Changeset - r28758:c2c73029ff81
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Peter Nelson - 2 months ago 2024-02-14 19:21:13
Fix: NewGRF roadstops were ignored if only in default class. (#12089)

If a NewGRF defines roadstops in the default class and no other classes are defined, they would be ignored and not selectable.
2 files changed with 7 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -464,11 +464,12 @@ void TriggerRoadStopRandomisation(Statio
bool GetIfNewStopsByType(RoadStopType rs, RoadType roadtype)
	if (!(RoadStopClass::GetClassCount() > 1 || RoadStopClass::Get(ROADSTOP_CLASS_DFLT)->GetSpecCount() > 1)) return false;
	for (uint i = 0; i < RoadStopClass::GetClassCount(); i++) {
		// We don't want to check the default or waypoint classes. These classes are always available.
		if (i == ROADSTOP_CLASS_DFLT || i == ROADSTOP_CLASS_WAYP) continue;
		RoadStopClass *roadstopclass = RoadStopClass::Get((RoadStopClassID)i);
		/* Ignore the waypoint class. */
		if (i == ROADSTOP_CLASS_WAYP) continue;
		const RoadStopClass *roadstopclass = RoadStopClass::Get((RoadStopClassID)i);
		/* Ignore the default class with only the default station. */
		if (i == ROADSTOP_CLASS_DFLT && roadstopclass->GetSpecCount() == 1) continue;
		if (GetIfClassHasNewStopsByType(roadstopclass, rs, roadtype)) return true;
	return false;
@@ -481,7 +482,7 @@ bool GetIfNewStopsByType(RoadStopType rs
 * @param roadtype the RoadType to check.
 * @return true if the RoadStopSpec has any specs compatible with the given RoadStopType and RoadType.
bool GetIfClassHasNewStopsByType(RoadStopClass *roadstopclass, RoadStopType rs, RoadType roadtype)
bool GetIfClassHasNewStopsByType(const RoadStopClass *roadstopclass, RoadStopType rs, RoadType roadtype)
	for (uint j = 0; j < roadstopclass->GetSpecCount(); j++) {
		if (GetIfStopIsForType(roadstopclass->GetSpec(j), rs, roadtype)) return true;
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@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ void TriggerRoadStopAnimation(BaseStatio
void TriggerRoadStopRandomisation(Station *st, TileIndex tile, RoadStopRandomTrigger trigger, CargoID cargo_type = INVALID_CARGO);

bool GetIfNewStopsByType(RoadStopType rs, RoadType roadtype);
bool GetIfClassHasNewStopsByType(RoadStopClass *roadstopclass, RoadStopType rs, RoadType roadtype);
bool GetIfClassHasNewStopsByType(const RoadStopClass *roadstopclass, RoadStopType rs, RoadType roadtype);
bool GetIfStopIsForType(const RoadStopSpec *roadstopspec, RoadStopType rs, RoadType roadtype);

uint GetCountOfCompatibleStopsByType(RoadStopClass *roadstopclass, RoadStopType rs);
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