Changeset - r9725:d6d7b42bd986
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frosch - 16 years ago 2008-07-27 15:17:16
(svn r13850) -Fix [FS#2146]: Fix resp. implement refitting of articulated vehicles during autoreplace.
4 files changed with 226 insertions and 65 deletions:
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@@ -35,19 +35,78 @@ uint CountArticulatedParts(EngineID engi


 * Returns the default (non-refitted) capacity of a specific EngineID.
 * @param engine the EngineID of iterest
 * @param type the type of the engine
 * @param cargo_type returns the default cargo type, if needed
 * @return capacity
static inline uint16 GetVehicleDefaultCapacity(EngineID engine, VehicleType type, CargoID *cargo_type)
	switch (type) {
		case VEH_TRAIN: {
			const RailVehicleInfo *rvi = RailVehInfo(engine);
			if (cargo_type != NULL) *cargo_type = rvi->cargo_type;
			return GetEngineProperty(engine, 0x14, rvi->capacity) + (rvi->railveh_type == RAILVEH_MULTIHEAD ? rvi->capacity : 0);

		case VEH_ROAD: {
			const RoadVehicleInfo *rvi = RoadVehInfo(engine);
			if (cargo_type != NULL) *cargo_type = rvi->cargo_type;
			return GetEngineProperty(engine, 0x0F, rvi->capacity);

		case VEH_SHIP: {
			const ShipVehicleInfo *svi = ShipVehInfo(engine);
			if (cargo_type != NULL) *cargo_type = svi->cargo_type;
			return GetEngineProperty(engine, 0x0D, svi->capacity);

		case VEH_AIRCRAFT: {
			const AircraftVehicleInfo *avi = AircraftVehInfo(engine);
			if (cargo_type != NULL) *cargo_type = CT_PASSENGERS;
			return avi->passenger_capacity;

		default: NOT_REACHED();


 * Returns all cargos a vehicle can carry.
 * @param engine the EngineID of iterest
 * @param type the type of the engine
 * @param include_initial_cargo_type if true the default cargo type of the vehicle is included; if false only the refit_mask
 * @return bit set of CargoIDs
static inline uint32 GetAvailableVehicleCargoTypes(EngineID engine, VehicleType type, bool include_initial_cargo_type)
	uint32 cargos = 0;
	CargoID initial_cargo_type;

	if (GetVehicleDefaultCapacity(engine, type, &initial_cargo_type) > 0) {
		if (type != VEH_SHIP || ShipVehInfo(engine)->refittable) {
			const EngineInfo *ei = EngInfo(engine);
			cargos = ei->refit_mask;
		if (include_initial_cargo_type && initial_cargo_type < NUM_CARGO) SetBit(cargos, initial_cargo_type);

	return cargos;

uint16 *GetCapacityOfArticulatedParts(EngineID engine, VehicleType type)
	static uint16 capacity[NUM_CARGO];
	memset(capacity, 0, sizeof(capacity));

	if (type == VEH_TRAIN) {
		const RailVehicleInfo *rvi = RailVehInfo(engine);
		capacity[rvi->cargo_type] = GetEngineProperty(engine, 0x14, rvi->capacity);
		if (rvi->railveh_type == RAILVEH_MULTIHEAD) capacity[rvi->cargo_type] += rvi->capacity;
	} else if (type == VEH_ROAD) {
		const RoadVehicleInfo *rvi = RoadVehInfo(engine);
		capacity[rvi->cargo_type] = GetEngineProperty(engine, 0x0F, rvi->capacity);
	CargoID cargo_type;
	uint16 cargo_capacity = GetVehicleDefaultCapacity(engine, type, &cargo_type);
	if (cargo_type < NUM_CARGO) capacity[cargo_type] = cargo_capacity;

	if (type != VEH_TRAIN && type != VEH_ROAD) return capacity;

	if (!HasBit(EngInfo(engine)->callbackmask, CBM_VEHICLE_ARTIC_ENGINE)) return capacity;

@@ -57,16 +116,109 @@ uint16 *GetCapacityOfArticulatedParts(En

		EngineID artic_engine = GetNewEngineID(GetEngineGRF(engine), type, GB(callback, 0, 7));

		if (type == VEH_TRAIN) {
			const RailVehicleInfo *rvi = RailVehInfo(artic_engine);
			capacity[rvi->cargo_type] += GetEngineProperty(artic_engine, 0x14, rvi->capacity);
		} else if (type == VEH_ROAD) {
			const RoadVehicleInfo *rvi = RoadVehInfo(artic_engine);
			capacity[rvi->cargo_type] += GetEngineProperty(artic_engine, 0x0F, rvi->capacity);
		cargo_capacity = GetVehicleDefaultCapacity(artic_engine, type, &cargo_type);
		if (cargo_type < NUM_CARGO) capacity[cargo_type] += cargo_capacity;

	return capacity;

