Changeset - r11007:c1da7f981ca4
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michi_cc - 16 years ago 2009-02-05 01:33:59
(svn r15347) -Feature [FS#1761]: Don't draw superfluous catenary wires (based on a patch by Eddi).
1 file changed with 58 insertions and 7 deletions:
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@@ -109,12 +109,57 @@ static TrackBits GetRailTrackBitsUnivers
			return TRACK_BIT_NONE;

 * Masks out track bits when neighbouring tiles are unelectrified.
static TrackBits MaskWireBits(TileIndex t, TrackBits tracks)
	if (!IsTileType(t, MP_RAILWAY) || !IsPlainRailTile(t)) return tracks;

	TrackdirBits neighbour_tdb = TRACKDIR_BIT_NONE;
	for (DiagDirection d = DIAGDIR_BEGIN; d < DIAGDIR_END; d++) {
		/* If the neighbor tile is either not electrified or has no tracks that can be reached
		 * from this tile, mark all trackdirs that can be reached from the neighbour tile
		 * as needing no catenary. */
		RailType rt = GetTileRailType(TileAddByDiagDir(t, d));
		if (rt == INVALID_RAILTYPE || !HasCatenary(rt) || (TrackStatusToTrackBits(GetTileTrackStatus(TileAddByDiagDir(t, d), TRANSPORT_RAIL, 0)) & DiagdirReachesTracks(d)) == TRACK_BIT_NONE) {
			neighbour_tdb |= DiagdirReachesTrackdirs(ReverseDiagDir(d));

	/* If the tracks from either a diagonal crossing or don't overlap, both
	 * trackdirs have to be marked to mask the corresponding track bit. Else
	 * one marked trackdir is enough the mask the track bit. */
	TrackBits mask;
	if (tracks == TRACK_BIT_CROSS || !TracksOverlap(tracks)) {
		/* If the tracks form either a diagonal crossing or don't overlap, both
		 * trackdirs have to be marked to mask the corresponding track bit. */
		mask = ~(TrackBits)((neighbour_tdb & (neighbour_tdb >> 8)) & TRACK_BIT_MASK);
		/* If that results in no masked tracks and it is not a diagonal crossing,
		 * require only one marked trackdir to mask. */
		if (tracks != TRACK_BIT_CROSS && (mask & TRACK_BIT_MASK) == TRACK_BIT_MASK) mask = ~TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(neighbour_tdb);
	} else {
		/* Require only one marked trackdir to mask the track. */
		mask = ~TrackdirBitsToTrackBits(neighbour_tdb);
		/* If that results in an empty set, require both trackdirs for diagonal track. */
		if ((tracks & mask) == TRACK_BIT_NONE) {
			if ((neighbour_tdb & TRACKDIR_BIT_X_NE) == 0 || (neighbour_tdb & TRACKDIR_BIT_X_SW) == 0) mask |= TRACK_BIT_X;
			if ((neighbour_tdb & TRACKDIR_BIT_Y_NW) == 0 || (neighbour_tdb & TRACKDIR_BIT_Y_SE) == 0) mask |= TRACK_BIT_Y;
			/* If that still is not enough, require both trackdirs for any track. */
			if ((tracks & mask) == TRACK_BIT_NONE) mask = ~(TrackBits)((neighbour_tdb & (neighbour_tdb >> 8)) & TRACK_BIT_MASK);

	/* Mask the tracks only if at least one track bit would remain. */
	return (tracks & mask) != TRACK_BIT_NONE ? tracks & mask : tracks;

 * Get the base wire sprite to use.
static inline SpriteID GetWireBase(TileIndex tile)
	return SPR_WIRE_BASE;
@@ -209,12 +254,13 @@ void DrawCatenaryOnTunnel(const TileInfo
static void DrawCatenaryRailway(const TileInfo *ti)
	/* Pylons are placed on a tile edge, so we need to take into account
	 * the track configuration of 2 adjacent tiles. trackconfig[0] stores the
	 * current tile (home tile) while [1] holds the neighbour */
	TrackBits trackconfig[TS_END];
	TrackBits wireconfig[TS_END];
	bool isflat[TS_END];
	/* Note that ti->tileh has already been adjusted for Foundations */
	Slope tileh[TS_END] = { ti->tileh, SLOPE_FLAT };

	/* Half tile slopes coincide only with horizontal/vertical track.
	 * Faking a flat slope results in the correct sprites on positions. */
@@ -230,33 +276,35 @@ static void DrawCatenaryRailway(const Ti
	 * We don't draw a pylon:
	 * 1) INSIDE a tunnel (we wouldn't see it anyway)
	 * 2) on the "far" end of a bridge head (the one that connects to bridge middle),
	 *    because that one is drawn on the bridge. Exception is for length 0 bridges
	 *    which have no middle tiles */
	trackconfig[TS_HOME] = GetRailTrackBitsUniversal(ti->tile, &OverridePCP);
	wireconfig[TS_HOME] = MaskWireBits(ti->tile, trackconfig[TS_HOME]);
	/* If a track bit is present that is not in the main direction, the track is level */
	isflat[TS_HOME] = ((trackconfig[TS_HOME] & (TRACK_BIT_HORZ | TRACK_BIT_VERT)) != 0);

