Changeset - r6835:9051f7024392
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belugas - 17 years ago 2007-06-09 02:05:51
(svn r10074) -Add: Addition of IndustryOverrideManager as well as the basic (and unfinished) support for callbacks for industries
8 files changed with 344 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -145,12 +145,13 @@ newgrf_callbacks.h
@@ -294,12 +295,13 @@ newgrf.cpp

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@@ -148,12 +148,81 @@ void HouseOverrideManager::SetEntitySpec

		overridden_hs->override = house_id;
		entity_overrides[i] = invalid_ID;

/** Method to find an entity ID and to mark it as reserved for the Industry to be included.
 * @param grf_local_id ID used by the grf file for pre-installation work (equivalent of TTDPatch's setid
 * @param grfid ID of the current grf file
 * @param substitute_id industry from which data has been copied
 * @return a free entity id (slotid) if ever one has been found, or Invalid_ID marker otherwise
uint16 IndustryOverrideManager::AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id)
	/* This entity hasn't been defined before, so give it an ID now. */
	for (uint16 id = 0; id < max_new_entities; id++) {
		/* Get the real live industry */
		const IndustrySpec *inds = GetIndustrySpec(id);

		/* This industry must be one that is not available(enabled), mostly because of climate.
		 * And it must not already be used by a grf (grffile == NULL).
		 * So reseve this slot here, as it is the chosen one */
		if (!inds->enabled && inds->grf_prop.grffile == NULL) {
			EntityIDMapping *map = &mapping_ID[id];

			if (map->entity_id == 0 && map->grfid == 0) {
				/* winning slot, mark it as been used */
				map->entity_id     = grf_local_id;
				map->grfid         = grfid;
				map->substitute_id = substitute_id;
				return id;

	return invalid_ID;

/** Method to install the new indistry data in its proper slot
 * The slot assigment is internal of this method, since it requires
 * checking what is available
 * @param inds Industryspec that comes from the grf decoding process
void IndustryOverrideManager::SetEntitySpec(const IndustrySpec *inds)
	/* First step : We need to find if this industry is already specified in the savegame data */
	IndustryType ind_id = this->GetID(inds->grf_prop.local_id, inds->grf_prop.grffile->grfid);

	if (ind_id == invalid_ID) { // not found?  So this is the introduction of a new industry
		/* Second step is dealing with the override. */
		if (inds->grf_prop.override != invalid_ID && _industry_specs[inds->grf_prop.override].grf_prop.override == invalid_ID) {
			/* this is an override, which means it will take the place of the industry it is
			 * designed to replace. Before we conclude that the override is allowed,
			* we first need to verify that the slot is not holding another override
			* If it's the case,it will be considered as a normal substitute */
			ind_id = inds->grf_prop.override;
		} else {
			/* It has already been overriden, so you've lost your place old boy.
			 * Or it is a simple substitute.
			 * In both case, we need to find a free available slot */
			ind_id = this->AddEntityID(inds->grf_prop.local_id, inds->grf_prop.grffile->grfid, inds->grf_prop.subst_id);

	if (ind_id == invalid_ID) {
		grfmsg(1, "Industry.SetEntitySpec: Too many industries allocated. Ignoring.");

	/* Now that we know we can use the given id, copy the spech to its final destination*/
	memcpy(&_industry_specs[ind_id], inds, sizeof(*inds));
	/* and mark it as usable*/
	_industry_specs[ind_id].enabled = true;

/** Function used by houses (and soon industries) to get information
 * on type of "terrain" the tile it is queries sits on.
 * @param tile TileIndex of the tile been queried
 * @return value corresponding to the grf expected format:
 *         Terrain type: 0 normal, 1 desert, 2 rainforest, 4 on or above snowline */
uint32 GetTerrainType(TileIndex tile)
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@@ -32,23 +32,23 @@ protected:

	uint16 max_offset;       ///< what is the length of the original entity's array of specs
	uint16 max_new_entities; ///< what is the amount of entities, old and new summed

	uint16 invalid_ID;       ///< ID used to dected invalid entities;

	virtual uint16 AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id);
	EntityIDMapping *mapping_ID; ///< mapping of ids from grf files.  Public out of convenience

	OverrideManagerBase(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid);
	virtual ~OverrideManagerBase();

	void ResetOverride();
	void ResetMapping();

	void Add(uint8 local_id, uint entity_type);
	virtual uint16 AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id);

	uint16 GetSubstituteID(byte entity_id);
	uint16 GetID(uint8 grf_local_id, uint32 grfid);

	inline uint16 GetMaxMapping() { return max_new_entities; };
	inline uint16 GetMaxOffset() { return max_offset; };
@@ -56,17 +56,30 @@ public:


struct HouseSpec;
class HouseOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase
	HouseOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) : OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {};
	HouseOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
			OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {};
	void SetEntitySpec(const HouseSpec *hs);


struct IndustrySpec;
class IndustryOverrideManager : public OverrideManagerBase
		IndustryOverrideManager(uint16 offset, uint16 maximum, uint16 invalid) :
				OverrideManagerBase(offset, maximum, invalid) {};

		virtual uint16 AddEntityID(byte grf_local_id, uint32 grfid, byte substitute_id);
		void SetEntitySpec(const IndustrySpec *inds);

extern HouseOverrideManager _house_mngr;
extern IndustryOverrideManager _industry_mngr;

uint32 GetTerrainType(TileIndex tile);
TileIndex GetNearbyTile(byte parameter, TileIndex tile);

