Changeset - r14714:d2cd13ebee30
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rubidium - 15 years ago 2010-03-03 20:37:50
(svn r19309) -Update: base set translations for Arabic, Catalan and Norwegian (Nynorsk)
8 files changed with 24 insertions and 0 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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; $Id$
; This represents more or less nothingness
name              = NoSound
shortname         = NULL
version           = 2
fallback          = true
description       = A sound pack without any sounds.
description.ar_EG = مجموعة صوت بدوت اصوات مضافة
description.bg_BG = Празен звуков пакет.
description.ca_ES = Un joc de sons sense cap so.
description.cs_CZ = Prázdná sada zvuků.
description.de_DE = Basissounds ohne Sound.
description.en_GB = A sound pack without any sounds.
description.en_US = A sound pack without any sounds.
description.es_ES = Un conjunto de sonidos vacío.
description.fi_FI = Äänipaketti ilman ääniä.
description.fr_FR = Un pack de sons sans sons.
description.hr_HR = Zvučni paket bez ikakvih zvukova.
description.hu_HU = Hang alapcsomag hangok nélkül.
description.id_ID = Paket efek suara tanpa berisi suara.
description.it_IT = Un pacchetto sonoro non contenente alcun suono.
description.nb_NO = En lydpakke uten noen lyder.
description.nl_NL = Een geluidset zonder geluid.
description.nn_NO = Ei lydpakke utan nokon lydar.
description.pt_PT = Um conjunto de sons vazio.
description.ru_RU = "Пустой" набор звукового оформления, не содержащий никаких звуков.
description.sl_SL = Zvočni paket brez zvoka.
description.sv_SE = Ett ljudpaket utan några ljud.
description.zh_TW = 不含任何音效的音效集。

samples      =


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; $Id$
; This represents the original graphics as on the non-German Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe DOS CD.
name              = original_dos
shortname         = TTDD
version           = 1
palette           = DOS
description       = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition graphics.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الرسومية نسخة الدوس
description.bg_BG = Оригинални графики на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за DOS.
description.ca_ES = Gràfics originals de Transport Tycoon Deluxe per a DOS.
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada grafik Transport Tycoon Deluxe (verze pro DOS).
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS Basisgrafiken.
description.en_GB = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition graphics.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition graphics.
description.es_ES = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión DOS.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS grafiikat.
description.fr_FR = Graphiques originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version DOS).
description.hr_HR = Originalna grafika za Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS verziójának grafikája.
description.id_ID = Grafik orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi DOS.
description.it_IT = Grafica originale di Transport Tycoon Deluxe, edizione DOS.
description.nb_NO = Original grafikk fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS.
description.nl_NL = Originele graphics van de Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS-versie.
description.nn_NO = Original grafikk frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS.
description.pt_PT = Gráficos originais da edição DOS de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальная графика из Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.sl_SL = Originalna grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe za različico DOS.
description.sv_SE = Originalgrafiken från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, DOS-utgåvan.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS 版的圖形。

base         = TRG1.GRF
logos        = TRGI.GRF
arctic       = TRGC.GRF
tropical     = TRGH.GRF
toyland      = TRGT.GRF
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; $Id$
; This represents the original sounds as on the Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe DOS CD.
name              = original_dos
shortname         = TTDO
version           = 0
description       = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition sounds.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الصوتية نسخة الدوس
description.bg_BG = Оригинални звуци на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за DOS.
description.ca_ES = Sons originals de Transport Tycoon Deluxe per a DOS.
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada zvuků Transport Tycoon Deluxe (verze pro DOS).
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS Basissounds.
description.en_GB = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition sounds.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS edition sounds.
description.es_ES = Sonidos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión DOS.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS äänet.
description.hr_HR = Originalni zvukovi za Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS verziójának hangjai.
description.fr_FR = Sons originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version DOS).
description.id_ID = Efek suara orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi DOS.
description.it_IT = Suoni originali di Transport Tycoon Deluxe, edizione DOS.
description.nb_NO = Originale lyder fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS.
description.nl_NL = Originele geluiden van de Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS-versie.
description.nn_NO = Originale lydar frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS.
description.pt_PT = Sons originais da edição DOS de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальный набор звукового оформления из игры Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.sl_SL = Originalni zvoki Transport Tycoon Deluxe različice DOS.
description.sv_SE = Originalljuden från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, DOS-utgåvan.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS 版的音效。

samples      = SAMPLE.CAT

SAMPLE.CAT   = 422ea3dd074d2859bb51639a6e0e85da

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; $Id$
; This represents the original graphics as on the German Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe DOS CD. It contains one broken sprite.
name              = original_dos_de
shortname         = TTDD
version           = 0
palette           = DOS
description       = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition graphics.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الالمانية نسخة الدوس
description.bg_BG = Оригинални графики на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за DOS (немски) .
description.ca_ES = Gràfics originals de Transport Tycoon Deluxe per a DOS (Alemany).
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada grafik Transport Tycoon Deluxe (německá verze pro DOS).
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Deutsch) Basisgrafiken.
description.en_GB = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition graphics.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (German) edition graphics.
description.es_ES = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión DOS (Alemán).
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Saksalainen) grafiikat.
description.fr_FR = Graphiques originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version DOS allemande).
description.hr_HR = Originalna grafika za Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (Njemački) izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS (német) verziójának grafikája.
description.id_ID = Grafik orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi DOS (Jerman).
description.it_IT = Grafica originale di Transport Tycoon Deluxe (tedesco), edizione DOS.
description.nb_NO = Original grafikk fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS (tysk).
description.nl_NL = Originele graphics van de Duitse Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS-versie.
description.nn_NO = Original grafikk frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for DOS (tysk).
description.pt_PT = Gráficos originais da edição DOS (Alemã) de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальная графика из немецкой версии Transport Tycoon Deluxe для DOS.
description.sl_SL = Originalna grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe za nemško različico DOS.
description.sv_SE = Originalgrafiken från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, DOS-utgåvan (tyska).
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe DOS 版 (德國版) 的圖形。

base         = TRG1.GRF
logos        = TRGI.GRF
arctic       = TRGC.GRF
tropical     = TRGH.GRF
toyland      = TRGT.GRF
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; $Id$
; This represents the original graphics as on the Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe for Windows CD.
name              = original_windows
shortname         = TTDW
version           = 0
palette           = Windows
description       = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition graphics.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الرسومية نسخة وندوز
description.bg_BG = Оригинални графики на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за Windows.
description.ca_ES = Gràfics originals de Transport Tycoon Deluxe per a Windows.
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada grafik Transport Tycoon Deluxe (verze pro Windows).
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows Basisgrafiken.
description.en_GB = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition graphics.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition graphics.
description.es_ES = Gráficos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión Windows.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows grafiikat.
description.fr_FR = Graphiques originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version Windows).
description.hr_HR = Originalna grafika za Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows verziójának grafikája.
description.id_ID = Grafik orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi Windows.
description.it_IT = Grafica originale di Transport Tycoon Deluxe, edizione Windows.
description.nb_NO = Original grafikk fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.nl_NL = Originele graphics van de Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows-versie.
description.nn_NO = Original grafikk frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.pt_PT = Gráficos originais da edição Windows de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальная графика из Transport Tycoon Deluxe для Windows.
description.sl_SL = Originalna grafika Transport Tycoon Deluxe za različico oken(windows).
description.sv_SE = Originalgrafiken från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Windows-utgåvan.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows 版的圖形。

base         = TRG1R.GRF
logos        = TRGIR.GRF
arctic       = TRGCR.GRF
tropical     = TRGHR.GRF
toyland      = TRGTR.GRF
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; $Id$
; This represents the original sounds as on the Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe for Windows CD.
name              = original_windows
shortname         = TTDO
version           = 0
description       = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition sounds.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الصوتية نسخة وندوز
description.bg_BG = Оригинални звуци на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за Windows.
description.ca_ES = Sons originals de Transport Tycoon Deluxe per a Windows.
description.cs_CZ = Původní sada zvuků Transport Tycoon Deluxe (verze pro Windows).
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows Basissounds.
description.en_GB = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition sounds.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition sounds.
description.es_ES = Sonidos originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión Windows.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäiset Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows äänet.
description.hr_HR = Originalni zvukovi za Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows verziójának hangjai.
description.fr_FR = Sons originaux de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version Windows).
description.id_ID = Efek suara orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi Windows.
description.it_IT = Suoni originali di Transport Tycoon Deluxe, edizione Windows.
description.nb_NO = Originale lyder fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.nl_NL = Originele geluiden van de Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows-versie.
description.nn_NO = Originale lydar frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.pt_PT = Sons originais da edição Windows de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальный набор звукового оформления из игры Transport Tycoon Deluxe для Windows.
description.sl_SL = Originalni zvoki Transport Tycoon Deluxe različice oken(windows).
description.sv_SE = Originalljuden från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Windows-utgåvan.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows 版的音效。

samples      = SAMPLE.CAT

SAMPLE.CAT   = 9212e81e72badd4bbe1eaeae66458e10

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; $Id$
; This represents more or less nothingness
name              = NoMusic
shortname         = NULL
version           = 0
fallback          = true
description       = A music pack without actual music.
description.ar_EG = مجموعة موسيقى بدون موسيقى
description.bg_BG = Празен музикален пакет.
description.ca_ES = Un joc de música sense cap música.
description.cs_CZ = Prázná hudební sada.
description.de_DE = Ein Musikset ohne Musik.
description.en_GB = A music pack without actual music.
description.en_US = A music pack without actual music.
description.es_ES = Un conjunto de música vacío.
description.fi_FI = Musiikkipaketti, jossa ei ole musiikkia.
description.fr_FR = Un pack de musiques sans musiques.
description.hr_HR = Muzički paket bez ikakve muzike.
description.hu_HU = Zenei alapcsomag zene nélkül.
description.id_ID = Paket musik tanpa berisi musik.
description.it_IT = Un pacchetto musicale non contenente alcuna musica.
description.nb_NO = En musikkpakke uten noe musikk.
description.nl_NL = Een muziekset zonder muziek.
description.nn_NO = Ei musikkpakke utan noko musikk.
description.pt_PT = Um conjunto de música vazio.
description.ru_RU = "Пустой" набор музыкального оформления, не содержащий никакой музыки.
description.sl_SL = Glasbeni paket z vključeno glasbo.
description.sv_SE = Ett musikpaket utan någon musik.
description.zh_TW = 不含任何音樂的音樂集。

theme =
old_0 =
old_1 =
old_2 =
old_3 =
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; $Id$
; This represents the original music as on the Transport
; Tycoon Deluxe for Windows CD.
name              = original_windows
shortname         = TTDW
version           = 1
description       = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition music.
description.ar_EG = النسخة الاصلية من ترانسبورت تايكون ديلوكس الموسيقية نسخة وندوز
description.bg_BG = Оригинална музика на Transport Tycoon Deluxe за Windows.
description.ca_ES = Música Original de Transport Tycoon Deluxe per a Windows.
description.cs_CZ = Původní hudba Transport Tycoon Deluxe (verze pro Windows).
description.de_DE = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows Musikset.
description.en_GB = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition sounds.
description.en_US = Original Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows edition sounds.
description.es_ES = Música original de Transport Tycoon Deluxe versión Windows.
description.fi_FI = Alkuperäinen Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows musiikki.
description.fr_FR = Musiques originales de Transport Tycoon Deluxe (version Windows).
description.hr_HR = Originalna muzika za Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows izdanje.
description.hu_HU = Az eredeti Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows verziójának zenéje.
description.id_ID = Musik pengiring orisinil Transport Tycoon Deluxe versi Windows.
description.it_IT = Musica originale di Transport Tycoon Deluxe, edizione Windows.
description.nb_NO = Original musikk fra Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.nl_NL = Originele muziek van de Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows-versie.
description.nn_NO = Original musikk frå Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows.
description.pt_PT = Música original da edição Windows de Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.ru_RU = Оригинальный набор музыкального оформления из игры Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
description.sl_SL = Originalna glasba Transport Tycoon Deluxe različice oken(windows).
description.sv_SE = Originalmusiken från Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Windows-utgåvan.
description.zh_TW = 原版 Transport Tycoon Deluxe Windows 版的音樂。

theme = GM_TT00.GM
old_0 = GM_TT02.GM
old_1 = GM_TT06.GM
old_2 = GM_TT03.GM
old_3 = GM_TT12.GM
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