@@ -46,12 +46,25 @@ struct CompanyInfrastructure {
uint32_t GetRoadTotal() const;
uint32_t GetTramTotal() const;
class FreeUnitIDGenerator {
UnitID NextID() const;
UnitID UseID(UnitID index);
void ReleaseID(UnitID index);
using BitmapStorage = size_t;
static constexpr size_t BITMAP_SIZE = std::numeric_limits<BitmapStorage>::digits;
std::vector<BitmapStorage> used_bitmap;
typedef Pool<Company, CompanyID, 1, MAX_COMPANIES> CompanyPool;
extern CompanyPool _company_pool;
/** Statically loadable part of Company pool item */
struct CompanyProperties {
uint32_t name_2; ///< Parameter of #name_1.
@@ -126,12 +139,14 @@ struct Company : CompanyProperties, Comp
GroupStatistics group_all[VEH_COMPANY_END]; ///< NOSAVE: Statistics for the ALL_GROUP group.
GroupStatistics group_default[VEH_COMPANY_END]; ///< NOSAVE: Statistics for the DEFAULT_GROUP group.
CompanyInfrastructure infrastructure; ///< NOSAVE: Counts of company owned infrastructure.
FreeUnitIDGenerator freeunits[VEH_COMPANY_END];
Money GetMaxLoan() const;
* Is this company a valid company, controlled by the computer (a NoAI program)?
* @param index Index in the pool.
* @return \c true if it is a valid, computer controlled company, else \c false.
@@ -427,23 +427,19 @@ void ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(Owner
for (Group *g : Group::Iterate()) {
if (g->owner == old_owner) g->owner = new_owner;
FreeUnitIDGenerator unitidgen[] = {
FreeUnitIDGenerator(VEH_TRAIN, new_owner), FreeUnitIDGenerator(VEH_ROAD, new_owner),
FreeUnitIDGenerator(VEH_SHIP, new_owner), FreeUnitIDGenerator(VEH_AIRCRAFT, new_owner)
Company *new_company = new_owner == INVALID_OWNER ? nullptr : Company::Get(new_owner);
/* Override company settings to new company defaults in case we need to convert them.
* This is required as the CmdChangeServiceInt doesn't copy the supplied value when it is non-custom
if (new_owner != INVALID_OWNER) {
Company *old_company = Company::Get(old_owner);
Company *new_company = Company::Get(new_owner);
old_company->settings.vehicle.servint_aircraft = new_company->settings.vehicle.servint_aircraft;
old_company->settings.vehicle.servint_trains = new_company->settings.vehicle.servint_trains;
old_company->settings.vehicle.servint_roadveh = new_company->settings.vehicle.servint_roadveh;
old_company->settings.vehicle.servint_ships = new_company->settings.vehicle.servint_ships;
old_company->settings.vehicle.servint_ispercent = new_company->settings.vehicle.servint_ispercent;
@@ -454,14 +450,12 @@ void ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(Owner
assert(new_owner != INVALID_OWNER);
/* Correct default values of interval settings while maintaining custom set ones.
* This prevents invalid values on mismatching company defaults being accepted.
if (!v->ServiceIntervalIsCustom()) {
/* Technically, passing the interval is not needed as the command will query the default value itself.
* However, do not rely on that behaviour.
