Changeset - r23187:bba8b5b3c78d
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Niels Martin Hansen - 6 years ago 2018-07-28 21:28:24
Add: Houses can accept up to 16 different cargo types via NewGRF.

New Action0 property 23 for feature 07, variable length, format B n*(B B). Initial byte is number of structures following. First byte in structure is cargo id, second is acceptance level in 1/8 units.
4 files changed with 56 insertions and 25 deletions:
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@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ static const HouseID NEW_HOUSE_OFFSET = 
static const HouseID NUM_HOUSES       = 512;    ///< Total number of houses.
static const HouseID INVALID_HOUSE_ID = 0xFFFF;

static const uint HOUSE_NUM_ACCEPTS = 16; ///< Max number of cargoes accepted by a tile

 * There can only be as many classes as there are new houses, plus one for
 * NO_CLASS, as the original houses don't have classes.
@@ -97,30 +99,30 @@ DECLARE_ENUM_AS_BIT_SET(HouseExtraFlags)

struct HouseSpec {
	/* Standard properties */
	Year min_year;                     ///< introduction year of the house
	Year max_year;                     ///< last year it can be built
	byte population;                   ///< population (Zero on other tiles in multi tile house.)
	byte removal_cost;                 ///< cost multiplier for removing it
	StringID building_name;            ///< building name
	uint16 remove_rating_decrease;     ///< rating decrease if removed
	byte mail_generation;              ///< mail generation multiplier (tile based, as the acceptances below)
	byte cargo_acceptance[3];          ///< acceptance level for the cargo slots
	CargoID accepts_cargo[3];          ///< 3 input cargo slots
	BuildingFlags building_flags;      ///< some flags that describe the house (size, stadium etc...)
	HouseZones building_availability;  ///< where can it be built (climates, zones)
	bool enabled;                      ///< the house is available to build (true by default, but can be disabled by newgrf)
	Year min_year;                            ///< introduction year of the house
	Year max_year;                            ///< last year it can be built
	byte population;                          ///< population (Zero on other tiles in multi tile house.)
	byte removal_cost;                        ///< cost multiplier for removing it
	StringID building_name;                   ///< building name
	uint16 remove_rating_decrease;            ///< rating decrease if removed
	byte mail_generation;                     ///< mail generation multiplier (tile based, as the acceptances below)
	byte cargo_acceptance[HOUSE_NUM_ACCEPTS]; ///< acceptance level for the cargo slots
	CargoID accepts_cargo[HOUSE_NUM_ACCEPTS]; ///< input cargo slots
	BuildingFlags building_flags;             ///< some flags that describe the house (size, stadium etc...)
	HouseZones building_availability;         ///< where can it be built (climates, zones)
	bool enabled;                             ///< the house is available to build (true by default, but can be disabled by newgrf)

	/* NewHouses properties */
	GRFFileProps grf_prop;             ///< Properties related the the grf file
	uint16 callback_mask;              ///< Bitmask of house callbacks that have to be called
	byte random_colour[4];             ///< 4 "random" colours
	byte probability;                  ///< Relative probability of appearing (16 is the standard value)
	HouseExtraFlags extra_flags;       ///< some more flags
	HouseClassID class_id;             ///< defines the class this house has (not grf file based)
	AnimationInfo animation;           ///< information about the animation.
	byte processing_time;              ///< Periodic refresh multiplier
	byte minimum_life;                 ///< The minimum number of years this house will survive before the town rebuilds it
	CargoTypes watched_cargoes;        ///< Cargo types watched for acceptance.
	GRFFileProps grf_prop;                    ///< Properties related the the grf file
	uint16 callback_mask;                     ///< Bitmask of house callbacks that have to be called
	byte random_colour[4];                    ///< 4 "random" colours
	byte probability;                         ///< Relative probability of appearing (16 is the standard value)
	HouseExtraFlags extra_flags;              ///< some more flags
	HouseClassID class_id;                    ///< defines the class this house has (not grf file based)
	AnimationInfo animation;                  ///< information about the animation.
	byte processing_time;                     ///< Periodic refresh multiplier
	byte minimum_life;                        ///< The minimum number of years this house will survive before the town rebuilds it
	CargoTypes watched_cargoes;               ///< Cargo types watched for acceptance.

	Money GetRemovalCost() const;

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@@ -2294,6 +2294,10 @@ static ChangeInfoResult IgnoreTownHouseP

		case 0x23:
			buf->Skip(buf->ReadByte() * 2);

			ret = CIR_UNKNOWN;
@@ -2526,6 +2530,28 @@ static ChangeInfoResult TownHouseChangeI
				housespec->max_year = buf->ReadWord();

			case 0x23: { // variable length cargo types accepted
				uint count = buf->ReadByte();
				if (count > lengthof(housespec->accepts_cargo)) {
					error->param_value[1] = prop;
					return CIR_DISABLED;
				/* Always write the full accepts_cargo array, and check each index for being inside the
				 * provided data. This ensures all values are properly initialized, and also avoids
				 * any risks of array overrun. */
				for (uint i = 0; i < lengthof(housespec->accepts_cargo); i++) {
					if (i < count) {
						housespec->accepts_cargo[i] = GetCargoTranslation(buf->ReadByte(), _cur.grffile);
						housespec->cargo_acceptance[i] = buf->ReadByte();
					} else {
						housespec->accepts_cargo[i] = CT_INVALID;
						housespec->cargo_acceptance[i] = 0;

				ret = CIR_UNKNOWN;
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@@ -1812,8 +1812,11 @@ assert_compile(lengthof(_town_draw_tile_
 * @see HouseSpec
#define MS(mnd, mxd, p, rc, bn, rr, mg, ca1, ca2, ca3, bf, ba, cg1, cg2, cg3) \
	{mnd, mxd, p, rc, bn, rr, mg, {ca1, ca2, ca3}, {cg1, cg2, cg3}, bf, ba, true, \
	 GRFFileProps(INVALID_HOUSE_ID), 0, {0, 0, 0, 0}, 16, NO_EXTRA_FLAG, HOUSE_NO_CLASS, {0, 2, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0}
	{mnd, mxd, p, rc, bn, rr, mg, \
	{ca1, ca2, ca3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, \
	bf, ba, true, GRFFileProps(INVALID_HOUSE_ID), 0, {0, 0, 0, 0}, \
	16, NO_EXTRA_FLAG, HOUSE_NO_CLASS, {0, 2, 0, 0}, 0, 0, 0}
/** House specifications from original data */
static const HouseSpec _original_house_specs[] = {
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@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ static inline void AddAcceptedCargoSetMa
static void AddAcceptedCargo_Town(TileIndex tile, CargoArray &acceptance, CargoTypes *always_accepted)
	const HouseSpec *hs = HouseSpec::Get(GetHouseType(tile));
	CargoID accepts[3];
	CargoID accepts[lengthof(hs->accepts_cargo)];

	/* Set the initial accepted cargo types */
	for (uint8 i = 0; i < lengthof(accepts); i++) {
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