#endif /* NEWGRF_COMMONS_H */
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new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

/** @file newgrf_industries.cpp */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "industry.h"
#include "newgrf.h"
#include "newgrf_callbacks.h"
#include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"
#include "newgrf_industries.h"
#include "newgrf_commons.h"

/* Since the industry IDs defined by the GRF file don't necessarily correlate
 * to those used by the game, the IDs used for overriding old industries must be
 * translated when the idustry spec is set. */

 * Finds the distance for the closest tile with water/land given a tile
 * @param tile  the tile to find the distance too
 * @param water whether to find water or land
 * @note FAILS when an industry should be seen as water
static uint GetClosestWaterDistance(TileIndex tile, bool water)
	TileIndex t;
	uint best_dist;
	for (t = 1; t < MapSize(); t++) {
		if (IsTileType(t, MP_WATER) == water) break;
	best_dist = DistanceManhattan(tile, t);

	for (; t < MapSize(); t++) {
		uint dist = DistanceManhattan(tile, t);
		if (dist < best_dist) {
			if (IsTileType(t, MP_WATER) == water) best_dist = dist;
		} else {
			/* When the Y distance between the current row and the 'source' tile
			 * is larger than the best distance, we've found the best distance */
			if (TileY(t) - TileY(tile) > best_dist) return best_dist;
			if (TileX(tile) > TileX(t)) {
				/* We can safely skip this many tiles; from here all tiles have a
				 * higher or equal distance than the best distance */
				t |= MapMaxX();
			} else {
				/* We can safely skip this many tiles; up to here all tiles have a
				 * higher or equal distance than the best distance */
				t += best_dist - dist;

	return best_dist;

/** This function implements the industries variables that newGRF defines.
 * @param variable that is queried
 * @param parameter unused
 * @param available will return false if ever the variable asked for does not exist
 * @param ind is of course the industry we are inquiring
 * @return the value stored in the corresponding variable*/
uint32 IndustryGetVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, byte parameter, bool *available)
	const Industry *industry = object->u.industry.ind;
	TileIndex tile   = object->u.industry.tile;
	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(industry->type);

	switch (variable) {
		case 0x40:
		case 0x41:
		case 0x42: { // waiting cargo, but only if those two callback flags are set
			uint16 callback = indspec->callback_flags;
				return max(industry->cargo_waiting[variable - 0x40], (uint16)0x7FFF);
			} else {
				return 0;
		/* TODO: somehow determine whether we're in water or not */
		case 0x43: return GetClosestWaterDistance(tile, true); // Manhattan distance of closes dry/water tile

		case 0x60: { /* Get industry ID at offset param */
			/*The parameter of this variable is an offset from the northernmost tile of the industry:
			 * the high nibble contains the Y offset, the low one the X offset; both are unsigned.
			 * The high word of the return value is currently reserved, and the low word can be:
			 * 00xxh if the tile is an industry tile and was defined in the current GRF with ID xx.
			 * FFxxh if the tile is an industry tile of an old type, and has the ID xx.
			 * FFFEh if the tile is an industry tile that was defined in another GRF file
			 * FFFFh if the tile isn't an industry tile, or doesn't belong to the current industry */
			return GetIndustry(GetNearbyTile(parameter, tile))->type;

		case 0x61: return 0; // Get random tile bits at offset param

		case 0x62: // Land info of nearby tiles
		case 0x63: // Animation stage of nerby tiles
		case 0x64: break; // Distance of nearest industry of given type
		/* Get town zone and Manhattan distance of closest town */
 		case 0x65: return GetTownRadiusGroup(industry->town, tile) << 16 | min(DistanceManhattan(tile, industry->town->xy), 0xFFFF);
		/* Get square of Euclidian distance of closes town */
		case 0x66: return GetTownRadiusGroup(industry->town, tile) << 16 | min(DistanceSquare(tile, industry->town->xy), 0xFFFF);

		/* Count of industry, distance of closest instance
		 * format is rr(reserved) cc(count)  dddd(manhattan distance of closest sister)
		 * A lot more should be done, since it has to check for local id, grf id etc...
		 * let's just say it is a beginning ;) */
		case 0x67: return GetIndustryTypeCount(industry->type) << 16 | 0;

		/* Industry founder information.
		 * 0x10 if randomly created or from a map pre-newindustry.
		 * Else, the company who funded it */
		case 0xA7: return 0x10;

		case 0xB0: // Date when built since 1920 (in days)
		case 0xB3: // Construction type
		case 0xB4: break; // Date last cargo accepted since 1920 (in days)

