Changeset - r18375:af3d1f9949fb
[Not reviewed]
0 9 0
rubidium - 13 years ago 2011-11-14 21:39:14
(svn r23221) -Codechange: update the documentation and installers regarding the new directories
9 files changed with 110 insertions and 91 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
Show inline comments
@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto err
if "%2" == "" goto err

echo Downloading NoSound...

%1\wget -O %2/data/nosound.7z
%1\wget -O %2/baseset/nosound.7z

echo Extracting NoSound...

%1\7za x -y -O%2/data %2/data/nosound.7z
del %1\data\nosound.7z /n
%1\7za x -y -O%2/baseset %2/baseset/nosound.7z
del %1\baseset\nosound.7z /n

echo NoSound has been installed.
goto end

echo This batch file is only intended for use by the OpenTTD installer.
echo Please visit for details on downloading NoSound.

\ No newline at end of file
Show inline comments
@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto err
if "%2" == "" goto err

echo Downloading OpenGFX...

%1\wget -O %2/data/opengfx.7z
%1\wget -O %2/baseset/opengfx.7z

echo Extracting OpenGFX...

%1\7za x -y -O%2/data %2/data/opengfx.7z
del %1\data\opengfx.7z /n
%1\7za x -y -O%2/baseset %2/baseset/opengfx.7z
del %1\baseset\opengfx.7z /n

echo OpenGFX has been installed.
goto end

echo This batch file is only intended for use by the OpenTTD installer.
echo Please visit for details on downloading OpenGFX.

Show inline comments
@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto err
if "%2" == "" goto err

echo Downloading OpenSFX...

%1\wget -O %2/data/opensfx.7z
%1\wget -O %2/baseset/opensfx.7z

echo Extracting OpenSFX...

%1\7za x -y -O%2/data %2/data/opensfx.7z
del %1\data\opensfx.7z /n
%1\7za x -y -O%2/baseset %2/baseset/opensfx.7z
del %1\baseset\opensfx.7z /n

echo OpenSFX has been installed.
goto end

echo This batch file is only intended for use by the OpenTTD installer.
echo Please visit for details on downloading OpenSFX.

Show inline comments
@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto err

echo Removing NoSound...

del %1\data\nosound\*.* /n
rmdir %1\data\nosound
del %1\baseset\nosound\*.* /n
rmdir %1\baseset\nosound

echo NoSound has been removed.
goto end

echo This batch file is only intended for use by the OpenTTD installer.

Show inline comments
@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto err

echo Removing OpenGFX...

del %1\data\opengfx\*.* /n
rmdir %1\data\opengfx
del %1\baseset\opengfx\*.* /n
rmdir %1\baseset\opengfx

echo OpenGFX has been removed.
goto end

echo This batch file is only intended for use by the OpenTTD installer.

Show inline comments
@echo off
if "%1" == "" goto err

echo Removing OpenSFX...

del %1\data\opensfx\*.* /n
rmdir %1\data\opensfx
del %1\baseset\opensfx\*.* /n
rmdir %1\baseset\opensfx

echo OpenSFX has been removed.
goto end

echo This batch file is only intended for use by the OpenTTD installer.

Show inline comments
@@ -108,25 +108,25 @@ OpenTTD is a reimplementation of the Mic
with lots of new features and enhancements. To play the game you need either
the original data from the game or the required package OpenGFX and OpenSFX.

This package is required by openttd gui and openttd dedicated package. This
way it is possible to install a openttd version without SDL requirement.


%setup -qn openttd%{?branch:-%{branch}}-%{srcver}

# we build the grfs from sources but validate the result with the existing data
md5sum bin/data/* >
md5sum bin/baseset/* >

./configure \
        --prefix-dir="%{_prefix}" \
        --binary-name="%{binname}" \
        --binary-dir="bin" \
        --data-dir="share/%{binname}" \
        --doc-dir="share/doc/%{binname}" \
        --menu-name="OpenTTD%{?branch: %{branch}}" \
        --menu-group="Game;StrategyGame;" \
        --enable-dedicated="%{dedicated}" \

