of signs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_TOWN_DIRECTORY                      :{BLACK}Open town directory or found town
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES                           :{BLACK}Open subsidy list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS            :{BLACK}Open list of company's stations
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES                    :{BLACK}Open company finances information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL                     :{BLACK}Open general company information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK                          :{BLACK}Open story book
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST                          :{BLACK}Open goal list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Open company graphs and cargo payment rates
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE                      :{BLACK}Open company league table
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Open industry directory, industry chain, or fund construction of a new industry
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_TRAINS              :{BLACK}Open list of company's trains. Ctrl+Click to show or hide vehicle groups, opposite of the chosen setting
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}Open list of company's road vehicles. Ctrl+Click to show or hide vehicle groups, opposite of the chosen setting
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}Open list of company's ships. Ctrl+Click to show or hide vehicle groups, opposite of the chosen setting
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}Open list of company's aircraft. Ctrl+Click to show or hide vehicle groups, opposite of the chosen setting
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN                            :{BLACK}Zoom in
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT                           :{BLACK}Zoom out
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                        :{BLACK}Build railway infrastructure
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}Build road infrastructure
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAYS                              :{BLACK}Build tramway infrastructure
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS                            :{BLACK}Build waterway infrastructure
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AIRPORTS                              :{BLACK}Build airports
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LANDSCAPING                                 :{BLACK}Open the landscaping toolbar to raise/lower land, plant trees, etc.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_SOUND_MUSIC_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Show sound/music window
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Show last message/news report, messages history or delete all messages
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Land area information, screenshot, about OpenTTD and developer tools
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LANDSCAPING                                 :{BLACK}Open landscaping menu, tree menu, or place a sign
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_SOUND_MUSIC_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Open sound/music window
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Open last message/news report, messages history or delete all messages
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Open land information, screenshot menu, OpenTTD credits, or developer tools
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SWITCH_TOOLBAR                              :{BLACK}Switch toolbars

# Extra tooltips for the scenario editor toolbar
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SET_DATE                           :{BLACK}Click to enter the starting year
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_LANDSCAPE_GENERATION                       :{BLACK}Landscape generation
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOWN_GENERATION                            :{BLACK}Town generation
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_INDUSTRY_GENERATION                        :{BLACK}Industry generation
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Road construction
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Tramway construction
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLANT_TREES                                :{BLACK}Plant trees. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP_TOWN_DIRECTORY         :{BLACK}Open map, extra viewport, sign list, or town or industry directory
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_LANDSCAPE_GENERATION                       :{BLACK}Open landscaping menu or generate a new world
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOWN_GENERATION                            :{BLACK}Build or generate towns
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_INDUSTRY_GENERATION                        :{BLACK}Build or generate industries
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Build road infrastructure
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Build tramway infrastructure
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLANT_TREES                                :{BLACK}Plant trees. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_SIGN                                 :{BLACK}Place sign
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_OBJECT                               :{BLACK}Place object. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_OBJECT                               :{BLACK}Place object. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

# Scenario editor file menu
###length 7
@@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ STR_GAME_OPTIONS_VIDEO_VSYNC_TOOLTIP    
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_VIDEO_DRIVER_INFO                              :{BLACK}Current driver: {STRING}

STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_FRAME                                :{BLACK}Interface size
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Drag slider to set interface size. Hold Ctrl for continuous adjustment
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Drag slider to set interface size. Ctrl+Drag for continuous adjustment
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_AUTO                                 :{BLACK}Auto-detect size
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_AUTO_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Check this box to detect interface size automatically

@@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FORBID_90_DEG                                :Forbid trains and ships from making 90° turns: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FORBID_90_DEG_HELPTEXT                       :90 degree turns occur when a horizontal track is directly followed by a vertical track piece on the adjacent tile, thus making the train turn by 90 degree when traversing the tile edge instead of the usual 45 degrees for other track combinations. This also applies to the turning radius of ships

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTANT_JOIN_STATIONS                        :Allow to join stations not directly adjacent: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTANT_JOIN_STATIONS_HELPTEXT               :Allow adding parts to a station without directly touching the existing parts. Needs Ctrl+Click while placing the new parts
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTANT_JOIN_STATIONS_HELPTEXT               :Allow adding parts to a station without directly touching the existing parts, by Ctrl+Clicking while placing the new parts

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFLATION                                    :Inflation: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFLATION_HELPTEXT                           :Enable inflation in the economy, where costs are rising slightly faster than payments
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SEMAPHORE_BUILD_BEFORE_DATE_HELPTEXT         :Set the year when electric signals will be used for tracks. Before this year, non-electric signals will be used (which have the exact same function, but different looks)

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_TYPES                           :Cycle through signal types: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_TYPES_HELPTEXT                  :Select which signal types to cycle through when Ctrl+clicking on a built signal with the signal tool
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_TYPES_HELPTEXT                  :Select which signal types to cycle through when Ctrl+Clicking on a built signal with the signal tool
###length 2
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_PBS                             :Path signals only
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_ALL                             :All visible
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_SUB_TROPICAL_LANDSCAPE                        :{BLACK}Select 'sub-tropical' landscape style
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE                             :{BLACK}Select 'toyland' landscape style

STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAME_OPTIONS                                  :{BLACK}Display game options
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HIGHSCORE                                     :{BLACK}Display highscore table
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAME_OPTIONS                                  :{BLACK}Open game options
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HIGHSCORE                                     :{BLACK}Open highscore table
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HELP                                          :{BLACK}Get access to documentation and online resources
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_CONFIG_SETTINGS_TREE                          :{BLACK}Display settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_NEWGRF_SETTINGS                               :{BLACK}Display NewGRF settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_CONFIG_SETTINGS_TREE                          :{BLACK}Open settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_NEWGRF_SETTINGS                               :{BLACK}Open NewGRF settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_ONLINE_CONTENT                                :{BLACK}Check for new and updated content to download
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_AI_SETTINGS                                   :{BLACK}Display AI settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAMESCRIPT_SETTINGS                           :{BLACK}Display Game script settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_AI_SETTINGS                                   :{BLACK}Open AI settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAMESCRIPT_SETTINGS                           :{BLACK}Open Game script settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_QUIT                                          :{BLACK}Exit 'OpenTTD'

STR_INTRO_BASESET                                               :{BLACK}The currently selected base graphics set is missing {NUM} sprite{P "" s}. Please check for updates for the baseset.
@@ -2212,8 +2212,8 @@ STR_LIVERY_TRAIN_GROUP_TOOLTIP          
STR_LIVERY_ROAD_VEHICLE_GROUP_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Show colours of road vehicle groups
STR_LIVERY_SHIP_GROUP_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Show colours of ship groups
STR_LIVERY_AIRCRAFT_GROUP_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Show colours of aircraft groups
STR_LIVERY_PRIMARY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Choose the primary colour for the selected scheme. Ctrl+Click will set this colour for every scheme
STR_LIVERY_SECONDARY_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Choose the secondary colour for the selected scheme. Ctrl+Click will set this colour for every scheme
STR_LIVERY_PRIMARY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Choose the primary colour for the selected scheme. Ctrl+Click to set this colour for every scheme
STR_LIVERY_SECONDARY_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Choose the secondary colour for the selected scheme. Ctrl+Click to set this colour for every scheme
STR_LIVERY_PANEL_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Select a colour scheme to change, or multiple schemes with Ctrl+Click. Click on the box to toggle use of the scheme
STR_LIVERY_TRAIN_GROUP_EMPTY                                    :No train groups are set up
STR_LIVERY_ROAD_VEHICLE_GROUP_EMPTY                             :No road vehicle groups are set up
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_MONORAIL_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                  :Monorail Construction
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_MAGLEV_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                    :Maglev Construction

STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                   :{BLACK}Build railway track. Ctrl toggles build/remove for railway construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTORAIL                         :{BLACK}Build railway track using the Autorail mode. Ctrl toggles build/remove for railway construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT_FOR_BUILDING         :{BLACK}Build train depot (for buying and servicing trains). Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL_TO_WAYPOINT               :{BLACK}Build waypoint on railway. Ctrl enables joining waypoints. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION                 :{BLACK}Build railway station. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_SIGNALS                 :{BLACK}Build signal on railway. Ctrl toggles semaphore/light signals{}Dragging builds signals along a straight stretch of rail. Ctrl builds signals up to the next junction or signal{}Ctrl+Click toggles opening the signal selection window. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_BRIDGE                  :{BLACK}Build railway bridge. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TUNNEL                  :{BLACK}Build railway tunnel. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR                :{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for railway track, signals, waypoints and stations. Hold Ctrl to also remove the rail of waypoints and stations
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of rail. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                   :{BLACK}Build railway track. Ctrl+Click to remove railway track. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTORAIL                         :{BLACK}Build railway track using the Autorail mode. Ctrl+Click to remove railway track. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT_FOR_BUILDING         :{BLACK}Build train depot (for buying and servicing trains). Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL_TO_WAYPOINT               :{BLACK}Build waypoint on railway. Ctrl+Click to select another waypoint to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION                 :{BLACK}Build railway station. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_SIGNALS                 :{BLACK}Build signal on railway. Ctrl+Click to build the alternate signal style{}Click+Drag to fill the selected section of rail with signals at the chosen spacing. Ctrl+Click+Drag to fill signals up to the next junction, station, or signal. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_BRIDGE                  :{BLACK}Build railway bridge. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TUNNEL                  :{BLACK}Build railway tunnel. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR                :{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for railway track, signals, waypoints and stations. Ctrl+Click to also remove the rail of waypoints and stations
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of rail. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_RAIL_NAME_RAILROAD                                          :Railway
STR_RAIL_NAME_ELRAIL                                            :Electrified railway
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_COMBO_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Combo Signal (electric){}The combo signal simply acts as both an entry and exit signal. This allows you to build large "trees" of pre-signals
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_PBS_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Path Signal (electric){}A path signal allows more than one train to enter a signal block at the same time, if the train can reserve a path to a safe stopping point. Standard path signals can be passed from the back side
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_PBS_OWAY_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}One-way Path Signal (electric){}A path signal allows more than one train to enter a signal block at the same time, if the train can reserve a path to a safe stopping point. One-way path signals can't be passed from the back side
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_CONVERT_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Signal Convert{}When selected, clicking an existing signal will convert it to the selected signal type and variant. Ctrl+Click will toggle the existing variant. Shift+Click shows estimated conversion cost
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_CONVERT_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Signal Convert{}Click an existing signal to convert it to the selected signal type and variant. Ctrl+Click to toggle the existing variant. Shift+Click shows estimated conversion cost
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY_TOOLTIP                   :{BLACK}Dragging signal density
@@ -2811,25 +2811,25 @@ STR_BRIDGE_TUBULAR_SILICON              
# Road construction toolbar
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                      :{WHITE}Road Construction
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                      :{WHITE}Tramway Construction
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_SECTION                     :{BLACK}Build road section. Ctrl toggles build/remove for road construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_SECTION                  :{BLACK}Build tramway section. Ctrl toggles build/remove for tramway construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOROAD                         :{BLACK}Build road section using the Autoroad mode. Ctrl toggles build/remove for road construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOTRAM                         :{BLACK}Build tramway section using the Autotram mode. Ctrl toggles build/remove for tramway construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build road vehicle depot (for buying and servicing vehicles). Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAM_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build tram vehicle depot (for buying and servicing vehicles). Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_BUS_STATION                      :{BLACK}Build bus station. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_PASSENGER_TRAM_STATION           :{BLACK}Build passenger tram station. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY                :{BLACK}Build lorry station. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_CARGO_TRAM_STATION               :{BLACK}Build freight tram station. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_SECTION                     :{BLACK}Build road section. Ctrl+Click to remove road section. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_SECTION                  :{BLACK}Build tramway section. Ctrl+Click to remove tramway section. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOROAD                         :{BLACK}Build road section using the Autoroad mode. Ctrl+Click to remove road section. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOTRAM                         :{BLACK}Build tramway section using the Autotram mode. Ctrl+Click to remove tramway section. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build road vehicle depot (for buying and servicing vehicles). Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAM_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build tram vehicle depot (for buying and servicing vehicles). Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_BUS_STATION                      :{BLACK}Build bus station. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_PASSENGER_TRAM_STATION           :{BLACK}Build passenger tram station. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY                :{BLACK}Build lorry station. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_CARGO_TRAM_STATION               :{BLACK}Build freight tram station. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_ONE_WAY_ROAD                    :{BLACK}Activate/Deactivate one way roads
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_BRIDGE                      :{BLACK}Build road bridge. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_BRIDGE                   :{BLACK}Build tramway bridge. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_TUNNEL                      :{BLACK}Build road tunnel. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_TUNNEL                   :{BLACK}Build tramway tunnel. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_BRIDGE                      :{BLACK}Build road bridge. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_BRIDGE                   :{BLACK}Build tramway bridge. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_TUNNEL                      :{BLACK}Build road tunnel. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_TUNNEL                   :{BLACK}Build tramway tunnel. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR_ROAD           :{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for road construction
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR_TRAMWAYS       :{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for tramway construction
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_ROAD                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of road. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TRAM                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of tram. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_ROAD                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of road. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TRAM                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of tram. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_ROAD_NAME_ROAD                                              :Road
STR_ROAD_NAME_TRAM                                              :Tramway
# Waterways toolbar (last two for SE only)
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CAPTION                                   :{WHITE}Waterways Construction
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CAPTION_SE                                :{WHITE}Waterways
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_CANALS_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Build canals. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_LOCKS_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Build locks. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Build ship depot (for buying and servicing ships). Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_DOCK_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Build ship dock. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUOY_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Place a buoy which can be used as a waypoint. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_AQUEDUCT_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Build aqueduct. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_LAKE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Define water area.{}Make a canal, unless Ctrl is held down at sea level, when it will flood the surroundings instead
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_RIVER_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Place rivers. Ctrl selects the area diagonally
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_CANALS_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Build canals. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_LOCKS_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Build locks. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Build ship depot (for buying and servicing ships). Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_DOCK_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Build ship dock. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUOY_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Place a buoy which can be used as a waypoint. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_AQUEDUCT_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Build aqueduct. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_LAKE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Build canal. Ctrl+Click at sea level to flood with sea water instead
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_RIVER_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Place rivers. Ctrl+Click to select diagonally

# Ship depot construction window
STR_DEPOT_BUILD_SHIP_CAPTION                                    :{WHITE}Ship Depot Orientation
@@ -2871,7 +2871,7 @@ STR_STATION_BUILD_DOCK_CAPTION          

# Airport toolbar
STR_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT_CAPTION                                    :{WHITE}Airports
STR_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT_BUILD_AIRPORT_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Build airport. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT_BUILD_AIRPORT_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Build airport. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