int interval = CompanyServiceInterval(new_company, v->type);
Command<CMD_CHANGE_SERVICE_INT>::Do(DC_EXEC | DC_BANKRUPT, v->index, interval, false, new_company->settings.vehicle.servint_ispercent);
@@ -474,13 +468,14 @@ void ChangeOwnershipOfCompanyItems(Owner
if (v->IsEngineCountable()) {
GroupStatistics::CountEngine(v, 1);
if (v->IsPrimaryVehicle()) {
GroupStatistics::CountVehicle(v, 1);
v->unitnumber = unitidgen[v->type].NextID();
auto &unitidgen = new_company->freeunits[v->type];
v->unitnumber = unitidgen.UseID(unitidgen.NextID());
/* Invalidate the vehicle's cargo payment "owner cache". */
if (v->cargo_payment != nullptr) v->cargo_payment->owner = nullptr;
@@ -514,12 +514,16 @@ void AfterLoadVehicles(bool part_of_load
default: break;
if (part_of_load && v->unitnumber != 0) {
v->coord.left = INVALID_COORD;
v->sprite_cache.old_coord.left = INVALID_COORD;
@@ -1175,13 +1175,13 @@ static void NormaliseTrainHead(Train *he
/* Update the refit button and window */
InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_REFIT, head->index, VIWD_CONSIST_CHANGED);
SetWindowWidgetDirty(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, head->index, WID_VV_REFIT);
/* If we don't have a unit number yet, set one. */
if (head->unitnumber != 0) return;
head->unitnumber = GetFreeUnitNumber(VEH_TRAIN);
head->unitnumber = Company::Get(head->owner)->freeunits[head->type].UseID(GetFreeUnitNumber(VEH_TRAIN));
* Move a rail vehicle around inside the depot.
* @param flags type of operation
* Note: DC_AUTOREPLACE is set when autoreplace tries to undo its modifications or moves vehicles to temporary locations inside the depot.
@@ -1333,12 +1333,13 @@ CommandCost CmdMoveRailVehicle(DoCommand
src_head->orders = src->orders;
if (src_head->orders != nullptr) src_head->AddToShared(src);
/* Remove stuff not valid anymore for non-front engines. */
src->unitnumber = 0;
/* We weren't a front engine but are becoming one. So
* we should be put in the default group. */
@@ -843,12 +843,14 @@ void Vehicle::PreDestructor()
if (this->owner == _local_company) InvalidateAutoreplaceWindow(this->engine_type, this->group_id);
if (this->type == VEH_AIRCRAFT && this->IsPrimaryVehicle()) {
Aircraft *a = Aircraft::From(this);
Station *st = GetTargetAirportIfValid(a);
if (st != nullptr) {
const AirportFTA *layout = st->airport.GetFTA()->layout;
CLRBITS(st->airport.flags, layout[a->previous_pos].block | layout[a->pos].block);
@@ -1813,50 +1815,56 @@ Direction GetDirectionTowards(const Vehi
VehicleEnterTileStatus VehicleEnterTile(Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, int x, int y)
return _tile_type_procs[GetTileType(tile)]->vehicle_enter_tile_proc(v, tile, x, y);
* Initializes the structure. Vehicle unit numbers are supposed not to change after
* struct initialization, except after each call to this->NextID() the returned value
* is assigned to a vehicle.
* @param type type of vehicle
* @param owner owner of vehicles
* Find first unused unit number.
* This does not mark the unit number as used.
* @returns First unused unit number.
FreeUnitIDGenerator::FreeUnitIDGenerator(VehicleType type, CompanyID owner) : cache(nullptr), maxid(0), curid(0)
UnitID FreeUnitIDGenerator::NextID() const
/* Find maximum */
for (const Vehicle *v : Vehicle::Iterate()) {
if (v->type == type && v->owner == owner) {
this->maxid = std::max<UnitID>(this->maxid, v->unitnumber);
for (auto it = std::begin(this->used_bitmap); it != std::end(this->used_bitmap); ++it) {
BitmapStorage available = ~(*it);
if (available == 0) continue;
return static_cast<UnitID>(std::distance(std::begin(this->used_bitmap), it) * BITMAP_SIZE + FindFirstBit(available) + 1);
if (this->maxid == 0) return;
/* Reserving 'maxid + 2' because we need:
* - space for the last item (with v->unitnumber == maxid)
* - one free slot working as loop terminator in FreeUnitIDGenerator::NextID() */
this->cache = CallocT<bool>(this->maxid + 2);
/* Fill the cache */
this->cache[v->unitnumber] = true;
return static_cast<UnitID>(this->used_bitmap.size() * BITMAP_SIZE + 1);
/** Returns next free UnitID. Supposes the last returned value was assigned to a vehicle. */
UnitID FreeUnitIDGenerator::NextID()
* Use a unit number. If the unit number is not valid it is ignored.