@@ -174,26 +174,24 @@ md5sum -c

%files data
%defattr(-, root, root)
%dir %{_datadir}/doc/%{binname}
%dir %{_datadir}/%{binname}
%dir %{_datadir}/%{binname}/lang
%dir %{_datadir}/%{binname}/data
%dir %{_datadir}/%{binname}/gm
%dir %{_datadir}/%{binname}/baseset
%dir %{_datadir}/%{binname}/scripts
%dir %{_datadir}/%{binname}/ai
%doc %{_mandir}/man6/%{binname}.6.*

Show inline comments
@@ -116,33 +116,30 @@ Section "!OpenTTD" Section1
	; Define root variable relative to installer
	!define PATH_ROOT "..\..\..\"

	; Copy language files
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lang\"
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\lang\english.lng

	; Copy AI files
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\ai\"
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\ai\compat_*.nut

	; Copy data files
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\data\"
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\data\*.grf
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\data\*.obg
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\data\*.obs
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\data\opntitle.dat

	; Copy the music base metadata files
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\gm\"
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\gm\*.obm
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\baseset\"
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\baseset\*.grf
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\baseset\*.obg
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\baseset\*.obm
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\baseset\*.obs
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\baseset\opntitle.dat

	; Copy the scripts
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\scripts\"
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\scripts\*.*
	Push "$INSTDIR\scripts\readme.txt"
	Call unix2dos

	; Copy some documention files
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\docs\"
	File ${PATH_ROOT}docs\multiplayer.txt
	Push "$INSTDIR\docs\multiplayer.txt"
	Call unix2dos
@@ -162,30 +159,48 @@ Section "!OpenTTD" Section1
	Call unix2dos
	File ${PATH_ROOT}readme.txt
	Push "$INSTDIR\readme.txt"
	Call unix2dos
	File ${PATH_ROOT}known-bugs.txt
	Push "$INSTDIR\known-bugs.txt"
	Call unix2dos

	; Copy executable
	File /oname=openttd.exe ${BINARY_DIR}\openttd.exe


	; Delete old files from the main dir. they are now placed in data/ and lang/
	; Delete old files from the main dir. they are now placed in baseset/ and lang/
	Delete "$INSTDIR\*.lng"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\*.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\ttd.exe"

	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\opntitle.dat"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\2ccmap.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\airports.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\autorail.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\canalsw.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\dosdummy.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\elrailsw.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\nsignalsw.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\openttd.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\roadstops.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trkfoundw.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\openttdd.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\openttdw.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\orig_win.obg"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\orig_dos.obg"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\orig_dos_de.obg"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\orig_win.obs"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\orig_dos.obs"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\no_sound.obs"

	; Create the Registry Entries
	WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenTTD" "Comments" "Visit ${APPURLLINK}"
	WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenTTD" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\openttd.exe,0"
	WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenTTD" "DisplayName" "OpenTTD ${APPVERSION}"
	WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenTTD" "DisplayVersion" "${APPVERSION}"
	WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenTTD" "HelpLink" "${APPURLLINK}"
	WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenTTD" "Install Folder" "$INSTDIR"
	WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenTTD" "Publisher" "OpenTTD"
	WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenTTD" "Shortcut Folder" "$SHORTCUTS"
	WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenTTD" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"
	WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenTTD" "URLInfoAbout" "${APPURLLINK}"
@@ -215,56 +230,56 @@ Section "OpenTTD translations" Section6
	SetOverwrite try

	; Copy language files
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lang\"
	File ${PATH_ROOT}bin\lang\*.lng

; OpenGFX files install section. Downloads OpenGFX and installs it
Section "Download OpenGFX (free graphics set)" Section3
	SetOverwrite try

	NSISdl::download "${OPENGFX_BASE_VERSION}.7z" "$INSTDIR\data\opengfx.7z"
	NSISdl::download "${OPENGFX_BASE_VERSION}.7z" "$INSTDIR\baseset\opengfx.7z"
	Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
	StrCmp $R0 "success" +3
		MessageBox MB_OK "Downloading of OpenGFX failed"
		Goto Done

	; Let's extract the files
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\data\"
	NSIS7z::Extract "$INSTDIR\data\opengfx.7z"
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\baseset\"
	NSIS7z::Extract "$INSTDIR\baseset\opengfx.7z"

	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\opengfx.7z"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\opengfx.7z"
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"


; OpenSFX files install section. Downloads OpenSFX and installs it
Section "Download OpenSFX (free sound set)" Section4
	SetOverwrite try