# Airport construction window
STR_STATION_BUILD_AIRPORT_CAPTION                               :{WHITE}Airport Selection
@@ -2898,14 +2898,14 @@ STR_STATION_BUILD_NOISE                 

# Landscaping toolbar
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLBAR                                         :{WHITE}Landscaping
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_LOWER_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Lower a corner of land. Dragging lowers the first selected corner and levels the selected area to the new corner height. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_RAISE_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Raise a corner of land. Dragging raises the first selected corner and levels the selected area to the new corner height. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_LANDSCAPING_LEVEL_LAND_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Level an area of land to the height of the first selected corner. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_PURCHASE_LAND                           :{BLACK}Purchase land for future use. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_LOWER_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Lower a corner of land. Click+Drag to lower the first selected corner and level the selected area to the new corner height. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_RAISE_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Raise a corner of land. Click+Drag to raise the first selected corner and level the selected area to the new corner height. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_LANDSCAPING_LEVEL_LAND_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Level an area of land to the height of the first selected corner. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_PURCHASE_LAND                           :{BLACK}Purchase land for future use. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

# Object construction window
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}Object Selection
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Select object to build. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Select object to build. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_CLASS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Select class of the object to build
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_PREVIEW_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Preview of the object
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_SIZE                                           :{BLACK}Size: {GOLD}{NUM} x {NUM} tiles
@@ -2917,7 +2917,7 @@ STR_OBJECT_CLASS_TRNS                   
STR_PLANT_TREE_CAPTION                                          :{WHITE}Trees
STR_PLANT_TREE_TOOLTIP                                          :{BLACK}Select tree type to plant. If the tile already has a tree, this will add more trees of mixed types independent of the selected type
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE                                           :{BLACK}Trees of random type
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Place trees of random type. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Place trees of random type. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TREES_BUTTON                                   :{BLACK}Random Trees
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TREES_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Plant trees randomly throughout the landscape
STR_TREES_MODE_NORMAL_BUTTON                                    :{BLACK}Normal
@@ -2930,7 +2930,7 @@ STR_TREES_MODE_FOREST_LG_TOOLTIP        
# Land generation window (SE)
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_PLACE_ROCKY_AREAS_ON_LANDSCAPE            :{BLACK}Place rocky areas on landscape
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_DEFINE_DESERT_AREA                        :{BLACK}Define desert area.{}Hold Ctrl to remove it
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_DEFINE_DESERT_AREA                        :{BLACK}Define desert area.{}Ctrl+Click to remove desert area
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_INCREASE_SIZE_OF_LAND_AREA                :{BLACK}Increase area of land to lower/raise
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_DECREASE_SIZE_OF_LAND_AREA                :{BLACK}Decrease area of land to lower/raise
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_GENERATE_RANDOM_LAND                      :{BLACK}Generate random land
# Town generation window (SE)
STR_FOUND_TOWN_CAPTION                                          :{WHITE}Town Generation
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_BUTTON                                  :{BLACK}New Town
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Found new town. Shift+Click shows only estimated cost
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Found new town. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Random Town
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Found town in random location
STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS                                :{BLACK}Many random towns

# Land area window
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_CAPTION                               :{WHITE}Land Area Information
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Centre the main view on tile location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on tile location
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Centre the main view on tile location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on tile location
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_COST_TO_CLEAR_N_A                     :{BLACK}Cost to clear: {LTBLUE}N/A
@@ -3257,11 +3257,11 @@ STR_MAPGEN_VARIETY                      
STR_MAPGEN_GENERATE                                             :{WHITE}Generate
STR_MAPGEN_GENERATE_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Create the world and play OpenTTD!
STR_MAPGEN_NEWGRF_SETTINGS                                      :{BLACK}NewGRF Settings
STR_MAPGEN_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Display NewGRF settings
STR_MAPGEN_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Open NewGRF settings
STR_MAPGEN_AI_SETTINGS                                          :{BLACK}AI Settings
STR_MAPGEN_AI_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Display AI settings
STR_MAPGEN_AI_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Open AI settings
STR_MAPGEN_GS_SETTINGS                                          :{BLACK}Game Script Settings
STR_MAPGEN_GS_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Display game script settings
STR_MAPGEN_GS_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Open game script settings

###length 21
STR_MAPGEN_TOWN_NAME_ORIGINAL_ENGLISH                           :English (Original)
@@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ STR_SIGN_LIST_MATCH_CASE_TOOLTIP        

# Sign window
STR_EDIT_SIGN_CAPTION                                           :{WHITE}Edit sign text
STR_EDIT_SIGN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Centre the main view on sign location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on sign location
STR_EDIT_SIGN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Centre the main view on sign location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on sign location
STR_EDIT_SIGN_NEXT_SIGN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Go to next sign
STR_EDIT_SIGN_PREVIOUS_SIGN_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Go to previous sign

@@ -3548,7 +3548,7 @@ STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_CAPTION              
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_NONE                                         :{ORANGE}- None -
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_TOWN                                         :{ORANGE}{TOWN}{BLACK} ({COMMA})
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_CITY                                         :{ORANGE}{TOWN}{YELLOW} (City){BLACK} ({COMMA})
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_LIST_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Town names - click on name to centre main view on town. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_LIST_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Town names - click on name to centre main view on town. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_POPULATION                                             :{BLACK}World population: {COMMA}

# Town view window
@@ -3566,7 +3566,7 @@ STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_GROWS_EVERY          
STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_GROWS_EVERY_FUNDED                           :{BLACK}Town grows every {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}{NBSP}day{P "" s} (funded)
STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_GROW_STOPPED                                 :{BLACK}Town is {RED}not{BLACK} growing
STR_TOWN_VIEW_NOISE_IN_TOWN                                     :{BLACK}Noise limit in town: {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}  max: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Centre the main view on town location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Centre the main view on town location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_VIEW_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_BUTTON                            :{BLACK}Local Authority
STR_TOWN_VIEW_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Show information on local authority
STR_TOWN_VIEW_RENAME_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Change town name
@@ -3621,7 +3621,7 @@ STR_GOALS_TEXT                          
STR_GOALS_NONE                                                  :{ORANGE}- None -
STR_GOALS_PROGRESS                                              :{ORANGE}{STRING}
STR_GOALS_PROGRESS_COMPLETE                                     :{GREEN}{STRING}
STR_GOALS_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                    :{BLACK}Click on goal to centre main view on industry/town/tile. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry/town/tile location
STR_GOALS_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                    :{BLACK}Click on goal to centre main view on industry/town/tile. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on industry/town/tile location

# Goal question window
STR_GOAL_QUESTION_CAPTION_QUESTION                              :{BLACK}Question
@@ -3657,7 +3657,7 @@ STR_SUBSIDIES_OFFERED_FROM_TO           
STR_SUBSIDIES_NONE                                              :{ORANGE}- None -
STR_SUBSIDIES_SUBSIDISED_TITLE                                  :{BLACK}Services already subsidised:
STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                :{BLACK}Click on service to centre main view on industry/town. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry/town location
STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                :{BLACK}Click on service to centre main view on industry/town. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on industry/town location

# Story book window
STR_STORY_BOOK_CAPTION                                          :{WHITE}{COMPANY} Story Book
@@ -3673,8 +3673,8 @@ STR_STORY_BOOK_NEXT_PAGE_TOOLTIP        
STR_STORY_BOOK_INVALID_GOAL_REF                                 :{RED}Invalid goal reference

# Station list window
STR_STATION_LIST_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Station names - click on name to centre main view on station. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on station location
STR_STATION_LIST_USE_CTRL_TO_SELECT_MORE                        :{BLACK}Hold Ctrl to select more than one item
STR_STATION_LIST_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Station names - click on name to centre main view on station. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on station location
STR_STATION_LIST_USE_CTRL_TO_SELECT_MORE                        :{BLACK}Ctrl+Click to select multiple items
STR_STATION_LIST_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}{COMPANY} - {COMMA} Station{P "" s}
STR_STATION_LIST_STATION                                        :{YELLOW}{STATION} {STATION_FEATURES}
STR_STATION_LIST_WAYPOINT                                       :{YELLOW}{WAYPOINT}
@@ -3733,7 +3733,7 @@ STR_CARGO_RATING_VERY_GOOD              
STR_CARGO_RATING_EXCELLENT                                      :Excellent
STR_CARGO_RATING_OUTSTANDING                                    :Outstanding

STR_STATION_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Centre main view on station location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on station location
STR_STATION_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Centre main view on station location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on station location
STR_STATION_VIEW_RENAME_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Change name of station

STR_STATION_VIEW_SCHEDULED_TRAINS_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Show all trains which have this station on their schedule

# Waypoint/buoy view window
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CAPTION                                       :{WHITE}{WAYPOINT}
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Centre main view on waypoint location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on waypoint location
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Centre main view on waypoint location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on waypoint location
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CHANGE_WAYPOINT_NAME                          :{BLACK}Change waypoint name
STR_BUOY_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Centre main view on buoy location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on buoy location
STR_BUOY_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Centre main view on buoy location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on buoy location
STR_BUOY_VIEW_CHANGE_BUOY_NAME                                  :{BLACK}Change buoy name

STR_EDIT_WAYPOINT_NAME                                          :{WHITE}Edit waypoint name
@@ -3793,9 +3793,9 @@ STR_FINANCES_MAX_LOAN                   
STR_FINANCES_TOTAL_CURRENCY                                     :{BLACK}{CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_FINANCES_BANK_BALANCE                                       :{WHITE}{CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_FINANCES_BORROW_BUTTON                                      :{BLACK}Borrow {CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_FINANCES_BORROW_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Increase size of loan. Ctrl+Click borrows as much as possible
STR_FINANCES_BORROW_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Increase size of loan. Ctrl+Click to borrow as much as possible
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_BUTTON                                       :{BLACK}Repay {CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Repay part of loan. Ctrl+Click repays as much loan as possible
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Repay part of loan. Ctrl+Click to repay as much loan as possible
STR_FINANCES_INFRASTRUCTURE_BUTTON                              :{BLACK}Infrastructure

# Company view
@@ -3824,7 +3824,7 @@ STR_COMPANY_VIEW_BUILD_HQ_TOOLTIP       
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VIEW_HQ_BUTTON                                 :{BLACK}View HQ
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VIEW_HQ_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}View company headquarters
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_HQ                                    :{BLACK}Relocate HQ
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS                  :{BLACK}Rebuild company headquarters elsewhere for 1% cost of company value. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without relocating HQ
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS                  :{BLACK}Rebuild company headquarters elsewhere for 1% cost of company value. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_INFRASTRUCTURE_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}View detailed infrastructure counts
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_GIVE_MONEY_BUTTON                              :{BLACK}Give money
@@ -3870,7 +3870,7 @@ STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM_PROD1       
STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_LIST_CAPTION                             :{BLACK}Industry names - click on name to centre main view on industry. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry location
STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_LIST_CAPTION                             :{BLACK}Industry names - click on name to centre main view on industry. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on industry location
STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_FILTER_ALL_TYPES                         :All cargo types
@@ -3880,7 +3880,7 @@ STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_FILTER_NONE      
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_CAPTION                                       :{WHITE}{INDUSTRY}
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH_TITLE                   :{BLACK}Production last month:
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_TRANSPORTED                                   :{YELLOW}{CARGO_LONG}{STRING}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transported)
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Centre the main view on industry location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry location
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Centre the main view on industry location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on industry location
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCTION_LEVEL                              :{BLACK}Production level: {YELLOW}{COMMA}%
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_INDUSTRY_ANNOUNCED_CLOSURE                    :{YELLOW}The industry has announced imminent closure!

@@ -4019,10 +4019,10 @@ STR_CARGO_TYPE_FILTER_FREIGHT           
STR_CARGO_TYPE_FILTER_NONE                                      :None

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Train vehicle selection list - click on vehicle for information
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Road vehicle selection list - click on vehicle for information
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Ship selection list - click on ship for information
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Aircraft selection list - click on aircraft for information
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Train vehicle selection list. Click on vehicle for information. Ctrl+Click to show/hide this vehicle type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Road vehicle selection list. Click on vehicle for information. Ctrl+Click to show/hide of the vehicle type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Ship selection list. Click on ship for information. Ctrl+Click to show/hide of the ship type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Aircraft selection list. Click on aircraft for information. Ctrl+Click to show/hide of the aircraft type

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_VEHICLE_BUTTON                        :{BLACK}Buy Vehicle

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted train vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted road vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted ship. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted aircraft. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted train vehicle. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted road vehicle. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted ship. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted aircraft. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted train vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP          :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted road vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                  :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted ship. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP              :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted aircraft. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted train vehicle. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP          :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted road vehicle. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                  :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted ship. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP              :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted aircraft. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_RENAME_BUTTON                             :{BLACK}Rename
@@ -4096,7 +4096,7 @@ STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP_CHAIN         
STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP_CARGO                                 :{}{CARGO_LONG} ({CARGO_SHORT})

STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Trains - drag vehicle with left-click to add/remove from train, right-click for information. Hold Ctrl to make both functions apply to the following chain
STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Trains - drag vehicle with left-click to add/remove from train, right-click for information. Ctrl+Click to apply either function to the following chain
STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Vehicles - right-click on vehicle for information
STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Ships - right-click on ship for information
STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Aircraft - right-click on aircraft for information
@@ -4138,16 +4138,16 @@ STR_DEPOT_CLONE_SHIP                    
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT                                        :{BLACK}Clone Aircraft

STR_DEPOT_CLONE_TRAIN_DEPOT_INFO                                :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of a train including all cars. Click this button and then on a train inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT_INFO                         :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of a road vehicle. Click this button and then on a road vehicle inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click will will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_SHIP_DEPOT_INFO                                 :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of a ship. Click this button and then on a ship inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO_HANGAR_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of an aircraft. Click this button and then on an aircraft inside or outside the hangar. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_TRAIN_DEPOT_INFO                                :{BLACK}Buy a copy of a train including all cars. Click this button and then on a train inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click to share the orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT_INFO                         :{BLACK}Buy a copy of a road vehicle. Click this button and then on a road vehicle inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click to share the orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_SHIP_DEPOT_INFO                                 :{BLACK}Buy a copy of a ship. Click this button and then on a ship inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click to share the orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO_HANGAR_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Buy a copy of an aircraft. Click this button and then on an aircraft inside or outside the hangar. Ctrl+Click to share the orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Centre main view on train depot location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on train depot location
STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Centre main view on road vehicle depot location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on road depot location
STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Centre main view on ship depot location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on ship depot location
STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Centre main view on hangar location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on hangar location
STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Centre main view on train depot location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on train depot location
STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Centre main view on road vehicle depot location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on road depot location
STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Centre main view on ship depot location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on ship depot location
STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Centre main view on hangar location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on hangar location

STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_ORDER_LIST_TRAIN_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Get a list of all trains with the current depot in their orders
@@ -4248,27 +4248,27 @@ STR_REPLACE_REMOVE_WAGON_GROUP_HELP     
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}{VEHICLE}

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_CENTER_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Centre main view on train's location. Double click will follow train in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on train's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_CENTER_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Centre main view on vehicle's location. Double click will follow vehicle in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on vehicle's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_CENTER_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Centre main view on ship's location. Double click will follow ship in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on ship's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_CENTER_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Centre main view on aircraft's location. Double click will follow aircraft in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on aircraft's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_CENTER_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Centre main view on train's location. Double click to follow train in main view. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on train's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_CENTER_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Centre main view on vehicle's location. Double click to follow vehicle in main view. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on vehicle's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_CENTER_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Centre main view on ship's location. Double click to follow ship in main view. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on ship's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_CENTER_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Centre main view on aircraft's location. Double click to follow aircraft in main view. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on aircraft's location

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Send train to depot. Ctrl+Click will only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP             :{BLACK}Send vehicle to depot. Ctrl+Click will only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Send ship to depot. Ctrl+Click will only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}Send aircraft to hangar. Ctrl+Click will only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Send train to depot. Ctrl+Click to only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP             :{BLACK}Send vehicle to depot. Ctrl+Click to only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Send ship to depot. Ctrl+Click to only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}Send aircraft to hangar. Ctrl+Click to only service

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_TRAIN_INFO                               :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the train including all cars. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_INFO                        :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the road vehicle. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_SHIP_INFO                                :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the ship. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO                            :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the aircraft. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_TRAIN_INFO                               :{BLACK}Buy a copy of the train including all cars. Ctrl+Click to share orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_INFO                        :{BLACK}Buy a copy of the road vehicle. Ctrl+Click to share orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_SHIP_INFO                                :{BLACK}Buy a copy of the ship. Ctrl+Click to share orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO                            :{BLACK}Buy a copy of the aircraft. Ctrl+Click to share orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_IGNORE_SIGNAL_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Force train to proceed without waiting for signal to clear it
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_REVERSE_TOOLTIP                          :{BLACK}Reverse direction of train
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_REVERSE_TOOLTIP                   :{BLACK}Force vehicle to turn around
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ORDER_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Centre main view on order destination. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on the order destination's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ORDER_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Centre main view on order destination. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on the order destination's location

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_REFIT_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Refit train to carry a different cargo type
@@ -4358,8 +4358,8 @@ STR_VEHICLE_INFO_FEEDER_CARGO_VALUE     

STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_SERVICING_INTERVAL_DAYS                     :{BLACK}Servicing interval: {LTBLUE}{COMMA}{NBSP}days{BLACK}   Last service: {LTBLUE}{DATE_LONG}
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP         :{BLACK}Increase servicing interval by 10. Ctrl+Click increases servicing interval by 5
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP         :{BLACK}Decrease servicing interval by 10. Ctrl+Click decreases servicing interval by 5
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP         :{BLACK}Increase servicing interval by 10. Ctrl+Click to increase servicing interval by 5
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP         :{BLACK}Decrease servicing interval by 10. Ctrl+Click to decrease servicing interval by 5

STR_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Change servicing interval type
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DEFAULT                                     :Default
@@ -4402,7 +4402,7 @@ STR_REFIT_NEW_CAPACITY_COST_OF_REFIT    
STR_REFIT_NEW_CAPACITY_INCOME_FROM_REFIT                        :{BLACK}New capacity: {GOLD}{CARGO_LONG}{}{BLACK}Income from refit: {GREEN}{CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_REFIT_SELECT_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Select the vehicles to refit. Dragging with the mouse allows to select multiple vehicles. Clicking on an empty space will select the whole vehicle. Ctrl+Click will select a vehicle and the following chain
STR_REFIT_SELECT_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Select the vehicles to refit. Click+Drag to select multiple vehicles. Click on an empty space to select the whole vehicle. Ctrl+Click to select a vehicle and the following chain

STR_REFIT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Select type of cargo for train to carry
@@ -4427,7 +4427,7 @@ STR_ORDERS_CAPTION                      
STR_ORDERS_TIMETABLE_VIEW                                       :{BLACK}Timetable
STR_ORDERS_TIMETABLE_VIEW_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Switch to the timetable view

STR_ORDERS_LIST_TOOLTIP                                         :{BLACK}Order list - click on an order to highlight it. Ctrl+Click scrolls to the order's destination
STR_ORDERS_LIST_TOOLTIP                                         :{BLACK}Order list - click on an order to highlight it. Ctrl+Click to scroll to the order's destination
STR_ORDER_INDEX                                                 :{COMMA}:{NBSP}
STR_ORDER_TEXT                                                  :{STRING} {STRING} {STRING}

@@ -4497,20 +4497,20 @@ STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_VALUE_TOOLTIP     
STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_VALUE_CAPT                                :{WHITE}Enter value to compare against

STR_ORDERS_SKIP_BUTTON                                          :{BLACK}Skip
STR_ORDERS_SKIP_TOOLTIP                                         :{BLACK}Skip the current order, and start the next. Ctrl+Click skips to the selected order
STR_ORDERS_SKIP_TOOLTIP                                         :{BLACK}Skip the current order, and start the next. Ctrl+Click to skip to the selected order

STR_ORDERS_DELETE_BUTTON                                        :{BLACK}Delete
STR_ORDERS_DELETE_TOOLTIP                                       :{BLACK}Delete the highlighted order
STR_ORDERS_DELETE_ALL_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Delete all orders
STR_ORDERS_STOP_SHARING_BUTTON                                  :{BLACK}Stop sharing
STR_ORDERS_STOP_SHARING_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Stop sharing the order list. Ctrl+Click additionally deletes all orders for this vehicle
STR_ORDERS_STOP_SHARING_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Stop sharing the order list. Ctrl+Click to additionally delete all orders for this vehicle

STR_ORDERS_GO_TO_BUTTON                                         :{BLACK}Go To
STR_ORDER_GO_TO_NEAREST_DEPOT                                   :Go to nearest depot
STR_ORDER_GO_TO_NEAREST_HANGAR                                  :Go to nearest hangar
STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL                                           :Conditional order jump
STR_ORDER_SHARE                                                 :Share orders
STR_ORDERS_GO_TO_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Insert a new order before the highlighted order, or add to end of list. Ctrl makes station orders 'full load any cargo', waypoint orders 'non-stop' and depot orders 'service'. 'Share orders' or Ctrl lets this vehicle share orders with the selected vehicle. Clicking a vehicle copies the orders from that vehicle. A depot order disables automatic servicing of the vehicle
STR_ORDERS_GO_TO_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Insert a new order before the highlighted order, or add to end of list. Ctrl+Click on a station for 'full load any cargo', on a waypoint for 'non-stop', or on a depot for 'service'. Click on another vehicle to copy its orders or Ctrl+Click to share orders. A depot order disables automatic servicing of the vehicle

STR_ORDERS_VEH_WITH_SHARED_ORDERS_LIST_TOOLTIP                  :{BLACK}Show all vehicles that share this schedule

@@ -4616,24 +4616,24 @@ STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_START_AT_DATE      
STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_START_IN_SECONDS                           :{BLACK}This timetable will start in {COMMA} seconds

STR_TIMETABLE_START                                             :{BLACK}Start Timetable
STR_TIMETABLE_START_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Select when this timetable starts. Ctrl+Click evenly distributes the start of all vehicles sharing this order based on their relative order, if the order is completely timetabled
STR_TIMETABLE_START_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Select when this timetable starts. Ctrl+Click to evenly distribute the start of all vehicles sharing this order based on their relative order, if the order is completely timetabled

STR_TIMETABLE_START_SECONDS_QUERY                               :Seconds until timetable starts

STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_TIME                                       :{BLACK}Change Time
STR_TIMETABLE_WAIT_TIME_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Change the amount of time that the highlighted order should take. Ctrl+Click sets the time for all orders
STR_TIMETABLE_WAIT_TIME_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Change the amount of time that the highlighted order should take. Ctrl+Click to set the time for all orders

STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_TIME                                        :{BLACK}Clear Time
STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_TIME_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Clear the amount of time for the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click clears the time for all orders
STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_TIME_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Clear the amount of time for the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click to clear the time for all orders

STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_SPEED                                      :{BLACK}Change Speed Limit
STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_SPEED_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Change the maximum travel speed of the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click sets the speed for all orders
STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_SPEED_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Change the maximum travel speed of the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click to set the speed for all orders

STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_SPEED                                       :{BLACK}Clear Speed Limit
STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_SPEED_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Clear the maximum travel speed of the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click clears the speed for all orders
STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_SPEED_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Clear the maximum travel speed of the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click to clear the speed for all orders

STR_TIMETABLE_RESET_LATENESS                                    :{BLACK}Reset Late Counter
STR_TIMETABLE_RESET_LATENESS_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Reset the lateness counter, so the vehicle will be on time. Ctrl+Click will reset the entire group so the latest vehicle will be on time and all others will be early
STR_TIMETABLE_RESET_LATENESS_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Reset the lateness counter, so the vehicle will be on time. Ctrl+Click to reset the entire group so the latest vehicle will be on time and all others will be early

STR_TIMETABLE_AUTOFILL                                          :{BLACK}Autofill
STR_TIMETABLE_AUTOFILL_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Fill the timetable automatically with the values from the next journey. Ctrl+Click to try to keep waiting times
Show inline comments
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ STR_TOOLTIP_RESIZE                      
STR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_LARGE_SMALL_WINDOW                           :{BLACK}Toggle large/small window size
STR_TOOLTIP_VSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST                            :{BLACK}Scroll bar - scrolls list up/down
STR_TOOLTIP_HSCROLL_BAR_SCROLLS_LIST                            :{BLACK}Scroll bar - scrolls list left/right
STR_TOOLTIP_DEMOLISH_BUILDINGS_ETC                              :{BLACK}Demolish buildings etc. on a square of land. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_TOOLTIP_DEMOLISH_BUILDINGS_ETC                              :{BLACK}Demolish buildings etc. on a square of land. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

# Show engines button
@@ -370,32 +370,32 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_PAUSE_GAME          
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FORWARD                                     :{BLACK}Fast forward the game
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS                                     :{BLACK}Options and settings
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_GAME_ABANDON_GAME                      :{BLACK}Save, load or abandon game, exit program
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Display map, extra viewport, cargo flow or list of signs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_TOWN_DIRECTORY                      :{BLACK}Display town directory
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES                           :{BLACK}Display subsidies
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS            :{BLACK}Display list of company's stations
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES                    :{BLACK}Display company finances information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL                     :{BLACK}Display general company information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK                          :{BLACK}Display story book
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST                          :{BLACK}Display goal list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Display company graphs and cargo payment rates
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE                      :{BLACK}Display company league table
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Examine industries or fund construction of a new industry
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_TRAINS              :{BLACK}Display list of company's trains. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}Display list of company's road vehicles. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}Display list of company's ships. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}Display list of company's aircraft. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN                            :{BLACK}Zoom the view in
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT                           :{BLACK}Zoom the view out
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                        :{BLACK}Build railroad track
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}Build roads
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAYS                              :{BLACK}Build streetcar lines
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS                            :{BLACK}Build ship docks
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Open map, extra viewport, cargo flow or list of signs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_TOWN_DIRECTORY                      :{BLACK}Open town directory or found town
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES                           :{BLACK}Open subsidy list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS            :{BLACK}Open list of company's stations
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES                    :{BLACK}Open company finances information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL                     :{BLACK}Open general company information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK                          :{BLACK}Open story book
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST                          :{BLACK}Open goal list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Open company graphs and cargo payment rates
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE                      :{BLACK}Open company league table
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Open industry directory, industry chain, or fund construction of a new industry
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_TRAINS              :{BLACK}Open list of company's trains. Ctrl+Click to show or hide vehicle groups, opposite of the chosen setting
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}Open list of company's road vehicles. Ctrl+Click to show or hide vehicle groups, opposite of the chosen setting
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}Open list of company's ships. Ctrl+Click to show or hide vehicle groups, opposite of the chosen setting
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}Open list of company's aircraft. Ctrl+Click to show or hide vehicle groups, opposite of the chosen setting
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN                            :{BLACK}Zoom in
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT                           :{BLACK}Zoom out
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                        :{BLACK}Build railroad infrastructure
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}Build road infrastructure
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAYS                              :{BLACK}Build streetcar infrastructure
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS                            :{BLACK}Build waterway infrastructure
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AIRPORTS                              :{BLACK}Build airports
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LANDSCAPING                                 :{BLACK}Open the landscaping toolbar to raise/lower land, plant trees, etc.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_SOUND_MUSIC_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Show sound/music window
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Show last message/news report, messages history or delete all messages
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Land area information, screenshot, about OpenTTD and developer tools
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LANDSCAPING                                 :{BLACK}Open landscaping menu, tree menu, or place a sign
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_SOUND_MUSIC_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Open sound/music window
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Open last message/news report, messages history or delete all messages
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Open land information, screenshot menu, OpenTTD credits, or developer tools
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SWITCH_TOOLBAR                              :{BLACK}Switch toolbars

# Extra tooltips for the scenario editor toolbar
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SET_DATE                           :{BLACK}Click to enter the starting year
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_LANDSCAPE_GENERATION                       :{BLACK}Landscape generation
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOWN_GENERATION                            :{BLACK}Town generation
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_INDUSTRY_GENERATION                        :{BLACK}Industry generation
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Road construction
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Streetcar line construction
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLANT_TREES                                :{BLACK}Plant trees. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP_TOWN_DIRECTORY         :{BLACK}Open map, extra viewport, sign list, or town or industry directory
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_LANDSCAPE_GENERATION                       :{BLACK}Open landscaping menu or generate a new world
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOWN_GENERATION                            :{BLACK}Build or generate towns
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_INDUSTRY_GENERATION                        :{BLACK}Build or generate industries
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Build road infrastructure
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Build streetcar infrastructure
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLANT_TREES                                :{BLACK}Plant trees. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_SIGN                                 :{BLACK}Place sign
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_OBJECT                               :{BLACK}Place object. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_OBJECT                               :{BLACK}Place object. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

# Scenario editor file menu
###length 7
@@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ STR_GAME_OPTIONS_VIDEO_VSYNC_TOOLTIP    
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_VIDEO_DRIVER_INFO                              :{BLACK}Current driver: {STRING}

STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_FRAME                                :{BLACK}Interface size
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Drag slider to set interface size. Hold Ctrl for continuous adjustment
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Drag slider to set interface size. Ctrl+Drag for continuous adjustment
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_AUTO                                 :{BLACK}Auto-detect size
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_AUTO_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Check this box to detect interface size automatically

@@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FORBID_90_DEG                                :Forbid trains from making 90° turns: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FORBID_90_DEG_HELPTEXT                       :90 degree turns occur when a horizontal track is directly followed by a vertical track piece on the adjacent tile, thus making the train turn by 90 degrees when traversing the tile edge instead of the usual 45 degrees for other track combinations.

