Changeset - r20480:93a50078f0bb
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rubidium - 11 years ago 2013-06-28 18:09:07
(svn r25495) -Fix [FS#5553]: when addings bits to a (train) station, the train trying to stop there could overshoot the (new) stop location and not stop at all
1 file changed with 3 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -1591,2692 +1591,2689 @@ CommandCost CmdRemoveFromRailWaypoint(Ti

	return RemoveFromRailBaseStation(ta, affected_stations, flags, _price[PR_CLEAR_WAYPOINT_RAIL], HasBit(p2, 0));


 * Remove a rail station/waypoint
 * @param st The station/waypoint to remove the rail part from
 * @param flags operation to perform
 * @tparam T the type of station to remove
 * @return cost or failure of operation
template <class T>
CommandCost RemoveRailStation(T *st, DoCommandFlag flags)
	/* Current company owns the station? */
	if (_current_company != OWNER_WATER) {
		CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(st->owner);
		if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	/* determine width and height of platforms */
	TileArea ta = st->train_station;

	assert(ta.w != 0 && ta.h != 0);

	/* clear all areas of the station */
	TILE_AREA_LOOP(tile, ta) {
		/* only remove tiles that are actually train station tiles */
		if (!st->TileBelongsToRailStation(tile)) continue;

		CommandCost ret = EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile);
		if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

		if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
			/* read variables before the station tile is removed */
			Track track = GetRailStationTrack(tile);
			Owner owner = GetTileOwner(tile); // _current_company can be OWNER_WATER
			Train *v = NULL;
			if (HasStationReservation(tile)) {
				v = GetTrainForReservation(tile, track);
				if (v != NULL) FreeTrainTrackReservation(v);
			if (!IsStationTileBlocked(tile)) Company::Get(owner)->infrastructure.rail[GetRailType(tile)]--;
			DeleteNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_STATIONS, tile);
			AddTrackToSignalBuffer(tile, track, owner);
			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, track);
			if (v != NULL) TryPathReserve(v, true);

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		st->rect.AfterRemoveRect(st, st->train_station);


		st->facilities &= ~FACIL_TRAIN;

		st->num_specs = 0;
		st->speclist  = NULL;
		st->cached_anim_triggers = 0;

		SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_STATION_VIEW, st->index, WID_SV_TRAINS);

	return cost;

 * Remove a rail station
 * @param tile Tile of the station.
 * @param flags operation to perform
 * @return cost or failure of operation
static CommandCost RemoveRailStation(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
	/* if there is flooding, remove platforms tile by tile */
	if (_current_company == OWNER_WATER) {
		return DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_EXEC, CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_STATION);

	Station *st = Station::GetByTile(tile);
	CommandCost cost = RemoveRailStation(st, flags);

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) st->RecomputeIndustriesNear();

	return cost;

 * Remove a rail waypoint
 * @param tile Tile of the waypoint.
 * @param flags operation to perform
 * @return cost or failure of operation
static CommandCost RemoveRailWaypoint(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
	/* if there is flooding, remove waypoints tile by tile */
	if (_current_company == OWNER_WATER) {
		return DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_EXEC, CMD_REMOVE_FROM_RAIL_WAYPOINT);

	return RemoveRailStation(Waypoint::GetByTile(tile), flags);


 * @param truck_station Determines whether a stop is #ROADSTOP_BUS or #ROADSTOP_TRUCK
 * @param st The Station to do the whole procedure for
 * @return a pointer to where to link a new RoadStop*
static RoadStop **FindRoadStopSpot(bool truck_station, Station *st)
	RoadStop **primary_stop = (truck_station) ? &st->truck_stops : &st->bus_stops;

	if (*primary_stop == NULL) {
		/* we have no roadstop of the type yet, so write a "primary stop" */
		return primary_stop;
	} else {
		/* there are stops already, so append to the end of the list */
		RoadStop *stop = *primary_stop;
		while (stop->next != NULL) stop = stop->next;
		return &stop->next;

static CommandCost RemoveRoadStop(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags);

 * Find a nearby station that joins this road stop.
 * @param existing_stop an existing road stop we build over
 * @param station_to_join the station to join to
 * @param adjacent whether adjacent stations are allowed
 * @param ta the area of the newly build station
 * @param st 'return' pointer for the found station
 * @return command cost with the error or 'okay'
static CommandCost FindJoiningRoadStop(StationID existing_stop, StationID station_to_join, bool adjacent, TileArea ta, Station **st)
	return FindJoiningBaseStation<Station, STR_ERROR_MUST_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP_FIRST>(existing_stop, station_to_join, adjacent, ta, st);

 * Build a bus or truck stop.
 * @param tile Northernmost tile of the stop.
 * @param flags Operation to perform.
 * @param p1 bit 0..7: Width of the road stop.
 *           bit 8..15: Length of the road stop.
 * @param p2 bit 0: 0 For bus stops, 1 for truck stops.
 *           bit 1: 0 For normal stops, 1 for drive-through.
 *           bit 2..3: The roadtypes.
 *           bit 5: Allow stations directly adjacent to other stations.
 *           bit 6..7: Entrance direction (#DiagDirection).
 *           bit 16..31: Station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one).
 * @param text Unused.
 * @return The cost of this operation or an error.
CommandCost CmdBuildRoadStop(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
	bool type = HasBit(p2, 0);
	bool is_drive_through = HasBit(p2, 1);
	RoadTypes rts = Extract<RoadTypes, 2, 2>(p2);
	StationID station_to_join = GB(p2, 16, 16);
	bool reuse = (station_to_join != NEW_STATION);
	if (!reuse) station_to_join = INVALID_STATION;
	bool distant_join = (station_to_join != INVALID_STATION);

	uint8 width = (uint8)GB(p1, 0, 8);
	uint8 lenght = (uint8)GB(p1, 8, 8);

	/* Check if the requested road stop is too big */
	if (width > _settings_game.station.station_spread || lenght > _settings_game.station.station_spread) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_STATION_TOO_SPREAD_OUT);
	/* Check for incorrect width / length. */
	if (width == 0 || lenght == 0) return CMD_ERROR;
	/* Check if the first tile and the last tile are valid */
	if (!IsValidTile(tile) || TileAddWrap(tile, width - 1, lenght - 1) == INVALID_TILE) return CMD_ERROR;

	TileArea roadstop_area(tile, width, lenght);

	if (distant_join && (!_settings_game.station.distant_join_stations || !Station::IsValidID(station_to_join))) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (!HasExactlyOneBit(rts) || !HasRoadTypesAvail(_current_company, rts)) return CMD_ERROR;

	/* Trams only have drive through stops */
	if (!is_drive_through && HasBit(rts, ROADTYPE_TRAM)) return CMD_ERROR;

	DiagDirection ddir = Extract<DiagDirection, 6, 2>(p2);

	/* Safeguard the parameters. */
	if (!IsValidDiagDirection(ddir)) return CMD_ERROR;
	/* If it is a drive-through stop, check for valid axis. */
	if (is_drive_through && !IsValidAxis((Axis)ddir)) return CMD_ERROR;

	CommandCost ret = CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(tile, flags);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	/* Total road stop cost. */
	CommandCost cost(EXPENSES_CONSTRUCTION, roadstop_area.w * roadstop_area.h * _price[type ? PR_BUILD_STATION_TRUCK : PR_BUILD_STATION_BUS]);
	ret = CheckFlatLandRoadStop(roadstop_area, flags, is_drive_through ? 5 << ddir : 1 << ddir, is_drive_through, type, DiagDirToAxis(ddir), &est, rts);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	Station *st = NULL;
	ret = FindJoiningRoadStop(est, station_to_join, HasBit(p2, 5), roadstop_area, &st);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	/* Check if this number of road stops can be allocated. */
	if (!RoadStop::CanAllocateItem(roadstop_area.w * roadstop_area.h)) return_cmd_error(type ? STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_TRUCK_STOPS : STR_ERROR_TOO_MANY_BUS_STOPS);

	ret = BuildStationPart(&st, flags, reuse, roadstop_area, STATIONNAMING_ROAD);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		/* Check every tile in the area. */
		TILE_AREA_LOOP(cur_tile, roadstop_area) {
			RoadTypes cur_rts = GetRoadTypes(cur_tile);
			Owner road_owner = HasBit(cur_rts, ROADTYPE_ROAD) ? GetRoadOwner(cur_tile, ROADTYPE_ROAD) : _current_company;
			Owner tram_owner = HasBit(cur_rts, ROADTYPE_TRAM) ? GetRoadOwner(cur_tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM) : _current_company;

			if (IsTileType(cur_tile, MP_STATION) && IsRoadStop(cur_tile)) {
				RemoveRoadStop(cur_tile, flags);

			RoadStop *road_stop = new RoadStop(cur_tile);
			/* Insert into linked list of RoadStops. */
			RoadStop **currstop = FindRoadStopSpot(type, st);
			*currstop = road_stop;

			if (type) {
			} else {

			/* Initialize an empty station. */
			st->AddFacility((type) ? FACIL_TRUCK_STOP : FACIL_BUS_STOP, cur_tile);

			st->rect.BeforeAddTile(cur_tile, StationRect::ADD_TRY);

			RoadStopType rs_type = type ? ROADSTOP_TRUCK : ROADSTOP_BUS;
			if (is_drive_through) {
				/* Update company infrastructure counts. If the current tile is a normal
				 * road tile, count only the new road bits needed to get a full diagonal road. */
				RoadType rt;
				FOR_EACH_SET_ROADTYPE(rt, cur_rts | rts) {
					Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(rt == ROADTYPE_ROAD ? road_owner : tram_owner);
					if (c != NULL) {
						c->infrastructure.road[rt] += 2 - (IsNormalRoadTile(cur_tile) && HasBit(cur_rts, rt) ? CountBits(GetRoadBits(cur_tile, rt)) : 0);

				MakeDriveThroughRoadStop(cur_tile, st->owner, road_owner, tram_owner, st->index, rs_type, rts | cur_rts, DiagDirToAxis(ddir));
			} else {
				/* Non-drive-through stop never overbuild and always count as two road bits. */
				Company::Get(st->owner)->infrastructure.road[FIND_FIRST_BIT(rts)] += 2;
				MakeRoadStop(cur_tile, st->owner, st->index, rs_type, rts, ddir);


	if (st != NULL) {
		UpdateStationAcceptance(st, false);
		InvalidateWindowData(WC_SELECT_STATION, 0, 0);
		InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATION_LIST, st->owner, 0);
		SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_STATION_VIEW, st->index, WID_SV_ROADVEHS);
	return cost;


static Vehicle *ClearRoadStopStatusEnum(Vehicle *v, void *)
	if (v->type == VEH_ROAD) {
		/* Okay... we are a road vehicle on a drive through road stop.
		 * But that road stop has just been removed, so we need to make
		 * sure we are in a valid state... however, vehicles can also
		 * turn on road stop tiles, so only clear the 'road stop' state
		 * bits and only when the state was 'in road stop', otherwise
		 * we'll end up clearing the turn around bits. */
		RoadVehicle *rv = RoadVehicle::From(v);
		if (HasBit(rv->state, RVS_IN_DT_ROAD_STOP)) rv->state &= RVSB_ROAD_STOP_TRACKDIR_MASK;

	return NULL;


 * Remove a bus station/truck stop
 * @param tile TileIndex been queried
 * @param flags operation to perform
 * @return cost or failure of operation
static CommandCost RemoveRoadStop(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
	Station *st = Station::GetByTile(tile);

	if (_current_company != OWNER_WATER) {
		CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(st->owner);
		if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	bool is_truck = IsTruckStop(tile);

