Changeset - r23682:d65b8fe9f89d
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Charles Pigott - 5 years ago 2019-04-22 21:57:37
Codechange: Remove DistributionTypeByte
2 files changed with 5 insertions and 6 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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/* $Id$ */

 * This file is part of OpenTTD.
 * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
 * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <>.

/** @file linkgraph_type.h Declaration of link graph types used for cargo distribution. */


typedef uint16 LinkGraphID;
static const LinkGraphID INVALID_LINK_GRAPH = UINT16_MAX;

typedef uint16 LinkGraphJobID;
static const LinkGraphID INVALID_LINK_GRAPH_JOB = UINT16_MAX;

typedef uint16 NodeID;
static const NodeID INVALID_NODE = UINT16_MAX;

enum DistributionType {
enum DistributionType : byte {
	DT_BEGIN = 0,
	DT_MIN = 0,
	DT_MANUAL = 0,           ///< Manual distribution. No link graph calculations are run.
	DT_ASYMMETRIC = 1,       ///< Asymmetric distribution. Usually cargo will only travel in one direction.
	DT_MAX_NONSYMMETRIC = 1, ///< Maximum non-symmetric distribution.
	DT_SYMMETRIC = 2,        ///< Symmetric distribution. The same amount of cargo travels in each direction between each pair of nodes.
	DT_MAX = 2,
	DT_NUM = 3,
	DT_END = 3

/* It needs to be 8bits, because we save and load it as such
 * Define basic enum properties
template <> struct EnumPropsT<DistributionType> : MakeEnumPropsT<DistributionType, byte, DT_BEGIN, DT_END, DT_NUM> {};
typedef TinyEnumT<DistributionType> DistributionTypeByte; // typedefing-enumification of DistributionType

 * Special modes for updating links. 'Restricted' means that vehicles with
 * 'no loading' orders are serving the link. If a link is only served by
 * such vehicles it's 'fully restricted'. This means the link can be used
 * by cargo arriving in such vehicles, but not by cargo generated or
 * transferring at the source station of the link. In order to find out
 * about this condition we keep two update timestamps in each link, one for
 * the restricted and one for the unrestricted part of it. If either one
 * times out while the other is still valid the link becomes fully
 * restricted or fully unrestricted, respectively.
 * Refreshing a link makes just sure a minimum capacity is kept. Increasing
 * actually adds the given capacity.
enum EdgeUpdateMode {
	EUM_INCREASE     = 1,      ///< Increase capacity.
	EUM_REFRESH      = 1 << 1, ///< Refresh capacity.
	EUM_RESTRICTED   = 1 << 2, ///< Use restricted link.
	EUM_UNRESTRICTED = 1 << 3, ///< Use unrestricted link.