 * Ors the refit_masks of all articulated parts.
 * Note: Vehicles with a default capacity of zero are ignored.
 * @param engine the first part
 * @param type the vehicle type
 * @param include_initial_cargo_type if true the default cargo type of the vehicle is included; if false only the refit_mask
 * @return bit mask of CargoIDs which are a refit option for at least one articulated part
uint32 GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(EngineID engine, VehicleType type, bool include_initial_cargo_type)
	uint32 cargos = GetAvailableVehicleCargoTypes(engine, type, include_initial_cargo_type);

	if (type != VEH_TRAIN && type != VEH_ROAD) return cargos;

	if (!HasBit(EngInfo(engine)->callbackmask, CBM_VEHICLE_ARTIC_ENGINE)) return cargos;

	for (uint i = 1; i < MAX_ARTICULATED_PARTS; i++) {
		uint16 callback = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_ARTIC_ENGINE, i, 0, engine, NULL);
		if (callback == CALLBACK_FAILED || GB(callback, 0, 8) == 0xFF) break;

		EngineID artic_engine = GetNewEngineID(GetEngineGRF(engine), type, GB(callback, 0, 7));
		cargos |= GetAvailableVehicleCargoTypes(artic_engine, type, include_initial_cargo_type);

	return cargos;

 * Ands the refit_masks of all articulated parts.
 * Note: Vehicles with a default capacity of zero are ignored.
 * @param engine the first part
 * @param type the vehicle type
 * @param include_initial_cargo_type if true the default cargo type of the vehicle is included; if false only the refit_mask
 * @return bit mask of CargoIDs which are a refit option for every articulated part (with default capacity > 0)
uint32 GetIntersectionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(EngineID engine, VehicleType type, bool include_initial_cargo_type)
	uint32 cargos = UINT32_MAX;

	uint32 veh_cargos = GetAvailableVehicleCargoTypes(engine, type, include_initial_cargo_type);
	if (veh_cargos != 0) cargos &= veh_cargos;

	if (type != VEH_TRAIN && type != VEH_ROAD) return cargos;

	if (!HasBit(EngInfo(engine)->callbackmask, CBM_VEHICLE_ARTIC_ENGINE)) return cargos;

	for (uint i = 1; i < MAX_ARTICULATED_PARTS; i++) {
		uint16 callback = GetVehicleCallback(CBID_VEHICLE_ARTIC_ENGINE, i, 0, engine, NULL);
		if (callback == CALLBACK_FAILED || GB(callback, 0, 8) == 0xFF) break;

		EngineID artic_engine = GetNewEngineID(GetEngineGRF(engine), type, GB(callback, 0, 7));
		veh_cargos = GetAvailableVehicleCargoTypes(artic_engine, type, include_initial_cargo_type);
		if (veh_cargos != 0) cargos &= veh_cargos;

	return cargos;


 * Tests if all parts of an articulated vehicle are refitted to the same cargo.
 * Note: Vehicles not carrying anything are ignored
 * @param v the first vehicle in the chain
 * @param cargo_type returns the common CargoID if needed. (CT_INVALID if no part is carrying something or they are carrying different things)
 * @return true if some parts are carrying different cargos, false if all parts are carrying the same (nothing is also the same)
bool IsArticulatedVehicleCarryingDifferentCargos(const Vehicle *v, CargoID *cargo_type)
	CargoID first_cargo = CT_INVALID;

	do {
		if (v->cargo_cap > 0 && v->cargo_type != CT_INVALID) {
			if (first_cargo == CT_INVALID) first_cargo = v->cargo_type;
			if (first_cargo != v->cargo_type) {
				if (cargo_type != NULL) *cargo_type = CT_INVALID;
				return true;

	return capacity;
		switch (v->type) {
			case VEH_TRAIN:
				v = (EngineHasArticPart(v) ? GetNextArticPart(v) : NULL);

			case VEH_ROAD:
				v = (RoadVehHasArticPart(v) ? v->Next() : NULL);

				v = NULL;
	} while (v != NULL);

	if (cargo_type != NULL) *cargo_type = first_cargo;
	return false;