	NSISdl::download "${OPENSFX_BASE_VERSION}.7z" "$INSTDIR\data\opensfx.7z"
	NSISdl::download "${OPENSFX_BASE_VERSION}.7z" "$INSTDIR\baseset\opensfx.7z"
	Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
	StrCmp $R0 "success" +3
		MessageBox MB_OK "Downloading of OpenSFX failed"
		Goto Done

	; Let's extract the files
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\data\"
	NSIS7z::Extract "$INSTDIR\data\opensfx.7z"
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\baseset\"
	NSIS7z::Extract "$INSTDIR\baseset\opensfx.7z"

	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\opensfx.7z"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\opensfx.7z"
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"


; OpenMSX files install section. Downloads OpenMSX and installs it
Section "Download OpenMSX (free music set)" Section5
	SetOverwrite try

	NSISdl::download "${OPENMSX_BASE_VERSION}.7z" "$INSTDIR\gm\openmsx.7z"
	Pop $R0 ;Get the return value
@@ -278,40 +293,39 @@ Section "Download OpenMSX (free music se

	Delete "$INSTDIR\gm\openmsx.7z"
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"


; TTDLX files install section. Copies all needed TTDLX files from CD or install dir
Section /o "Copy data from Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD-ROM" Section2
	SetOverwrite try
	; Let's copy the files with size approximation
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\gm"
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\gm\*.gm" "$INSTDIR\gm\" 1028
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\data\"
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\" "$INSTDIR\data\" 1566
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\baseset"
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\gm\*.gm" "$INSTDIR\baseset\" 1028
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\" "$INSTDIR\baseset\" 1566
	; Copy Windows files
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trg1r.grf" "$INSTDIR\data\trg1r.grf" 2365
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgcr.grf" "$INSTDIR\data\trgcr.grf" 260
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trghr.grf" "$INSTDIR\data\trghr.grf" 400
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgir.grf" "$INSTDIR\data\trgir.grf" 334
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgtr.grf" "$INSTDIR\data\trgtr.grf" 546
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trg1r.grf" "$INSTDIR\baseset\trg1r.grf" 2365
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgcr.grf" "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgcr.grf" 260
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trghr.grf" "$INSTDIR\baseset\trghr.grf" 400
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgir.grf" "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgir.grf" 334
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgtr.grf" "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgtr.grf" 546
	; Copy DOS files
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trg1.grf" "$INSTDIR\data\trg1.grf" 2365
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgc.grf" "$INSTDIR\data\trgc.grf" 260
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgh.grf" "$INSTDIR\data\trgh.grf" 400
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgi.grf" "$INSTDIR\data\trgi.grf" 334
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgt.grf" "$INSTDIR\data\trgt.grf" 546
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trg1.grf" "$INSTDIR\baseset\trg1.grf" 2365
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgc.grf" "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgc.grf" 260
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgh.grf" "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgh.grf" 400
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgi.grf" "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgi.grf" 334
	CopyFiles "$CDDRIVE\trgt.grf" "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgt.grf" 546
	SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"

; Install the uninstaller (option is hidden)
Section -FinishSection
	WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"

; Modern install component descriptions
	!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section1} "Minimal OpenTTD installation in English. You need at least one of the game graphics and sound sets installed."
@@ -379,91 +393,97 @@ Section "Uninstall"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\crash.log"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\crash.dmp"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\openttd.cfg"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\hs.dat"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\cached_sprites.*"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\save\autosave\network*.tmp" ; temporary network file

	; AI files
	Delete "$INSTDIR\ai\compat_*.nut"

	; Data files
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\opntitle.dat"

	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\2ccmap.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\airports.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\autorail.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\canalsw.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\dosdummy.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\elrailsw.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\nsignalsw.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\openttd.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\roadstops.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trkfoundw.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\openttdd.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\openttdw.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\orig_win.obg"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\orig_dos.obg"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\orig_dos_de.obg"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\orig_win.obs"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\orig_dos.obs"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\no_sound.obs"
	; Baseset files
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\opntitle.dat"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\openttd.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\orig_win.obg"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\orig_dos.obg"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\orig_dos_de.obg"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\orig_win.obs"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\orig_dos.obs"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\no_sound.obs"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\trg1r.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\trghr.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgtr.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgcr.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgir.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\trg1.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgh.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgt.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgc.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\trgi.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\*.gm"