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTANT_JOIN_STATIONS                        :Allow joining stations not directly adjacent: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTANT_JOIN_STATIONS_HELPTEXT               :Allow adding parts to a station without directly touching the existing parts. Needs Ctrl+Click while placing the new parts
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTANT_JOIN_STATIONS_HELPTEXT               :Allow adding parts to a station without directly touching the existing parts, by Ctrl+Clicking while placing the new parts

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFLATION                                    :Inflation: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFLATION_HELPTEXT                           :Enable inflation in the economy, where costs are slightly faster rising than payments
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SEMAPHORE_BUILD_BEFORE_DATE_HELPTEXT         :Set the year when electric signals will be used for tracks. Before this year, non-electric signals will be used (which have the exact same function, but different looks)

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_TYPES                           :Cycle through signal types: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_TYPES_HELPTEXT                  :Select which signal types to cycle through when Ctrl+clicking on a built signal with the signal tool
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_TYPES_HELPTEXT                  :Select which signal types to cycle through when Ctrl+Clicking on a built signal with the signal tool
###length 2
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_PBS                             :Path signals only
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CYCLE_SIGNAL_ALL                             :All visible
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_SUB_TROPICAL_LANDSCAPE                        :{BLACK}Select 'sub-tropical' landscape style
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE                             :{BLACK}Select 'toyland' landscape style

STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAME_OPTIONS                                  :{BLACK}Display game options
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HIGHSCORE                                     :{BLACK}Display highscore table
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAME_OPTIONS                                  :{BLACK}Open game options
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HIGHSCORE                                     :{BLACK}Open highscore table
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HELP                                          :{BLACK}Get access to documentation and online resources
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_CONFIG_SETTINGS_TREE                          :{BLACK}Display settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_NEWGRF_SETTINGS                               :{BLACK}Display NewGRF settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_CONFIG_SETTINGS_TREE                          :{BLACK}Open settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_NEWGRF_SETTINGS                               :{BLACK}Open NewGRF settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_ONLINE_CONTENT                                :{BLACK}Check for new and updated content to download
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_AI_SETTINGS                                   :{BLACK}Display AI settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAMESCRIPT_SETTINGS                           :{BLACK}Display Game script settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_AI_SETTINGS                                   :{BLACK}Open AI settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAMESCRIPT_SETTINGS                           :{BLACK}Open Game script settings
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_QUIT                                          :{BLACK}Quit 'OpenTTD'

STR_INTRO_BASESET                                               :{BLACK}The currently selected base graphics set is missing {NUM} sprite{P "" s}. Please check for updates for the baseset.
@@ -2212,8 +2212,8 @@ STR_LIVERY_TRAIN_GROUP_TOOLTIP          
STR_LIVERY_ROAD_VEHICLE_GROUP_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Show colors of road vehicle groups
STR_LIVERY_SHIP_GROUP_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Show colors of ship groups
STR_LIVERY_AIRCRAFT_GROUP_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Show colors of aircraft groups
STR_LIVERY_PRIMARY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Choose the primary color for the selected scheme. Ctrl+Click will set this color for every scheme
STR_LIVERY_SECONDARY_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Choose the secondary color for the selected scheme. Ctrl+Click will set this color for every scheme
STR_LIVERY_PRIMARY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Choose the primary color for the selected scheme. Ctrl+Click to set this color for every scheme
STR_LIVERY_SECONDARY_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Choose the secondary color for the selected scheme. Ctrl+Click to set this color for every scheme
STR_LIVERY_PANEL_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Select a color scheme to change, or multiple schemes with Ctrl+Click. Click on the box to toggle use of the scheme
STR_LIVERY_TRAIN_GROUP_EMPTY                                    :No train groups are set up
STR_LIVERY_ROAD_VEHICLE_GROUP_EMPTY                             :No road vehicle groups are set up
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_MONORAIL_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                  :Monorail Construction
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_MAGLEV_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                    :Maglev Construction

STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                   :{BLACK}Build railroad track. Ctrl toggles build/remove for railroad construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTORAIL                         :{BLACK}Build railroad track using the Autorail mode. Ctrl toggles build/remove for railroad construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT_FOR_BUILDING         :{BLACK}Build train depot (for buying and maintaining trains). Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL_TO_WAYPOINT               :{BLACK}Build waypoint on railway. Ctrl enables joining waypoints. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION                 :{BLACK}Build railroad station. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_SIGNALS                 :{BLACK}Build signal on railway. Ctrl toggles semaphore/light signals{}Dragging builds signals along a straight stretch of rail. Ctrl builds signals up to the next junction or signal{}Ctrl+Click toggles opening the signal selection window. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_BRIDGE                  :{BLACK}Build railroad bridge. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TUNNEL                  :{BLACK}Build railroad tunnel. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR                :{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for railroad track, signals, waypoints and stations. Hold Ctrl to also remove the rail of waypoints and stations
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of rail. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                   :{BLACK}Build railroad track. Ctrl+Click to remove railroad track. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTORAIL                         :{BLACK}Build railroad track using the Autorail mode. Ctrl+Click to remove railroad track. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT_FOR_BUILDING         :{BLACK}Build train depot (for buying and maintaining trains). Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL_TO_WAYPOINT               :{BLACK}Build waypoint on railroad. Ctrl+Click to select another waypoint to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION                 :{BLACK}Build railroad station. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_SIGNALS                 :{BLACK}Build signal on railroad. Ctrl+Click to build the alternate signal style{}Click+Drag to fill the selected section of rail with signals at the chosen spacing. Ctrl+Click+Drag to fill signals up to the next junction, station, or signal. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_BRIDGE                  :{BLACK}Build railroad bridge. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TUNNEL                  :{BLACK}Build railroad tunnel. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR                :{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for railroad track, signals, waypoints and stations. Ctrl+Click to also remove the rail of waypoints and stations
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of rail. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_RAIL_NAME_RAILROAD                                          :Railroad
STR_RAIL_NAME_ELRAIL                                            :Electrified railroad
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_COMBO_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Combo Signal (electric){}The combo signal simply acts as both an entry and exit signal. This allows you to build large "trees" of pre-signals
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_PBS_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Path Signal (electric){}A path signal allows more than one train to enter a signal block at the same time, if the train can reserve a path to a safe stopping point. Standard path signals can be passed from the back side
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_PBS_OWAY_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}One-way Path Signal (electric){}A path signal allows more than one train to enter a signal block at the same time, if the train can reserve a path to a safe stopping point. One-way path signals can't be passed from the back side
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_CONVERT_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Signal Convert{}When selected, clicking an existing signal will convert it to the selected signal type and variant. Ctrl+Click will toggle the existing variant. Shift+Click shows estimated conversion cost
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_CONVERT_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Signal Convert{}Click an existing signal to convert it to the selected signal type and variant. Ctrl+Click to toggle the existing variant. Shift+Click shows estimated conversion cost
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY_TOOLTIP                   :{BLACK}Dragging signal distance
@@ -2811,25 +2811,25 @@ STR_BRIDGE_TUBULAR_SILICON              
# Road construction toolbar
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                      :{WHITE}Road Construction
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                      :{WHITE}Streetcar Construction
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_SECTION                     :{BLACK}Build road section. Ctrl toggles build/remove for road construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_SECTION                  :{BLACK}Build streetcar track. Ctrl toggles build/remove for streetcar construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOROAD                         :{BLACK}Build road section using the Autoroad mode. Ctrl toggles build/remove for road construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOTRAM                         :{BLACK}Build streetcar track using the Autostreet mode. Ctrl toggles build/remove for streetcar construction. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build road vehicle depot (for buying and maintaining vehicles). Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAM_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build tram vehicle depot (for buying and servicing vehicles). Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_BUS_STATION                      :{BLACK}Build bus station. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_PASSENGER_TRAM_STATION           :{BLACK}Build passenger streetcar station. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY                :{BLACK}Build truck station. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_CARGO_TRAM_STATION               :{BLACK}Build freight streetcar station. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_SECTION                     :{BLACK}Build road section. Ctrl+Click to remove road section. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_SECTION                  :{BLACK}Build streetcar section. Ctrl+Click to remove streetcar section. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOROAD                         :{BLACK}Build road section using the Autoroad mode. Ctrl+Click to remove road section. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOTRAM                         :{BLACK}Build streetcar section using the Autorail mode. Ctrl+Click to remove streetcar section. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build road vehicle depot (for buying and maintaining vehicles). Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAM_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build streetcar vehicle depot (for buying and maintaining vehicles). Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_BUS_STATION                      :{BLACK}Build bus station. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_PASSENGER_TRAM_STATION           :{BLACK}Build passenger streetcar station. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY                :{BLACK}Build truck station. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_CARGO_TRAM_STATION               :{BLACK}Build freight streetcar station. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_ONE_WAY_ROAD                    :{BLACK}Activate/Deactivate one way roads
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_BRIDGE                      :{BLACK}Build road bridge. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_BRIDGE                   :{BLACK}Build streetcar bridge. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_TUNNEL                      :{BLACK}Build road tunnel. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_TUNNEL                   :{BLACK}Build streetcar tunnel. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_BRIDGE                      :{BLACK}Build road bridge. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_BRIDGE                   :{BLACK}Build streetcar bridge. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_TUNNEL                      :{BLACK}Build road tunnel. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_TUNNEL                   :{BLACK}Build streetcar tunnel. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR_ROAD           :{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for road construction
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR_TRAMWAYS       :{BLACK}Toggle build/remove for streetcar track construction
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_ROAD                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of road. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TRAM                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of streetcar. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_ROAD                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of road. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TRAM                           :{BLACK}Convert/Upgrade the type of streetcar. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_ROAD_NAME_ROAD                                              :Road
STR_ROAD_NAME_TRAM                                              :Streetcar line
# Waterways toolbar (last two for SE only)
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CAPTION                                   :{WHITE}Waterways Construction
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CAPTION_SE                                :{WHITE}Waterways
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_CANALS_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Build canals. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_LOCKS_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Build locks. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Build ship depot (for buying and maintaining ships). Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_DOCK_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Build ship dock. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUOY_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Place a buoy which can be used as a waypoint. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_AQUEDUCT_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Build aqueduct. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_LAKE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Define water area.{}Make a canal. If Ctrl is held down at sea level, it will flood the surroundings instead
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_RIVER_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Place rivers. Ctrl selects the area diagonally
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_CANALS_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Build canals. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_LOCKS_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Build locks. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Build ship depot (for buying and maintaining ships). Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_DOCK_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Build ship dock. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUOY_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Place a buoy which can be used as a waypoint. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_AQUEDUCT_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Build aqueduct. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_LAKE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Build canal. Ctrl+Click at sea level to flood with sea water instead
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_RIVER_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Place rivers. Ctrl+Click to select diagonally

# Ship depot construction window
STR_DEPOT_BUILD_SHIP_CAPTION                                    :{WHITE}Ship Depot Orientation
@@ -2871,7 +2871,7 @@ STR_STATION_BUILD_DOCK_CAPTION          

# Airport toolbar
STR_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT_CAPTION                                    :{WHITE}Airports
STR_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT_BUILD_AIRPORT_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Build airport. Ctrl enables joining stations. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT_BUILD_AIRPORT_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Build airport. Ctrl+Click to select another station to join. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

# Airport construction window
STR_STATION_BUILD_AIRPORT_CAPTION                               :{WHITE}Airport Selection
@@ -2898,14 +2898,14 @@ STR_STATION_BUILD_NOISE                 

# Landscaping toolbar
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLBAR                                         :{WHITE}Landscaping
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_LOWER_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Lower a corner of land. Dragging lowers the first selected corner and levels the selected area to the new corner height. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_RAISE_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Raise a corner of land. Dragging raises the first selected corner and levels the selected area to the new corner height. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_LANDSCAPING_LEVEL_LAND_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Level an area of land to the height of the first selected corner. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_PURCHASE_LAND                           :{BLACK}Purchase land for future use. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_LOWER_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Lower a corner of land. Click+Drag to lower the first selected corner and level the selected area to the new corner height. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_RAISE_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Raise a corner of land. Click+Drag to raise the first selected corner and level the selected area to the new corner height. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_LANDSCAPING_LEVEL_LAND_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Level an area of land to the height of the first selected corner. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_PURCHASE_LAND                           :{BLACK}Purchase land for future use. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

# Object construction window
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}Object Selection
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Select object to build. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Select object to build. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_CLASS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Select class of the object to build
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_PREVIEW_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Preview of the object
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_SIZE                                           :{BLACK}Size: {GOLD}{NUM} x {NUM} tiles
@@ -2917,7 +2917,7 @@ STR_OBJECT_CLASS_TRNS                   
STR_PLANT_TREE_CAPTION                                          :{WHITE}Trees
STR_PLANT_TREE_TOOLTIP                                          :{BLACK}Select tree type to plant. If the tile already has a tree, this will add more trees of mixed types independent of the selected type
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE                                           :{BLACK}Trees of random type
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Place trees of random type. Ctrl selects the area diagonally. Shift toggles building/showing cost estimate
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Place trees of random type. Ctrl+Click+Drag to select the area diagonally. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TREES_BUTTON                                   :{BLACK}Random Trees
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TREES_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Plant trees randomly throughout the landscape
STR_TREES_MODE_NORMAL_BUTTON                                    :{BLACK}Normal
@@ -2930,7 +2930,7 @@ STR_TREES_MODE_FOREST_LG_TOOLTIP        
# Land generation window (SE)
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_PLACE_ROCKY_AREAS_ON_LANDSCAPE            :{BLACK}Place rocky areas on landscape
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_DEFINE_DESERT_AREA                        :{BLACK}Define desert area.{}Hold Ctrl to remove it
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_DEFINE_DESERT_AREA                        :{BLACK}Define desert area.{}Ctrl+Click to remove desert area
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_INCREASE_SIZE_OF_LAND_AREA                :{BLACK}Increase area of land to lower/raise
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_DECREASE_SIZE_OF_LAND_AREA                :{BLACK}Decrease area of land to lower/raise
STR_TERRAFORM_TOOLTIP_GENERATE_RANDOM_LAND                      :{BLACK}Generate random land
# Town generation window (SE)
STR_FOUND_TOWN_CAPTION                                          :{WHITE}Town Generation
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_BUTTON                                  :{BLACK}New Town
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Found new town. Shift+Click shows only estimated cost
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Found new town. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Random Town
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Found town in random location
STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS                                :{BLACK}Many random towns