* @param index Unit number to use.
* @returns Unit number used.
UnitID FreeUnitIDGenerator::UseID(UnitID index)
if (this->maxid <= this->curid) return ++this->curid;
while (this->cache[++this->curid]) { } // it will stop, we reserved more space than needed
return this->curid;
if (index == 0 || index == UINT16_MAX) return index;
size_t slot = index / BITMAP_SIZE;
if (slot >= this->used_bitmap.size()) this->used_bitmap.resize(slot + 1);
SetBit(this->used_bitmap[index / BITMAP_SIZE], index % BITMAP_SIZE);
return index + 1;
* Release a unit number. If the unit number is not valid it is ignored.
* @param index Unit number to release.
void FreeUnitIDGenerator::ReleaseID(UnitID index)
if (index == 0 || index == UINT16_MAX) return;
assert(index / BITMAP_SIZE < this->used_bitmap.size());
ClrBit(this->used_bitmap[index / BITMAP_SIZE], index % BITMAP_SIZE);
* Get an unused unit number for a vehicle (if allowed).
* @param type Type of vehicle
* @return A unused unit number for the given type of vehicle if it is allowed to build one, else \c UINT16_MAX.
@@ -1873,15 +1881,13 @@ UnitID GetFreeUnitNumber(VehicleType typ
default: NOT_REACHED();
const Company *c = Company::Get(_current_company);
if (c->group_all[type].num_vehicle >= max_veh) return UINT16_MAX; // Currently already at the limit, no room to make a new one.
FreeUnitIDGenerator gen(type, _current_company);
return gen.NextID();
return c->freeunits[type].NextID();
* Check whether we can build infrastructure for the given
* vehicle type. This to disable building stations etc. when
@@ -752,23 +752,25 @@ public:
* Copy certain configurations and statistics of a vehicle after successful autoreplace/renew
* The function shall copy everything that cannot be copied by a command (like orders / group etc),
* and that shall not be resetted for the new vehicle.
* @param src The old vehicle
inline void CopyVehicleConfigAndStatistics(const Vehicle *src)
inline void CopyVehicleConfigAndStatistics(Vehicle *src)
this->unitnumber = src->unitnumber;
this->current_order = src->current_order;
this->dest_tile = src->dest_tile;
this->profit_this_year = src->profit_this_year;
this->profit_last_year = src->profit_last_year;
bool HandleBreakdown();
bool NeedsAutorenewing(const Company *c, bool use_renew_setting = true) const;
@@ -1267,23 +1269,10 @@ struct SpecializedVehicle : public Vehic
* @param from index of the first vehicle to consider
* @return an iterable ensemble of all valid vehicles of type T
static Pool::IterateWrapper<T> Iterate(size_t from = 0) { return Pool::IterateWrapper<T>(from); }
/** Generates sequence of free UnitID numbers */
struct FreeUnitIDGenerator {
bool *cache; ///< array of occupied unit id numbers
UnitID maxid; ///< maximum ID at the moment of constructor call
UnitID curid; ///< last ID returned; 0 if none
FreeUnitIDGenerator(VehicleType type, CompanyID owner);
UnitID NextID();
/** Releases allocated memory */
~FreeUnitIDGenerator() { free(this->cache); }
/** Sentinel for an invalid coordinate. */
static const int32_t INVALID_COORD = 0x7fffffff;
#endif /* VEHICLE_BASE_H */
@@ -191,12 +191,14 @@ std::tuple<CommandCost, VehicleID, uint,
if (!(subflags & DC_AUTOREPLACE)) OrderBackup::Restore(v, client_id);
/* If we are not in DC_EXEC undo everything */
if (flags != subflags) {
Command<CMD_SELL_VEHICLE>::Do(DC_EXEC, v->index, false, false, INVALID_CLIENT_ID);
Status change: