Changeset - r19733:8b1cf3a878b4
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alberth - 12 years ago 2012-11-10 20:43:40
(svn r24688) -Codechange: Add resolver classes for generics.
2 files changed with 76 insertions and 78 deletions:
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@@ -18,6 +18,42 @@
#include "water_map.h"
#include <list>

/** Scope resolver for generic objects and properties. */
struct GenericScopeResolver : public ScopeResolver {
	CargoID cargo_type;
	uint8 default_selection;
	uint8 src_industry;        ///< Source industry substitute type. 0xFF for "town", 0xFE for "unknown".
	uint8 dst_industry;        ///< Destination industry substitute type. 0xFF for "town", 0xFE for "unknown".
	uint8 distance;
	AIConstructionEvent event;
	uint8 count;
	uint8 station_size;

	GenericScopeResolver(ResolverObject *ro, bool ai_callback);

	/* virtual */ uint32 GetVariable(byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available) const;

	bool ai_callback; ///< Callback comes from the AI.


/** Resolver object for generic objects/properties. */
struct GenericResolverObject : public ResolverObject {
	GenericScopeResolver generic_scope;

	GenericResolverObject(bool ai_callback, CallbackID callback = CBID_NO_CALLBACK);

	/* virtual */ ScopeResolver *GetScope(VarSpriteGroupScope scope = VSG_SCOPE_SELF, byte relative = 0)
		switch (scope) {
			case VSG_SCOPE_SELF: return &this->generic_scope;
			default: return &this->default_scope; // XXX ResolverObject::GetScope(scope, relative);

	/* virtual */ const SpriteGroup *ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const;

struct GenericCallback {
	const GRFFile *file;
@@ -64,49 +100,24 @@ void AddGenericCallback(uint8 feature, c
	_gcl[feature].push_front(GenericCallback(file, group));


static uint32 GenericCallbackGetRandomBits(const ResolverObject *object)
	return 0;


static uint32 GenericCallbackGetTriggers(const ResolverObject *object)
	return 0;


static void GenericCallbackSetTriggers(const ResolverObject *object, int triggers)


static uint32 GenericCallbackGetVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available)
/* virtual */ uint32 GenericScopeResolver::GetVariable(byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available) const
	DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled generic feature variable 0x%02X", variable);

	*available = false;
	return UINT_MAX;

static uint32 GenericAiCallbackGetVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, uint32 parameter, bool *available)
	switch (variable) {
		case 0x40: return object->grffile->cargo_map[object->u.generic.cargo_type];
	if (this->ai_callback) {
		switch (variable) {
			case 0x40: return this->ro->grffile->cargo_map[this->cargo_type];

		case 0x80: return object->u.generic.cargo_type;
		case 0x81: return CargoSpec::Get(object->u.generic.cargo_type)->bitnum;
		case 0x82: return object->u.generic.default_selection;
		case 0x83: return object->u.generic.src_industry;
		case 0x84: return object->u.generic.dst_industry;
		case 0x85: return object->u.generic.distance;
		case 0x86: return object->u.generic.event;
		case 0x87: return object->u.generic.count;
		case 0x88: return object->u.generic.station_size;
			case 0x80: return this->cargo_type;
			case 0x81: return CargoSpec::Get(this->cargo_type)->bitnum;
			case 0x82: return this->default_selection;
			case 0x83: return this->src_industry;
			case 0x84: return this->dst_industry;
			case 0x85: return this->distance;
			case 0x86: return this->event;
			case 0x87: return this->count;
			case 0x88: return this->station_size;

		default: break;
			default: break;

	DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled generic feature variable 0x%02X", variable);
@@ -116,7 +127,7 @@ static uint32 GenericAiCallbackGetVariab


static const SpriteGroup *GenericCallbackResolveReal(const ResolverObject *object, const RealSpriteGroup *group)
/* virtual */ const SpriteGroup *GenericResolverObject::ResolveReal(const RealSpriteGroup *group) const
	if (group->num_loaded == 0) return NULL;

@@ -124,18 +135,21 @@ static const SpriteGroup *GenericCallbac


static inline void NewGenericResolver(ResolverObject *res, bool ai_callback)
GenericResolverObject::GenericResolverObject(bool ai_callback, CallbackID callback) : ResolverObject(NULL, callback), generic_scope(this, ai_callback)