# Land area window
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_CAPTION                               :{WHITE}Land Area Information
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Center the main view on tile location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on tile location
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Center the main view on tile location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on tile location
STR_LAND_AREA_INFORMATION_COST_TO_CLEAR_N_A                     :{BLACK}Cost to clear: {LTBLUE}N/A
@@ -3257,11 +3257,11 @@ STR_MAPGEN_VARIETY                      
STR_MAPGEN_GENERATE                                             :{WHITE}Generate
STR_MAPGEN_GENERATE_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Create the world and play OpenTTD!
STR_MAPGEN_NEWGRF_SETTINGS                                      :{BLACK}NewGRF Settings
STR_MAPGEN_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Display NewGRF settings
STR_MAPGEN_NEWGRF_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Open NewGRF settings
STR_MAPGEN_AI_SETTINGS                                          :{BLACK}AI Settings
STR_MAPGEN_AI_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Display AI settings
STR_MAPGEN_AI_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Open AI settings
STR_MAPGEN_GS_SETTINGS                                          :{BLACK}Game Script Settings
STR_MAPGEN_GS_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Display game script settings
STR_MAPGEN_GS_SETTINGS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Open game script settings

###length 21
STR_MAPGEN_TOWN_NAME_ORIGINAL_ENGLISH                           :English (Original)
@@ -3537,7 +3537,7 @@ STR_SIGN_LIST_MATCH_CASE_TOOLTIP        

# Sign window
STR_EDIT_SIGN_CAPTION                                           :{WHITE}Edit sign text
STR_EDIT_SIGN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Center the main view on sign location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on sign location
STR_EDIT_SIGN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Center the main view on sign location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on sign location
STR_EDIT_SIGN_NEXT_SIGN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Go to next sign
STR_EDIT_SIGN_PREVIOUS_SIGN_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Go to previous sign

@@ -3548,7 +3548,7 @@ STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_CAPTION              
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_NONE                                         :{ORANGE}- None -
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_TOWN                                         :{ORANGE}{TOWN}{BLACK} ({COMMA})
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_CITY                                         :{ORANGE}{TOWN}{YELLOW} (City){BLACK} ({COMMA})
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_LIST_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Town names - click on name to center main view on town. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_DIRECTORY_LIST_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Town names - click on name to center main view on town. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_POPULATION                                             :{BLACK}World population: {COMMA}

# Town view window
@@ -3566,7 +3566,7 @@ STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_GROWS_EVERY          
STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_GROWS_EVERY_FUNDED                           :{BLACK}Town grows every {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}{NBSP}day{P "" s} (funded)
STR_TOWN_VIEW_TOWN_GROW_STOPPED                                 :{BLACK}Town is {RED}not{BLACK} growing
STR_TOWN_VIEW_NOISE_IN_TOWN                                     :{BLACK}Noise limit in town: {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK}  max: {ORANGE}{COMMA}
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Center the main view on town location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Center the main view on town location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on town location
STR_TOWN_VIEW_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_BUTTON                            :{BLACK}Local Authority
STR_TOWN_VIEW_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Show information on local authority
STR_TOWN_VIEW_RENAME_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Change town name
@@ -3621,7 +3621,7 @@ STR_GOALS_TEXT                          
STR_GOALS_NONE                                                  :{ORANGE}- None -
STR_GOALS_PROGRESS                                              :{ORANGE}{STRING}
STR_GOALS_PROGRESS_COMPLETE                                     :{GREEN}{STRING}
STR_GOALS_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                    :{BLACK}Click on goal to center main view on industry/town/tile. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry/town/tile location
STR_GOALS_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                    :{BLACK}Click on goal to center main view on industry/town/tile. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on industry/town/tile location

# Goal question window
STR_GOAL_QUESTION_CAPTION_QUESTION                              :{BLACK}Question
@@ -3657,7 +3657,7 @@ STR_SUBSIDIES_OFFERED_FROM_TO           
STR_SUBSIDIES_NONE                                              :{ORANGE}- None -
STR_SUBSIDIES_SUBSIDISED_TITLE                                  :{BLACK}Services already subsidized:
STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                :{BLACK}Click on service to center main view on industry/town. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry/town location
STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                :{BLACK}Click on service to center main view on industry/town. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on industry/town location

# Story book window
STR_STORY_BOOK_CAPTION                                          :{WHITE}{COMPANY} Story Book
@@ -3673,8 +3673,8 @@ STR_STORY_BOOK_NEXT_PAGE_TOOLTIP        
STR_STORY_BOOK_INVALID_GOAL_REF                                 :{RED}Invalid goal reference

# Station list window
STR_STATION_LIST_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Station names - click on name to center main view on station. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on station location
STR_STATION_LIST_USE_CTRL_TO_SELECT_MORE                        :{BLACK}Hold Ctrl to select more than one item
STR_STATION_LIST_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Station names - click on name to center main view on station. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on station location
STR_STATION_LIST_USE_CTRL_TO_SELECT_MORE                        :{BLACK}Ctrl+Click to select multiple items
STR_STATION_LIST_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}{COMPANY} - {COMMA} Station{P "" s}
STR_STATION_LIST_STATION                                        :{YELLOW}{STATION} {STATION_FEATURES}
STR_STATION_LIST_WAYPOINT                                       :{YELLOW}{WAYPOINT}
@@ -3733,7 +3733,7 @@ STR_CARGO_RATING_VERY_GOOD              
STR_CARGO_RATING_EXCELLENT                                      :Excellent
STR_CARGO_RATING_OUTSTANDING                                    :Outstanding

STR_STATION_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Center main view on station location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on station location
STR_STATION_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Center main view on station location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on station location
STR_STATION_VIEW_RENAME_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Change name of station

STR_STATION_VIEW_SCHEDULED_TRAINS_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Show all trains which have this station on their schedule

# Waypoint/buoy view window
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CAPTION                                       :{WHITE}{WAYPOINT}
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Center main view on waypoint location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on waypoint location
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Center main view on waypoint location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on waypoint location
STR_WAYPOINT_VIEW_CHANGE_WAYPOINT_NAME                          :{BLACK}Change waypoint name
STR_BUOY_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Center main view on buoy location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on buoy location
STR_BUOY_VIEW_CENTER_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Center main view on buoy location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on buoy location
STR_BUOY_VIEW_CHANGE_BUOY_NAME                                  :{BLACK}Change buoy name

STR_EDIT_WAYPOINT_NAME                                          :{WHITE}Edit waypoint name
@@ -3793,9 +3793,9 @@ STR_FINANCES_MAX_LOAN                   
STR_FINANCES_TOTAL_CURRENCY                                     :{BLACK}{CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_FINANCES_BANK_BALANCE                                       :{WHITE}{CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_FINANCES_BORROW_BUTTON                                      :{BLACK}Borrow {CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_FINANCES_BORROW_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Increase size of loan. Ctrl+Click borrows as much as possible
STR_FINANCES_BORROW_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Increase size of loan. Ctrl+Click to borrow as much as possible
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_BUTTON                                       :{BLACK}Repay {CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Repay part of loan. Ctrl+Click repays as much loan as possible
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Repay part of loan. Ctrl+Click to repay as much loan as possible
STR_FINANCES_INFRASTRUCTURE_BUTTON                              :{BLACK}Infrastructure

# Company view
@@ -3824,7 +3824,7 @@ STR_COMPANY_VIEW_BUILD_HQ_TOOLTIP       
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VIEW_HQ_BUTTON                                 :{BLACK}View HQ
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VIEW_HQ_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}View company headquarters
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_HQ                                    :{BLACK}Relocate HQ
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS                  :{BLACK}Rebuild company headquarters elsewhere for 1% cost of company value. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without relocating HQ
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS                  :{BLACK}Rebuild company headquarters elsewhere for 1% cost of company value. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_INFRASTRUCTURE_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}View detailed infrastructure counts
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_GIVE_MONEY_BUTTON                              :{BLACK}Give money
@@ -3870,7 +3870,7 @@ STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_ITEM_PROD1       
STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_LIST_CAPTION                             :{BLACK}Industry names - click on name to center main view on industry. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry location
STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_LIST_CAPTION                             :{BLACK}Industry names - click on name to center main view on industry. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on industry location
STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_FILTER_ALL_TYPES                         :All cargo types
@@ -3880,7 +3880,7 @@ STR_INDUSTRY_DIRECTORY_FILTER_NONE      
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_CAPTION                                       :{WHITE}{INDUSTRY}
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCTION_LAST_MONTH_TITLE                   :{BLACK}Production last month:
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_TRANSPORTED                                   :{YELLOW}{CARGO_LONG}{STRING}{BLACK} ({COMMA}% transported)
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Center the main view on industry location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on industry location
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Center the main view on industry location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on industry location
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_PRODUCTION_LEVEL                              :{BLACK}Production level: {YELLOW}{COMMA}%
STR_INDUSTRY_VIEW_INDUSTRY_ANNOUNCED_CLOSURE                    :{YELLOW}The industry has announced imminent closure!

@@ -4019,10 +4019,10 @@ STR_CARGO_TYPE_FILTER_FREIGHT           
STR_CARGO_TYPE_FILTER_NONE                                      :None

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Train vehicle selection list. Click on vehicle for information. Ctrl+Click to toggle hiding of the vehicle type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Road vehicle selection list. Click on vehicle for information. Ctrl+Click to toggle hiding of the vehicle type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Ship selection list. Click on ship for information. Ctrl+Click to toggle hiding of the ship type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Aircraft selection list. Click on aircraft for information. Ctrl+Click to toggle hiding of the aircraft type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Train vehicle selection list. Click on vehicle for information. Ctrl+Click to show/hide this vehicle type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Road vehicle selection list. Click on vehicle for information. Ctrl+Click to show/hide the vehicle type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Ship selection list. Click on ship for information. Ctrl+Click to show/hide the ship type
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Aircraft selection list. Click on aircraft for information. Ctrl+Click to show/hide of the aircraft type

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_VEHICLE_BUTTON                        :{BLACK}Buy Vehicle

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted train vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted road vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted ship. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted aircraft. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted train vehicle. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted road vehicle. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted ship. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Buy the highlighted aircraft. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted train vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP          :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted road vehicle. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                  :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted ship. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP              :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted aircraft. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted train vehicle. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP          :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted road vehicle. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                  :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted ship. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP              :{BLACK}Buy and refit the highlighted aircraft. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_RENAME_BUTTON                             :{BLACK}Rename
@@ -4096,7 +4096,7 @@ STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP_CHAIN         
STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP_CARGO                                 :{}{CARGO_LONG} ({CARGO_SHORT})

STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Trains - drag vehicle with left-click to add/remove from train, right-click for information. Hold Ctrl to make both functions apply to the following chain
STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Trains - drag vehicle with left-click to add/remove from train, right-click for information. Ctrl+Click to apply either function to the following chain
STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Vehicles - right-click on vehicle for information
STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Ships - right-click on ship for information
STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Aircraft - right-click on aircraft for information
@@ -4138,16 +4138,16 @@ STR_DEPOT_CLONE_SHIP                    
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT                                        :{BLACK}Clone Aircraft

STR_DEPOT_CLONE_TRAIN_DEPOT_INFO                                :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of a train including all cars. Click this button and then on a train inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT_INFO                         :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of a road vehicle. Click this button and then on a road vehicle inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_SHIP_DEPOT_INFO                                 :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of a ship. Click this button and then on a ship inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO_HANGAR_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of an aircraft. Click this button and then on an aircraft inside or outside the hangar. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_TRAIN_DEPOT_INFO                                :{BLACK}Buy a copy of a train including all cars. Click this button and then on a train inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click to share the orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT_INFO                         :{BLACK}Buy a copy of a road vehicle. Click this button and then on a road vehicle inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click to share the orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_SHIP_DEPOT_INFO                                 :{BLACK}Buy a copy of a ship. Click this button and then on a ship inside or outside the depot. Ctrl+Click to share the orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO_HANGAR_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Buy a copy of an aircraft. Click this button and then on an aircraft inside or outside the hangar. Ctrl+Click to share the orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Center main view on train depot location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on train depot location
STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Center main view on road vehicle depot location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on road depot location
STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Center main view on ship depot location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on ship depot location
STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Center main view on hangar location. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on hangar location
STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Center main view on train depot location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on train depot location
STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Center main view on road vehicle depot location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on road depot location
STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Center main view on ship depot location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on ship depot location
STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Center main view on hangar location. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on hangar location

STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_ORDER_LIST_TRAIN_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Get a list of all trains with the current depot in their orders
@@ -4248,27 +4248,27 @@ STR_REPLACE_REMOVE_WAGON_GROUP_HELP     
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}{VEHICLE}

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_CENTER_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Center main view on train's location. Double click will follow train in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on train's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_CENTER_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Center main view on vehicle's location. Double click will follow vehicle in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on vehicle's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_CENTER_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Center main view on ship's location. Double click will follow ship in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on ship's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_CENTER_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Center main view on aircraft's location. Double click will follow aircraft in main view. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on aircraft's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_CENTER_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Center main view on train's location. Double click to follow train in main view. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on train's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_CENTER_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Center main view on vehicle's location. Double click to follow vehicle in main view. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on vehicle's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_CENTER_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Center main view on ship's location. Double click to follow ship in main view. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on ship's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_CENTER_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Center main view on aircraft's location. Double click to follow aircraft in main view. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on aircraft's location

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Send train to depot. Ctrl+Click will only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP             :{BLACK}Send vehicle to depot. Ctrl+Click will only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Send ship to depot. Ctrl+Click will only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}Send aircraft to hangar. Ctrl+Click will only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Send train to depot. Ctrl+Click to only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP             :{BLACK}Send vehicle to depot. Ctrl+Click to only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                     :{BLACK}Send ship to depot. Ctrl+Click to only service
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}Send aircraft to hangar. Ctrl+Click to only service

