Changeset - r23569:b43bf680313b
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PeterN - 5 years ago 2019-03-30 22:19:50
Fix aa7ca7fe6: Linkgraph node index order must be maintained due to other references. (#7431)

Linkgraph nodes require a specific order that was maintained by swapping just the last
element for the node to be removed. std::vector::erase() changed this to removing the
node is then shuffling the remain items down, which upsets other references to this

This is fixed by switching back to the original swap & pop method.
1 file changed with 4 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -94,97 +94,100 @@ void LinkGraph::Merge(LinkGraph *other)
		NodeID new_node = this->AddNode(st);
		this->nodes[new_node].supply = LinkGraph::Scale(other->nodes[node1].supply, age, other_age);
		st->goods[this->cargo].link_graph = this->index;
		st->goods[this->cargo].node = new_node;
		for (NodeID node2 = 0; node2 < node1; ++node2) {
			BaseEdge &forward = this->edges[new_node][first + node2];
			BaseEdge &backward = this->edges[first + node2][new_node];
			forward = other->edges[node1][node2];
			backward = other->edges[node2][node1];
			forward.capacity = LinkGraph::Scale(forward.capacity, age, other_age);
			forward.usage = LinkGraph::Scale(forward.usage, age, other_age);
			if (forward.next_edge != INVALID_NODE) forward.next_edge += first;
			backward.capacity = LinkGraph::Scale(backward.capacity, age, other_age);
			backward.usage = LinkGraph::Scale(backward.usage, age, other_age);
			if (backward.next_edge != INVALID_NODE) backward.next_edge += first;
		BaseEdge &new_start = this->edges[new_node][new_node];
		new_start = other->edges[node1][node1];
		if (new_start.next_edge != INVALID_NODE) new_start.next_edge += first;
	delete other;

 * Remove a node from the link graph by overwriting it with the last node.
 * @param id ID of the node to be removed.
void LinkGraph::RemoveNode(NodeID id)
	assert(id < this->Size());

	NodeID last_node = this->Size() - 1;
	for (NodeID i = 0; i <= last_node; ++i) {
		BaseEdge *node_edges = this->edges[i];
		NodeID prev = i;
		NodeID next = node_edges[i].next_edge;
		while (next != INVALID_NODE) {
			if (next == last_node) {
				node_edges[prev].next_edge = id;
			prev = next;
			next = node_edges[prev].next_edge;
		node_edges[id] = node_edges[last_node];
	Station::Get(this->nodes[last_node].station)->goods[this->cargo].node = id;
	this->nodes.erase(this->nodes.begin() + id);
	/* Erase node by swapping with the last element. Node index is referenced
	 * directly from station goods entries so the order and position must remain. */
	this->nodes[id] = this->nodes.back();
	/* Not doing EraseRow here, as having the extra invalid row doesn't hurt
	 * and removing it would trigger a lot of memmove. The data has already
	 * been copied around in the loop above. */

 * Add a node to the component and create empty edges associated with it. Set
 * the station's last_component to this component. Calculate the distances to all
 * other nodes. The distances to _all_ nodes are important as the demand
 * calculator relies on their availability.
 * @param st New node's station.
 * @return New node's ID.
NodeID LinkGraph::AddNode(const Station *st)
	const GoodsEntry &good = st->goods[this->cargo];

	NodeID new_node = this->Size();
	/* Avoid reducing the height of the matrix as that is expensive and we
	 * most likely will increase it again later which is again expensive. */
	this->edges.Resize(new_node + 1U,
			max(new_node + 1U, this->edges.Height()));

	this->nodes[new_node].Init(st->xy, st->index,
			HasBit(good.status, GoodsEntry::GES_ACCEPTANCE));

	BaseEdge *new_edges = this->edges[new_node];

	/* Reset the first edge starting at the new node */
	new_edges[new_node].next_edge = INVALID_NODE;

	for (NodeID i = 0; i <= new_node; ++i) {
	return new_node;

 * Fill an edge with values from a link. Set the restricted or unrestricted
 * update timestamp according to the given update mode.
 * @param to Destination node of the link.
 * @param capacity Capacity of the link.
 * @param usage Usage to be added.
 * @param mode Update mode to be used.
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