#endif /* LINKGRAPH_TYPE_H */
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@@ -114,479 +114,479 @@ struct GUISettings {
	bool   threaded_saves;                   ///< should we do threaded saves?
	bool   keep_all_autosave;                ///< name the autosave in a different way
	bool   autosave_on_exit;                 ///< save an autosave when you quit the game, but do not ask "Do you really want to quit?"
	bool   autosave_on_network_disconnect;   ///< save an autosave when you get disconnected from a network game with an error?
	uint8  date_format_in_default_names;     ///< should the default savegame/screenshot name use long dates (31th Dec 2008), short dates (31-12-2008) or ISO dates (2008-12-31)
	byte   max_num_autosaves;                ///< controls how many autosavegames are made before the game starts to overwrite (names them 0 to max_num_autosaves - 1)
	bool   population_in_label;              ///< show the population of a town in his label?
	uint8  right_mouse_btn_emulation;        ///< should we emulate right mouse clicking?
	uint8  scrollwheel_scrolling;            ///< scrolling using the scroll wheel?
	uint8  scrollwheel_multiplier;           ///< how much 'wheel' per incoming event from the OS?
	bool   timetable_arrival_departure;      ///< show arrivals and departures in vehicle timetables
	bool   right_mouse_wnd_close;            ///< close window with right click
	bool   pause_on_newgame;                 ///< whether to start new games paused or not
	bool   enable_signal_gui;                ///< show the signal GUI when the signal button is pressed
	Year   coloured_news_year;               ///< when does newspaper become coloured?
	bool   timetable_in_ticks;               ///< whether to show the timetable in ticks rather than days
	bool   quick_goto;                       ///< Allow quick access to 'goto button' in vehicle orders window
	bool   auto_euro;                        ///< automatically switch to euro in 2002
	byte   drag_signals_density;             ///< many signals density
	bool   drag_signals_fixed_distance;      ///< keep fixed distance between signals when dragging
	Year   semaphore_build_before;           ///< build semaphore signals automatically before this year
	byte   news_message_timeout;             ///< how much longer than the news message "age" should we keep the message in the history
	bool   show_track_reservation;           ///< highlight reserved tracks.
	uint8  default_signal_type;              ///< the signal type to build by default.
	uint8  cycle_signal_types;               ///< what signal types to cycle with the build signal tool.
	byte   station_numtracks;                ///< the number of platforms to default on for rail stations
	byte   station_platlength;               ///< the platform length, in tiles, for rail stations
	bool   station_dragdrop;                 ///< whether drag and drop is enabled for stations
	bool   station_show_coverage;            ///< whether to highlight coverage area
	bool   persistent_buildingtools;         ///< keep the building tools active after usage
	bool   expenses_layout;                  ///< layout of expenses window
	uint32 last_newgrf_count;                ///< the numbers of NewGRFs we found during the last scan
	byte   missing_strings_threshold;        ///< the number of missing strings before showing the warning
	uint8  graph_line_thickness;             ///< the thickness of the lines in the various graph guis
	uint8  osk_activation;                   ///< Mouse gesture to trigger the OSK.
	byte   starting_colour;                  ///< default color scheme for the company to start a new game with

	uint16 console_backlog_timeout;          ///< the minimum amount of time items should be in the console backlog before they will be removed in ~3 seconds granularity.
	uint16 console_backlog_length;           ///< the minimum amount of items in the console backlog before items will be removed.

	uint8  station_gui_group_order;          ///< the order of grouping cargo entries in the station gui
	uint8  station_gui_sort_by;              ///< sort cargo entries in the station gui by station name or amount
	uint8  station_gui_sort_order;           ///< the sort order of entries in the station gui - ascending or descending
	uint16 network_chat_box_width_pct;       ///< width of the chat box in percent
	uint8  network_chat_box_height;          ///< height of the chat box in lines
	uint16 network_chat_timeout;             ///< timeout of chat messages in seconds

	uint8  developer;                        ///< print non-fatal warnings in console (>= 1), copy debug output to console (== 2)
	bool   show_date_in_logs;                ///< whether to show dates in console logs
	bool   newgrf_developer_tools;           ///< activate NewGRF developer tools and allow modifying NewGRFs in an existing game
	bool   ai_developer_tools;               ///< activate AI developer tools
	bool   scenario_developer;               ///< activate scenario developer: allow modifying NewGRFs in an existing game
	uint8  settings_restriction_mode;        ///< selected restriction mode in adv. settings GUI. @see RestrictionMode
	bool   newgrf_show_old_versions;         ///< whether to show old versions in the NewGRF list
	uint8  newgrf_default_palette;           ///< default palette to use for NewGRFs without action 14 palette information

	 * Returns true when the user has sufficient privileges to edit newgrfs on a running game
	 * @return whether the user has sufficient privileges to edit newgrfs in an existing game
	bool UserIsAllowedToChangeNewGRFs() const
		return this->scenario_developer || this->newgrf_developer_tools;

/** Settings related to sound effects. */
struct SoundSettings {
	bool   news_ticker;                      ///< Play a ticker sound when a news item is published.
	bool   news_full;                        ///< Play sound effects associated to certain news types.
	bool   new_year;                         ///< Play sound on new year, summarising the performance during the last year.
	bool   confirm;                          ///< Play sound effect on succesful constructions or other actions.
	bool   click_beep;                       ///< Beep on a random selection of buttons.
	bool   disaster;                         ///< Play disaster and accident sounds.
	bool   vehicle;                          ///< Play vehicle sound effects.
	bool   ambient;                          ///< Play ambient, industry and town sounds.