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_TRAIN_INFO                               :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the train including all cars. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_INFO                        :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the road vehicle. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_SHIP_INFO                                :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the ship. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO                            :{BLACK}This will buy a copy of the aircraft. Ctrl+Click will share the orders. Shift+Click shows estimated cost without purchase
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_TRAIN_INFO                               :{BLACK}Buy a copy of the train including all cars. Ctrl+Click to share orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_INFO                        :{BLACK}Buy a copy of the road vehicle. Ctrl+Click to share orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_SHIP_INFO                                :{BLACK}Buy a copy of the ship. Ctrl+Click to share orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO                            :{BLACK}Buy a copy of the aircraft. Ctrl+Click to share orders. Also press Shift to show cost estimate only

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_IGNORE_SIGNAL_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Force train to proceed without waiting for signal to clear
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_REVERSE_TOOLTIP                          :{BLACK}Reverse direction of train
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_REVERSE_TOOLTIP                   :{BLACK}Force vehicle to turn around
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ORDER_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Center main view on order destination. Ctrl+Click opens a new viewport on the order destination's location
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ORDER_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Center main view on order destination. Ctrl+Click to open a new viewport on the order destination's location

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_REFIT_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Refit train to carry a different cargo type
@@ -4358,8 +4358,8 @@ STR_VEHICLE_INFO_FEEDER_CARGO_VALUE     

STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_SERVICING_INTERVAL_DAYS                     :{BLACK}Maintenance interval: {LTBLUE}{COMMA}{NBSP}days{BLACK}   Last maintenance: {LTBLUE}{DATE_LONG}
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_SERVICING_INTERVAL_PERCENT                  :{BLACK}Maintenance interval: {LTBLUE}{COMMA}%{BLACK}   Last maintenance: {LTBLUE}{DATE_LONG}
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP         :{BLACK}Increase maintenance interval by 10. Ctrl+Click increases maintenance interval by 5
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP         :{BLACK}Decrease maintenance interval by 10. Ctrl+Click decreases maintenance interval by 5
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_INCREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP         :{BLACK}Increase maintenance interval by 10. Ctrl+Click to increase maintenance interval by 5
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DECREASE_SERVICING_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP         :{BLACK}Decrease maintenance interval by 10. Ctrl+Click to decrease maintenance interval by 5

STR_SERVICE_INTERVAL_DROPDOWN_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Change servicing interval type
STR_VEHICLE_DETAILS_DEFAULT                                     :Default
@@ -4402,7 +4402,7 @@ STR_REFIT_NEW_CAPACITY_COST_OF_REFIT    
STR_REFIT_NEW_CAPACITY_INCOME_FROM_REFIT                        :{BLACK}New capacity: {GOLD}{CARGO_LONG}{}{BLACK}Income from refit: {GREEN}{CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_REFIT_SELECT_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Select the vehicles to refit. Dragging with the mouse allows to select multiple vehicles. Clicking on an empty space will select the whole vehicle. Ctrl+Click will select a vehicle and the following chain
STR_REFIT_SELECT_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Select the vehicles to refit. Click+Drag to select multiple vehicles. Click on an empty space to select the whole vehicle. Ctrl+Click to select a vehicle and the following chain

STR_REFIT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Select type of cargo for train to carry
@@ -4427,7 +4427,7 @@ STR_ORDERS_CAPTION                      
STR_ORDERS_TIMETABLE_VIEW                                       :{BLACK}Timetable
STR_ORDERS_TIMETABLE_VIEW_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Switch to the timetable view

STR_ORDERS_LIST_TOOLTIP                                         :{BLACK}Order list - click on an order to highlight it. Ctrl+Click scrolls to the order's destination
STR_ORDERS_LIST_TOOLTIP                                         :{BLACK}Order list - click on an order to highlight it. Ctrl+Click to scroll to the order's destination
STR_ORDER_INDEX                                                 :{COMMA}:{NBSP}
STR_ORDER_TEXT                                                  :{STRING} {STRING} {STRING}

@@ -4497,20 +4497,20 @@ STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_VALUE_TOOLTIP     
STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL_VALUE_CAPT                                :{WHITE}Enter value to compare against

STR_ORDERS_SKIP_BUTTON                                          :{BLACK}Skip
STR_ORDERS_SKIP_TOOLTIP                                         :{BLACK}Skip the current order, and start the next. Ctrl+Click skips to the selected order
STR_ORDERS_SKIP_TOOLTIP                                         :{BLACK}Skip the current order, and start the next. Ctrl+Click to skip to the selected order

STR_ORDERS_DELETE_BUTTON                                        :{BLACK}Delete
STR_ORDERS_DELETE_TOOLTIP                                       :{BLACK}Delete the highlighted order
STR_ORDERS_DELETE_ALL_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Delete all orders
STR_ORDERS_STOP_SHARING_BUTTON                                  :{BLACK}Stop sharing
STR_ORDERS_STOP_SHARING_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Stop sharing the order list. Ctrl+Click additionally deletes all orders for this vehicle
STR_ORDERS_STOP_SHARING_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Stop sharing the order list. Ctrl+Click to additionally delete all orders for this vehicle

STR_ORDERS_GO_TO_BUTTON                                         :{BLACK}Go To
STR_ORDER_GO_TO_NEAREST_DEPOT                                   :Go to nearest depot
STR_ORDER_GO_TO_NEAREST_HANGAR                                  :Go to nearest hangar
STR_ORDER_CONDITIONAL                                           :Conditional order jump
STR_ORDER_SHARE                                                 :Share orders
STR_ORDERS_GO_TO_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Insert a new order before the highlighted order, or add to end of list. Ctrl makes station orders 'full load any cargo', waypoint orders 'non-stop', and depot orders 'maintenance'. 'Share orders' or Ctrl lets this vehicle share orders with the selected vehicle. Clicking a vehicle copies the orders from that vehicle. A depot order disables automatic maintenance of the vehicle
STR_ORDERS_GO_TO_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Insert a new order before the highlighted order, or add to end of list. Ctrl+Click on a station for 'full load any cargo', on a waypoint for 'non-stop', or on a depot for 'service'. Click on another vehicle to copy its orders or Ctrl+Click to share orders. A depot order disables automatic servicing of the vehicle

STR_ORDERS_VEH_WITH_SHARED_ORDERS_LIST_TOOLTIP                  :{BLACK}Show all vehicles that share this schedule

@@ -4616,24 +4616,24 @@ STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_START_AT_DATE      
STR_TIMETABLE_STATUS_START_IN_SECONDS                           :{BLACK}This timetable will start in {COMMA} seconds

STR_TIMETABLE_START                                             :{BLACK}Start Timetable
STR_TIMETABLE_START_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Select when this timetable starts. Ctrl+Click evenly distributes the start of all vehicles sharing this order based on their relative order, if the order is completely timetabled
STR_TIMETABLE_START_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Select when this timetable starts. Ctrl+Click to evenly distribute the start of all vehicles sharing this order based on their relative order, if the order is completely timetabled

STR_TIMETABLE_START_SECONDS_QUERY                               :Seconds until timetable starts

STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_TIME                                       :{BLACK}Change Time
STR_TIMETABLE_WAIT_TIME_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Change the amount of time that the highlighted order should take. Ctrl+Click sets the time for all orders
STR_TIMETABLE_WAIT_TIME_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Change the amount of time that the highlighted order should take. Ctrl+Click to set the time for all orders

STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_TIME                                        :{BLACK}Clear Time
STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_TIME_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Clear the amount of time for the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click clears the time for all orders
STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_TIME_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Clear the amount of time for the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click to clear the time for all orders

STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_SPEED                                      :{BLACK}Change Speed Limit
STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_SPEED_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Change the maximum travel speed of the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click sets the speed for all orders
STR_TIMETABLE_CHANGE_SPEED_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Change the maximum travel speed of the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click to set the speed for all orders

STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_SPEED                                       :{BLACK}Clear Speed Limit
STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_SPEED_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Clear the maximum travel speed of the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click clears the speed for all orders
STR_TIMETABLE_CLEAR_SPEED_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Clear the maximum travel speed of the highlighted order. Ctrl+Click to clear the speed for all orders

STR_TIMETABLE_RESET_LATENESS                                    :{BLACK}Reset Late Counter
STR_TIMETABLE_RESET_LATENESS_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Reset the lateness counter, so the vehicle will be on time. Ctrl+Click will reset the entire group so the latest vehicle will be on time and all others will be early
STR_TIMETABLE_RESET_LATENESS_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Reset the lateness counter, so the vehicle will be on time. Ctrl+Click to reset the entire group so the latest vehicle will be on time and all others will be early

STR_TIMETABLE_AUTOFILL                                          :{BLACK}Autofill
STR_TIMETABLE_AUTOFILL_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Fill the timetable automatically with the values from the next journey. Ctrl+Click to try to keep waiting times
Show inline comments
@@ -2859,7 +2859,7 @@ STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Rakenna telakka (laivojen ostamista ja huoltamista varten). Shift vaihtaa rakennustilan ja kustannusarvion välillä
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_DOCK_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Rakenna satama. Ctrl liittää asemat. Shift vaihtaa rakennustilan ja kustannusarvion välillä
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUOY_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Sijoita poiju, jota voi käyttää reittipisteenä. Shift vaihtaa rakennustilan ja kustannusarvion välillä
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_BUILD_AQUEDUCT_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Rakenna akvedukti. Shift vaihtaa rakennustilan ja kustannusarvion välillä
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_LAKE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Määrittele vesialue.{}Tee kanava, paitsi jos Ctrl on painettuna merenpinnalla. Tällöin meri laajenee ympäristöön
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_LAKE_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Rakenna kanava. Merenpinnan tasolla Ctrl+napsautus täyttää alueen merivedellä kanavan rakentamisen sijaan.
STR_WATERWAYS_TOOLBAR_CREATE_RIVER_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Sijoita jokia. Ctrl valitsee alueen vinottain.

# Ship depot construction window
Show inline comments
@@ -905,6 +905,7 @@ STR_EXTRA_VIEW_MOVE_MAIN_TO_VIEW_TT     
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}Spillinnstillinger


STR_GAME_OPTIONS_SFX_VOLUME                                     :Lydeffekter


STR_GAME_OPTIONS_CURRENCY_UNITS_FRAME                           :{BLACK}Valutaenhet
@@ -987,6 +988,7 @@ STR_GAME_OPTIONS_VIDEO_VSYNC_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Merk av i denne boksen for å v-synkronisere skjermen. Endring av innstillinger krever omstart av spillet. Fungerer bare med maskinvareakselerasjon aktivert

STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_2X                                   :2x
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_3X                                   :3x
STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GUI_SCALE_4X                                   :4x


STR_GAME_OPTIONS_GRAPHICS                                       :{BLACK}Grafikk
@@ -1352,6 +1354,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_INFRASTRUCTURE_MAINTENANCE_HELPTEXT          :Når aktivert, medfører infrastruktur vedlikeholdskostnader. Kostnadene vokser over-proporsjonalt med nettverkets størrelse, og påvirker dermed større selskaper mer enn de små
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMPANY_STARTING_COLOUR                      :Startifarge for firmaet: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMPANY_STARTING_COLOUR_HELPTEXT             :Velg startfarge for firmaet

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_COMPANY_STARTING_COLOUR_SECONDARY            :Oppstarsselskapets sekundære farge:{STRING}

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEVER_EXPIRE_AIRPORTS                        :Flyplasser utgår aldri: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_NEVER_EXPIRE_AIRPORTS_HELPTEXT               :Aktivering av denne innstillingen gjør at hver type flyplass forblir tilgjengelig for alltid etter at sin introduksjon
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RIGHT_MOUSE_WND_CLOSE                        :Lukk vinduet med høyreklikk: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_RIGHT_MOUSE_WND_CLOSE_HELPTEXT               :Lukker et vindu ved å høyreklikke i det. Deaktiverer verktøytipset med høyreklikk!
###length 3

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DATE_FORMAT_IN_SAVE_NAMES                    :Bruk {STRING} datoformat i navn på lagrede spill.
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DATE_FORMAT_IN_SAVE_NAMES_HELPTEXT           :Datoformat i lagrede spills filnavn
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOADING_INDICATORS_HELPTEXT                  :Velg hvorvidt lasteindikatorer vises over kjøretøy som lastes eller losses

###length 3

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TIMETABLE_SHOW_ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE             :Vis ankomst og avgang i rutetabeller: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_TIMETABLE_SHOW_ARRIVAL_DEPARTURE_HELPTEXT    :Vise forventede ankomst- og avgangstider i rutetabeller
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CITY_SIZE_MULTIPLIER                         :Innledende bystørrelsesmultiplikator: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_CITY_SIZE_MULTIPLIER_HELPTEXT                :Gjennomsnittsstørrelse på (stor)byer i forhold til vanlige byer ved begynnelsen av spillet

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LINKGRAPH_RECALC_INTERVAL                    :Oppdater distribusjonsgraf hvert {STRING}

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_PAX                             :Distribusjonsmodus for passasjerer: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DISTRIBUTION_PAX_HELPTEXT                    :"symmetrisk" betyr at omtrent like mange passasjerer vil reise fra stasjon A til stasjon B som omvendt (fra B til A). "asymmetrisk" betyr at et vilkårlig antall passasjerer vil reise i begge retninger. "manuelt" betyr at det ikke vil forekomme automatisk distribusjon for passasjerene
@@ -1957,6 +1963,7 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LIMITATIONS          
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ACCIDENTS                                    :Katastrofer / Ulykker
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_GENWORLD                                     :Verdensgenerering
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENVIRONMENT                                  :Miljø
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENVIRONMENT_TIME                             :Tid
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ENVIRONMENT_TOWNS                            :Byer
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_INFRASTRUCTURE_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Vis detaljert infrastrukturtelling
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_GIVE_MONEY_BUTTON                              :{BLACK}Gi penger
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_GIVE_MONEY_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Gi penger til dette firmaet
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_HOSTILE_TAKEOVER_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Gjør en fiendtlig overtagelse av dette selskapet

STR_COMPANY_VIEW_NEW_FACE_BUTTON                                :{BLACK}Nytt ansikt
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_NEW_FACE_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Velg nytt ansikt på sjefen
@@ -3816,6 +3824,7 @@ STR_PURCHASE_INFO_AIRCRAFT_RANGE        
STR_PURCHASE_INFO_AIRCRAFT_TYPE                                 :{BLACK}Flytype: {GOLD}{STRING}

###length 3
STR_CARGO_TYPE_FILTER_ALL                                       :Alle cargo typer

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Liste over tog/vogner - klikk på tog/vogn for mer informasjon. Ctrl+klikk for å skjule/vise denne typen
Show inline comments
@@ -507,14 +507,14 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST                          :{BLACK}Список задач
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Графики компаний и оплаты грузоперевозок
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE                      :{BLACK}Рейтинги компаний
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Список существующих предприятий; создание новых
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_TRAINS              :{BLACK}Список поездов. Ctrl+щелчок переключает отображение по группам.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}Список автотранспорта. Ctrl+щелчок переключает отображение по группам.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}Список судов. Ctrl+щелчок переключает отображение по группам.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}Список авиатранспорта. Ctrl+щелчок переключает отображение по группам.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_TRAINS              :{BLACK}Списки поездов по компаниям. Ctrl+щелчок - показать/скрыть группы.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}Списки автомобильного транспорта по компаниям. Ctrl+щелчок - показать/скрыть группы.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}Списки судов по компаниям. Ctrl+щелчок - показать/скрыть группы.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}Списки воздушных судов по компаниям. Ctrl+щелчок - показать/скрыть группы.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN                            :{BLACK}Приблизить
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT                           :{BLACK}Отдалить
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                        :{BLACK}Строительство железных дорог
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}Строительство автомобильных дорог
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}Строительство автомобильной инфраструктуры
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAYS                              :{BLACK}Строительство трамвайных путей
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS                            :{BLACK}Строительство водных коммуникаций
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AIRPORTS                              :{BLACK}Строительство аэропортов
@@ -535,11 +535,11 @@ STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP_TOWN_DIRECTORY         :{BLACK}Показать карту; список городов
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_LANDSCAPE_GENERATION                       :{BLACK}Создание ландшафта
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOWN_GENERATION                            :{BLACK}Создание городов
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_INDUSTRY_GENERATION                        :{BLACK}Создание предприятий
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Строительство автомобильных дорог
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Строительство автомобильной инфраструктуры
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION                          :{BLACK}Строительство трамвайных путей
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLANT_TREES                                :{BLACK}Посадить деревья.{}При нажатом Ctrl - выбор диагональной области.{}При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости высадки.
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_SIGN                                 :{BLACK}Поставить метку
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_OBJECT                               :{BLACK}Разместить объект.{}При нажатом Ctrl - выбор диагональной области.{}При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_PLACE_OBJECT                               :{BLACK}Разместить объект. Ctrl+щелчок+перетаскивание - выбор диагональной области. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.

