Changeset - r28275:8873154cda89
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SamuXarick - 12 months ago 2023-12-10 15:42:55
Fix: Prevent overflow when calculating max town noise (#11564)

Max town noise could overflow if the population was high enough. The value is now clamped.
1 file changed with 1 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ struct Town : TownPool::PoolItem<&_town_
		if (this->cache.population == 0) return 0; // no population? no noise

		/* 3 is added (the noise of the lowest airport), so the  user can at least build a small airfield. */
		return (this->cache.population / _settings_game.economy.town_noise_population[_settings_game.difficulty.town_council_tolerance]) + 3;
		return ClampTo<uint16_t>((this->cache.population / _settings_game.economy.town_noise_population[_settings_game.difficulty.town_council_tolerance]) + 3);

	void UpdateVirtCoord();
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