Changeset - r24688:9c99e0da7aad
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dP - 4 years ago 2021-01-15 14:38:14
Feature: Allow GameScripts to add additional text to Industry view window
9 files changed with 60 insertions and 11 deletions:
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@@ -257,25 +257,25 @@ static const Command _command_proc_table
	DEF_CMD(CmdForceTrainProceed,                              0, CMDT_VEHICLE_MANAGEMENT    ), // CMD_FORCE_TRAIN_PROCEED
	DEF_CMD(CmdReverseTrainDirection,                          0, CMDT_VEHICLE_MANAGEMENT    ), // CMD_REVERSE_TRAIN_DIRECTION

	DEF_CMD(CmdClearOrderBackup,                   CMD_CLIENT_ID, CMDT_SERVER_SETTING        ), // CMD_CLEAR_ORDER_BACKUP
	DEF_CMD(CmdModifyOrder,                                    0, CMDT_ROUTE_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_MODIFY_ORDER
	DEF_CMD(CmdSkipToOrder,                                    0, CMDT_ROUTE_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_SKIP_TO_ORDER
	DEF_CMD(CmdDeleteOrder,                                    0, CMDT_ROUTE_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_DELETE_ORDER
	DEF_CMD(CmdInsertOrder,                                    0, CMDT_ROUTE_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_INSERT_ORDER

	DEF_CMD(CmdChangeServiceInt,                               0, CMDT_VEHICLE_MANAGEMENT    ), // CMD_CHANGE_SERVICE_INT

	DEF_CMD(CmdIndustryCtrl,                           CMD_DEITY, CMDT_OTHER_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_INDUSTRY_CTRL

	DEF_CMD(CmdSetCompanyManagerFace,                          0, CMDT_OTHER_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_SET_COMPANY_MANAGER_FACE
	DEF_CMD(CmdSetCompanyColour,                               0, CMDT_OTHER_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_SET_COMPANY_COLOUR

	DEF_CMD(CmdIncreaseLoan,                                   0, CMDT_MONEY_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_INCREASE_LOAN
	DEF_CMD(CmdDecreaseLoan,                                   0, CMDT_MONEY_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_DECREASE_LOAN

	DEF_CMD(CmdWantEnginePreview,                              0, CMDT_VEHICLE_MANAGEMENT    ), // CMD_WANT_ENGINE_PREVIEW
	DEF_CMD(CmdEngineCtrl,                             CMD_DEITY, CMDT_VEHICLE_MANAGEMENT    ), // CMD_ENGINE_CTRL

	DEF_CMD(CmdRenameVehicle,                                  0, CMDT_OTHER_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_RENAME_VEHICLE
	DEF_CMD(CmdRenameEngine,                          CMD_SERVER, CMDT_OTHER_MANAGEMENT      ), // CMD_RENAME_ENGINE
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@@ -24,24 +24,31 @@ extern IndustryPool _industry_pool;
 * Production level maximum, minimum and default values.
 * It is not a value been really used in order to change, but rather an indicator
 * of how the industry is behaving.
enum ProductionLevels {
	PRODLEVEL_CLOSURE = 0x00,  ///< signal set to actually close the industry
	PRODLEVEL_MINIMUM = 0x04,  ///< below this level, the industry is set to be closing
	PRODLEVEL_DEFAULT = 0x10,  ///< default level set when the industry is created
	PRODLEVEL_MAXIMUM = 0x80,  ///< the industry is running at full speed

enum class IndustryAction : byte {
	SetControlFlags = 0,       ///< Set IndustryControlFlags
	SetExclusiveSupplier = 1,  ///< Set exclusive supplier
	SetExclusiveConsumer = 2,  ///< Set exclusive consumer
	SetText = 3,               ///< Set additional text

 * Flags to control/override the behaviour of an industry.
 * These flags are controlled by game scripts.
enum IndustryControlFlags : byte {
	/** No flags in effect */
	INDCTL_NONE                   = 0,
	/** When industry production change is evaluated, rolls to decrease are ignored. */
	/** When industry production change is evaluated, rolls to increase are ignored. */
@@ -82,24 +89,25 @@ struct Industry : IndustryPool::PoolItem

	PartOfSubsidy part_of_subsidy; ///< NOSAVE: is this industry a source/destination of a subsidy?
	StationList stations_near;     ///< NOSAVE: List of nearby stations.
	mutable std::string cached_name; ///< NOSAVE: Cache of the resolved name of the industry