# Scenario editor file menu
###length 7
@@ -2298,7 +2298,7 @@ STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_SUB_ARCTIC_LANDSCAPE                          :{BLACK}Субарктический климат
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_SUB_TROPICAL_LANDSCAPE                        :{BLACK}Субтропический климат
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_TOYLAND_LANDSCAPE                             :{BLACK}Детский мир

STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAME_OPTIONS                                  :{BLACK}Изменить основные настройки игры
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAME_OPTIONS                                  :{BLACK}Открыть окно с основными настройками игры
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HIGHSCORE                                     :{BLACK}Показать таблицу рекордов
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HELP                                          :{BLACK}Ссылки на документацию и интернет-ресурсы
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_CONFIG_SETTINGS_TREE                          :{BLACK}Изменить расширенные настройки игры
@@ -2893,12 +2893,12 @@ STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                   :{BLACK}Строительство железной дороги. При нажатом Ctrl - удаление путей. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTORAIL                         :{BLACK}Строительство ж/д путей в автоматическом режиме. При нажатом Ctrl - удаление путей. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT_FOR_BUILDING         :{BLACK}Строительство депо (для приобретения и обслуживания поездов). При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL_TO_WAYPOINT               :{BLACK}Установка на рельсах маршрутных точек. Нажатие Ctrl позволяет объединять точки. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION                 :{BLACK}Строительство ж/д станций. Нажатие Ctrl позволяет объединять станции. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_SIGNALS                 :{BLACK}Установка сигналов на ж/д путях. Ctrl переключает семафоры/светофоры.{}Перетаскиванием можно строить сигналы на прямом участке пути. С нажатым Ctrl - строительство сигналов до ближайшего пересечения или сигнала.{}Ctrl+щелчок переключает открытие окна выбора сигналов. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_BRIDGE                  :{BLACK}Строительство ж/д мостов. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TUNNEL                  :{BLACK}Строительство ж/д туннелей. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR                :{BLACK}Переключение между строительством и удалением ж/д путей, сигналов, станций. При нажатом Ctrl убирает станции с рельсами.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL                           :{BLACK}Преобразовать/модернизировать рельсы. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости модернизации.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION                 :{BLACK}Строительство ж/д станций. Ctrl+щелчок - объединение новой станции с существующей. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_SIGNALS                 :{BLACK}Установка сигналов на ж/д путях. Ctrl переключает семафоры/светофоры.{}Перетаскиванием можно строить сигналы с заданным интервалом. Ctrl+перетаскивание - строительство сигналов до ближайшей стрелки, сигнала или станции. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_BRIDGE                  :{BLACK}Строительство железнодорожных мостов. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TUNNEL                  :{BLACK}Строительство железнодорожных туннелей. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_BUILD_REMOVE_FOR                :{BLACK}Переключение между строительством и удалением ж/д путей, сигналов, станций. При нажатом Ctrl убирает станции вместе с рельсами.
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL                           :{BLACK}Преобразовать/модернизировать железнодорожное полотно. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости модернизации.

STR_RAIL_NAME_RAILROAD                                          :Ж/д
STR_RAIL_NAME_RAILROAD.m                                        :Ж/д
@@ -2956,7 +2956,7 @@ STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_EXIT_TOOLTIP                          :{BLACK}Выходной светофор{}Работает как обычный светофор, но его состояние учитывается при работе входных и комбинированных сигналов.
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_COMBO_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Комбинированный светофор{}Работает одновременно как входной и выходной светофор. Это позволяет построить большую разветвлённую сеть.
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_PBS_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Маршрутный светофор{}Позволяет нескольким поездам находиться в одном сигнальном блоке, если каждый из них может зарезервировать безопасный путь. Допускает следование поездов в обе стороны.
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_ELECTRIC_PBS_OWAY_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Односторонний маршрутн. светофор{}Позволяет нескольким поездам находиться в одном сигнальном блоке, если каждый из них может зарезервировать безопасный путь. Не допускает следования поездов в обратную сторону.
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_CONVERT_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Изменение типа сигнала{}Когда кнопка нажата, щёлкните для преобразования существующего сигнала в сигнал выбранного типа и варианта, или щёлкните с нажатым Ctrl для перебора существующих вариантов. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости преобразования.
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_CONVERT_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Изменение типа сигнала{}Когда кнопка нажата, щелчок по существующему сигналу преобразует его в выбранный тип. Ctrl+щелчок - перебор существующих вариантов. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости преобразования.
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY_TOOLTIP                   :{BLACK}Расстояние между сигналами при протягивании
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY_DECREASE_TOOLTIP          :{BLACK}Уменьшить расстояние между сигналами при протягивании
STR_BUILD_SIGNAL_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY_INCREASE_TOOLTIP          :{BLACK}Увеличить расстояние между сигналами при протягивании
@@ -2983,15 +2983,15 @@ STR_BRIDGE_TUBULAR_SILICON                                      :Трубчатый кремниевый
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_ROAD_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                      :{WHITE}Автомобильные коммуникации
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TRAM_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                      :{WHITE}Трамвайные коммуникации
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_SECTION                     :{BLACK}Строительство автомобильных дорог. При нажатом Ctrl - удаление дороги. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_SECTION                  :{BLACK}Строительство трамвайных путей. При нажатом Ctrl - удаление путей. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOROAD                         :{BLACK}Строительство автодорог в автоматическом режиме. При нажатом Ctrl - удаление дороги. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_SECTION                  :{BLACK}Строительство трамвайных путей. При нажатом Ctrl - их удаление. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости работ.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOROAD                         :{BLACK}Строительство автомобильных дорог в автоматическом режиме. При нажатом Ctrl - удаление дороги. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости работ.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOTRAM                         :{BLACK}Строительство трамвайных путей в автоматическом режиме. При нажатом Ctrl - удаление путей. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Строительство гаражей (для приобретения и обслуживания автомобилей). При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAM_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Строительство трамвайных депо (для приобретения и обслуживания трамваев). При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_BUS_STATION                      :{BLACK}Строительство автобусных остановок. Нажатие Ctrl позволяет объединять станции. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_PASSENGER_TRAM_STATION           :{BLACK}Строительство трамвайных остановок. Нажатие Ctrl позволяет объединять станции. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY                :{BLACK}Строительство грузовых терминалов. Нажатие Ctrl позволяет объединять станции. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_CARGO_TRAM_STATION               :{BLACK}Строительство грузовых трамвайных станций. Нажатие Ctrl позволяет объединять станции. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_BUS_STATION                      :{BLACK}Строительство автобусных остановок. Ctrl+щелчок - объединение новой остановки с существующей. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_PASSENGER_TRAM_STATION           :{BLACK}Строительство трамвайных остановок. Ctrl+щелчок - объединение новой остановки с существующей. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY                :{BLACK}Строительство грузовых терминалов. Ctrl+щелчок - объединение нового терминала с существующим. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_CARGO_TRAM_STATION               :{BLACK}Строительство грузовых трамвайных станций. Ctrl+щелчок - объединение новой станции с существующей. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_TOGGLE_ONE_WAY_ROAD                    :{BLACK}Включить/отключить односторонние дороги
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_BRIDGE                      :{BLACK}Строительство автомобильных мостов. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_BRIDGE                   :{BLACK}Строительство трамвайных мостов. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
@@ -3042,7 +3042,7 @@ STR_STATION_BUILD_DOCK_CAPTION                                  :{WHITE}Пристань

# Airport toolbar
STR_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT_CAPTION                                    :{WHITE}Аэропорты
STR_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT_BUILD_AIRPORT_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Строительство аэропортов. Нажатие Ctrl позволяет объединять станции. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_TOOLBAR_AIRCRAFT_BUILD_AIRPORT_TOOLTIP                      :{BLACK}Строительство аэропортов. Ctrl+щелчок - объединение нового аэропорта с существующим. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости строительства.

# Airport construction window
STR_STATION_BUILD_AIRPORT_CAPTION                               :{WHITE}Выбор аэропорта
@@ -3073,14 +3073,14 @@ STR_STATION_BUILD_NOISE                                         :{BLACK}Производимый шум: {GOLD}{COMMA}

# Landscaping toolbar
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLBAR                                         :{WHITE}Ландшафт
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_LOWER_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Опустить угол земли. Перетаскивание опускает первый выбранный угол и выравнивает выбранную область до новой высоты угла.{}При нажатом Ctrl - выбор диагональной области.{}При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_RAISE_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Поднять угол земли. Перетаскивание поднимает первый выбранный угол и выравнивает выбранную область до новой высоты угла.{}При нажатом Ctrl - выбор диагональной области.{}При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_LANDSCAPING_LEVEL_LAND_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Выровнять землю до высоты первого выбранного угла.{}При нажатом Ctrl - выбор диагональной области.{}При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости выравнивания.
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_PURCHASE_LAND                           :{BLACK}Покупка земли.{}При нажатом Ctrl - выбор диагональной области.{}При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости покупки.
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_LOWER_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Опустить угол земли. Щелчок+перетаскивание опускает выбранный угол и прямоугольную область на новую глубину. Ctrl+щелчок+перетаскивание - выбор диагональной области. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости работ.
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_RAISE_A_CORNER_OF_LAND                  :{BLACK}Поднять угол земли. Щелчок+перетаскивание поднимает выбранный угол и прямоугольную область на новую высоту. Ctrl+щелчок+перетаскивание - выбор диагональной области. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости работ.
STR_LANDSCAPING_LEVEL_LAND_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Выровнять прямоугольный участок земли до высоты первого выбранного угла. Ctrl+щелчок+перетаскивание - выбор диагональной области. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости работ.
STR_LANDSCAPING_TOOLTIP_PURCHASE_LAND                           :{BLACK}Покупка земли для будущего использования. Ctrl+щелчок+перетаскивание - выбор диагональной области. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости покупки.

# Object construction window
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}Выбор объекта
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Выберите создаваемый объект.{}При нажатом Ctrl они размещаются в диагональной области.{}При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости постройки.
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_TOOLTIP                                        :{BLACK}Выберите создаваемый объект. Ctrl+щелчок+перетаскивание - выбор диагональной области. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости строительства.
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_CLASS_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Выберите класс объекта для строительства
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_PREVIEW_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Предварительный просмотр объекта
STR_OBJECT_BUILD_SIZE                                           :{BLACK}Размер: {GOLD}{NUM} × {NUM} клеток
@@ -3092,7 +3092,7 @@ STR_OBJECT_CLASS_TRNS                                           :Передатчики
STR_PLANT_TREE_CAPTION                                          :{WHITE}Деревья
STR_PLANT_TREE_TOOLTIP                                          :{BLACK}Выберите тип деревьев для посадки. Если на участке уже есть деревья, будут добавлены несколько деревьев различного типа, независимо от выбранного.
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE                                           :{BLACK}Деревья случайного типа
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Высадка деревьев случайного типа.{}При нажатом Ctrl - выбор диагональной области.{}При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости высадки.
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TYPE_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Высадка деревьев случайного типа. Ctrl+щелчок+перетаскивание - выбор диагональной области. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости высадки.
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TREES_BUTTON                                   :{BLACK}Расставить по карте
STR_TREES_RANDOM_TREES_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}Разместить деревья на местности случайным образом
STR_TREES_MODE_NORMAL_BUTTON                                    :{BLACK}Дерево
@@ -3796,7 +3796,7 @@ STR_GOALS_TEXT                          
STR_GOALS_NONE                                                  :{ORANGE}- Нет -
STR_GOALS_PROGRESS                                              :{ORANGE}{STRING}
STR_GOALS_PROGRESS_COMPLETE                                     :{GREEN}{STRING}
STR_GOALS_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                    :{BLACK}Щёлкните по задаче, чтобы показать предприятие/город/клетку. Ctrl+щелчок показывает в новом окне.
STR_GOALS_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                    :{BLACK}Щёлкните по задаче, чтобы показать предприятие/город/место. Ctrl+щелчок показывает в новом окне.

# Goal question window
STR_GOAL_QUESTION_CAPTION_QUESTION                              :{BLACK}Вопрос
@@ -3832,7 +3832,7 @@ STR_SUBSIDIES_OFFERED_FROM_TO                                   :{ORANGE}{STRING} по маршруту из {STRING} в {STRING}{YELLOW} (по {DATE_SHORT})
STR_SUBSIDIES_NONE                                              :{ORANGE}- Нет -
STR_SUBSIDIES_SUBSIDISED_TITLE                                  :{BLACK}Субсидируемые маршруты:
STR_SUBSIDIES_SUBSIDISED_FROM_TO                                :{ORANGE}{STRING} по маршруту из {STRING} в {STRING}{YELLOW} ({COMPANY}{YELLOW}, до {DATE_SHORT})
STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                :{BLACK}Нажмите на маршрут для отображения предприятия/города. Ctrl+щелчок показывает в дополнительном окне.
STR_SUBSIDIES_TOOLTIP_CLICK_ON_SERVICE_TO_CENTER                :{BLACK}Щелчок по маршруту покажет нужные предприятия/города. Ctrl+щелчок откроет их в дополнительных окнах.

