Changeset - r28229:bc38c237048d
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Peter Nelson - 12 months ago 2023-12-03 18:53:31
Codechange: Rearrange AI/GS debug window following invalidate/set state/draw pattern. (#11483)

The AI/GS window updated its state as it was drawn, and would redraw again if some state had changed.

Instead, update state either during OnInvalidateData or before any drawing commences.
1 file changed with 106 insertions and 77 deletions:
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@@ -801,76 +801,10 @@ struct ScriptDebugWindow : public Window
	void OnPaint() override

		/* Draw standard stuff */

		if (this->IsShaded()) return; // Don't draw anything when the window is shaded.

		bool dirty = false;

		/* Paint the company icons */
		for (CompanyID i = COMPANY_FIRST; i < MAX_COMPANIES; i++) {
			NWidgetCore *button = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(i + WID_SCRD_COMPANY_BUTTON_START);

			bool valid = Company::IsValidAiID(i);

			/* Check whether the validity of the company changed */
			dirty |= (button->IsDisabled() == valid);

			/* Mark dead/paused AIs by setting the background colour. */
			bool dead = valid && Company::Get(i)->ai_instance->IsDead();
			bool paused = valid && Company::Get(i)->ai_instance->IsPaused();
			/* Re-paint if the button was updated.
			 * (note that it is intentional that SetScriptButtonColour is always called) */
			dirty |= SetScriptButtonColour(*button, dead, paused);

			/* Draw company icon only for valid AI companies */
			if (!valid) continue;

			byte offset = (i == script_debug_company) ? 1 : 0;
			DrawCompanyIcon(i, button->pos_x + button->current_x / 2 - 7 + offset, this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(WID_SCRD_COMPANY_BUTTON_START + i)->pos_y + 2 + offset);

		/* Set button colour for Game Script. */
		GameInstance *game = Game::GetInstance();
		bool valid = game != nullptr;
		bool dead = valid && game->IsDead();
		bool paused = valid && game->IsPaused();

		NWidgetCore *button = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(WID_SCRD_SCRIPT_GAME);
		dirty |= (button->IsDisabled() == valid) || SetScriptButtonColour(*button, dead, paused);

		if (dirty) this->InvalidateData(-1);

		/* If there are no active companies, don't display anything else. */
		if (script_debug_company == INVALID_COMPANY) return;

		ScriptLogTypes::LogData &log = this->GetLogData();

		int scroll_count = (int)log.size();
		if (this->vscroll->GetCount() != scroll_count) {

			/* We need a repaint */

		if (log.empty()) return;

		/* Detect when the user scrolls the window. Enable autoscroll when the
		 * bottom-most line becomes visible. */
		if (this->last_vscroll_pos != this->vscroll->GetPosition()) {
			this->autoscroll = this->vscroll->GetPosition() + this->vscroll->GetCapacity() >= (int)log.size();
		if (this->autoscroll) {
			if (this->vscroll->SetPosition((int)log.size())) {
				/* We need a repaint */
		this->last_vscroll_pos = this->vscroll->GetPosition();

	void SetStringParameters(int widget) const override
@@ -896,9 +830,41 @@ struct ScriptDebugWindow : public Window

	void DrawWidget(const Rect &r, int widget) const override
		if (script_debug_company == INVALID_COMPANY) return;
		switch (widget) {

					this->DrawWidgetCompanyButton(r, widget, WID_SCRD_COMPANY_BUTTON_START);

		if (widget != WID_SCRD_LOG_PANEL) return;
	 * Draw a company button icon.
	 * @param r Rect area to draw within.
	 * @param widget Widget index to start.
	 * @param start Widget index of first company button.
	void DrawWidgetCompanyButton(const Rect &r, int widget, int start) const
		if (this->IsWidgetDisabled(widget)) return;
		CompanyID cid = (CompanyID)(widget - start);
		int offset = (cid == script_debug_company) ? WidgetDimensions::scaled.pressed : 0;
		Dimension sprite_size = GetSpriteSize(SPR_COMPANY_ICON);
		DrawCompanyIcon(cid, CenterBounds(r.left, r.right, sprite_size.width) + offset, CenterBounds(, r.bottom, sprite_size.height) + offset);

