Changeset - r28361:99a1cc03aea0
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Patric Stout - 5 months ago 2023-12-30 17:00:24
Change: add vcpkg.json to instruct vcpkg what dependencies we require

This works on all OSes, making it far simpler for any developer
to jump in. Just install vcpkg, run "vcpkg install" in our root,
and you have all the dependencies.
7 files changed with 79 insertions and 85 deletions:
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@@ -126,27 +126,33 @@ jobs:
        sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
          liballegro4-dev \
          libcurl4-openssl-dev \
          libfontconfig-dev \
          libharfbuzz-dev \
          libicu-dev \
          liblzma-dev \
          liblzo2-dev \
          ${{ matrix.libraries }} \
          zlib1g-dev \
          # EOF

        sudo vcpkg install \
          breakpad \
          # EOF
        echo "::group::Install vcpkg dependencies"

        # Disable vcpkg integration, as we mostly use system libraries.
        mv vcpkg.json vcpkg-disabled.json

        # We only use breakpad from vcpkg, as its CMake files
        # are a bit special. So the Ubuntu's variant doesn't work.
        vcpkg install breakpad

        echo "::endgroup::"
        DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive

    - name: Get OpenGFX
      run: |
        mkdir -p ~/.local/share/openttd/baseset
        cd ~/.local/share/openttd/baseset

        echo "::group::Download OpenGFX"
        curl -L -o
        echo "::endgroup::"
@@ -167,28 +173,33 @@ jobs:

        echo "::group::CMake"
        cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/local/share/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake ${{ matrix.extra-cmake-parameters }}
        echo "::endgroup::"

        echo "::group::Build"
        echo "Running on $(nproc) cores"
        cmake --build . -j $(nproc)
        echo "::endgroup::"

    - name: Test
      run: |
        cd build
        ctest -j $(nproc) --timeout 120
          cd build
          ctest -j $(nproc) --timeout 120

        # Check no tracked files have been modified
        # Re-enable vcpkg.
        mv vcpkg-disabled.json vcpkg.json

        # Check no tracked files have been modified.
        git diff --exit-code

      fail-fast: false
        - arch: x64
          full_arch: x86_64

    name: Mac OS (${{ matrix.arch }})

@@ -199,35 +210,24 @@ jobs:
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Setup vcpkg caching
      uses: actions/github-script@v6
        script: |
          core.exportVariable('ACTIONS_CACHE_URL', process.env.ACTIONS_CACHE_URL || '');
          core.exportVariable('ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN', process.env.ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN || '');
          core.exportVariable('VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES', 'clear;x-gha,readwrite')

    - name: Prepare vcpkg
      run: |
        vcpkg install --triplet=${{ matrix.arch }}-osx \
          breakpad \
          curl \
          liblzma \
          libpng \
          lzo \
          zlib \
          # EOF

    - name: Install OpenGFX
      run: |
        mkdir -p ~/Documents/OpenTTD/baseset
        cd ~/Documents/OpenTTD/baseset

        echo "::group::Download OpenGFX"
        curl -L -o
        echo "::endgroup::"

        echo "::group::Unpack OpenGFX"
        echo "::endgroup::"
@@ -274,35 +274,24 @@ jobs:
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Setup vcpkg caching
      uses: actions/github-script@v6
        script: |
          core.exportVariable('ACTIONS_CACHE_URL', process.env.ACTIONS_CACHE_URL || '');
          core.exportVariable('ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN', process.env.ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN || '');
          core.exportVariable('VCPKG_BINARY_SOURCES', 'clear;x-gha,readwrite')

    - name: Prepare vcpkg
      shell: bash
      run: |
        vcpkg install --triplet=${{ matrix.arch }}-windows-static \
          breakpad \
          liblzma \
          libpng \
          lzo \
          zlib \
          # EOF

    - name: Install OpenGFX
      shell: bash
      run: |
        mkdir -p "C:/Users/Public/Documents/OpenTTD/baseset"
        cd "C:/Users/Public/Documents/OpenTTD/baseset"

        echo "::group::Download OpenGFX"
        curl -L -o
        echo "::endgroup::"

        echo "::group::Unpack OpenGFX"
Show inline comments
@@ -123,46 +123,30 @@ jobs:
        echo "::group::Install vcpkg and dependencies"

        git clone /vcpkg

          cd /vcpkg
          ./ -disableMetrics

        # Make Python3 available for other packages. This needs to be done
        # first, as otherwise dependencies fail to build because Python3 is
        # not available.
        /vcpkg/vcpkg install python3
        ln -sf /vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/tools/python3/python3.[0-9][0-9] /usr/bin/python3

        # SDL2 needs dbus, but dbus default install comes with libsystemd
        # and some of libsystemd deps fail to build on our quite old linux.
        # So just install basic dbus without any extra deps.
        /vcpkg/vcpkg install dbus[core]
          cd /