	RoadStop **primary_stop;
	RoadStop *cur_stop;
	if (is_truck) { // truck stop
		primary_stop = &st->truck_stops;
		cur_stop = RoadStop::GetByTile(tile, ROADSTOP_TRUCK);
	} else {
		primary_stop = &st->bus_stops;
		cur_stop = RoadStop::GetByTile(tile, ROADSTOP_BUS);

	assert(cur_stop != NULL);

	/* don't do the check for drive-through road stops when company bankrupts */
	if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile) && (flags & DC_BANKRUPT)) {
		/* remove the 'going through road stop' status from all vehicles on that tile */
		if (flags & DC_EXEC) FindVehicleOnPos(tile, NULL, &ClearRoadStopStatusEnum);
	} else {
		CommandCost ret = EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile);
		if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		if (*primary_stop == cur_stop) {
			/* removed the first stop in the list */
			*primary_stop = cur_stop->next;
			/* removed the only stop? */
			if (*primary_stop == NULL) {
				st->facilities &= (is_truck ? ~FACIL_TRUCK_STOP : ~FACIL_BUS_STOP);
		} else {
			/* tell the predecessor in the list to skip this stop */
			RoadStop *pred = *primary_stop;
			while (pred->next != cur_stop) pred = pred->next;
			pred->next = cur_stop->next;

		/* Update company infrastructure counts. */
		RoadType rt;
		FOR_EACH_SET_ROADTYPE(rt, GetRoadTypes(tile)) {
			Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(GetRoadOwner(tile, rt));
			if (c != NULL) {
				c->infrastructure.road[rt] -= 2;

		if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile)) {
			/* Clears the tile for us */
		} else {

		SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_STATION_VIEW, st->index, WID_SV_ROADVEHS);
		delete cur_stop;

		/* Make sure no vehicle is going to the old roadstop */
		RoadVehicle *v;
			if (v->First() == v && v->current_order.IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) &&
					v->dest_tile == tile) {
				v->dest_tile = v->GetOrderStationLocation(st->index);

		st->rect.AfterRemoveTile(st, tile);


		/* Update the tile area of the truck/bus stop */
		if (is_truck) {
			for (const RoadStop *rs = st->truck_stops; rs != NULL; rs = rs->next) st->truck_station.Add(rs->xy);
		} else {
			for (const RoadStop *rs = st->bus_stops; rs != NULL; rs = rs->next) st->bus_station.Add(rs->xy);


 * Remove bus or truck stops.
 * @param tile Northernmost tile of the removal area.
 * @param flags Operation to perform.
 * @param p1 bit 0..7: Width of the removal area.
 *           bit 8..15: Height of the removal area.
 * @param p2 bit 0: 0 For bus stops, 1 for truck stops.
 * @param text Unused.
 * @return The cost of this operation or an error.
CommandCost CmdRemoveRoadStop(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
	uint8 width = (uint8)GB(p1, 0, 8);
	uint8 height = (uint8)GB(p1, 8, 8);

	/* Check for incorrect width / height. */
	if (width == 0 || height == 0) return CMD_ERROR;
	/* Check if the first tile and the last tile are valid */
	if (!IsValidTile(tile) || TileAddWrap(tile, width - 1, height - 1) == INVALID_TILE) return CMD_ERROR;

	TileArea roadstop_area(tile, width, height);

	int quantity = 0;
	TILE_AREA_LOOP(cur_tile, roadstop_area) {
		/* Make sure the specified tile is a road stop of the correct type */
		if (!IsTileType(cur_tile, MP_STATION) || !IsRoadStop(cur_tile) || (uint32)GetRoadStopType(cur_tile) != GB(p2, 0, 1)) continue;

		/* Save the stop info before it is removed */
		bool is_drive_through = IsDriveThroughStopTile(cur_tile);
		RoadTypes rts = GetRoadTypes(cur_tile);
		RoadBits road_bits = IsDriveThroughStopTile(cur_tile) ?
				((GetRoadStopDir(cur_tile) == DIAGDIR_NE) ? ROAD_X : ROAD_Y) :

		Owner road_owner = GetRoadOwner(cur_tile, ROADTYPE_ROAD);
		Owner tram_owner = GetRoadOwner(cur_tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM);
		CommandCost ret = RemoveRoadStop(cur_tile, flags);
		if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

		/* If the stop was a drive-through stop replace the road */
		if ((flags & DC_EXEC) && is_drive_through) {
			MakeRoadNormal(cur_tile, road_bits, rts, ClosestTownFromTile(cur_tile, UINT_MAX)->index,
					road_owner, tram_owner);

			/* Update company infrastructure counts. */
			RoadType rt;
				Company *c = Company::GetIfValid(GetRoadOwner(cur_tile, rt));
				if (c != NULL) {
					c->infrastructure.road[rt] += CountBits(road_bits);

	if (quantity == 0) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_THERE_IS_NO_STATION);

	return cost;

 * Computes the minimal distance from town's xy to any airport's tile.
 * @param it An iterator over all airport tiles.
 * @param town_tile town's tile (t->xy)
 * @return minimal manhattan distance from town_tile to any airport's tile
static uint GetMinimalAirportDistanceToTile(TileIterator &it, TileIndex town_tile)
	uint mindist = UINT_MAX;

	for (TileIndex cur_tile = it; cur_tile != INVALID_TILE; cur_tile = ++it) {
		mindist = min(mindist, DistanceManhattan(town_tile, cur_tile));

	return mindist;

 * Get a possible noise reduction factor based on distance from town center.
 * The further you get, the less noise you generate.
 * So all those folks at city council can now happily slee...  work in their offices
 * @param as airport information
 * @param it An iterator over all airport tiles.
 * @param town_tile TileIndex of town's center, the one who will receive the airport's candidature
 * @return the noise that will be generated, according to distance
uint8 GetAirportNoiseLevelForTown(const AirportSpec *as, TileIterator &it, TileIndex town_tile)
	/* 0 cannot be accounted, and 1 is the lowest that can be reduced from town.
	 * So no need to go any further*/
	if (as->noise_level < 2) return as->noise_level;

	uint distance = GetMinimalAirportDistanceToTile(it, town_tile);

	/* The steps for measuring noise reduction are based on the "magical" (and arbitrary) 8 base distance
	 * adding the town_council_tolerance 4 times, as a way to graduate, depending of the tolerance.
	 * Basically, it says that the less tolerant a town is, the bigger the distance before
	 * an actual decrease can be granted */
	uint8 town_tolerance_distance = 8 + (_settings_game.difficulty.town_council_tolerance * 4);

	/* now, we want to have the distance segmented using the distance judged bareable by town
	 * This will give us the coefficient of reduction the distance provides. */
	uint noise_reduction = distance / town_tolerance_distance;

	/* If the noise reduction equals the airport noise itself, don't give it for free.
	 * Otherwise, simply reduce the airport's level. */
	return noise_reduction >= as->noise_level ? 1 : as->noise_level - noise_reduction;

 * Finds the town nearest to given airport. Based on minimal manhattan distance to any airport's tile.
 * If two towns have the same distance, town with lower index is returned.
 * @param as airport's description
 * @param it An iterator over all airport tiles
 * @return nearest town to airport
Town *AirportGetNearestTown(const AirportSpec *as, const TileIterator &it)
	Town *t, *nearest = NULL;
	uint add = as->size_x + as->size_y - 2; // GetMinimalAirportDistanceToTile can differ from DistanceManhattan by this much
	uint mindist = UINT_MAX - add; // prevent overflow
		if (DistanceManhattan(t->xy, it) < mindist + add) { // avoid calling GetMinimalAirportDistanceToTile too often
			TileIterator *copy = it.Clone();
			uint dist = GetMinimalAirportDistanceToTile(*copy, t->xy);
			delete copy;
			if (dist < mindist) {
				nearest = t;
				mindist = dist;

	return nearest;


/** Recalculate the noise generated by the airports of each town */
void UpdateAirportsNoise()
	Town *t;
	const Station *st;

	FOR_ALL_TOWNS(t) t->noise_reached = 0;

		if (st->airport.tile != INVALID_TILE && st->airport.type != AT_OILRIG) {
			const AirportSpec *as = st->airport.GetSpec();
			AirportTileIterator it(st);
			Town *nearest = AirportGetNearestTown(as, it);
			nearest->noise_reached += GetAirportNoiseLevelForTown(as, it, nearest->xy);

 * Place an Airport.
 * @param tile tile where airport will be built
 * @param flags operation to perform
 * @param p1
 * - p1 = (bit  0- 7) - airport type, @see airport.h
 * - p1 = (bit  8-15) - airport layout
 * @param p2 various bitstuffed elements
 * - p2 = (bit     0) - allow airports directly adjacent to other airports.
 * - p2 = (bit 16-31) - station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
 * @param text unused
 * @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdBuildAirport(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
	StationID station_to_join = GB(p2, 16, 16);
	bool reuse = (station_to_join != NEW_STATION);
	if (!reuse) station_to_join = INVALID_STATION;
	bool distant_join = (station_to_join != INVALID_STATION);
	byte airport_type = GB(p1, 0, 8);
	byte layout = GB(p1, 8, 8);

	if (distant_join && (!_settings_game.station.distant_join_stations || !Station::IsValidID(station_to_join))) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (airport_type >= NUM_AIRPORTS) return CMD_ERROR;

	CommandCost ret = CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(tile, flags);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	/* Check if a valid, buildable airport was chosen for construction */
	const AirportSpec *as = AirportSpec::Get(airport_type);
	if (!as->IsAvailable() || layout >= as->num_table) return CMD_ERROR;

	Direction rotation = as->rotation[layout];
	int w = as->size_x;
	int h = as->size_y;
	if (rotation == DIR_E || rotation == DIR_W) Swap(w, h);
	TileArea airport_area = TileArea(tile, w, h);

	if (w > _settings_game.station.station_spread || h > _settings_game.station.station_spread) {

	CommandCost cost = CheckFlatLand(airport_area, flags);
	if (cost.Failed()) return cost;

	/* The noise level is the noise from the airport and reduce it to account for the distance to the town center. */
	AirportTileTableIterator iter(as->table[layout], tile);
	Town *nearest = AirportGetNearestTown(as, iter);
	uint newnoise_level = GetAirportNoiseLevelForTown(as, iter, nearest->xy);

	/* Check if local auth would allow a new airport */
	StringID authority_refuse_message = STR_NULL;
	Town *authority_refuse_town = NULL;

	if (_settings_game.economy.station_noise_level) {
		/* do not allow to build a new airport if this raise the town noise over the maximum allowed by town */
		if ((nearest->noise_reached + newnoise_level) > nearest->MaxTownNoise()) {
			authority_refuse_message = STR_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_REFUSES_NOISE;
			authority_refuse_town = nearest;
	} else {
		Town *t = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, UINT_MAX);
		uint num = 0;
		const Station *st;
			if (st->town == t && (st->facilities & FACIL_AIRPORT) && st->airport.type != AT_OILRIG) num++;
		if (num >= 2) {
			authority_refuse_message = STR_ERROR_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_REFUSES_AIRPORT;
			authority_refuse_town = t;

	if (authority_refuse_message != STR_NULL) {
		SetDParam(0, authority_refuse_town->index);

