Changeset - r27069:a6d3bb67a38c
[Not reviewed]
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translators - 14 months ago 2023-04-10 18:39:57
Update: Translations from eints
english (au): 13 changes by krysclarke
english (us): 15 changes by 2TallTyler
russian: 12 changes by Ln-Wolf
3 files changed with 40 insertions and 29 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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@@ -192,12 +192,13 @@ STR_COLOUR_RANDOM                       

# Units used in OpenTTD
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_IMPERIAL                                     :{COMMA}{NBSP}mph
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_METRIC                                       :{COMMA}{NBSP}km/h
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_SI                                           :{COMMA}{NBSP}m/s
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_GAMEUNITS                                    :{DECIMAL}{NBSP}tiles/day
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_KNOTS                                        :{COMMA}{NBSP}knots

STR_UNITS_POWER_IMPERIAL                                        :{COMMA}{NBSP}hp
STR_UNITS_POWER_METRIC                                          :{COMMA}{NBSP}hp
STR_UNITS_POWER_SI                                              :{COMMA}{NBSP}kW

@@ -340,25 +341,25 @@ STR_GOTO_ORDER_VIEW                     
STR_GOTO_ORDER_VIEW_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Open the order view

# Tooltips for the main toolbar
###length 31
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_PAUSE_GAME                                  :{BLACK}Pause game
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FORWARD                                     :{BLACK}Fast forward the game
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS                                     :{BLACK}Options
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_GAME_ABANDON_GAME                      :{BLACK}Save game, abandon game, exit
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Display map, extra viewport or list of signs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS                                     :{BLACK}Options and settings
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_GAME_ABANDON_GAME                      :{BLACK}Save, load or abandon game, exit program
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Display map, extra viewport, cargo flow or list of signs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_TOWN_DIRECTORY                      :{BLACK}Display town directory
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES                           :{BLACK}Display subsidies
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS            :{BLACK}Display list of company's stations
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES                    :{BLACK}Display company finances information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL                     :{BLACK}Display general company information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK                          :{BLACK}Display story book
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST                          :{BLACK}Display goal list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Display graphs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Display company graphs and cargo payment rates
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE                      :{BLACK}Display company league table
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Fund construction of new industry or list all industries
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Examine industries or fund construction of a new industry
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_TRAINS              :{BLACK}Display list of company's trains. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}Display list of company's road vehicles. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}Display list of company's ships. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}Display list of company's aircraft. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN                            :{BLACK}Zoom the view in
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT                           :{BLACK}Zoom the view out
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}Build roads
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAYS                              :{BLACK}Build tramways
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS                            :{BLACK}Build ship docks
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AIRPORTS                              :{BLACK}Build airports
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LANDSCAPING                                 :{BLACK}Open the landscaping toolbar to raise/lower land, plant trees, etc.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_SOUND_MUSIC_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Show sound/music window
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Show last message/news report, show message options
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Land area information, console, script debug, screenshots, about OpenTTD
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Show last message/news report, messages history or delete all messages
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Land area information, screenshot, about OpenTTD and developer tools
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SWITCH_TOOLBAR                              :{BLACK}Switch toolbars

# Extra tooltips for the scenario editor toolbar
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_SCENARIO_LOAD_SCENARIO        :{BLACK}Save scenario, load scenario, abandon scenario editor, exit
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_OPENTTD                                    :{YELLOW}OpenTTD
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_SCENARIO_EDITOR                            :{YELLOW}Scenario Editor

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_SHARES                                 :Allow buying shares from other companies: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_SHARES_HELPTEXT                        :When enabled, allow buying and selling of company shares. Shares will only be available for companies reaching a certain age

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MIN_YEARS_FOR_SHARES                         :Minimum company age to trade shares: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MIN_YEARS_FOR_SHARES_HELPTEXT                :Set the minimum age of a company for others to be able to buy and sell shares from them.

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FEEDER_PAYMENT_SHARE                         :Percentage of leg profit to pay in feeder systems: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FEEDER_PAYMENT_SHARE_HELPTEXT                :Percentage of income given to the intermediate legs in feeder systems, giving more control over the income

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY                         :When dragging, place signals every: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY_HELPTEXT                :Set the distance at which signals will be built on a track up to the next obstacle (signal, junction), if signals are dragged
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE                                  :Amount of returning cargo for symmetric mode: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE_HELPTEXT                         :Setting this to less than 100% makes the symmetric distribution behave more like the asymmetric one. Less cargo will be forcibly sent back if a certain amount is sent to a station. If you set it to 0% the symmetric distribution behaves just like the asymmetric one.