		/* Industry structure access*/
		case 0x80: return industry->xy;
		case 0x81: return GB(industry->xy, 8, 8);
		/* Pointer to the town the industry is associated with */
		case 0x82:
		case 0x83:
		case 0x84:
		case 0x85: break; // not supported
		case 0x86: return industry->width;
		case 0x87: return industry->height;// xy dimensions
		/*  */
		case 0x88:
		case 0x89: return indspec->produced_cargo[variable - 0x88];
		case 0x8A: return industry->cargo_waiting[0];
		case 0x8B: return GB(industry->cargo_waiting[0], 8, 8);
		case 0x8C: return industry->cargo_waiting[1];
		case 0x8D: return GB(industry->cargo_waiting[1], 8, 8);
		case 0x8E:
		case 0x8F: return industry->production_rate[variable - 0x8E];
		case 0x90:
		case 0x91:
		case 0x92: return indspec->accepts_cargo[variable - 0x90];
		case 0x93: return industry->prod_level;
		/* amount of cargo produced so far THIS month. */
		case 0x94: return industry->this_month_production[0];
		case 0x95: return GB(industry->this_month_production[0], 8, 8);
		case 0x96: return industry->this_month_production[1];
		case 0x97: return GB(industry->this_month_production[1], 8, 8);
		/* amount of cargo transported so far THIS month. */
		case 0x98: return industry->this_month_transported[0];
		case 0x99: return GB(industry->this_month_transported[0], 8, 8);
		case 0x9A: return industry->this_month_transported[1];
		case 0x9B: return GB(industry->this_month_transported[0], 8, 8);
		/* fraction of cargo transported LAST month. */
		case 0x9C:
		case 0x9D: return industry->last_month_pct_transported[variable - 0x9C];
		/* amount of cargo produced LAST month. */
		case 0x9E: return industry->last_month_production[0];
		case 0x9F: return GB(industry->last_month_production[0], 8, 8);
		case 0xA0: return industry->last_month_production[1];
		case 0xA1: return GB(industry->last_month_production[1], 8, 8);
		/* amount of cargo transported last month. */
		case 0xA2: return industry->last_month_transported[0];
		case 0xA3: return GB(industry->last_month_transported[0], 8, 8);
		case 0xA4: return industry->last_month_transported[1];
		case 0xA5: return GB(industry->last_month_transported[0], 8, 8);

		case 0xA6: return industry->type;

		case 0xA8: return industry->random_color;
		case 0xA9: return industry->last_prod_year; // capped?
		case 0xAA: return industry->counter;
		case 0xAB: return GB(industry->counter, 8, 8);
		case 0xAC: return industry->was_cargo_delivered;

	DEBUG(grf, 1, "Unhandled industry property 0x%X", variable);

	*available = false;
	return (uint32)-1;

static const SpriteGroup *IndustryResolveReal(const ResolverObject *object, const SpriteGroup *group)
	/* IndustryTile do not have 'real' groups */
	return NULL;

static void NewIndustryResolver(ResolverObject *res, IndustryType ind_id, TileIndex tile, Industry *indus)
	res->GetRandomBits = NULL;//IndustryTileGetRandomBits;
	res->GetTriggers   = NULL;//IndustryTileGetTriggers;
	res->SetTriggers   = NULL;//IndustryTileSetTriggers;
	res->GetVariable   = IndustryGetVariable;
	res->ResolveReal   = IndustryResolveReal;

	res->u.industry.tile = tile;
	res->u.industry.ind  = indus;

	res->callback        = 0;
	res->callback_param1 = 0;
	res->callback_param2 = 0;
	res->last_value      = 0;
	res->trigger         = 0;
	res->reseed          = 0;

uint16 GetIndustryCallback(uint16 callback, uint32 param1, uint32 param2, Industry *industry, TileIndex tile)
	ResolverObject object;
	const SpriteGroup *group;

	NewIndustryResolver(&object, industry->type, tile, industry);
	object.callback = callback;
	object.callback_param1 = param1;
	object.callback_param2 = param2;

	group = Resolve(GetIndustrySpec(industry->type)->grf_prop.spritegroup, &object);
	if (group == NULL || group->type != SGT_CALLBACK) return CALLBACK_FAILED;

	return group->g.callback.result;
Show inline comments
new file 100644
/* $Id$ */

/** @file newgrf_industries.h */


#include "industry.h"
#include "newgrf_spritegroup.h"

uint32 IndustryGetVariable(const ResolverObject *object, byte variable, byte parameter, bool *available);
uint16 GetIndustryCallback(uint16 callback, uint32 param1, uint32 param2, Industry *industry, TileIndex tile);

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@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
/** @file newgrf_spritegroup.h */


#include "town.h"
#include "industry.h"

struct SpriteGroup;


/* 'Real' sprite groups contain a list of other result or callback sprite
 * groups. */
@@ -194,12 +195,16 @@ struct ResolverObject {
		struct {
			TileIndex tile;
			Town *town;
			HouseID house_id;
		} house;
		struct {
			TileIndex tile;
			Industry *ind;
		} industry;
		struct {
			const struct CargoSpec *cs;
		} cargo;
	} u;

	uint32 (*GetRandomBits)(const struct ResolverObject*);
	uint32 (*GetTriggers)(const struct ResolverObject*);
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