# Story book window
STR_STORY_BOOK_CAPTION                                          :{WHITE}История компании «{COMPANY}»
@@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@ STR_FINANCES_BANK_BALANCE               
STR_FINANCES_BORROW_BUTTON                                      :{BLACK}Занять {CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_FINANCES_BORROW_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Взять деньги в кредит. Ctrl+щелчок - взять максимально возможную сумму.
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_BUTTON                                       :{BLACK}Отдать {CURRENCY_LONG}
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Вернуть часть кредита. Ctrl+щелчок - вернуть всё, по возможности.
STR_FINANCES_REPAY_TOOLTIP                                      :{BLACK}Вернуть часть кредита. Ctrl+щелчок - вернуть максимально возможную сумму.
STR_FINANCES_INFRASTRUCTURE_BUTTON                              :{BLACK}Инфраструктура

# Company view
@@ -3999,7 +3999,7 @@ STR_COMPANY_VIEW_BUILD_HQ_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Построить штаб-квартиру компании
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VIEW_HQ_BUTTON                                 :{BLACK}Осмотреть штаб
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_VIEW_HQ_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Осмотреть штаб-квартиру компании
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_HQ                                    :{BLACK}Переместить
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS                  :{BLACK}Переместить штаб-квартиру компании в другое место за 1% оценочной стоимости капитала компании. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости переноса.
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_RELOCATE_COMPANY_HEADQUARTERS                  :{BLACK}Переместить штаб-квартиру компании в другое место за 1% оценочной стоимости компании. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости переноса.
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_INFRASTRUCTURE_BUTTON                          :{BLACK}Подробности
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_INFRASTRUCTURE_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Посмотреть подробный состав инфраструктуры
STR_COMPANY_VIEW_GIVE_MONEY_BUTTON                              :{BLACK}Передать деньги
@@ -4194,10 +4194,10 @@ STR_CARGO_TYPE_FILTER_FREIGHT                                   :Груз
STR_CARGO_TYPE_FILTER_NONE                                      :Нет

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Список железнодорожного транспорта - щёлкните для получения информации. Ctrl+щелчок скроет/покажет ТС.
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Список автотранспорта - щёлкните для получения информации. Ctrl+щелчок скроет/покажет выбранный автомобиль.
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Список судов - щёлкните для получения информации. Ctrl+щелчок скроет/покажет выбранное судно.
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Список воздушных судов - щёлкните для получения информации. Ctrl+щелчок скроет/покажет ТС.
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Список доступных моделей железнодорожного транспорта. Выберите одну из них для получения информации. Ctrl+щелчок скроет/покажет выбранную модель.
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Список доступных моделей автотранспорта. Выберите одну из них для получения информации. Ctrl+щелчок скроет/покажет выбранную модель.
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                               :{BLACK}Список доступных моделей судов. Выберите одну из них для получения информации. Ctrl+щелчок скроет/покажет выбранную модель.
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Список доступных моделей воздушных судов. Выберите одну из них для получения информации. Ctrl+щелчок скроет/покажет выбранную модель.

@@ -4271,7 +4271,7 @@ STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP_CHAIN                                 :{BLACK}{NUM} единиц{P а "" ""}{STRING}
STR_DEPOT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP_CARGO                                 :{}{CARGO_LONG} ({CARGO_SHORT})

STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Поезда в депо. Изменяйте составы с помощью перетаскивания; нажмите ПКМ для получения информации.{}При нажатой Ctrl обе функции применяются от выбранного вагона до конца состава.
STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LIST_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Поезда в депо. Формируйте составы с помощью перетаскивания локомотивов и вагонов. Нажмите ПКМ для получения информации. При нажатой Ctrl обе функции работают от выбранного вагона до конца состава.
STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LIST_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Автомобили в гараже. Нажмите ПКМ для получения информации.
STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LIST_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Суда в доке. Нажмите ПКМ для получения информации.
STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LIST_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Воздушный транспорт в ангаре. Нажмите ПКМ для получения информации.
@@ -4316,7 +4316,7 @@ STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT                                        :{BLACK}Копировать
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_TRAIN_DEPOT_INFO                                :{BLACK}Создать копию состава. Нажмите на кнопку, а затем на поезд внутри или снаружи депо. Ctrl+щелчок создаст поезд с общим маршрутом. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости покупки.
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT_INFO                         :{BLACK}Создать копию автомобиля. Нажмите на кнопку, а затем на машину внутри или снаружи гаража. Ctrl+щелчок создаст автомобиль с общим маршрутом. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости покупки.
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_SHIP_DEPOT_INFO                                 :{BLACK}Создать копию судна. Нажмите на кнопку, а затем на судно внутри или снаружи дока. Ctrl+щелчок создаст судно с общим маршрутом. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости покупки.
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO_HANGAR_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Создать копию воздушного судна. Нажмите на кнопку, а потом на воздушное судно внутри или снаружи ангара. Ctrl+щелчок создаст копию с общим маршрутом. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости покупки.
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO_HANGAR_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Создать копию воздушного судна. Нажмите на кнопку, а потом на воздушное судно внутри или снаружи ангара. Ctrl+щелчок создаст копию с общим маршрутом. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости покупки.

STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}Показать депо в основном окне. Ctrl+щелчок - показать в дополнительном окне.
@@ -4435,7 +4435,7 @@ STR_REPLACE_REMOVE_WAGON_GROUP_HELP                             :{STRING}{}Ctrl+щелчок - применить также и к вложенным группам.
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CAPTION                                        :{WHITE}{VEHICLE}

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_CENTER_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Показать поезд в основном окне.{}Двойной щелчок - следить за ним в основном окне.{}Ctrl+щелчок - показать в дополнительном окне.
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_CENTER_TOOLTIP                           :{BLACK}Показать поезд в основном окне. Двойной щелчок - следить за ним в основном окне. Ctrl+щелчок - показать в дополнительном окне.
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_ROAD_VEHICLE_CENTER_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Показать автомобиль в основном окне.{}Двойной щелчок - следить за ним в основном окне.{}Ctrl+щелчок - показать в дополнительном окне.
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_SHIP_CENTER_TOOLTIP                            :{BLACK}Показать судно в основном окне.{}Двойной щелчок - следить за ним в основном окне.{}Ctrl+щелчок - показать в дополнительном окне.
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_CENTER_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Показать воздушное судно в основном окне.{}Двойной щелчок - следить за ним в основном окне.{}Ctrl+щелчок - показать в дополнительном окне.
@@ -4448,9 +4448,9 @@ STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_AIRCRAFT_SEND_TO_DEPOT_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}Отправить воздушное судно в ангар. Ctrl+щелчок - провести техническое обслуживание.

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_TRAIN_INFO                               :{BLACK}Создать копию состава. Ctrl+щелчок создаст поезд с общим маршрутом. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости покупки.
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_INFO                        :{BLACK}Создать копию автомобиля. Ctrl+щелчок создаст автомобиль с общим маршрутом. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости покупки.
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_ROAD_VEHICLE_INFO                        :{BLACK}Создать копию автомобиля. Ctrl+щелчок создаст автомобиль с общим маршрутом. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости покупки.
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_SHIP_INFO                                :{BLACK}Создать копию судна. Ctrl+щелчок создаст судно с общим маршрутом. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости покупки.
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO                            :{BLACK}Создать копию воздушного судна. Ctrl+щелчок создаст копию с общим маршрутом. Shift+щелчок - оценка стоимости покупки.
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO                            :{BLACK}Создать копию воздушного судна. Ctrl+щелчок создаст копию с общим маршрутом. При нажатом Shift - оценка стоимости покупки.

STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_IGNORE_SIGNAL_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}Заставить поезд проехать на красный сигнал светофора
STR_VEHICLE_VIEW_TRAIN_REVERSE_TOOLTIP                          :{BLACK}Развернуть поезд
Show inline comments
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}显示公司的汽车列表。按住 Ctrl 键单击可以切换组群和汽车列表。
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}显示公司的船只列表。按住 Ctrl 键单击可以切换组群和船只列表。
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}显示公司的飞机列表。按住 Ctrl 键单击可以切换组群和飞机列表。
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN                            :{BLACK}放大视图
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT                           :{BLACK}缩小视图
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT                           :{BLACK}缩小
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                        :{BLACK}显示铁路建设工具
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}建设道路
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAYS                              :{BLACK}建造电车轨道
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SET_DATE                           :{BLACK}点击输入开始年份
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOWN_GENERATION                            :{BLACK}生成城镇
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOWN_GENERATION                            :{BLACK}城镇生成
@@ -2151,7 +2151,7 @@ STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAME_OPTIONS                                  :{BLACK}显示游戏选项
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HIGHSCORE                                     :{BLACK}显示高分榜
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_HELP                                          :{BLACK}获取说明和在线资源
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_CONFIG_SETTINGS_TREE                          :{BLACK}显示设置
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_NEWGRF_SETTINGS                               :{BLACK}显示GRF设定
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_NEWGRF_SETTINGS                               :{BLACK}显示 NewGRF 设定
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_ONLINE_CONTENT                                :{BLACK}连接服务器并查找扩展包
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_AI_SETTINGS                                   :{BLACK}显示AI设置
STR_INTRO_TOOLTIP_GAMESCRIPT_SETTINGS                           :{BLACK}显示游戏脚本设置
@@ -2727,7 +2727,7 @@ STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_MONORAIL_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTION                  :单轨铁路建设

STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                   :{BLACK}建设轨道。按住 Ctrl 键切换建设/移除轨道。按住 Shift 键显示预计费用。
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTORAIL                         :{BLACK}使用多向路轨工具铺设轨道。按住 Ctrl 键切换建设/移除轨道。按住 Shift 键显示预计费用
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTORAIL                         :{BLACK}使用多向路轨工具铺设轨道。按住 <Ctrl> 键点选以移除轨道。按住 <Shift> 键点选以显示预计费用
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAIN_DEPOT_FOR_BUILDING         :{BLACK}建设列车车库(可以购买或维护列车)按住 Shift 键显示预计费用。
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_RAIL_TO_WAYPOINT               :{BLACK}建设铁路路点。按住 Ctrl 键允许合并路点。按住 Shift 键显示预计费用。
STR_RAIL_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_STATION                 :{BLACK}建设火车站。按住 Ctrl 键允许合并站台。按住 Shift 键显示预计费用。
@@ -2812,7 +2812,7 @@ STR_BRIDGE_TUBULAR_SILICON                                      :硅制函梁桥
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_SECTION                     :{BLACK}建设道路。按住 Ctrl 键切换建设/移除道路。
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_SECTION                  :{BLACK}建造电车轨道。按住 Ctrl 键切换建设/移除电车轨道
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAY_SECTION                  :{BLACK}建造电车轨道。按住 <Ctrl> 键以移除电车轨道。按住 <Shift> 键以显示建设成本
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOROAD                         :{BLACK}使用多向道路工具建设道路。按住 Ctrl 键切换建设/移除道路。
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOTRAM                         :{BLACK}使用多向轨道工具建设电车轨道。按住 Ctrl 键切换建设/移除电车轨道。
@@ -2820,7 +2820,7 @@ STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAM_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}建造电车车库(可以购买与维护车辆)
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_BUS_STATION                      :{BLACK}建设公共汽车站。按住 Ctrl 键允许合并站台
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY                :{BLACK}建设汽车货场。按住 Ctrl 键允许合并站台
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_CARGO_TRAM_STATION               :{BLACK}建设货运电车站。按住 <Ctrl> 键单击以合并站台。按住 <Shift> 键以显示预计费用。
@@ -2828,7 +2828,7 @@ STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_TUNNEL                      :{BLACK}建设公路隧道
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_ROAD                           :{BLACK}转换/升级 公路类型。按住 Shift 键显示预计费用
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_ROAD                           :{BLACK}转换或升级道路类型。按住 <Shift> 键单击以显示预计费用
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_CONVERT_TRAM                           :转换/升级 电车道类型。按住 Shift 键显示预计费用。

STR_ROAD_NAME_ROAD                                              :公路
@@ -4043,7 +4043,7 @@ STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}购买选定的船只,按住 Shift 键单击可以显示所需资金
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                    :{BLACK}购买选定的飞机,按住 Shift 键单击可以显示所需资金

STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}购买并改装选定的列车。按住 Shift 键单击可以显示所需资金
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_TRAIN_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                 :{BLACK}购买并改装选定的列车。按住 <Shift> 键单击可以显示所需资金
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_SHIP_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP                  :{BLACK}购买并改装选定的船只。按住 Shift 键单击可以显示所需资金
STR_BUY_VEHICLE_AIRCRAFT_BUY_REFIT_VEHICLE_TOOLTIP              :购买并改装选定的飞机,按住 Shift 键单击可以显示所需资金
@@ -4144,7 +4144,7 @@ STR_DEPOT_CLONE_SHIP_DEPOT_INFO                                 :{BLACK}复制船只。按此按钮后{}点击一个在船坞内或外面的船只即可。按住 Ctrl 键单击可以同时共享调度计划,按住 Shift 键单击可以显示所需资金
STR_DEPOT_CLONE_AIRCRAFT_INFO_HANGAR_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}复制飞机。按此按钮后{}点击一个在机库内或外面的飞机即可。按住 Ctrl 键单击可以同时共享调度计划,按住 Shift 键单击可以显示所需资金

STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}将屏幕中心移动到列车库所在的位置. 单击的同时按住Ctrl会在新视点中显示列车库位置
STR_DEPOT_TRAIN_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                :{BLACK}将屏幕中心移动到列车车库所在的位置。按住 <Ctrl> 单击会在新视点中显示列车车库位置。
STR_DEPOT_ROAD_VEHICLE_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}将屏幕中心移动到车库所在的位置. 单击的同时按住Ctrl会在新视点中显示车库位置
STR_DEPOT_SHIP_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}将屏幕中心移动到当前船坞的位置. 单击的同时按住Ctrl会在新视点中显示船坞位置
STR_DEPOT_AIRCRAFT_LOCATION_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}将屏幕中心移动到当前机库的位置. 单击的同时按住Ctrl会在新视点中显示机库位置
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