Changeset - r13110:b1f6f97fef9c
[Not reviewed]
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translators - 15 years ago 2009-09-23 17:45:31
(svn r17622) -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
catalan - 8 changes by arnau
dutch - 5 changes by habell
english_US - 9 changes by agenthh
french - 5 changes by glx
indonesian - 5 changes by prof
italian - 5 changes by lorenzodv
russian - 1 changes by Lone_Wolf
serbian - 5 changes by etran
turkish - 6 changes by niw3
9 files changed with 52 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -1344,6 +1344,7 @@ STR_OSNAME_DOS                          
STR_OSNAME_UNIX                                                 :Unix
STR_OSNAME_OSX                                                  :OS X
STR_OSNAME_BEOS                                                 :BeOS
STR_OSNAME_HAIKU                                                :Haiku
STR_OSNAME_MORPHOS                                              :MorphOS
STR_OSNAME_AMIGAOS                                              :AmigaOS
STR_OSNAME_OS2                                                  :OS/2
@@ -2026,12 +2027,18 @@ STR_RESET_LANDSCAPE_CONFIRMATION_TEXT                           :{WHITE}Estàs segur que vols treure totes les propietats pertanyents a jugadors?
# Town generation window (SE)
STR_FOUND_TOWN_CAPTION                                          :{WHITE}Generació de Poblacions
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_BUTTON                                  :{BLACK}Nova Població
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Construcció de nova població
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NEW_TOWN_TOOLTIP                                 :{BLACK}Funda una nova població
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Localitat Aleatòria
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Construeix una població en un lloc aleatori
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Funda una població en un lloc aleatori
STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS                                :{BLACK}Moltes poblacions aleatòries
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWNS_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Omple el mapa amb poblacions situades aleatòriament

STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_TITLE                                       :{YELLOW}Nom de la població:
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_TITLE                                :{BLACK}Introdueix el nom de la població
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_HELP                                 :{BLACK}Clica per introduir el nom de la població
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Nom aleatori
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Genera un nom aleatori nou

STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TITLE                               :{YELLOW}Mida de població:
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@@ -2033,6 +2033,11 @@ STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP      
STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS                                :{BLACK}Veel willekeurige steden
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWNS_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Bedek de kaart met willekeurig geplaatste steden

STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_TITLE                                       :{YELLOW}Dorpsnaam:
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_TITLE                                :{BLACK}Typ dorpsnaam
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_HELP                                 :{BLACK}Klik om dorpsnaam in te geven
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Willekeurige naam
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Genereer willekeurige nieuwe naam

STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TITLE                               :{YELLOW}Stadsgrootte:
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@@ -560,8 +560,8 @@ STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_LOAN             
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_TOTAL                                    :{BLACK}Total:
############ End of order list
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_VEHICLES_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Number of vehicles; this includes road vehicles, trains, ships and aircraft
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_STATIONS_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Number of station parts. Every part of a station (e.g. train station, bus stop, airport) is counted, even if they are connected to one station.
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_PROFIT_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}The profit of the vehicle with the lowest income (of all vehicles older than 2 years)
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_STATIONS_TOOLTIP                         :{BLACK}Number of recently-visited station parts. Every part of a station (e.g. train station, bus stop, airport) is counted, even if they are connected as one station
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_PROFIT_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}The profit of the vehicle with the lowest income (only vehicles older than two years are considered)
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MIN_INCOME_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Amount of cash made in the month with the lowest profit of the past 12 quarters
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_MAX_INCOME_TOOLTIP                       :{BLACK}Amount of cash made in the month with the highest profit of the past 12 quarters
STR_PERFORMANCE_DETAIL_DELIVERED_TOOLTIP                        :{BLACK}Units of cargo delivered in the past four quarters.
@@ -1344,6 +1344,7 @@ STR_OSNAME_DOS                          
STR_OSNAME_UNIX                                                 :Unix
STR_OSNAME_OSX                                                  :OS X
STR_OSNAME_BEOS                                                 :BeOS
STR_OSNAME_HAIKU                                                :Haiku
STR_OSNAME_MORPHOS                                              :MorphOS
STR_OSNAME_AMIGAOS                                              :AmigaOS
STR_OSNAME_OS2                                                  :OS/2
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOROAD                         :{BLACK}Build road section using the Autoroad mode. Ctrl toggles build/remove for road construction
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_AUTOTRAM                         :{BLACK}Build streetcar track using the Autostreet mode. Ctrl toggles build/remove for streetcar construction
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_ROAD_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build road vehicle depot (for buying and servicing vehicles)
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAM_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build streetcar depot (for building and servicing streetcars)
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRAM_VEHICLE_DEPOT               :{BLACK}Build streetcar depot (for buying and maintaining vehicles)
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_BUS_STATION                      :{BLACK}Build bus station. Ctrl enables joining stations
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_PASSENGER_TRAM_STATION           :{BLACK}Build passenger streetcar station. Ctrl enables joining stations
STR_ROAD_TOOLBAR_TOOLTIP_BUILD_TRUCK_LOADING_BAY                :{BLACK}Build truck loading bay. Ctrl enables joining stations
@@ -2032,6 +2033,12 @@ STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP      
STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS                                :{BLACK}Many random towns
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWNS_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Cover the map with randomly placed towns

STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_TITLE                                       :{YELLOW}Town name:
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_TITLE                                :{BLACK}Enter town name
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_HELP                                 :{BLACK}Click to enter town name
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Random name
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Generate new random name

STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TITLE                               :{YELLOW}Town size:
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@@ -2034,6 +2034,11 @@ STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Fonder une ville à un emplacement aléatoire
STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS                                :{BLACK}Beaucoup de villes au hasard
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWNS_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Couvrir la carte avec des villes placées aléatoirement

STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_TITLE                                       :{YELLOW}Nom de la ville:
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_TITLE                                :{BLACK}Entrer un nom de ville
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_HELP                                 :{BLACK}Cliquer pour entrer un nom de ville
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Nom aléatoire
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Générer un nouveau nom aléatoirement

STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TITLE                               :{YELLOW}Taille:
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@@ -2033,6 +2033,11 @@ STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP      
STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS                                :{BLACK}Buat kota secara acak
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWNS_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Dukung Peta dengan penempatan kota secara otomatis

STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_TITLE                                       :{YELLOW}Nama kota:
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_TITLE                                :{BLACK}Masukkan nama kota
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_HELP                                 :{BLACK}Klik untuk mengisi nama kota
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Acak nama
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Buat nama baru secara acak

STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TITLE                               :{YELLOW}Ukuran kota:
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@@ -2035,6 +2035,11 @@ STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Fonda una città in una posizione casuale
STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS                                :{BLACK}Alcune città casuali
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWNS_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Copre la mappa con città posizionate casualmente

STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_TITLE                                       :{YELLOW}Nome città:
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_TITLE                                :{BLACK}Inserire il nome della città
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_HELP                                 :{BLACK}Fare clic per inserire il nome della città
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Nome casuale
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Genera un nuovo nome casuale

STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TITLE                               :{YELLOW}Dimensione città:
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@@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@ STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_TITLE                                       :{YELLOW}Название города:
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_TITLE                                :{BLACK}Введите название города
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_HELP                                 :{BLACK}Щёлкните, чтобы переименовать город
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Случайное название
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Сгенерировать случайное название
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Выбрать случайное название

STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TITLE                               :{YELLOW}Размер города:
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@@ -2218,6 +2218,11 @@ STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Izgradi naselje na nasumičnoj lokaciji
STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS                                :{BLACK}Mnogo nasumičnih naselja
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWNS_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Popunjava teren sa nasumično rasporđenim naseljima

STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_TITLE                                       :{YELLOW}Ime grada:
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_TITLE                                :{BLACK}Unos imena grada
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_HELP                                 :{BLACK}Klik za unos imena grada
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Proizvoljno ime
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Daje gradu proizvoljno ime

STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TITLE                               :{YELLOW}Veličina naselja:
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@@ -1345,6 +1345,7 @@ STR_OSNAME_DOS                          
STR_OSNAME_UNIX                                                 :Unix
STR_OSNAME_OSX                                                  :OS X
STR_OSNAME_BEOS                                                 :BeOS
STR_OSNAME_HAIKU                                                :Haiku
STR_OSNAME_MORPHOS                                              :MorphOS
STR_OSNAME_AMIGAOS                                              :AmigaOS
STR_OSNAME_OS2                                                  :OS/2
@@ -2033,6 +2034,12 @@ STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWN_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Rastgele bir yerde şehir yarat
STR_FOUND_TOWN_MANY_RANDOM_TOWNS                                :{BLACK}Birçok rastgele şehir
STR_FOUND_TOWN_RANDOM_TOWNS_TOOLTIP                             :{BLACK}Haritayı rastgele şehirlerle doldur

STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_TITLE                                       :{YELLOW}Kasaba adı:
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_TITLE                                :{BLACK}Kasaba adı girin
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_EDITOR_HELP                                 :{BLACK}Kasaba adı girmek için tıklayın
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_BUTTON                               :{BLACK}Rastgele isim
STR_FOUND_TOWN_NAME_RANDOM_TOOLTIP                              :{BLACK}Yeni rastgele isim oluştur

STR_FOUND_TOWN_INITIAL_SIZE_TITLE                               :{YELLOW}Şehir büyüklüğü:
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