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHORT_PATH_SATURATION                        :Saturation of short paths before using high-capacity paths: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHORT_PATH_SATURATION_HELPTEXT               :Frequently there are multiple paths between two given stations. Cargodist will saturate the shortest path first, then use the second shortest path until that is saturated and so on. Saturation is determined by an estimation of capacity and planned usage. Once it has saturated all paths, if there is still demand left, it will overload all paths, prefering the ones with high capacity. Most of the time the algorithm will not estimate the capacity accurately, though. This setting allows you to specify up to which percentage a shorter path must be saturated in the first pass before choosing the next longer one. Set it to less than 100% to avoid overcrowded stations in case of overestimated capacity.

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VELOCITY_HELPTEXT         :Whenever a speed is shown in the user interface, show it in the selected units
###length 5

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER                     :Vehicle power units: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER_HELPTEXT            :Whenever a vehicle's power is shown in the user interface, show it in the selected units
###length 3
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@@ -192,12 +192,13 @@ STR_COLOUR_RANDOM                       

# Units used in OpenTTD
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_IMPERIAL                                     :{COMMA}{NBSP}mph
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_METRIC                                       :{COMMA}{NBSP}km/h
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_SI                                           :{COMMA}{NBSP}m/s
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_GAMEUNITS                                    :{DECIMAL}{NBSP}tiles/day
STR_UNITS_VELOCITY_KNOTS                                        :{COMMA}{NBSP}knots

STR_UNITS_POWER_IMPERIAL                                        :{COMMA}{NBSP}hp
STR_UNITS_POWER_METRIC                                          :{COMMA}{NBSP}hp
STR_UNITS_POWER_SI                                              :{COMMA}{NBSP}kW

@@ -340,25 +341,25 @@ STR_GOTO_ORDER_VIEW                     
STR_GOTO_ORDER_VIEW_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Open the order view

# Tooltips for the main toolbar
###length 31
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_PAUSE_GAME                                  :{BLACK}Pause game
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FORWARD                                     :{BLACK}Fast forward the game
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS                                     :{BLACK}Options
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_GAME_ABANDON_GAME                      :{BLACK}Save game, abandon game, quit
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Display map, extra viewport, or list of signs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS                                     :{BLACK}Options and settings
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_GAME_ABANDON_GAME                      :{BLACK}Save, load or abandon game, exit program
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Display map, extra viewport, cargo flow or list of signs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_TOWN_DIRECTORY                      :{BLACK}Display town directory
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES                           :{BLACK}Display subsidies
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_STATIONS            :{BLACK}Display list of company's stations
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES                    :{BLACK}Display company finances information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL                     :{BLACK}Display general company information
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK                          :{BLACK}Display story book
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST                          :{BLACK}Display goal list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Display graphs
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Display company graphs and cargo payment rates
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE                      :{BLACK}Display company league table
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Fund construction of new industry or list all industries
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Examine industries or fund construction of a new industry
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_TRAINS              :{BLACK}Display list of company's trains. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}Display list of company's road vehicles. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}Display list of company's ships. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}Display list of company's aircraft. Ctrl+Click toggles opening the group/vehicle list
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN                            :{BLACK}Zoom the view in
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_OUT                           :{BLACK}Zoom the view out
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}Build roads
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAYS                              :{BLACK}Build streetcar lines
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS                            :{BLACK}Build ship docks
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AIRPORTS                              :{BLACK}Build airports
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LANDSCAPING                                 :{BLACK}Open the landscaping toolbar to raise/lower land, plant trees, etc.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_SOUND_MUSIC_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Show sound/music window
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Show last message/news report, show message options
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Land area information, console, script debug, screenshots, about OpenTTD
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Show last message/news report, messages history or delete all messages
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Land area information, screenshot, about OpenTTD and developer tools
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SWITCH_TOOLBAR                              :{BLACK}Switch toolbars

# Extra tooltips for the scenario editor toolbar
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_SCENARIO_LOAD_SCENARIO        :{BLACK}Save scenario, load scenario, abandon scenario editor, quit
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_OPENTTD                                    :{YELLOW}OpenTTD
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_SCENARIO_EDITOR                            :{YELLOW}Scenario Editor

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_SHARES                                 :Allow buying shares from other companies: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_ALLOW_SHARES_HELPTEXT                        :When enabled, allow buying and selling of company shares. Shares will only be available for companies reaching a certain age

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MIN_YEARS_FOR_SHARES                         :Minimum company age to trade shares: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_MIN_YEARS_FOR_SHARES_HELPTEXT                :Set the minimum age of a company for others to be able to buy and sell shares from them.