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@@ -11,5 +11,8 @@
uint CountArticulatedParts(EngineID engine_type, bool purchase_window);
uint16 *GetCapacityOfArticulatedParts(EngineID engine, VehicleType type);
void AddArticulatedParts(Vehicle **vl, VehicleType type);
uint32 GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(EngineID engine, VehicleType type, bool include_initial_cargo_type);
uint32 GetIntersectionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(EngineID engine, VehicleType type, bool include_initial_cargo_type);
bool IsArticulatedVehicleCarryingDifferentCargos(const Vehicle *v, CargoID *cargo_type);

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@@ -60,11 +60,21 @@ static void MoveVehicleCargo(Vehicle *de
	if (dest->type == VEH_TRAIN) TrainConsistChanged(dest->First(), true);

static bool VerifyAutoreplaceRefitForOrders(const Vehicle *v, const EngineID engine_type)

 * Tests whether refit orders that applied to v will also apply to the new vehicle type
 * @param v The vehicle to be replaced
 * @param engine_type The type we want to replace with
 * @return true iff all refit orders stay valid
static bool VerifyAutoreplaceRefitForOrders(const Vehicle *v, EngineID engine_type)
	const Order *o;
	const Vehicle *u;

	uint32 union_refit_mask_a = GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(v->engine_type, v->type, false);
	uint32 union_refit_mask_b = GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine_type, v->type, false);

	if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN) {
		u = v->First();
	} else {
@@ -73,8 +83,10 @@ static bool VerifyAutoreplaceRefitForOrd

		if (!o->IsRefit()) continue;
		if (!CanRefitTo(v->engine_type, o->GetRefitCargo())) continue;
		if (!CanRefitTo(engine_type, o->GetRefitCargo())) return false;
		CargoID cargo_type = o->GetRefitCargo();

		if (!HasBit(union_refit_mask_a, cargo_type)) continue;
		if (!HasBit(union_refit_mask_b, cargo_type)) return false;

	return true;
@@ -90,33 +102,48 @@ static bool VerifyAutoreplaceRefitForOrd
static CargoID GetNewCargoTypeForReplace(Vehicle *v, EngineID engine_type)
	CargoID new_cargo_type = GetEngineCargoType(engine_type);
	CargoID cargo_type;

	if (new_cargo_type == CT_INVALID) return CT_NO_REFIT; // Don't try to refit an engine with no cargo capacity
	if (GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine_type, v->type, true) == 0) return CT_NO_REFIT; // Don't try to refit an engine with no cargo capacity

	if (v->cargo_cap != 0 && (v->cargo_type == new_cargo_type || CanRefitTo(engine_type, v->cargo_type))) {
		if (VerifyAutoreplaceRefitForOrders(v, engine_type)) {
			return v->cargo_type == new_cargo_type ? (CargoID)CT_NO_REFIT : v->cargo_type;
		} else {
			return CT_INVALID;
	if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN) return CT_INVALID; // We can't refit the vehicle to carry the cargo we want
	if (IsArticulatedVehicleCarryingDifferentCargos(v, &cargo_type)) return CT_INVALID; // We cannot refit to mixed cargos in an automated way

	/* Below this line it's safe to assume that the vehicle in question is a train */
	uint32 available_cargo_types = GetIntersectionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine_type, v->type, true);

	if (v->cargo_cap != 0) return CT_INVALID; // trying to replace a vehicle with cargo capacity into another one with incompatible cargo type
	if (cargo_type == CT_INVALID) {
		if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN) return CT_NO_REFIT; // If the vehicle does not carry anything at all, every replacement is fine.

	/* the old engine didn't have cargo capacity, but the new one does
	 * now we will figure out what cargo the train is carrying and refit to fit this */
	v = v->First();
	do {

		for (v = v->First(); v != NULL; v = v->Next()) {
		if (v->cargo_cap == 0) continue;
		/* Now we found a cargo type being carried on the train and we will see if it is possible to carry to this one */
		if (v->cargo_type == new_cargo_type) return CT_NO_REFIT;
		if (CanRefitTo(engine_type, v->cargo_type)) return v->cargo_type;
	} while ((v = v->Next()) != NULL);
			if (HasBit(available_cargo_types, v->cargo_type)) {
				/* Do we have to refit the vehicle, or is it already carrying the right cargo? */
				uint16 *default_capacity = GetCapacityOfArticulatedParts(engine_type, v->type);
				for (CargoID cid = 0; cid < NUM_CARGO; cid++) {
					if (cid != cargo_type && default_capacity[cid] > 0) return cargo_type;

				return CT_NO_REFIT;

	return CT_NO_REFIT; // We failed to find a cargo type on the old vehicle and we will not refit the new one
	} else {
		if (!HasBit(available_cargo_types, cargo_type)) return CT_INVALID; // We can't refit the vehicle to carry the cargo we want

		if (!VerifyAutoreplaceRefitForOrders(v, engine_type)) return CT_INVALID; // Some refit orders loose their effect