/** Settings related to music. */
struct MusicSettings {
	byte playlist;     ///< The playlist (number) to play
	byte music_vol;    ///< The requested music volume
	byte effect_vol;   ///< The requested effects volume
	byte custom_1[33]; ///< The order of the first custom playlist
	byte custom_2[33]; ///< The order of the second custom playlist
	bool playing;      ///< Whether music is playing
	bool shuffle;      ///< Whether to shuffle the music

/** Settings related to currency/unit systems. */
struct LocaleSettings {
	byte   currency;                         ///< currency we currently use
	byte   units_velocity;                   ///< unit system for velocity
	byte   units_power;                      ///< unit system for power
	byte   units_weight;                     ///< unit system for weight
	byte   units_volume;                     ///< unit system for volume
	byte   units_force;                      ///< unit system for force
	byte   units_height;                     ///< unit system for height
	char  *digit_group_separator;            ///< thousand separator for non-currencies
	char  *digit_group_separator_currency;   ///< thousand separator for currencies
	char  *digit_decimal_separator;          ///< decimal separator

/** Settings related to news */
struct NewsSettings {
	uint8 arrival_player;                                 ///< NewsDisplay of vehicles arriving at new stations of current player
	uint8 arrival_other;                                  ///< NewsDisplay of vehicles arriving at new stations of other players
	uint8 accident;                                       ///< NewsDisplay of accidents that occur
	uint8 company_info;                                   ///< NewsDisplay of general company information
	uint8 open;                                           ///< NewsDisplay on new industry constructions
	uint8 close;                                          ///< NewsDisplay about closing industries
	uint8 economy;                                        ///< NewsDisplay on economical changes
	uint8 production_player;                              ///< NewsDisplay of production changes of industries affecting current player
	uint8 production_other;                               ///< NewsDisplay of production changes of industries affecting competitors
	uint8 production_nobody;                              ///< NewsDisplay of production changes of industries affecting no one
	uint8 advice;                                         ///< NewsDisplay on advice affecting the player's vehicles
	uint8 new_vehicles;                                   ///< NewsDisplay of new vehicles becoming available
	uint8 acceptance;                                     ///< NewsDisplay on changes affecting the acceptance of cargo at stations
	uint8 subsidies;                                      ///< NewsDisplay of changes on subsidies
	uint8 general;                                        ///< NewsDisplay of other topics

/** All settings related to the network. */
struct NetworkSettings {
	uint16 sync_freq;                                     ///< how often do we check whether we are still in-sync
	uint8  frame_freq;                                    ///< how often do we send commands to the clients
	uint16 commands_per_frame;                            ///< how many commands may be sent each frame_freq frames?
	uint16 max_commands_in_queue;                         ///< how many commands may there be in the incoming queue before dropping the connection?
	uint16 bytes_per_frame;                               ///< how many bytes may, over a long period, be received per frame?
	uint16 bytes_per_frame_burst;                         ///< how many bytes may, over a short period, be received?
	uint16 max_init_time;                                 ///< maximum amount of time, in game ticks, a client may take to initiate joining
	uint16 max_join_time;                                 ///< maximum amount of time, in game ticks, a client may take to sync up during joining
	uint16 max_download_time;                             ///< maximum amount of time, in game ticks, a client may take to download the map
	uint16 max_password_time;                             ///< maximum amount of time, in game ticks, a client may take to enter the password
	uint16 max_lag_time;                                  ///< maximum amount of time, in game ticks, a client may be lagging behind the server
	bool   pause_on_join;                                 ///< pause the game when people join
	uint16 server_port;                                   ///< port the server listens on
	uint16 server_admin_port;                             ///< port the server listens on for the admin network
	bool   server_admin_chat;                             ///< allow private chat for the server to be distributed to the admin network
	char   server_name[NETWORK_NAME_LENGTH];              ///< name of the server
	char   server_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH];      ///< password for joining this server
	char   rcon_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH];        ///< password for rconsole (server side)
	char   admin_password[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH];       ///< password for the admin network
	bool   server_advertise;                              ///< advertise the server to the masterserver
	uint8  lan_internet;                                  ///< search on the LAN or internet for servers
	char   client_name[NETWORK_CLIENT_NAME_LENGTH];       ///< name of the player (as client)
	char   default_company_pass[NETWORK_PASSWORD_LENGTH]; ///< default password for new companies in encrypted form
	char   connect_to_ip[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH];        ///< default for the "Add server" query
	char   network_id[NETWORK_SERVER_ID_LENGTH];          ///< network ID for servers
	bool   autoclean_companies;                           ///< automatically remove companies that are not in use
	uint8  autoclean_unprotected;                         ///< remove passwordless companies after this many months
	uint8  autoclean_protected;                           ///< remove the password from passworded companies after this many months
	uint8  autoclean_novehicles;                          ///< remove companies with no vehicles after this many months
	uint8  max_companies;                                 ///< maximum amount of companies
	uint8  max_clients;                                   ///< maximum amount of clients
	uint8  max_spectators;                                ///< maximum amount of spectators
	Year   restart_game_year;                             ///< year the server restarts
	uint8  min_active_clients;                            ///< minimum amount of active clients to unpause the game
	uint8  server_lang;                                   ///< language of the server
	bool   reload_cfg;                                    ///< reload the config file before restarting
	char   last_host[NETWORK_HOSTNAME_LENGTH];            ///< IP address of the last joined server
	uint16 last_port;                                     ///< port of the last joined server
	bool   no_http_content_downloads;                     ///< do not do content downloads over HTTP