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FEEDER_PAYMENT_SHARE                         :Percentage of leg profit to pay in feeder systems: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_FEEDER_PAYMENT_SHARE_HELPTEXT                :Percentage of income given to the intermediate legs in feeder systems, giving more control over the income

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY                         :When dragging, place signals every: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DRAG_SIGNALS_DENSITY_HELPTEXT                :Set the distance at which signals will be built on a track up to the next obstacle (signal, junction), if signals are dragged
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE                                  :Amount of returning cargo for symmetric mode: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_DEMAND_SIZE_HELPTEXT                         :Setting this to less than 100% makes the symmetric distribution behave more like the asymmetric one. Less cargo will be forcibly sent back if a certain amount is sent to a station. If you set it to 0% the symmetric distribution behaves just like the asymmetric one.

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHORT_PATH_SATURATION                        :Saturation of short paths before using high-capacity paths: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_SHORT_PATH_SATURATION_HELPTEXT               :Frequently there are multiple paths between two given stations. Cargodist will saturate the shortest path first, then use the second shortest path until that is saturated and so on. Saturation is determined by an estimation of capacity and planned usage. Once it has saturated all paths, if there is still demand left, it will overload all paths, preferring the ones with high capacity. Most of the time the algorithm will not estimate the capacity accurately, though. This setting allows you to specify up to which percentage a shorter path must be saturated in the first pass before choosing the next longer one. Set it to less than 100% to avoid overcrowded stations in case of overestimated capacity.

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VELOCITY_HELPTEXT         :Whenever a speed is shown in the user interface, show it in the selected units
###length 5

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER                     :Vehicle power units: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER_HELPTEXT            :Whenever a vehicle's power is shown in the user interface, show it in the selected units
###length 3
@@ -4582,12 +4587,13 @@ STR_AI_CONFIG_CAPTION_AI                
STR_AI_CONFIG_CAPTION_GAMESCRIPT                                :{WHITE}Game Script Configuration
STR_AI_CONFIG_GAMELIST_TOOLTIP                                  :{BLACK}The Game Script that will be loaded in the next game
STR_AI_CONFIG_AILIST_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}The AIs that will be loaded in the next game
STR_AI_CONFIG_HUMAN_PLAYER                                      :Human player
STR_AI_CONFIG_RANDOM_AI                                         :Random AI
STR_AI_CONFIG_NONE                                              :(none)
STR_AI_CONFIG_NAME_VERSION                                      :{STRING} {YELLOW}v{NUM}
STR_AI_CONFIG_MAX_COMPETITORS                                   :{LTBLUE}Maximum no. competitors: {ORANGE}{COMMA}

STR_AI_CONFIG_MOVE_UP                                           :{BLACK}Move Up
STR_AI_CONFIG_MOVE_UP_TOOLTIP                                   :{BLACK}Move selected AI up in the list
STR_AI_CONFIG_MOVE_DOWN                                         :{BLACK}Move Down
STR_AI_CONFIG_MOVE_DOWN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Move selected AI down in the list
@@ -4595,13 +4601,13 @@ STR_AI_CONFIG_MOVE_DOWN_TOOLTIP         
STR_AI_CONFIG_GAMESCRIPT                                        :{SILVER}Game Script
STR_AI_CONFIG_GAMESCRIPT_PARAM                                  :{SILVER}Parameters
STR_AI_CONFIG_AI                                                :{SILVER}AIs

STR_AI_CONFIG_CHANGE_AI                                         :{BLACK}Select AI
STR_AI_CONFIG_CHANGE_GAMESCRIPT                                 :{BLACK}Select Game Script
STR_AI_CONFIG_CHANGE_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Load another script
STR_AI_CONFIG_CHANGE_TOOLTIP                                    :{BLACK}Load another script. Ctrl+Click to show all available versions
STR_AI_CONFIG_CONFIGURE                                         :{BLACK}Configure
STR_AI_CONFIG_CONFIGURE_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Configure the parameters of the Script

