Changeset - r21330:c8881a2bfcbe
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frosch - 10 years ago 2014-03-23 21:56:48
(svn r26425) -Doc: SoundFx enum
1 file changed with 12 insertions and 0 deletions:
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@@ -24,6 +24,18 @@ struct SoundEntry {
	byte grf_container_ver; ///< NewGRF container version if the sound is from a NewGRF.

 * Sound effects from baseset.
 * This enum contains the sound effects from the sound baseset.
 * For hysterical raisins the order of sound effects in the baseset
 * is different to the order they are referenced in TTD/NewGRF.
 *  - The first two sound effects from the baseset are inserted at position 39.
 *    (see translation table _sound_idx)
 *  - The order in the enum is the order using in TTD/NewGRF.
 *  - The naming of the enum values includes the position in the baseset.
 * That is, for sound effects 0x02 to 0x28 the naming is off-by-two.
enum SoundFx {
	SND_02_SPLAT_WATER = 0,                ///< Water construction.
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