Changeset - r17768:a8b4e13e2113
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terkhen - 13 years ago 2011-06-12 20:38:46
(svn r22563) -Codechange: Use a function for storing values inside the persistent storage.
6 files changed with 45 insertions and 7 deletions:
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@@ -175,33 +175,46 @@ static uint32 AirportGetRandomBits(const
	return (st == NULL ? 0 : st->random_bits) | (tile == INVALID_TILE ? 0 : GetStationTileRandomBits(tile) << 16);

static uint32 AirportGetTriggers(const ResolverObject *object)
	return 0;

static void AirportSetTriggers(const ResolverObject *object, int triggers)

 * Store a value into the object's persistent storage.
 * @param object Object that we want to query.
 * @param pos Position in the persistent storage to use.
 * @param value Value to store.
void AirportStorePSA(ResolverObject *object, uint pos, int32 value)
	Station *st = object->;
	if (object->scope != VSG_SCOPE_SELF || st == NULL) return;
	st->airport.psa.Store(pos, value);

static void NewAirportResolver(ResolverObject *res, TileIndex tile, Station *st, byte airport_id, byte layout)
	res->GetRandomBits = AirportGetRandomBits;
	res->GetTriggers   = AirportGetTriggers;
	res->SetTriggers   = AirportSetTriggers;
	res->GetVariable   = AirportGetVariable;
	res->ResolveReal   = AirportResolveReal;
	res->StorePSA      = AirportStorePSA;

	res->psa                  = st != NULL ? &st->airport.psa : NULL;
	res->         = st;
	res->u.airport.airport_id = airport_id;
	res->u.airport.layout     = layout;
	res->u.airport.tile       = tile;

	res->callback        = CBID_NO_CALLBACK;
	res->callback_param1 = 0;
	res->callback_param2 = 0;
	res->last_value      = 0;
	res->trigger         = 0;
	res->reseed          = 0;
	res->count           = 0;
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@@ -219,27 +219,27 @@ static uint32 AirportTileGetRandomBits(c
	const Station *st = object->;
	const TileIndex tile = object->u.airport.tile;
	return (st == NULL ? 0 : st->random_bits) | (tile == INVALID_TILE ? 0 : GetStationTileRandomBits(tile) << 16);

static void AirportTileResolver(ResolverObject *res, const AirportTileSpec *ats, TileIndex tile, Station *st)
	res->GetRandomBits = AirportTileGetRandomBits;
	res->GetTriggers   = NULL;
	res->SetTriggers   = NULL;
	res->GetVariable   = AirportTileGetVariable;
	res->ResolveReal   = AirportTileResolveReal;
	res->StorePSA      = NULL;

	assert(st != NULL);
	res->psa                  = NULL;
	res->u.airport.airport_id = st->airport.type;
	res->         = st;
	res->u.airport.tile       = tile;

	res->callback        = CBID_NO_CALLBACK;
	res->callback_param1 = 0;
	res->callback_param2 = 0;
	res->last_value      = 0;
	res->trigger         = 0;
	res->reseed          = 0;
	res->count           = 0;

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@@ -367,33 +367,46 @@ static uint32 IndustryGetTriggers(const 
	const Industry *ind = object->u.industry.ind;
	return ind != NULL ? ind->random_triggers : 0;

static void IndustrySetTriggers(const ResolverObject *object, int triggers)
	Industry *ind = object->u.industry.ind;
	assert(ind != NULL && ind->index != INVALID_INDUSTRY);
	ind->random_triggers = triggers;

 * Store a value into the object's persistent storage.
 * @param object Object that we want to query.
 * @param pos Position in the persistent storage to use.
 * @param value Value to store.
void IndustryStorePSA(ResolverObject *object, uint pos, int32 value)
	Industry *ind = object->u.industry.ind;
	if (object->scope != VSG_SCOPE_SELF || ind->index == INVALID_INDUSTRY) return;
	ind->psa.Store(pos, value);

static void NewIndustryResolver(ResolverObject *res, TileIndex tile, Industry *indus, IndustryType type)
	res->GetRandomBits = IndustryGetRandomBits;
	res->GetTriggers   = IndustryGetTriggers;
	res->SetTriggers   = IndustrySetTriggers;
	res->GetVariable   = IndustryGetVariable;
	res->ResolveReal   = IndustryResolveReal;
	res->StorePSA      = IndustryStorePSA;

	res->psa             = &indus->psa;
	res->u.industry.tile = tile;
	res->u.industry.ind  = indus;
	res->u.industry.gfx  = INVALID_INDUSTRYTILE;
	res->u.industry.type = type;

	res->callback        = CBID_NO_CALLBACK;
	res->callback_param1 = 0;
	res->callback_param2 = 0;
	res->last_value      = 0;
	res->trigger         = 0;
	res->reseed          = 0;
	res->count           = 0;
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@@ -139,33 +139,46 @@ static void IndustryTileSetTriggers(cons
	const TileIndex tile = object->u.industry.tile;
	Industry *ind = object->u.industry.ind;
	assert(ind != NULL && ind->index != INVALID_INDUSTRY && IsValidTile(tile) && IsTileType(tile, MP_INDUSTRY));

	if (object->scope == VSG_SCOPE_SELF) {
		SetIndustryTriggers(tile, triggers);
	} else {
		ind->random_triggers = triggers;

 * Store a value into the persistent storage of the object's parent.
 * @param object Object that we want to query.
 * @param pos Position in the persistent storage to use.
 * @param value Value to store.
void IndustryTileStorePSA(ResolverObject *object, uint pos, int32 value)
	Industry *ind = object->u.industry.ind;
	if (object->scope != VSG_SCOPE_PARENT || ind->index == INVALID_INDUSTRY) return;
	ind->psa.Store(pos, value);

static void NewIndustryTileResolver(ResolverObject *res, IndustryGfx gfx, TileIndex tile, Industry *indus)
	res->GetRandomBits = IndustryTileGetRandomBits;
	res->GetTriggers   = IndustryTileGetTriggers;
	res->SetTriggers   = IndustryTileSetTriggers;
	res->GetVariable   = IndustryTileGetVariable;
	res->ResolveReal   = IndustryTileResolveReal;
	res->StorePSA      = IndustryTileStorePSA;

	res->psa             = &indus->psa;
	res->u.industry.tile = tile;
	res->u.industry.ind  = indus;
	res->u.industry.gfx  = gfx;
	res->u.industry.type = indus->type;

	res->callback        = CBID_NO_CALLBACK;
	res->callback_param1 = 0;
	res->callback_param2 = 0;
	res->last_value      = 0;
	res->trigger         = 0;
	res->reseed          = 0;
	res->count           = 0;
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@@ -104,25 +104,25 @@ static U EvalAdjustT(const Deterministic
		case DSGA_OP_UMIN: return min((U)last_value, (U)value);
		case DSGA_OP_UMAX: return max((U)last_value, (U)value);
		case DSGA_OP_SDIV: return value == 0 ? (S)last_value : (S)last_value / (S)value;
		case DSGA_OP_SMOD: return value == 0 ? (S)last_value : (S)last_value % (S)value;
		case DSGA_OP_UDIV: return value == 0 ? (U)last_value : (U)last_value / (U)value;
		case DSGA_OP_UMOD: return value == 0 ? (U)last_value : (U)last_value % (U)value;
		case DSGA_OP_MUL:  return last_value * value;
		case DSGA_OP_AND:  return last_value & value;
		case DSGA_OP_OR:   return last_value | value;
		case DSGA_OP_XOR:  return last_value ^ value;
		case DSGA_OP_STO:  _temp_store.Store((U)value, (S)last_value); return last_value;
		case DSGA_OP_RST:  return value;
		case DSGA_OP_STOP: if (object->psa != NULL) object->psa->Store((U)value, (S)last_value); return last_value;
		case DSGA_OP_STOP: if (object->StorePSA != NULL) object->StorePSA(object, (U)value, (S)last_value); return last_value;
		case DSGA_OP_ROR:  return RotateRight(last_value, value);
		case DSGA_OP_SCMP: return ((S)last_value == (S)value) ? 1 : ((S)last_value < (S)value ? 0 : 2);
		case DSGA_OP_UCMP: return ((U)last_value == (U)value) ? 1 : ((U)last_value < (U)value ? 0 : 2);
		case DSGA_OP_SHL:  return (U)last_value << ((U)value & 0x1F); // mask 'value' to 5 bits, which should behave the same on all architectures.
		case DSGA_OP_SHR:  return (U)last_value >> ((U)value & 0x1F);
		case DSGA_OP_SAR:  return (S)last_value >> ((U)value & 0x1F);
		default:           return value;


const SpriteGroup *DeterministicSpriteGroup::Resolve(ResolverObject *object) const
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@@ -305,26 +305,24 @@ struct ResolverObject {
	CallbackID callback;
	uint32 callback_param1;
	uint32 callback_param2;

	byte trigger;

	uint32 last_value;          ///< Result of most recent DeterministicSpriteGroup (including procedure calls)
	uint32 reseed;              ///< Collects bits to rerandomise while triggering triggers.

	VarSpriteGroupScope scope;  ///< Scope of currently resolved DeterministicSpriteGroup resp. RandomizedSpriteGroup
	byte count;                 ///< Additional scope for RandomizedSpriteGroup

	BaseStorageArray *psa;      ///< The persistent storage array of this resolved object.

	const GRFFile *grffile;     ///< GRFFile the resolved SpriteGroup belongs to

	union {
		struct {
			const struct Vehicle *self;
			const struct Vehicle *parent;
			EngineID self_type;
			bool info_view;                ///< Indicates if the item is being drawn in an info window
		} vehicle;
		struct {
			TileIndex tile;
		} canal;
@@ -373,15 +371,16 @@ struct ResolverObject {
		struct {
			struct Object *o;              ///< The object the callback is ran for.
			TileIndex tile;                ///< The tile related to the object.
			uint8 view;                    ///< The view of the object.
		} object;
	} u;

	uint32 (*GetRandomBits)(const struct ResolverObject*);
	uint32 (*GetTriggers)(const struct ResolverObject*);
	void (*SetTriggers)(const struct ResolverObject*, int);
	uint32 (*GetVariable)(const struct ResolverObject*, byte, byte, bool*);
	const SpriteGroup *(*ResolveReal)(const struct ResolverObject*, const RealSpriteGroup*);
	void (*StorePSA)(struct ResolverObject*, uint, int32);

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