bool measure_tooltip; ///< show a permanent tooltip when dragging tools
byte liveries; ///< options for displaying company liveries, 0=none, 1=self, 2=all
uint8_t liveries; ///< options for displaying company liveries, 0=none, 1=self, 2=all
bool prefer_teamchat; ///< choose the chat message target with \<ENTER\>, true=all clients, false=your team
uint8_t advanced_vehicle_list; ///< use the "advanced" vehicle list
uint8_t loading_indicators; ///< show loading indicators
uint8_t default_rail_type; ///< the default rail type for the rail GUI
uint8_t toolbar_pos; ///< position of toolbars, 0=left, 1=center, 2=right
uint8_t statusbar_pos; ///< position of statusbar, 0=left, 1=center, 2=right
@@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ struct GUISettings {
uint32_t autosave_interval; ///< how often should we do autosaves?
bool threaded_saves; ///< should we do threaded saves?
bool keep_all_autosave; ///< name the autosave in a different way
bool autosave_on_exit; ///< save an autosave when you quit the game, but do not ask "Do you really want to quit?"
bool autosave_on_network_disconnect; ///< save an autosave when you get disconnected from a network game with an error?
uint8_t date_format_in_default_names; ///< should the default savegame/screenshot name use long dates (31th Dec 2008), short dates (31-12-2008) or ISO dates (2008-12-31)
byte max_num_autosaves; ///< controls how many autosavegames are made before the game starts to overwrite (names them 0 to max_num_autosaves - 1)
uint8_t max_num_autosaves; ///< controls how many autosavegames are made before the game starts to overwrite (names them 0 to max_num_autosaves - 1)
bool population_in_label; ///< show the population of a town in its label?
uint8_t right_mouse_btn_emulation; ///< should we emulate right mouse clicking?
uint8_t scrollwheel_scrolling; ///< scrolling using the scroll wheel?
uint8_t scrollwheel_multiplier; ///< how much 'wheel' per incoming event from the OS?
bool timetable_arrival_departure; ///< show arrivals and departures in vehicle timetables
RightClickClose right_click_wnd_close; ///< close window with right click
@@ -175,25 +175,25 @@ struct GUISettings {
SignalCycleSettings cycle_signal_types; ///< Which signal types to cycle with the build signal tool.
SignalType default_signal_type; ///< The default signal type, which is set automatically by the last signal used. Not available in Settings.
TimerGameCalendar::Year coloured_news_year; ///< when does newspaper become coloured?
TimetableMode timetable_mode; ///< Time units for timetables: days, seconds, or ticks
bool quick_goto; ///< Allow quick access to 'goto button' in vehicle orders window
bool auto_euro; ///< automatically switch to euro in 2002
byte drag_signals_density; ///< many signals density
uint8_t drag_signals_density; ///< many signals density
bool drag_signals_fixed_distance; ///< keep fixed distance between signals when dragging
TimerGameCalendar::Year semaphore_build_before; ///< build semaphore signals automatically before this year
byte news_message_timeout; ///< how much longer than the news message "age" should we keep the message in the history
uint8_t news_message_timeout; ///< how much longer than the news message "age" should we keep the message in the history