	Station *st = NULL;
	ret = FindJoiningStation(INVALID_STATION, station_to_join, HasBit(p2, 0), airport_area, &st);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	/* Distant join */
	if (st == NULL && distant_join) st = Station::GetIfValid(station_to_join);

	ret = BuildStationPart(&st, flags, reuse, airport_area, (GetAirport(airport_type)->flags & AirportFTAClass::AIRPLANES) ? STATIONNAMING_AIRPORT : STATIONNAMING_HELIPORT);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	if (st != NULL && st->airport.tile != INVALID_TILE) {

	for (AirportTileTableIterator iter(as->table[layout], tile); iter != INVALID_TILE; ++iter) {

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		/* Always add the noise, so there will be no need to recalculate when option toggles */
		nearest->noise_reached += newnoise_level;

		st->AddFacility(FACIL_AIRPORT, tile);
		st->airport.type = airport_type;
		st->airport.layout = layout;
		st->airport.flags = 0;
		st->airport.rotation = rotation;

		st->rect.BeforeAddRect(tile, w, h, StationRect::ADD_TRY);

		for (AirportTileTableIterator iter(as->table[layout], tile); iter != INVALID_TILE; ++iter) {
			MakeAirport(iter, st->owner, st->index, iter.GetStationGfx(), WATER_CLASS_INVALID);
			SetStationTileRandomBits(iter, GB(Random(), 0, 4));

			if (AirportTileSpec::Get(GetTranslatedAirportTileID(iter.GetStationGfx()))->animation.status != ANIM_STATUS_NO_ANIMATION) AddAnimatedTile(iter);

		/* Only call the animation trigger after all tiles have been built */
		for (AirportTileTableIterator iter(as->table[layout], tile); iter != INVALID_TILE; ++iter) {
			AirportTileAnimationTrigger(st, iter, AAT_BUILT);



		UpdateStationAcceptance(st, false);
		InvalidateWindowData(WC_SELECT_STATION, 0, 0);
		InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATION_LIST, st->owner, 0);
		InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATION_VIEW, st->index, -1);

		if (_settings_game.economy.station_noise_level) {
			SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, st->town->index);

	return cost;

 * Remove an airport
 * @param tile TileIndex been queried
 * @param flags operation to perform
 * @return cost or failure of operation
static CommandCost RemoveAirport(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
	Station *st = Station::GetByTile(tile);

	if (_current_company != OWNER_WATER) {
		CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(st->owner);
		if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	tile = st->airport.tile;


	const Aircraft *a;
		if (!a->IsNormalAircraft()) continue;
		if (a->targetairport == st->index && a->state != FLYING) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		const AirportSpec *as = st->airport.GetSpec();
		/* The noise level is the noise from the airport and reduce it to account for the distance to the town center.
		 * And as for construction, always remove it, even if the setting is not set, in order to avoid the
		 * need of recalculation */
		AirportTileIterator it(st);
		Town *nearest = AirportGetNearestTown(as, it);
		nearest->noise_reached -= GetAirportNoiseLevelForTown(as, it, nearest->xy);

	TILE_AREA_LOOP(tile_cur, st->airport) {
		if (!st->TileBelongsToAirport(tile_cur)) continue;

		CommandCost ret = EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile_cur);
		if (ret.Failed()) return ret;


		if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
			if (IsHangarTile(tile_cur)) OrderBackup::Reset(tile_cur, false);
			DeleteNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_AIRPORTTILES, tile_cur);

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		/* Clear the persistent storage. */
		delete st->airport.psa;

		for (uint i = 0; i < st->airport.GetNumHangars(); ++i) {
				WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, st->airport.GetHangarTile(i)

		st->rect.AfterRemoveRect(st, st->airport);

		st->facilities &= ~FACIL_AIRPORT;

		InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATION_VIEW, st->index, -1);

		if (_settings_game.economy.station_noise_level) {
			SetWindowDirty(WC_TOWN_VIEW, st->town->index);


		DeleteNewGRFInspectWindow(GSF_AIRPORTS, st->index);

	return cost;

 * Open/close an airport to incoming aircraft.
 * @param tile Unused.
 * @param flags Operation to perform.
 * @param p1 Station ID of the airport.
 * @param p2 Unused.
 * @param text unused
 * @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdOpenCloseAirport(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
	if (!Station::IsValidID(p1)) return CMD_ERROR;
	Station *st = Station::Get(p1);

	if (!(st->facilities & FACIL_AIRPORT) || st->owner == OWNER_NONE) return CMD_ERROR;

	CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(st->owner);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		st->airport.flags ^= AIRPORT_CLOSED_block;
		SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_STATION_VIEW, st->index, WID_SV_CLOSE_AIRPORT);
	return CommandCost();

 * Tests whether the company's vehicles have this station in orders
 * @param station station ID
 * @param include_company If true only check vehicles of \a company, if false only check vehicles of other companies
 * @param company company ID
bool HasStationInUse(StationID station, bool include_company, CompanyID company)
	const Vehicle *v;
		if ((v->owner == company) == include_company) {
			const Order *order;
			FOR_VEHICLE_ORDERS(v, order) {
				if ((order->IsType(OT_GOTO_STATION) || order->IsType(OT_GOTO_WAYPOINT)) && order->GetDestination() == station) {
					return true;
	return false;

static const TileIndexDiffC _dock_tileoffs_chkaround[] = {
	{-1,  0},
	{ 0,  0},
	{ 0,  0},
	{ 0, -1}
static const byte _dock_w_chk[4] = { 2, 1, 2, 1 };
static const byte _dock_h_chk[4] = { 1, 2, 1, 2 };

 * Build a dock/haven.
 * @param tile tile where dock will be built
 * @param flags operation to perform
 * @param p1 (bit 0) - allow docks directly adjacent to other docks.
 * @param p2 bit 16-31: station ID to join (NEW_STATION if build new one)
 * @param text unused
 * @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdBuildDock(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
	StationID station_to_join = GB(p2, 16, 16);
	bool reuse = (station_to_join != NEW_STATION);
	if (!reuse) station_to_join = INVALID_STATION;
	bool distant_join = (station_to_join != INVALID_STATION);

	if (distant_join && (!_settings_game.station.distant_join_stations || !Station::IsValidID(station_to_join))) return CMD_ERROR;

	DiagDirection direction = GetInclinedSlopeDirection(GetTileSlope(tile));
	if (direction == INVALID_DIAGDIR) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_SITE_UNSUITABLE);
	direction = ReverseDiagDir(direction);

	/* Docks cannot be placed on rapids */
	if (HasTileWaterGround(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_SITE_UNSUITABLE);

	CommandCost ret = CheckIfAuthorityAllowsNewStation(tile, flags);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);

	ret = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	TileIndex tile_cur = tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(direction);

	if (!IsTileType(tile_cur, MP_WATER) || GetTileSlope(tile_cur) != SLOPE_FLAT) {

	if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile_cur) && IsBridgeAbove(tile_cur)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);

	/* Get the water class of the water tile before it is cleared.*/
	WaterClass wc = GetWaterClass(tile_cur);

	ret = DoCommand(tile_cur, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	tile_cur += TileOffsByDiagDir(direction);
	if (!IsTileType(tile_cur, MP_WATER) || GetTileSlope(tile_cur) != SLOPE_FLAT) {

	TileArea dock_area = TileArea(tile + ToTileIndexDiff(_dock_tileoffs_chkaround[direction]),
			_dock_w_chk[direction], _dock_h_chk[direction]);

	/* middle */
	Station *st = NULL;
	ret = FindJoiningStation(INVALID_STATION, station_to_join, HasBit(p1, 0), dock_area, &st);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	/* Distant join */
	if (st == NULL && distant_join) st = Station::GetIfValid(station_to_join);

	ret = BuildStationPart(&st, flags, reuse, dock_area, STATIONNAMING_DOCK);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	if (st != NULL && st->dock_tile != INVALID_TILE) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_TOO_CLOSE_TO_ANOTHER_DOCK);

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		st->dock_tile = tile;
		st->AddFacility(FACIL_DOCK, tile);

		st->rect.BeforeAddRect(dock_area.tile, dock_area.w, dock_area.h, StationRect::ADD_TRY);

		/* If the water part of the dock is on a canal, update infrastructure counts.
		 * This is needed as we've unconditionally cleared that tile before. */
		if (wc == WATER_CLASS_CANAL) {
		Company::Get(st->owner)->infrastructure.station += 2;

		MakeDock(tile, st->owner, st->index, direction, wc);

		UpdateStationAcceptance(st, false);
		InvalidateWindowData(WC_SELECT_STATION, 0, 0);
		InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATION_LIST, st->owner, 0);
		SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_STATION_VIEW, st->index, WID_SV_SHIPS);


 * Remove a dock
 * @param tile TileIndex been queried
 * @param flags operation to perform
 * @return cost or failure of operation
static CommandCost RemoveDock(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
	Station *st = Station::GetByTile(tile);
	CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(st->owner);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	TileIndex docking_location = TILE_ADD(st->dock_tile, ToTileIndexDiff(GetDockOffset(st->dock_tile)));

	TileIndex tile1 = st->dock_tile;
	TileIndex tile2 = tile1 + TileOffsByDiagDir(GetDockDirection(tile1));

	ret = EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile1);
	if (ret.Succeeded()) ret = EnsureNoVehicleOnGround(tile2);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		MakeWaterKeepingClass(tile2, st->owner);

		st->rect.AfterRemoveTile(st, tile1);
		st->rect.AfterRemoveTile(st, tile2);

		st->dock_tile = INVALID_TILE;
		st->facilities &= ~FACIL_DOCK;

		Company::Get(st->owner)->infrastructure.station -= 2;

		SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_STATION_VIEW, st->index, WID_SV_SHIPS);

		/* All ships that were going to our station, can't go to it anymore.
		 * Just clear the order, then automatically the next appropriate order
		 * will be selected and in case of no appropriate order it will just
		 * wander around the world. */
		Ship *s;
			if (s->current_order.IsType(OT_LOADING) && s->tile == docking_location) {

			if (s->dest_tile == docking_location) {
				s->dest_tile = 0;


#include "table/station_land.h"

const DrawTileSprites *GetStationTileLayout(StationType st, byte gfx)
	return &_station_display_datas[st][gfx];

 * Check whether a sprite is a track sprite, which can be replaced by a non-track ground sprite and a rail overlay.
 * If the ground sprite is suitable, \a ground is replaced with the new non-track ground sprite, and \a overlay_offset
 * is set to the overlay to draw.
 * @param          ti             Positional info for the tile to decide snowyness etc. May be NULL.
 * @param [in,out] ground         Groundsprite to draw.
 * @param [out]    overlay_offset Overlay to draw.
 * @return true if overlay can be drawn.
bool SplitGroundSpriteForOverlay(const TileInfo *ti, SpriteID *ground, RailTrackOffset *overlay_offset)
	bool snow_desert;
	switch (*ground) {
			snow_desert = false;
			*overlay_offset = RTO_X;

			snow_desert = false;
			*overlay_offset = RTO_Y;

			snow_desert = true;
			*overlay_offset = RTO_X;

			snow_desert = true;
			*overlay_offset = RTO_Y;

			return false;

	if (ti != NULL) {
		/* Decide snow/desert from tile */
		switch (_settings_game.game_creation.landscape) {
			case LT_ARCTIC:
				snow_desert = (uint)ti->z > GetSnowLine() * TILE_HEIGHT;

			case LT_TROPIC:
				snow_desert = GetTropicZone(ti->tile) == TROPICZONE_DESERT;


	return true;

static void DrawTile_Station(TileInfo *ti)
	const NewGRFSpriteLayout *layout = NULL;
	DrawTileSprites tmp_rail_layout;
	const DrawTileSprites *t = NULL;
	RoadTypes roadtypes;
	int32 total_offset;
	const RailtypeInfo *rti = NULL;
	uint32 relocation = 0;
	uint32 ground_relocation = 0;
	BaseStation *st = NULL;
	const StationSpec *statspec = NULL;
	uint tile_layout = 0;

	if (HasStationRail(ti->tile)) {
		rti = GetRailTypeInfo(GetRailType(ti->tile));
		roadtypes = ROADTYPES_NONE;
		total_offset = rti->GetRailtypeSpriteOffset();

		if (IsCustomStationSpecIndex(ti->tile)) {
			/* look for customization */
			st = BaseStation::GetByTile(ti->tile);
			statspec = st->speclist[GetCustomStationSpecIndex(ti->tile)].spec;

			if (statspec != NULL) {
				tile_layout = GetStationGfx(ti->tile);

				if (HasBit(statspec->callback_mask, CBM_STATION_SPRITE_LAYOUT)) {
					uint16 callback = GetStationCallback(CBID_STATION_SPRITE_LAYOUT, 0, 0, statspec, st, ti->tile);
					if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) tile_layout = (callback & ~1) + GetRailStationAxis(ti->tile);