	 * Draw the AI/GS log.
	 * @param r Rect area to draw within.
	void DrawWidgetLog(const Rect &r) const
		if (script_debug_company == INVALID_COMPANY) return;

		ScriptLogTypes::LogData &log = this->GetLogData();
		if (log.empty()) return;
@@ -930,6 +896,75 @@ struct ScriptDebugWindow : public Window

	 * Update the scrollbar and scroll position of the log panel.
	void UpdateLogScroll()
		this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_SCRD_SCROLLBAR, script_debug_company == INVALID_COMPANY);
		if (script_debug_company == INVALID_COMPANY) return;

		ScriptLogTypes::LogData &log = this->GetLogData();

		int scroll_count = (int)log.size();
		if (this->vscroll->GetCount() != scroll_count) {

			/* We need a repaint */

		if (log.empty()) return;

		/* Detect when the user scrolls the window. Enable autoscroll when the bottom-most line becomes visible. */
		if (this->last_vscroll_pos != this->vscroll->GetPosition()) {
			this->autoscroll = this->vscroll->GetPosition() + this->vscroll->GetCapacity() >= (int)log.size();

		if (this->autoscroll && this->vscroll->SetPosition((int)log.size())) {
			/* We need a repaint */

		this->last_vscroll_pos = this->vscroll->GetPosition();

	 * Update state of all Company (AI) buttons.
	void UpdateAIButtonsState()
		/* Update company buttons */
		for (CompanyID i = COMPANY_FIRST; i < MAX_COMPANIES; i++) {
			/* Mark dead/paused AIs by setting the background colour. */
			bool valid = Company::IsValidAiID(i);
			bool dead = valid && Company::Get(i)->ai_instance->IsDead();
			bool paused = valid && Company::Get(i)->ai_instance->IsPaused();

			NWidgetCore *button = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(i + WID_SCRD_COMPANY_BUTTON_START);
			button->SetLowered(script_debug_company == i);
			SetScriptButtonColour(*button, dead, paused);

	 * Update state of game script button.
	void UpdateGSButtonState()
		GameInstance *game = Game::GetInstance();
		bool valid = game != nullptr;
		bool dead = valid && game->IsDead();
		bool paused = valid && game->IsPaused();

		NWidgetCore *button = this->GetWidget<NWidgetCore>(WID_SCRD_SCRIPT_GAME);
		button->SetLowered(script_debug_company == OWNER_DEITY);
		SetScriptButtonColour(*button, dead, paused);

	 * Change all settings to select another Script.
	 * @param show_ai The new AI to show.
@@ -1072,14 +1107,8 @@ struct ScriptDebugWindow : public Window

		this->vscroll->SetCount(script_debug_company != INVALID_COMPANY ? this->GetLogData().size() : 0);

		/* Update company buttons */
		for (CompanyID i = COMPANY_FIRST; i < MAX_COMPANIES; i++) {
			this->SetWidgetDisabledState(i + WID_SCRD_COMPANY_BUTTON_START, !Company::IsValidAiID(i));
			this->SetWidgetLoweredState(i + WID_SCRD_COMPANY_BUTTON_START, script_debug_company == i);

		this->SetWidgetDisabledState(WID_SCRD_SCRIPT_GAME, Game::GetGameInstance() == nullptr);
		this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_SCRD_SCRIPT_GAME, script_debug_company == OWNER_DEITY);

		this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_SCRD_BREAK_STR_ON_OFF_BTN, this->break_check_enabled);
		this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_SCRD_MATCH_CASE_BTN, this->case_sensitive_break_check);
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