        # Now we can install OpenTTD dependencies
        /vcpkg/vcpkg install \
          breakpad \
          curl[http2] \
          fontconfig \
          freetype \
          harfbuzz \
          icu \
          liblzma \
          libpng \
          lzo \
          sdl2 \
          zlib \
          # EOF
          /vcpkg/vcpkg install python3
          ln -sf /vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/tools/python3/python3.[0-9][0-9] /usr/bin/python3
        echo "::endgroup::"

        echo "::group::Install breakpad dependencies"
        cargo install dump_syms
        echo "::endgroup::"

    - name: Install GCC problem matcher
      uses: ammaraskar/gcc-problem-matcher@master

    - name: Build
      run: |
        mkdir -p build
Show inline comments
@@ -46,41 +46,24 @@ jobs:
      run: |
        echo "::group::Install brew dependencies"
        brew install \
          pandoc \
          # EOF
        echo "::endgroup::"

        echo "::group::Install breakpad dependencies"
        cargo install dump_syms
        echo "::endgroup::"

    - name: Prepare vcpkg
      run: |
        vcpkg install \
          breakpad:x64-osx \
          breakpad:arm64-osx \
          curl:x64-osx \
          curl:arm64-osx \
          liblzma:x64-osx \
          liblzma:arm64-osx \
          libpng:x64-osx \
          libpng:arm64-osx \
          lzo:x64-osx \
          lzo:arm64-osx \
          zlib:x64-osx \
          zlib:arm64-osx \
          # EOF

    - name: Install GCC problem matcher
      uses: ammaraskar/gcc-problem-matcher@master

    - name: Build tools
      run: |
        mkdir build-host
        cd build-host

        echo "::group::CMake"
        cmake ${GITHUB_WORKSPACE} \
          -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \
Show inline comments
@@ -55,41 +55,24 @@ jobs:

    - name: Install dependencies
      shell: bash
      run: |
        echo "::group::Install choco dependencies"
        choco install pandoc
        echo "::endgroup::"

        echo "::group::Install breakpad dependencies"
        cargo install dump_syms
        echo "::endgroup::"

    - name: Prepare vcpkg
      shell: bash
      run: |
        vcpkg install --triplet=${{ matrix.arch }}-windows-static \
          liblzma \
          libpng \
          lzo \
          zlib \
          # EOF

        # arm64-windows-static is not (yet) supported for breakpad.
        if [ "${{ matrix.arch }}" != "arm64" ]; then
          vcpkg install --triplet=${{ matrix.arch }}-windows-static \
            breakpad \
            # EOF

    - name: Install MSVC problem matcher
      uses: ammaraskar/msvc-problem-matcher@master

    - name: Configure developer command prompt for tools
      uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
        arch: x64

    - name: Build tools
      shell: bash
      run: |
        mkdir build-host
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@@ -50,26 +50,26 @@ by following the `Quick Start` instructi
After this, you can install the dependencies OpenTTD needs. We advise to use
the `static` versions, and OpenTTD currently needs the following dependencies:

- breakpad
- liblzma
- libpng
- lzo
- zlib

To install both the x64 (64bit) and x86 (32bit) variants (though only one is necessary), you can use:

.\vcpkg install breakpad:x64-windows-static liblzma:x64-windows-static libpng:x64-windows-static lzo:x64-windows-static zlib:x64-windows-static
.\vcpkg install breakpad:x86-windows-static liblzma:x86-windows-static libpng:x86-windows-static lzo:x86-windows-static zlib:x86-windows-static
.\vcpkg install --triplet=x64-windows-static
.\vcpkg install --triplet=x86-windows-static

You can open the folder (as a CMake project). CMake will be detected, and you can compile from there.
If libraries are installed but not found, you need to set VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET in CMake parameters.
For Visual Studio 2017 you also need to set CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE.
(Typical values are shown in the MSVC project file command line example)

Alternatively, you can create a MSVC project file via CMake. For this
either download CMake from or use the version
that comes with vcpkg. After that, you can run something similar to this:

Show inline comments
new file 100644
  "$schema": "",
  "dependencies": [
      "name": "breakpad",
      "platform": "!(windows & arm)"
      "name": "curl",
      "platform": "linux",
      "features": [
      "name": "dbus",
      "platform": "linux",
      "default-features": false
      "name": "fontconfig",
      "platform": "linux"
      "name": "freetype",
      "platform": "linux"
      "name": "harfbuzz",
      "platform": "linux"
      "name": "icu",
      "platform": "linux"
      "name": "liblzma"
      "name": "libpng"
      "name": "lzo"
      "name": "sdl2",
      "platform": "linux"
      "name": "zlib"
  "builtin-baseline": "94cf042e6b7713913a3b3150f3ca3d0f4550f7c4"
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)