				/* Ensure the chosen tile layout is valid for this custom station */
				if (statspec->renderdata != NULL) {
					layout = &statspec->renderdata[tile_layout < statspec->tiles ? tile_layout : (uint)GetRailStationAxis(ti->tile)];
					if (!layout->NeedsPreprocessing()) {
						t = layout;
						layout = NULL;
	} else {
		roadtypes = IsRoadStop(ti->tile) ? GetRoadTypes(ti->tile) : ROADTYPES_NONE;
		total_offset = 0;

	StationGfx gfx = GetStationGfx(ti->tile);
	if (IsAirport(ti->tile)) {
		gfx = GetAirportGfx(ti->tile);
			const AirportTileSpec *ats = AirportTileSpec::Get(gfx);
			if (ats->grf_prop.spritegroup[0] != NULL && DrawNewAirportTile(ti, Station::GetByTile(ti->tile), gfx, ats)) {
			/* No sprite group (or no valid one) found, meaning no graphics associated.
			 * Use the substitute one instead */
			assert(ats->grf_prop.subst_id != INVALID_AIRPORTTILE);
			gfx = ats->grf_prop.subst_id;
		switch (gfx) {
				t = &_station_display_datas_airport_radar_grass_fence_sw[GetAnimationFrame(ti->tile)];
				t = &_station_display_datas_airport_flag_grass_fence_ne[GetAnimationFrame(ti->tile)];
				t = &_station_display_datas_airport_radar_fence_sw[GetAnimationFrame(ti->tile)];
				t = &_station_display_datas_airport_radar_fence_ne[GetAnimationFrame(ti->tile)];
				t = &_station_display_datas_airport_flag_grass_fence_ne_2[GetAnimationFrame(ti->tile)];

	Owner owner = GetTileOwner(ti->tile);

	PaletteID palette;
	if (Company::IsValidID(owner)) {
		palette = COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR(owner);
	} else {
		/* Some stations are not owner by a company, namely oil rigs */
		palette = PALETTE_TO_GREY;

	if (layout == NULL && (t == NULL || t->seq == NULL)) t = GetStationTileLayout(GetStationType(ti->tile), gfx);

	/* don't show foundation for docks */
	if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT && !IsDock(ti->tile)) {
		if (statspec != NULL && HasBit(statspec->flags, SSF_CUSTOM_FOUNDATIONS)) {
			/* Station has custom foundations.
			 * Check whether the foundation continues beyond the tile's upper sides. */
			uint edge_info = 0;
			int z;
			Slope slope = GetFoundationPixelSlope(ti->tile, &z);
			if (!HasFoundationNW(ti->tile, slope, z)) SetBit(edge_info, 0);
			if (!HasFoundationNE(ti->tile, slope, z)) SetBit(edge_info, 1);
			SpriteID image = GetCustomStationFoundationRelocation(statspec, st, ti->tile, tile_layout, edge_info);
			if (image == 0) goto draw_default_foundation;

			if (HasBit(statspec->flags, SSF_EXTENDED_FOUNDATIONS)) {
				/* Station provides extended foundations. */

				static const uint8 foundation_parts[] = {
					0, 0, 0, 0, // Invalid,  Invalid,   Invalid,   SLOPE_SW
					0, 1, 2, 3, // Invalid,  SLOPE_EW,  SLOPE_SE,  SLOPE_WSE
					0, 4, 5, 6, // Invalid,  SLOPE_NW,  SLOPE_NS,  SLOPE_NWS
					7, 8, 9     // SLOPE_NE, SLOPE_ENW, SLOPE_SEN

				AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image + foundation_parts[ti->tileh], PAL_NONE, ti->x, ti->y, 16, 16, 7, ti->z);
			} else {
				/* Draw simple foundations, built up from 8 possible foundation sprites. */

				/* Each set bit represents one of the eight composite sprites to be drawn.
				 * 'Invalid' entries will not drawn but are included for completeness. */
				static const uint8 composite_foundation_parts[] = {
					/* Invalid  (00000000), Invalid   (11010001), Invalid   (11100100), SLOPE_SW  (11100000) */
					   0x00,                0xD1,                 0xE4,                 0xE0,
					/* Invalid  (11001010), SLOPE_EW  (11001001), SLOPE_SE  (11000100), SLOPE_WSE (11000000) */
					   0xCA,                0xC9,                 0xC4,                 0xC0,
					/* Invalid  (11010010), SLOPE_NW  (10010001), SLOPE_NS  (11100100), SLOPE_NWS (10100000) */
					   0xD2,                0x91,                 0xE4,                 0xA0,
					/* SLOPE_NE (01001010), SLOPE_ENW (00001001), SLOPE_SEN (01000100) */
					   0x4A,                0x09,                 0x44

				uint8 parts = composite_foundation_parts[ti->tileh];

				/* If foundations continue beyond the tile's upper sides then
				 * mask out the last two pieces. */
				if (HasBit(edge_info, 0)) ClrBit(parts, 6);
				if (HasBit(edge_info, 1)) ClrBit(parts, 7);

				if (parts == 0) {
					/* We always have to draw at least one sprite to make sure there is a boundingbox and a sprite with the
					 * correct offset for the childsprites.
					 * So, draw the (completely empty) sprite of the default foundations. */
					goto draw_default_foundation;

				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
					if (HasBit(parts, i)) {
						AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image + i, PAL_NONE, ti->x, ti->y, 16, 16, 7, ti->z);

			OffsetGroundSprite(31, 1);
			ti->z += ApplyPixelFoundationToSlope(FOUNDATION_LEVELED, &ti->tileh);
		} else {
			DrawFoundation(ti, FOUNDATION_LEVELED);

	if (IsBuoy(ti->tile)) {
		SpriteID sprite = GetCanalSprite(CF_BUOY, ti->tile);
		if (sprite != 0) total_offset = sprite - SPR_IMG_BUOY;
	} else if (IsDock(ti->tile) || (IsOilRig(ti->tile) && IsTileOnWater(ti->tile))) {
		if (ti->tileh == SLOPE_FLAT) {
		} else {
			TileIndex water_tile = ti->tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(GetDockDirection(ti->tile));
			WaterClass wc = GetWaterClass(water_tile);
			if (wc == WATER_CLASS_SEA) {
			} else {
				DrawClearLandTile(ti, 3);
	} else {
		if (layout != NULL) {
			/* Sprite layout which needs preprocessing */
			bool separate_ground = HasBit(statspec->flags, SSF_SEPARATE_GROUND);
			uint32 var10_values = layout->PrepareLayout(total_offset, rti->fallback_railtype, 0, 0, separate_ground);
			uint8 var10;
			FOR_EACH_SET_BIT(var10, var10_values) {
				uint32 var10_relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(statspec, st, ti->tile, var10);
				layout->ProcessRegisters(var10, var10_relocation, separate_ground);
			tmp_rail_layout.seq = layout->GetLayout(&tmp_rail_layout.ground);
			t = &tmp_rail_layout;
			total_offset = 0;
		} else if (statspec != NULL) {
			/* Simple sprite layout */
			ground_relocation = relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(statspec, st, ti->tile, 0);
			if (HasBit(statspec->flags, SSF_SEPARATE_GROUND)) {
				ground_relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(statspec, st, ti->tile, 1);
			ground_relocation += rti->fallback_railtype;

		SpriteID image = t->ground.sprite;
		PaletteID pal  = t->ground.pal;
		RailTrackOffset overlay_offset;
		if (rti != NULL && rti->UsesOverlay() && SplitGroundSpriteForOverlay(ti, &image, &overlay_offset)) {
			SpriteID ground = GetCustomRailSprite(rti, ti->tile, RTSG_GROUND);
			DrawGroundSprite(image, PAL_NONE);
			DrawGroundSprite(ground + overlay_offset, PAL_NONE);

			if (_game_mode != GM_MENU && _settings_client.gui.show_track_reservation && HasStationReservation(ti->tile)) {
				SpriteID overlay = GetCustomRailSprite(rti, ti->tile, RTSG_OVERLAY);
				DrawGroundSprite(overlay + overlay_offset, PALETTE_CRASH);
		} else {
			image += HasBit(image, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE) ? ground_relocation : total_offset;
			if (HasBit(pal, SPRITE_MODIFIER_CUSTOM_SPRITE)) pal += ground_relocation;
			DrawGroundSprite(image, GroundSpritePaletteTransform(image, pal, palette));

			/* PBS debugging, draw reserved tracks darker */
			if (_game_mode != GM_MENU && _settings_client.gui.show_track_reservation && HasStationRail(ti->tile) && HasStationReservation(ti->tile)) {
				const RailtypeInfo *rti = GetRailTypeInfo(GetRailType(ti->tile));
				DrawGroundSprite(GetRailStationAxis(ti->tile) == AXIS_X ? rti->base_sprites.single_x : rti->base_sprites.single_y, PALETTE_CRASH);

	if (HasStationRail(ti->tile) && HasCatenaryDrawn(GetRailType(ti->tile))) DrawCatenary(ti);

	if (HasBit(roadtypes, ROADTYPE_TRAM)) {
		Axis axis = GetRoadStopDir(ti->tile) == DIAGDIR_NE ? AXIS_X : AXIS_Y;
		DrawGroundSprite((HasBit(roadtypes, ROADTYPE_ROAD) ? SPR_TRAMWAY_OVERLAY : SPR_TRAMWAY_TRAM) + (axis ^ 1), PAL_NONE);
		DrawTramCatenary(ti, axis == AXIS_X ? ROAD_X : ROAD_Y);

	if (IsRailWaypoint(ti->tile)) {
		/* Don't offset the waypoint graphics; they're always the same. */
		total_offset = 0;

	DrawRailTileSeq(ti, t, TO_BUILDINGS, total_offset, relocation, palette);

void StationPickerDrawSprite(int x, int y, StationType st, RailType railtype, RoadType roadtype, int image)
	int32 total_offset = 0;
	PaletteID pal = COMPANY_SPRITE_COLOUR(_local_company);
	const DrawTileSprites *t = GetStationTileLayout(st, image);
	const RailtypeInfo *rti = NULL;

	if (railtype != INVALID_RAILTYPE) {
		rti = GetRailTypeInfo(railtype);
		total_offset = rti->GetRailtypeSpriteOffset();