	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\"
	; Windows Data files
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trg1r.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trghr.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trgtr.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trgcr.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trgir.grf"
	; Dos Data files
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trg1.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trgh.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trgt.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trgc.grf"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\trgi.grf"

	; Music
	Delete "$INSTDIR\gm\*.gm"

	; Downloaded OpenGFX/OpenSFX/OpenMSX
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\opengfx\*"
	RMDir  "$INSTDIR\baseset\opengfx"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\opensfx\*"
	RMDir  "$INSTDIR\baseset\opensfx"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\openmsx\*"
	RMDir  "$INSTDIR\baseset\openmsx"

	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\opengfx\*"
	RMDir  "$INSTDIR\data\opengfx"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\data\opensfx\*"
	RMDir  "$INSTDIR\data\opensfx"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\gm\openmsx\*"
	RMDir  "$INSTDIR\gm\openmsx"

	; Language files
	Delete "$INSTDIR\lang\*.lng"

	; Scripts
	Delete "$INSTDIR\scripts\*.*"

	; Documentation
	Delete "$INSTDIR\docs\*.*"

	; Base sets for music
	Delete "$INSTDIR\gm\orig_win.obm"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\gm\no_music.obm"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\orig_win.obm"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\baseset\no_music.obm"

	; Remove remaining directories
	RMDir "$INSTDIR\ai"
	RMDir "$INSTDIR\data"
	RMDir "$INSTDIR\baseset"
	RMDir "$INSTDIR\gm"
	RMDir "$INSTDIR\lang"
	RMDir "$INSTDIR\scripts"
	RMDir "$INSTDIR\docs"


; Custom page function to find the TTDLX CD/install location
Function SelectCDEnter
	SectionGetFlags ${Section2} $0
Show inline comments
@@ -180,25 +180,25 @@ config file, savegames will still be in 

OpenTTD comes without AIs, so if you want to play with AIs you have to download
them. The easiest way is via the "Check Online Content" button in the main menu.
You can select some AIs that you think are compatible with your playing style.
Another way is manually downloading the AIs from the forum although then you
need to make sure that you install all the required AI libraries too; they get
automatically selected (and downloaded) if you get the AIs via the "Check
Online Content". If you do not have an AI but have configured OpenTTD to start
an AI a message will be shown that the 'dummy' AI has been started.

4.1) (Required) 3rd party files
---- --------------------------
Before you run OpenTTD, you need to put the game's data files into a data/
Before you run OpenTTD, you need to put the game's data files into a baseset/
directory which can be located in various places addressed in the following

For OpenTTD you need to acquire some third party data files. For this you have
the choice of using the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe data files or a set
of free data files.

Do NOT copy files included with OpenTTD into "shared" directories (explained in
the following sections) as sooner or later you will run into graphical glitches
when using other versions of the game.

4.1.1) Free graphics and sound files
@@ -218,28 +218,29 @@ have to copy the data files from the CD-
not matter whether you copy them from the DOS or Windows version of Transport
Tycoon Deluxe. The Windows install can optionally copy these files.
You need to copy the following files:
 - trg1r.grf or TRG1.GRF
 - trgcr.grf or TRGC.GRF
 - trghr.grf or TRGH.GRF
 - trgir.grf or TRGI.GRF
 - trgtr.grf or TRGT.GRF

4.1.3) Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe music
------ --------------------------------------
If you want the Transport Tycoon Deluxe music, copy the gm/ folder from the
Windows version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe to your OpenTTD folder (not your
data folder - also explained in the following sections). The music from the
DOS version as well as the original Transport Tycoon does not work.
If you want the Transport Tycoon Deluxe music, copy the files from the gm/
folder from the Windows version of Transport Tycoon Deluxe to the baseset
folder in your OpenTTD folder (also explained in the following sections).
The music from the DOS version as well as the original Transport Tycoon does
not work.