		/* Do we have to refit the vehicle, or is it already carrying the right cargo? */
		uint16 *default_capacity = GetCapacityOfArticulatedParts(engine_type, v->type);
		for (CargoID cid = 0; cid < NUM_CARGO; cid++) {
			if (cid != cargo_type && default_capacity[cid] > 0) return cargo_type;

		return CT_NO_REFIT;

/** Replaces a vehicle (used to be called autorenew)
@@ -344,6 +371,8 @@ static CommandCost WagonRemoval(Vehicle 
static EngineID GetNewEngineType(const Vehicle *v, const Player *p)
	assert(v->type != VEH_TRAIN || !IsArticulatedPart(v));

	if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && IsRearDualheaded(v)) {
		/* we build the rear ends of multiheaded trains with the front ones */
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@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "engine_base.h"
#include "window_gui.h"
#include "engine_gui.h"
#include "articulated_vehicles.h"

#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
@@ -98,41 +99,17 @@ void AddRemoveEngineFromAutoreplaceAndBu
	InvalidateWindowClassesData(WC_BUILD_VEHICLE); // The build windows needs updating as well

/** Get the default cargo type for an engine
 * @param engine the EngineID to get the cargo for
 * @return the cargo type carried by the engine (CT_INVALID if engine got no cargo capacity)
static CargoID EngineCargo(EngineID engine)
	if (engine == INVALID_ENGINE) return CT_INVALID; // surely INVALID_ENGINE can't carry anything but CT_INVALID

	switch (GetEngine(engine)->type) {
		default: NOT_REACHED();
		case VEH_TRAIN:
			if (RailVehInfo(engine)->capacity == 0) return CT_INVALID; // no capacity -> can't carry cargo
			return RailVehInfo(engine)->cargo_type;
		case VEH_ROAD:       return RoadVehInfo(engine)->cargo_type;
		case VEH_SHIP:       return ShipVehInfo(engine)->cargo_type;
		case VEH_AIRCRAFT:   return CT_PASSENGERS; // all planes are build with passengers by default

/** Figure out if two engines got at least one type of cargo in common (refitting if needed)
 * @param engine_a one of the EngineIDs
 * @param engine_b the other EngineID
 * @param type the type of the engines
 * @return true if they can both carry the same type of cargo (or at least one of them got no capacity at all)
static bool EnginesGotCargoInCommon(EngineID engine_a, EngineID engine_b)
static bool EnginesGotCargoInCommon(EngineID engine_a, EngineID engine_b, VehicleType type)
	CargoID a = EngineCargo(engine_a);
	CargoID b = EngineCargo(engine_b);

	 /* we should always be able to refit to/from locomotives without capacity
	  * Because of that, CT_INVALID shoudl always return true */
	if (a == CT_INVALID || b == CT_INVALID || a == b) return true; // they carry no ro the same type by default
	if (EngInfo(engine_a)->refit_mask & EngInfo(engine_b)->refit_mask) return true; // both can refit to the same
	if (CanRefitTo(engine_a, b) || CanRefitTo(engine_b, a)) return true; // one can refit to what the other one carries
	return false;
	uint32 available_cargos_a = GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine_a, type, true);
	uint32 available_cargos_b = GetUnionOfArticulatedRefitMasks(engine_b, type, true);
	return (available_cargos_a == 0 || available_cargos_b == 0 || (available_cargos_a & available_cargos_b) != 0);

@@ -202,7 +179,7 @@ class ReplaceVehicleWindow : public Wind
			} else {
				/* This is for engines we can replace to and they should depend on what we selected to replace from */
				if (!IsEngineBuildable(eid, type, _local_player)) continue; // we need to be able to build the engine
				if (!EnginesGotCargoInCommon(eid, this->sel_engine[0])) continue; // the engines needs to be able to carry the same cargo
				if (!EnginesGotCargoInCommon(eid, this->sel_engine[0], type)) continue; // the engines needs to be able to carry the same cargo

				/* Road vehicles can't be replaced by trams and vice-versa */
				if (type == VEH_ROAD && HasBit(EngInfo(this->sel_engine[0])->misc_flags, EF_ROAD_TRAM) != HasBit(e->info.misc_flags, EF_ROAD_TRAM)) continue;
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