	Owner founder;                 ///< Founder of the industry
	Date construction_date;        ///< Date of the construction of the industry
	uint8 construction_type;       ///< Way the industry was constructed (@see IndustryConstructionType)
	Date last_cargo_accepted_at[INDUSTRY_NUM_INPUTS]; ///< Last day each cargo type was accepted by this industry
	byte selected_layout;          ///< Which tile layout was used when creating the industry
	Owner exclusive_supplier;      ///< Which company has exclusive rights to deliver cargo (INVALID_OWNER = anyone)
	Owner exclusive_consumer;      ///< Which company has exclusive rights to take cargo (INVALID_OWNER = anyone)
	std::string text;              ///< General text with additional information.

	uint16 random;                 ///< Random value used for randomisation of all kinds of things

	PersistentStorage *psa;        ///< Persistent storage for NewGRF industries.

	Industry(TileIndex tile = INVALID_TILE) : location(tile, 0, 0) {}

	void RecomputeProductionMultipliers();

	 * Check if a given tile belongs to this industry.
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@@ -31,24 +31,26 @@
#include "vehicle_func.h"
#include "sound_func.h"
#include "animated_tile_func.h"
#include "effectvehicle_func.h"
#include "effectvehicle_base.h"
#include "ai/ai.hpp"
#include "core/pool_func.hpp"
#include "subsidy_func.h"
#include "core/backup_type.hpp"
#include "object_base.h"
#include "game/game.hpp"
#include "error.h"
#include "cmd_helper.h"
#include "string_func.h"

#include "table/strings.h"
#include "table/industry_land.h"
#include "table/build_industry.h"

#include "safeguards.h"

IndustryPool _industry_pool("Industry");

void ShowIndustryViewWindow(int industry);
void BuildOilRig(TileIndex tile);
@@ -2054,72 +2056,76 @@ CommandCost CmdBuildIndustry(TileIndex t

	return CommandCost(EXPENSES_OTHER, indspec->GetConstructionCost());

 * Change industry properties
 * @param tile Unused.
 * @param flags Type of operation.
 * @param p1 IndustryID
 * @param p2 various bitstuffed elements
 * - p2 = (bit 0 - 7) - action to perform:
 *                      0 = set control flags
 *                      1 = set exclusive supplier
 *                      2 = set exclusive consumer
 * - p2 = (bit 0 - 7) - IndustryAction to perform
 * - p2 = (bit 8 - 15) - IndustryControlFlags
 *                       (only used with set control flags)
 * - p2 = (bit 16 - 23) - CompanyID to set or INVALID_OWNER (available to everyone) or
 *                        OWNER_NONE (neutral stations only) or OWNER_DEITY (no one)
 *                        (only used with set exclusive supplier / consumer)
 * @param text unused
 * @param text - Additional industry text (only used with set text action)
 * @return Empty cost or an error.
CommandCost CmdIndustryCtrl(TileIndex tile, DoCommandFlag flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2, const char *text)
	if (_current_company != OWNER_DEITY) return CMD_ERROR;

	Industry *ind = Industry::GetIfValid(p1);
	if (ind == nullptr) return CMD_ERROR;

	uint8 action = GB(p2, 0, 8);
	auto action = static_cast<IndustryAction>(GB(p2, 0, 8));

	switch (action) {
		case 0: {
		case IndustryAction::SetControlFlags: {
			IndustryControlFlags ctlflags = (IndustryControlFlags)GB(p2, 8, 8) & INDCTL_MASK;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) ind->ctlflags = ctlflags;


		case 1:
		case 2: {
		case IndustryAction::SetExclusiveSupplier:
		case IndustryAction::SetExclusiveConsumer: {
			Owner company_id = (Owner)GB(p2, 16, 8);

			if (company_id != OWNER_NONE && company_id != INVALID_OWNER && company_id != OWNER_DEITY
				&& !Company::IsValidID(company_id)) return CMD_ERROR;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				if (action == 1) {
				if (action == IndustryAction::SetExclusiveSupplier) {
					ind->exclusive_supplier = company_id;
				} else {
					ind->exclusive_consumer = company_id;


		case IndustryAction::SetText: {
			if (!StrEmpty(text)) ind->text = text;
			InvalidateWindowData(WC_INDUSTRY_VIEW, ind->index);


	return CommandCost();