4.1.4) AIs
------ ---
If you want AIs use the in-game content downloader. If for some reason that is
not possible or you want to use an AI that has not been uploaded to the content
download system download the tar file and place it in the ai/ directory. If the
AI needs libraries you'll have to download those too and put them in the
ai/library/ directory. All AIs and AI Libraries that have been uploaded to
the content download system can be found at
The AIs and libraries can be found their in the form of .tar.gz packages.
OpenTTD can read inside tar files but it does not extract .tar.gz files by
@@ -274,29 +275,29 @@ system:
		Windows: C:\Program Files\OpenTTD
		Linux:   /usr/games
	5. The installation directory (Linux only)
		Linux:   /usr/share/games/openttd
	6. The application bundle (Mac OSX only)
		It includes the OpenTTD files (grf+lng) and it will work as long as they aren't

Different types of data or extensions go into different subdirectories of the chosen main
OpenTTD directory:
	Config File:         (no subdirectory)
	Screenshots:         (no subdirectory)
	Base Graphics:       data                    (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Sound Sets:          data                    (or a subdirectory thereof)
	NewGRFs:             data                    (or a subdirectory thereof)
	32bpp Sets:          data                    (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Music Sets:          gm                      (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Base Graphics:       baseset                 (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Sound Sets:          baseset                 (or a subdirectory thereof)
	NewGRFs:             newgrf                  (or a subdirectory thereof)
	32bpp Sets:          newgrf                  (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Music Sets:          baseset                 (or a subdirectory thereof)
	AIs:                 ai                      (or a subdirectory thereof)
	AI Libraries:        ai/libraries            (or a subdirectory thereof)
	Savegames:           save
	Automatic Savegames: save/autosave
	Scenarios:           scenario

The (automatically created) directory content_download is for OpenTTD's internal use and
no files should be added to it or its subdirectories manually.

	- Linux in the previous list means .deb, but most paths should be similar for others.
	- The previous search order is also used for NewGRFs and openttd.cfg.
@@ -306,30 +307,30 @@ Notes:
	  autosaves and screenshots will always be relative to the config file.

The preferred setup:
Place 3rd party files in shared directory (or in personal directory if you don't
have write access on shared directory) and have your openttd.cfg config file in
personal directory (where the game will then also place savegames and screenshots).

4.3) Portable installations (portable media)
---- ---------------------------------------
You can install OpenTTD on external media so you can take it with you, i.e.
using a USB key, or a USB HDD, etc.
Create a directory where you shall store the game in (i.e. OpenTTD/).
Copy the binary (OpenTTD.exe,, openttd, etc), data/ and your
Copy the binary (OpenTTD.exe,, openttd, etc), baseset/ and your
openttd.cfg to this directory.
You can copy binaries for any operating system into this directory, which will
allow you to play the game on nearly any computer you can attach the external
media to.
As always - additional grf files are stored in the data/ dir (for details,
As always - additional grf files are stored in the newgrf/ dir (for details,
again, see section 4.1).


5.0) OpenTTD features
---- ----------------
OpenTTD has a lot of features going beyond the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe
emulation. Unfortunately, there is currently no comprehensive list of features,
but there is a basic features list on the web, and some optional features can be
controlled through the Advanced Settings dialog. We also implement some
features known from TTDPatch (

Several important non-standard controls:
@@ -574,25 +575,25 @@ and add a suitable font for the small, m
	small_font = "Tahoma"
	medium_font = "Tahoma"
	large_font = "Tahoma"
You should use a font name like "Tahoma" or a path to the desired font.

Any NewGRF file used in a game is stored inside the savegame and will refuse
to load if you don't have that NewGRF file available. A list of missing files
can be viewed in the NewGRF window accessible from the file load dialogue window.

You can try to obtain the missing files from that NewGRF dialogue or - if they
are not available online - you can search manually through our forum's graphics
development section ( or GrfCrawler
( Put the NewGRF files in OpenTTD's data folder
( Put the NewGRF files in OpenTTD's newgrf folder
(see section 4.2 "OpenTTD directories") and rescan the list of available NewGRFs.
Once you have all missing files, you are set to go.


X.X) Credits
---- -------
The OpenTTD team (in alphabetical order):
  Albert Hofkamp (Alberth)        - GUI expert
  Jean-François Claeys (Belugas)  - GUI, newindustries and more
  Matthijs Kooijman (blathijs)    - Pathfinder-guru, pool rework
  Christoph Elsenhans (frosch)    - General coding
  Loïc Guilloux (glx)             - Windows Expert
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