	SpriteID img = t->ground.sprite;
	RailTrackOffset overlay_offset;
	if (rti != NULL && rti->UsesOverlay() && SplitGroundSpriteForOverlay(NULL, &img, &overlay_offset)) {
		SpriteID ground = GetCustomRailSprite(rti, INVALID_TILE, RTSG_GROUND);
		DrawSprite(img, PAL_NONE, x, y);
		DrawSprite(ground + overlay_offset, PAL_NONE, x, y);
	} else {
		DrawSprite(img + total_offset, HasBit(img, PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOUR) ? pal : PAL_NONE, x, y);

	if (roadtype == ROADTYPE_TRAM) {
		DrawSprite(SPR_TRAMWAY_TRAM + (t->ground.sprite == SPR_ROAD_PAVED_STRAIGHT_X ? 1 : 0), PAL_NONE, x, y);

	/* Default waypoint has no railtype specific sprites */
	DrawRailTileSeqInGUI(x, y, t, st == STATION_WAYPOINT ? 0 : total_offset, 0, pal);

static int GetSlopePixelZ_Station(TileIndex tile, uint x, uint y)
	return GetTileMaxPixelZ(tile);

static Foundation GetFoundation_Station(TileIndex tile, Slope tileh)
	return FlatteningFoundation(tileh);

static void GetTileDesc_Station(TileIndex tile, TileDesc *td)
	td->owner[0] = GetTileOwner(tile);
	if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile)) {
		Owner road_owner = INVALID_OWNER;
		Owner tram_owner = INVALID_OWNER;
		RoadTypes rts = GetRoadTypes(tile);
		if (HasBit(rts, ROADTYPE_ROAD)) road_owner = GetRoadOwner(tile, ROADTYPE_ROAD);
		if (HasBit(rts, ROADTYPE_TRAM)) tram_owner = GetRoadOwner(tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM);

		/* Is there a mix of owners? */
		if ((tram_owner != INVALID_OWNER && tram_owner != td->owner[0]) ||
				(road_owner != INVALID_OWNER && road_owner != td->owner[0])) {
			uint i = 1;
			if (road_owner != INVALID_OWNER) {
				td->owner[i] = road_owner;
			if (tram_owner != INVALID_OWNER) {
				td->owner[i] = tram_owner;
	td->build_date = BaseStation::GetByTile(tile)->build_date;

	if (HasStationTileRail(tile)) {
		const StationSpec *spec = GetStationSpec(tile);

		if (spec != NULL) {
			td->station_class = StationClass::Get(spec->cls_id)->name;
			td->station_name  = spec->name;

			if (spec->grf_prop.grffile != NULL) {
				const GRFConfig *gc = GetGRFConfig(spec->grf_prop.grffile->grfid);
				td->grf = gc->GetName();

		const RailtypeInfo *rti = GetRailTypeInfo(GetRailType(tile));
		td->rail_speed = rti->max_speed;

	if (IsAirport(tile)) {
		const AirportSpec *as = Station::GetByTile(tile)->airport.GetSpec();
		td->airport_class = AirportClass::Get(as->cls_id)->name;
		td->airport_name = as->name;

		const AirportTileSpec *ats = AirportTileSpec::GetByTile(tile);
		td->airport_tile_name = ats->name;

		if (as->grf_prop.grffile != NULL) {
			const GRFConfig *gc = GetGRFConfig(as->grf_prop.grffile->grfid);
			td->grf = gc->GetName();
		} else if (ats->grf_prop.grffile != NULL) {
			const GRFConfig *gc = GetGRFConfig(ats->grf_prop.grffile->grfid);
			td->grf = gc->GetName();

	StringID str;
	switch (GetStationType(tile)) {
		default: NOT_REACHED();
	td->str = str;


static TrackStatus GetTileTrackStatus_Station(TileIndex tile, TransportType mode, uint sub_mode, DiagDirection side)
	TrackBits trackbits = TRACK_BIT_NONE;

	switch (mode) {
			if (HasStationRail(tile) && !IsStationTileBlocked(tile)) {
				trackbits = TrackToTrackBits(GetRailStationTrack(tile));

			/* buoy is coded as a station, it is always on open water */
			if (IsBuoy(tile)) {
				trackbits = TRACK_BIT_ALL;
				/* remove tracks that connect NE map edge */
				if (TileX(tile) == 0) trackbits &= ~(TRACK_BIT_X | TRACK_BIT_UPPER | TRACK_BIT_RIGHT);
				/* remove tracks that connect NW map edge */
				if (TileY(tile) == 0) trackbits &= ~(TRACK_BIT_Y | TRACK_BIT_LEFT | TRACK_BIT_UPPER);

			if ((GetRoadTypes(tile) & sub_mode) != 0 && IsRoadStop(tile)) {
				DiagDirection dir = GetRoadStopDir(tile);
				Axis axis = DiagDirToAxis(dir);

				if (side != INVALID_DIAGDIR) {
					if (axis != DiagDirToAxis(side) || (IsStandardRoadStopTile(tile) && dir != side)) break;

				trackbits = AxisToTrackBits(axis);


	return CombineTrackStatus(TrackBitsToTrackdirBits(trackbits), TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE);


static void TileLoop_Station(TileIndex tile)
	/* FIXME -- GetTileTrackStatus_Station -> animated stationtiles
	 * hardcoded.....not good */
	switch (GetStationType(tile)) {
			AirportTileAnimationTrigger(Station::GetByTile(tile), tile, AAT_TILELOOP);

			if (GetTileSlope(tile) != SLOPE_FLAT) break; // only handle water part
		case STATION_OILRIG: //(station part)

		default: break;


static void AnimateTile_Station(TileIndex tile)
	if (HasStationRail(tile)) {

	if (IsAirport(tile)) {


static bool ClickTile_Station(TileIndex tile)
	const BaseStation *bst = BaseStation::GetByTile(tile);

	if (bst->facilities & FACIL_WAYPOINT) {
	} else if (IsHangar(tile)) {
		const Station *st = Station::From(bst);
		ShowDepotWindow(st->airport.GetHangarTile(st->airport.GetHangarNum(tile)), VEH_AIRCRAFT);
	} else {
	return true;

static VehicleEnterTileStatus VehicleEnter_Station(Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, int x, int y)
	if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
		StationID station_id = GetStationIndex(tile);
		if (!v->current_order.ShouldStopAtStation(v, station_id)) return VETSB_CONTINUE;
		if (!IsRailStation(tile) || !v->IsFrontEngine()) return VETSB_CONTINUE;

		int station_ahead;
		int station_length;
		int stop = GetTrainStopLocation(station_id, tile, Train::From(v), &station_ahead, &station_length);

		/* Stop whenever that amount of station ahead + the distance from the
		 * begin of the platform to the stop location is longer than the length
		 * of the platform. Station ahead 'includes' the current tile where the
		 * vehicle is on, so we need to subtract that. */
		if (!IsInsideBS(stop + station_ahead, station_length, TILE_SIZE)) return VETSB_CONTINUE;
		if (stop + station_ahead - (int)TILE_SIZE >= station_length) return VETSB_CONTINUE;

		DiagDirection dir = DirToDiagDir(v->direction);

		x &= 0xF;
		y &= 0xF;

		if (DiagDirToAxis(dir) != AXIS_X) Swap(x, y);
		if (y == TILE_SIZE / 2) {
			if (dir != DIAGDIR_SE && dir != DIAGDIR_SW) x = TILE_SIZE - 1 - x;
			stop &= TILE_SIZE - 1;

			if (x == stop) return VETSB_ENTERED_STATION | (VehicleEnterTileStatus)(station_id << VETS_STATION_ID_OFFSET); // enter station
			if (x < stop) {
				uint16 spd;
			if (x >= stop) return VETSB_ENTERED_STATION | (VehicleEnterTileStatus)(station_id << VETS_STATION_ID_OFFSET); // enter station

				v->vehstatus |= VS_TRAIN_SLOWING;
				spd = max(0, (stop - x) * 20 - 15);
			uint16 spd = max(0, (stop - x) * 20 - 15);
				if (spd < v->cur_speed) v->cur_speed = spd;
	} else if (v->type == VEH_ROAD) {
		RoadVehicle *rv = RoadVehicle::From(v);
		if (rv->state < RVSB_IN_ROAD_STOP && !IsReversingRoadTrackdir((Trackdir)rv->state) && rv->frame == 0) {
			if (IsRoadStop(tile) && rv->IsFrontEngine()) {
				/* Attempt to allocate a parking bay in a road stop */
				return RoadStop::GetByTile(tile, GetRoadStopType(tile))->Enter(rv) ? VETSB_CONTINUE : VETSB_CANNOT_ENTER;


 * Run the watched cargo callback for all houses in the catchment area.
 * @param st Station.
void TriggerWatchedCargoCallbacks(Station *st)
	/* Collect cargoes accepted since the last big tick. */
	uint cargoes = 0;
	for (CargoID cid = 0; cid < NUM_CARGO; cid++) {
		if (HasBit(st->goods[cid].acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTED_BIGTICK)) SetBit(cargoes, cid);

	/* Anything to do? */
	if (cargoes == 0) return;

	/* Loop over all houses in the catchment. */
	Rect r = st->GetCatchmentRect();
	TileArea ta(TileXY(r.left,, TileXY(r.right, r.bottom));
	TILE_AREA_LOOP(tile, ta) {
		if (IsTileType(tile, MP_HOUSE)) {
			WatchedCargoCallback(tile, cargoes);

 * This function is called for each station once every 250 ticks.
 * Not all stations will get the tick at the same time.
 * @param st the station receiving the tick.
 * @return true if the station is still valid (wasn't deleted)
static bool StationHandleBigTick(BaseStation *st)
	if (!st->IsInUse()) {
		if (++st->delete_ctr >= 8) delete st;
		return false;

	if (Station::IsExpected(st)) {

		for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
			ClrBit(Station::From(st)->goods[i].acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTED_BIGTICK);


	if ((st->facilities & FACIL_WAYPOINT) == 0) UpdateStationAcceptance(Station::From(st), true);

	return true;

static inline void byte_inc_sat(byte *p)
	byte b = *p + 1;
	if (b != 0) *p = b;

static void UpdateStationRating(Station *st)
	bool waiting_changed = false;


	const CargoSpec *cs;
		GoodsEntry *ge = &st->goods[cs->Index()];
		/* Slowly increase the rating back to his original level in the case we
		 *  didn't deliver cargo yet to this station. This happens when a bribe
		 *  failed while you didn't moved that cargo yet to a station. */
		if (!ge->HasRating() && ge->rating < INITIAL_STATION_RATING) {

		/* Only change the rating if we are moving this cargo */
		if (ge->HasRating()) {

			bool skip = false;
			int rating = 0;
			uint waiting = ge->cargo.TotalCount();

			/* num_dests is at least 1 if there is any cargo as
			 * INVALID_STATION is also a destination.
			uint num_dests = (uint)ge->cargo.Packets()->MapSize();

			/* Average amount of cargo per next hop, but prefer solitary stations
			 * with only one or two next hops. They are allowed to have more
			 * cargo waiting per next hop.
			 * With manual cargo distribution waiting_avg = waiting / 2 as then
			 * INVALID_STATION is the only destination.
			uint waiting_avg = waiting / (num_dests + 1);

			if (HasBit(cs->callback_mask, CBM_CARGO_STATION_RATING_CALC)) {
				/* Perform custom station rating. If it succeeds the speed, days in transit and
				 * waiting cargo ratings must not be executed. */

