Changeset - r28264:cc58657dcef8
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Peter Nelson - 12 months ago 2023-12-07 18:39:54
Codechange: Add compile-time check that variable size matches saveload entry.
1 file changed with 60 insertions and 2 deletions:
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@@ -742,18 +742,72 @@ static inline constexpr bool IsNumericTy

 * Return expect size in bytes of a VarType
 * @param type VarType to get size of.
 * @return size of type in bytes.
static inline constexpr size_t SlVarSize(VarType type)
	switch (GetVarMemType(type)) {
		case SLE_VAR_BL: return sizeof(bool);
		case SLE_VAR_I8: return sizeof(int8_t);
		case SLE_VAR_U8: return sizeof(uint8_t);
		case SLE_VAR_I16: return sizeof(int16_t);
		case SLE_VAR_U16: return sizeof(uint16_t);
		case SLE_VAR_I32: return sizeof(int32_t);
		case SLE_VAR_U32: return sizeof(uint32_t);
		case SLE_VAR_I64: return sizeof(int64_t);
		case SLE_VAR_U64: return sizeof(uint64_t);
		case SLE_VAR_NULL: return sizeof(void *);
		case SLE_VAR_STR: return sizeof(std::string);
		case SLE_VAR_STRQ: return sizeof(std::string);
		case SLE_VAR_NAME: return sizeof(std::string);
		default: NOT_REACHED();

 * Check if a saveload cmd/type/length entry matches the size of the variable.
 * @param cmd SaveLoadType of entry.
 * @param type VarType of entry.
 * @param length Array length of entry.
 * @param size Actual size of variable.
 * @return true iff the sizes match.
static inline constexpr bool SlCheckVarSize(SaveLoadType cmd, VarType type, size_t length, size_t size)
	switch (cmd) {
		case SL_VAR: return SlVarSize(type) == size;
		case SL_REF: return sizeof(void *) == size;
		case SL_STDSTR: return SlVarSize(type) == size;
		case SL_ARR: return SlVarSize(type) * length <= size; // Partial load of array is permitted.
		case SL_DEQUE: return sizeof(std::deque<void *>) == size;
		case SL_VECTOR: return sizeof(std::vector<void *>) == size;
		case SL_REFLIST: return sizeof(std::list<void *>) == size;
		case SL_SAVEBYTE: return true;
		default: NOT_REACHED();

 * Storage of simple variables, references (pointers), and arrays.
 * @param cmd      Load/save type. @see SaveLoadType
 * @param name     Field name for table chunks.
 * @param base     Name of the class or struct containing the variable.
 * @param variable Name of the variable in the class or struct referenced by \a base.
 * @param type     Storage of the data in memory and in the savegame.
 * @param length   Number of elements in the array.
 * @param from     First savegame version that has the field.
 * @param to       Last savegame version that has the field.
 * @param extra    Extra data to pass to the address callback function.
 * @note In general, it is better to use one of the SLE_* macros below.
#define SLE_GENERAL_NAME(cmd, name, base, variable, type, length, from, to, extra) SaveLoad {name, cmd, type, length, from, to, cpp_sizeof(base, variable), [] (void *b, size_t) -> void * { assert(b != nullptr); return const_cast<void *>(static_cast<const void *>(std::addressof(static_cast<base *>(b)->variable))); }, extra, nullptr}
#define SLE_GENERAL_NAME(cmd, name, base, variable, type, length, from, to, extra) \
	SaveLoad {name, cmd, type, length, from, to, cpp_sizeof(base, variable), [] (void *b, size_t) -> void * { \
		static_assert(SlCheckVarSize(cmd, type, length, sizeof(static_cast<base *>(b)->variable))); \
		assert(b != nullptr); \
		return const_cast<void *>(static_cast<const void *>(std::addressof(static_cast<base *>(b)->variable))); \
	}, extra, nullptr}

 * Storage of simple variables, references (pointers), and arrays with a custom name.
@@ -761,6 +815,7 @@ static inline constexpr bool IsNumericTy
 * @param base     Name of the class or struct containing the variable.
 * @param variable Name of the variable in the class or struct referenced by \a base.
 * @param type     Storage of the data in memory and in the savegame.
 * @param length   Number of elements in the array.
 * @param from     First savegame version that has the field.
 * @param to       Last savegame version that has the field.
 * @param extra    Extra data to pass to the address callback function.
@@ -966,7 +1021,10 @@ static inline constexpr bool IsNumericTy
 * @param extra    Extra data to pass to the address callback function.
 * @note In general, it is better to use one of the SLEG_* macros below.
#define SLEG_GENERAL(name, cmd, variable, type, length, from, to, extra) SaveLoad {name, cmd, type, length, from, to, sizeof(variable), [] (void *, size_t) -> void * { return static_cast<void *>(std::addressof(variable)); }, extra, nullptr}
#define SLEG_GENERAL(name, cmd, variable, type, length, from, to, extra) \
	SaveLoad {name, cmd, type, length, from, to, sizeof(variable), [] (void *, size_t) -> void * { \
		static_assert(SlCheckVarSize(cmd, type, length, sizeof(variable))); \
		return static_cast<void *>(std::addressof(variable)); }, extra, nullptr}

 * Storage of a global variable in some savegame versions.
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