/** Settings related to the creation of games. */
struct GameCreationSettings {
	uint32 generation_seed;                  ///< noise seed for world generation
	Year   starting_year;                    ///< starting date
	uint8  map_x;                            ///< X size of map
	uint8  map_y;                            ///< Y size of map
	byte   land_generator;                   ///< the landscape generator
	byte   oil_refinery_limit;               ///< distance oil refineries allowed from map edge
	byte   snow_line_height;                 ///< the configured snow line height
	byte   tgen_smoothness;                  ///< how rough is the terrain from 0-3
	byte   tree_placer;                      ///< the tree placer algorithm
	byte   heightmap_rotation;               ///< rotation director for the heightmap
	byte   se_flat_world_height;             ///< land height a flat world gets in SE
	byte   town_name;                        ///< the town name generator used for town names
	byte   landscape;                        ///< the landscape we're currently in
	byte   water_borders;                    ///< bitset of the borders that are water
	uint16 custom_town_number;               ///< manually entered number of towns
	byte   variety;                          ///< variety level applied to TGP
	byte   custom_sea_level;                 ///< manually entered percentage of water in the map
	byte   min_river_length;                 ///< the minimum river length
	byte   river_route_random;               ///< the amount of randomicity for the route finding
	byte   amount_of_rivers;                 ///< the amount of rivers

/** Settings related to construction in-game */
struct ConstructionSettings {
	uint8  max_heightlevel;                  ///< maximum allowed heightlevel
	bool   build_on_slopes;                  ///< allow building on slopes
	bool   autoslope;                        ///< allow terraforming under things
	uint16 max_bridge_length;                ///< maximum length of bridges
	byte   max_bridge_height;                ///< maximum height of bridges
	uint16 max_tunnel_length;                ///< maximum length of tunnels
	byte   train_signal_side;                ///< show signals on left / driving / right side
	bool   extra_dynamite;                   ///< extra dynamite
	bool   road_stop_on_town_road;           ///< allow building of drive-through road stops on town owned roads
	bool   road_stop_on_competitor_road;     ///< allow building of drive-through road stops on roads owned by competitors
	uint8  raw_industry_construction;        ///< type of (raw) industry construction (none, "normal", prospecting)
	uint8  industry_platform;                ///< the amount of flat land around an industry
	bool   freeform_edges;                   ///< allow terraforming the tiles at the map edges
	uint8  extra_tree_placement;             ///< (dis)allow building extra trees in-game
	uint8  command_pause_level;              ///< level/amount of commands that can't be executed while paused

	uint32 terraform_per_64k_frames;         ///< how many tile heights may, over a long period, be terraformed per 65536 frames?
	uint16 terraform_frame_burst;            ///< how many tile heights may, over a short period, be terraformed?
	uint32 clear_per_64k_frames;             ///< how many tiles may, over a long period, be cleared per 65536 frames?
	uint16 clear_frame_burst;                ///< how many tiles may, over a short period, be cleared?
	uint32 tree_per_64k_frames;              ///< how many trees may, over a long period, be planted per 65536 frames?
	uint16 tree_frame_burst;                 ///< how many trees may, over a short period, be planted?

/** Settings related to the AI. */
struct AISettings {
	bool   ai_in_multiplayer;                ///< so we allow AIs in multiplayer
	bool   ai_disable_veh_train;             ///< disable types for AI
	bool   ai_disable_veh_roadveh;           ///< disable types for AI
	bool   ai_disable_veh_aircraft;          ///< disable types for AI
	bool   ai_disable_veh_ship;              ///< disable types for AI

/** Settings related to scripts. */
struct ScriptSettings {
	uint8  settings_profile;                 ///< difficulty profile to set initial settings of scripts, esp. random AIs
	uint32 script_max_opcode_till_suspend;   ///< max opcode calls till scripts will suspend

/** Settings related to the new pathfinder. */
struct NPFSettings {
	 * The maximum amount of search nodes a single NPF run should take. This
	 * limit should make sure performance stays at acceptable levels at the cost
	 * of not being perfect anymore.
	uint32 npf_max_search_nodes;
	uint32 maximum_go_to_depot_penalty;      ///< What is the maximum penalty that may be endured for going to a depot

	uint32 npf_rail_firstred_penalty;        ///< the penalty for when the first signal is red (and it is not an exit or combo signal)
	uint32 npf_rail_firstred_exit_penalty;   ///< the penalty for when the first signal is red (and it is an exit or combo signal)
	uint32 npf_rail_lastred_penalty;         ///< the penalty for when the last signal is red
	uint32 npf_rail_station_penalty;         ///< the penalty for station tiles
	uint32 npf_rail_slope_penalty;           ///< the penalty for sloping upwards
	uint32 npf_rail_curve_penalty;           ///< the penalty for curves
	uint32 npf_rail_depot_reverse_penalty;   ///< the penalty for reversing in depots
	uint32 npf_rail_pbs_cross_penalty;       ///< the penalty for crossing a reserved rail track
	uint32 npf_rail_pbs_signal_back_penalty; ///< the penalty for passing a pbs signal from the backside
	uint32 npf_buoy_penalty;                 ///< the penalty for going over (through) a buoy
	uint32 npf_water_curve_penalty;          ///< the penalty for curves
	uint32 npf_road_curve_penalty;           ///< the penalty for curves
	uint32 npf_crossing_penalty;             ///< the penalty for level crossings
	uint32 npf_road_drive_through_penalty;   ///< the penalty for going through a drive-through road stop
	uint32 npf_road_dt_occupied_penalty;     ///< the penalty multiplied by the fill percentage of a drive-through road stop
	uint32 npf_road_bay_occupied_penalty;    ///< the penalty multiplied by the fill percentage of a road bay

/** Settings related to the yet another pathfinder. */
struct YAPFSettings {
	bool   disable_node_optimization;        ///< whether to use exit-dir instead of trackdir in node key
	uint32 max_search_nodes;                 ///< stop path-finding when this number of nodes visited
	uint32 maximum_go_to_depot_penalty;      ///< What is the maximum penalty that may be endured for going to a depot
	bool   ship_use_yapf;                    ///< use YAPF for ships
	bool   road_use_yapf;                    ///< use YAPF for road
	bool   rail_use_yapf;                    ///< use YAPF for rail
	uint32 road_slope_penalty;               ///< penalty for up-hill slope
	uint32 road_curve_penalty;               ///< penalty for curves
	uint32 road_crossing_penalty;            ///< penalty for level crossing
	uint32 road_stop_penalty;                ///< penalty for going through a drive-through road stop
	uint32 road_stop_occupied_penalty;       ///< penalty multiplied by the fill percentage of a drive-through road stop
	uint32 road_stop_bay_occupied_penalty;   ///< penalty multiplied by the fill percentage of a road bay
	bool   rail_firstred_twoway_eol;         ///< treat first red two-way signal as dead end
	uint32 rail_firstred_penalty;            ///< penalty for first red signal
	uint32 rail_firstred_exit_penalty;       ///< penalty for first red exit signal
	uint32 rail_lastred_penalty;             ///< penalty for last red signal
	uint32 rail_lastred_exit_penalty;        ///< penalty for last red exit signal
	uint32 rail_station_penalty;             ///< penalty for non-target station tile
	uint32 rail_slope_penalty;               ///< penalty for up-hill slope
	uint32 rail_curve45_penalty;             ///< penalty for curve
	uint32 rail_curve90_penalty;             ///< penalty for 90-deg curve
	uint32 rail_depot_reverse_penalty;       ///< penalty for reversing in the depot
	uint32 rail_crossing_penalty;            ///< penalty for level crossing
	uint32 rail_look_ahead_max_signals;      ///< max. number of signals taken into consideration in look-ahead load balancer
	int32  rail_look_ahead_signal_p0;        ///< constant in polynomial penalty function
	int32  rail_look_ahead_signal_p1;        ///< constant in polynomial penalty function
	int32  rail_look_ahead_signal_p2;        ///< constant in polynomial penalty function
	uint32 rail_pbs_cross_penalty;           ///< penalty for crossing a reserved tile
	uint32 rail_pbs_station_penalty;         ///< penalty for crossing a reserved station tile
	uint32 rail_pbs_signal_back_penalty;     ///< penalty for passing a pbs signal from the backside
	uint32 rail_doubleslip_penalty;          ///< penalty for passing a double slip switch

	uint32 rail_longer_platform_penalty;           ///< penalty for longer  station platform than train
	uint32 rail_longer_platform_per_tile_penalty;  ///< penalty for longer  station platform than train (per tile)
	uint32 rail_shorter_platform_penalty;          ///< penalty for shorter station platform than train
	uint32 rail_shorter_platform_per_tile_penalty; ///< penalty for shorter station platform than train (per tile)
	uint32 ship_curve45_penalty;                   ///< penalty for 45-deg curve for ships
	uint32 ship_curve90_penalty;                   ///< penalty for 90-deg curve for ships

/** Settings related to all pathfinders. */
struct PathfinderSettings {
	uint8  pathfinder_for_trains;            ///< the pathfinder to use for trains
	uint8  pathfinder_for_roadvehs;          ///< the pathfinder to use for roadvehicles
	uint8  pathfinder_for_ships;             ///< the pathfinder to use for ships
	bool   new_pathfinding_all;              ///< use the newest pathfinding algorithm for all

	bool   roadveh_queue;                    ///< buggy road vehicle queueing
	bool   forbid_90_deg;                    ///< forbid trains to make 90 deg turns

	bool   reverse_at_signals;               ///< whether to reverse at signals at all
	byte   wait_oneway_signal;               ///< waitingtime in days before a oneway signal
	byte   wait_twoway_signal;               ///< waitingtime in days before a twoway signal

	bool   reserve_paths;                    ///< always reserve paths regardless of signal type.
	byte   wait_for_pbs_path;                ///< how long to wait for a path reservation.
	byte   path_backoff_interval;            ///< ticks between checks for a free path.

	NPFSettings  npf;                        ///< pathfinder settings for the new pathfinder
	YAPFSettings yapf;                       ///< pathfinder settings for the yet another pathfinder

/** Settings related to orders. */
struct OrderSettings {
	bool   improved_load;                    ///< improved loading algorithm
	bool   gradual_loading;                  ///< load vehicles gradually
	bool   selectgoods;                      ///< only send the goods to station if a train has been there
	bool   no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns;    ///< don't send vehicles to depot when breakdowns are disabled
	bool   serviceathelipad;                 ///< service helicopters at helipads automatically (no need to send to depot)

/** Settings related to vehicles. */
struct VehicleSettings {
	uint8  max_train_length;                 ///< maximum length for trains
	uint8  smoke_amount;                     ///< amount of smoke/sparks locomotives produce
	uint8  train_acceleration_model;         ///< realistic acceleration for trains
	uint8  roadveh_acceleration_model;       ///< realistic acceleration for road vehicles
	uint8  train_slope_steepness;            ///< Steepness of hills for trains when using realistic acceleration
	uint8  roadveh_slope_steepness;          ///< Steepness of hills for road vehicles when using realistic acceleration
	bool   wagon_speed_limits;               ///< enable wagon speed limits
	bool   disable_elrails;                  ///< when true, the elrails are disabled
	UnitID max_trains;                       ///< max trains in game per company
	UnitID max_roadveh;                      ///< max trucks in game per company
	UnitID max_aircraft;                     ///< max planes in game per company
	UnitID max_ships;                        ///< max ships in game per company
	uint8  plane_speed;                      ///< divisor for speed of aircraft
	uint8  freight_trains;                   ///< value to multiply the weight of cargo by
	bool   dynamic_engines;                  ///< enable dynamic allocation of engine data
	bool   never_expire_vehicles;            ///< never expire vehicles
	byte   extend_vehicle_life;              ///< extend vehicle life by this many years
	byte   road_side;                        ///< the side of the road vehicles drive on
	uint8  plane_crashes;                    ///< number of plane crashes, 0 = none, 1 = reduced, 2 = normal

/** Settings related to the economy. */
struct EconomySettings {
	bool   inflation;                        ///< disable inflation
	bool   bribe;                            ///< enable bribing the local authority
	bool   smooth_economy;                   ///< smooth economy
	bool   allow_shares;                     ///< allow the buying/selling of shares
	uint8  feeder_payment_share;             ///< percentage of leg payment to virtually pay in feeder systems
	byte   dist_local_authority;             ///< distance for town local authority, default 20
	bool   exclusive_rights;                 ///< allow buying exclusive rights
	bool   fund_buildings;                   ///< allow funding new buildings
	bool   fund_roads;                       ///< allow funding local road reconstruction
	bool   give_money;                       ///< allow giving other companies money
	bool   mod_road_rebuild;                 ///< roadworks remove unnecessary RoadBits
	bool   multiple_industry_per_town;       ///< allow many industries of the same type per town
	uint8  town_growth_rate;                 ///< town growth rate
	uint8  larger_towns;                     ///< the number of cities to build. These start off larger and grow twice as fast
	uint8  initial_city_size;                ///< multiplier for the initial size of the cities compared to towns
	TownLayout town_layout;                  ///< select town layout, @see TownLayout
	TownCargoGenMode town_cargogen_mode;     ///< algorithm for generating cargo from houses, @see TownCargoGenMode
	bool   allow_town_roads;                 ///< towns are allowed to build roads (always allowed when generating world / in SE)
	TownFounding found_town;                 ///< town founding.
	bool   station_noise_level;              ///< build new airports when the town noise level is still within accepted limits
	uint16 town_noise_population[3];         ///< population to base decision on noise evaluation (@see town_council_tolerance)
	bool   allow_town_level_crossings;       ///< towns are allowed to build level crossings
	bool   infrastructure_maintenance;       ///< enable monthly maintenance fee for owner infrastructure

struct LinkGraphSettings {
	uint16 recalc_time;                         ///< time (in days) for recalculating each link graph component.
	uint16 recalc_interval;                     ///< time (in days) between subsequent checks for link graphs to be calculated.
	DistributionTypeByte distribution_pax;      ///< distribution type for passengers
	DistributionTypeByte distribution_mail;     ///< distribution type for mail
	DistributionTypeByte distribution_armoured; ///< distribution type for armoured cargo class
	DistributionTypeByte distribution_default;  ///< distribution type for all other goods
	DistributionType distribution_pax;      ///< distribution type for passengers
	DistributionType distribution_mail;     ///< distribution type for mail
	DistributionType distribution_armoured; ///< distribution type for armoured cargo class
	DistributionType distribution_default;  ///< distribution type for all other goods
	uint8 accuracy;                             ///< accuracy when calculating things on the link graph. low accuracy => low running time
	uint8 demand_size;                          ///< influence of supply ("station size") on the demand function
	uint8 demand_distance;                      ///< influence of distance between stations on the demand function
	uint8 short_path_saturation;                ///< percentage up to which short paths are saturated before saturating most capacious paths

	inline DistributionType GetDistributionType(CargoID cargo) const {
		if (IsCargoInClass(cargo, CC_PASSENGERS)) return this->distribution_pax;
		if (IsCargoInClass(cargo, CC_MAIL)) return this->distribution_mail;
		if (IsCargoInClass(cargo, CC_ARMOURED)) return this->distribution_armoured;
		return this->distribution_default;

/** Settings related to stations. */
struct StationSettings {
	bool   modified_catchment;               ///< different-size catchment areas
	bool   serve_neutral_industries;         ///< company stations can serve industries with attached neutral stations
	bool   adjacent_stations;                ///< allow stations to be built directly adjacent to other stations
	bool   distant_join_stations;            ///< allow to join non-adjacent stations
	bool   never_expire_airports;            ///< never expire airports
	byte   station_spread;                   ///< amount a station may spread

/** Default settings for vehicles. */
struct VehicleDefaultSettings {
	bool   servint_ispercent;                ///< service intervals are in percents
	uint16 servint_trains;                   ///< service interval for trains
	uint16 servint_roadveh;                  ///< service interval for road vehicles
	uint16 servint_aircraft;                 ///< service interval for aircraft
	uint16 servint_ships;                    ///< service interval for ships

/** Settings that can be set per company. */
struct CompanySettings {
	bool engine_renew;                       ///< is autorenew enabled
	int16 engine_renew_months;               ///< months before/after the maximum vehicle age a vehicle should be renewed
	uint32 engine_renew_money;               ///< minimum amount of money before autorenew is used
	bool renew_keep_length;                  ///< sell some wagons if after autoreplace the train is longer than before
	VehicleDefaultSettings vehicle;          ///< default settings for vehicles

/** All settings together for the game. */
struct GameSettings {
	DifficultySettings   difficulty;         ///< settings related to the difficulty
	GameCreationSettings game_creation;      ///< settings used during the creation of a game (map)
	ConstructionSettings construction;       ///< construction of things in-game
	AISettings           ai;                 ///< what may the AI do?
	ScriptSettings       script;             ///< settings for scripts
	class AIConfig      *ai_config[MAX_COMPANIES]; ///< settings per company
	class GameConfig    *game_config;        ///< settings for gamescript
	PathfinderSettings   pf;                 ///< settings for all pathfinders
	OrderSettings        order;              ///< settings related to orders
	VehicleSettings      vehicle;            ///< options for vehicles
	EconomySettings      economy;            ///< settings to change the economy
	LinkGraphSettings    linkgraph;          ///< settings for link graph calculations
	StationSettings      station;            ///< settings related to station management
	LocaleSettings       locale;             ///< settings related to used currency/unit system in the current game

/** All settings that are only important for the local client. */
struct ClientSettings {
	GUISettings          gui;                ///< settings related to the GUI
	NetworkSettings      network;            ///< settings related to the network
	CompanySettings      company;            ///< default values for per-company settings
	SoundSettings        sound;              ///< sound effect settings
	MusicSettings        music;              ///< settings related to music/sound
	NewsSettings         news_display;       ///< news display settings.

/** The current settings for this game. */
extern ClientSettings _settings_client;

/** The current settings for this game. */
extern GameSettings _settings_game;

/** The settings values that are used for new games and/or modified in config file. */
extern GameSettings _settings_newgame;

/** Old vehicle settings, which were game settings before, and are company settings now. (Needed for savegame conversion) */
extern VehicleDefaultSettings _old_vds;

 * Get the settings-object applicable for the current situation: the newgame settings
 * when we're in the main menu and otherwise the settings of the current game.
static inline GameSettings &GetGameSettings()
	return (_game_mode == GM_MENU) ? _settings_newgame : _settings_game;

#endif /* SETTINGS_TYPE_H */
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