				/* NewGRFs expect last speed to be 0xFF when no vehicle has arrived yet. */
				uint last_speed = ge->HasVehicleEverTriedLoading() ? ge->last_speed : 0xFF;

				uint32 var18 = min(ge->time_since_pickup, 0xFF) | (min(ge->max_waiting_cargo, 0xFFFF) << 8) | (min(last_speed, 0xFF) << 24);
				/* Convert to the 'old' vehicle types */
				uint32 var10 = (st->last_vehicle_type == VEH_INVALID) ? 0x0 : (st->last_vehicle_type + 0x10);
				uint16 callback = GetCargoCallback(CBID_CARGO_STATION_RATING_CALC, var10, var18, cs);
				if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) {
					skip = true;
					rating = GB(callback, 0, 14);

					/* Simulate a 15 bit signed value */
					if (HasBit(callback, 14)) rating -= 0x4000;

			if (!skip) {
				int b = ge->last_speed - 85;
				if (b >= 0) rating += b >> 2;

				byte waittime = ge->time_since_pickup;
				if (st->last_vehicle_type == VEH_SHIP) waittime >>= 2;
				(waittime > 21) ||
				(rating += 25, waittime > 12) ||
				(rating += 25, waittime > 6) ||
				(rating += 45, waittime > 3) ||
				(rating += 35, true);

				(rating -= 90, ge->max_waiting_cargo > 1500) ||
				(rating += 55, ge->max_waiting_cargo > 1000) ||
				(rating += 35, ge->max_waiting_cargo > 600) ||
				(rating += 10, ge->max_waiting_cargo > 300) ||
				(rating += 20, ge->max_waiting_cargo > 100) ||
				(rating += 10, true);

			if (Company::IsValidID(st->owner) && HasBit(st->town->statues, st->owner)) rating += 26;

			byte age = ge->last_age;
			(age >= 3) ||
			(rating += 10, age >= 2) ||
			(rating += 10, age >= 1) ||
			(rating += 13, true);

				int or_ = ge->rating; // old rating

				/* only modify rating in steps of -2, -1, 0, 1 or 2 */
				ge->rating = rating = or_ + Clamp(Clamp(rating, 0, 255) - or_, -2, 2);

				/* if rating is <= 64 and more than 100 items waiting on average per destination,
				 * remove some random amount of goods from the station */
				if (rating <= 64 && waiting_avg >= 100) {
					int dec = Random() & 0x1F;
					if (waiting_avg < 200) dec &= 7;
					waiting -= (dec + 1) * num_dests;
					waiting_changed = true;

				/* if rating is <= 127 and there are any items waiting, maybe remove some goods. */
				if (rating <= 127 && waiting != 0) {
					uint32 r = Random();
					if (rating <= (int)GB(r, 0, 7)) {
						/* Need to have int, otherwise it will just overflow etc. */
						waiting = max((int)waiting - (int)((GB(r, 8, 2) - 1) * num_dests), 0);
						waiting_changed = true;

				/* At some point we really must cap the cargo. Previously this
				 * was a strict 4095, but now we'll have a less strict, but
				 * increasingly aggressive truncation of the amount of cargo. */
				static const uint WAITING_CARGO_THRESHOLD  = 1 << 12;
				static const uint WAITING_CARGO_CUT_FACTOR = 1 <<  6;
				static const uint MAX_WAITING_CARGO        = 1 << 15;

				if (waiting > WAITING_CARGO_THRESHOLD) {
					uint difference = waiting - WAITING_CARGO_THRESHOLD;
					waiting -= (difference / WAITING_CARGO_CUT_FACTOR);

					waiting = min(waiting, MAX_WAITING_CARGO);
					waiting_changed = true;

				/* We can't truncate cargo that's already reserved for loading.
				 * Thus StoredCount() here. */
				if (waiting_changed && waiting < ge->cargo.AvailableCount()) {
					/* Feed back the exact own waiting cargo at this station for the
					 * next rating calculation. */
					ge->max_waiting_cargo = 0;

					/* If truncating also punish the source stations' ratings to
					 * decrease the flow of incoming cargo. */

					StationCargoAmountMap waiting_per_source;
					ge->cargo.Truncate(ge->cargo.AvailableCount() - waiting, &waiting_per_source);
					for (StationCargoAmountMap::iterator i(waiting_per_source.begin()); i != waiting_per_source.end(); ++i) {
						Station *source_station = Station::GetIfValid(i->first);
						if (source_station == NULL) continue;

						GoodsEntry &source_ge = source_station->goods[cs->Index()];
						source_ge.max_waiting_cargo = max(source_ge.max_waiting_cargo, i->second);
				} else {
					/* If the average number per next hop is low, be more forgiving. */
					ge->max_waiting_cargo = waiting_avg;

	StationID index = st->index;
	if (waiting_changed) {
		SetWindowDirty(WC_STATION_VIEW, index); // update whole window
	} else {
		SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_STATION_VIEW, index, WID_SV_ACCEPT_RATING_LIST); // update only ratings list

 * Reroute cargo of type c at station st or in any vehicles unloading there.
 * Make sure the cargo's new next hop is neither "avoid" nor "avoid2".
 * @param st Station to be rerouted at.
 * @param c Type of cargo.
 * @param avoid Original next hop of cargo, avoid this.
 * @param avoid2 Another station to be avoided when rerouting.
void RerouteCargo(Station *st, CargoID c, StationID avoid, StationID avoid2)
	GoodsEntry &ge = st->goods[c];

	/* Reroute cargo in station. */
	ge.cargo.Reroute(UINT_MAX, &ge.cargo, avoid, avoid2, &ge);

	/* Reroute cargo staged to be transfered. */
	for (std::list<Vehicle *>::iterator it(st->loading_vehicles.begin()); it != st->loading_vehicles.end(); ++it) {
		for (Vehicle *v = *it; v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
			if (v->cargo_type != c) continue;
			v->cargo.Reroute(UINT_MAX, &v->cargo, avoid, avoid2, &ge);

 * Check all next hops of cargo packets in this station for existance of a
 * a valid link they may use to travel on. Reroute any cargo not having a valid
 * link and remove timed out links found like this from the linkgraph. We're
 * not all links here as that is expensive and useless. A link no one is using
 * doesn't hurt either.
 * @param from Station to check.
void DeleteStaleLinks(Station *from)
	for (CargoID c = 0; c < NUM_CARGO; ++c) {
		GoodsEntry &ge = from->goods[c];
		LinkGraph *lg = LinkGraph::GetIfValid(ge.link_graph);
		if (lg == NULL) continue;
		Node node = (*lg)[ge.node];
		for (EdgeIterator it(node.Begin()); it != node.End();) {
			Edge edge = it->second;
			Station *to = Station::Get((*lg)[it->first].Station());
			assert(to->goods[c].node == it->first);
			++it; // Do that before removing the node. Anything else may crash.
			assert(_date >= edge.LastUpdate());
			if ((uint)(_date - edge.LastUpdate()) > LinkGraph::MIN_TIMEOUT_DISTANCE +
					(DistanceManhattan(from->xy, to->xy) >> 2)) {
				RerouteCargo(from, c, to->index, from->index);
		assert(_date >= lg->LastCompression());
		if ((uint)(_date - lg->LastCompression()) > LinkGraph::COMPRESSION_INTERVAL) {

 * Increase capacity for a link stat given by station cargo and next hop.
 * @param st Station to get the link stats from.
 * @param cargo Cargo to increase stat for.
 * @param next_station_id Station the consist will be travelling to next.
 * @param capacity Capacity to add to link stat.
 * @param usage Usage to add to link stat. If UINT_MAX refresh the link instead of increasing.
void IncreaseStats(Station *st, CargoID cargo, StationID next_station_id, uint capacity, uint usage)
	GoodsEntry &ge1 = st->goods[cargo];
	Station *st2 = Station::Get(next_station_id);
	GoodsEntry &ge2 = st2->goods[cargo];
	LinkGraph *lg = NULL;
	if (ge1.link_graph == INVALID_LINK_GRAPH) {
		if (ge2.link_graph == INVALID_LINK_GRAPH) {
			if (LinkGraph::CanAllocateItem()) {
				lg = new LinkGraph(cargo);
				ge2.link_graph = lg->index;
				ge2.node = lg->AddNode(st2);
			} else {
				DEBUG(misc, 0, "Can't allocate link graph");
		} else {
			lg = LinkGraph::Get(ge2.link_graph);
		if (lg) {
			ge1.link_graph = lg->index;
			ge1.node = lg->AddNode(st);
	} else if (ge2.link_graph == INVALID_LINK_GRAPH) {
		lg = LinkGraph::Get(ge1.link_graph);
		ge2.link_graph = lg->index;
		ge2.node = lg->AddNode(st2);
	} else {
		lg = LinkGraph::Get(ge1.link_graph);
		if (ge1.link_graph != ge2.link_graph) {
			LinkGraph *lg2 = LinkGraph::Get(ge2.link_graph);
			if (lg->Size() < lg2->Size()) {
				lg2->Merge(lg); // Updates GoodsEntries of lg
				lg = lg2;
			} else {
				lg->Merge(lg2); // Updates GoodsEntries of lg2
	if (lg != NULL) {
		(*lg)[ge1.node].UpdateEdge(ge2.node, capacity, usage);

 * Increase capacity for all link stats associated with vehicles in the given consist.
 * @param st Station to get the link stats from.
 * @param front First vehicle in the consist.
 * @param next_station_id Station the consist will be travelling to next.
void IncreaseStats(Station *st, const Vehicle *front, StationID next_station_id)
	for (const Vehicle *v = front; v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
		if (v->refit_cap > 0) {
			/* The cargo count can indeed be higher than the refit_cap if
			 * wagons have been auto-replaced and subsequently auto-
			 * refitted to a higher capacity. The cargo gets redistributed
			 * among the wagons in that case.
			 * As usage is not such an important figure anyway we just
			 * ignore the additional cargo then.*/
			IncreaseStats(st, v->cargo_type, next_station_id, v->refit_cap,
				min(v->refit_cap, v->cargo.StoredCount()));

/* called for every station each tick */
static void StationHandleSmallTick(BaseStation *st)
	if ((st->facilities & FACIL_WAYPOINT) != 0 || !st->IsInUse()) return;

	byte b = st->delete_ctr + 1;
	if (b >= STATION_RATING_TICKS) b = 0;
	st->delete_ctr = b;

	if (b == 0) UpdateStationRating(Station::From(st));

void OnTick_Station()
	if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) return;

	BaseStation *st;

		/* Clean up the link graph about once a week. */
		if (Station::IsExpected(st) && (_tick_counter + st->index) % STATION_LINKGRAPH_TICKS == 0) {

		/* Run STATION_ACCEPTANCE_TICKS = 250 tick interval trigger for station animation.
		 * Station index is included so that triggers are not all done
		 * at the same time. */
		if ((_tick_counter + st->index) % STATION_ACCEPTANCE_TICKS == 0) {
			/* Stop processing this station if it was deleted */
			if (!StationHandleBigTick(st)) continue;
			TriggerStationAnimation(st, st->xy, SAT_250_TICKS);
			if (Station::IsExpected(st)) AirportAnimationTrigger(Station::From(st), AAT_STATION_250_TICKS);

/** Monthly loop for stations. */
void StationMonthlyLoop()
	Station *st;

		for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
			GoodsEntry *ge = &st->goods[i];
			SB(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_LAST_MONTH, 1, GB(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_CURRENT_MONTH, 1));
			ClrBit(ge->acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_CURRENT_MONTH);


void ModifyStationRatingAround(TileIndex tile, Owner owner, int amount, uint radius)
	Station *st;

		if (st->owner == owner &&
				DistanceManhattan(tile, st->xy) <= radius) {
			for (CargoID i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {
				GoodsEntry *ge = &st->goods[i];

				if (ge->acceptance_pickup != 0) {
					ge->rating = Clamp(ge->rating + amount, 0, 255);

static uint UpdateStationWaiting(Station *st, CargoID type, uint amount, SourceType source_type, SourceID source_id)
	/* We can't allocate a CargoPacket? Then don't do anything
	 * at all; i.e. just discard the incoming cargo. */
	if (!CargoPacket::CanAllocateItem()) return 0;

	GoodsEntry &ge = st->goods[type];
	amount += ge.amount_fract;
	ge.amount_fract = GB(amount, 0, 8);

	amount >>= 8;
	/* No new "real" cargo item yet. */
	if (amount == 0) return 0;

	StationID next = ge.GetVia(st->index);
	ge.cargo.Append(new CargoPacket(st->index, st->xy, amount, source_type, source_id), next);
	LinkGraph *lg = NULL;
	if (ge.link_graph == INVALID_LINK_GRAPH) {
		if (LinkGraph::CanAllocateItem()) {
			lg = new LinkGraph(type);
			ge.link_graph = lg->index;
			ge.node = lg->AddNode(st);
		} else {
			DEBUG(misc, 0, "Can't allocate link graph");
	} else {
		lg = LinkGraph::Get(ge.link_graph);
	if (lg != NULL) (*lg)[ge.node].UpdateSupply(amount);

	if (!ge.HasRating()) {
		InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATION_LIST, st->index);
		SetBit(ge.acceptance_pickup, GoodsEntry::GES_PICKUP);

	TriggerStationRandomisation(st, st->xy, SRT_NEW_CARGO, type);
	TriggerStationAnimation(st, st->xy, SAT_NEW_CARGO, type);
	AirportAnimationTrigger(st, AAT_STATION_NEW_CARGO, type);

	SetWindowDirty(WC_STATION_VIEW, st->index);
	return amount;

static bool IsUniqueStationName(const char *name)
	const Station *st;

		if (st->name != NULL && strcmp(st->name, name) == 0) return false;

	return true;

 * Rename a station
 * @param tile unused
 * @param flags operation to perform
 * @param p1 station ID that is to be renamed
 * @param p2 unused
 * @param text the new name or an empty string when resetting to the default
 * @return the cost of this operation or an error
CommandCost CmdRenameStation(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
	Station *st = Station::GetIfValid(p1);
	if (st == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;

	CommandCost ret = CheckOwnership(st->owner);
	if (ret.Failed()) return ret;

	bool reset = StrEmpty(text);

	if (!reset) {
		if (Utf8StringLength(text) >= MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME_CHARS) return CMD_ERROR;
		if (!IsUniqueStationName(text)) return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_NAME_MUST_BE_UNIQUE);

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		st->name = reset ? NULL : strdup(text);

		InvalidateWindowData(WC_STATION_LIST, st->owner, 1);

	return CommandCost();

 * Find all stations around a rectangular producer (industry, house, headquarter, ...)
 * @param location The location/area of the producer
 * @param stations The list to store the stations in
void FindStationsAroundTiles(const TileArea &location, StationList *stations)
	/* area to search = producer plus station catchment radius */
	uint max_rad = (_settings_game.station.modified_catchment ? MAX_CATCHMENT : CA_UNMODIFIED);

	uint x = TileX(location.tile);
	uint y = TileY(location.tile);

	uint min_x = (x > max_rad) ? x - max_rad : 0;
	uint max_x = x + location.w + max_rad;
	uint min_y = (y > max_rad) ? y - max_rad : 0;
	uint max_y = y + location.h + max_rad;

	if (min_x == 0 && min_x = 1;
	if (min_y == 0 && min_y = 1;
	if (max_x >= MapSizeX()) max_x = MapSizeX() - 1;
	if (max_y >= MapSizeY()) max_y = MapSizeY() - 1;

	for (uint cy = min_y; cy < max_y; cy++) {
		for (uint cx = min_x; cx < max_x; cx++) {
			TileIndex cur_tile = TileXY(cx, cy);
			if (!IsTileType(cur_tile, MP_STATION)) continue;

			Station *st = Station::GetByTile(cur_tile);
			/* st can be NULL in case of waypoints */
			if (st == NULL) continue;

			if (_settings_game.station.modified_catchment) {
				int rad = st->GetCatchmentRadius();
				int rad_x = cx - x;
				int rad_y = cy - y;

				if (rad_x < -rad || rad_x >= rad + location.w) continue;
				if (rad_y < -rad || rad_y >= rad + location.h) continue;

			/* Insert the station in the set. This will fail if it has
			 * already been added.

 * Run a tile loop to find stations around a tile, on demand. Cache the result for further requests
 * @return pointer to a StationList containing all stations found
const StationList *StationFinder::GetStations()
	if (this->tile != INVALID_TILE) {
		FindStationsAroundTiles(*this, &this->stations);
		this->tile = INVALID_TILE;
	return &this->stations;

uint MoveGoodsToStation(CargoID type, uint amount, SourceType source_type, SourceID source_id, const StationList *all_stations)
	/* Return if nothing to do. Also the rounding below fails for 0. */
	if (amount == 0) return 0;

	Station *st1 = NULL;   // Station with best rating
	Station *st2 = NULL;   // Second best station
	uint best_rating1 = 0; // rating of st1
	uint best_rating2 = 0; // rating of st2

	for (Station * const *st_iter = all_stations->Begin(); st_iter != all_stations->End(); ++st_iter) {
		Station *st = *st_iter;

		/* Is the station reserved exclusively for somebody else? */
		if (st->town->exclusive_counter > 0 && st->town->exclusivity != st->owner) continue;

		if (st->goods[type].rating == 0) continue; // Lowest possible rating, better not to give cargo anymore

		if (_settings_game.order.selectgoods && !st->goods[type].HasVehicleEverTriedLoading()) continue; // Selectively servicing stations, and not this one

		if (IsCargoInClass(type, CC_PASSENGERS)) {
			if (st->facilities == FACIL_TRUCK_STOP) continue; // passengers are never served by just a truck stop
		} else {
			if (st->facilities == FACIL_BUS_STOP) continue; // non-passengers are never served by just a bus stop

		/* This station can be used, add it to st1/st2 */
		if (st1 == NULL || st->goods[type].rating >= best_rating1) {
			st2 = st1; best_rating2 = best_rating1; st1 = st; best_rating1 = st->goods[type].rating;
		} else if (st2 == NULL || st->goods[type].rating >= best_rating2) {
			st2 = st; best_rating2 = st->goods[type].rating;

	/* no stations around at all? */
	if (st1 == NULL) return 0;

	/* From now we'll calculate with fractal cargo amounts.
	 * First determine how much cargo we really have. */
	amount *= best_rating1 + 1;

	if (st2 == NULL) {
		/* only one station around */
		return UpdateStationWaiting(st1, type, amount, source_type, source_id);

	/* several stations around, the best two (highest rating) are in st1 and st2 */
	assert(st1 != NULL);
	assert(st2 != NULL);
	assert(best_rating1 != 0 || best_rating2 != 0);

	/* Then determine the amount the worst station gets. We do it this way as the
	 * best should get a bonus, which in this case is the rounding difference from
	 * this calculation. In reality that will mean the bonus will be pretty low.
	 * Nevertheless, the best station should always get the most cargo regardless
	 * of rounding issues. */
	uint worst_cargo = amount * best_rating2 / (best_rating1 + best_rating2);
	assert(worst_cargo <= (amount - worst_cargo));

	/* And then send the cargo to the stations! */
	uint moved = UpdateStationWaiting(st1, type, amount - worst_cargo, source_type, source_id);
	/* These two UpdateStationWaiting's can't be in the statement as then the order
	 * of execution would be undefined and that could cause desyncs with callbacks. */
	return moved + UpdateStationWaiting(st2, type, worst_cargo, source_type, source_id);

void BuildOilRig(TileIndex tile)
	if (!Station::CanAllocateItem()) {
		DEBUG(misc, 0, "Can't allocate station for oilrig at 0x%X, reverting to oilrig only", tile);

	Station *st = new Station(tile);
	st->town = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, UINT_MAX);

	st->string_id = GenerateStationName(st, tile, STATIONNAMING_OILRIG);

	assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY));
	MakeOilrig(tile, st->index, GetWaterClass(tile));

	st->owner = OWNER_NONE;
	st->airport.type = AT_OILRIG;
	st->dock_tile = tile;
	st->facilities = FACIL_AIRPORT | FACIL_DOCK;
	st->build_date = _date;

	st->rect.BeforeAddTile(tile, StationRect::ADD_FORCE);

	UpdateStationAcceptance(st, false);

void DeleteOilRig(TileIndex tile)
	Station *st = Station::GetByTile(tile);

	MakeWaterKeepingClass(tile, OWNER_NONE);

	st->dock_tile = INVALID_TILE;
	st->facilities &= ~(FACIL_AIRPORT | FACIL_DOCK);
	st->airport.flags = 0;

	st->rect.AfterRemoveTile(st, tile);

	if (!st->IsInUse()) delete st;

static void ChangeTileOwner_Station(TileIndex tile, Owner old_owner, Owner new_owner)
	if (IsRoadStopTile(tile)) {
		for (RoadType rt = ROADTYPE_ROAD; rt < ROADTYPE_END; rt++) {
			/* Update all roadtypes, no matter if they are present */
			if (GetRoadOwner(tile, rt) == old_owner) {
				if (HasTileRoadType(tile, rt)) {
					/* A drive-through road-stop has always two road bits. No need to dirty windows here, we'll redraw the whole screen anyway. */
					Company::Get(old_owner)->infrastructure.road[rt] -= 2;
					if (new_owner != INVALID_OWNER) Company::Get(new_owner)->infrastructure.road[rt] += 2;
				SetRoadOwner(tile, rt, new_owner == INVALID_OWNER ? OWNER_NONE : new_owner);

	if (!IsTileOwner(tile, old_owner)) return;

	if (new_owner != INVALID_OWNER) {
		/* Update company infrastructure counts. Only do it here
		 * if the new owner is valid as otherwise the clear
		 * command will do it for us. No need to dirty windows
		 * here, we'll redraw the whole screen anyway.*/
		Company *old_company = Company::Get(old_owner);
		Company *new_company = Company::Get(new_owner);

		/* Update counts for underlying infrastructure. */
		switch (GetStationType(tile)) {
				if (!IsStationTileBlocked(tile)) {

			case STATION_BUS:
				/* Road stops were already handled above. */

				if (GetWaterClass(tile) == WATER_CLASS_CANAL) {


		/* Update station tile count. */
		if (!IsBuoy(tile) && !IsAirport(tile)) {

		/* for buoys, owner of tile is owner of water, st->owner == OWNER_NONE */
		SetTileOwner(tile, new_owner);
		InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_STATION_LIST, 0);
	} else {
		if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile)) {
			/* Remove the drive-through road stop */
			DoCommand(tile, 1 | 1 << 8, (GetStationType(tile) == STATION_TRUCK) ? ROADSTOP_TRUCK : ROADSTOP_BUS, DC_EXEC | DC_BANKRUPT, CMD_REMOVE_ROAD_STOP);
			assert(IsTileType(tile, MP_ROAD));
			/* Change owner of tile and all roadtypes */
			ChangeTileOwner(tile, old_owner, new_owner);
		} else {
			/* Set tile owner of water under (now removed) buoy and dock to OWNER_NONE.
			 * Update owner of buoy if it was not removed (was in orders).
			 * Do not update when owned by OWNER_WATER (sea and rivers). */
			if ((IsTileType(tile, MP_WATER) || IsBuoyTile(tile)) && IsTileOwner(tile, old_owner)) SetTileOwner(tile, OWNER_NONE);