GenericScopeResolver::GenericScopeResolver(ResolverObject *ro, bool ai_callback) : ScopeResolver(ro)
	res->GetRandomBits = &GenericCallbackGetRandomBits;
	res->GetTriggers   = &GenericCallbackGetTriggers;
	res->SetTriggers   = &GenericCallbackSetTriggers;
	res->GetVariable   = ai_callback ? &GenericAiCallbackGetVariable : &GenericCallbackGetVariable;
	res->ResolveRealMethod = &GenericCallbackResolveReal;

	res->callback        = CBID_NO_CALLBACK;
	res->callback_param1 = 0;
	res->callback_param2 = 0;
	this->cargo_type = 0;
	this->default_selection = 0;
	this->src_industry = 0;
	this->dst_industry = 0;
	this->distance = 0;
	this->event = (AIConstructionEvent)0;
	this->count = 0;
	this->station_size = 0;
	this->ai_callback = ai_callback;


@@ -192,9 +206,7 @@ static uint16 GetGenericCallbackResult(u
uint16 GetAiPurchaseCallbackResult(uint8 feature, CargoID cargo_type, uint8 default_selection, IndustryType src_industry, IndustryType dst_industry, uint8 distance, AIConstructionEvent event, uint8 count, uint8 station_size, const GRFFile **file)
	ResolverObject object;

	NewGenericResolver(&object, true);
	GenericResolverObject object(true, CBID_GENERIC_AI_PURCHASE_SELECTION);

	if (src_industry != IT_AI_UNKNOWN && src_industry != IT_AI_TOWN) {
		const IndustrySpec *is = GetIndustrySpec(src_industry);
@@ -208,15 +220,14 @@ uint16 GetAiPurchaseCallbackResult(uint8
		if (is->grf_prop.subst_id != INVALID_INDUSTRYTYPE) dst_industry = is->grf_prop.subst_id;

	object.u.generic.cargo_type        = cargo_type;
	object.u.generic.default_selection = default_selection;
	object.u.generic.src_industry      = src_industry;
	object.u.generic.dst_industry      = dst_industry;
	object.u.generic.distance          = distance;
	object.u.generic.event             = event;
	object.u.generic.count             = count;
	object.u.generic.station_size      = station_size;
	object.generic_scope.cargo_type        = cargo_type;
	object.generic_scope.default_selection = default_selection;
	object.generic_scope.src_industry      = src_industry;
	object.generic_scope.dst_industry      = dst_industry;
	object.generic_scope.distance          = distance;
	object.generic_scope.event             = event;
	object.generic_scope.count             = count;
	object.generic_scope.station_size      = station_size;

	uint16 callback = GetGenericCallbackResult(feature, &object, 0, 0, file);
	if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) callback = GB(callback, 0, 8);
@@ -236,11 +247,8 @@ void AmbientSoundEffectCallback(TileInde
	uint32 r; // Save for later
	if (!Chance16R(1, 200, r)) return;

	ResolverObject object;

	/* Prepare resolver object. */
	NewGenericResolver(&object, false);
	object.callback = CBID_SOUNDS_AMBIENT_EFFECT;
	GenericResolverObject object(false, CBID_SOUNDS_AMBIENT_EFFECT);

	uint32 param1_v7 = GetTileType(tile) << 28 | Clamp(TileHeight(tile), 0, 15) << 24 | GB(r, 16, 8) << 16 | GetTerrainType(tile);
	uint32 param1_v8 = GetTileType(tile) << 24 | GetTileZ(tile) << 16 | GB(r, 16, 8) << 8 | (HasTileWaterClass(tile) ? GetWaterClass(tile) : 0) << 3 | GetTerrainType(tile);
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@@ -363,16 +363,6 @@ struct ResolverObject {
			IndustryGfx gfx;
			IndustryType type;
		} industry;
		struct {
			CargoID cargo_type;
			uint8 default_selection;
			uint8 src_industry;            ///< Source industry substitute type. 0xFF for "town", 0xFE for "unknown".
			uint8 dst_industry;            ///< Destination industry substitute type. 0xFF for "town", 0xFE for "unknown".
			uint8 distance;
			AIConstructionEvent event;
			uint8 count;
			uint8 station_size;
		} generic;
	} u;

	uint32 (*GetRandomBits)(const struct ResolverObject*);
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