 * Create a new industry of random layout.
 * @param tile The location to build the industry.
 * @param type The industry type to build.
 * @param creation_type The circumstances the industry is created under.
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@@ -904,24 +904,31 @@ public:
						y += WD_PAR_VSEP_WIDE;

						StartTextRefStackUsage(ind->grf_prop.grffile, 6);
						/* Use all the available space left from where we stand up to the
						 * end of the window. We ALSO enlarge the window if needed, so we
						 * can 'go' wild with the bottom of the window. */
						y = DrawStringMultiLine(left + WD_FRAMERECT_LEFT, right - WD_FRAMERECT_RIGHT, y, UINT16_MAX, message, TC_BLACK);

		if (!i->text.empty()) {
			SetDParamStr(0, i->text.c_str());


	void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override
		if (widget == WID_IV_CAPTION) SetDParam(0, this->window_number);

	void UpdateWidgetSize(int widget, Dimension *size, const Dimension &padding, Dimension *fill, Dimension *resize) override
		if (widget == WID_IV_INFO) size->height = this->info_height;
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@@ -63,24 +63,25 @@ static const SaveLoad _industry_desc[] =
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, construction_type,          SLE_UINT8,                 SLV_70, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, last_cargo_accepted_at[0],  SLE_INT32,                 SLV_70, SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS),
	SLE_CONDARR(Industry, last_cargo_accepted_at,     SLE_INT32, 16,            SLV_EXTEND_INDUSTRY_CARGO_SLOTS, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, selected_layout,            SLE_UINT8,                 SLV_73, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, exclusive_supplier,         SLE_UINT8,                 SLV_GS_INDUSTRY_CONTROL, SL_MAX_VERSION),
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, exclusive_consumer,         SLE_UINT8,                 SLV_GS_INDUSTRY_CONTROL, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLEG_CONDARR(, SLE_UINT32, 16,            SLV_76, SLV_161),
	SLE_CONDREF(Industry, psa,                        REF_STORAGE,              SLV_161, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDNULL(1, SLV_82, SLV_197), // random_triggers
	SLE_CONDVAR(Industry, random,                     SLE_UINT16,                SLV_82, SL_MAX_VERSION),

	SLE_CONDNULL(32, SLV_2, SLV_144), // old reserved space


static void Save_INDY()
	/* Write the industries */
	for (Industry *ind : Industry::Iterate()) {
		SlObject(ind, _industry_desc);
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@@ -314,24 +314,25 @@ enum SaveLoadVersion : uint16 {
	 * versions anyway, we simply skip the versions we know belong to
	 * patchpacks. This way we can present the user with a clean error
	 * indicate he is loading a savegame from a patchpack.
	 * For future patchpack creators: please follow a system like JGRPP, where
	 * the version is masked with 0x8000, and the true version is stored in
	 * its own chunk with feature toggles.
	SLV_START_PATCHPACKS,                   ///< 220  First known patchpack to use a version just above ours.
	SLV_END_PATCHPACKS = 286,               ///< 286  Last known patchpack to use a version just above ours.

	SLV_GS_INDUSTRY_CONTROL,                ///< 287  PR#7912 and PR#8115 GS industry control.
	SLV_VEH_MOTION_COUNTER,                 ///< 288  PR#8591 Desync safe motion counter
	SLV_INDUSTRY_TEXT,                      ///< 289  PR#8576 Additional GS text for industries.

	SL_MAX_VERSION,                         ///< Highest possible saveload version

/** Save or load result codes. */
enum SaveOrLoadResult {
	SL_OK     = 0, ///< completed successfully
	SL_ERROR  = 1, ///< error that was caught before internal structures were modified
	SL_REINIT = 2, ///< error that was caught in the middle of updating game state, need to clear it. (can only happen during load)