 * Check if a drive-through road stop tile can be cleared.
 * Road stops built on town-owned roads check the conditions
 * that would allow clearing of the original road.
 * @param tile road stop tile to check
 * @param flags command flags
 * @return true if the road can be cleared
static bool CanRemoveRoadWithStop(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
	/* Yeah... water can always remove stops, right? */
	if (_current_company == OWNER_WATER) return true;

	RoadTypes rts = GetRoadTypes(tile);
	if (HasBit(rts, ROADTYPE_TRAM)) {
		Owner tram_owner = GetRoadOwner(tile, ROADTYPE_TRAM);
		if (tram_owner != OWNER_NONE && CheckOwnership(tram_owner).Failed()) return false;
	if (HasBit(rts, ROADTYPE_ROAD)) {
		Owner road_owner = GetRoadOwner(tile, ROADTYPE_ROAD);
		if (road_owner != OWNER_TOWN) {
			if (road_owner != OWNER_NONE && CheckOwnership(road_owner).Failed()) return false;
		} else {
			if (CheckAllowRemoveRoad(tile, GetAnyRoadBits(tile, ROADTYPE_ROAD), OWNER_TOWN, ROADTYPE_ROAD, flags).Failed()) return false;

	return true;

 * Clear a single tile of a station.
 * @param tile The tile to clear.
 * @param flags The DoCommand flags related to the "command".
 * @return The cost, or error of clearing.
CommandCost ClearTile_Station(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags)
	if (flags & DC_AUTO) {
		switch (GetStationType(tile)) {
			default: break;
			case STATION_BUOY:     return_cmd_error(STR_ERROR_BUOY_IN_THE_WAY);

	switch (GetStationType(tile)) {
		case STATION_RAIL:     return RemoveRailStation(tile, flags);
		case STATION_WAYPOINT: return RemoveRailWaypoint(tile, flags);
		case STATION_AIRPORT:  return RemoveAirport(tile, flags);
			if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile) && !CanRemoveRoadWithStop(tile, flags)) {
			return RemoveRoadStop(tile, flags);
			if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile) && !CanRemoveRoadWithStop(tile, flags)) {
			return RemoveRoadStop(tile, flags);
		case STATION_BUOY:     return RemoveBuoy(tile, flags);
		case STATION_DOCK:     return RemoveDock(tile, flags);
		default: break;

	return CMD_ERROR;

static CommandCost TerraformTile_Station(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, int z_new, Slope tileh_new)
	if ( && AutoslopeEnabled()) {
		/* TODO: If you implement newgrf callback 149 'land slope check', you have to decide what to do with it here.
		 *       TTDP does not call it.
		if (GetTileMaxZ(tile) == z_new + GetSlopeMaxZ(tileh_new)) {
			switch (GetStationType(tile)) {
				case STATION_RAIL: {
					DiagDirection direction = AxisToDiagDir(GetRailStationAxis(tile));
					if (!AutoslopeCheckForEntranceEdge(tile, z_new, tileh_new, direction)) break;
					if (!AutoslopeCheckForEntranceEdge(tile, z_new, tileh_new, ReverseDiagDir(direction))) break;


				case STATION_BUS: {
					DiagDirection direction = GetRoadStopDir(tile);
					if (!AutoslopeCheckForEntranceEdge(tile, z_new, tileh_new, direction)) break;
					if (IsDriveThroughStopTile(tile)) {
						if (!AutoslopeCheckForEntranceEdge(tile, z_new, tileh_new, ReverseDiagDir(direction))) break;

				default: break;
	return DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);

 * Get flow for a station.
 * @param st Station to get flow for.
 * @return Flow for st.
uint FlowStat::GetShare(StationID st) const
	uint32 prev = 0;
	for (SharesMap::const_iterator it = this->shares.begin(); it != this->shares.end(); ++it) {
		if (it->second == st) {
			return it->first - prev;
		} else {
			prev = it->first;
	return 0;

 * Get a station a package can be routed to, but exclude the given one.
 * @param excluded StationID not to be selected.
 * @return A station ID from the shares map.
StationID FlowStat::GetVia(StationID excluded, StationID excluded2) const
	uint max = (--this->shares.end())->first - 1;
	SharesMap::const_iterator it = this->shares.upper_bound(RandomRange(max));
	assert(it != this->shares.end());
	if (it->second != excluded && it->second != excluded2) return it->second;

	/* We've hit one of the excluded stations.
	 * Draw another share, from outside its range. */

	uint end = it->first;
	uint begin = (it == this->shares.begin() ? 0 : (--it)->first);
	uint interval = end - begin;
	if (interval > max) return INVALID_STATION; // Only one station in the map.
	uint new_max = max - interval;
	uint rand = RandomRange(new_max);
	SharesMap::const_iterator it2 = (rand < begin) ? this->shares.upper_bound(rand) :
			this->shares.upper_bound(rand + interval);
	assert(it2 != this->shares.end());
	if (it2->second != excluded && it2->second != excluded2) return it2->second;

	/* We've hit the second excluded station.
	 * Same as before, only a bit more complicated. */

	uint end2 = it2->first;
	uint begin2 = (it2 == this->shares.begin() ? 0 : (--it2)->first);
	uint interval2 = end2 - begin2;
	if (interval2 > new_max) return INVALID_STATION; // Only the two excluded stations in the map.
	new_max -= interval2;
	if (begin > begin2) {
		Swap(begin, begin2);
		Swap(end, end2);
		Swap(interval, interval2);
	rand = RandomRange(new_max);
	SharesMap::const_iterator it3 = this->shares.end();
	if (rand < begin) {
		it3 = this->shares.upper_bound(rand);
	} else if (rand < begin2 - interval) {
		it3 = this->shares.upper_bound(rand + interval);
	} else {
		it3 = this->shares.upper_bound(rand + interval + interval2);
	assert(it3 != this->shares.end());
	return it3->second;

 * Reduce all flows to minimum capacity so that they don't get in the way of
 * link usage statistics too much. Keep them around, though, to continue
 * routing any remaining cargo.
void FlowStat::Invalidate()
	SharesMap new_shares;
	uint i = 0;
	for (SharesMap::iterator it(this->shares.begin()); it != this->shares.end(); ++it) {
		new_shares[++i] = it->second;

 * Change share for specified station. By specifing INT_MIN as parameter you
 * can erase a share.
 * @param st Next Hop to be removed.
 * @param flow Share to be added or removed.
void FlowStat::ChangeShare(StationID st, int flow)
	/* We assert only before changing as afterwards the shares can actually
	 * be empty. In that case the whole flow stat must be deleted then. */

	uint removed_shares = 0;
	uint added_shares = 0;
	uint last_share = 0;
	SharesMap new_shares;
	for (SharesMap::iterator it(this->shares.begin()); it != this->shares.end(); ++it) {
		if (it->second == st) {
			if (flow < 0) {
				uint share = it->first - last_share;
				if (flow == INT_MIN || (uint)(-flow) >= share) {
					removed_shares += share;
					if (flow != INT_MIN) flow += share;
					last_share = it->first;
					continue; // remove the whole share
				removed_shares += (uint)(-flow);
			} else {
				added_shares += (uint)(flow);

			/* If we don't continue above the whole flow has been added or
			 * removed. */
			flow = 0;
		new_shares[it->first + added_shares - removed_shares] = it->second;
		last_share = it->first;
	if (flow > 0) new_shares[last_share + (uint)flow] = st;

 * Add some flow from "origin", going via "via".
 * @param origin Origin of the flow.
 * @param via Next hop.
 * @param flow Amount of flow to be added.
void FlowStatMap::AddFlow(StationID origin, StationID via, uint flow)
	FlowStatMap::iterator origin_it = this->find(origin);
	if (origin_it == this->end()) {
		this->insert(std::make_pair(origin, FlowStat(via, flow)));
	} else {
		origin_it->second.ChangeShare(via, flow);

 * Pass on some flow, remembering it as invalid, for later subtraction from
 * locally consumed flow. This is necessary because we can't have negative
 * flows and we don't want to sort the flows before adding them up.
 * @param origin Origin of the flow.
 * @param via Next hop.
 * @param flow Amount of flow to be passed.
void FlowStatMap::PassOnFlow(StationID origin, StationID via, uint flow)
	FlowStatMap::iterator prev_it = this->find(origin);
	if (prev_it == this->end()) {
		FlowStat fs(via, flow);
		fs.AppendShare(INVALID_STATION, flow);
		this->insert(std::make_pair(origin, fs));
	} else {
		prev_it->second.ChangeShare(via, flow);
		prev_it->second.ChangeShare(INVALID_STATION, flow);

 * Subtract invalid flows from locally consumed flow.
 * @param self ID of own station.
void FlowStatMap::FinalizeLocalConsumption(StationID self)
	for (FlowStatMap::iterator i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i) {
		FlowStat &fs = i->second;
		uint local = fs.GetShare(INVALID_STATION);
		if (local > INT_MAX) { // make sure it fits in an int
			fs.ChangeShare(self, -INT_MAX);
			fs.ChangeShare(INVALID_STATION, -INT_MAX);
			local -= INT_MAX;
		fs.ChangeShare(self, -(int)local);
		fs.ChangeShare(INVALID_STATION, -(int)local);

		/* If the local share is used up there must be a share for some
		 * remote station. */

 * Delete all flows at a station for specific cargo and destination.
 * @param via Remote station of flows to be deleted.
void FlowStatMap::DeleteFlows(StationID via)
	for (FlowStatMap::iterator f_it = this->begin(); f_it != this->end();) {
		FlowStat &s_flows = f_it->second;
		s_flows.ChangeShare(via, INT_MIN);
		if (s_flows.GetShares()->empty()) {
		} else {

 * Get the sum of flows via a specific station from this GoodsEntry.
 * @param via Remote station to look for.
 * @return a FlowStat with all flows for 'via' added up.
uint GoodsEntry::GetSumFlowVia(StationID via) const
	uint ret = 0;
	for (FlowStatMap::const_iterator i = this->flows.begin(); i != this->flows.end(); ++i) {
		ret += i->second.GetShare(via);
	return ret;

extern const TileTypeProcs _tile_type_station_procs = {
	DrawTile_Station,           // draw_tile_proc
	GetSlopePixelZ_Station,     // get_slope_z_proc
	ClearTile_Station,          // clear_tile_proc
	NULL,                       // add_accepted_cargo_proc
	GetTileDesc_Station,        // get_tile_desc_proc
	GetTileTrackStatus_Station, // get_tile_track_status_proc
	ClickTile_Station,          // click_tile_proc
	AnimateTile_Station,        // animate_tile_proc
	TileLoop_Station,           // tile_loop_proc
	ChangeTileOwner_Station,    // change_tile_owner_proc
	NULL,                       // add_produced_cargo_proc
	VehicleEnter_Station,       // vehicle_enter_tile_proc
	GetFoundation_Station,      // get_foundation_proc
	TerraformTile_Station,      // terraform_tile_proc
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