Changeset - r7806:a2c6f8da57ac
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glx - 17 years ago 2007-10-29 23:29:06
(svn r11356) -Fix (r11305): funding industries in MP game was causing desync
2 files changed with 3 insertions and 3 deletions:
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@@ -1549,97 +1549,97 @@ static Industry *CreateNewIndustryHelper

	const Town *t = CheckMultipleIndustryInTown(tile, type);
	if (t == NULL) return NULL;

	if (!CheckIfIndustryIsAllowed(tile, type, t)) return NULL;
	if (!CheckSuitableIndustryPos(tile)) return NULL;

	Industry *i = new Industry(tile);
	if (i == NULL) return NULL;
	AutoPtrT<Industry> i_auto_delete = i;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		if (!custom_shape_check) CheckIfCanLevelIndustryPlatform(tile, DC_EXEC, it, type);
		DoCreateNewIndustry(i, tile, type, it, itspec_index, t, OWNER_NONE);

	return i;

/** Build/Fund an industry
 * @param tile tile where industry is built
 * @param flags of operations to conduct
 * @param p1 industry type see build_industry.h and see industry.h
 * @param p2 unused
 * @param p2 first layout to try
 * @return index of the newly create industry, or CMD_ERROR if it failed
CommandCost CmdBuildIndustry(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	const IndustrySpec *indspec;


	indspec = GetIndustrySpec(p1);

	/* Check if the to-be built/founded industry is available for this climate. */
	if (!indspec->enabled) {
		return CMD_ERROR;

	/* If the patch for raw-material industries is not on, you cannot build raw-material industries.
	 * Raw material industries are industries that do not accept cargo (at least for now) */
	if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && _patches.raw_industry_construction == 0 && indspec->IsRawIndustry()) {
		return CMD_ERROR;

	if (_game_mode != GM_EDITOR && _patches.raw_industry_construction == 2 && indspec->IsRawIndustry()) {
		if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
			/* Prospecting has a chance to fail, however we cannot guarantee that something can
			 * be built on the map, so the chance gets lower when the map is fuller, but there
			 * is nothing we can really do about that. */
			if (Random() <= indspec->prospecting_chance) {
				for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
					const Industry *ind = CreateNewIndustryHelper(RandomTile(), p1, flags, indspec, RandomRange(indspec->num_table));
					if (ind != NULL) {
						SetDParam(0, indspec->name);
						if (indspec->new_industry_text > STR_LAST_STRINGID) {
							SetDParam(1, STR_TOWN);
							SetDParam(2, ind->town->index);
						} else {
							SetDParam(1, ind->town->index);
	} else {
		int count = indspec->num_table;
		const IndustryTileTable * const *itt = indspec->table;
		int num = RandomRange(count);
		int num = clamp(p2, 0, count - 1);

		_error_message = STR_0239_SITE_UNSUITABLE;
		do {
			if (--count < 0) return CMD_ERROR;
			if (--num < 0) num = indspec->num_table - 1;
		} while (!CheckIfIndustryTilesAreFree(tile, itt[num], num, p1));

		if (CreateNewIndustryHelper(tile, p1, flags, indspec, num) == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;

	return CommandCost(indspec->GetConstructionCost());


Industry *CreateNewIndustry(TileIndex tile, IndustryType type)
	const IndustrySpec *indspec = GetIndustrySpec(type);

	return CreateNewIndustryHelper(tile, type, DC_EXEC, indspec, RandomRange(indspec->num_table));

enum {
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@@ -294,49 +294,49 @@ static void BuildDynamicIndustryWndProc(
			bool success = true;
			/* We do not need to protect ourselves against "Random Many Industries" in this mode */
			const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(WP(w, fnd_d).select);

			if (_game_mode == GM_EDITOR) {
				/* Show error if no town exists at all */
				if (GetNumTowns() == 0) {
					SetDParam(0, indsp->name);
					ShowErrorMessage(STR_0286_MUST_BUILD_TOWN_FIRST, STR_0285_CAN_T_BUILD_HERE, e->, e->;

				_current_player = OWNER_NONE;
				_generating_world = true;
				_ignore_restrictions = true;
				success = TryBuildIndustry(e->, WP(w, fnd_d).select);
				if (!success) {
					SetDParam(0, indsp->name);
					ShowErrorMessage(_error_message, STR_0285_CAN_T_BUILD_HERE, e->, e->;

				_ignore_restrictions = false;
				_generating_world = false;
			} else {
				success = DoCommandP(e->, WP(w, fnd_d).select, 0, NULL, CMD_BUILD_INDUSTRY | CMD_MSG(STR_4830_CAN_T_CONSTRUCT_THIS_INDUSTRY));
				success = DoCommandP(e->, WP(w, fnd_d).select, InteractiveRandomRange(indsp->num_table), NULL, CMD_BUILD_INDUSTRY | CMD_MSG(STR_4830_CAN_T_CONSTRUCT_THIS_INDUSTRY));

			/* If an industry has been built, just reset the cursor and the system */
			if (success) ResetObjectToPlace();
		} break;

		case WE_TICK:
			if (!WP(w, fnd_d).timer_enabled) break;
			if (--WP(w, fnd_d).callback_timer == 0) {
				/* We have just passed another day.
				 * See if we need to update availability of currently selected industry */
				WP(w, fnd_d).callback_timer = DAY_TICKS;  //restart counter

				const IndustrySpec *indsp = GetIndustrySpec(WP(w, fnd_d).select);

				if (indsp->enabled) {
					bool call_back_result = CheckIfCallBackAllowsAvailability(WP(w, fnd_d).select, IACT_USERCREATION);

					/* Only if result does match the previous state would it require a redraw. */
					if (call_back_result != _fund_gui.enabled[WP(w, fnd_d).index]) {
						_fund_gui.enabled[WP(w, fnd_d).index] = call_back_result;
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