/** Deals with the type of the savegame, independent of extension */
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@@ -21,24 +21,25 @@
 * \li GSCargo::GetName
 * \li GSEventStoryPageButtonClick
 * \li GSEventStoryPageTileSelect
 * \li GSEventStoryPageVehicleSelect
 * \li GSIndustry::GetCargoLastAcceptedDate
 * \li GSIndustry::GetControlFlags
 * \li GSIndustry::GetExclusiveConsumer
 * \li GSIndustry::GetExclusiveSupplier
 * \li GSIndustry::GetLastProductionYear
 * \li GSIndustry::SetControlFlags
 * \li GSIndustry::SetExclusiveConsumer
 * \li GSIndustry::SetExclusiveSupplier
 * \li GSIndustry::SetText
 * \li GSStoryPage::MakePushButtonReference
 * \li GSStoryPage::MakeTileButtonReference
 * \li GSStoryPage::MakeVehicleButtonReference
 * \li GSPriorityQueue
 * Other changes:
 * \li GSCompany::ChangeBankBalance takes one extra parameter to refer to a location to show text effect on
 * \b 1.10.0
 * API additions:
 * \li GSVehicle::BuildVehicleWithRefit
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@@ -6,24 +6,25 @@

/** @file script_industry.cpp Implementation of ScriptIndustry. */

#include "../../stdafx.h"
#include "script_industry.hpp"
#include "script_cargo.hpp"
#include "script_company.hpp"
#include "script_error.hpp"
#include "script_map.hpp"
#include "../../company_base.h"
#include "../../industry.h"
#include "../../string_func.h"
#include "../../strings_func.h"
#include "../../station_base.h"
#include "../../newgrf_industries.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include <numeric>

#include "../../safeguards.h"

/* static */ int32 ScriptIndustry::GetIndustryCount()
	return (int32)::Industry::GetNumItems();
@@ -38,24 +39,38 @@
	if (!::IsValidTile(tile) || !::IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY)) return INVALID_INDUSTRY;
	return ::GetIndustryIndex(tile);

/* static */ char *ScriptIndustry::GetName(IndustryID industry_id)
	if (!IsValidIndustry(industry_id)) return nullptr;

	::SetDParam(0, industry_id);
	return GetString(STR_INDUSTRY_NAME);

/* static */ bool ScriptIndustry::SetText(IndustryID industry_id, Text *text)
	CCountedPtr<Text> counter(text);

	const char *encoded_text = nullptr;
	if (text != nullptr) {
		encoded_text = text->GetEncodedText();
		EnforcePreconditionEncodedText(false, encoded_text);
	EnforcePrecondition(false, IsValidIndustry(industry_id));

	return ScriptObject::DoCommand(0, industry_id, static_cast<uint32>(IndustryAction::SetText), CMD_INDUSTRY_CTRL, encoded_text);

/* static */ ScriptIndustry::CargoAcceptState ScriptIndustry::IsCargoAccepted(IndustryID industry_id, CargoID cargo_id)
	if (!IsValidIndustry(industry_id)) return CAS_NOT_ACCEPTED;
	if (!ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id)) return CAS_NOT_ACCEPTED;

	Industry *i = ::Industry::Get(industry_id);

	for (byte j = 0; j < lengthof(i->accepts_cargo); j++) {
		if (i->accepts_cargo[j] == cargo_id) {
			if (IndustryTemporarilyRefusesCargo(i, cargo_id)) return CAS_TEMP_REFUSED;
			return CAS_ACCEPTED;
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@@ -73,24 +73,34 @@ public:
	static IndustryID GetIndustryID(TileIndex tile);

	 * Get the name of the industry.
	 * @param industry_id The industry to get the name of.
	 * @pre IsValidIndustry(industry_id).
	 * @return The name of the industry.
	static char *GetName(IndustryID industry_id);

	 * Set the custom text of an industry, shown in the GUI.
	 * @param industry_id The industry to set the custom text of.
	 * @param text The text to set it to (can be either a raw string, or a ScriptText object). If null is passed, the text will be removed.
	 * @pre IsValidIndustry(industry_id).
	 * @return True if the action succeeded.
	 * @api -ai
	static bool SetText(IndustryID industry_id, Text *text);

	 * See whether an industry currently accepts a certain cargo.
	 * @param industry_id The index of the industry.
	 * @param cargo_id The index of the cargo.
	 * @pre IsValidIndustry(industry_id).
	 * @pre ScriptCargo::IsValidCargo(cargo_id).
	 * @return Whether the industry accepts, temporarily refuses or never accepts this cargo.
	static CargoAcceptState IsCargoAccepted(IndustryID industry_id, CargoID cargo_id);

	 * Get the amount of cargo stockpiled for processing.
	 * @param industry_id The index of the industry.
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