	AdjustTileh(ti->tile, &tileh[TS_HOME]);

	SpriteID pylon_base = GetPylonBase(ti->tile);

	for (DiagDirection i = DIAGDIR_NE; i < DIAGDIR_END; i++) {
	for (DiagDirection i = DIAGDIR_BEGIN; i < DIAGDIR_END; i++) {
		TileIndex neighbour = ti->tile + TileOffsByDiagDir(i);
		Foundation foundation = FOUNDATION_NONE;
		byte elevation = GetPCPElevation(ti->tile, i);

		/* Here's one of the main headaches. GetTileSlope does not correct for possibly
		 * existing foundataions, so we do have to do that manually later on.*/
		tileh[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = GetTileSlope(neighbour, NULL);
		trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = GetRailTrackBitsUniversal(neighbour, NULL);
		if (IsTunnelTile(neighbour) && i != GetTunnelBridgeDirection(neighbour)) trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = TRACK_BIT_NONE;
		wireconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = MaskWireBits(neighbour, trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR]);
		if (IsTunnelTile(neighbour) && i != GetTunnelBridgeDirection(neighbour)) wireconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = TRACK_BIT_NONE;

		/* If the neighboured tile does not smoothly connect to the current tile (because of a foundation),
		 * we have to draw all pillars on the current tile. */
		if (elevation != GetPCPElevation(neighbour, ReverseDiagDir(i))) trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = TRACK_BIT_NONE;
		if (elevation != GetPCPElevation(neighbour, ReverseDiagDir(i))) wireconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = TRACK_BIT_NONE;

		isflat[TS_NEIGHBOUR] = ((trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] & (TRACK_BIT_HORZ | TRACK_BIT_VERT)) != 0);

		PPPpreferred[i] = 0xFF; // We start with preferring everything (end-of-line in any direction)
		PPPallowed[i] = AllowedPPPonPCP[i];

@@ -269,18 +317,21 @@ static void DrawCatenaryRailway(const Ti
			    GetTunnelBridgeDirection(neighbour) == ReverseDiagDir(i)) {

			/* We check whether the track in question (k) is present in the tile
			 * (TrackSourceTile) */
			if (HasBit(trackconfig[TrackSourceTile[i][k]], TracksAtPCP[i][k])) {
			DiagDirection PCPpos = i;
			if (HasBit(wireconfig[TrackSourceTile[i][k]], TracksAtPCP[i][k])) {
				/* track found, if track is in the neighbour tile, adjust the number
				 * of the PCP for preferred/allowed determination*/
				DiagDirection PCPpos = (TrackSourceTile[i][k] == TS_HOME) ? i : ReverseDiagDir(i);
				PCPpos = (TrackSourceTile[i][k] == TS_HOME) ? i : ReverseDiagDir(i);
				SetBit(PCPstatus, i); // This PCP is in use

			if (HasBit(trackconfig[TrackSourceTile[i][k]], TracksAtPCP[i][k])) {
				PPPpreferred[i] &= PreferredPPPofTrackAtPCP[TracksAtPCP[i][k]][PCPpos];
				PPPallowed[i] &= ~DisallowedPPPofTrackAtPCP[TracksAtPCP[i][k]][PCPpos];

		/* Deactivate all PPPs if PCP is not used */
@@ -339,13 +390,13 @@ static void DrawCatenaryRailway(const Ti
					uint x  = ti->x + x_pcp_offsets[i] + x_ppp_offsets[temp];
					uint y  = ti->y + y_pcp_offsets[i] + y_ppp_offsets[temp];

					/* Don't build the pylon if it would be outside the tile */
					if (!HasBit(OwnedPPPonPCP[i], temp)) {
						/* We have a neighour that will draw it, bail out */
						if (trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] != 0) break;
						if (trackconfig[TS_NEIGHBOUR] != TRACK_BIT_NONE) break;
						continue; /* No neighbour, go looking for a better position */

					AddSortableSpriteToDraw(pylon_base + pylon_sprites[temp], PAL_NONE, x, y, 1, 1, BB_HEIGHT_UNDER_BRIDGE,
						elevation, IsTransparencySet(TO_CATENARY), -1, -1);

@@ -366,13 +417,13 @@ static void DrawCatenaryRailway(const Ti

	SpriteID wire_base = GetWireBase(ti->tile);

	/* Drawing of pylons is finished, now draw the wires */
	for (Track t = TRACK_BEGIN; t < TRACK_END; t++) {
		if (HasBit(trackconfig[TS_HOME], t)) {
		if (HasBit(wireconfig[TS_HOME], t)) {
			byte PCPconfig = HasBit(PCPstatus, PCPpositions[t][0]) +
				(HasBit(PCPstatus, PCPpositions[t][1]) << 1);

			const SortableSpriteStruct *sss;
			int tileh_selector = !(tileh[TS_HOME] % 3) * tileh[TS_HOME] / 3; /* tileh for the slopes, 0 otherwise */

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