# Available AIs window
STR_AI_LIST_CAPTION                                             :{WHITE}Available {STRING}
STR_AI_LIST_CAPTION_AI                                          :AIs
Show inline comments
@@ -468,23 +468,23 @@ STR_GOTO_ORDER_VIEW_TOOLTIP                                     :{BLACK}Показать общий маршрут этой группы транспорта

# Tooltips for the main toolbar
###length 31
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_PAUSE_GAME                                  :{BLACK}Пауза
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FORWARD                                     :{BLACK}Ускорить игру
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_OPTIONS                                     :{BLACK}Настройки
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_GAME_ABANDON_GAME                      :{BLACK}Сохранение игры, главное меню, выход
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Показать карту
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_GAME_ABANDON_GAME                      :{BLACK}Сохранение/загрузка игры; главное меню; выход
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_MAP                                 :{BLACK}Карта; окна просмотра; грузовые потоки; таблички
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_TOWN_DIRECTORY                      :{BLACK}Список городов
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES                           :{BLACK}Показать субсидии
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_SUBSIDIES                           :{BLACK}Субсидии
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES                    :{BLACK}Показать финансовую информацию компании
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL                     :{BLACK}Показать основную информацию о компании
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK                          :{BLACK}Показать историю компании
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST                          :{BLACK}Показать список задач
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Показать графики
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE                      :{BLACK}Показать рейтинги компаний
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_FINANCES                    :{BLACK}Информация о финансах компаний
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_GENERAL                     :{BLACK}Основная информация о компаниях
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_STORY_BOOK                          :{BLACK}История компаний
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GOALS_LIST                          :{BLACK}Список задач
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_GRAPHS                              :{BLACK}Графики компаний и оплаты грузоперевозок
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_COMPANY_LEAGUE                      :{BLACK}Рейтинги компаний
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_FUND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_NEW                    :{BLACK}Список существующих предприятий; создание новых
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_TRAINS              :{BLACK}Список поездов. Ctrl+щелчок переключает отображение по группам.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_ROAD_VEHICLES       :{BLACK}Список автотранспорта. Ctrl+щелчок переключает отображение по группам.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_SHIPS               :{BLACK}Список судов. Ctrl+щелчок переключает отображение по группам.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_DISPLAY_LIST_OF_COMPANY_AIRCRAFT            :{BLACK}Список авиатранспорта. Ctrl+щелчок переключает отображение по группам.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOM_THE_VIEW_IN                            :{BLACK}Приблизить
@@ -493,14 +493,14 @@ STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_RAILROAD_TRACK                        :{BLACK}Строительство железных дорог
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROADS                                 :{BLACK}Строительство автомобильных дорог
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAMWAYS                              :{BLACK}Строительство трамвайных путей
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_SHIP_DOCKS                            :{BLACK}Строительство водных коммуникаций
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AIRPORTS                              :{BLACK}Строительство аэропортов
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LANDSCAPING                                 :{BLACK}Открыть панель ландшафта для изменения рельефа, посадки деревьев и т.д.
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_SOUND_MUSIC_WINDOW                     :{BLACK}Настройка звука и музыки
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Показать последнее сообщение; настройки сообщений
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Информация о территории, консоль, отладка скриптов, снимки экрана, об игре
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SHOW_LAST_MESSAGE_NEWS                      :{BLACK}Показать последнее сообщение; настройки и удаление сообщений
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_LAND_BLOCK_INFORMATION                      :{BLACK}Информация о территории, об игре и инструментах разработчика, снимки экрана
STR_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SWITCH_TOOLBAR                              :{BLACK}Переключить панели инструментов

# Extra tooltips for the scenario editor toolbar
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_SAVE_SCENARIO_LOAD_SCENARIO        :{BLACK}Сохранение/загрузка сценария, выход из редактора, выход
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_OPENTTD                                    :{YELLOW}OpenTTD
STR_SCENEDIT_TOOLBAR_SCENARIO_EDITOR                            :{YELLOW}Редактор сценариев
@@ -2111,13 +2111,13 @@ STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VELOCITY_NAUTICAL         :Система единиц для скорости (морская): {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_VELOCITY_HELPTEXT         :Показывать значения скорости в выбранной системе единиц
###length 5

STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER                     :Система единиц для мощности: {STRING}
STR_CONFIG_SETTING_LOCALISATION_UNITS_POWER_HELPTEXT            :Показывать значения мощности двигателей транспортных средств в выбранной системе единиц
###length 3
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)